

chyj77 暂无简介


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Forks 暂停/关闭的

    chyj77 / AIAS forked from Calvin / AIAS

    AIAS (AI Acceleration Suite) - 人工智能加速器套件。提供: 包括SDK,平台引擎,场景套件在内,合计超过100个项目组成的项目集。

    chyj77 / AI学习 forked from OSC源创会 / AI学习


    chyj77 / Android


    chyj77 / Android-1

    收集Android方方面面的经典知识, 最新技术.

    chyj77 / Android-2

    Android related examples

    chyj77 / AndroidAsync

    Asynchronous socket, http (client+server), websocket, and library for android. Based on nio, not threads.

    chyj77 / ant-design-pro

    ‍‍ Use Ant Design like a Pro!

    chyj77 / ant-design-pro-scaffold

    ant-design-pro 脚手架

    chyj77 / ant-design-pro-vue

    ‍‍ Use Ant Design Vue like a Pro!

    chyj77 / ant-design-vue

    An enterprise-class UI components based on Ant Design and Vue.

    chyj77 / antdPro-demo


    chyj77 / antvue

    chyj77 / apollo


    chyj77 / architecture.wechat-tencent

    互联网公司架构: 微信技术架构, 腾讯技术架构

    chyj77 / awesome-admin forked from MarsTech / Mars-Admin

    管理后台脚手架: Spring Coud微服务 + Spring Security SSO + JWT Token +自定义登陆页面 + 前后端分离 + Ant Design Pro + K8s部署 +Swagger + 多数据源 + Redis

    chyj77 / awesome-uni-app

    Awesome for uni-app! 基于Vue.js的跨平台多端应用前端框架uni-app一站式开发资源汇总

    chyj77 / Axon-trader

    A sample to use the axon framework for a trading application

    chyj77 / AxonDemo

    Using Axon + Spring Cloud + Spring Cloud Stream + JPA to implement event sourcing and CQRS

    chyj77 / AxonFramework

    Framework for Evolutionary Event-Driven Microservices on the JVM

    chyj77 / bean-searcher forked from Troy / bean-searcher

    🔥🔥🔥 专注高级查询的只读 ORM,天生支持联表,免 DTO/VO 转换,使一行代码实现复杂列表检索成为可能!
