

所有 个人的 我参与的
Forks 暂停/关闭的

    DJ / ACE3

    Open-source realism mod for Arma 3

    DJ / active-ragdolls

    Active Ragdolls in Unity

    DJ / ActiveRagdoll

    Implementing active ragdoll from scratch for humanoid characters in Unity

    DJ / ActiveRagdollStyleTransfer

    Research into locomotion style transfer with Active Ragdolls (using MarathonEnvs +ml_agents)

    DJ / actors.unity

    🚀Actors is a framework empowering developers to make better games faster on Unity.

    DJ / AForge.NET

    AForge.NET Framework is a C# framework designed for developers and researchers in the fields of Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence - image processing, neural networks, genetic algorithms, machine learning, robotics, etc.

    DJ / AI4Animation-js

    AI4Animation in javascript & three.js

    DJ / AlembicForUnity

    Alembic importer and exporter plugin for Unity

    DJ / algorithms

    Algorithms & Data structures in C++.

    DJ / amis

    前端低代码框架,通过 JSON 配置就能生成各种页面。

    DJ / AmplifyOcclusion

    Full source-code for Amplify Occlusion plugin for Unity

    DJ / anaconda

    Anaconda turns your Sublime Text 3 in a full featured Python development IDE including autocompletion, code linting, IDE features, autopep8 formating, McCabe complexity checker Vagrant and Docker support for Sublime Text 3 using Jedi, PyFlakes, pep8, MyPy, PyLint, pep257 and McCabe that will never freeze your Sublime Text 3

    DJ / animation-rigging-advanced-character-interaction

    Advanced Animation Rigging: Character and Props interaction

    DJ / AnimationRigging-AdvancedSetups

    Distributable samples demonstrating advanced setups and use cases for Unity's Animation Rigging package

    DJ / animedit

    Animation JSON editor for High Fidelity avatars

    DJ / animeface-2009

    Face and Landmark Detector for Anime/Manga. This is 2009s version of Imager::AnimeFace, but it works on recent system.

    DJ / AnimeGANv2

    [Open Source]. The improved version of AnimeGAN. Landscape photos/videos to anime

    DJ / ant-design

    🌈 A UI Design Language and React UI library

    DJ / app-ideas

    A Collection of application ideas which can be used to improve your coding skills.

    DJ / AppleHardwareTest

    Apple Hardware Test Download Links
