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中文总榜 > 资料类 > Swift

数据更新: 2022-08-03   /   温馨提示:中文项目泛指「文档母语为中文」OR「含有中文翻译」的项目,通常在项目的「readme/wiki/官网」可以找到

# Repository Description Stars Updated
1 ochococo/Design-Patterns-In-Swift 📖 Design Patterns implemented in Swift 5.0 13674 2022-07-19
2 Jinxiansen/SwiftUI SwiftUI Framework Learning and Usage Guide. 🚀 4307 2022-02-17
3 RanKKI/LawRefBook 中华人民共和国法律手册 1616 2022-07-13
4 TortugaPower/BookPlayer Player for your DRM-free audiobooks 876 2022-07-31
5 wxxsw/SwiftUI-WeChat 🇨🇳 Learn how to make WeChat with SwiftUI. 微信 7.0 🟢 874 2022-03-06
6 pro648/BasicDemos-iOS iOS学习进程中的demo汇总 394 2022-08-02
7 JmoVxia/CLDemo 记录平时博客中的Demo,持续更新 390 2022-07-15
8 Liaoworking/Advanced-Swift Notes of Advanced Swift. 《swift进阶》学习笔记 swift 5.3 332 2022-05-14
9 ZamzamInc/ZamzamKit A Swift package for rapid development using a collection of micro utility extensions for Standard Library, Foundation, and other native frameworks. 259 2022-07-19
10 Noah37/zhuishushenqi 追书神器Swift版客户端(非官方)。 不断更新中...... 223 2022-07-25
11 even-cheng/ECSigner iOS签名Mac客户端,iPhone客户端,一键签名,网络地址直签,多文件同步签,自动区分企业签名和个人证书,一键Assets.car生成、解压导出和替换,自动注册设备并更新下载签名证书和签名文件进行签名,支持动态库注入。支持最新iOS15,并向下兼容。 165 2022-07-19
12 jaywcjlove/swiftui-example SwiftUI 示例,技巧和技术集合,帮助我构建应用程序,解决问题以及了解SwiftUI的实际工作方式。 75 2022-05-14
13 MengLiMing/EasyKits 常用扩展,分类导航,类似简书的UIScrollView嵌套、数据驱动复杂列表、弹窗、轮播、路由等 65 2022-06-21
14 yungfan/SwiftUI-learning SwiftUI视频教程配套代码(SwiftUI+SwiftUI 2.0+SwiftUI 3.0)+SwiftUI macOS+其他 58 2022-05-16
15 ZhongshanHuang/PoReader 本地小说阅读器,支持深色模式,Wifi传书,代码简洁有注释(local text reader, support dark modal, upload text by wifi) 41 2022-07-29
16 SunshineBrother/LeetCodeStudy 算法学习 33 2022-07-01
17 yungfan/iOS-BasedOnSwift iOS开发教程案例代码 27 2022-07-22
18 simplismvip/SRBook 电子书阅读器,支持epub和txt格式 24 2022-03-22
19 DamonHu/ZXKitLogger The iOS side displays the output log log on the screen, and can generate log file sharing, which is convenient for debugging information when the real machine is not connected to xcode. iOS端将输出日志log悬浮 ... 24 2022-08-02
20 lionsom/XiOS 工作学习记录,留给以后的自己。希望能给大家些许帮助! 24 2022-03-03
21 ccworld1000/OKKLineMin OKKLineMin kline for min for learning for iPhone (support Swift5 & the latest Swift & iPhone & iOS 16)(min K线图 用于学习了解) 23 2022-07-28
22 yaoxp/DemoSwift swift 学习demo 22 2022-06-24
23 wg689/swift-program 学习swift-program 20 2022-05-29
24 fatbobman/BlogCodes 【肘子的Swift笔记】博文中的代码汇总 16 2022-07-22
25 Apple-JinlongLu/JSONExport JSONExport修复中文版是Mac下JSON字符串转Model对象工具,基于Ahmed-Ali/JSONExport进行完善。与Ahmed-Ali/JSONExport相比修改了关闭之后需要退出才能重新打开,适配了多语言,同样也适配了暗黑模式 15 2022-07-15
26 DJI-Mobile-SDK-Tutorials/iOS-FPVDemo-Swift A demo to introduce how to implement the FPV view, take photo and record video using DJI Mobile SDK. 15 2022-06-07
27 huanxsd/swiftui-shuqi-reader 高仿书旗小说 SwiftUI版 14 2022-06-02
28 ethanwa/credit-card-scanner-and-validator Uses the iOS Vision text recognizer framework to visually read credit card numbers and expiration dates. Then uses the Luhn algorithm to make sure the CC number is valid. Also checks agains a list of ... 9 2022-04-22
29 lookingforfanyunfei/learningSwift 基于swift4.2和swift5.5的语言、框架、项目学习 6 2022-02-24
30 DJI-Mobile-SDK-Tutorials/iOS-ImportAndActivateSDKInXcode-Swift This demo teaches you how to import and activate DJI SDK in your Xcode project using Swift. 6 2022-03-24
31 christhoper/WorkingIssues 记录一些工作上的问题、优秀博客等 5 2022-04-01
32 songmenglong/SMLTool swift 常用工具合集、模型与字典转换、字符串转换、加密工具、常见属性扩展 4 2022-05-30
33 Cosmos-Front-end/tech-architecture Technology Architecture study and learn,技术架构研究和学习。 4 2022-05-11
34 NiallLDY/ARLibrary AR 图书馆 导航 4 2022-03-16
35 zhuzhuxingtianxia/GitBlog github博客~ios 3 2022-04-23

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