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baetyl / baetyl-video-infer

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process.go 3.43 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
xiejingru 提交于 2021-05-20 15:54 . typo fix (#2)
package main
import (
type content map[string]interface{}
func (c content) isDiscard() bool {
if v, ok := c["imageDiscard"]; ok {
if b, ok := v.(bool); ok && b {
return true
} else if s, ok := v.(string); ok && strings.EqualFold(s, "true") {
return true
return false
func (c content) location() string {
if v, ok := c["imageLocation"]; ok {
if s, ok := v.(string); ok {
return s
return ""
func (c content) topic() string {
if v, ok := c["publishTopic"]; ok {
if s, ok := v.(string); ok {
return s
return ""
func (c content) qos() uint32 {
if v, ok := c["publishQOS"]; ok {
if i, ok := v.(int); ok {
return uint32(i)
return 0
// Process the image processor
type Process struct {
cfg ProcessInfo
bc *mqtt.Client
fc *http.Client
size image.Point
mean gocv.Scalar
// NewProcess creates a new process
func NewProcess(cfg ProcessInfo, bc *mqtt.Client, fc *http.Client) *Process {
return &Process{
cfg: cfg,
bc: bc,
fc: fc,
size: image.Pt(cfg.Before.Width, cfg.Before.Height),
mean: gocv.NewScalar(cfg.Before.Mean.V1, cfg.Before.Mean.V2, cfg.Before.Mean.V3, cfg.Before.Mean.V4),
// Before processes image before inference
func (p *Process) Before(img gocv.Mat) gocv.Mat {
return gocv.BlobFromImage(img, p.cfg.Before.Scale, p.size, p.mean, p.cfg.Before.SwapRB, p.cfg.Before.Crop)
// After processes image after inference
func (p *Process) After(img gocv.Mat, results gocv.Mat, elapsedTime float64, captureTime time.Time) error {
log.L().Sugar().Debugf("type: %s total: %d size: %v", results.Type(), results.Total(), results.Size())
s := time.Now()
out, err := p.fc.Call(p.cfg.After.Function.Name, results.ToBytes())
if err != nil {
return err
log.L().Sugar().Debugf("[After ][Call ] elapsed time: %v", time.Since(s))
if out == nil {
return nil
s = time.Now()
var cnt content
err = json.Unmarshal(out, &cnt)
if err != nil {
return err
log.L().Sugar().Debugf("[After ][Unmarshal] elapsed time: %v", time.Since(s))
discard := cnt.isDiscard()
location := cnt.location()
if !discard && location != "" {
s = time.Now()
if !gocv.IMWrite(location, img) {
os.MkdirAll(path.Dir(location), 0755)
if !gocv.IMWrite(location, img) {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to save image: %s", location)
log.L().Sugar().Debugf("[After ][Write ] elapsed time: %v", time.Since(s))
if p.bc == nil || cnt.topic() == "" {
return nil
cnt["imageWidth"] = img.Cols()
cnt["imageHeight"] = img.Rows()
cnt["imageCaptureTime"] = captureTime
cnt["imageInferenceTime"] = elapsedTime
cnt["imageProcessTime"] = (time.Since(s)).Seconds() + elapsedTime
if !discard && location == "" {
s = time.Now()
cnt["imageData"] = img.ToBytes()
log.L().Sugar().Debugf("[After ][ToBytes ] elapsed time: %v", time.Since(s))
s = time.Now()
msgData, err := json.Marshal(cnt)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
log.L().Sugar().Debugf("[After ][Marshal ] elapsed time: %v", time.Since(s))
s = time.Now()
err = p.bc.Publish(mqtt.QOS(cnt.qos()), cnt.topic(), msgData, 1, false, false)
log.L().Sugar().Debugf("[After ][Publish ] elapsed time: %v", time.Since(s))
return err
