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sqxclib is a library to convert data between C language and SQL (or JSON...etc). It provides ORM features and C++ wrapper.
Project site: GitHub, Gitee

Current features:

  • User can use C99 designated initializer or C++ aggregate initialization to define constant SQL table, column, and migration, this can reduce running time when making schema, see doc/schema-builder-constant.md. You can also use C functions or C++ methods to do these dynamically.

  • All defined table and column can use to parse JSON object and field. Program can also parse JSON object and array from SQL column.

  • BLOB support. Supported types are listed in doc/SqTable.md.

  • Custom type mapping.

  • Query builder that can be used independently. See doc/SqQuery.md

  • It can work in low-end hardware.

  • Single header file 〈 sqxclib.h 〉 (Note: It doesn't contain special macros and support libraries)

  • Command-line tools can generate migration and do migrate. See doc/SqApp.md

  • Supports SQLite, MySQL / MariaDB, PostgreSQL.

  • Provide project template. see directory project-template.

Database schema

Define a C structured data type to map database table "users".

// If you use C language, please use 'typedef' to give a struct type a new name.
typedef struct  User    User;

struct User {
	int     id;          // primary key
	char   *name;
	char   *email;
	int     city_id;     // foreign key

	time_t  created_at;
	time_t  updated_at;

#ifdef __cplusplus       // C++ data type
	std::string       strCpp;
	std::vector<int>  intsCpp;

use C++ methods to define table and column in schema_v1 (dynamic)

/* define global type for C++ STL */
Sq::TypeStl<std::vector<int>> SqTypeIntVector(SQ_TYPE_INT);    // C++ std::vector

	/* create schema and specify version number as 1 */
	schema_v1 = new Sq::Schema(1, "Ver 1");

	// create table "users", then add columns to table.
	table = schema_v1->create<User>("users");
	table->integer("id", &User::id)->primary();
	table->string("name", &User::name);
	// VARCHAR(60)
	table->string("email", &User::email, 60);
	table->timestamp("created_at", &User::created_at)->useCurrent();
	table->timestamp("updated_at", &User::updated_at)->useCurrent()->useCurrentOnUpdate();
	// C++ types - std::string and std::vector
	table->stdstring("strCpp", &User::strCpp);
	table->custom("intsCpp", &User::intsCpp, &SqTypeIntVector);
	table->integer("city_id", &User::city_id)->reference("cities", "id");
	table->foreign("users_city_id_foreign", "city_id")
	     ->reference("cities", "id")->onDelete("NO ACTION")->onUpdate("NO ACTION");
	table->index("users_id_index", "id");

	/* If you store current time in columns (and members) and they use default name - 'created_at' and 'updated_at',
	   you can use below line to replace above 2 timestamp() methods.
//	table->timestamps<User>();

use C++ methods to change table and column in schema_v2 (dynamic)

	/* create schema and specify version number as 2 */
	schema_v2 = new Sq::Schema(2, "Ver 2");

	// alter table "users"
	table = schema_v2->alter("users");
	// add column to table
	table->integer("test_add", &User::test_add);
	// alter column in table
	table->integer("city_id", &User::city_id)->change();
	// drop column
	// rename column
	table->renameColumn("email", "email2");

use C functions to define table and column in schema_v1 (dynamic)

	/* create schema and specify version number as 1 */
	schema_v1 = sq_schema_new_ver(1, "Ver 1");

	// create table "users"
	table = sq_schema_create(schema_v1, "users", User);

	column = sq_table_add_integer(table, "id", offsetof(User, id));

	column = sq_table_add_string(table, "name", offsetof(User, name), -1);
	// VARCHAR(60)
	column = sq_table_add_string(table, "email", offsetof(User, email), 60);

	column = sq_table_add_timestamp(table, "created_at", offset(User, created_at));

	column = sq_table_add_timestamp(table, "updated_at", offset(User, updated_at));

	// FOREIGN KEY.             NOTE: use NULL-terminated argument list here
	column = sq_table_add_integer(table, "city_id", offsetof(User, city_id));
	sq_column_reference(column, "cities", "id", NULL);

	// CONSTRAINT FOREIGN KEY.  NOTE: use NULL-terminated argument list here
	column = sq_table_add_foreign(table, "users_city_id_foreign", "city_id", NULL);
	sq_column_reference(column, "cities", "id", NULL);
	sq_column_on_delete(column, "NO ACTION");
	sq_column_on_update(column, "NO ACTION");

	// CREATE INDEX.            NOTE: use NULL-terminated argument list here
	column = sq_table_add_index(table, "users_id_index", "id", NULL);

	/* If you store current time in columns/members and they use default name - 'created_at' and 'updated_at',
	   you can use below line to replace above 2 sq_table_add_timestamp() functions.
//	sq_table_add_timestamps_struct(table, User);

use C functions to change table and column in schema_v2 (dynamic)

	/* create schema and specify version number as 2 */
	schema_v2 = sq_schema_new_ver(2, "Ver 2");

	// alter table "users"
	table = sq_schema_alter(schema_v2, "users", NULL);
	// add column to table
	column = sq_table_add_integer(table, "test_add", offsetof(User, test_add));
	// alter column in table
	column = sq_table_add_integer(table, "city_id", offsetof(User, city_id));
	sq_table_drop_foreign(table, "users_city_id_foreign");
	// drop column
	sq_table_drop_column(table, "name");
	// rename column
	sq_table_rename_column(table, "email", "email2");

There are more...

Database products

Sqdb is base structure for database products (SQLite, MySQL...etc). You can get more description and example in doc/Sqdb.md

use C functions to open SQLite database

	// database configuration
	SqdbConfigSqlite  config = {
		.folder    = "/path",
		.extension = "db"
	// interface
	Sqdb  *db;

	db = sqdb_sqlite_new(&config);
//	db = sqdb_sqlite_new(NULL);                // use default setting if config is NULL.

	storage = sq_storage_new(db);
	sq_storage_open(storage, "sqxc_local");    // This will open file "sqxc_local.db"

use C functions to open MySQL database

	// database configuration
	SqdbConfigMysql  config = {
		.host = "localhost",
		.port = 3306,
		.user = "name",
		.password = "xxx"
	// interface
	Sqdb  *db;

	db = sqdb_mysql_new(&config);
//	db = sqdb_mysql_new(NULL);               // use default setting if config is NULL.

	storage = sq_storage_new(db);
	sq_storage_open(storage, "sqxc_local");

use C++ methods to open SQLite database

	// database configuration
	Sq::DbConfigSqlite  config = {
		"/path",        // .folder    = "/path",
		"db",           // .extension = "db",
	// interface
	Sq::DbMethod  *db;

	db = new Sq::DbSqlite(config);
//	db = new Sq::DbSqlite(NULL);    // use default setting if config is NULL.

	storage = new Sq::Storage(db);
	storage->open("sqxc_local");    // This will open file "sqxc_local.db"

Database migration

You can get more description about migrations and schema in doc/database-migrations.md.

use C++ methods to migrate schema and synchronize to database

	// migrate 'schema_v1' and 'schema_v2'

	// synchronize schema to database and update schema in 'storage'
	// This is mainly used by SQLite

	// free unused 'schema_v1' and 'schema_v2'
	delete schema_v1;
	delete schema_v2;

use C functions to migrate schema and synchronize to database

	// migrate 'schema_v1' and 'schema_v2'
	sq_storage_migrate(storage, schema_v1);
	sq_storage_migrate(storage, schema_v2);

	// synchronize schema to database and update schema in 'storage'
	// This is mainly used by SQLite
	sq_storage_migrate(storage, NULL);

	// free unused 'schema_v1' and 'schema_v2'

If you want to use individual migration files to do this, you can placed all migration files in workspace/database/migrations.
sqxclib provided SqApp to use these files. See doc/SqApp.md to get more information.


This library use SqStorage to do Create, Read, Update, and Delete rows in database.
To get more information and sample, you can see doc/SqStorage.md


User can specify the container type of returned data when getting multiple rows. If you does not specify a container type, getAll() and query() will use the default container type - SqPtrArray.

use C functions

The container type is specified as NULL (use default container type).

	User       *user;
	SqPtrArray *array;

	// get multiple rows
	array = sq_storage_get_all(storage, "users", NULL, NULL, "WHERE id > 8 AND id < 20");

	// get all rows
	array = sq_storage_get_all(storage, "users", NULL, NULL, NULL);

	// get one row (where id = 2)
	user  = sq_storage_get(storage, "users", NULL, 2);

use C++ methods

	User         *user;
	Sq::PtrArray *array;

	// get multiple rows
	array = storage->getAll("users", "WHERE id > 8 AND id < 20");

	// get multiple rows with C++ class 'where' series (explain below "Query builder")
	array = storage->getAll("users", Sq::where("id", ">", 8).whereRaw("id < %d", 20));

	// get all rows
	array = storage->getAll("users");

	// get one row (where id = 2)
	user  = storage->get("users", 2);

use C++ template functions

The container type is specified as std::vector.

	User              *user;
	std::vector<User> *vector;

	// get multiple rows
	vector = storage->getAll<std::vector<User>>("WHERE id > 8 AND id < 20");

	// get multiple rows with C++ class 'where' series (explain below "Query builder")
	vector = storage->getAll<std::vector<User>>(Sq::where("id", ">", 8).whereRaw("id < %d", 20));

	// get all rows
	vector = storage->getAll<std::vector<User>>();

	// get one row (where id = 2)
	user = storage->get<User>(2);

Insert / Update

use C functions

	User  user = {10, "Bob", "bob@server"};

	// insert one row
	sq_storage_insert(storage, "users", NULL, &user);

	// update one row
	sq_storage_update(storage, "users", NULL, &user);

	// update specific columns - "name" and "email" in multiple rows.
	sq_storage_update_all(storage, "users", NULL, &user, 
	                      "WHERE id > 11 AND id < 28",
	                      "name", "email",

	// update specific fields - User::name and User::email in multiple rows.
	sq_storage_update_field(storage, "users", NULL, &user, 
	                        "WHERE id > 11 AND id < 28",
	                        offsetof(User, name),
	                        offsetof(User, email),

use C++ methods

	User  user = {10, "Bob", "bob@server"};

	// insert one row
	storage->insert("users", &user);

	// update one row
	storage->update("users", &user);

	// update specific columns - "name" and "email" in multiple rows.
	storage->updateAll("users", &user,
	                   "WHERE id > 11 AND id < 28",
	                   "name", "email");

	// update specific fields - User::name and User::email in multiple rows.
	storage->updateField("users", &user,
	                     "WHERE id > 11 AND id < 28",
	                     &User::name, &User::email);

use C++ template functions

	User  user = {10, "Bob", "bob@server"};

	// insert one row
		// or

	// update one row
		// or

	// update specific columns - "name" and "email" in multiple rows.
	// call updateAll<User>(...)
	                   "WHERE id > 11 AND id < 28",
	                   "name", "email");

	// update specific fields - User::name and User::email in multiple rows.
	// call updateField<User>(...)
	                     "WHERE id > 11 AND id < 28",
	                     &User::name, &User::email);


use C functions

	// remove one row (where id = 5)
	sq_storage_remove(storage, "users", NULL, 5);

	// remove multiple rows
	sq_storage_remove_all(storage, "users", "WHERE id < 5");

use C++ methods

	// remove one row (where id = 5)
	storage->remove("users", 5);

	// remove multiple rows
	storage->removeAll("users", "WHERE id < 5");

use C++ template functions

	// remove one row (where id = 5)

	// remove multiple rows
	storage->removeAll<User>("WHERE id < 5");

Query with raw string

sq_storage_query_raw() can query with raw string, program must specify data type and container type.

use C function

	int  *p2integer;
	int   max_id;

	// If you just query MAX(id), it will get an integer.
	// Therefore specify the table type as SQ_TYPE_INT and the container type as NULL.
	p2integer = sq_storage_query_raw(storage, "SELECT MAX(id) FROM table", SQ_TYPE_INT, NULL);
	// return integer pointer
	max_id = *p2integer;
	// free the integer pointer when no longer needed

	// If you just query a row, it doesn't need a container.
	// Therefore specify the container type as NULL.
	table = sq_storage_query_raw(storage, "SELECT * FROM table WHERE id=1", tableType, NULL);

use C++ method

	int  *p2integer;
	int   max_id;

	// If you just query MAX(id), it will get an integer.
	// Therefore specify the table type as SQ_TYPE_INT and the container type as NULL.
	p2integer = storage->query("SELECT MAX(id) FROM table", SQ_TYPE_INT, NULL);
	// return integer pointer
	max_id = *p2integer;
	// free the integer pointer when no longer needed

	// If you just query a row, it doesn't need a container.
	// Therefore specify the container type as NULL.
	table = storage->query("SELECT * FROM table WHERE id=1", tableType, NULL);

Query builder

SqQuery can generate SQL statement by using C functions or C++ methods. To get more information and sample, you can see doc/SqQuery.md

SQL statement

	SELECT id, age
	FROM companies
	JOIN ( SELECT * FROM city WHERE id < 100 ) AS c ON c.id = companies.city_id
	WHERE age > 5

use C++ methods to produce query

	query->select("id", "age")
	     ->join([query] {
	              ->where("id", "<", 100);
	     ->onRaw("c.id = companies.city_id")
	     ->whereRaw("age > %d", 5);

use C functions to produce query

  • sq_query_join_sub() is start of subquery.
  • sq_query_end_sub() is end of subquery.
  • sq_query_join() passing NULL in the last parameter is also the start of subquery.
	sq_query_select(query, "id", "age");
	sq_query_from(query, "companies");

	sq_query_join_sub(query);      // start of subquery
		sq_query_from(query, "city");
		sq_query_where(query, "id", "<", "%d", 100);
	sq_query_end_sub(query);       // end of subquery

	sq_query_as(query, "c");
	sq_query_on_raw(query, "c.id = companies.city_id");
	sq_query_where_raw(query, "age > %d", 5);

Using SqQuery with SqStorage

SqStorage provides sq_storage_query() and C++ method query() to handle query.

	// C function
	array = sq_storage_query(storage, query, NULL, NULL);

	// C++ method
	array = storage->query(query);

SqQuery provides sq_query_c() or C++ method c() to generate SQL statement for SqStorage.

use C functions

	// SQL statement exclude "SELECT * FROM ..."
	sq_query_where(query, "id", ">", "%d", 10);
	sq_query_or_where_raw(query, "city_id < %d", 22);

	array = sq_storage_get_all(storage, "users", NULL, NULL,

use C++ methods

	// SQL statement exclude "SELECT * FROM ..."
	     ->where("id", ">", 10)
	     ->orWhereRaw("city_id < %d", 22);

	array = storage->getAll("users", query->c());

convenient C++ class 'where' series

use operator() of Sq::Where (or Sq::where)

	Sq::Where  where;

	array = storage->getAll("users",
			where("id", ">", 10).orWhereRaw("city_id < %d", 22));

use constructor and operator of Sq::where

	// use parameter pack constructor
	array = storage->getAll("users",
			Sq::where("id", ">", 10).orWhereRaw("city_id < %d", 22));

	// use default constructor and operator()
	array = storage->getAll("users",
			Sq::where()("id", ">", 10).orWhereRaw("city_id < %d", 22));

Below is currently provided convenient C++ class:

	Sq::Where,        Sq::WhereNot,
	Sq::WhereRaw,     Sq::WhereNotRaw,
	Sq::WhereExists,  Sq::WhereNotExists,
	Sq::WhereBetween, Sq::WhereNotBetween,
	Sq::WhereIn,      Sq::WhereNotIn,
	Sq::WhereNull,    Sq::WhereNotNull,

	'Where' class series use 'typedef' to give them new names: lower case 'where' class series.

	Sq::where,        Sq::whereNot,
	Sq::whereRaw,     Sq::whereNotRaw,
	Sq::whereExists,  Sq::whereNotExists,
	Sq::whereBetween, Sq::whereNotBetween,
	Sq::whereIn,      Sq::whereNotIn,
	Sq::whereNull,    Sq::whereNotNull,

convenient C++ class 'select' and 'from'

use C++ Sq::select or Sq::from to run database queries.

	// use Sq::select with query method
	array = storage->query(Sq::select("email").from("users").whereRaw("city_id > 5"));

	// use Sq::from with query method
	array = storage->query(Sq::from("users").whereRaw("city_id > 5"));

JOIN support

SqTypeJoint is the default type for handling query that join multi-table. It can create array of pointers for query result.

e.g. get result from query that join multi-table.

use C functions

	sq_query_from(query, "cities");
	sq_query_join(query, "users", "cities.id", "=", "%s", "users.city_id");

	SqPtrArray *array = sq_storage_query(storage, query, NULL, NULL);

	for (int i = 0;  i < array->length;  i++) {
		void **element = (void**)array->data[i];
		city = (City*)element[0];    // sq_query_from(query, "cities");
		user = (User*)element[1];    // sq_query_join(query, "users", ...);

		// Because SqPtrArray doesn't free elements by default, free elements before freeing array.
//		free(element);

use C++ methods

	query->from("cities")->join("users", "cities.id", "=", "users.city_id");

	Sq::PtrArray *array = (Sq::PtrArray*) storage->query(query);

	for (int i = 0;  i < array->length;  i++) {
		void **element = (void**)array->data[i];
		city = (City*)element[0];    // from("cities")
		user = (User*)element[1];    // join("users")

		// Because Sq::PtrArray doesn't free elements by default, free elements before freeing array.
//		free(element);

use C++ STL

User can specify pointer to pointer (double pointer) as element of STL container.

	std::vector<void**> *vector;

	query->from("cities")->join("users", "cities.id", "=", "users.city_id");

	vector = storage->query< std::vector<void**> >(query);

	for (unsigned int index = 0;  index < vector->size();  index++) {
		void **element = vector->at(index);
		city = (City*)element[0];      // from("cities")
		user = (User*)element[1];      // join("users")

If you don't want to use pointer as element of container:

  1. use Sq::Joint as element of C++ STL container.
  2. use typedef to define element type of SqArray for C language.

Refering SqTypeJoint to get more information.
Here is one of the C++ STL examples:

	std::vector< Sq::Joint<2> > *vector;

	query->from("cities")->join("users", "cities.id", "=", "users.city_id");

	vector = storage->query< std::vector< Sq::Joint<2> > >(query);

	for (unsigned int index = 0;  index < vector->size();  index++) {
		Sq::Joint<2> &joint = vector->at(index);
		city = (City*)joint[0];      // from("cities")
		user = (User*)joint[1];      // join("users")

Parse unknown result

SqTypeRow is derived from SqTypeJoint. It create instance of SqRow and parse unknown (or known) result.
SQ_TYPE_ROW is a built-in static constant type of SqTypeRow. Both SqTypeRow and SQ_TYPE_ROW are in sqxcsupport library (sqxcsupport.h).

use C functions

	SqRow      *row;
	SqPtrArray *array;

	// specify the table type as SQ_TYPE_ROW
	// specify the container type of returned data as SQ_TYPE_PTR_ARRAY
	array = sq_storage_query(storage, query, SQ_TYPE_ROW, SQ_TYPE_PTR_ARRAY);

	array = sq_storage_get_all(storage, "users", SQ_TYPE_ROW, SQ_TYPE_PTR_ARRAY, NULL);

	// specify the table type as SQ_TYPE_ROW
	row = sq_storage_get(storage, "users", SQ_TYPE_ROW, 11);

use C++ methods

	Sq::Row      *row;
	Sq::PtrArray *array;

	// specify the table type as SQ_TYPE_ROW
	// specify the container type of returned data as SQ_TYPE_PTR_ARRAY
	array = (Sq::PtrArray*) storage->query(query, SQ_TYPE_ROW, SQ_TYPE_PTR_ARRAY);

	array = (Sq::PtrArray*) storage->getAll("users", SQ_TYPE_ROW, SQ_TYPE_PTR_ARRAY, NULL);

	// specify the table type as SQ_TYPE_ROW
	row = (Sq::Row*) storage->get("users", SQ_TYPE_ROW, 11);

use C++ STL

	Sq::Row               *row;
	std::vector<Sq::Row*> *rowVector;

	// specify the table type as SQ_TYPE_ROW
	// specify the container type of returned data as std::vector<Sq::Row*>
	rowVector = storage->query< std::vector<Sq::Row*> >(query, SQ_TYPE_ROW);

	rowVector = storage->getAll< std::vector<Sq::Row*> >("users", SQ_TYPE_ROW, NULL);

	// get first row
	row = rowVector->at(0);

SqRow contain 2 arrays. One is column array, another is data array.

	// name of first column
	char   *columnName = row->cols[0].name;

	// data type of first column (columnType equal SQ_TYPE_STR in this example)
	SqType *columnType = row->cols[0].type;

	// value of first column (if columnType equal SQ_TYPE_STR)
	char   *columnValue = row->data[0].str;


use C functions

	User  *user;

	sq_storage_insert(storage, "users", NULL, user);
	if (abort)

use C++ methods

	User  *user;

	if (abort)

Configuration header file

change build configuration.

sqxclib is case-sensitive when searching and sorting SQL column name and JSON field name by default. User can change it in sqxc/SqConfig.h.

// Common settings in SqConfig.h

/* sqxclib is case-sensitive when searching and sorting SQL column name and JSON field name by default.
   You may disable this for some old SQL product.
   Affected source : SqEntry, SqRelation-migration

/* If user doesn't specify SQL string length, program will use it by default.

JSON support

  • This library use json-c to parse/write JSON.
  • all defined table and column can use to parse JSON object and field.
  • program can also parse JSON object and array that store in column.


Sqxc is interface for data parse and write.
User can link multiple Sqxc element to convert different types of data.
You can get more description and example in doc/Sqxc.md


It define how to initialize, finalize, and convert C data type.
You can get more description and example in doc/SqType.md


SqSchema defines database schema. It store table and changed record of table.
You can get more description and example in doc/SqSchema.md


SqApp use configuration file (SqApp-config.h) to initialize database and do migrations for user's application.
It provide command-line program to generate migration and do migrate.
See document in doc/SqApp.md


SqConsole provide command-line interface (mainly for SqAppTool).
See document in doc/SqConsole.md


sqxclib is licensed under the Mulan PSL v2.



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