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aczz / mnist

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parse_mnist.cpp 5.34 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
aczz 提交于 2021-03-08 23:31 . add linux benchmark time
* Read mnist image and labels, save as bmp images
* Modified from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8286668/how-to-read-mnist-data-in-c
* Compile:
* clang++ parse_mnist.cpp `pkg-config --libs --flags opencv4`
#include <string>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include "pixel_benchmark.h"
#define LOGD(fmt, ...) fprintf(stdout, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define LOGE(fmt, ...) fprintf(stderr, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#if __linux__ || __APPLE__
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#elif _MSC_VER
#include <direct.h>
static void pixel_mkdir(const char* dirname) {
#if __linux__ || __APPLE__
if (0 == access(dirname, W_OK)) {
LOGD("Directory %s already exists\n", dirname);
else {
if (0 != mkdir(dirname, 0744)) {
LOGE("Failed to create directory %s\n", dirname);
else {
LOGD("Directory %s was successfully created\n", dirname);
#elif _MSC_VER
if (_mkdir(dirname) == 0) {
LOGD("Directory %s was successfully created\n", dirname);
else {
if (errno == EEXIST) {
LOGD("Problem creating directory %s, already exists\n", dirname);
else if (errno == ENOENT) {
LOGD("Problem creating directory %s, Path was not found\n", dirname);
PIXEL_LOGE("%s not implemented yet!\n", __FUNCTION__);
// 日常用的PC CPU是Intel处理器,用小端格式
// 把大端数据转换为我们常用的小端数据
uint32_t swap_endian(uint32_t val)
val = ((val << 8) & 0xFF00FF00) | ((val >> 8) & 0xFF00FF);
return (val << 16) | (val >> 16);
int read_and_save(const std::string& mnist_img_path, const std::string& mnist_label_path, const std::string& save_dir)
// 以二进制格式读取mnist数据库中的图像文件和标签文件
FILE* fin_image = fopen(mnist_img_path.c_str(), "rb");
if (fin_image==NULL)
LOGE("open mnist image file error!\n");
return 1;
FILE* fin_label = fopen(mnist_label_path.c_str(), "rb");
if (fin_label==NULL)
LOGE("open mnist label file error!\n");
return 2;
uint32_t magic; // 文件中的魔术数(magic number)
uint32_t num_items;// mnist图像集文件中的图像数目
uint32_t num_label;// mnist标签集文件中的标签数目
uint32_t rows;// 图像的行数
uint32_t cols;// 图像的列数
// 读魔术数
fread(&magic, 4, 1, fin_image);
magic = swap_endian(magic);
if (magic != 2051)
LOGE("this is not the mnist image file\n");
return 3;
fread(&magic, 4, 1, fin_label);
magic = swap_endian(magic);
if (magic != 2049)
LOGE("this is not the mnist label file\n");
return 4;
// 读图像/标签数
fread(&num_items, 4, 1, fin_image);
num_items = swap_endian(num_items);
fread(&num_label, 4, 1, fin_label);
num_label = swap_endian(num_label);
// 判断两种标签数是否相等
if (num_items != num_label)
LOGE("the image file and label file are not a pair\n");
return 5;
// 读图像行数、列数
fread(&rows, 4, 1, fin_image);
rows = swap_endian(rows);
fread(&cols, 4, 1, fin_image);
cols = swap_endian(cols);
// 读取图像
char* pixels = new char[rows * cols];
cv::Mat image(rows, cols, CV_8UC1, (uchar*)pixels);
char label;
char save_pth[256];
int size = rows * cols;
double t_start, t_cost, parse_cost = 0, write_cost = 0;
//for (int i = 0; i != num_items; i++)
for (int i = 0; i != 1000; i++)
t_start = pixel_get_current_time();
fread(pixels, size, 1, fin_image);
fread(&label, 4, 1, fin_label);
t_cost = pixel_get_current_time() - t_start;
parse_cost += t_cost;
t_start = pixel_get_current_time();
sprintf(save_pth, "%s/%d_%04d.bmp", save_dir.c_str(), (int)label, i);
cv::imwrite(save_pth, image);
t_cost = pixel_get_current_time() - t_start;
write_cost += t_cost;
printf("parse_cost %.4lf ms\n", parse_cost);
printf("write_cost %.4lf ms\n", write_cost);
// windows: parse_cost 3 ms, write cost 3000 ms
// macosx: parse_cost 1.7 ms, write cost 340 ms
// linux: parse_cost 1 ms, write cost 95 ms
delete[] pixels;
return 0;
int main()
// 注意:请确保原始mnist文件存在、路径正确
// 并且确保保存的目录已经存在
#ifdef _MSC_VER
//std::string mnist_dir = "D:/dev/mnist";
std::string mnist_dir = "C:/mnist";
std::string mnist_dir = ".";
std::string train_image_path = mnist_dir + "/train-images-idx3-ubyte";
std::string train_label_path = mnist_dir + "/train-labels-idx1-ubyte";
std::string test_image_path = mnist_dir + "/test-images-idx3-ubyte";
std::string test_label_path = mnist_dir + "/test-labels-idx1-ubyte";
std::string train_save_dir = mnist_dir + "/train";
std::string test_save_dir = mnist_dir + "/test";
read_and_save(test_image_path, test_label_path, test_save_dir);
LOGD("parsing test image & label done\n");
read_and_save(train_image_path, train_label_path, train_save_dir);
LOGD("parsing train image & label done\n");
return 0;
