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hainuo 提交于 2015-06-06 22:04 . 完成外部函数接口的翻译

% Foreign Function Interface 外部函数接口

Introduction 说明

This guide will use the snappy compression/decompression library as an introduction to writing bindings for foreign code. Rust is currently unable to call directly into a C++ library, but snappy includes a C interface (documented in snappy-c.h).

本书将使用snappy压缩发压缩库作为例子来编写外部代码的变量绑定。目前Rust语言不能够直接使用C++库,然而snappy含有一个c接口 (记录在 snappy-c.h).

The following is a minimal example of calling a foreign function which will compile if snappy is installed:


# #![feature(libc)]
extern crate libc;
use libc::size_t;

#[link(name = "snappy")]
extern {
    fn snappy_max_compressed_length(source_length: size_t) -> size_t;

fn main() {
    let x = unsafe { snappy_max_compressed_length(100) };
    println!("max compressed length of a 100 byte buffer: {}", x);

The extern block is a list of function signatures in a foreign library, in this case with the platform's C ABI. The #[link(...)] attribute is used to instruct the linker to link against the snappy library so the symbols are resolved.

extern代码块是一个外部库的函数标记列表,在本案例中使用的是C平台 ABI。#[link(...)]属性是用来声明一个可以映射到snappy库的连接器,解决了符号链接

Foreign functions are assumed to be unsafe so calls to them need to be wrapped with unsafe {} as a promise to the compiler that everything contained within truly is safe. C libraries often expose interfaces that aren't thread-safe, and almost any function that takes a pointer argument isn't valid for all possible inputs since the pointer could be dangling, and raw pointers fall outside of Rust's safe memory model.


When declaring the argument types to a foreign function, the Rust compiler can not check if the declaration is correct, so specifying it correctly is part of keeping the binding correct at runtime.


The extern block can be extended to cover the entire snappy API:

extern代码块能够被扩展来覆盖整个的snappy API:

# #![feature(libc)]
extern crate libc;
use libc::{c_int, size_t};

#[link(name = "snappy")]
extern {
    fn snappy_compress(input: *const u8,
                       input_length: size_t,
                       compressed: *mut u8,
                       compressed_length: *mut size_t) -> c_int;
    fn snappy_uncompress(compressed: *const u8,
                         compressed_length: size_t,
                         uncompressed: *mut u8,
                         uncompressed_length: *mut size_t) -> c_int;
    fn snappy_max_compressed_length(source_length: size_t) -> size_t;
    fn snappy_uncompressed_length(compressed: *const u8,
                                  compressed_length: size_t,
                                  result: *mut size_t) -> c_int;
    fn snappy_validate_compressed_buffer(compressed: *const u8,
                                         compressed_length: size_t) -> c_int;
# fn main() {}

Creating a safe interface 创建一个安全的接口

The raw C API needs to be wrapped to provide memory safety and make use of higher-level concepts like vectors. A library can choose to expose only the safe, high-level interface and hide the unsafe internal details.

原始的C API 需要提供安全内存和使用像向量这样的高级概念。一个库能够选择只暴露安全的、高级接口并隐藏内部不安全信息。

Wrapping the functions which expect buffers involves using the slice::raw module to manipulate Rust vectors as pointers to memory. Rust's vectors are guaranteed to be a contiguous block of memory. The length is number of elements currently contained, and the capacity is the total size in elements of the allocated memory. The length is less than or equal to the capacity.


# #![feature(libc)]
# extern crate libc;
# use libc::{c_int, size_t};
# unsafe fn snappy_validate_compressed_buffer(_: *const u8, _: size_t) -> c_int { 0 }
# fn main() {}
pub fn validate_compressed_buffer(src: &[u8]) -> bool {
    unsafe {
        snappy_validate_compressed_buffer(src.as_ptr(), src.len() as size_t) == 0

The validate_compressed_buffer wrapper above makes use of an unsafe block, but it makes the guarantee that calling it is safe for all inputs by leaving off unsafe from the function signature.


The snappy_compress and snappy_uncompress functions are more complex, since a buffer has to be allocated to hold the output too.


The snappy_max_compressed_length function can be used to allocate a vector with the maximum required capacity to hold the compressed output. The vector can then be passed to the snappy_compress function as an output parameter. An output parameter is also passed to retrieve the true length after compression for setting the length.


# #![feature(libc)]
# extern crate libc;
# use libc::{size_t, c_int};
# unsafe fn snappy_compress(a: *const u8, b: size_t, c: *mut u8,
#                           d: *mut size_t) -> c_int { 0 }
# unsafe fn snappy_max_compressed_length(a: size_t) -> size_t { a }
# fn main() {}
pub fn compress(src: &[u8]) -> Vec<u8> {
    unsafe {
        let srclen = src.len() as size_t;
        let psrc = src.as_ptr();

        let mut dstlen = snappy_max_compressed_length(srclen);
        let mut dst = Vec::with_capacity(dstlen as usize);
        let pdst = dst.as_mut_ptr();

        snappy_compress(psrc, srclen, pdst, &mut dstlen);
        dst.set_len(dstlen as usize);

Decompression is similar, because snappy stores the uncompressed size as part of the compression format and snappy_uncompressed_length will retrieve the exact buffer size required.


# #![feature(libc)]
# extern crate libc;
# use libc::{size_t, c_int};
# unsafe fn snappy_uncompress(compressed: *const u8,
#                             compressed_length: size_t,
#                             uncompressed: *mut u8,
#                             uncompressed_length: *mut size_t) -> c_int { 0 }
# unsafe fn snappy_uncompressed_length(compressed: *const u8,
#                                      compressed_length: size_t,
#                                      result: *mut size_t) -> c_int { 0 }
# fn main() {}
pub fn uncompress(src: &[u8]) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
    unsafe {
        let srclen = src.len() as size_t;
        let psrc = src.as_ptr();

        let mut dstlen: size_t = 0;
        snappy_uncompressed_length(psrc, srclen, &mut dstlen);

        let mut dst = Vec::with_capacity(dstlen as usize);
        let pdst = dst.as_mut_ptr();

        if snappy_uncompress(psrc, srclen, pdst, &mut dstlen) == 0 {
            dst.set_len(dstlen as usize);
        } else {
            None // SNAPPY_INVALID_INPUT

For reference, the examples used here are also available as a library on GitHub.

这里的例子同样参考适用于在[github上的库]library on GitHub

Destructors 析构函数

Foreign libraries often hand off ownership of resources to the calling code.When this occurs, we must use Rust's destructors to provide safety and guarantee the release of these resources (especially in the case of panic).


For more about destructors, see the Drop trait.

想要了解更多析构函数相关的知识,可以参见Drop trait丢弃特性

Callbacks from C code to Rust functions 从C代码到Rust函数的回调方法

Some external libraries require the usage of callbacks to report back their current state or intermediate data to the caller.It is possible to pass functions defined in Rust to an external library.The requirement for this is that the callback function is marked as extern with the correct calling convention to make it callable from C code.


The callback function can then be sent through a registration call to the C library and afterwards be invoked from there.


A basic example is:


Rust code:


extern fn callback(a: i32) {
    println!("I'm called from C with value {0}", a);

#[link(name = "extlib")]
extern {
   fn register_callback(cb: extern fn(i32)) -> i32;
   fn trigger_callback();

fn main() {
    unsafe {
        trigger_callback(); // Triggers the callback

C code:


typedef void (*rust_callback)(int32_t);
rust_callback cb;

int32_t register_callback(rust_callback callback) {
    cb = callback;
    return 1;

void trigger_callback() {
  cb(7); // Will call callback(7) in Rust

In this example Rust's main() will call trigger_callback() in C,which would, in turn, call back to callback() in Rust.


Targeting callbacks to Rust objects 定位Rust对象的回调

The former example showed how a global function can be called from C code.However it is often desired that the callback is targeted to a special Rust object. This could be the object that represents the wrapper for the respective C object.


This can be achieved by passing an unsafe pointer to the object down to the C library. The C library can then include the pointer to the Rust object in the notification. This will allow the callback to unsafely access the referenced Rust object.


Rust code:


struct RustObject {
    a: i32,
    // other members

extern "C" fn callback(target: *mut RustObject, a: i32) {
    println!("I'm called from C with value {0}", a);
    unsafe {
        // Update the value in RustObject with the value received from the callback
        (*target).a = a;

#[link(name = "extlib")]
extern {
   fn register_callback(target: *mut RustObject,
                        cb: extern fn(*mut RustObject, i32)) -> i32;
   fn trigger_callback();

fn main() {
    // Create the object that will be referenced in the callback
    let mut rust_object = Box::new(RustObject { a: 5 });

    unsafe {
        register_callback(&mut *rust_object, callback);

C code:


typedef void (*rust_callback)(void*, int32_t);
void* cb_target;
rust_callback cb;

int32_t register_callback(void* callback_target, rust_callback callback) {
    cb_target = callback_target;
    cb = callback;
    return 1;

void trigger_callback() {
  cb(cb_target, 7); // Will call callback(&rustObject, 7) in Rust

Asynchronous callbacks 异步回调

In the previously given examples the callbacks are invoked as a direct reaction to a function call to the external C library. The control over the current thread is switched from Rust to C to Rust for the execution of the callback, but in the end the callback is executed on the same thread that called the function which triggered the callback.


Things get more complicated when the external library spawns its own threads and invokes callbacks from there. In these cases access to Rust data structures inside the callbacks is especially unsafe and proper synchronization mechanisms must be used. Besides classical synchronization mechanisms like mutexes, one possibility in Rust is to use channels (in std::comm) to forward data from the C thread that invoked the callback into a Rust thread.


If an asynchronous callback targets a special object in the Rust address space it is also absolutely necessary that no more callbacks are performed by the C library after the respective Rust object gets destroyed.This can be achieved by unregistering the callback in the object's destructor and designing the library in a way that guarantees that no callback will be performed after deregistration.

如果一个异步回调针对着Rust地址空间中的一个特殊对象,各自的Rust对象被销毁之后没有C库中不会执行任何回调时绝对必要的。这可以通过在对象析构函数中反注册回调 并将库设计为一种能够确保在反注册后没有任何回调会被执行的方式来实现。


The link attribute on extern blocks provides the basic building block for instructing rustc how it will link to native libraries. There are two accepted forms of the link attribute today:


  • #[link(name = "foo")]
  • #[link(name = "foo", kind = "bar")]

In both of these cases, foo is the name of the native library that we're linking to, and in the second case bar is the type of native library that the compiler is linking to. There are currently three known types of native libraries: 在这两种形式中,foo是我们要连接到的本地库文件的名字,在第二种形式中,bar是编译器正在连接的本地库文件的类型。一共有三种已知的本地库类型:

  • Dynamic 动态- #[link(name = "readline")]
  • Static 静态- #[link(name = "my_build_dependency", kind = "static")]
  • Frameworks 框架- #[link(name = "CoreFoundation", kind = "framework")]

Note that frameworks are only available on OSX targets.


The different kind values are meant to differentiate how the native library participates in linkage. From a linkage perspective, the rust compiler creates two flavors of artifacts: partial (rlib/staticlib) and final (dylib/binary).Native dynamic libraries and frameworks are propagated to the final artifact boundary, while static libraries are not propagated at all.


A few examples of how this model can be used are:


  • A native build dependency. Sometimes some C/C++ glue is needed when writing some rust code, but distribution of the C/C++ code in a library format is just a burden. In this case, the code will be archived into libfoo.a and then the rust crate would declare a dependency via #[link(name = "foo", kind ="static")].

  • 一个原生构建依赖。写一些Rust代码时,有时需要一些C/C++,然而,在库文件中C/C++的分发正式一个麻烦。在这种情况下,该代码被归档进libfoo.a,然后后Rust Crate将通过#[link(name="foo",kind="static)]来声明一个依赖。

    Regardless of the flavor of output for the crate, the native static library will be included in the output, meaning that distribution of the native static library is not necessary.


  • A normal dynamic dependency. Common system libraries (like readline) are available on a large number of systems, and often a static copy of these libraries cannot be found. When this dependency is included in a rust crate,partial targets (like rlibs) will not link to the library, but when the rlib is included in a final target (like a binary), the native library will be linked in.

一个正常的动态依赖。在大多数系统中,普通的系统库文件(比如 readline)是可用的,然而,这些苦文件的静态副本确实常常无法找到。当这种依赖被包含在rust crate中时,部分目标(比如rlibs)将不会连接到这个库文件,然而,当rlib会被包含进最终的目标(比如二进制文件),本地库文件也将被包含进来。

On OSX, frameworks behave with the same semantics as a dynamic library.


Unsafe blocks 不安全代码块

Some operations, like dereferencing unsafe pointers or calling functions that have been marked unsafe are only allowed inside unsafe blocks. Unsafe blocks isolate unsafety and are a promise to the compiler that the unsafety does not leak out of the block.


Unsafe functions, on the other hand, advertise it to the world. An unsafe function is written like this:


unsafe fn kaboom(ptr: *const i32) -> i32 { *ptr }

This function can only be called from an unsafe block or another unsafe function.


Accessing foreign globals 全局外部访问

Foreign APIs often export a global variable which could do something like track global state. In order to access these variables, you declare them in extern blocks with the static keyword:


# #![feature(libc)]
extern crate libc;

#[link(name = "readline")]
extern {
    static rl_readline_version: libc::c_int;

fn main() {
    println!("You have readline version {} installed.",
             rl_readline_version as i32);

Alternatively, you may need to alter global state provided by a foreign interface. To do this, statics can be declared with mut so we can mutate them.


# #![feature(libc)]
extern crate libc;

use std::ffi::CString;
use std::ptr;

#[link(name = "readline")]
extern {
    static mut rl_prompt: *const libc::c_char;

fn main() {
    let prompt = CString::new("[my-awesome-shell] $").unwrap();
    unsafe {
        rl_prompt = prompt.as_ptr();

        println!("{:?}", rl_prompt);

        rl_prompt = ptr::null();

Note that all interaction with a static mut is unsafe, both reading and writing. Dealing with global mutable state requires a great deal of care.

需要注意的是,所有使用static mut的接口,无论读写,都是不安全的。处理全局可变状态需要非常非常细心关照。

Foreign calling conventions 外部调用约定

Most foreign code exposes a C ABI, and Rust uses the platform's C calling convention by default when calling foreign functions. Some foreign functions, most notably the Windows API, use other calling conventions. Rust provides a way to tell the compiler which convention to use:

大多数外部代码暴露一个C ABI,当调用外部函数时,Rust默认使用C平台的调用协议。一些外部函数,特别是Windows API,使用另外一些调用约定。Rust语言提供了一种方式,来告诉编译器使用哪一种约定:

# #![feature(libc)]
extern crate libc;

#[cfg(all(target_os = "win32", target_arch = "x86"))]
#[link(name = "kernel32")]
extern "stdcall" {
    fn SetEnvironmentVariableA(n: *const u8, v: *const u8) -> libc::c_int;
# fn main() { }

This applies to the entire extern block. The list of supported ABI constraints are:


  • stdcall
  • aapcs
  • cdecl
  • fastcall
  • Rust
  • rust-intrinsic
  • system
  • C
  • win64

Most of the abis in this list are self-explanatory, but the system abi may seem a little odd. This constraint selects whatever the appropriate ABI is for interoperating with the target's libraries. For example, on win32 with a x86 architecture, this means that the abi used would be stdcall. On x86_64, however, windows uses the C calling convention, so C would be used. This means that in our previous example, we could have used extern "system" { ... } to define a block for all windows systems, not just x86 ones.

大多数在次列表中的ABI是不言自明的,但是,systemABI可能显得有些奇怪。此约束选择任何适用的SPI来与目标库文件进行相互操作。比如,在使用X86架构的win32系统上,这意味着ABI使用的将是stdcall。然而,在x86_64架构上,windows系统使用C调用约定,所有C将被使用。这意味着,在我们之前的例子中,我们可以使用Extern "system" {...}来为所有的windows系统来定义一个代码块,而不仅仅是x86系统,

Interoperability with foreign code

Rust guarantees that the layout of a struct is compatible with the platform's representation in C only if the #[repr(C)] attribute is applied to it. #[repr(C, packed)] can be used to lay out struct members without padding. #[repr(C)] can also be applied to an enum.

Rust语言保证struct布局是在C中是适用于平台级别的表现,除非#[repr(C)]属性被用来适用它。 #[repr(C, packed)] 能够被用来布局结构成员而不是填充。 #[repr(C)]同样可应用于一个枚举。

Rust's owned boxes (Box<T>) use non-nullable pointers as handles which point to the contained object. However, they should not be manually created because they are managed by internal allocators. References can safely be assumed to be non-nullable pointers directly to the type. However, breaking the borrow checking or mutability rules is not guaranteed to be safe, so prefer using raw pointers (*) if that's needed because the compiler can't make as many assumptions about them.


Vectors and strings share the same basic memory layout, and utilities are available in the vec and str modules for working with C APIs. However, strings are not terminated with \0. If you need a NUL-terminated string for interoperability with C, you should use the CString type in the std::ffi module.

向量和字符串共享同一个基本的内存布局,utilities在使用C API时,适用于Vecstr模块。然而,字符串不会以\0终止。如果你需要一个与C相互操作的没有结尾的字符串,你需要在std::ffi模块中使用CSting类型。

The standard library includes type aliases and function definitions for the C standard library in the libc module, and Rust links against libc and libm by default.

The "nullable pointer optimization" 空指针的优化

Certain types are defined to not be null. This includes references (&T,&mut T), boxes (Box<T>), and function pointers (extern "abi" fn()).When interfacing with C, pointers that might be null are often used.As a special case, a generic enum that contains exactly two variants, one of which contains no data and the other containing a single field, is eligible for the "nullable pointer optimization". When such an enum is instantiated with one of the non-nullable types, it is represented as a single pointer, and the non-data variant is represented as the null pointer. So Option<extern "C" fn(c_int) -> c_int> is how one represents a nullable function pointer using the C ABI.

某些类型被定义为非null。这包括地址引用(&T,&mut T),boxes(Box<T>),和函数指针(extern "abi" fn())。当使用C接口时,可能为空的指针式常常被使用的。作为一种特殊情况,一个通用的包括确定的两个变量体的enum,一个没有包含任何数据,另一个包含一个单独的字段,很可能就是一个“空指针优化”。当这样的枚举类型使用一个非空类型数据实例化之后,它被认为是一个单一指针,空数据变量被认为是一个空指针。所以 Option<extern "C" fn(c_int) -> c_int>就是如何认定一个使用C ABI的空函数指针。

Calling Rust code from C

You may wish to compile Rust code in a way so that it can be called from C. This is fairly easy, but requires a few things:


pub extern fn hello_rust() -> *const u8 {
    "Hello, world!\0".as_ptr()
# fn main() {}

The extern makes this function adhere to the C calling convention, as discussed above in "Foreign Calling Conventions". The no_mangle attribute turns off Rust's name mangling, so that it is easier to link to.


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