MindSpore is a new open source deep learning training/inference framework that could be used for mobile, edge and cloud scenarios.
最近更新: 8小时前OceanBase is an enterprise distributed relational database with high availability, high performance, horizontal scalability and compatibility with SQL standards.
最近更新: 2天前A tool box for MindSpore users to enhance model security and trustworthiness.
最近更新: 2个月前GreatSQL是一款开源免费数据库,可在普通硬件上满足金融级应用场景,具有高可用、高性能、高兼容、高安全等特性,可作为MySQL或Percona Server for MySQL的理想可选替换。
最近更新: 3个月前AKG(Auto Kernel Generator) is an optimizer for operators in Deep Learning Networks, which provides the ability to automatically fuse ops with specific patterns.
最近更新: 4个月前OpenSCA是一款开源的软件成分分析工具,用于扫描项目的开源组件依赖、漏洞及许可证信息,为企业及个人用户提供低成本、高精度、稳定易用的开源软件供应链安全解决方案。
最近更新: 4个月前