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dromara / easy-es

2024-04-14 19:06
10085871 easy es 1660916645 elasticsearch
  • 新增高亮字段支持设置requireFieldMatch,可指定高亮是否与查询字段匹配(社区pr合并)
  • 新增mapper自定义default方法功能(社区pr合并)
  • 父子类型@Join注解增加eagerGlobalOrdinals属性,可用于指定是否创建全局序数,以此提升查询性能
  • 修复beat6引入的父子类型-平滑模式下,由eagerGlobalOrdinals默认值导致的重启项目误判索引发生变动而自动更新索引的问题
  • 修复高亮指定多个字段且分别使用不同高亮标签时的标签覆盖问题

  • The new highlighted field supports setting requireFieldMatch, which can specify whether the highlight matches the query field (community PR merge)
  • Added mapper custom default method function (community PR merge)
  • The parent-child type @ Join annotation adds the eagerGlobalOrdinals attribute, which can be used to specify whether to create a global ordinal to improve query performance.
  • Fixed the problem of the parent-child type introduced in beat6 - smooth mode, which caused the restart project to misjudge the index change and automatically update the index due to the default value of eagerGlobalOrdinals.
  • Fixed the label coverage problem when highlighting multiple fields and using different highlight labels respectively.
最后提交信息为: update README.md.
2024-03-25 21:56
10085871 easy es 1660916645 elasticsearch

最后提交信息为: v2.0.0-beta7
2024-03-19 21:50
10085871 easy es 1660916645 elasticsearch
  • 新增父子类型对一父多子以及一父多子多孙场景的索引自动化支持(重大特性)
  • 增加对父子类型所有查询功能支持(重大特性)
  • 提供全新自定义注解@Settings,支持便捷预设与灵活自定义功能,可支持ES索引中所有Settings的便捷处理(重大特性)
  • 所有CRUD方法支持方法粒度的自定义路由功能
  • DSL语句打印中新增对路由的打印
  • javadoc及注释和部分代码细节优化

  • Added parent-child type index automation support for one parent with many children and one parent with many children with many grandchildren (significant feature)
  • Increased support for all query functions of parent-child types (significant feature)
  • Provide a brand-new custom annotation @Settings, support convenient preset and flexible customization, and support convenient handling of all settings in ES index (significant feature).
  • All CRUD methods support custom routing function of method granularity.
  • Printing of routing is added in DSL statement printing.
  • Javadoc and comments and some code details optimization
2024-01-25 21:54
10085871 easy es 1660916645 elasticsearch
  • 提供嵌套类型高亮查询功能(重大特性),仍采用原@HighLight注解,用户使用无感
  • 提供多数据源功能(重大特性),此功能由社区Liyy贡献,老汉合并并优化
  • 提供https连接ES方式,可免SSL验证,此功能由社区开发者"杨忠成"贡献并验证,老汉合并并优化
  • @IndexField新增dense_vector和dims指定,并兼容各种索引模式自动创建,以此支撑向量类型数据检索 由社区zhangsan@alona贡献,老汉合并并优化
  • 提供小黑子模式,提升编码趣味性,默认关闭,可通过配置开启,仅供娱乐,切勿用于其它用途,后果自负...
  • 修复#I7T1A6:实体类不使用@IndexName注解,mapper执行增删改报空指针 bete4引入的实体类不加@IndexName注解时出现NPE问题
  • 修复#I8XZGP:@MultiIndexField标注的字段无法高亮 @MultiField标记的场景下,高亮注解未生效问题 由社区lym贡献,老汉合并并优化
  • 修复#I8XZID:refresh API 调用后返回false,但实际索引数据刷新成功 调整批量刷新api接口返回类型为成功刷新的分片数,解决部分场景下,有分片刷新失败时刷新状态返回有误的问题
  • 避坑文档增加对es中_id使用的规范,可避坑可能出现OOM及性能问题,es小白必读
  • 优化GEO相关文档中,经纬度"倒反天罡"问题,调整为纬度在前,经度在后
  • 新特性相关使用文档同步更新

  • Provides nested type highlighting query function (important feature), still using the original @gl_gaoliang annotation, making it user-friendly
  • Provides multi-data source function (major feature). This function is contributed by the community Liyy and merged and optimized by Laohan.
  • Provides https connection to ES, which can avoid SSL verification. This function was contributed and verified by community developer "Yang Zhongcheng", and Laohan merged and optimized it.
  • @IndexField adds dense_vector and dims specifications, and is compatible with automatic creation of various index modes to support vector type data retrieval. Contributed by the community zhangsan@alona, Laohan merged and optimized
  • Provides a black kid mode to make coding more interesting. It is turned off by default and can be turned on through configuration. It is for entertainment only. Do not use it for other purposes. You will be responsible for the consequences...
  • Fix the NPE problem that occurs when the entity class introduced by #I7T1A6:实体类不使用@IndexName注解,mapper执行增删改报空指针 bete4 is not annotated with @IndexName
  • Fixed the problem that the highlight annotation did not take effect in the scene marked by #I8XZGP:@MultiIndexField标注的字段无法高亮 @MultiField. Contributed by the community lym, Laohan merged and optimized
  • Fix #I8XZID:refresh API 调用后返回false,但实际索引数据刷新成功 and adjust the return type of the batch refresh api interface to the number of successfully refreshed shards, solving the problem of incorrect refresh status returned when a shard refresh fails in some scenarios.
  • The pit avoidance document adds specifications for the use of _id in es, which can avoid pitfalls that may cause OOM and performance problems. A must-read for es newbies
  • Optimize the problem of "reverse Tiangang" in longitude and latitude related documents in GEO, adjust it so that latitude comes first and longitude comes last.
  • Documents related to new features are updated simultaneously
最后提交信息为: v2.0.0-beta5
2023-08-11 18:18
10085871 easy es 1660916645 elasticsearch

-Add @MultiIndexField annotation and @InnerIndexField annotation, which can be used to specify multiple word splitters in a single field.
-@IndexName annotation adds the refreshPolicy attribute, which can control the function of index refresh strategy in a finer granularity.
-@gl_gaoliang annotation adds the numberOfFragments attribute, and users can customize the number of highlighted fragments returned by search.
-@IndexField adds the ignoreAbove attribute, and users can customize the index content length limit, with the default value of 256.
-@IndexField adds scalingFactor attribute, and users can customize the scaling factor of floating-point number field.
-upgrade Lombok version to latest version 1.18.28.
-Added support for springboot3 and jdk20, so far: springboot1.x3.x, jdk820.
-Fixed the problem that #I7RE3Z:使用@HighLight时,高亮文本内容缺失 highlights were missing highlights.
-Fix #I7P65Z:创建索引时,如果对象含有BigDecimal类型会报错,无论哪种模式! BigDecimal index creation failure.
-Fixed the problem that data migration in smooth mode failed when the setting of #I7SE3K:maxResultWindow设置小于1W后,平滑模式迁移数据失败 maxResultWindow was less than 1W.
-Related documents are updated synchronously.

2023-07-10 18:01
10085871 easy es 1660916645 elasticsearch

queryString 不再对用户参数进行预处理驼峰及下划线互转等,以用户传入原始数据为准 可杜绝对查询字符串中非字段的误转
修复ISSUE #I7JYHH:selectCount中的distinct为true时出现无限递归缺陷
修复ISSUE #I7JYJR:nd,or,filter,not,or重复嵌套

A new method of setting minScore is added, which can easily filter documents with scores below the specified score threshold.
Add the trackScores method to set the query calculation score.
Add a method of setting preference to set query preference.
Adjust the default type of bigDecimal from keyword to SCALED_FLOAT.
QueryString no longer preprocesses user parameters, such as hump and underline conversion, etc., and takes the original data passed in by the user as the standard, which can prevent the wrong conversion of non-fields in the query string.
GroupBy no longer specifies the default aggregation bucket size, which solves the problem of aggregation error when some users have different es versions.
Adjust the default hosting type of the index to manual, so as to avoid all kinds of 100,000 reasons caused by novice users' improper use and understanding of the smooth mode, and adjust the document guidance simultaneously.
Repair Issue #I7JYHH:selectCount中的distinct为true时出现无限递归缺陷
Repair Issue #I7JYJR:nd,or,filter,not,or重复嵌套

2022-12-16 18:40
10085871 easy es 1660916645 elasticsearch


1.修复在混合查询模式下,用户手count api无效的缺陷。#I66ITR:修复在混合查询模式下,用户手count api无效的缺陷



  1. Fix the defect that the user's manual count api is invalid in the mixed query mode.#I66ITR:修复在混合查询模式下,用户手count api无效的缺陷
  2. Fix the bug that hasNextPage is incorrect in paging parameters.#I64NJF:翻页对象EsPageInfo中hasNextPage不准确
  3. Fix the defect that the socketTimeOut parameter is invalid when only the socketTimeOut parameter is set and the requestTimeOut parameter is not set.#I66IUI:修复仅设置socketTimeOut不设置requestTimeOut等参数时socketTimeOut参数无效的缺陷
  4. When the trackTotalSize is adjusted to be greater than 1W, the logic of automatic opening is configured by the user. (If it is configured to be open, it will be open. If it is configured to be closed, it will be closed. Some users report that the automatic opening will cause illusion.)
    This issue mainly focuses on minor defect repair and experience optimization, and the next two versions will have major updates
2022-11-19 12:25
10085871 easy es 1660916645 elasticsearch

6.修复1.0.3版本引入的一处avg聚合方法重载缺陷 @郑建建

1.@IndexName Annotation adding setting max_ result_ Window parameter function

  1. Adjust the annotation dependency and make the annotation package independent, which is convenient for users of multi module projects

  2. The original PageInfo was renamed EsPageInfo to resolve the name conflict with the paging plug-in

  3. Adjust the banner style to look more formal and good-looking

  4. Adjust the version detection log printing. If the jar dependency does not meet the requirements, the error level log will prompt the user to resolve the dependency conflict

  5. Fix a overload defect of avg aggregation method introduced in version 1.0.3 @ Zheng Jianjian

2022-10-24 17:46
10085871 easy es 1660916645 elasticsearch


  1. 优化索引自动挡模式下的异常日志打印,打印异常堆栈信息,便于用户发现问题
  2. 修复手动挡中索引更新API的断言取反问题
  3. 增强聚合功能 郑建建贡献
  4. 调整EEVersionUtil工具类获取es客户端版本失败改为打印日志 Roin贡献
  5. 新增手动挡一键模式下可以指定索引名的api,可用于定时任务按年/月/日等规则便捷创建索引

  1. Optimize the printing of exception logs in the automatic indexing mode, and print the exception stack information to facilitate the user to find problems
  2. Fix the reverse assertion problem of index update API in manual files
  3. Enhance aggregation function Zheng Jianjian's contribution
  4. Failed to adjust EEVersionUtil tool class to obtain the es client version, and changed to print log Roin contribution
  5. Add an API that can specify the index name under the manual one key mode, which can be used to create indexes conveniently by the rule of year/month/day for scheduled tasks
2022-09-17 21:16
10085871 easy es 1660916645 elasticsearch

#I5RMXG:新特性 所有CRUD API增加 指定多索引功能 提供的所有CRUD API均支持跨多索引查询
#I5RMY6:增加对嵌套类型中日期字段的format配置支持 嵌套类型增加对日期format的处理

#I5RMXB:优化 selectCount 自动上下文推断 并提升性能及解决一些覆盖的情况 调整selectCount的获取逻辑为自动上下文推断,提升查询效率,并通过深拷贝解决可能出现的查询条件覆盖问题
#I5QCM8:排序的问题 近期有用户反馈,排序器顺序会影响到查询结果,因此调整所有类型排序器,以用户在wrapper中指定顺序为准

#I5RMWV:手动挡模式下,未指定fieldata为true时会报空指针异常 修复一处手动挡模式下,全自定义时未指定fieldata时产生NPE的问题

New features:
All CRUD APIs provided by #I5RMXG:新特性 所有CRUD API增加 指定多索引功能 support queries across multiple indexes
#I5RMY6:增加对嵌套类型中日期字段的format配置支持 Nested types increase the processing of date format

#I5RMXB:优化 selectCount 自动上下文推断 并提升性能及解决一些覆盖的情况 Adjust the acquisition logic of selectCount to automatic context inference, improve query efficiency, and solve possible query condition coverage problems through deep copying
#I5QCM8:排序的问题 According to recent user feedback, the order of the sorter will affect the query results, so adjust all types of sorters, and the order specified by the user in the wrapper shall prevail
Banner adds author information, log printing optimization contributed by several other developers in the community, baseEsMapper identification optimization, etc.

Bug fixes:
#I5RMWV:手动挡模式下,未指定fieldata为true时会报空指针异常 Fix a problem that NPE is generated when fieldata is not specified in full customization in manual mode

最后提交信息为: 调整1处方法注释
2022-09-01 20:30
10085871 easy es 1660916645 elasticsearch

#I5OBPI:IndexUtils, BaseEsMapperImpl打印错误日志有误 日志打印问题优化
#I5PABW:printResponseErrors 对响应结构进行判断,如果有错误,则抛出异常 printResponseErrors 对响应结构进行判断,如果有错误,则抛出异常 dazer007贡献
#I5PABZ:打印DSL时候,同时打印索引名称 打印DSL时候,同时打印索引名称 dazer007贡献
#I5PABR:banner优化,允许系统banner和ee的banner共存 banner优化,允许系统banner和ee的banner共存 dazer007贡献,roin重构优化
#I5P3C9:【共同完善】MySQL和Easy-Es和DSL语法对照表 优化官网MySQL和Easy-Es和DSL语法对照表 dazer007贡献

#I5OVK4:在同时使用or()和 isNull/notIn,notBetween 时出现不被处理的情况 修复or()和 isNull/notIn,notBetween 时出现不被处理的情况
#I5P2IN:基本数据类型boolean调用insert方法时报错 修复基本数据类型boolean调用insert方法时报错
#I5PAD9:fielddata导致平滑模式下,每次重启都会更新索引 fielddata导致平滑模式下,每次重启都会更新索引

#I5PAA4:嵌套及父子类型支持自定义注解指定字段类型 嵌套及父子类型支持自定义注解指定字段类型

#I5OBPI:IndexUtils, BaseEsMapperImpl打印错误日志有误 log printing problem optimization
#I5PABW:printResponseErrors 对响应结构进行判断,如果有错误,则抛出异常 printResponseErrors Judge the response structure and throw an exception if there is an error contributed by dazer007
#I5PABZ:打印DSL时候,同时打印索引名称 When printing DSL, also print the index name contributed by dazer007
#I5PABR:banner优化,允许系统banner和ee的banner共存 banner optimization, allowing the coexistence of system banner and ee banner dazer007 contribution, roin refactoring and optimization
#I5P3C9:【共同完善】MySQL和Easy-Es和DSL语法对照表 Optimize the official website MySQL, Easy-Es and DSL syntax comparison table dazer007 contribution

bug fix
#I5OVK4:在同时使用or()和 isNull/notIn,notBetween 时出现不被处理的情况 Fix or() and isNull/notIn,notBetween not being processed
#I5P2IN:基本数据类型boolean调用insert方法时报错 Fix the error when calling the insert method of the basic data type boolean
#I5PAD9:fielddata导致平滑模式下,每次重启都会更新索引 fielddata causes the index to be updated every restart in smooth mode

最后提交信息为: 注释优化
2022-08-19 15:34
10085871 easy es 1660916645 elasticsearch


1.#I5MQ44:删除超过1w条时触发es限制问题 调整删除API底层逻辑为DeleteByQuery,删除效率贼高,且不受删除数据量限制.
2.#I5MQ5B:增强混合查询 增强了混合查询,混合查询支持场景覆盖比之前更广 老汉DMI混动3.0
3.#I5MOKM:无法对多个字段进行sum,max,avg和min进行聚合 增强了聚合,支持同时对多个字段进行sum,max,avg和min进行聚合 由社区开发者郑建建贡献
4.#I5LG4J:@IndexField注解不能设置fielddata,导致初始化索引无法添加fileddata属性,进一步导致多字段聚合查询抛出异常 注解和api提供支持设置字段fielddata,设置后text字段也能使用聚合功能 由社区开发者Roin(花落陌)贡献
5.I5N5UZ 修复两处方法重载缺陷,具体包括聚合类API字段名传字符串和地理位置排序API传字符串时报错

1.#I5MQ44:删除超过1w条时触发es限制问题 Adjust the underlying logic of the delete API to DeleteByQuery, the deletion efficiency is very high, and it is not limited by the amount of deleted data.
2.#I5MQ5B:增强混合查询 enhances the hybrid query, and the hybrid query support scene coverage is wider than before. Old man DMI hybrid 3.0
3. #I5MOKM:无法对多个字段进行sum,max,avg和min进行聚合 enhances aggregation, supports sum, max, avg and min aggregation of multiple fields at the same time Contributed by community developer Zheng Jianjian
4. #I5LG4J:@IndexField注解不能设置fielddata,导致初始化索引无法添加fileddata属性,进一步导致多字段聚合查询抛出异常 annotation and api provide support for setting field fielddata, after setting text field can also use aggregation function Contributed by community developer Roin
5. I5N5UZ fixed two method overloading bugs, including the aggregation API field name passing string and the geographic location sorting API when passing a string error
6. Detail optimization: Adjusted the log level to warn when the es dependent version in the pom is inconsistent with the es client version (the original is error), the official website UI beautification and background image compression, improve access speed, adjust typos and when switching between Chinese and English languages A series of experience optimizations such as not opening a new tab page.

2022-08-12 15:28
10085871 easy es 1660916645 elasticsearch

1.新增@Score注解,用以支持用户获取本次查询的得分 #I5LNYJ:返回本次查询得分
2.新增@Distance注解,用以支持用户获取地理位置查询,按由远及近/由近及远排序时,展示具体距离 #I5LNYZ:新增获取具体距离值功能
3.新增地理位置查询时指定按距离由近及远/由远及近排序API 此功能由开源之夏学生贡献 #I5LZTB:新增根据地理位置距离排序功能

  1. Added@Score annotation to support users to obtain the score of this query
  2. Added@Distance annotation to support users to obtain geographic location queries, and display specific distances when sorting by far to near/near to far
  3. When adding geographic location query, specify an API to sort by distance from near to far/from far to near. This function was contributed by open source summer students
最后提交信息为: 调整函数式接口
2022-08-05 17:31
10085871 easy es 1660916645 elasticsearch


  1. The dependencies in the project have been upgraded and adjusted to a risk-free and vulnerability-free version, and the dependency risk has been reduced to 0 after OSCS Murphy scan, without any known vulnerabilities and risks, and has undergone multiple rounds of single testing to ensure compatibility and availability. (Adjustment The former Murphy scan score was 151, surpassing 97% of users, and when the adjustment value was more than 40 points, it exceeded 99% of users. After this adjustment, it finally dropped to 0 points, exceeding 100%)
  2. Added the verification of ES client version number and dependent version number. When the project is started, the incompatible version will be directly alerted or forced to be abnormal according to the situation, so as to ensure that users can have the best user experience and avoid stepping on it. Version incompatible pit, this function was contributed by community developer Rion
  3. Added a checksum friendly prompt for the from parameter to the SearchAfter pagination Contributed by community developer Rion
最后提交信息为: v0.9.80
2022-08-01 17:38
10085871 easy es 1660916645 elasticsearch

【增强】(I5JQA4) 分布式环境索引托管平滑索引模式终极解决方案 #I5JQA4:分布式环境索引托管平滑索引模式解决方案
【增强】(I5JQAF) 平滑模式索引数据迁移超时解决方案 #I5JQAF:平滑模式索引数据迁移超时解决方案

【优化】(I5JT77 ) 取消了@IndexId中指定value,避免用户踩坑(es中id为_id,常被用户指定为id导致报错),如需改变id命名,直接改该字段名即可.#I5JT77:移除@IndexId中的value,避免用户踩坑

【修复】(#I5G0QN:手动挡,全自定义模式,方法重载问题) 方法重载问题 #I5G0QN:手动挡,全自定义模式,方法重载问题
【修复】( #I5G0RR:嵌套类型中的path驼峰未生效) 嵌套类型中的path驼峰未生效 #I5G0RR:嵌套类型中的path驼峰未生效
【修复】(I5H1QS) 默认max_windows_size导致selectBatchIds查询数据只有10条 #I5H1QS:默认max_windows_size导致selectBatchIds查询数据只有10条
【修复】(I5HSH0) 默认max_windows_size导致根据条件更新时只能更新10条 #I5HSH0:修复根据条件更新时,只能更新默认max_windows_size的数据
【修复】(I5J86T) @HighLight高亮注解不配合@IndexField注解使用时产生的NPE问题 #I5J86T:添加高亮注解@HighLight,添加报错
【修复】(I5JQ9O)同时使用or()+must_not条件时,会导致or()不生效问题 #I5JQ9O:同时使用or()+must_not条件时,会导致or()不生效问题

【新特性】(I5JQC9)新增SearchAfter分页方式,解决大数据量场景下的分页问题 由社区新晋开发者Roin贡献 #I5JQC9:新增SearchAfter分页,解决大数据量场景下的分页问题

[Enhanced] (I5JQA4) The ultimate solution for distributed environment index hosting smooth index mode #I5JQA4:分布式环境索引托管平滑索引模式解决方案
[Enhanced] (I5JQAF) Smooth mode index data migration timeout solution #I5JQAF:平滑模式索引数据迁移超时解决方案

[Optimization] (I5JT77) The value specified in @IndexId has been cancelled to prevent users from stepping on the pit (the id in es is _id, which is often designated as the id by the user, resulting in an error report). If you need to change the id name, you can directly change the field name. #I5JT77:移除@IndexId中的value,避免用户踩坑

Fix Method overloading problem #I5G0QN:手动挡,全自定义模式,方法重载问题
Fix The hump of path in nested type does not take effect #I5G0RR:嵌套类型中的path驼峰未生效
[Fix] (I5H1QS) The default max_windows_size results in only 10 query data in selectBatchIds #I5H1QS:默认max_windows_size导致selectBatchIds查询数据只有10条
[Fix] (I5HSH0) The default max_windows_size results in only 10 updates when updating according to conditions #I5HSH0:修复根据条件更新时,只能更新默认max_windows_size的数据
[Fix] (I5J86T) NPE problem when @gl_gaoliang highlight annotation is not used with @IndexField annotation #I5J86T:添加高亮注解@HighLight,添加报错
[Fix] (I5JQ9O) When using or()+must_not condition at the same time, or() will not take effect #I5JQ9O:同时使用or()+must_not条件时,会导致or()不生效问题

[New feature] (I5JQC9) Added SearchAfter paging method to solve the paging problem in large data volume scenarios Contributed by Roin, a new developer in the community #I5JQC9:新增SearchAfter分页,解决大数据量场景下的分页问题

最后提交信息为: v0.9.70
2022-06-29 18:32
10085871 easy es 1660916645 elasticsearch


  1. Urgently repair 1 defect introduced in 0.9.40. It is not necessary to be present. Only using the automatic file to start the project without configuring the parent-child document will report NPE (within 2 hours of repair time, it will be repaired when it is found)
  2. Upgrade fastjson to the latest version from 1.2.79 to 1.2.83
    Recently, a comprehensive stress test and a single test are being conducted, and the 1.0 stable version will be launched soon.
2022-06-29 10:40
10085871 easy es 1660916645 elasticsearch


  1. Adjust the annotation name @TableName->@IndexName, @TableId->@IndexId, @TableField->@IndexField
  2. Add the function of specifying the tokenizer for the keyword_text type field
  3. Fix a bug that geoShape cannot be retrieved by shapeId
  4. Launch a new version of the official website
最后提交信息为: v0.9.50
2022-06-13 18:09
10085871 easy es 1660916645 elasticsearch



  1. Highlight added fragmentSize setting function
  2. Emergency repair of 1 defect introduced by the selectOne method due to refactoring
最后提交信息为: update docs/en/highlight.md.
