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MyEMS API Service


RESTful API service for MyEMS components and third party applications.














Quick Run for Development

Quick run on Linux (NOT for production use):

cd myems/myems-api
sudo pip install -r requirements.txt -i http://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/simple/ --trusted-host mirrors.aliyun.com
cp example.env .env
sudo chmod +x run.sh

Quick run on Windows (NOT for production usage):

Find python path in Command Prompt:

where python

Assume the result is 'C:\Users\johnson\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\python.exe'

Copy fcntl.py and pwd.py to lib folder:

cp myems\myems-api\fcntl.py C:\Users\johnson\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\Lib
cp myems\myems-api\pwd.py C:\Users\johnson\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\Lib

Install and run with waitress:

pip install waitress
cd myems\myems-api
waitress-serve --listen= app:api


Installation Option 1: Install myems-api on Docker

In this section, you will install myems-api on Docker.

  • Copy source code to root directory

On Windows:

cp -r myems/myems-api c:\
cd c:\myems-api

On Linux:

cp -r myems/myems-api /
cd /myems-api
  • Create .env file based on example.env file

Manually replace with real HOST IP address.

cp example.env .env
  • Build a Docker image
docker build -t myems/myems-api .
  • Run a Docker container

On Windows host, bind-mount a share upload folder at c:\myems-upload to the container, and also bind-mount the .env to the container:

docker run -d -p 8000:8000 -v c:\myems-upload:/var/www/myems-admin/upload -v c:\myems-api\.env:/code/.env:ro --log-opt max-size=1m --log-opt max-file=2 --restart always --name myems-api myems/myems-api

On Linux host, bind-mount a share upload file folder at /myems-upload to the container, and also bind-mount the .env to the container:

docker run -d -p 8000:8000 -v /myems-upload:/var/www/myems-admin/upload -v /myems-api/.env:/code/.env:ro --log-opt max-size=1m --log-opt max-file=2 --restart always --name myems-api myems/myems-api
  • -d Run container in background and print container ID

  • -p Publish a container's port(s) to the host, 8000:8000 (Host:Container) binds port 8000 (right) of the container to TCP port 8000 (left) of the host machine.

  • -v If you use -v or --volume to bind-mount a file or directory that does not yet exist on the Docker host, -v creates the endpoint for you. It is always created as a directory. The ro option, if present, causes the bind mount to be mounted into the container as read-only.

  • --log-opt max-size=2m The maximum size of the log before it is rolled. A positive integer plus a modifier representing the unit of measure (k, m, or g).

  • --log-opt max-file=2 The maximum number of log files that can be present. If rolling the logs creates excess files, the oldest file is removed. A positive integer.

  • --restart Restart policy to apply when a container exits

  • --name Assign a name to the container

The absolute path before colon is for path on host and that may vary on your system. The absolute path after colon is for path on container and that CANNOT be changed. By passing .env as bind-mount parameter, you can change the configuration values later. If you changed .env file, restart the container to make the change effective.

If you want to immigrate the image to another computer,

  • Export image to tarball file
docker save --output myems-api.tar myems/myems-api
  • Copy the tarball file to another computer, and then load image from tarball file
docker load --input .\myems-api.tar

Option 2: Online install myems-api on Ubuntu Server with internet access

In this section, you will online install myems-api on Ubuntu Server with internet access.

  • Copy source code to a production Ubuntu Server and then install tools
cd myems/myems-api
sudo pip install -r requirements.txt -i http://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/simple/ --trusted-host mirrors.aliyun.com
  • Install myems-api service:
sudo cp -r myems/myems-api /myems-api

Create .env file based on example.env and edit the .env file if needed:

sudo cp /myems-api/example.env /myems-api/.env
sudo nano /myems-api/.env

Check or change the listening port (default is 8000) in myems-api.service and myems-api.socket:

sudo nano /myems-api/myems-api.service
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/gunicorn -b --pid /run/myems-api/pid --timeout 600 --workers=4 app:api
sudo nano /myems-api/myems-api.socket

Add port to firewall:

sudo ufw allow 8000

Setup systemd configure files:

sudo cp /myems-api/myems-api.service /lib/systemd/system/
sudo cp /myems-api/myems-api.socket /lib/systemd/system/
sudo cp /myems-api/myems-api.conf /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/

Next enable the services so that they autostart at boot:

sudo systemctl enable myems-api.socket
sudo systemctl enable myems-api.service

Start the services :

sudo systemctl start myems-api.socket
sudo systemctl start myems-api.service

Option 3: Offline install myems-api on Ubuntu Server without internet access

In this section, you will offline install myems-api on Ubuntu Server without internet access.

  • Download tools
mkdir ~tools && cd ~/tools
git clone https://github.com/c0fec0de/anytree.git
git clone https://github.com/simplejson/simplejson.git
wget https://cdn.mysql.com//Downloads/Connector-Python/mysql-connector-python-8.0.28.tar.gz
mkdir ~/tools/falcon && cd ~/tools/falcon
pip download cython falcon falcon-cors falcon-multipart
cd ~/tools
mkdir ~/tools/gunicorn && cd ~/tools/gunicorn
pip download gunicorn
cd ~/tools
wget https://foss.heptapod.net/openpyxl/et_xmlfile/-/archive/1.1/et_xmlfile-1.1.tar.gz
cd ~/tools
git clone https://github.com/phn/jdcal.git
mkdir ~/tools/pillow && cd ~/tools/pillow 
pip download Pillow
cd ~/tools
wget https://foss.heptapod.net/openpyxl/openpyxl/-/archive/3.0.7/openpyxl-3.0.7.tar.gz
cd ~/tools
git clone https://github.com/henriquebastos/python-decouple.git
  • Copy source code and tools to the production Ubuntu Server and then run:
cd ~/tools/anytree
python setup.py install 
cd ~/tools/simplejson
python setup.py install 
cd ~/tools
tar xzf mysql-connector-python-8.0.28.tar.gz
cd ~/tools/mysql-connector-python-8.0.28
python setup.py install
export LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8"
export LC_CTYPE="en_US.UTF-8"
dpkg-reconfigure locales
pip install --upgrade --no-index --find-links ~/tools/falcon cython falcon falcon-cors falcon-multipart
pip install --no-index --find-links ~/tools/gunicorn gunicorn
cd ~/tools
tar xzf et_xmlfile-1.1.tar.gz
cd ~/tools/et_xmlfile-1.1
python setup.py install
cd ~/tools/jdcal
python setup.py install
cd ~/tools
pip install --no-index --find-links ~/tools/pillow Pillow
tar xzf openpyxl-3.0.7.tar.gz
cd ~/tools/openpyxl-3.0.7
python setup.py install
cd ~/tools/python-decouple
python setup.py install
  • Install myems-api service:
cp -r myems/myems-api /myems-api

Create .env file based on example.env and edit the .env file if needed:

cp /myems-api/example.env /myems-api/.env
nano /myems-api/.env

Check or change the listening port (default is 8000) in myems-api.service and myems-api.socket:

nano /myems-api/myems-api.service
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/gunicorn -b --pid /run/myems-api/pid --timeout 600 --workers=4 app:api
nano /myems-api/myems-api.socket

Add port to firewall:

ufw allow 8000

Setup systemd configure files:

cp /myems-api/myems-api.service /lib/systemd/system/
cp /myems-api/myems-api.socket /lib/systemd/system/
cp /myems-api/myems-api.conf /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/

Next enable the services so that they autostart at boot:

  systemctl enable myems-api.socket
  systemctl enable myems-api.service

Start the services :

systemctl start myems-api.socket
systemctl start myems-api.service

Installation Option 4: Install myems-api on macOS

Please refer to Installation on macOS (Chinese)

API List

View in Postman: import the file MyEMS.postman_collection.json with Postman

Energy Category | Energy Item

Data Source | Point

Tariff | Cost Center | Cost File

Meter | Virtual Meter | Offline Meter | Offline Meter File

Space | Tenant | Tenant Type | Store | Store Type | Shopfloor

Equipment | Combined Equipment

Energy Flow Diagram

Distribution System | Distribution Circuit

Rule | [Email Message](#Email Message) | [Text Message](#Text Message) | [Web Message](#Web Message) | [Wechat Message](#Wechat Message)

[Email Server](#Email Server)

User | Privilege | Contact | Notification



Knowledge File



  • GET Contact by ID
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/contacts/{id}
  • GET All Contacts
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/contacts
  • DELETE Contact by ID
curl -i -H "User-UUID: dcdb67d1-6116-4987-916f-6fc6cf2bc0e4" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X DELETE {{base_url}}/contacts/{id}
  • POST Create a New Contact
curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "User-UUID: dcdb67d1-6116-4987-916f-6fc6cf2bc0e4" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X POST -d '{"data":{"name":"albert", "email":"albert@myems.io", "phone":"+8613888888888", "description":"contact description"}}' {{base_url}}/contacts
  • PUT Update a Contact
curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "User-UUID: dcdb67d1-6116-4987-916f-6fc6cf2bc0e4" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X PUT -d '{"data":{"name":"albert", "email":"albert@myems.io", "phone":"+8613888888899", "description":"contact description"}}' {{base_url}}/contacts/{id}

Cost Center

  • GET Cost Center by ID
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/costcenters/{id}

Result in JSON

Name Data Type Description
id integer Cost Center ID
name string Cost Center name
uuid string Cost Center UUID
external_id string Cost Center External ID ( For example, ID in SAP, ERP...)
  • GET all Cost Centers
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/costcenters
  • DELETE Cost Center by ID
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X DELETE {{base_url}}/costcenters/{id}
  • POST Create New Cost Center
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data":{"name":"动力中心", "external_id":"21829198980001"}}' {{base_url}}/costcenters
  • PUT Update a Cost Center
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"data":{"name":"动力中心2", "external_id":"21829198980002"}}' {{base_url}}/costcenters/{id}
  • GET All Tariffs associated with Cost Center ID
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/costcenters/{id}/tariffs
  • POST Create a Cost Center and Tariff Relation
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data":{"tariff_id":"3"}}' {{base_url}}/costcenters/{id}/tariffs
  • DELETE a Cost Center and Tariff Relation by tid
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X DELETE {{base_url}}/costcenters/{id}/tariffs/{tid}

Cost File

  • GET a Cost File by ID
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/costfiles/{id}


Name Data Type Description
id integer Cost File ID
file_name string Cost File name
uuid string Cost File UUID
upload_datetime string Upload Datetime in Local Timezone
status string Cost File processing status (new, done, error)
file_object BLOB Cost File Object
  • GET All Cost Files
curl -i -H "User-UUID: dcdb67d1-6116-4987-916f-6fc6cf2bc0e4" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X GET {{base_url}}/costfiles
  • DELETE a Cost File by ID
curl -i -H "User-UUID: dcdb67d1-6116-4987-916f-6fc6cf2bc0e4" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X DELETE {{base_url}}/costfiles/{id}
  • POST Upload a Cost File (call users login API to get 'User-UUID' and 'Token')
curl -i -H "User-UUID: dcdb67d1-6116-4987-916f-6fc6cf2bc0e4" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/TBD" -X POST -d 'file: (binary)' {{base_url}}/costfiles
  • GET Restore a Cost File by ID from database to disk
curl -i -H "User-UUID: dcdb67d1-6116-4987-916f-6fc6cf2bc0e4" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X GET {{base_url}}/costfiles/{id}/restore

Data Source

  • GET Data Source by ID
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/datasources/{id}

Result in JSON

Name Data Type Description
id integer Data Source ID
name string Data Source name
gateway object Gateway
uuid string Data Source UUID
protocol string Protocol Type Supported: 'modbus-tcp', 'modbus-rtu', 'bacnet-ip', 's7', 'profibus', 'profinet', 'opc-ua', 'lora', 'simulation', 'controllogix', 'weather', 'mysql', 'sqlserver', 'postgresql', 'oracle', 'mongodb', 'influxdb'
connection json Connection data in JSON. BACnet/IP example: {"host":""}, Modbus TCP example: {"host":"", "port":502}, S7 example: {"host":"", "port":102, "rack": 0, "slot": 2}, ControlLogix example: {"host":"","port":44818,"processorslot":3} OPC UA example: {"url":"opc.tcp://"}
last_seen_datetime string Indicates the last time when the data source was seen in local timezone
status string 'online' or 'offline' determined by last seen datetime
  • GET all Data Sources
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X GET {{base_url}}/datasources
  • DELETE Data Source by ID
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X DELETE {{base_url}}/datasources/{id}
  • POST Data Source
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data":{"name":"Modbus1", "gateway_id":1, "protocol":"modbus-tcp", "connection":"{\"host\":\"\", \"port\":502}"}}' {{base_url}}/datasources
  • PUT Data Source
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"data":{"name":"Modbus1", "gateway_id":1, "protocol":"modbus-tcp", "connection":"{\"host\":\"\", \"port\":502}"}}' {{base_url}}/datasources/{id}
  • GET all points of the Data Source by ID
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X GET {{base_url}}/datasources/{id}/points

Distribution Circuit

  • GET Distribution Circuit by ID
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/distributioncircuits/{id}

Result in JSON

Name Data Type Description
id integer Distribution Circuit ID
name string Distribution Circuit name
uuid string Distribution Circuit UUID
distribution_system object Distribution System Object
distribution_room string Distribution Room
switchgear string Switchgear
peak_load decimal(18,3) Peak Load (KW)
peak_current decimal(18,3) Peak Current (A)
customers string Customers or users
meters string Meters (output or next level)
  • GET all Distribution Circuits
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/distributioncircuits
  • POST Create new Distribution Circuit
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data":{"name":"51W91", "distribution_system_id":1, "distribution_room":"EW1", "switchgear":"51AL9", "peak_load": 30, "peak_current": 53.6, "customers": "地下室应急照明", "meters": "ALE-1102, ALE-1082"}}' {{base_url}}/distributioncircuits
  • DELETE a Distribution Circuit by ID
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X DELETE {{base_url}}/distributioncircuits/{id}
  • PUT Update a Distribution Circuit by ID
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"data":{"name":"51W92", "distribution_system_id":1, "distribution_room":"EW1", "switchgear":"51AL9", "peak_load": 30, "peak_current": 53.6, "customers": "地下室应急照明", "meters": "ALE-1102, ALE-1082"}}' {{base_url}}/distributioncircuits/{id}
  • GET All Points associated with Distribution Circuit ID
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/distributioncircuits/{id}/points
  • POST Bind Point to Distribution Circuit
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data":{"point_id":"1"}}' {{base_url}}/distributioncircuits/{id}/points
  • DELETE Unbind Point from Distribution Circuit
curl -i -H "User-UUID: dcdb67d1-6116-4987-916f-6fc6cf2bc0e4" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X DELETE {{base_url}}/distributioncircuits/{id}/points/{pid}

Distribution System

  • GET Distribution System by ID
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/distributionsystems/{id}

Result in JSON

Name Data Type Description
id integer Distribution System ID
name string Distribution System name
uuid string Distribution System UUID
svg string SVG file in plain text
description string Description (allow None)
  • GET all Distribution Systems
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/distributionsystems
  • DELETE a Distribution System by ID
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X DELETE {{base_url}}/distributionsystems/{id}
  • POST Create new Distribution System
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data":{"name":"示例配电系统", "svg":"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><svg width=\"5cm\" height=\"4cm\" version=\"1.1\" xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\"><desc>Four separate rectangles</desc><rect x=\".5cm\" y=\".5cm\" width=\"2cm\" height=\"1cm\"/></svg>", "description":"demo description"}}' {{base_url}}/distributionsystems
  • PUT Update a Distribution System
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"data":{"name":"示例配电系统", "svg":"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><svg width=\"5cm\" height=\"4cm\" version=\"1.1\" xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\"><desc>Four separate rectangles</desc><rect x=\".5cm\" y=\".5cm\" width=\"2cm\" height=\"1cm\"/></svg>", "description":"demo description"}}' {{base_url}}/distributionsystems/{id}
  • GET All Distribution Circuits associated with Distribution Circuit
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/distributionsystems/{id}/distributioncircuits

Email Message

  • GET an Email Message by ID

Result in JSON

Name Data Type Description
id integer Email Message ID
recipient_name string Recipient Name
recipient_email string Recipient Email
subject string Email Message Subject
message string Email Message Body
attachment_file_name string Email Attachment File Name
create_datetime float Email Message Created Datetime (POSIX timestamp * 1000)
scheduled_datetime float Email Message Scheduled Datetime (POSIX timestamp * 1000)
status string Status ('new', 'sent', 'timeout'
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X GET {{base_url}}/emailmessages/{id}
  • POST Create New Email Message
curl --location --request POST '{{base_url}}/emailmessages' \
--header 'User-UUID: dcdb67d1-6116-4987-916f-6fc6cf2bc0e4' \
--header 'Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN' \
--form 'file=@"/D:/myems/meterenergy.xlsx"' \
--form 'req="{\"data\":{\"rule_id\":1, \"recipient_name\":\"myems\", \"recipient_email\":\"myems@163.com\", \"subject\":\"report_01_2021_12_24\", \"message\":\"report_01_2021_12_24\", \"created_datetime\":\"2021-12-24T00:00:00\", \"scheduled_datetime\":\"2021-12-24T00:00:00\"}}"'
  • GET Email Messages by Datetime Range
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X GET {{base_url}}/emailmessages?startdatetime={startdatetime}&enddatetime={enddatetime}
  • DELETE an Email Message by ID
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X DELETE {{base_url}}/emailmessages/{id}

Email Server

  • GET an Email Server by ID
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/emailservers/{id}

Result in JSON

Name Data Type Description
id integer Email Server ID
host string Email Server host
port integer Email Server port
requires_authentication boolean Indicates if the server requires authentication
user_name string Email Server user name
password string Email Server password
from_addr string Indicates from which email address to send emails
  • GET All Email Servers
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/emailservers
  • DELETE an Email Server by ID
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X DELETE {{base_url}}/emailservers/{id}
  • POST Create New Email Server
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data":{"host":"smtp.163.com","port":25, "requires_authentication":true, "user_name":"myems" , "password":"!MyEMS1" , "from_addr":"myems@163.com"}}' {{base_url}}/emailservers
  • PUT Update an Email Server
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"data":{"host":"smtp.myems.io","port":25, "requires_authentication":true, "user_name":"myems" , "password":"!MyEMS1" , "from_addr":"myems@myems.io"}}' {{base_url}}/emailservers/{id}

Energy Category

  • GET an Energy Category by ID
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/energycategories/{id}

Result in JSON

Name Data Type Description
id integer Energy Category ID
name string Energy Category name
uuid string Energy Category UUID
unit_of_measure string Unit of measure
kgce string KG coal equivalent
kgco2e string KG Carbon dioxide equivalent
  • GET All Energy Categories
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/energycategories
  • DELETE an Energy Category by ID
curl -i -H "User-UUID: dcdb67d1-6116-4987-916f-6fc6cf2bc0e4" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X DELETE {{base_url}}/energycategories/{id}
  • POST Create an Energy Category
curl -i -H "User-UUID: dcdb67d1-6116-4987-916f-6fc6cf2bc0e4" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data":{"name":"电","unit_of_measure":"kWh", "kgce":0.1229 , "kgco2e":0.8825}}' {{base_url}}/energycategories
  • PUT Update an Energy Category
curl -i -H "User-UUID: dcdb67d1-6116-4987-916f-6fc6cf2bc0e4" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"data":{"name":"电","unit_of_measure":"kWh", "kgce":0.1329 , "kgco2e":0.9825}}' {{base_url}}/energycategories/{id}

Energy Flow Diagram

  • GET an Energy Flow Diagram by ID
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/energyflowdiagrams/{id}


Name Data Type Description
id integer Equipment ID
name string Equipment name
uuid string Equipment UUID
  • GET All Energy Flow Diagrams
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/energyflowdiagrams
  • DELETE an Energy Flow Diagram by ID
curl -i -H "User-UUID: dcdb67d1-6116-4987-916f-6fc6cf2bc0e4" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X DELETE {{base_url}}/energyflowdiagrams/{id}
  • POST Create an Energy Flow Diagram
curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "User-UUID: dcdb67d1-6116-4987-916f-6fc6cf2bc0e4" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X POST -d '{"data":{"name":"MyEMS Energy Flow"}}' {{base_url}}/energyflowdiagrams
  • PUT Update an Energy Flow Diagram
curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "User-UUID: dcdb67d1-6116-4987-916f-6fc6cf2bc0e4" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X PUT -d '{"data":{"name":"MyEMS Energy Flow Diagram"}}' {{base_url}}/energyflowdiagrams/{id}
  • GET All Nodes of an Energy Flow Diagram by ID
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/energyflowdiagrams/{id}/nodes
  • POST Create a Node of an Energy Flow Diagram
curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "User-UUID: dcdb67d1-6116-4987-916f-6fc6cf2bc0e4" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X POST -d '{"data":{"name":"10KV#1"}}' {{base_url}}/energyflowdiagrams/{id}/nodes
  • PUT Update a Node of an Energy Flow Diagram
curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "User-UUID: dcdb67d1-6116-4987-916f-6fc6cf2bc0e4" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X POST -d '{"data":{"name":"10KV#2"}}' {{base_url}}/energyflowdiagrams/{id}/nodes/{nid}
  • DELETE a Node of an Energy Flow Diagram
curl -i -H "User-UUID: dcdb67d1-6116-4987-916f-6fc6cf2bc0e4" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X DELETE {{base_url}}/energyflowdiagrams/{id}/nodes/{nid}
  • GET All Links of an Energy Flow Diagram by ID
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/energyflowdiagrams/{id}/links
  • POST Create a Link of an Energy Flow Diagram
curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "User-UUID: dcdb67d1-6116-4987-916f-6fc6cf2bc0e4" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X POST -d '{"data":{"source_node_id":1, "target_node_id":3, "meter_uuid":"d806a78d-a31e-4833-b5c8-81261cfeb1f2"}}' {{base_url}}/energyflowdiagrams/{id}/links
  • PUT Update a Link of an Energy Flow Diagram
curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "User-UUID: dcdb67d1-6116-4987-916f-6fc6cf2bc0e4" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X POST -d '{"data":{"source_node_id":1, "target_node_id":4, "meter_uuid":"d806a78d-a31e-4833-b5c8-81261cfeb1f2"}}' {{base_url}}/energyflowdiagrams/{id}/links/{lid}
  • DELETE a Link of an Energy Flow Diagram
curl -i -H "User-UUID: dcdb67d1-6116-4987-916f-6fc6cf2bc0e4" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X DELETE {{base_url}}/energyflowdiagrams/{id}/links/{lid}

Energy Item

  • GET an Energy Item by ID
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/energyitems/{id}

Result in JSON

Name Data Type Description
id integer Energy Item ID
name string Energy Item name
uuid string Energy Item UUID
Energy Category object Energy Category Object
  • GET All Energy Items
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/energyitems
  • DELETE an Energy Item by ID
curl -i -H "User-UUID: dcdb67d1-6116-4987-916f-6fc6cf2bc0e4" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X DELETE {{base_url}}/energyitems/{id}
  • POST Create an Energy Item
curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "User-UUID: dcdb67d1-6116-4987-916f-6fc6cf2bc0e4" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X POST -d '{"data":{"name":"空调用电","energy_category_id":1}}' {{base_url}}/energyitems
  • PUT Update an Energy Item
curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "User-UUID: dcdb67d1-6116-4987-916f-6fc6cf2bc0e4" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X PUT -d '{"data":{"name":"动力用电","energy_category_id":1}}' {{base_url}}/energyitems/{id}


  • GET Equipment by ID
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/equipments/{id}


Name Data Type Description
id integer Equipment ID
name string Equipment name
uuid string Equipment UUID
is_input_counted boolean Indicates if the Equipment's energy input is counted for aggregating
is_output_counted boolean Indicates if the Equipment's energy output is counted for aggregating
cost_center Object Cost Center Object
description string Equipment description
qrcode string QRCode in String
  • GET All Equipments
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/equipments
  • DELETE Equipment by ID
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X DELETE {{base_url}}/equipments/{id}
  • POST Create an Equipment
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data":{"name":"MyEMS Chiller", "is_input_counted":true, "is_output_counted":false, "cost_center_id":1, "description":"equipment description"}}' {{base_url}}/equipments
  • PUT Update an Equipment
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"data":{"name":"MyEMS Chiller", "is_input_counted":true, "is_output_counted":true, "cost_center_id":1, "description":"equipment description"}}' {{base_url}}/equipments/{id}
  • POST Clone an Equipment
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"data":{}}' {{base_url}}/equipments/{id}
  • GET All Meters of Equipment by ID
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/equipments/{id}/meters
  • POST Bind a Meter to an Equipment
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data":{"meter_id":1}}' {{base_url}}/equipments/{id}/meters
  • DELETE a Meter from an Equipment
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X DELETE {{base_url}}/equipments/{id}/meters/{mid}
  • GET All Parameters of Equipment by ID
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/equipments/{id}/parameters
  • GET a Parameter of Equipment by ID
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/equipments/{id}/parameters/{pid}


Name Data Type Description
id integer Parameter ID
name string Parameter name
parameter_type string Parameter Type: constant, point, meter
is_input_counted boolean Indicates if the equipment's energy input is counted for aggregating
is_output_counted boolean Indicates if the equipment's energy output is counted for aggregating
constant string Parameter constant value
point object Parameter point object
numerator_meter object Parameter numerator meter object
denominator_meter object Parameter numerator meter object
  • POST Create a constant Parameter for an Equipment
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data":{"name":"test parameter", "parameter_type":"constant", "constant":"test constant", "point_id":null, "numerator_meter_uuid":null, "denominator_meter_uuid":null}}' {{base_url}}/equipments/{id}/parameters
  • POST Create a point Parameter for an Equipment
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data":{"name":"test parameter", "parameter_type":"point", "constant":null, "point_id":1, "numerator_meter_uuid":null, "denominator_meter_uuid":null}}' {{base_url}}/equipments/{id}/parameters
  • POST Create a meter Parameter for an Equipment
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data":{"name":"test parameter", "parameter_type":"fraction", "constant":null, "point_id":null, "numerator_meter_uuid":"89ff5118-d0c2-4dd8-8098-a8698189b2ea", "denominator_meter_uuid":"5ca62d2a-908e-40c5-a6b5-a8e436d60db4"}}' {{base_url}}/equipments/{id}/parameters
  • DELETE a Parameter from an Equipment
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X DELETE {{base_url}}/equipments/{id}/parameters/{pid}
  • GET All Offline Meters of Equipment by ID
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/equipments/{id}/offlinemeters
  • POST Bind an Offline Meter to an Equipment
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data":{"offline_meter_id":1}}' {{base_url}}/equipments/{id}/offlinemeters
  • DELETE an Offline Meter from an Equipment
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X DELETE {{base_url}}/equipments/{id}/offlinemeters/{mid}
  • GET All Virtual Meters of Equipment by ID
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/equipments/{id}/virtualmeters
  • POST Bind Virtual Meter to an Equipment
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data":{"virtual_meter_id":1}}' {{base_url}}/equipments/{id}/virtualmeters
  • DELETE an Virtual Meter from an Equipment
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X DELETE {{base_url}}/equipments/{id}/virtualmeters/{mid}

Combined Equipment

  • GET a Combined Equipment by ID
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/combinedequipments/{id}


Name Data Type Description
id integer Combined Equipment ID
name string Combined Equipment name
uuid string Combined Equipment UUID
is_input_counted boolean Indicates if the combined equipment's energy input is counted for aggregating
is_output_counted boolean Indicates if the combined equipment's energy output is counted for aggregating
cost_center Object Cost Center Object
description string Combined Equipment description
qrcode string QRCode in String
  • GET All Equipments
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/combinedequipments
  • DELETE a Combined Equipment by ID
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X DELETE {{base_url}}/combinedequipments/{id}
  • POST Create a Combined Equipment
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data":{"name":"MyEMS Chiller Plant", "is_input_counted":true, "is_output_counted":false, "cost_center_id":1, "description":"equipment description"}}' {{base_url}}/combinedequipments
  • PUT Update a Combined Equipment
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"data":{"name":"MyEMS Chiller Plant", "is_input_counted":true, "is_output_counted":true, "cost_center_id":1, "description":"equipment description"}}' {{base_url}}/combinedequipments/{id}
  • POST Clone a Combined Equipment
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"data":{}}' {{base_url}}/combinedequipments/{id}
  • GET All Equipments of a Combined Equipment by ID
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/combinedequipments/{id}/equipments
  • POST Bind an Equipment to a Combined Equipment
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data":{"equipment_id":1}}' {{base_url}}/combinedequipments/{id}/equipments
  • DELETE an Equipment from a Combined Equipment
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X DELETE {{base_url}}/combinedequipments/{id}/equipments/{eid}
  • GET All Meters of a Combined Equipment by ID
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/combinedequipments/{id}/meters
  • POST Bind a Meter to a Combined Equipment
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data":{"meter_id":1}}' {{base_url}}/combinedequipments/{id}/meters
  • DELETE a Meter from a Combined Equipment
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X DELETE {{base_url}}/combinedequipments/{id}/meters/{mid}
  • GET All Parameters of a Combined Equipment by ID
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/combinedequipments/{id}/parameters
  • GET a Parameter of a Combined Equipment by ID
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/combinedequipments/{id}/parameters/{pid}


Name Data Type Description
id integer Parameter ID
name string Parameter name
parameter_type string Parameter Type: constant, point, meter
is_input_counted boolean Indicates if the Combined Equipment's energy input is counted for aggregating
is_output_counted boolean Indicates if the Combined Equipment's energy output is counted for aggregating
constant string Parameter constant value
point object Parameter point object
numerator_meter object Parameter numerator meter object
denominator_meter object Parameter numerator meter object
  • POST Create a constant Parameter for a Combined Equipment
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data":{"name":"test parameter", "parameter_type":"constant", "constant":"test constant", "point_id":null, "numerator_meter_uuid":null, "denominator_meter_uuid":null}}' {{base_url}}/combinedequipments/{id}/parameters
  • POST Create a point Parameter for a Combined Equipment
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data":{"name":"test parameter", "parameter_type":"point", "constant":null, "point_id":1, "numerator_meter_uuid":null, "denominator_meter_uuid":null}}' {{base_url}}/combinedequipments/{id}/parameters
  • POST Create a meter Parameter for a Combined Equipment
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data":{"name":"test parameter", "parameter_type":"fraction", "constant":null, "point_id":null, "numerator_meter_uuid":"89ff5118-d0c2-4dd8-8098-a8698189b2ea", "denominator_meter_uuid":"5ca62d2a-908e-40c5-a6b5-a8e436d60db4"}}' {{base_url}}/combinedequipments/{id}/parameters
  • DELETE a Parameter from a Combined Equipment
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X DELETE {{base_url}}/combinedequipments/{id}/parameters/{pid}
  • GET All Offline Meters of a Combined Equipment by ID
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/combinedequipments/{id}/offlinemeters
  • POST Bind an Offline Meter to a Combined Equipment
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data":{"offline_meter_id":1}}' {{base_url}}/combinedequipments/{id}/offlinemeters
  • DELETE an Offline Meter from a Combined Equipment
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X DELETE {{base_url}}/combinedequipments/{id}/offlinemeters/{mid}
  • GET All Virtual Meters of a Combined Equipment by ID
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/combinedequipments/{id}/virtualmeters
  • POST Bind Virtual Meter to a Combined Equipment
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data":{"virtual_meter_id":1}}' {{base_url}}/combinedequipments/{id}/virtualmeters
  • DELETE an Virtual Meter from a Combined Equipment
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X DELETE {{base_url}}/combinedequipments/{id}/virtualmeters/{mid}


  • GET Gateway by ID
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/gateways/{id}

Result in JSON

Name Data Type Description
id integer Gateway ID
name string Gateway name
uuid string Data Source UUID
token string Data Source Token
last_seen_datetime float Indicates the last time when the gateway was seen in a number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00, universal time
status string 'online' or 'offline' determined by last seen datetime
  • GET all Gateways
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X GET {{base_url}}/gateways
  • DELETE Gateway by ID
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X DELETE {{base_url}}/gateways/{id}
  • POST Gateway
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data":{"name":"MyEMS Gateway 1"}}' {{base_url}}/gateways
  • PUT Gateway
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"data":{"name":"MyEMS Gateway #1"}}' {{base_url}}/gateways/{id}
  • GET all data sources of the Gateway by ID
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/gateways/{id}/datasources

Knowledge File

  • GET Knowledge File by ID
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/knowledgefiles/{id}


Name Data Type Description
id integer Knowledge File ID
file_name string Knowledge File name
uuid string Knowledge File UUID
upload_datetime string Upload Datetime in Local Timezone
user_display_name string Upload user's display name
file_object BLOB Knowledge File Object
  • GET All Knowledge Files
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/knowledgefiles
  • DELETE a Knowledge File by id
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X DELETE {{base_url}}/knowledgefiles/{id}
  • POST Upload a Knowledge File (call users login API to get 'User-UUID' and 'Token')
curl -i -H "User-UUID: dcdb67d1-6116-4987-916f-6fc6cf2bc0e4" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/TBD" -X POST -d 'file: (binary)' {{base_url}}/knowledgefiles
  • GET Restore a Knowledge File by id from database to disk
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/knowledgefiles/{id}/restore


  • GET Menu by ID
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/menus/{id}


Name Data Type Description
id integer Menu ID
name string Menu name
path string Menu path
parent_menu_id integer Parent Menu ID
is_hidden boolean The menu status
  • GET All Menus
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/menus
  • PUT Update a Menu
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "User-UUID: dcdb67d1-6116-4987-916f-6fc6cf2bc0e4" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X PUT -d '{"data":{"is_hidden": false}}' {{base_url}}/menus/{id}
  • Get All Menus for Web UI
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/menus/web
  • GET All Children of Menu by ID
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/menus/{id}/children


  • GET Meter by ID
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/meters/{id}


Name Data Type Description
id integer Meter ID
name string Meter name
uuid string Meter UUID
energy_category Object Energy Category Object
is_counted boolean Meter is counted in associated unit
hourly_low_limit decimal(18,3) Inclusive. Default is 0. If the meter has accuracy problems, set the value to a small positive value, such as 0.100
hourly_high_limit decimal(18,3) Inclusive. Maximum energy consumption per hour, Rated total active Power, Rated Flow, etc.
cost_center Object Cost Center Object
energy_item Object Energy Item Object
master_meter Object Master Meter Object
description string Meter description
qrcode string Meter QRCode String
  • GET All Meters
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/meters
  • DELETE Meter by ID
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X DELETE {{base_url}}/meters/{id}
  • POST Create a Meter
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "User-UUID: dcdb67d1-6116-4987-916f-6fc6cf2bc0e4" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X POST -d '{"data":{"name":"PM20", "energy_category_id":1, "hourly_low_limit":0.000, "hourly_high_limit":999.999, "is_counted":true, "cost_center_id":1, "energy_item_id":1, "master_meter_id":1, "description":"空调用电"}}' {{base_url}}/meters
  • PUT Update a Meter
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "User-UUID: dcdb67d1-6116-4987-916f-6fc6cf2bc0e4" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X PUT -d '{"data":{"name":"PM20", "energy_category_id":1, "hourly_low_limit":0.000, "hourly_high_limit":999.999, "is_counted":true, "cost_center_id":1, "energy_item_id":1, "master_meter_id":1, "description":"空调用电"}}' {{base_url}}/meters/{id}
  • GET All Sub-meters of Meter by ID
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/meters/{id}/submeters
  • GET All Points associated with Meter ID
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/meters/{id}/points
  • POST Bind Point to Meter
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data":{"point_id":"3"}}' {{base_url}}/meters/{id}/points
  • DELETE Unbind Point from Meter
curl -i -H "User-UUID: dcdb67d1-6116-4987-916f-6fc6cf2bc0e4" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X DELETE {{base_url}}/meters/{id}/points/{pid}


NOTE: Login before call these APIs, and then update User-UUID and Token in Headers

  • GET a Notification by ID
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/notifications/{id}


Name Data Type Description
id integer Notification ID
created_datetime string Created Datetime
status string Notification Status (unread, read, archived)
subject string Notification Subject
message string Notification Message
url string Notification URL
  • GET All Notifications
curl -i -H "User-UUID: dcdb67d1-6116-4987-916f-6fc6cf2bc0e4" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X GET {{base_url}}/notifications?startdatetime={startdatetime}&enddatetime={enddatetime}&status={status}
  • DELETE Notification by ID
curl -i -H "User-UUID: dcdb67d1-6116-4987-916f-6fc6cf2bc0e4" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X DELETE {{base_url}}/notifications/{id}
  • PUT Update a Notification
curl -i -H "User-UUID: dcdb67d1-6116-4987-916f-6fc6cf2bc0e4" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"data":{"status":"read"}}' {{base_url}}/notifications/{id}
  • DELETE Notification
curl -i -H "User-UUID: dcdb67d1-6116-4987-916f-6fc6cf2bc0e4" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X DELETE {{base_url}}/notifications/{id}

Offline Meter

  • GET Offline Meter by ID
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/offlinemeters/{id}


Name Data Type Description
id integer Offline Meter ID
name string Offline Meter name
uuid string Offline Meter UUID
energy_category Object Energy Category Object
is_counted boolean Offline Meter is counted in associated unit
hourly_low_limit decimal(18,3) Inclusive. Default is 0. If the meter has accuracy problems, set the value to a small positive value, such as 0.100
hourly_high_limit decimal(18,3) Inclusive. Maximum energy consumption per hour, Rated total active Power, Rated Flow, etc.
cost_center Object Cost Center Object
energy_item Object Energy Item Object
description string Offline Meter description
  • GET All Offline Meters
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/offlinemeters
  • DELETE Offline Meter by ID
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X DELETE {{base_url}}/offlinemeters/{id}
  • POST Create an Offline Meter
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data":{"name":"OfflinePM20", "energy_category_id":1, "is_counted":true, "hourly_low_limit":0.000, "hourly_high_limit":999.999, "cost_center_id":1, "energy_item_id":1, "description":"空调用电"}}' {{base_url}}/offlinemeters
  • PUT Update an Offline Meter
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"data":{"name":"OfflinePM20", "energy_category_id":1, "is_counted":true, "hourly_low_limit":0.000, "hourly_high_limit":999.999, "cost_center_id":1, "energy_item_id":1, "description":"空调用电"}}' {{base_url}}/offlinemeters/{id}

Offline Meter File

  • GET an Offline Meter File by ID
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/offlinemeterfiles/{id}


Name Data Type Description
id integer Offline Meter File ID
file_name string Offline Meter File name
uuid string Offline Meter File UUID
upload_datetime string Upload Datetime in Local Timezone
status string Offline Meter File processing status (new, done, error)
file_object BLOB Offline Meter File Object
  • GET All Offline Meter Files
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/offlinemeterfiles
  • DELETE an Offline Meter File by ID
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X DELETE {{base_url}}/offlinemeterfiles/{id}
  • POST Upload an Offline Meter File (call users login API to get 'User-UUID' and 'Token')
curl -i -H "User-UUID: dcdb67d1-6116-4987-916f-6fc6cf2bc0e4" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN"  -H "Content-Type: application/TBD" -X POST -d 'file: (binary)' {{base_url}}/offlinemeterfiles
  • GET Restore an Offline Meter File by ID from database to disk
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/offlinemeterfiles/{id}/restore


  • GET Point by ID
curl -i -H "User-UUID: dcdb67d1-6116-4987-916f-6fc6cf2bc0e4" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X GET {{base_url}}/points/{id}

Result in JSON

Name Data Type Description
id integer Point ID
name string Point Name
data_source object Data Source Object
object_type string Object Type ('ENERGY_VALUE', 'ANALOG_VALUE', 'BINARY_VALUE')
units string Units of Measure
high_limit float High Limit of the Point Value
low_limit float Low Limit of the Point Value
ratio float Raw value will be multiplied by ratio value. It is not applicable to virtual point.
is_trend boolean Indicates that trend value will be saved
is_virtual boolean Indicates a virtual point. It is only applicable to object type 'ANALOG_VALUE'
address json Address structure varied by protocol
Modbus TCP Structure
├slave_id integer Slave ID
├function_code integer Modbus functions:READ_COILS = 1, READ_DISCRETE_INPUTS = 2, READ_HOLDING_REGISTERS = 3, READ_INPUT_REGISTERS = 4
├offset integer Offset
├number_of_registers integer Number of Registers
└format string Data Format. see below introductions
BACnet/IP Structure
├object_type string BACnet Object Type ('analogValue', 'analogInput', 'analogOutput', 'binaryValue', 'binaryInput', 'binaryOutput')
├object_id integer BACnet Object Instance Number
├property_name string BACnet Property Name ('presentValue')
└property_array_index integer/null BACnet Property Array Index or None of Object Type is not Array
Virtual Point Structure
├expression string Expression
└substitutions string Substitutions
description string Point description, allow null
  • GET all Points
curl -i -H "User-UUID: dcdb67d1-6116-4987-916f-6fc6cf2bc0e4" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X GET {{base_url}}/points
  • DELETE Point by ID
curl -i -H "User-UUID: dcdb67d1-6116-4987-916f-6fc6cf2bc0e4" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN"  -X DELETE {{base_url}}/points/{id}
  • POST Create Point
curl -i -H "User-UUID: dcdb67d1-6116-4987-916f-6fc6cf2bc0e4" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data":{"name":"ModbusPoint1", "data_source_id":1, "object_type": "ENERGY_VALUE", "units":"kWh", "low_limit":0, "high_limit":999999999, "is_trend":true, "is_virtual":false, "address":"{\"slave_id\":1, \"function_code\":3, \"offset\":1, \"number_of_registers\":2, \"data_format\":\"float\"}", "description":null}}' {{base_url}}/points
  • PUT Update Point
curl -i -H "User-UUID: dcdb67d1-6116-4987-916f-6fc6cf2bc0e4" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"data":{"name":"ModbusPoint1", "data_source_id":1, "object_type": "ENERGY_VALUE", "units":"kWh", "low_limit":0, "high_limit":999999999, "is_trend":true, "is_virtual":false, "address":"{\"slave_id\":1, \"function_code\":3, \"offset\":1, \"number_of_registers\":2, \"data_format\":\"float\"}", "description":null}}' {{base_url}}/points/{id}


  • GET Privilege by ID
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/privileges/{id}
  • GET All Privileges
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/privileges
  • DELETE Privilege by ID
curl -i -H "User-UUID: dcdb67d1-6116-4987-916f-6fc6cf2bc0e4" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X DELETE {{base_url}}/privileges/{id}
  • POST Create New Privilege
curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "User-UUID: dcdb67d1-6116-4987-916f-6fc6cf2bc0e4" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X POST -d '{"data":{"name":"superusers","data":"{\"spaces\":[1,2,3,5]}"}}' {{base_url}}/privileges
  • PUT Update Privilege
curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "User-UUID: dcdb67d1-6116-4987-916f-6fc6cf2bc0e4" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X PUT -d '{"data":{"name":"superusers", "data":"{\"spaces\":[1, 3]}"}}' {{base_url}}/privileges/{id}


  • GET Rule by ID

Result in JSON

Name Data Type Description
id integer Rule ID
name string Rule Name
uuid string Rule UUID
fdd_code string SYSTEM01, SYSTEM02, ..., REALTIME01, REALTIME02, ..., SPACE01, SPACE02, ... METER01, METER02, ...
priority string CRITICAL, HIGH, MEDIUM, LOW
channel string WEB, EMAIL, SMS, WECHAT, CALL
expression string JSON string of diagnosed objects, points, values, and recipients
message_template string Plain text template that supports $-substitutions
is_enabled boolean Indicates if this rule is enabled
last_run_datetime float null, or the last run datetime string in local timezone
next_run_datetime float null, or the next run datetime string in local timezone
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X GET {{base_url}}/rules/{id}
  • GET All Rules
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X GET {{base_url}}/rules
  • DELETE a Rule by ID
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X DELETE {{base_url}}/rules/{id}
  • POST Create New Rule
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data":{"name":"Space Energy Consumption Over Limit", "fdd_code":"SPACE01", "category":"SPACE", "priority":"HIGH", "channel":"WEB", "expression":"{\"space_id\":1, \"high_limit\":1000.000}", "message_template":"%s截止到目前电耗%s,超标%s。", "is_enabled":true}}' {{base_url}}/rules
  • PUT Update a Rule
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"data":{"name":"Space Energy Consumption Over Limit", "fdd_code":"SPACE01", "category":"SPACE", "priority":"HIGH", "channel":"WEB", "expression":"{\"space_id\":1, \"high_limit\":1000.000}", "message_template":"%s截止到目前电耗%s,超标%s。", "is_enabled":true}}' {{base_url}}/rules/{id}


  • GET a Sensor by ID
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/sensors/{id}


Name Data Type Description
id integer Sensor ID
name string Sensor name
uuid string Sensor UUID
description string Sensor description
  • GET All Sensors
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/sensors
  • POST Create New Sensor
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data":{"name":"Sensor10", "description":"sensor description"}}' {{base_url}}/sensors
  • PUT Update a Sensor
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"data":{"name":"Sensor10", "description":"sensor description"}}' {{base_url}}/sensors/{id}
  • DELETE Sensor by ID
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X DELETE {{base_url}}/sensors/{id}
  • POST Bind Point to Sensor
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data":{"point_id":"2"}}' {{base_url}}/sensors/{id}/points
  • GET All Points associated with Sensor by ID
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/sensors/{id}/points
  • DELETE Unbind Point from Sensor
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X DELETE {{base_url}}/sensors/{id}/points/{pid}


  • GET Shopfloor by ID
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/shopfloors/{id}


Name Data Type Description
id integer Shopfloor ID
name string Shopfloor name
uuid string Shopfloor UUID
area decimal(18, 3) Area
is_input_counted boolean Indicates if the Shopfloor's energy input is counted for aggregating
contact Object Contact Object
cost_center Object Cost Center Object
description string Shopfloor description
qrcode string QRCode in String
  • GET All Shopfloors
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/shopfloors
  • DELETE a Shopfloor by ID
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X DELETE {{base_url}}/shopfloors/{id}
  • POST Create a Shopfloor
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data":{"name":"MyEMS Shopfloor", "area":999.99, "is_input_counted":true, "contact_id":1, "cost_center_id":1, "description":"Shopfloor description"}}' {{base_url}}/shopfloors
  • PUT Update a Shopfloor
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"data":{"name":"MyEMS Shopfloor", "area":999.99, "is_input_counted":true, "contact_id":1, "cost_center_id":1, "description":"Shopfloor description"}}' {{base_url}}/shopfloors/{id}
  • GET All Equipments of Shopfloor by ID
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/shopfloors/{id}/equipments
  • POST Bind Equipment to a Shopfloor
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data":{"equipment_id":1}}' {{base_url}}/shopfloors/{id}/equipments
  • DELETE Equipment from Shopfloor
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X DELETE {{base_url}}/shopfloors/{id}/equipments/{eid}
  • GET All Meters of Shopfloor by ID
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/shopfloors/{id}/meters
  • POST Bind a Meter to a Shopfloor
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data":{"meter_id":1}}' {{base_url}}/shopfloors/{id}/meters
  • DELETE a Meter from Shopfloor
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X DELETE {{base_url}}/shopfloors/{id}/meters/{mid}
  • GET All Offline Meters of Shopfloor by ID
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/shopfloors/{id}/offlinemeters
  • POST Bind an Offline Meter to a Shopfloor
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data":{"offline_meter_id":1}}' {{base_url}}/shopfloors/{id}/offlinemeters
  • DELETE an Offline Meter from Shopfloor
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X DELETE {{base_url}}/shopfloors/{id}/offlinemeters/{mid}
  • GET All Points of Shopfloor by ID
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/shopfloors/{id}/points
  • POST Bind a Point to a Shopfloor
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data":{"point_id":1}}' {{base_url}}/shopfloors/{id}/points
  • DELETE a Point from Shopfloor
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X DELETE {{base_url}}/shopfloors/{id}/points/{pid}
  • GET All Sensors of Shopfloor by ID
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/shopfloors/{id}/sensors
  • POST Bind a Sensor to a Shopfloor
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data":{"sensor_id":1}}' {{base_url}}/shopfloors/{id}/sensors
  • DELETE a Sensor from Shopfloor
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X DELETE {{base_url}}/shopfloors/{id}/sensors/{sid}
  • GET All Virtual Meters of Shopfloor by ID
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/shopfloors/{id}/virtualmeters
  • POST Bind Virtual Meter to a Shopfloor
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data":{"virtual_meter_id":1}}' {{base_url}}/shopfloors/{id}/virtualmeters
  • DELETE Virtual Meter from Shopfloor
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X DELETE {{base_url}}/shopfloors/{id}/virtualmeters/{mid}


  • GET Space by ID
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/spaces/{id}


Name Data Type Description
id integer Space ID
name string Space name
uuid string Space UUID
parent_space_id integer Parent Space ID
area decimal(18, 3) Area
timezone Object Timezone Object
is_input_counted boolean Indicates if the space's energy input is counted for aggregating
is_output_counted boolean Indicates if the space's energy output is counted for aggregating
contact Object Contact Object
cost_center Object Cost Center Object
description string Space description
qrcode string QRCode in String
  • GET All Spaces
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/spaces
  • DELETE Space by ID
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X DELETE {{base_url}}/spaces/{id}
  • POST Create a Space
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data":{"name":"MyEMSSpace", "parent_space_id":1, "area":999.99, "timezone_id":56, "is_input_counted":true, "is_output_counted":false, "contact_id":1, "cost_center_id":1, "description":"Space description"}}' {{base_url}}/spaces
  • PUT Update a Space
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"data":{"name":"MyEMSSpace", "parent_space_id":2, "area":999.99, "timezone_id":56, "is_input_counted":true, "is_output_counted":true, "contact_id":1, "cost_center_id":1, "description":"Space description"}}' {{base_url}}/spaces/{id}
  • GET All Children of Space by ID
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/spaces/{id}/children
  • GET All Combined Equipments of Space by ID
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/spaces/{id}/combinedequipments
  • POST Bind a Combined Equipment to a Space
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data":{"combined_equipment_id":1}}' {{base_url}}/spaces/{id}/equipments
  • DELETE a Combined Equipment from Space
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X DELETE {{base_url}}/spaces/{id}/combinedequipments/{eid}
  • GET All Equipments of Space by ID
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/spaces/{id}/equipments
  • POST Bind Equipment to a Space
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data":{"equipment_id":1}}' {{base_url}}/spaces/{id}/equipments
  • DELETE Equipment from Space
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X DELETE {{base_url}}/spaces/{id}/equipments/{eid}
  • GET All Meters of Space by ID
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/spaces/{id}/meters
  • POST Bind a Meter to a Space
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data":{"meter_id":1}}' {{base_url}}/spaces/{id}/meters
  • DELETE a Meter from Space
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X DELETE {{base_url}}/spaces/{id}/meters/{mid}
  • GET All Offline Meters of Space by ID
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/spaces/{id}/offlinemeters
  • POST Bind an Offline Meter to a Space
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data":{"offline_meter_id":1}}' {{base_url}}/spaces/{id}/offlinemeters
  • DELETE an Offline Meter from Space
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X DELETE {{base_url}}/spaces/{id}/offlinemeters/{mid}
  • GET All Points of Space by ID
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/spaces/{id}/points
  • POST Bind a Point to a Space
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data":{"point_id":1}}' {{base_url}}/spaces/{id}/points
  • DELETE a Point from Space
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X DELETE {{base_url}}/spaces/{id}/points/{pid}
  • GET All Sensors of Space by ID
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/spaces/{id}/sensors
  • POST Bind a Sensor to a Space
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data":{"sensor_id":1}}' {{base_url}}/spaces/{id}/sensors
  • DELETE a Sensor from Space
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X DELETE {{base_url}}/spaces/{id}/sensors/{sid}
  • GET All Stores of Space by ID
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/spaces/{id}/stores
  • POST Bind a Store to a Space
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data":{"store_id":1}}' {{base_url}}/spaces/{id}/stores
  • DELETE a Store from Space
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X DELETE {{base_url}}/spaces/{id}/stores/{tid}
  • GET All Tenants of Space by ID
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/spaces/{id}/tenants
  • POST Bind a Tenant to a Space
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data":{"tenant_id":1}}' {{base_url}}/spaces/{id}/tenants
  • DELETE a Tenant from Space
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X DELETE {{base_url}}/spaces/{id}/tenants/{tid}
  • GET All Virtual Meters of Space by ID
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/spaces/{id}/virtualmeters
  • POST Bind Virtual Meter to a Space
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data":{"virtual_meter_id":1}}' {{base_url}}/spaces/{id}/virtualmeters
  • DELETE Virtual Meter from Space
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X DELETE {{base_url}}/spaces/{id}/virtualmeters/{mid}
  • GET Space Tree of User
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X GET {{base_url}}/spaces/tree


  • GET Store by ID
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/stores/{id}


Name Data Type Description
id integer Store ID
name string Store name
uuid string Store UUID
address string Address
latitude decimal(9, 6) Latitude
longitude decimal(9, 6) Longitude
area decimal(18, 3) Area
store_type Object Store Type object
is_input_counted boolean Indicates if this store's input energy is counted into parent space
contact Object Contact Object
cost_center Object Cost Center Object
description string Store description
qrcode string QRCode in String
  • GET All Stores
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/stores
  • POST Create New Store
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data":{"name":"麦当劳(新王府井店)", "address":"北京市东城区王府井大街200号工美大厦1层010-65120499", "latitude":39.909429, "longitude":116.416993, "area":418.8, "store_type_id":9, "is_input_counted": true, "contact_id":1, "cost_center_id":1, "description":"my description"}}' {{base_url}}/stores
  • PUT Update a Store
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"data":{"name":"麦当劳(新王府井店)", "address":"北京市东城区王府井大街200号工美大厦1层010-65120499", "latitude":39.909429, "longitude":116.416993, "area":818.8, "store_type_id":9, "is_input_counted": true, "contact_id":1, "cost_center_id":1, "description":"my description"}}' {{base_url}}/stores/{id}
  • DELETE Store by ID
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X DELETE {{base_url}}/stores/{id}
  • GET All Meters of Store by ID
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/stores/{id}/meters
  • POST Bind a Meter to a Store
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data":{"meter_id":1}}' {{base_url}}/stores/{id}/meters
  • DELETE a Meter from Store
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X DELETE {{base_url}}/stores/{id}/meters/{mid}
  • GET All Offline Meters of Store by ID
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/stores/{id}/offlinemeters
  • POST Bind an Offline Meter to a Store
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data":{"offline_meter_id":1}}' {{base_url}}/stores/{id}/offlinemeters
  • DELETE an Offline Meter from Store
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X DELETE {{base_url}}/stores/{id}/offlinemeters/{mid}
  • GET All Points of Store by ID
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/stores/{id}/points
  • POST Bind a Point to a Store
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data":{"point_id":1}}' {{base_url}}/stores/{id}/points
  • DELETE a Point from Store
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X DELETE {{base_url}}/stores/{id}/points/{pid}
  • GET All Sensors of Store by ID
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/stores/{id}/sensors
  • POST Bind a Sensor to a Store
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data":{"sensor_id":1}}' {{base_url}}/stores/{id}/sensors
  • DELETE a Sensor from Store
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X DELETE {{base_url}}/stores/{id}/sensors/{sid}
  • GET All Virtual Meters of Store by ID
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/stores/{id}/virtualmeters
  • POST Bind Virtual Meter to a Store
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data":{"virtual_meter_id":1}}' {{base_url}}/stores/{id}/virtualmeters
  • DELETE Virtual Meter from Store
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X DELETE {{base_url}}/stores/{id}/virtualmeters/{mid}

Store Type

  • GET a Store Type by ID
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/storetypes/{id}


Name Data Type Description
id integer Store Type ID
name string Store Type name
uuid string Store Type UUID
description string Store Type description
simplified_code string Store Type simplified code
  • GET All Store Types
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/storetypes
  • POST Create New Store Types
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data":{"name": "Office", "description":"办公", "simplified_code":"OF"}}' {{base_url}}/storetypes
  • PUT Update a Store Types
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"data":{"name": "Office1", "description":"办公", "simplified_code":"OF1"}}' {{base_url}}/storetypes/{id}
  • DELETE a Store Types by ID
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X DELETE {{base_url}}/storetypes/{id}


  • GET Tariff by id
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/tariffs/{id}

Result in JSON

Name Data Type Description
id integer Tariff ID
name string Tariff name
uuid string Tariff UUID
unit_of_price string Unit of Price
valid_from float Valid From (POSIX timestamp * 1000)
valid_through float Valid Through (POSIX timestamp * 1000)
tariff_type string Tariff type (timeofuse or block)
timeofuse[] json array Time Of Use items
integer array index
├ start_time_of_day string Start time of day
├ end_time_of_day string End time of day
├ peak_type string Peak type: toppeak,onpeak,midpeak,offpeak
└ price decimal Price
block[] json array Block items
integer array index
├ start_amount decimal Start amount
├ end_amount decimal End amount
└ price decimal Price
  • GET All Tariffs
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/tariffs
  • DELETE Tariff by ID
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X DELETE {{base_url}}/tariffs/{id}
  • POST Create a Tariff To POST a block tariff:
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data":{"name":"阶梯电价","energy_category_id":1, "tariff_type":"block", "unit_of_price":"元/千瓦时", "valid_from":"2020-01-01T00:00:00", "valid_through":"2021-01-01T00:00:00", "block":[{"start_amount":"0", "end_amount":"10000", "price":"0.567"}, {"start_amount":"10000", "end_amount":"30000", "price":"0.678"}, {"start_amount":"30000", "end_amount":"100000", "price":"0.789"}]}}' {{base_url}}/tariffs

To POST a time of use tariff:

curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data":{"name":"2020分时电价1-6","energy_category_id":1, "tariff_type":"timeofuse", "unit_of_price":"元/千瓦时", "valid_from":"2020-01-01T00:00:00", "valid_through":"2020-07-01T00:00:00", "timeofuse":[{"start_time_of_day":"00:00:00", "end_time_of_day":"05:59:59", "peak_type":"offpeak", "price":0.345}, {"start_time_of_day":"06:00:00", "end_time_of_day":"07:59:59", "peak_type":"midpeak", "price":0.708}, {"start_time_of_day":"08:00:00", "end_time_of_day":"10:59:59", "peak_type":"onpeak", "price":1.159}, {"start_time_of_day":"11:00:00", "end_time_of_day":"17:59:59", "peak_type":"midpeak", "price":0.708}, {"start_time_of_day":"18:00:00", "end_time_of_day":"20:59:59", "peak_type":"onpeak", "price":1.159}, {"start_time_of_day":"21:00:00", "end_time_of_day":"21:59:59", "peak_type":"midpeak", "price":0.708}, {"start_time_of_day":"22:00:00", "end_time_of_day":"23:59:59", "peak_type":"offpeak", "price":0.345}]}}' {{base_url}}/tariffs
  • PUT Update a Tariff To update a block tariff:
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"data":{"name":"阶梯电价","energy_category_id":1, "tariff_type":"block", "unit_of_price":"元/千瓦时", "valid_from":"2020-01-01T00:00:00", "valid_through":"2021-01-01T00:00:00", "block":[{"start_amount":"0", "end_amount":"20000", "price":"0.567"}, {"start_amount":"20000", "end_amount":"30000", "price":"0.678"}, {"start_amount":"30000", "end_amount":"100000", "price":"0.789"}]}}' {{base_url}}/tariffs/{id}

To update a time of use tariff:

curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"data":{"name":"2020分时电价1-6","energy_category_id":1, "tariff_type":"timeofuse", "unit_of_price":"元/千瓦时", "valid_from":"2020-01-01T00:00:00", "valid_through":"2020-07-01T00:00:00", "timeofuse":[{"start_time_of_day":"00:00:00", "end_time_of_day":"05:59:59", "peak_type":"offpeak", "price":0.456}, {"start_time_of_day":"06:00:00", "end_time_of_day":"07:59:59", "peak_type":"midpeak", "price":0.708}, {"start_time_of_day":"08:00:00", "end_time_of_day":"10:59:59", "peak_type":"onpeak", "price":1.159}, {"start_time_of_day":"11:00:00", "end_time_of_day":"17:59:59", "peak_type":"midpeak", "price":0.708}, {"start_time_of_day":"18:00:00", "end_time_of_day":"20:59:59", "peak_type":"onpeak", "price":1.159}, {"start_time_of_day":"21:00:00", "end_time_of_day":"21:59:59", "peak_type":"midpeak", "price":0.708}, {"start_time_of_day":"22:00:00", "end_time_of_day":"23:59:59", "peak_type":"offpeak", "price":0.345}]}}' {{base_url}}/tariffs/{id}


  • GET Tenant by ID
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/tenants/{id}


Name Data Type Description
id integer Tenant ID
name string Tenant name
uuid string Tenant UUID
buildings string Buildings (one or many)
floors string Floors (one or many)
rooms string Rooms (one or many)
area decimal(18, 3) Area
tenant_type Object Tenant Type object
is_input_counted boolean Indicates if this tenant's input energy is counted into parent space
is_key_tenant boolean Indicates if this is a key tenant
lease_number string Tenant lease number
lease_start_datetime string Lease start datetime string in local timezone
lease_end_datetime string Lease end datetime string in local timezone
is_in_lease boolean Indicates if this tenant is in lease
contact Object Contact Object
cost_center Object Cost Center Object
description string Tenant description
qrcode string QRCode in String
  • GET All Tenants
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/tenants
  • POST Create New Tenant
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data":{"name":"Starbucks", "buildings":"Building #1", "floors":"L1 L2 L3", "rooms":"1201b+2247+3F", "area":418.8, "tenant_type_id":9, "is_input_counted": true, "is_key_tenant":true, "lease_number":"6b0da806",  "lease_start_datetime":"2021-01-01T00:00:00", "lease_end_datetime":"2022-01-01T00:00:00", "is_in_lease":true, "contact_id":1, "cost_center_id":1, "description":"my description"}}' {{base_url}}/tenants
  • PUT Update a Tenant
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"data":{"name":"Hermes 爱马仕", "buildings":"Building #1", "floors":"L1 L2 L3 L4 L5", "rooms":"1201b+2247+3F", "area":818.8, "tenant_type_id":9, "is_input_counted": true, "is_key_tenant":true, "lease_number":"6b0da806",  "lease_start_datetime":"2021-01-01T00:00:00", "lease_end_datetime":"2022-01-01T00:00:00", "is_in_lease":true, "contact_id":1, "cost_center_id":1, "description":"my description"}}' {{base_url}}/tenants/{id}
  • DELETE Tenant by ID
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X DELETE {{base_url}}/tenants/{id}
  • GET All Meters of Tenant by ID
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/tenants/{id}/meters
  • POST Bind a Meter to a Tenant
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data":{"meter_id":1}}' {{base_url}}/tenants/{id}/meters
  • DELETE a Meter from Tenant
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X DELETE {{base_url}}/tenants/{id}/meters/{mid}
  • GET All Offline Meters of Tenant by ID
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/tenants/{id}/offlinemeters
  • POST Bind an Offline Meter to a Tenant
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data":{"offline_meter_id":1}}' {{base_url}}/tenants/{id}/offlinemeters
  • DELETE an Offline Meter from Tenant
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X DELETE {{base_url}}/tenants/{id}/offlinemeters/{mid}
  • GET All Points of Tenant by ID
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/tenants/{id}/points
  • POST Bind a Point to a Tenant
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data":{"point_id":1}}' {{base_url}}/tenants/{id}/points
  • DELETE a Point from Tenant
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X DELETE {{base_url}}/tenants/{id}/points/{pid}
  • GET All Sensors of Tenant by ID
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/tenants/{id}/sensors
  • POST Bind a Sensor to a Tenant
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data":{"sensor_id":1}}' {{base_url}}/tenants/{id}/sensors
  • DELETE a Sensor from Tenant
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X DELETE {{base_url}}/tenants/{id}/sensors/{sid}
  • GET All Virtual Meters of Tenant by ID
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/tenants/{id}/virtualmeters
  • POST Bind Virtual Meter to a Tenant
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data":{"virtual_meter_id":1}}' {{base_url}}/tenants/{id}/virtualmeters
  • DELETE an Virtual Meter from Tenant
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X DELETE {{base_url}}/tenants/{id}/virtualmeters/{mid}

Tenant Type

  • GET a Tenant Type by ID
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/tenanttypes/{id}


Name Data Type Description
id integer Tenant Type ID
name string Tenant Type name
uuid string Tenant Type UUID
description string Tenant Type description
simplified_code string Tenant Type simplified code
  • GET All Tenant Types
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/tenanttypes
  • POST Create New Tenant Types
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data":{"name": "Office", "description":"办公", "simplified_code":"OF"}}' {{base_url}}/tenanttypes
  • PUT Update a Tenant Types
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"data":{"name": "Office1", "description":"办公", "simplified_code":"OF1"}}' {{base_url}}/tenanttypes/{id}
  • DELETE a Tenant Types by ID
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X DELETE {{base_url}}/tenanttypes/{id}

Text Message

  • GET Text Message by ID

Result in JSON

Name Data Type Description
id integer Text Message ID
recipient_name string Recipient Name
recipient_mobile string Recipient Mobile Number
message string Email Message Body
attachment_file_name string Email Attachment File Name
create_datetime float Email Message Created Datetime (POSIX timestamp * 1000)
scheduled_datetime float Email Message Scheduled Datetime (POSIX timestamp * 1000)
acknowledge_code string Recipient reply with Acknowledge code to acknowledge
status string Status ('new', 'sent', 'acknowledged', 'timeout'
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X GET {{base_url}}/textmessages/{id}
  • POST Create New Text Message
curl --location --request POST '{{base_url}}/textmessages' \
--header 'User-UUID: dcdb67d1-6116-4987-916f-6fc6cf2bc0e4' \
--header 'Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN' \
--header 'Content-Type: text/plain' \
--data-raw '{"data":{"rule_id":1, "recipient_name":"myems", "recipient_mobile":"13888888888", "message":"report_01_2021_12_24", "acknowledge_code":"123456", "created_datetime":"2021-12-24T00:00:00", "scheduled_datetime":"2021-12-24T00:00:00"}}'
  • GET Text Messages by Datetime Range
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X GET {{base_url}}/textmessages?startdatetime={startdatetime}&enddatetime={enddatetime}
  • DELETE Text Message by ID
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X DELETE {{base_url}}/textmessages/{id}


  • GET a Timezone by ID
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/timezones/{id}
  • GET all Timezones
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/timezones
  • PUT Update a Timezone by ID
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"data":{"name":"Hawaiian Standard Time","description":"(GMT-10:00) Hawaii", "utc_offset":"-10:00"}}' {{base_url}}/timezones/{id}


  • GET All Users
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X GET {{base_url}}/users
  • GET a User by ID
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X GET {{base_url}}/users/{id}
  • DELETE User by id
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X DELETE {{base_url}}/users/{id}
  • POST New User
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data":{"name":"albert", "display_name":"Mr. Albert", "email":"albert@myems.io", "is_admin":false, "password":"!MyEMS1", "account_expiration_datetime":"2100-01-01T00:00:00", "password_expiration_datetime":"2100-01-01T00:00:00"}}' {{base_url}}/users
  • PUT Update User Profile
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"data":{"name":"albert", "display_name":"Mr. Albert", "email":"albert@myems.io", "is_admin":false, "privilege_id":1, "password":"!MyEMS1", "account_expiration_datetime":"2100-01-01T00:00:00", "password_expiration_datetime":"2100-01-01T00:00:00"}}' {{base_url}}/users/{id}
  • PUT User Login by Username
curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"data":{"name":"johnson", "password":"!Password1"}}' {{base_url}}/users/login
  • PUT User Login by Email
curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"data":{"email":"johnson@myems.io", "password":"!Password1"}}' {{base_url}}/users/login
  • PUT User Logout
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT  {{base_url}}/users/logout
  • PUT User change password
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"data":{"old_password":"Password1", "new_password":"Password2"}}' {{base_url}}/users/changepassword
  • PUT User reset other user's password by administrator
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"data":{"name":"johnson","password":"NewPassword1"}}'  {{base_url}}/users/resetpassword
  • PUT User Unlock
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT  {{base_url}}/users/unlock/{id}

Virtual Meter

  • GET a Virtual Meter by ID
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/virtualmeters/{id}


Name Data Type Description
id integer Virtual Meter ID
name string Virtual Meter name
uuid string Virtual Meter UUID
energy_category Object Energy Category Object
is_counted boolean the Virtual Meter is counted in
cost_center Object Cost Center Object
energy_item Object Energy Item Object
description string Offline Meter description
expression json Expression
├ id integer Expression ID
├ uuid string Expression UUID
├ equation string Expression Equation
└ variables[] json array Expression Variables
integer array index
├ id integer Variable ID
├ name string Variable Name
├ meter_type string Meter Type ('meter', 'offline_meter', 'virtual_meter'
├ meter_name string Meter Name
  • GET All Virtual Meters
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/virtualmeters
  • DELETE a Virtual Meter by ID
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X DELETE {{base_url}}/virtualmeters/{id}
  • POST Create New Virtual Meter
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data":{"name":"VM21", "energy_category_id":1, "is_counted": true, "cost_center_id":1, "energy_item_id":1, "description":"virtual description", "expression": {"equation":"x1-x2-x3", "variables":[{"name":"x1", "meter_type":"meter", "meter_id":3},{"name":"x2", "meter_type":"meter", "meter_id":4},{"name":"x3", "meter_type":"meter", "meter_id":5}] } }}' {{base_url}}/virtualmeters
  • PUT Update a Virtual Meter by ID
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"data":{"name":"VM21", "energy_category_id":1, "is_counted": true, "cost_center_id":1, "energy_item_id":1, "description":"virtual description", "expression": {"equation":"x1-x2-x3", "variables":[{"name":"x1", "meter_type":"meter", "meter_id":3},{"name":"x2", "meter_type":"meter", "meter_id":4},{"name":"x3", "meter_type":"meter", "meter_id":5}] } }}' {{base_url}}/virtualmeters/{id}

Web Message

  • GET a Web Message by ID

Result in JSON

Name Data Type Description
id integer Web Message ID
user_id integer Web Message User ID
user_display_name string User Display Name
subject string Web Message Subject
message string Web Message Body
created_datetime float Web Message Created Datetime (POSIX timestamp * 1000)
status string Status ('new', 'acknowledged', 'timeout')
reply string User's Reply text, required for 'acknowledged' status, otherwise allow null
curl --location --request GET '{{base_url}}/webmessages/{id}' \
--header 'User-UUID: dcdb67d1-6116-4987-916f-6fc6cf2bc0e4' \
--header 'Token: 24bb236244f26784fb1397344d926b4871e87a90096eae926a0e448396dbd3ff4a2f70f727089f025238cb47bdbccdc877ef4a50fad8f05a4e5100c5d3eb0d3c'
  • GET Web Messages by Datetime Range
curl --location --request GET '{{base_url}}/webmessages?startdatetime=2021-12-11T00:00:00&enddatetime=2021-12-21T00:00:00' \
--header 'User-UUID: dcdb67d1-6116-4987-916f-6fc6cf2bc0e4' \
--header 'Token: 9ac434f394c735092cfeb083612e533ca33ca6db4815ebb0c3ff47896d7eaa610e7dc312c04279253f817d65d1ef379378d4a5d07150faee5f6d899adb8b7ca7'
  • GET New Web Messages
curl --location --request GET '{{base_url}}/webmessagesnew' \
--header 'User-UUID: dcdb67d1-6116-4987-916f-6fc6cf2bc0e4' \
--header 'Token: 9bcd171e4f4169f1f45791aeadc8f90cfe8694be92f21af7bf95673f8cc910ca7a91bfd4a577d48d0720155de497eb02baab614be5c6c83891f1a856f9cf666a'
  • PUT Update a Web Message (Acknowledge)
curl --location --request PUT '{{base_url}}/webmessages/{id}' \
--header 'User-UUID: dcdb67d1-6116-4987-916f-6fc6cf2bc0e4' \
--header 'Token: 9bcd171e4f4169f1f45791aeadc8f90cfe8694be92f21af7bf95673f8cc910ca7a91bfd4a577d48d0720155de497eb02baab614be5c6c83891f1a856f9cf666a' \
--header 'Content-Type: text/plain' \
--data-raw '{"data":{"status":"acknowledged", "reply":"this is my reply"}}'
  • PUT Update a Web Message (Mark As Read)
curl --location --request PUT '{{base_url}}/webmessages/{id}' \
--header 'User-UUID: dcdb67d1-6116-4987-916f-6fc6cf2bc0e4' \
--header 'Token: 9bcd171e4f4169f1f45791aeadc8f90cfe8694be92f21af7bf95673f8cc910ca7a91bfd4a577d48d0720155de497eb02baab614be5c6c83891f1a856f9cf666a' \
--header 'Content-Type: text/plain' \
--data-raw '{"data":{"status":"read"}}'
  • DELETE a Web Message by ID
curl --location --request DELETE '{{base_url}}/webmessages/{id}' \
--header 'User-UUID: dcdb67d1-6116-4987-916f-6fc6cf2bc0e4' \
--header 'Token: 24bb236244f26784fb1397344d926b4871e87a90096eae926a0e448396dbd3ff4a2f70f727089f025238cb47bdbccdc877ef4a50fad8f05a4e5100c5d3eb0d3c'

Wechat Message

  • GET Wechat Message by ID

Result in JSON

Name Data Type Description
id integer Message ID
recipient_name string Recipient Name
recipient_openid string Recipient OpenID
message_template_id string Message Template ID
message_data json Message Data in JSON
created_datetime float Message Created Datetime (POSIX timestamp * 1000)
scheduled_datetime float Message Scheduled Datetime (POSIX timestamp * 1000)
acknowledge_code string Recipient reply with Acknowledge code to acknowledge
status string Status ('new', 'sent', 'acknowledged', 'timeout'
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X GET {{base_url}}/wechatmessages/{id}
  • POST Create New Wechat Message
curl --location --request POST '{{base_url}}/wechatmessages' \
--header 'User-UUID: dcdb67d1-6116-4987-916f-6fc6cf2bc0e4' \
--header 'Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN' \
--header 'Content-Type: text/plain' \
--data-raw '{"data":{"rule_id":1, "recipient_name":"myems", "recipient_openid":"oia2TjuEGTNoeX76QEjQNrcURxG8", "message_template_id":"Doclyl5uP7Aciu-qZ7mJNPtWkbkYnWBWVja26EGbNyk", "message_data":"{\"space_id\":1, \"high_limit\":1000.000}", "acknowledge_code":"9e52ad6d", "created_datetime":"2021-12-24T00:00:00", "scheduled_datetime":"2021-12-24T00:00:00"}}'
  • GET Wechat Messages by Datetime Range
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X GET {{base_url}}/wechatmessages?startdatetime={startdatetime}&enddatetime={enddatetime}
  • DELETE Wechat Message by ID
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X DELETE {{base_url}}/wechatmessages/{id}


  • GET AdvancedReports
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/advancedreports?reportingperiodstartdatetime={reportingperiodstartdatetime}&reportingperiodenddatetime={reportingperiodenddatetime}
  • GET AdvancedReport by ID
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/advancedreports/{id}
  • DELETE AdvancedReport by ID
curl -i -H "User-UUID: 793f1bb4-6e25-4242-8cdc-2f662b25484f" -H "Token: GET-TOKEN-AFTER-LOGIN" -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/advancedreports/{id}
  • GET Combined Equipment Batch Analysis Report
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/combinedequipmentbatch?spaceid=1&reportingperiodstartdatetime=2021-05-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodenddatetime=2021-05-20T11:41:09
  • GET Combined Equipment Cost Report

(parameter combinedequipmentid can be replaced with combinedequipmentuuid)

curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/combinedequipmentcost?combinedequipmentid=1&periodtype=daily&baseperiodstartdatetime=2020-08-01T00:00:00&baseperiodenddatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodstartdatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodenddatetime=2020-10-01T00:00:00
  • GET Combined Equipment Efficiency Report

(parameter combinedequipmentid can be replaced with combinedequipmentuuid)

curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/combinedequipmentefficiency?combinedequipmentid=1&periodtype=daily&baseperiodstartdatetime=2020-08-01T00:00:00&baseperiodenddatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodstartdatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodenddatetime=2020-10-01T00:00:00
  • GET Combined Equipment Energy Category Report

(parameter combinedequipmentid can be replaced with combinedequipmentuuid)

curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/combinedequipmentenergycategory?combinedequipmentid=1&periodtype=daily&baseperiodstartdatetime=2020-08-01T00:00:00&baseperiodenddatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodstartdatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodenddatetime=2020-10-01T00:00:00
  • GET Combined Equipment Energy Item Report

(parameter combinedequipmentid can be replaced with combinedequipmentuuid)

curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/combinedequipmentenergyitem?combinedequipmentid=1&periodtype=daily&baseperiodstartdatetime=2020-08-01T00:00:00&baseperiodenddatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodstartdatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodenddatetime=2020-10-01T00:00:00
  • GET Combined Equipment Income Report

(parameter combinedequipmentid can be replaced with combinedequipmentuuid)

curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/combinedequipmentincome?combinedequipmentid=1&periodtype=daily&baseperiodstartdatetime=2020-08-01T00:00:00&baseperiodenddatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodstartdatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodenddatetime=2020-10-01T00:00:00
  • GET Combined Equipment Load Report

(parameter combinedequipmentid can be replaced with combinedequipmentuuid)

curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/combinedequipmentload?combinedequipmentid=1&periodtype=daily&baseperiodstartdatetime=2020-08-01T00:00:00&baseperiodenddatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodstartdatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodenddatetime=2020-10-01T00:00:00
  • GET Combined Equipment Output Report

(parameter combinedequipmentid can be replaced with combinedequipmentuuid)

curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/combinedequipmentoutput?combinedequipmentid=1&periodtype=daily&baseperiodstartdatetime=2020-08-01T00:00:00&baseperiodenddatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodstartdatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodenddatetime=2020-10-01T00:00:00
  • GET Combined Equipment Saving Report

(parameter combinedequipmentid can be replaced with combinedequipmentuuid)

curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/combinedequipmentsaving?combinedequipmentid=1&periodtype=daily&baseperiodstartdatetime=2020-08-01T00:00:00&baseperiodenddatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodstartdatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodenddatetime=2020-10-01T00:00:00
  • GET Combined Equipment Statistics Report

(parameter combinedequipmentid can be replaced with combinedequipmentuuid)

curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/equipmentstatistics?equipmentid=1&periodtype=daily&baseperiodstartdatetime=2020-08-01T00:00:00&baseperiodenddatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodstartdatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodenddatetime=2020-10-01T00:00:00
  • GET Dashboard
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/dashboard?useruuid={useruuid}&periodtype={periodtype}&baseperiodstartdatetime={baseperiodstartdatetime}&baseperiodenddatetime={baseperiodenddatetime}&reportingperiodstartdatetime={reportingperiodstartdatetime}&reportingperiodenddatetime={reportingperiodenddatetime}
  • GET Distribution System Report
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/distributionsystem?distributionsystemid=1
  • GET Energy Flow Diagram Report
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/energyflowdiagram?energyflowdiagramid=1&reportingperiodstartdatetime={reportingperiodstartdatetime}&reportingperiodenddatetime={reportingperiodenddatetime}
  • GET Equipment Batch Analysis Report
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/equipmentbatch?spaceid=1&reportingperiodstartdatetime=2021-05-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodenddatetime=2021-05-20T11:41:09
  • GET Equipment Cost Report

(parameter equipmentid can be replaced with equipmentuuid)

curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/equipmentcost?equipmentid=1&periodtype=daily&baseperiodstartdatetime=2020-08-01T00:00:00&baseperiodenddatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodstartdatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodenddatetime=2020-10-01T00:00:00
  • GET Equipment Efficiency Report

(parameter equipmentid can be replaced with equipmentuuid)

curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/equipmentefficiency?equipmentid=1&periodtype=daily&baseperiodstartdatetime=2020-08-01T00:00:00&baseperiodenddatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodstartdatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodenddatetime=2020-10-01T00:00:00
  • GET Equipment Energy Category Report

(parameter equipmentid can be replaced with equipmentuuid)

curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/equipmentenergycategory?equipmentid=1&periodtype=daily&baseperiodstartdatetime=2020-08-01T00:00:00&baseperiodenddatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodstartdatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodenddatetime=2020-10-01T00:00:00
  • GET Equipment Energy Item Report

(parameter equipmentid can be replaced with equipmentuuid)

curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/equipmentenergyitem?equipmentid=1&periodtype=daily&baseperiodstartdatetime=2020-08-01T00:00:00&baseperiodenddatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodstartdatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodenddatetime=2020-10-01T00:00:00
  • GET Equipment Income Report

(parameter equipmentid can be replaced with equipmentuuid)

curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/equipmentincome?equipmentid=1&periodtype=daily&baseperiodstartdatetime=2020-08-01T00:00:00&baseperiodenddatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodstartdatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodenddatetime=2020-10-01T00:00:00
  • GET Equipment Load Report

(parameter equipmentid can be replaced with equipmentuuid)

curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/equipmentload?equipmentid=1&periodtype=daily&baseperiodstartdatetime=2020-08-01T00:00:00&baseperiodenddatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodstartdatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodenddatetime=2020-10-01T00:00:00
  • GET Equipment Output Report

(parameter equipmentid can be replaced with equipmentuuid)

curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/equipmentoutput?equipmentid=1&periodtype=daily&baseperiodstartdatetime=2020-08-01T00:00:00&baseperiodenddatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodstartdatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodenddatetime=2020-10-01T00:00:00
  • GET Equipment Saving Report

(parameter equipmentid can be replaced with equipmentuuid)

curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/equipmentsaving?equipmentid=1&periodtype=daily&baseperiodstartdatetime=2020-08-01T00:00:00&baseperiodenddatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodstartdatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodenddatetime=2020-10-01T00:00:00
  • GET Equipment Statistics Report

(parameter equipmentid can be replaced with equipmentuuid)

curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/equipmentstatistics?equipmentid=1&periodtype=daily&baseperiodstartdatetime=2020-08-01T00:00:00&baseperiodenddatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodstartdatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodenddatetime=2020-10-01T00:00:00
  • GET Meter Batch Analysis Report
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/meterbatch?spaceid=1&reportingperiodstartdatetime=2021-05-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodenddatetime=2021-05-20T11:41:09
  • GET Meter Carbon Dioxide Emission Report

(parameter meterid can be replaced with meteruuid)

curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/metercarbon?meterid=1&periodtype=daily&baseperiodstartdatetime=2020-08-01T00:00:00&baseperiodenddatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodstartdatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodenddatetime=2020-10-01T00:00:00
  • GET Meter Cost Report

(parameter meterid can be replaced with meteruuid)

curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/metercost?meterid=1&periodtype=daily&baseperiodstartdatetime=2020-08-01T00:00:00&baseperiodenddatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodstartdatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodenddatetime=2020-10-01T00:00:00
  • GET Meter Energy Report

(parameter meterid can be replaced with meteruuid)

curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/meterenergy?meterid=6&periodtype=daily&baseperiodstartdatetime=2020-08-01T00:00:00&baseperiodenddatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodstartdatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodenddatetime=2020-10-01T00:00:00
  • GET Meter Energy Report (Quick Mode)

(parameter meterid can be replaced with meteruuid) (It does not return parameters and Excel file in quick mode)

curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/meterenergy?meterid=6&periodtype=daily&baseperiodstartdatetime=2020-08-01T00:00:00&baseperiodenddatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodstartdatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodenddatetime=2020-10-01T00:00:00&quickmode=true
  • GET Meter Realtime Report

(parameter meterid can be replaced with meteruuid)

curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/meterrealtime?meterid=1
  • GET Meter Submeters Balance Report

(parameter meterid can be replaced with meteruuid)

curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/metersubmetersbalance?meterid=1&periodtype=daily&reportingperiodstartdatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodenddatetime=2020-10-01T00:00:00
  • GET Meter Trend Report

(parameter meterid can be replaced with meteruuid)

curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/metertrend?meterid=6&reportingperiodstartdatetime=2020-09-10T00:00:00&reportingperiodenddatetime=2020-09-11T00:00:00
  • GET Meter Trend Report (Quick Mode)

(parameter meterid can be replaced with meteruuid) (It does not return parameters and Excel file in quick mode)

curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/metertrend?meterid=6&reportingperiodstartdatetime=2020-09-10T00:00:00&reportingperiodenddatetime=2020-09-11T00:00:00&quickmode=true
  • GET Meter Tracking Report
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/metertracking?spaceid=1
  • GET Offline Meter Batch Analysis Report
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/offlinemeterbatch?spaceid=1&reportingperiodstartdatetime=2021-05-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodenddatetime=2021-05-20T11:41:09
  • GET Offline Meter Carbon Dioxide Emission Report
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/offlinemetercarbon?offlinemeterid=1&periodtype=daily&baseperiodstartdatetime=2020-08-01T00:00:00&baseperiodenddatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodstartdatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodenddatetime=2020-10-01T00:00:00
  • GET Offline Meter Cost Report
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/offlinemetercost?offlinemeterid=1&periodtype=daily&baseperiodstartdatetime=2020-08-01T00:00:00&baseperiodenddatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodstartdatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodenddatetime=2020-10-01T00:00:00
  • GET Offline Meter Energy Report
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/offlinemeterenergy?offlinemeterid=1&periodtype=daily&baseperiodstartdatetime=2020-08-01T00:00:00&baseperiodenddatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodstartdatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodenddatetime=2020-10-01T00:00:00
  • GET Shopfloor Batch Analysis Report
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/shopfloorbatch?spaceid=1&reportingperiodstartdatetime=2021-05-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodenddatetime=2021-05-20T11:41:09
  • GET Shopfloor Cost Report

(parameter shopfloorid can be replaced with shopflooruuid)

curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/shopfloorcost?shopfloorid=1&periodtype=daily&baseperiodstartdatetime=2020-08-01T00:00:00&baseperiodenddatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodstartdatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodenddatetime=2020-10-01T00:00:00
  • GET Shopfloor Energy Category Report

(parameter shopfloorid can be replaced with shopflooruuid)

curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/shopfloorenergycategory?shopfloorid=1&periodtype=daily&baseperiodstartdatetime=2020-08-01T00:00:00&baseperiodenddatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodstartdatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodenddatetime=2020-10-01T00:00:00
  • GET Shopfloor Energy Item Report

(parameter shopfloorid can be replaced with shopflooruuid)

curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/shopfloorenergyitem?shopfloorid=1&periodtype=daily&baseperiodstartdatetime=2020-08-01T00:00:00&baseperiodenddatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodstartdatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodenddatetime=2020-10-01T00:00:00
  • GET Shopfloor Load Report

(parameter shopfloorid can be replaced with shopflooruuid)

curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/shopfloorload?shopfloorid=1&periodtype=daily&baseperiodstartdatetime=2020-08-01T00:00:00&baseperiodenddatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodstartdatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodenddatetime=2020-10-01T00:00:00
  • GET Shopfloor Saving Report

(parameter shopfloorid can be replaced with shopflooruuid)

curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/shopfloorsaving?shopfloorid=1&periodtype=daily&baseperiodstartdatetime=2020-08-01T00:00:00&baseperiodenddatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodstartdatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodenddatetime=2020-10-01T00:00:00
  • GET Shopfloor Statistics Report

(parameter shopfloorid can be replaced with shopflooruuid)

curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/shopfloorstatistics?shopfloorid=1&periodtype=daily&baseperiodstartdatetime=2020-08-01T00:00:00&baseperiodenddatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodstartdatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodenddatetime=2020-10-01T00:00:00
  • GET Space Cost Report

(parameter spaceid can be replaced with spaceuuid)

curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/spacecost?spaceid=1&periodtype=daily&baseperiodstartdatetime=2020-08-01T00:00:00&baseperiodenddatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodstartdatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodenddatetime=2020-10-01T00:00:00
  • GET Space Efficiency Report

(parameter spaceid can be replaced with spaceuuid)

curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/spaceefficiency?spaceid=1&periodtype=daily&baseperiodstartdatetime=2020-08-01T00:00:00&baseperiodenddatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodstartdatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodenddatetime=2020-10-01T00:00:00
  • GET Space Energy Category Report

(parameter spaceid can be replaced with spaceuuid)

curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/spaceenergycategory?spaceid=1&periodtype=daily&baseperiodstartdatetime=2020-08-01T00:00:00&baseperiodenddatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodstartdatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodenddatetime=2020-10-01T00:00:00
  • GET Space Energy Category Report (Quick Mode)

(parameter spaceid can be replaced with spaceuuid) (It does not return parameters and Excel file in quick mode)

curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/spaceenergycategory?spaceid=1&periodtype=daily&baseperiodstartdatetime=2020-08-01T00:00:00&baseperiodenddatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodstartdatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodenddatetime=2020-10-01T00:00:00&quickmode=true
  • GET Space Energy Item Report

(parameter spaceid can be replaced with spaceuuid)

curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/spaceenergyitem?spaceid=1&periodtype=daily&baseperiodstartdatetime=2020-08-01T00:00:00&baseperiodenddatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodstartdatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodenddatetime=2020-10-01T00:00:00
  • GET Space Income Report

(parameter spaceid can be replaced with spaceuuid)

curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/spaceincome?spaceid=1&periodtype=daily&baseperiodstartdatetime=2020-08-01T00:00:00&baseperiodenddatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodstartdatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodenddatetime=2020-10-01T00:00:00
  • GET Space Load Report

(parameter spaceid can be replaced with spaceuuid)

curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/spaceload?spaceid=1&periodtype=daily&baseperiodstartdatetime=2020-08-01T00:00:00&baseperiodenddatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodstartdatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodenddatetime=2020-10-01T00:00:00
  • GET Space Load Report (Quick Mode)

(parameter spaceid can be replaced with spaceuuid) (It does not return parameters and Excel file in quick mode)

curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/spaceload?spaceid=1&periodtype=daily&baseperiodstartdatetime=2020-08-01T00:00:00&baseperiodenddatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodstartdatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodenddatetime=2020-10-01T00:00:00&quickmode=true
  • GET Space Output Report

(parameter spaceid can be replaced with spaceuuid)

curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/spaceoutput?spaceid=1&periodtype=daily&baseperiodstartdatetime=2020-08-01T00:00:00&baseperiodenddatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodstartdatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodenddatetime=2020-10-01T00:00:00
  • GET Space Saving Report

(parameter spaceid can be replaced with spaceuuid)

curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/spacesaving?spaceid=1&periodtype=daily&baseperiodstartdatetime=2020-08-01T00:00:00&baseperiodenddatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodstartdatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodenddatetime=2020-10-01T00:00:00
  • GET Space Statistics Report

(parameter spaceid can be replaced with spaceuuid)

curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/spacestatistics?spaceid=1&periodtype=daily&baseperiodstartdatetime=2020-08-01T00:00:00&baseperiodenddatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodstartdatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodenddatetime=2020-10-01T00:00:00
  • GET Store Batch Analysis Report
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/storebatch?spaceid=1&reportingperiodstartdatetime=2021-05-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodenddatetime=2021-05-20T11:41:09
  • GET Store Cost Report

(parameter storeid can be replaced with storeuuid)

curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/storetcost?storeid=1&periodtype=daily&baseperiodstartdatetime=2020-08-01T00:00:00&baseperiodenddatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodstartdatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodenddatetime=2020-10-01T00:00:00
  • GET Store Energy Category Report

(parameter storeid can be replaced with storeuuid)

curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/storeenergycategory?storeid=1&periodtype=daily&baseperiodstartdatetime=2020-08-01T00:00:00&baseperiodenddatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodstartdatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodenddatetime=2020-10-01T00:00:00
  • GET Store Energy Item Report

(parameter storeid can be replaced with storeuuid)

curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/storeenergyitem?storeid=1&periodtype=daily&baseperiodstartdatetime=2020-08-01T00:00:00&baseperiodenddatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodstartdatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodenddatetime=2020-10-01T00:00:00
  • GET Store Load Report

(parameter storeid can be replaced with storeuuid)

curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/storeload?storeid=1&periodtype=daily&baseperiodstartdatetime=2020-08-01T00:00:00&baseperiodenddatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodstartdatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodenddatetime=2020-10-01T00:00:00
  • GET Store Saving Report

(parameter storeid can be replaced with storeuuid)

curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/storesaving?storeid=1&periodtype=daily&baseperiodstartdatetime=2020-08-01T00:00:00&baseperiodenddatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodstartdatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodenddatetime=2020-10-01T00:00:00
  • GET Store Statistics Report

(parameter storeid can be replaced with storeuuid)

curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/storestatistics?storeid=1&periodtype=daily&baseperiodstartdatetime=2020-08-01T00:00:00&baseperiodenddatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodstartdatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodenddatetime=2020-10-01T00:00:00
  • GET Tenant Batch Analysis Report
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/tenantbatch?spaceid=1&reportingperiodstartdatetime=2021-05-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodenddatetime=2021-05-20T11:41:09
  • GET Tenant Bill Report

(parameter storeid can be replaced with storeuuid)

curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/tenantbill?tenantid=1&reportingperiodstartdatetime=2020-10-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodenddatetime=2020-11-01T00:00:00
  • GET Tenant Cost Report

(parameter storeid can be replaced with storeuuid)

curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/tenantcost?tenantid=1&periodtype=daily&baseperiodstartdatetime=2020-08-01T00:00:00&baseperiodenddatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodstartdatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodenddatetime=2020-10-01T00:00:00
  • GET Tenant Energy Category Report

(parameter storeid can be replaced with storeuuid)

curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/tenantenergycategory?tenantid=1&periodtype=daily&baseperiodstartdatetime=2020-08-01T00:00:00&baseperiodenddatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodstartdatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodenddatetime=2020-10-01T00:00:00
  • GET Tenant Energy Item Report

(parameter storeid can be replaced with storeuuid)

curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/tenantenergyitem?tenantid=1&periodtype=daily&baseperiodstartdatetime=2020-08-01T00:00:00&baseperiodenddatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodstartdatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodenddatetime=2020-10-01T00:00:00
  • GET Tenant Load Report

(parameter storeid can be replaced with storeuuid)

curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/tenantload?tenantid=1&periodtype=daily&baseperiodstartdatetime=2020-08-01T00:00:00&baseperiodenddatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodstartdatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodenddatetime=2020-10-01T00:00:00
  • GET Tenant Saving Report

(parameter storeid can be replaced with storeuuid)

curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/tenantsaving?tenantid=1&periodtype=daily&baseperiodstartdatetime=2020-08-01T00:00:00&baseperiodenddatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodstartdatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodenddatetime=2020-10-01T00:00:00
  • GET Tenant Statistics Report

(parameter storeid can be replaced with storeuuid)

curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/tenantstatistics?tenantid=1&periodtype=daily&baseperiodstartdatetime=2020-08-01T00:00:00&baseperiodenddatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodstartdatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodenddatetime=2020-10-01T00:00:00
  • GET Virtual Meter Batch Analysis Report
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/virtualmeterbatch?spaceid=1&reportingperiodstartdatetime=2020-10-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodenddatetime=2020-11-01T00:00:00
  • GET Virtual Meter Carbon Dioxide Emission Report
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/virtualmetercarbon?virtualmeterid=1&periodtype=daily&baseperiodstartdatetime=2020-08-01T00:00:00&baseperiodenddatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodstartdatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodenddatetime=2020-10-01T00:00:00
  • GET Virtual Meter Cost Report
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/virtualmetercost?virtualmeterid=1&periodtype=daily&baseperiodstartdatetime=2020-08-01T00:00:00&baseperiodenddatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodstartdatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodenddatetime=2020-10-01T00:00:00
  • GET Virtual Meter Energy Report
curl -i -X GET {{base_url}}/reports/virtualmeterenergy?virtualmeterid=1&periodtype=daily&baseperiodstartdatetime=2020-08-01T00:00:00&baseperiodenddatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodstartdatetime=2020-09-01T00:00:00&reportingperiodenddatetime=2020-10-01T00:00:00


[1]. http://myems.io

[2]. https://falconframework.org/

[3]. https://github.com/lwcolton/falcon-cors

[4]. https://github.com/yohanboniface/falcon-multipart

[5]. http://gunicorn.org

[6]. https://github.com/henriquebastos/python-decouple/

[7]. https://foss.heptapod.net/openpyxl/openpyxl

[8]. https://foss.heptapod.net/openpyxl/et_xmlfile/

[9]. https://docs.pylonsproject.org/projects/waitress/en/latest/

