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Crypto.cs 17.38 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Ivan.Lee 提交于 2014-10-09 09:30 . #
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;
namespace vJine.Core {
public class Crypto {
public class Asymmetric {
#region Asymmetric
#region Key
public static string GenKey() {
System.Security.Cryptography.RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa =
new System.Security.Cryptography.RSACryptoServiceProvider();
string Key = Convert.ToBase64String(rsa.ExportCspBlob(true));
rsa = null;
return Key;
public static string GenPubKey(string Key) {
System.Security.Cryptography.RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa =
new System.Security.Cryptography.RSACryptoServiceProvider();
string PubKey = Convert.ToBase64String(rsa.ExportCspBlob(false));
rsa = null;
return PubKey;
#endregion Key
#region Sigh
public static string Sign(string Key, string Data) {
public static string SignF(string Key, string File) {
string FileHash = MD5F(File);
string Hash = Sign(Key, FileHash);
return Hash;
public static string Sign(string Key, Stream Data) {
return Sign<MD5CryptoServiceProvider>(
public static string Sign<THash>(byte[] Key, byte[] Data)
where THash : HashAlgorithm, new() {
return Sign<THash>(Key, Data, 0, Data.Length);
public static string Sign<THash>(byte[] Key, Stream Data)
where THash : HashAlgorithm, new() {
string StreamHash =
string Signature =
Sign<THash>(Key, Utility.HexToBytes(StreamHash));
return Signature;
public static string Sign<THash>(byte[] Key, byte[] Data, int offset, int count)
where THash : HashAlgorithm, new() {
System.Security.Cryptography.RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa =
new System.Security.Cryptography.RSACryptoServiceProvider();
string HashValue =
Utility.BytesToHex(rsa.SignData(Data, new THash()));
rsa = null;
return HashValue;
#endregion Sign
#region Verify
public static bool Verify(string PubKey, string Data, string Hash) {
public static bool VerifyF(string PubKey, string File, string Hash) {
string FileHash = MD5F(File);
bool IsVerified = Verify(PubKey, FileHash, Hash);
return IsVerified;
public static bool Verify(string PubKey, Stream Data, string Hash) {
public static bool Verify<THash>(byte[] PubKey, byte[] Data, string Hash)
where THash : HashAlgorithm, new() {
return Verify<THash>(PubKey, Data, 0, Data.Length, Hash);
public static bool Verify<THash>(byte[] PubKey, Stream Data, string Hash)
where THash : HashAlgorithm, new() {
string StreamHash = Utility.BytesToHex(Hash<THash>(Data));
bool IsVerified =
Verify<THash>(PubKey, Utility.HexToBytes(StreamHash), Hash);
return IsVerified;
public static bool Verify<THash>(byte[] PubKey, byte[] Data, int offset, int count, string Hash)
where THash : HashAlgorithm, new() {
RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa =
new RSACryptoServiceProvider();
bool IsVerified =
rsa.VerifyData(Utility.ToSubArray<byte>(Data, offset, count), new THash(), Utility.HexToBytes(Hash));
rsa.Clear(); rsa = null;
return IsVerified;
#endregion Verify
public static string Encrypt(string PubKey, string Data) {
return Convert.ToBase64String(
Encrypt(Convert.FromBase64String(PubKey), Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Data))
public static byte[] Encrypt(byte[] PubKey, byte[] Data) {
RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa =
new RSACryptoServiceProvider();
byte[] eData = rsa.Encrypt(Data, false);
rsa = null;
return eData;
public static string Decrypt(string Key, string Data) {
return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(
Decrypt(Convert.FromBase64String(Key), Convert.FromBase64String(Data))
public static byte[] Decrypt(byte[] Key, byte[] Data) {
RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa =
new RSACryptoServiceProvider();
byte[] dData = rsa.Decrypt(Data, false);
rsa = null;
return dData;
#endregion Asymmetric
public class Symmetric {
#region Symmetric
#region Single Password
public static string Encrypt(string password, string V) {
return Encrypt<RijndaelManaged>(password, V);
public static byte[] Encrypt(string password, byte[] V) {
return Encrypt<RijndaelManaged>(password, V);
public static Stream Encrypt(string password, Stream stream) {
return Encrypt<RijndaelManaged>(password, stream);
public static string Decrypt(string password, string V) {
return Decrypt<RijndaelManaged>(password, V);
public static byte[] Decrypt(string password, byte[] V) {
return Decrypt<RijndaelManaged>(password, V);
public static Stream Decrypt(string password, Stream stream) {
return Decrypt<RijndaelManaged>(password, stream);
#endregion Single Password
#region Key and IV
public static string Encrypt(string Key, string IV, string V) {
return Encrypt<RijndaelManaged>(Key, IV, V);
public static byte[] Encrypt(string Key, string IV, byte[] V) {
return Encrypt<RijndaelManaged>(Key, IV, V);
public static Stream Encrypt(string Key, string IV, Stream stream) {
return Encrypt<RijndaelManaged>(Key, IV, stream);
public static string Decrypt(string Key, string IV, string V) {
return Decrypt<RijndaelManaged>(Key, IV, V);
public static byte[] Decrypt(string Key, string IV, byte[] V) {
return Decrypt<RijndaelManaged>(Key, IV, V);
public static Stream Decrypt(string Key, string IV, Stream stream) {
return Decrypt<RijndaelManaged>(Key, IV, stream);
#endregion Key and IV
#region <T> Single Password
private static void GenKeyAndIvByPassword<T>(T cryptor, string password)
where T : SymmetricAlgorithm, new() {
byte[] KEY = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(MD5(password));
int lKey = KEY.Length;
while (KEY.Length < cryptor.Key.Length) {
Array.Resize<byte>(ref KEY, KEY.Length + lKey);
Array.Copy(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(MD5(password)), 0, KEY, KEY.Length - lKey, lKey);
byte[] IV = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(MD5(password));
while (IV.Length < cryptor.IV.Length) {
Array.Resize<byte>(ref IV, IV.Length + lKey);
Array.Copy(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(MD5(password)), 0, IV, IV.Length - lKey, lKey);
Array.Resize<byte>(ref KEY, cryptor.Key.Length);
Array.Resize<byte>(ref IV, cryptor.IV.Length);
cryptor.Key = KEY;
cryptor.IV = IV;
public static string Encrypt<T>(string password, string V)
where T : SymmetricAlgorithm, new() {
return Convert.ToBase64String(
Encrypt<T>(password, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(V))
public static byte[] Encrypt<T>(string password, byte[] V)
where T : SymmetricAlgorithm, new() {
T t = new T();
GenKeyAndIvByPassword<T>(t, password);
ICryptoTransform ict = t.CreateEncryptor();
byte[] FV = ict.TransformFinalBlock(V, 0, V.Length);
t = null;
return FV;
public static Stream Encrypt<T>(string password, Stream stream) where T : SymmetricAlgorithm, new() {
T t = new T();
GenKeyAndIvByPassword<T>(t, password);
CryptoStream cs =
new CryptoStream(stream, t.CreateEncryptor(), CryptoStreamMode.Write);
return cs;
public static string Decrypt<T>(string password, string V) where T : SymmetricAlgorithm, new() {
return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(
Decrypt<T>(password, Convert.FromBase64String(V))
public static byte[] Decrypt<T>(string password, byte[] V) where T : SymmetricAlgorithm, new() {
T t = new T();
GenKeyAndIvByPassword<T>(t, password);
ICryptoTransform ict = t.CreateDecryptor();
byte[] FV = ict.TransformFinalBlock(V, 0, V.Length);
t = null;
return FV;
public static Stream Decrypt<T>(string password, Stream stream) where T : SymmetricAlgorithm, new() {
T t = new T();
GenKeyAndIvByPassword<T>(t, password);
CryptoStream cs =
new CryptoStream(stream, t.CreateDecryptor(), CryptoStreamMode.Read);
return cs;
#endregion <T> Single Password
#region <T> Key and IV
public static string Encrypt<T>(string Key, string IV, string V) where T : SymmetricAlgorithm, new() {
return Convert.ToBase64String(
Encrypt<T>(Key, IV, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(V))
public static byte[] Encrypt<T>(string Key, string IV, byte[] V) where T : SymmetricAlgorithm, new() {
T t = new T();
t.Key = Convert.FromBase64String(Key);
t.IV = Convert.FromBase64String(IV);
ICryptoTransform ict = t.CreateEncryptor();
byte[] FV = ict.TransformFinalBlock(V, 0, V.Length);
t = null;
return FV;
public static Stream Encrypt<T>(string Key, string IV, Stream stream) where T : SymmetricAlgorithm, new() {
T t = new T();
t.Key = Convert.FromBase64String(Key);
t.IV = Convert.FromBase64String(IV);
CryptoStream cs =
new CryptoStream(stream, t.CreateEncryptor(), CryptoStreamMode.Write);
return cs;
public static string Decrypt<T>(string Key, string IV, string V) where T : SymmetricAlgorithm, new() {
return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(
Decrypt<T>(Key, IV, Convert.FromBase64String(V))
public static byte[] Decrypt<T>(string Key, string IV, byte[] V) where T : SymmetricAlgorithm, new() {
T t = new T();
t.Key = Convert.FromBase64String(Key);
t.IV = Convert.FromBase64String(IV);
ICryptoTransform ict = t.CreateDecryptor();
byte[] FV = ict.TransformFinalBlock(V, 0, V.Length);
t = null;
return FV;
public static Stream Decrypt<T>(string Key, string IV, Stream stream) where T : SymmetricAlgorithm, new() {
T t = new T();
t.Key = Convert.FromBase64String(Key);
t.IV = Convert.FromBase64String(IV);
CryptoStream cs =
new CryptoStream(stream, t.CreateDecryptor(), CryptoStreamMode.Read);
return cs;
#endregion <T> Key and IV
#endregion Symmetric
#region Hash
public static string MD5(string Data) {
return Utility.BytesToHex(Hash<MD5CryptoServiceProvider>(Data));
public static string MD5L(string Data) {
return MD5(Data).Substring(16, 16);
public static string MD5F(string File) {
FileStream fs =
new FileStream(File, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read);
string Hash = Utility.BytesToHex(Hash<MD5CryptoServiceProvider>(fs));
fs = null;
return Hash;
public static string MD5FL(string File) {
return MD5F(File).Substring(16, 16);
public static string MD5(Stream Data) {
long position = Data.Position;
try {
return Utility.BytesToHex(Hash<MD5CryptoServiceProvider>(Data));
} finally {
Data.Position = position;
public static string MD5L(Stream Data) {
return MD5(Data).Substring(16, 16);
public static string MD5(byte[] Data) {
return Utility.BytesToHex(Hash<MD5CryptoServiceProvider>(Data));
public static string MD5L(byte[] Data) {
return MD5(Data).Substring(16, 16);
public static string SHA1(string Data) {
return Utility.BytesToHex(Hash<SHA1CryptoServiceProvider>(Data));
public static string SHA1F(string File) {
FileStream fs =
new FileStream(File, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read);
string Hash = Utility.BytesToHex(Hash<SHA1CryptoServiceProvider>(fs));
fs = null;
return Hash;
public string SHA1(Stream Stream) {
return Utility.BytesToHex(Hash<SHA1CryptoServiceProvider>(Stream));
public string SHA1(byte[] B) {
return Utility.BytesToHex(Hash<SHA1CryptoServiceProvider>(B));
public static byte[] Hash<T>(string V) where T : HashAlgorithm, new() {
T tHash = new T();
byte[] Buffer =
byte[] Hash = tHash.ComputeHash(Buffer, 0, Buffer.Length);
tHash = null;
return Hash;
public static byte[] Hash<T>(Stream V) where T : HashAlgorithm, new() {
T tHash = new T();
byte[] Hash = tHash.ComputeHash(V);
tHash = null;
return Hash;
public static byte[] Hash<T>(byte[] V) where T : HashAlgorithm, new() {
T tHash = new T();
byte[] Hash = tHash.ComputeHash(V);
tHash = null;
return Hash;
#endregion Hash


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