#!/bin/bash set -e # default value ca_path= #CA key gmca_path= #gm CA key node_num=1 ip_file= ip_param= use_ip_param= agency_array= group_array= ports_array= ip_array= output_dir=nodes port_start=(30300 20200 8545) state_type=storage storage_type=rocksdb supported_storage=(rocksdb mysql external scalable) conf_path="conf" bin_path= make_tar= binary_log="false" sm_crypto_channel="false" log_level="info" logfile=${PWD}/build.log listen_ip="" bcos_bin_name=fisco-bcos guomi_mode= docker_mode= gm_conf_path="gmconf/" current_dir=$(pwd) consensus_type="pbft" supported_consensus=(pbft raft rpbft) TASSL_CMD="${HOME}"/.fisco/tassl auto_flush="true" enable_statistic="false" enable_free_storage="false" deploy_mode= root_crt= gmroot_crt= copy_cert= no_agency= days=36500 # 100 years # trans timestamp from seconds to milliseconds timestamp=$(($(date '+%s')*1000)) chain_id=1 compatibility_version="" default_version="2.5.0" macOS="" x86_64_arch="true" download_timeout=240 cdn_link_header="https://www.fisco.com.cn/cdn/fisco-bcos/releases/download" help() { echo $1 cat << EOF Usage: -l [Required] "ip1:nodeNum1,ip2:nodeNum2" e.g:"," -f [Optional] split by line, every line should be "ip:nodeNum agencyName groupList p2p_port,channel_port,jsonrpc_port". eg " agency1 1,2 30300,20200,8545" -e Default download fisco-bcos from GitHub. If set -e, use the binary at the specified location -o Default ./nodes/ -p Default 30300,20200,8545 means p2p_port start from 30300, channel_port from 20200, jsonrpc_port from 8545 -i Default If set -i, listen -v Default get version from https://github.com/FISCO-BCOS/FISCO-BCOS/releases. If set use specificd version binary -s Default rocksdb. Options can be rocksdb / mysql / scalable, rocksdb is recommended -d Default off. If set -d, build with docker -c Default PBFT. Options can be pbft / raft /rpbft, pbft is recommended -C Default 1. Can set uint. -g Default no -z Default no -t Default auto generate -k Default auto generate, the ca.crt and ca.key must in the path, if use intermediate the root.crt must in the path -K Default auto generate, the gmca.crt and gmca.key must in the path, if use intermediate the gmroot.crt must in the path -D Default false, If set -D, use deploy mode directory struct and make tar -G Default false, only works for guomi mode -X Default 36500 days -T Default off. If set -T, enable debug log -S Default off. If set -S, enable statistics -F Default on. If set -F, disable log auto flush -E Default off. If set -E, enable free_storage_evm -h Help e.g $0 -l "" EOF exit 0 } LOG_WARN() { local content=${1} echo -e "\033[31m[WARN] ${content}\033[0m" } LOG_INFO() { local content=${1} echo -e "\033[32m[INFO] ${content}\033[0m" } get_value() { local var_name="${1}" var_name="${var_name//./}" var_name="var_${var_name//-/}" local res=$(eval echo '$'"${var_name}") echo ${res} } set_value() { local var_name="${1}" var_name="${var_name//./}" var_name="var_${var_name//-/}" local var_value=${2} eval "${var_name}=${var_value}" } exit_with_clean() { local content=${1} echo -e "\033[31m[ERROR] ${content}\033[0m" if [ -d "${output_dir}" ];then rm -rf ${output_dir} fi exit 1 } parse_params() { while getopts "f:l:o:p:e:t:v:s:C:c:k:K:X:izhgGTNFSdEDZ" option;do case $option in f) ip_file=$OPTARG use_ip_param="false" ;; l) ip_param=$OPTARG use_ip_param="true" ;; o) output_dir=$OPTARG;; i) listen_ip="" && LOG_WARN "jsonrpc_listen_ip linstens is unsafe.";; v) compatibility_version="$OPTARG";; p) port_start=(${OPTARG//,/ }) if [ ${#port_start[@]} -ne 3 ];then LOG_WARN "start port error. e.g: 30300,20200,8545" && exit 1;fi ;; e) bin_path=$OPTARG;; k) ca_path="$OPTARG" && ca_key="$OPTARG/ca.key" && ca_crt="$OPTARG/ca.crt" if [[ ! -f "${ca_key}" ]];then LOG_WARN "${ca_key} not exist." exit 1; fi if [[ ! -f "${ca_crt}" ]];then LOG_WARN "${ca_crt} not exist." exit 1; fi ;; K) gmca_path="$OPTARG" && gmca_key="$OPTARG/gmca.key" && gmca_crt="$OPTARG/gmca.crt" if [[ ! -f "${gmca_key}" ]];then LOG_WARN "${gmca_key} not exist." exit 1; fi if [[ ! -f "${gmca_crt}" ]];then LOG_WARN "${gmca_crt} not exist." exit 1; fi ;; s) storage_type=$OPTARG if ! echo "${supported_storage[*]}" | grep -i "${storage_type}" &>/dev/null; then LOG_WARN "${storage_type} is not supported. Please set one of ${supported_storage[*]}" exit 1; fi ;; t) CertConfig=$OPTARG;; c) consensus_type=$OPTARG if ! echo "${supported_consensus[*]}" | grep -i "${consensus_type}" &>/dev/null; then LOG_WARN "${consensus_type} is not supported. Please set one of ${supported_consensus[*]}" exit 1; fi ;; C) chain_id=$OPTARG if [ -z $(grep '^[[:digit:]]*$' <<< "${chain_id}") ];then LOG_WARN "${chain_id} is not a positive integer." exit 1; fi ;; X) days="$OPTARG";; G) sm_crypto_channel="true";; T) log_level="debug";; F) auto_flush="false";; N) no_agency="true";; S) enable_statistic="true";; E) enable_free_storage="true";; D) deploy_mode="true" && make_tar="true";; Z) copy_cert="true";; z) make_tar="true";; g) guomi_mode="true";; d) docker_mode="true" if [ "$(uname)" == "Darwin" ];then LOG_WARN "Docker desktop of macOS can't support docker mode of FISCO BCOS!" && exit 1;fi ;; h) help;; esac done if [ "${storage_type}" == "scalable" ]; then echo "use scalable storage, so turn on binary log" binary_log="true" fi # sm_crypto_channel only works in guomi mode if [[ -n "${guomi_mode}" && "${sm_crypto_channel}" == "true" ]];then sm_crypto_channel="true" else sm_crypto_channel="false" fi } print_result() { echo "==============================================================" [ -z "${docker_mode}" ] && [ -f "${bin_path}" ] && LOG_INFO "FISCO-BCOS Path : $bin_path" [ -n "${docker_mode}" ] && LOG_INFO "Docker tag : latest" [ -n "${ip_file}" ] && LOG_INFO "IP List File : $ip_file" LOG_INFO "Start Port : ${port_start[*]}" LOG_INFO "Server IP : ${ip_array[*]}" LOG_INFO "Output Dir : ${output_dir}" LOG_INFO "CA Path : $ca_path" [ -n "${guomi_mode}" ] && LOG_INFO "Guomi CA Path : $gmca_path" [ -n "${guomi_mode}" ] && LOG_INFO "Guomi mode : $guomi_mode" echo "==============================================================" LOG_INFO "Execute the download_console.sh script in directory named by IP to get FISCO-BCOS console." echo "e.g. bash ${output_dir}/${ip_array[0]%:*}/download_console.sh -f" echo "==============================================================" LOG_INFO "All completed. Files in ${output_dir}" } check_env() { [ ! -z "$(openssl version | grep 1.0.2)" ] || [ ! -z "$(openssl version | grep 1.1)" ] || [ ! -z "$(openssl version | grep reSSL)" ] || { echo "please install openssl!" #echo "download openssl from https://www.openssl.org." echo "use \"openssl version\" command to check." exit 1 } if [ "$(uname)" == "Darwin" ];then export PATH="/usr/local/opt/openssl/bin:$PATH" macOS="macOS" fi if [ "$(uname -m)" != "x86_64" ];then x86_64_arch="false" fi } check_and_install_tassl(){ if [ -n "${guomi_mode}" ]; then if [ ! -f "${TASSL_CMD}" ];then LOG_INFO "Downloading tassl binary ..." if [[ -n "${macOS}" ]];then curl -LO https://github.com/FISCO-BCOS/LargeFiles/raw/master/tools/tassl_mac.tar.gz mv tassl_mac.tar.gz tassl.tar.gz else curl -LO https://github.com/FISCO-BCOS/LargeFiles/raw/master/tools/tassl.tar.gz fi tar zxvf tassl.tar.gz && rm tassl.tar.gz chmod u+x tassl mkdir -p "${HOME}"/.fisco mv tassl "${HOME}"/.fisco/tassl fi fi } check_name() { local name="$1" local value="$2" [[ "$value" =~ ^[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+$ ]] || { exit_with_clean "$name name [$value] invalid, it should match regex: ^[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+\$" } } file_must_exists() { if [ ! -f "$1" ]; then exit_with_clean "$1 file does not exist, please check!" fi } dir_must_exists() { if [ ! -d "$1" ]; then exit_with_clean "$1 DIR does not exist, please check!" fi } dir_must_not_exists() { if [ -e "$1" ]; then LOG_WARN "$1 DIR exists, please clean old DIR!" exit 1 fi } gen_chain_cert() { local path="${1}" name=$(basename "$path") echo "$path --- $name" dir_must_not_exists "$path" check_name chain "$name" chaindir=$path mkdir -p $chaindir # openssl genrsa -out "$chaindir/ca.key" 2048 openssl ecparam -out "$chaindir/secp256k1.param" -name secp256k1 2> /dev/null openssl genpkey -paramfile "$chaindir/secp256k1.param" -out "$chaindir/ca.key" 2> /dev/null openssl req -new -x509 -days "${days}" -subj "/CN=$name/O=fisco-bcos/OU=chain" -key "$chaindir/ca.key" -out "$chaindir/ca.crt" rm -f "$chaindir/secp256k1.param" } gen_agency_cert() { local chain="${1}" local agencypath="${2}" name=$(basename "$agencypath") dir_must_exists "$chain" file_must_exists "$chain/ca.key" check_name agency "$name" agencydir=$agencypath dir_must_not_exists "$agencydir" mkdir -p $agencydir # openssl genrsa -out "$agencydir/agency.key" 2048 2> /dev/null openssl ecparam -out "$agencydir/secp256k1.param" -name secp256k1 2> /dev/null openssl genpkey -paramfile "$agencydir/secp256k1.param" -out "$agencydir/agency.key" 2> /dev/null openssl req -new -sha256 -subj "/CN=$name/O=fisco-bcos/OU=agency" -key "$agencydir/agency.key" -config "$chain/cert.cnf" -out "$agencydir/agency.csr" 2> /dev/null openssl x509 -req -days 3650 -sha256 -CA "$chain/ca.crt" -CAkey "$chain/ca.key" -CAcreateserial\ -in "$agencydir/agency.csr" -out "$agencydir/agency.crt" -extensions v4_req -extfile "$chain/cert.cnf" 2> /dev/null # cat "$chain/ca.crt" >> "$agencydir/agency.crt" cp $chain/ca.crt $chain/cert.cnf $agencydir/ rm -f "$agencydir/agency.csr" "$agencydir/secp256k1.param" echo "build $name cert successful!" } gen_cert_secp256k1() { agpath="$1" certpath="$2" name="$3" type="$4" openssl ecparam -out "$certpath/secp256k1.param" -name secp256k1 2> /dev/null openssl genpkey -paramfile "$certpath/secp256k1.param" -out "$certpath/${type}.key" 2> /dev/null openssl pkey -in "$certpath/${type}.key" -pubout -out "$certpath/${type}.pubkey" 2> /dev/null openssl req -new -sha256 -subj "/CN=${name}/O=fisco-bcos/OU=${type}" -key "$certpath/${type}.key" -config "$agpath/cert.cnf" -out "$certpath/${type}.csr" 2> /dev/null if [ -n "${no_agency}" ];then echo "not use $(basename $agpath) to sign $(basename $certpath) ${type}" >>"${logfile}" openssl x509 -req -days "${days}" -sha256 -in "$certpath/${type}.csr" -CAkey "$agpath/../ca.key" -CA "$agpath/../ca.crt" \ -force_pubkey "$certpath/${type}.pubkey" -out "$certpath/${type}.crt" -CAcreateserial -extensions v3_req -extfile "$agpath/cert.cnf" 2> /dev/null else openssl x509 -req -days "${days}" -sha256 -in "$certpath/${type}.csr" -CAkey "$agpath/agency.key" -CA "$agpath/agency.crt" \ -force_pubkey "$certpath/${type}.pubkey" -out "$certpath/${type}.crt" -CAcreateserial -extensions v3_req -extfile "$agpath/cert.cnf" 2> /dev/null # openssl ec -in $certpath/${type}.key -outform DER | tail -c +8 | head -c 32 | xxd -p -c 32 | cat >$certpath/${type}.private cat "${agpath}/agency.crt" >> "$certpath/${type}.crt" fi cat "${agpath}/../ca.crt" >> "$certpath/${type}.crt" if [[ -n "${root_crt}" ]];then echo "Use user specified root cert as ca.crt, $certpath" >> "${logfile}" cp "${root_crt}" "$certpath/ca.crt" else cp "${agpath}/../ca.crt" "$certpath/" fi rm -f "$certpath/${type}.csr" "$certpath/${type}.pubkey" "$certpath/secp256k1.param" } gen_cert() { if [ "" == "$(openssl ecparam -list_curves 2>&1 | grep secp256k1)" ]; then exit_with_clean "openssl don't support secp256k1, please upgrade openssl!" fi agpath="${1}" agency=$(basename "$agpath") ndpath="${2}" local cert_name="${3}" node=$(basename "$ndpath") dir_must_exists "$agpath" file_must_exists "$agpath/agency.key" check_name agency "$agency" dir_must_not_exists "$ndpath" check_name node "$node" mkdir -p $ndpath gen_cert_secp256k1 "$agpath" "$ndpath" "$node" "${cert_name}" #nodeid is pubkey openssl ec -in "$ndpath"/node.key -text -noout 2> /dev/null | sed -n '7,11p' | tr -d ": \n" | awk '{print substr($0,3);}' | cat >"$ndpath"/node.nodeid # openssl x509 -serial -noout -in $ndpath/node.crt | awk -F= '{print $2}' | cat >$ndpath/node.serial cd "$ndpath" if [ "${cert_name}" == "node" ];then mkdir -p "${conf_path}/" mv ./*.* "${conf_path}/" cd "${output_dir}" fi } generate_gmsm2_param() { local output=$1 cat << EOF > "${output}" -----BEGIN EC PARAMETERS----- BggqgRzPVQGCLQ== -----END EC PARAMETERS----- EOF } gen_chain_cert_gm() { local path="${1}" name=$(basename "$path") echo "$path --- $name" dir_must_not_exists "$path" check_name chain "$name" chaindir=$path mkdir -p $chaindir $TASSL_CMD genpkey -paramfile gmsm2.param -out "$chaindir/gmca.key" 2> /dev/null $TASSL_CMD req -config gmcert.cnf -x509 -days "${days}" -subj "/CN=${name}/O=fisco-bcos/OU=chain" -key "$chaindir/gmca.key" -extensions v3_ca -out "$chaindir/gmca.crt" 2> /dev/null } gen_agency_cert_gm() { local chain="${1}" local agencypath="${2}" name=$(basename "$agencypath") dir_must_exists "$chain" file_must_exists "$chain/gmca.key" check_name agency "$name" agencydir=$agencypath dir_must_not_exists "$agencydir" mkdir -p $agencydir $TASSL_CMD genpkey -paramfile "$chain/gmsm2.param" -out "$agencydir/gmagency.key" 2> /dev/null $TASSL_CMD req -new -subj "/CN=${name}_son/O=fisco-bcos/OU=agency" -key "$agencydir/gmagency.key" -config "$chain/gmcert.cnf" -out "$agencydir/gmagency.csr" 2> /dev/null $TASSL_CMD x509 -sm3 -req -CA "$chain/gmca.crt" -CAkey "$chain/gmca.key" -days 3650 -CAcreateserial -in "$agencydir/gmagency.csr" -out "$agencydir/gmagency.crt" -extfile "$chain/gmcert.cnf" -extensions v3_agency_root 2> /dev/null # cat "$chain/gmca.crt" >> "$agencydir/gmagency.crt" cp "$chain/gmca.crt" "$chain/gmcert.cnf" "$chain/gmsm2.param" "$agencydir/" rm -f "$agencydir/gmagency.csr" } gen_node_cert_with_extensions_gm() { capath="$1" certpath="$2" name="$3" type="$4" extensions="$5" $TASSL_CMD genpkey -paramfile "$capath/gmsm2.param" -out "$certpath/gm${type}.key" 2> /dev/null $TASSL_CMD req -new -subj "/CN=$name/O=fisco-bcos/OU=${type}" -key "$certpath/gm${type}.key" -config "$capath/gmcert.cnf" -out "$certpath/gm${type}.csr" 2> /dev/null if [ -n "${no_agency}" ];then echo "not use $(basename $capath) to sign $(basename $certpath) ${type}" >>"${logfile}" $TASSL_CMD x509 -sm3 -req -CA "$capath/../gmca.crt" -CAkey "$capath/../gmca.key" -days "${days}" -CAcreateserial -in "$certpath/gm${type}.csr" -out "$certpath/gm${type}.crt" -extfile "$capath/gmcert.cnf" -extensions "$extensions" 2> /dev/null else $TASSL_CMD x509 -sm3 -req -CA "$capath/gmagency.crt" -CAkey "$capath/gmagency.key" -days "${days}" -CAcreateserial -in "$certpath/gm${type}.csr" -out "$certpath/gm${type}.crt" -extfile "$capath/gmcert.cnf" -extensions "$extensions" 2> /dev/null fi rm -f $certpath/gm${type}.csr } gen_node_cert_gm() { agpath="${1}" agency=$(basename "$agpath") ndpath="${2}" node=$(basename "$ndpath") dir_must_exists "$agpath" file_must_exists "$agpath/gmagency.key" check_name agency "$agency" mkdir -p $ndpath dir_must_exists "$ndpath" check_name node "$node" mkdir -p $ndpath gen_node_cert_with_extensions_gm "$agpath" "$ndpath" "$node" node v3_req if [ -z "${no_agency}" ];then cat "${agpath}/gmagency.crt" >> "$ndpath/gmnode.crt";fi cat "${agpath}/../gmca.crt" >> "$ndpath/gmnode.crt" gen_node_cert_with_extensions_gm "$agpath" "$ndpath" "$node" ennode v3enc_req #nodeid is pubkey $TASSL_CMD ec -in "$ndpath/gmnode.key" -text -noout 2> /dev/null | sed -n '7,11p' | sed 's/://g' | tr "\n" " " | sed 's/ //g' | awk '{print substr($0,3);}' | cat > "$ndpath/gmnode.nodeid" #serial if [ "" != "$($TASSL_CMD version 2> /dev/null | grep 1.0.2)" ]; then $TASSL_CMD x509 -text -in "$ndpath/gmnode.crt" 2> /dev/null | sed -n '5p' | sed 's/://g' | tr "\n" " " | sed 's/ //g' | sed 's/[a-z]/\u&/g' | cat > "$ndpath/gmnode.serial" else $TASSL_CMD x509 -text -in "$ndpath/gmnode.crt" 2> /dev/null | sed -n '4p' | sed 's/ //g' | sed 's/.*(0x//g' | sed 's/)//g' |sed 's/[a-z]/\u&/g' | cat > "$ndpath/gmnode.serial" fi if [[ -n "${gmroot_crt}" ]];then echo "Use user specified gmroot cert as gmca.crt, $ndpath" >>"${logfile}" cp "${gmroot_crt}" "$certpath/gmca.crt" else cp "$agpath/../gmca.crt" "$ndpath" fi cd "$ndpath" mkdir -p "${gm_conf_path}/" mv ./*.* "${gm_conf_path}/" cd "${output_dir}" } generate_config_ini() { local output=${1} local ip=${2} local offset=0 offset=$(get_value "${ip//./}_port_offset") local node_groups=(${3//,/ }) local port_array= read -r -a port_array <<< "${port_start[*]}" local node_index="${5}" if [[ -n "${4}" ]];then read -r -a port_array <<< "${4//,/ }" [ "${node_index}" == "0" ] && { offset=0 && set_value "${ip//./}_port_offset" 0; } fi sm_crypto="false" local prefix="" if [ -n "${guomi_mode}" ]; then sm_crypto="true" prefix="gm" fi cat << EOF > "${output}" [rpc] channel_listen_ip= jsonrpc_listen_ip=${listen_ip} channel_listen_port=$(( offset + port_array[1] )) jsonrpc_listen_port=$(( offset + port_array[2] )) [p2p] listen_ip= listen_port=$(( offset + port_array[0] )) ; nodes to connect $ip_list [certificate_blacklist] ; crl.0 should be nodeid, nodeid's length is 128 ;crl.0= [certificate_whitelist] ; cal.0 should be nodeid, nodeid's length is 128 ;cal.0= [group] group_data_path=data/ group_config_path=${conf_path}/ [network_security] ; directory the certificates located in data_path=${conf_path}/ ; the node private key file key=${prefix}node.key ; the node certificate file cert=${prefix}node.crt ; the ca certificate file ca_cert=${prefix}ca.crt [storage_security] enable=false key_manager_ip= key_manager_port= cipher_data_key= [chain] id=${chain_id} ; use SM crypto or not, should nerver be changed sm_crypto=${sm_crypto} sm_crypto_channel=${sm_crypto_channel} [compatibility] ; supported_version should nerver be changed supported_version=${compatibility_version} [log] enable=true log_path=./log ; enable/disable the statistics function enable_statistic=${enable_statistic} ; network statistics interval, unit is second, default is 60s stat_flush_interval=60 ; info debug trace level=${log_level} ; MB max_log_file_size=200 flush=${auto_flush} log_flush_threshold=100 [flow_control] ; restrict QPS of the node ;limit_req=1000 ; restrict the outgoing bandwidth of the node ; Mb, can be a decimal ; when the outgoing bandwidth exceeds the limit, the block synchronization operation will not proceed ;outgoing_bandwidth_limit=2 EOF printf " [%d] p2p:%-5d channel:%-5d jsonrpc:%-5d\n" "${node_index}" $(( offset + port_array[0] )) $(( offset + port_array[1] )) $(( offset + port_array[2] )) >>"${logfile}" } generate_group_genesis() { local output=$1 local index=$2 local node_list=$3 local sealer_size=$4 cat << EOF > "${output}" [consensus] ; consensus algorithm now support PBFT(consensus_type=pbft), Raft(consensus_type=raft) ; and rpbft(consensus_type=rpbft) consensus_type=${consensus_type} ; the max number of transactions of a block max_trans_num=1000 ; rpbft related configuration ; the sealers num of each consensus epoch epoch_sealer_num=${sealer_size} ; the number of generated blocks each epoch epoch_block_num=1000 ; the node id of consensusers ${node_list} [state] type=${state_type} [tx] ; transaction gas limit gas_limit=300000000 [group] id=${index} timestamp=${timestamp} [evm] enable_free_storage=${enable_free_storage} EOF } function generate_group_ini() { local output="${1}" cat << EOF > "${output}" [consensus] ; the ttl for broadcasting pbft message ttl=2 ; min block generation time(ms), the max block generation time is 1000 ms min_block_generation_time=500 ;enable_dynamic_block_size=true enable_ttl_optimization=true enable_prepare_with_txsHash=true ; The following is the relevant configuration of rpbft ; set true to enable broadcast prepare request by tree broadcast_prepare_by_tree=true ; percent of nodes that broadcast prepare status to, must be between 25 and 100 prepare_status_broadcast_percent=33 ; max wait time before request missed transactions, ms, must be between 5ms and 1000ms max_request_missedTxs_waitTime=100 ; maximum wait time before requesting a prepare, ms, must be between 10ms and 1000ms max_request_prepare_waitTime=100 [storage] ; storage db type, rocksdb / mysql / scalable, rocksdb is recommended type=${storage_type} ; set true to turn on binary log binary_log=${binary_log} ; scroll_threshold=scroll_threshold_multiple*1000, only for scalable scroll_threshold_multiple=2 ; set fasle to disable CachedStorage cached_storage=true ; max cache memeory, MB max_capacity=32 max_forward_block=10 ; only for external, deprecated in v2.3.0 max_retry=60 topic=DB ; only for mysql db_ip= db_port=3306 db_username= db_passwd= db_name= [tx_pool] limit=150000 ; transaction pool memory size limit, MB memory_limit=512 ; number of threads responsible for transaction notification, ; default is 2, not recommended for more than 8 notify_worker_num=2 [sync] ; max memory size used for block sync, must >= 32MB max_block_sync_memory_size=512 idle_wait_ms=200 ; send block status by tree-topology, only supported when use pbft sync_block_by_tree=true ; send transaction by tree-topology, only supported when use pbft ; recommend to use when deploy many consensus nodes send_txs_by_tree=true ; must between 1000 to 3000 ; only enabled when sync_by_tree is true gossip_interval_ms=1000 gossip_peers_number=3 ; max number of nodes that broadcast txs status to, recommended less than 5 txs_max_gossip_peers_num=5 [flow_control] ; restrict QPS of the group ;limit_req=1000 ; restrict the outgoing bandwidth of the group ; Mb, can be a decimal ; when the outgoing bandwidth exceeds the limit, the block synchronization operation will not proceed ;outgoing_bandwidth_limit=2 EOF } generate_cert_conf() { local output=$1 cat << EOF > "${output}" [ca] default_ca=default_ca [default_ca] default_days = 365 default_md = sha256 [req] distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name req_extensions = v3_req [req_distinguished_name] countryName = CN countryName_default = CN stateOrProvinceName = State or Province Name (full name) stateOrProvinceName_default =GuangDong localityName = Locality Name (eg, city) localityName_default = ShenZhen organizationalUnitName = Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) organizationalUnitName_default = fisco-bcos commonName = Organizational commonName (eg, fisco-bcos) commonName_default = fisco-bcos commonName_max = 64 [ v3_req ] basicConstraints = CA:FALSE keyUsage = nonRepudiation, digitalSignature, keyEncipherment [ v4_req ] basicConstraints = CA:TRUE EOF } generate_script_template() { local filepath=$1 mkdir -p $(dirname $filepath) cat << EOF > "${filepath}" #!/bin/bash SHELL_FOLDER=\$(cd \$(dirname \$0);pwd) LOG_ERROR() { content=\${1} echo -e "\033[31m[ERROR] \${content}\033[0m" } LOG_INFO() { content=\${1} echo -e "\033[32m[INFO] \${content}\033[0m" } EOF chmod +x ${filepath} } generate_cert_conf_gm() { local output=$1 cat << EOF > "${output}" HOME = . RANDFILE = $ENV::HOME/.rnd oid_section = new_oids [ new_oids ] tsa_policy1 = tsa_policy2 = tsa_policy3 = #################################################################### [ ca ] default_ca = CA_default # The default ca section #################################################################### [ CA_default ] dir = ./demoCA # Where everything is kept certs = $dir/certs # Where the issued certs are kept crl_dir = $dir/crl # Where the issued crl are kept database = $dir/index.txt # database index file. #unique_subject = no # Set to 'no' to allow creation of # several ctificates with same subject. new_certs_dir = $dir/newcerts # default place for new certs. certificate = $dir/cacert.pem # The CA certificate serial = $dir/serial # The current serial number crlnumber = $dir/crlnumber # the current crl number # must be commented out to leave a V1 CRL crl = $dir/crl.pem # The current CRL private_key = $dir/private/cakey.pem # The private key RANDFILE = $dir/private/.rand # private random number file x509_extensions = usr_cert # The extensions to add to the cert name_opt = ca_default # Subject Name options cert_opt = ca_default # Certificate field options default_days = 365 # how long to certify for default_crl_days= 30 # how long before next CRL default_md = default # use public key default MD preserve = no # keep passed DN ordering policy = policy_match [ policy_match ] countryName = match stateOrProvinceName = match organizationName = match organizationalUnitName = optional commonName = supplied emailAddress = optional [ policy_anything ] countryName = optional stateOrProvinceName = optional localityName = optional organizationName = optional organizationalUnitName = optional commonName = supplied emailAddress = optional #################################################################### [ req ] default_bits = 2048 default_md = sm3 default_keyfile = privkey.pem distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name x509_extensions = v3_ca # The extensions to add to the self signed cert string_mask = utf8only # req_extensions = v3_req # The extensions to add to a certificate request [ req_distinguished_name ] countryName = CN countryName_default = CN stateOrProvinceName = State or Province Name (full name) stateOrProvinceName_default =GuangDong localityName = Locality Name (eg, city) localityName_default = ShenZhen organizationalUnitName = Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) organizationalUnitName_default = fisco commonName = Organizational commonName (eg, fisco) commonName_default = fisco commonName_max = 64 [ usr_cert ] basicConstraints=CA:FALSE nsComment = "OpenSSL Generated Certificate" subjectKeyIdentifier=hash authorityKeyIdentifier=keyid,issuer [ v3_req ] # Extensions to add to a certificate request basicConstraints = CA:FALSE keyUsage = nonRepudiation, digitalSignature [ v3enc_req ] # Extensions to add to a certificate request basicConstraints = CA:FALSE keyUsage = keyAgreement, keyEncipherment, dataEncipherment [ v3_agency_root ] subjectKeyIdentifier=hash authorityKeyIdentifier=keyid:always,issuer basicConstraints = CA:true keyUsage = cRLSign, keyCertSign [ v3_ca ] subjectKeyIdentifier=hash authorityKeyIdentifier=keyid:always,issuer basicConstraints = CA:true keyUsage = cRLSign, keyCertSign EOF } generate_node_scripts() { local output=$1 local docker_tag="v${compatibility_version}" generate_script_template "$output/start.sh" local ps_cmd="\$(ps aux|grep \${fisco_bcos}|grep -v grep|awk '{print \$2}')" local start_cmd="nohup \${fisco_bcos} -c config.ini >>nohup.out 2>&1 &" local stop_cmd="kill \${node_pid}" local pid="pid" local log_cmd="tail -n20 nohup.out" local check_success="\$(${log_cmd} | grep running)" local fisco_bin_path="../${bcos_bin_name}" if [ -n "${deploy_mode}" ];then fisco_bin_path="${bcos_bin_name}"; fi if [ -n "${docker_mode}" ];then ps_cmd="\$(docker ps |grep \${SHELL_FOLDER//\//} | grep -v grep|awk '{print \$1}')" start_cmd="docker run -d --rm --name \${SHELL_FOLDER//\//} -v \${SHELL_FOLDER}:/data --network=host -w=/data fiscoorg/fiscobcos:${docker_tag} -c config.ini" stop_cmd="docker kill \${node_pid} 2>/dev/null" pid="container id" log_cmd="tail -n20 \$(docker inspect --format='{{.LogPath}}' \${SHELL_FOLDER//\//})" check_success="success" fi cat << EOF >> "$output/start.sh" fisco_bcos=\${SHELL_FOLDER}/${fisco_bin_path} cd \${SHELL_FOLDER} node=\$(basename \${SHELL_FOLDER}) node_pid=${ps_cmd} if [ -n "\${node_pid}" ];then echo " \${node} is running, ${pid} is \$node_pid." exit 0 else ${start_cmd} sleep 1.5 fi try_times=4 i=0 while [ \$i -lt \${try_times} ] do node_pid=${ps_cmd} success_flag=${check_success} if [[ -n "\${node_pid}" && -n "\${success_flag}" ]];then echo -e "\033[32m \${node} start successfully\033[0m" exit 0 fi sleep 0.5 ((i=i+1)) done echo -e "\033[31m Exceed waiting time. Please try again to start \${node} \033[0m" ${log_cmd} exit 1 EOF generate_script_template "$output/stop.sh" cat << EOF >> "$output/stop.sh" fisco_bcos=\${SHELL_FOLDER}/${fisco_bin_path} node=\$(basename \${SHELL_FOLDER}) node_pid=${ps_cmd} try_times=20 i=0 if [ -z \${node_pid} ];then echo " \${node} isn't running." exit 0 fi [ -n "\${node_pid}" ] && ${stop_cmd} > /dev/null while [ \$i -lt \${try_times} ] do sleep 0.6 node_pid=${ps_cmd} if [ -z \${node_pid} ];then echo -e "\033[32m stop \${node} success.\033[0m" exit 0 fi ((i=i+1)) done echo " Exceed maximum number of retries. Please try again to stop \${node}" exit 1 EOF generate_script_template "$output/scripts/load_new_groups.sh" cat << EOF >> "$output/scripts/load_new_groups.sh" cd \${SHELL_FOLDER}/../ NODE_FOLDER=\$(pwd) fisco_bcos=\${NODE_FOLDER}/${fisco_bin_path} node=\$(basename \${NODE_FOLDER}) node_pid=${ps_cmd} if [ -n "\${node_pid}" ];then echo "\${node} is trying to load new groups. Check log for more information." DATA_FOLDER=\${NODE_FOLDER}/data for dir in \$(ls \${DATA_FOLDER}) do if [[ -d "\${DATA_FOLDER}/\${dir}" ]] && [[ -n "\$(echo \${dir} | grep -E "^group\d+$")" ]]; then STATUS_FILE=\${DATA_FOLDER}/\${dir}/.group_status if [ ! -f "\${STATUS_FILE}" ]; then echo "STOPPED" > \${STATUS_FILE} fi fi done touch config.ini.append_group exit 0 else echo "\${node} is not running, use start.sh to start all group directlly." fi EOF generate_script_template "$output/scripts/reload_whitelist.sh" cat << EOF >> "$output/scripts/reload_whitelist.sh" check_cal_line() { line=\$1; if [[ \$line =~ cal.[0-9]*=[0-9A-Fa-f]{128,128}\$ ]]; then echo "true"; else echo "false"; fi } check_cal_lines() { # print Illegal line config_file=\$1 error="false" for line in \$(grep -v "^[ ]*[;]" \$config_file | grep "cal\."); do if [[ "true" != \$(check_cal_line \$line) ]]; then LOG_ERROR "Illigal whitelist line: \$line" error="true" fi done if [[ "true" == \$error ]]; then LOG_ERROR "[certificate_whitelist] reload error for illigal lines" exit 1 fi } check_duplicate_key() { config_file=\$1; dup_key=\$(grep -v '^[ ]*[;]' \$config_file |grep "cal\."|awk -F"=" '{print \$1}'|awk '{print \$1}' |sort |uniq -d) if [[ "" != \$dup_key ]]; then LOG_ERROR "[certificate_whitelist] has duplicate keys:" LOG_ERROR "\$dup_key" exit 1 fi } check_whitelist() { config_file=\$1 check_cal_lines \$config_file check_duplicate_key \$config_file } check_whitelist \${SHELL_FOLDER}/../config.ini cd \${SHELL_FOLDER}/../ NODE_FOLDER=\$(pwd) fisco_bcos=\${NODE_FOLDER}/${fisco_bin_path} node=\$(basename \${NODE_FOLDER}) node_pid=${ps_cmd} if [ -n "\${node_pid}" ];then echo "\${node} is trying to reset certificate whitelist. Check log for more information." touch config.ini.reset_certificate_whitelist exit 0 else echo "\${node} is not running, use start.sh to start and enable whitelist directlly." fi EOF generate_script_template "$output/scripts/monitor.sh" cat << EOF >> "$output/scripts/monitor.sh" # * * * * * bash monitor.sh -d /data/nodes/ > monitor.log 2>&1 cd \$SHELL_FOLDER alarm() { alert_ip=\$(/sbin/ifconfig eth0 | grep inet | awk '{print \$2}') time=\$(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") echo "[\${time}] \$1" } # restart the node restart() { local nodedir=\$1 bash \$nodedir/stop.sh sleep 5 bash \$nodedir/start.sh } info() { time=\$(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") echo "[\$time] \$1" } # check if nodeX is work well function check_node_work_properly() { nodedir=\$1 # node name node=\$(basename \$nodedir) # fisco-bcos path fiscopath=\${nodedir}/ config=\$1/config.ini # rpc url config_ip="" config_port=\$(cat \$config | grep 'jsonrpc_listen_port' | egrep -o "[0-9]+") # check if process id exist pid=\$(ps aux | grep "\$fiscopath" | egrep "fisco-bcos" | grep -v "grep" | awk -F " " '{print \$2}') [ -z "\${pid}" ] && { alarm " ERROR! \$config_ip:\$config_port \$node does not exist" restart \$nodedir return 1 } # get group_id list groups=\$(ls \${nodedir}/conf/group*genesis | grep -o "group.*.genesis" | grep -o "group.*.genesis" | cut -d \. -f 2) for group in \${groups}; do # get blocknumber heightresult=\$(curl -s "http://\$config_ip:\$config_port" -X POST --data "{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"method\":\"getBlockNumber\",\"params\":[\${group}],\"id\":67}") echo \$heightresult height=\$(echo \$heightresult | awk -F'"' '{if(\$2=="id" && \$4=="jsonrpc" && \$8=="result") {print \$10}}') [[ -z "\$height" ]] && { alarm " ERROR! Cannot connect to \$config_ip:\$config_port \$node:\$group " continue } height_file="\$nodedir/\$node_\$group.height" prev_height=0 [ -f \$height_file ] && prev_height=\$(cat \$height_file) heightvalue=\$(printf "%d\n" "\$height") prev_heightvalue=\$(printf "%d\n" "\$prev_height") viewresult=\$(curl -s "http://\$config_ip:\$config_port" -X POST --data "{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"method\":\"getPbftView\",\"params\":[\$group],\"id\":68}") echo \$viewresult view=\$(echo \$viewresult | awk -F'"' '{if(\$2=="id" && \$4=="jsonrpc" && \$8=="result") {print \$10}}') [[ -z "\$view" ]] && { alarm " ERROR! Cannot connect to \$config_ip:\$config_port \$node:\$group " continue } view_file="\$nodedir/\$node_\$group.view" prev_view=0 [ -f \$view_file ] && prev_view=\$(cat \$view_file) viewvalue=\$(printf "%d\n" "\$view") prev_viewvalue=\$(printf "%d\n" "\$prev_view") # check if blocknumber of pbft view already change, if all of them is the same with before, the node may not work well. [ \$heightvalue -eq \$prev_heightvalue ] && [ \$viewvalue -eq \$prev_viewvalue ] && { alarm " ERROR! \$config_ip:\$config_port \$node:\$group is not working properly: height \$height and view \$view no change" continue } echo \$height >\$height_file echo \$view >\$view_file info " OK! \$config_ip:\$config_port \$node:\$group is working properly: height \$height view \$view" done return 0 } # check all node of this server, if all node work well. function check_all_node_work_properly() { local work_dir=\$1 for configfile in \$(ls \${work_dir}/node*/config.ini); do check_node_work_properly \$(dirname \$configfile) done } function help() { echo "Usage:" echo "Optional:" echo " -d work dir(default: \\$SHELL_FOLDER/../). " echo " -h Help." echo "Example:" echo " bash monitor.sh -d /data/nodes/ " exit 0 } work_dir=\${SHELL_FOLDER}/../../ while getopts "d:r:c:s:h" option; do case \$option in d) work_dir=\$OPTARG ;; h) help ;; esac done [ ! -d \${work_dir} ] && { LOG_ERROR "work_dir(\$work_dir) not exist " exit 0 } check_all_node_work_properly \${work_dir} EOF } genDownloadConsole() { local output=$1 local file="${output}/download_console.sh" generate_script_template "${file}" cat << EOF >> "${file}" set -e sed_cmd="sed -i" if [ "\$(uname)" == "Darwin" ];then sed_cmd="sed -i .bkp" fi while getopts "v:f" option;do case \$option in v) version="\$OPTARG";; f) config="true";; esac done if [[ -z "\${version}" ]];then version=\$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/FISCO-BCOS/console/releases | grep "tag_name" | sort -u | tail -n 1 | cut -d \" -f 4 | sed "s/^[vV]//") fi package_name="console.tar.gz" echo "Downloading console \${version}" download_link=https://github.com/FISCO-BCOS/console/releases/download/v\${version}/\${package_name} if [ \$(curl -IL -o /dev/null -s -w %{http_code} https://www.fisco.com.cn/cdn/console/releases/download/v\${version}/\${package_name}) == 200 ];then curl -LO \${download_link} --speed-time 30 --speed-limit 102400 -m 450 || { echo -e "\033[32m Download speed is too low, try https://www.fisco.com.cn/cdn/console/releases/download/v\${version}/\${package_name} \033[0m" curl -LO https://www.fisco.com.cn/cdn/console/releases/download/v\${version}/\${package_name} } else curl -LO \${download_link} fi tar -zxf \${package_name} && cd console && chmod +x *.sh if [[ -n "\${config}" ]];then cp conf/applicationContext-sample.xml conf/applicationContext.xml cp ../sdk/* conf/ channel_listen_port=\$(cat "\${SHELL_FOLDER}"/node*/config.ini | grep channel_listen_port | cut -d = -f 2 | head -n 1) channel_listen_ip=\$(cat "\${SHELL_FOLDER}"/node*/config.ini | grep channel_listen_ip | cut -d = -f 2 | head -n 1) \${sed_cmd} "s/\${channel_listen_port}/" conf/applicationContext.xml echo -e "\033[32m console configuration completed successfully. \033[0m" fi EOF } genTransTest() { local output=$1 local file="${output}/.transTest.sh" generate_script_template "${file}" cat << EOF >> "${file}" # This script only support for block number smaller than 65535 - 256 ip_port=$(( port_start[2] )) trans_num=1 target_group=1 version= if [ \$# -ge 1 ];then trans_num=\$1 fi if [ \$# -ge 2 ];then target_group=\$2 fi getNodeVersion() { result="\$(curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"getClientVersion","params":[],"id":1}' \${ip_port})" version="\$(echo \${result} | cut -c250- | cut -d \" -f3)" } block_limit() { result=\$(curl -s -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"getBlockNumber","params":['\${target_group}'],"id":83}' \${ip_port}) if [ \$(echo \${result} | grep -i failed | wc -l) -gt 0 ] || [ -z \${result} ];then echo "getBlockNumber error!" exit 1 fi blockNumber=\$(echo \${result}| cut -d \" -f 10) printf "%04x" \$((\$blockNumber+0x100)) } send_a_tx() { limit=\$(block_limit) random_id="\$(date +%s)\$(printf "%09d" \${RANDOM})" if [ \${#limit} -gt 4 ];then echo "blockLimit exceed 0xffff, this scripts is unavailable!"; exit 0;fi if [ "\${version}" == "2.0.0-rc1" ];then txBytes="f8f0a02ade583745343a8f9a70b40db996fbe69c63531832858\${random_id}85174876e7ff8609184e729fff82\${limit}94d6f1a71052366dbae2f7ab2d5d5845e77965cf0d80b86448f85bce000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001bf5bd8a9e7ba8b936ea704292ff4aaa5797bf671fdc8526dcd159f23c1f5a05f44e9fa862834dc7cb4541558f2b4961dc39eaaf0af7f7395028658d0e01b86a371ca0e33891be86f781ebacdafd543b9f4f98243f7b52d52bac9efa24b89e257a354da07ff477eb0ba5c519293112f1704de86bd2938369fbf0db2dff3b4d9723b9a87d" else txBytes="f8eca003eb675ec791c2d19858c91d0046821c27d815e2e9c15\${random_id}0a8402faf08082\${limit}948c17cf316c1063ab6c89df875e96c9f0f5b2f74480b8644ed3885e0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000020000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000a464953434f2042434f53000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000101801ba09edf7c0cb63645442aff11323916d51ec5440de979950747c0189f338afdcefda02f3473184513c6a3516e066ea98b7cfb55a79481c9db98e658dd016c37f03dcf" fi #echo \$txBytes curl -s -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"sendRawTransaction","params":['\${target_group}', "'\$txBytes'"],"id":83}' \${ip_port} } send_many_tx() { for j in \$(seq 1 \$1) do echo 'Send transaction: ' \$j send_a_tx \${ip_port} done } getNodeVersion echo "Use version:\${version}" send_many_tx \${trans_num} EOF } generate_server_scripts() { local output=$1 genTransTest "${output}" generate_script_template "$output/start_all.sh" # echo "ip_array=(\$(ifconfig | grep inet | grep -v inet6 | awk '{print \$2}'))" >> "$output/start_all.sh" # echo "if echo \${ip_array[@]} | grep -w \"${ip}\" &>/dev/null; then echo \"start node_${ip}_${i}\" && bash \${SHELL_FOLDER}/node_${ip}_${i}/start.sh; fi" >> "${output_dir}/start_all.sh" cat << EOF >> "$output/start_all.sh" dirs=(\$(ls -l \${SHELL_FOLDER} | awk '/^d/ {print \$NF}')) for directory in \${dirs[*]} do if [[ -f "\${SHELL_FOLDER}/\${directory}/config.ini" && -f "\${SHELL_FOLDER}/\${directory}/start.sh" ]];then echo "try to start \${directory}" bash \${SHELL_FOLDER}/\${directory}/start.sh & fi done wait EOF generate_script_template "$output/stop_all.sh" cat << EOF >> "$output/stop_all.sh" dirs=(\$(ls -l \${SHELL_FOLDER} | awk '/^d/ {print \$NF}')) for directory in \${dirs[*]} do if [[ -d "\${SHELL_FOLDER}/\${directory}" && -f "\${SHELL_FOLDER}/\${directory}/stop.sh" ]];then echo "try to stop \${directory}" bash \${SHELL_FOLDER}/\${directory}/stop.sh & fi done wait EOF } parse_ip_config() { local config=$1 local n=0 while read line;do ip_array[n]=$(echo ${line} | awk '{print $1}') agency_array[n]=$(echo ${line} | awk '{print $2}') group_array[n]=$(echo ${line} | awk '{print $3}') if [ -z "${ip_array[$n]}" -o -z "${agency_array[$n]}" -o -z "${group_array[$n]}" ];then exit_with_clean "Please check ${config}, make sure there is no empty line!" fi ports_array[n]=$(echo "${line}" | awk '{print $4}') ((++n)) done < ${config} } download_bin() { if [ "${x86_64_arch}" != "true" ];then exit_with_clean "We only offer x86_64 precompiled fisco-bcos binary, your OS architecture is not x86_64. Please compile from source."; fi bin_path=${output_dir}/${bcos_bin_name} package_name="fisco-bcos.tar.gz" if [ -n "${macOS}" ];then package_name="fisco-bcos-macOS.tar.gz" fi Download_Link="https://github.com/FISCO-BCOS/FISCO-BCOS/releases/download/v${compatibility_version}/${package_name}" LOG_INFO "Downloading fisco-bcos binary from ${Download_Link} ..." if [ $(curl -IL -o /dev/null -s -w %{http_code} ${cdn_link_header}/v${compatibility_version}/${package_name}) == 200 ];then curl -LO ${Download_Link} --speed-time 20 --speed-limit 102400 -m ${download_timeout} || { LOG_INFO "Download speed is too low, try ${cdn_link_header}/v${compatibility_version}/${package_name}" curl -LO ${cdn_link_header}/v${compatibility_version}/${package_name} } else curl -LO ${Download_Link} fi if [[ $(ls -al . | grep tar.gz | awk '{print $5}') -lt 1048576 ]];then exit_with_clean "Download fisco-bcos failed, please try again. Or download and extract it manually from ${Download_Link} and use -e option." fi tar -zxf ${package_name} && mv fisco-bcos ${bin_path} && rm ${package_name} chmod a+x ${bin_path} } check_bin() { echo "Checking fisco-bcos binary..." bin_version=$(${bin_path} -v) if [ -z "$(echo ${bin_version} | grep 'FISCO-BCOS')" ];then exit_with_clean "${bin_path} is wrong. Please correct it and try again." fi echo "Binary check passed." } prepare_ca(){ if [ -z "${CertConfig}" ] || [ ! -e "${CertConfig}" ];then # CertConfig="${output_dir}/cert.cnf" generate_cert_conf "cert.cnf" else cp "${CertConfig}" . fi dir_must_not_exists "${output_dir}/chain" if [ -z "$ca_path" ]; then echo "Generating CA key..." gen_chain_cert "${output_dir}/chain" >"${logfile}" 2>&1 || exit_with_clean "openssl error!" mv "${output_dir}/chain" "${output_dir}/cert" ca_path="${output_dir}/cert/" else echo "Use user specified ca key ${ca_key}" mkdir -p "${output_dir}/cert" cp "${ca_key}" "${output_dir}/cert" cp "${ca_crt}" "${output_dir}/cert" [ -f "$ca_path/root.crt" ] && cp "$ca_path/root.crt" "${output_dir}/cert/" && root_crt="${output_dir}/cert/root.crt" fi ca_key="${output_dir}/cert/ca.key" mv cert.cnf "${output_dir}/cert/" if [ "${use_ip_param}" == "false" ];then for agency_name in ${agency_array[*]};do if [ ! -d "${output_dir}/cert/${agency_name}" ];then gen_agency_cert "${output_dir}/cert" "${output_dir}/cert/${agency_name}" >>"${logfile}" 2>&1 fi done else gen_agency_cert "${output_dir}/cert" "${output_dir}/cert/agency" >"${logfile}" 2>&1 fi if [[ -n "${guomi_mode}" ]];then dir_must_not_exists "${output_dir}/gmchain" generate_cert_conf_gm "gmcert.cnf" generate_gmsm2_param "gmsm2.param" if [[ -z "${gmca_path}" ]]; then echo "Generating Guomi CA key..." gen_chain_cert_gm "${output_dir}/gmchain" >"${logfile}" 2>&1 || exit_with_clean "openssl gm error!" mv "${output_dir}/gmchain" "${output_dir}/gmcert" gmca_path="${output_dir}/gmcert/" elif [[ -n "${gmca_path}" ]]; then echo "Use user specified sm_crypto ca key ${gmca_key}" mkdir -p "${output_dir}/gmcert" cp "${gmca_key}" "${output_dir}/gmcert" cp "${gmca_crt}" "${output_dir}/gmcert" [ -f "$gmca_path/gmroot.crt" ] && cp "$gmca_path/gmroot.crt" "${output_dir}/gmcert/" && gmroot_crt="${output_dir}/gmcert/gmroot.crt" fi gmca_key="${output_dir}/gmcert/ca.key" if ! cp gmcert.cnf gmsm2.param "${output_dir}/gmcert/";then exit_with_clean "cp gmcert.cnf gmsm2.param failed" fi if [ "${use_ip_param}" == "false" ];then for agency_name in ${agency_array[*]};do if [ ! -d "${output_dir}/gmcert/${agency_name}" ];then gen_agency_cert_gm "${output_dir}/gmcert" "${output_dir}/gmcert/${agency_name}" >"${logfile}" 2>&1 fi done else gen_agency_cert_gm "${output_dir}/gmcert" "${output_dir}/gmcert/agency" >"${logfile}" 2>&1 fi fi } main() { output_dir="$(pwd)/${output_dir}" [ -z $use_ip_param ] && help 'ERROR: Please set -l or -f option.' if [ "${use_ip_param}" == "true" ];then ip_array=(${ip_param//,/ }) elif [ "${use_ip_param}" == "false" ];then if ! parse_ip_config "$ip_file" ;then exit_with_clean "Parse $ip_file error!" fi else help fi dir_must_not_exists "${output_dir}" mkdir -p "${output_dir}" if [ -z "${compatibility_version}" ];then set +e compatibility_version=$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/FISCO-BCOS/FISCO-BCOS/releases | grep "tag_name" | grep "\"v2\.[0-9]\.[0-9]\"" | sort -u | tail -n 1 | cut -d \" -f 4 | sed "s/^[vV]//") set -e fi # use default version as compatibility_version if [ -z "${compatibility_version}" ];then compatibility_version="${default_version}" fi # download fisco-bcos and check it if [ -z ${docker_mode} ];then if [[ -z ${bin_path} ]];then download_bin else check_bin fi fi if [ "${use_ip_param}" == "true" ];then for i in $(seq 0 ${#ip_array[*]});do agency_array[i]="agency" group_array[i]=1 done fi # prepare CA echo "==============================================================" echo "">"${logfile}" prepare_ca echo "==============================================================" echo "Generating keys and certificates ..." nodeid_list="" ip_list="" count=0 server_count=0 groups= groups_count= for line in ${ip_array[*]};do ip=${line%:*} num=${line#*:} if [ -z $(echo $ip | grep -E "^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}$") ];then LOG_WARN "Please check IP address: ${ip}, if you use domain name please ignore this." fi [ "$num" == "$ip" ] || [ -z "${num}" ] && num=${node_num} echo "Processing IP:${ip} Total:${num} Agency:${agency_array[${server_count}]} Groups:${group_array[server_count]}" [ -z "$(get_value ${ip//./}_count)" ] && set_value ${ip//./}_count 0 sdk_path="${output_dir}/${ip}/sdk" if [ ! -d "${sdk_path}" ];then gen_cert "${output_dir}/cert/${agency_array[${server_count}]}" "${sdk_path}" "sdk" # FIXME: delete the below unbelievable ugliest operation in future cp sdk.crt node.crt cp sdk.key node.key # FIXME: delete the upside unbelievable ugliest operation in future rm node.nodeid cd "${output_dir}" if [ -n "${guomi_mode}" ];then mkdir -p "${sdk_path}/gm" gen_node_cert_with_extensions_gm "${output_dir}/gmcert/${agency_array[${server_count}]}" "${sdk_path}/gm" "sdk" sdk v3_req if [ -z "${no_agency}" ];then cat "${output_dir}/gmcert/${agency_array[${server_count}]}/gmagency.crt" >> "${sdk_path}/gm/gmsdk.crt";fi cat "${output_dir}/gmcert/${agency_array[${server_count}]}/../gmca.crt" >> "${sdk_path}/gm/gmsdk.crt" gen_node_cert_with_extensions_gm "${output_dir}/gmcert/${agency_array[${server_count}]}" "${sdk_path}/gm" "sdk" ensdk v3enc_req cp "${output_dir}/gmcert/gmca.crt" "${sdk_path}/gm/" fi fi for ((i=0;i>"${logfile}" local node_count="$(get_value ${ip//./}_count)" local node_dir="${output_dir}/${ip}/node${node_count}" [ -d "${node_dir}" ] && exit_with_clean "${node_dir} exist! Please delete!" while : do gen_cert "${output_dir}/cert/${agency_array[${server_count}]}" "${node_dir}" "node" privateKey=$(openssl ec -in "${node_dir}/${conf_path}/node.key" -text 2> /dev/null| sed -n '3,5p' | sed 's/://g'| tr "\n" " "|sed 's/ //g') len=${#privateKey} head2=${privateKey:0:2} #private key should not start with 00 if [ "64" != "${len}" ] || [ "00" == "$head2" ];then rm -rf ${node_dir} echo "continue because of length=${len} head=$head2" >>"${logfile}" continue; fi if [ -n "$guomi_mode" ]; then gen_node_cert_gm "${output_dir}/gmcert/${agency_array[${server_count}]}" "${node_dir}" privateKey=$($TASSL_CMD ec -in "${node_dir}/${gm_conf_path}/gmnode.key" -text 2> /dev/null| sed -n '3,5p' | sed 's/://g'| tr "\n" " "|sed 's/ //g') len=${#privateKey} head2=${privateKey:0:2} #private key should not start with 00 if [ "64" != "${len}" ] || [ "00" == "$head2" ];then rm -rf ${node_dir} echo "continue gm because of length=${len} head=$head2" >>"${logfile}" continue; fi fi break; done if [ -n "${guomi_mode}" ]; then rm ${node_dir}/${conf_path}/node.nodeid mv ${node_dir}/${conf_path} ${node_dir}/${gm_conf_path}/origin_cert nodeid="$(cat ${node_dir}/${gm_conf_path}/gmnode.nodeid)" #remove original cert files mv ${node_dir}/${gm_conf_path} ${node_dir}/${conf_path} else nodeid="$(cat ${node_dir}/${conf_path}/node.nodeid)" fi if [ -n "${copy_cert}" ];then cp -r "${sdk_path}" "${node_dir}/" ; fi if [ "${use_ip_param}" == "false" ];then node_groups=(${group_array[server_count]//,/ }) for j in ${node_groups[@]};do if [ -z "${groups_count[${j}]}" ];then groups_count[${j}]=0;fi groups[${j}]=$"${groups[${j}]}node.${groups_count[${j}]}=${nodeid} " ((++groups_count[j])) done else nodeid_list=$"${nodeid_list}node.${count}=${nodeid} " fi local node_ports= read -r -a node_ports <<< "${port_start[*]}" if [ -n "${ports_array[server_count]}" ];then read -r -a node_ports <<< "${ports_array[server_count]//,/ }" echo "node_ports ${node_ports[*]}" >>"${logfile}" [ "${i}" == "0" ] && { set_value "${ip//./}_port_offset" 0; } fi ip_list="${ip_list}node.${count}=${ip}:$(( $(get_value ${ip//./}_port_offset) + node_ports[0] )) " set_value ${ip//./}_count $(( $(get_value ${ip//./}_count) + 1 )) set_value "${ip//./}_port_offset" $(( $(get_value "${ip//./}_port_offset") + 1 )) ((++count)) done ((++server_count)) done # clean for line in ${ip_array[*]};do ip=${line%:*} set_value ${ip//./}_count 0 set_value "${ip//./}_port_offset" 0 done echo "==============================================================" echo "Generating configuration files ..." cd ${current_dir} server_count=0 for line in ${ip_array[*]};do ip=${line%:*} num=${line#*:} [ "$num" == "$ip" ] || [ -z "${num}" ] && num=${node_num} echo "Processing IP:${ip} Total:${num} Agency:${agency_array[${server_count}]} Groups:${group_array[server_count]}" for ((i=0;i> "${logfile}" generate_config_ini "${node_dir}/config.ini" "${ip}" "${group_array[server_count]}" "${ports_array[server_count]}" ${i} if [ "${use_ip_param}" == "false" ];then node_groups=(${group_array[${server_count}]//,/ }) for j in ${node_groups[@]};do generate_group_genesis "$node_dir/${conf_path}/group.${j}.genesis" "${j}" "${groups[${j}]}" "${groups_count[${j}]}" generate_group_ini "$node_dir/${conf_path}/group.${j}.ini" done else generate_group_genesis "$node_dir/${conf_path}/group.1.genesis" "1" "${nodeid_list}" "${count}" generate_group_ini "$node_dir/${conf_path}/group.1.ini" fi generate_node_scripts "${node_dir}" if [[ -n "${deploy_mode}" ]];then if [ -z ${docker_mode} ];then cp "$bin_path" "${node_dir}/fisco-bcos"; fi p2p_port=$(grep listen_port < "${node_dir}"/config.ini | grep -v _listen_port | cut -d = -f 2) mv "${node_dir}" "${output_dir}/${ip}/node_${ip}_${p2p_port}" fi set_value ${ip//./}_count $(( $(get_value ${ip//./}_count) + 1 )) set_value "${ip//./}_port_offset" $(( $(get_value "${ip//./}_port_offset") + 1 )) done generate_server_scripts "${output_dir}/${ip}" genDownloadConsole "${output_dir}/${ip}" if [[ -z "${deploy_mode}" && -z "${docker_mode}" ]];then cp "$bin_path" "${output_dir}/${ip}/fisco-bcos"; fi if [ -n "$make_tar" ];then cd ${output_dir} && tar zcf "${ip}.tar.gz" "${ip}" && cd ${current_dir};fi ((++server_count)) done rm "${logfile}" if [ -f "${output_dir}/${bcos_bin_name}" ];then rm "${output_dir}/${bcos_bin_name}";fi if [ "${use_ip_param}" == "false" ];then echo "==============================================================" for l in $(seq 0 ${#groups_count[@]});do if [ -n "${groups_count[${l}]}" ];then echo "Group:${l} has ${groups_count[${l}]} nodes";fi done fi if [ -n "${no_agency}" ];then # delete agency crt for agency_name in ${agency_array[*]};do if [ -d "${output_dir}/cert/${agency_name}" ];then rm -rf "${output_dir}/cert/${agency_name}";fi if [ -d "${output_dir}/gmcert/${agency_name}" ];then rm -rf "${output_dir}/gmcert/${agency_name}";fi done fi } check_env parse_params $@ check_and_install_tassl main print_result