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MySQL-基础篇-第3篇-高级查询.md 19.23 KB
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MySQL - 基础篇 - 第3篇 - 高级查询



  • 查询员工的first_name、部门的名字

    • 错误的写法 - 笛卡尔积 - 两个表中的数据相乘
    -- 错误的写法
    select first_name,name from s_emp,s_dept;
  • 传统的写法

select first_name,name 
	from s_emp,s_dept
	where dept_id = id
-- ERROR 1052 (23000): Column 'id' in where clause is ambiguous
-- 两个表都有id。此时不知道where语句中的id是哪个表中的,多表中存在相同的列
-- 推荐多表查询的时候,需要给表取别名
select e.first_name,e.id,d.name,d.id 
	from s_emp e,s_dept d
	where e.dept_id = d.id;
  • 关联查询使用 **join...on **(二者一定是一起使用的)
  • 表join表on的目的不是进行条件筛选,就是用来除去笛卡尔积的
select e.first_name,d.name 
	from s_emp e
	join s_dept d
	on e.dept_id = d.id;


  • 对比传统写法和关联写法的区别
-- 查询出员工first_name以及这个员工所在的部门的name,以及这个员工所在的区域的名字。
-- 使用关联查询 join ... on ..
select e.first_name,d.name,r.name
	from s_emp e
	join s_dept d
		on e.dept_id = d.id
	join s_region r 
		on d.region_id = r.id;
-- 注意:能使用join的两张表一定要存在直接的关联关系

-- 传统的写法 - 弊端:不容易体现表之间的关系 - 可读性差.
select select e.first_name,d.name,r.name 
	from s_dept d,s_emp e,s_region r
	e.dept_id = d.id 
	d.region_id = r.id;

关联查询练习 - 内连查询

  • 查询出员工的first_name,该员工的部门名字,该员工的所在部门的区域的名称.
select e.first_name,d.name,r.name
	from s_emp e
	join s_dept d
		on e.dept_id = d.id
	join s_region r
		on d.region_id = r.id;
  • **on并不是用来替代where,**上面的题中增加一个业务.找出区域'Asia'上的所有的员工的名字,部门名字,区域名字.
select e.first_name,d.name,r.name
	from s_emp e
	join s_dept d
		on e.dept_id = d.id
	join s_region r
		on d.region_id = r.id
	where r.name = 'Asia';
  • 找出部门是31的部门的名称,以及该部门的所有的员工的名字和工资
select e.first_name,e.salary,d.name
	from s_emp e
	join s_dept d
		on e.dept_id = d.id
	join s_region r
		on d.region_id = r.id
	where d.id = 31;
  • 找出欧洲区域上所有的员工的名字,区域名称.
select e.first_name,r.name 
	from s_emp e
	join s_dept d
		on e.dept_id = d.id
	join s_region r
		on d.region_id = r.id
	where r.name = 'Europe';
  • 查询所有客户的id,名称以及该客户拥有的订单的所有的信息
select c.id,c.name,o.* 
	from s_customer c 
	join s_ord o 
	on c.id = o.customer_id;

关联查询 - 连接的方式

  • 内联方式 - [inner] join
select c.id,c.name,o.*
	from s_customer c
	join s_ord o
		on c.id = o.customer_id;
-- 如果这个客户没有订单信息,那么这个客户将不会被查出来 

  • 左外联 - 左连接 - left join

  • 以join左边的表为基准.在查询的时候,即使右边的表中没有与之对应的记录的时候.左边的这张表中的记录仍然也会被查询出来.

select c.id,c.name,o.*
	from s_customer c
	left join s_ord o
		on c.id = o.customer_id;

  • 右连接 - right join

  • 以join右边的表为基准,如果左边的表中没有与之对应的记录的时候,也要把右边的表中的记录查询出来.

select c.id,c.name,o.*
	from s_ord o
	right join s_customer c
		on c.id = o.customer_id;

  • 全连接
  • A full outer join B
  • mysql中不支持这个语法

练习 - 自关联
  • 查询员工名字以及该员工的上司的名字
select e1.first_name 员工名字,e2.first_name 上司名字
	from s_emp e1
	join s_emp e2
		on e2.id = e1.manager_id;
  • 查询员工名字以及该员工的上司的名字,即使这个员工没有上司,也要查询来.
select e1.first_name 员工名字,e2.first_name 上司名字
	from s_emp e1
	left join s_emp e2
		on e2.id = e1.manager_id;


简介:多行函数 - 组函数.

  • count(n)
  • n 可以为 * ,可以为具体的列,统计行数的,重复的数据也算1个
  • 注意:如果遇到了列值为 null ,那么就直接跳过了,不计数
-- 统计员工的个数
select count(*) from s_emp;

-- 统计具体的某个非空列
select count(e.id) from s_emp e;

-- 注意:如果碰到null值列,那么直接跳过了,不计数.
select count(commission_pct) from s_emp;
  • avg(n);
  • 求出某列的所有行的平均值.
-- 求出所有员工的平均月薪
select avg(salary) from s_emp;
  • max(n),min(n)
  • 求出最大值和最小值
-- 求出最大的工资和最小的工资
select max(salary),min(salary) from s_emp;
  • sum(n)
  • 求和
-- 求出员工表中所有的员工的工资总和
select sum(salary) from s_emp;
  • 注意:使用sum进行统计的时候,如果遇到null值,忽略null


  • 查询的列中是否可以出现普通列? - 不可以
  • 如果查询列中出现了组函数,不能光秃秃的出现普通列.如果出现普通列,必须要按照普通列进行分组.
-- ERROR 1140 (42000): In aggregated query without GROUP BY, expression #1 of SELECT list contains nonaggregated column 'ic_db.s_emp.first_name'; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by

-- 不难理解,因为max(salary)查询出来的是一个值,但是first_name是多个值,这就矛盾了,所以就出错了
select first_name,max(salary) from s_emp;


select 列1[,列2],组函数(多行函数)
where 条件语句
group by 列1[,列2]
having 组函数的判断
order by 排序
  • 统计各个部门的人数(部门的id和该部门的员工的数量)
select count(*) from s_emp group by dept_id;
select dept_id,count(*) from s_emp group by dept_id;

-- ERROR 1055 (42000): Expression #1 of SELECT list is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column 'ic_db.s_emp.first_name' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by
-- 分组查询语句中的select如果跟了普通列的话,那么这个普通列一定要符合实际的业务,应该和group by + 列保持一致.
select first_name,dept_id,count(*) from s_emp group by dept_id;
  • 统计各个职称的员工的数量
select title,count(*) from s_emp group by title;
  • 统计各个区域的id和区域的部门数量
select r.id,count(d.id)
	from s_dept d
	join s_region r
		on d.region_id = r.id
	group by r.id;
  • 统计各个部门的id,名称以及这个部门的员工的数量
select d.id,d.name,count(e.id)
	from s_emp e
	join s_dept d
		on e.dept_id = d.id
	group by d.id,d.name;
  • 统计各个区域的id,名称以及这个区域的员工的数量
select r.id,r.name,count(e.id)
	from s_emp e
	join s_dept d
		on e.dept_id = d.id
	join s_region r
		on d.region_id = r.id
	group by r.id,r.name;
  • 统计各个客户的订单的数量,没有订单的客户也要统计
select c.id,c.name,count(o.id)
	from s_customer c
	left join s_ord o
		on c.id = o.customer_id
	group by c.id,c.name;

having 组函数判断


  • where 是条件过滤,是在分组之前的过滤,不能使用组函数
  • having 是在分组之后的进一步过滤,允许使用组函数的
  • 查询出平均工资超过1300部门的平均工资
select d.id,d.name,avg(e.salary)
	from s_emp e
	join s_dept d
		on e.dept_id = d.id
	group by d.id,d.name 
	having avg(e.salary)>1300;
  • 统计本公司的职称的数量.
	count(distinct title)
	from s_emp;
  • 统计没有订单的客户信息
select c.id,c.name,count(o.id)
	from s_customer c
	left join s_ord o
		on c.id = o.customer_id
	group by c.id,c.name
	having count(o.id)=0;
  • 统计人数超过3个员工的部门编号和部门名称
select d.id,d.name
	from s_dept d
	join s_emp e
		on d.id = e.dept_id
	group by d.id,d.name
	having count(e.id)>3;
  • 统计除了'Asia'之外的各个区域的id,name以及这个区域的人数(4个),并且根据r.id降序排序
select r.id,r.name,count(e.id)
	from s_emp e
	join s_dept d
		on e.dept_id = d.id
	join s_region r
		on d.region_id = r.id
	where r.name <> 'Asia'
	group by r.id,r.name
	having count(e.id)>4 
	order by 1 desc;
  • 查询出各年份入职的员工情况(年份,员工人数)
select year(start_date) 年份,count(id) 
	from s_emp
	group by year(start_date);
  • 查询出每年每月入职的员工情况(年份月份,员工人数)
-- 方式1
select year(start_date),month(start_date),count(*)
	from s_emp
	group by year(start_date),month(start_date);
-- 方式2
select date_format(start_date,'%Y%m'),count(*) 
	from s_emp
	group by date_format(start_date,'%Y%m');


  • 定义:查询中嵌套查询.注意点:子查询一定要使用()括起来.
  • 子查询可以出现的位置
    • 作为外部查询的条件
    • 作为外部查询的列
    • 把子查询的结果作为"虚表",一定要给"虚表"取别名
  • 子查询作为外部查询的条件.
  • 查询出比Mark工资高的员工的名字和工资信息
-- 分解步骤1:
select salary from s_emp where first_name = 'Mark';
-- 分解步骤2:
select first_name,salary from s_emp where salary > 1450
-- 合并
select first_name,salary from s_emp where salary > (
	select salary from s_emp where first_name = 'Mark'
  • 子查询出现在外部查询的select列中

  • 查询出比Mark员工工资高的员工的名字和工资信息

select e.first_name,(
	select e.salary from s_emp e1 
    where e1.first_name='Mark'
    and e.salary>e1.salary
) _sal from s_emp e;
  • 子查询查询出来的结果 - "表"
select * from (
	select e.first_name,(
    	select e.salary from s_emp e1 
        where e1.first_name = 'Mark'
        and e.salary > e1.salary
    ) _sal from s_emp e
) core_ where core_._sal is not null;
  • 查询出客户名,电话号码以及订单数量
select c.id,c.name,c.phone,(
	select count(o.id) 
    from s_ord o 
    where o.customer_id = c.id
) from s_customer c;


  • 相关子查询 - 子查询中使用到了外部查询的列.子查询是不能够独立运行的.
select c.id,c.name,c.phone,(
    select count(o.id) 
    from s_ord o 
    where o.customer_id = c.id
) from s_customer c;
  • 无关子查询 - 子查询中没有使用到外部查询的列,子查询是允许单独执行的.
select e.first_name,e.dept_id 
	from s_emp e
	where e.dept_id = (
        select e1.dept_id 
        from s_emp e1 
        where e1.first_name='Ben'
    ) and e.first_name<>'Ben';
  • 关联查询
-- 写过了- 查询出客户名,电话号码以及订单数量


exists和not exists用法

  • exists 关心条件为true - 是否存在
  • not exits 关心条件为false - 不存在
  • 不关心查询出来的是什么,只关心能不能查询出来
select first_name 
	from s_emp 
	where exists(select 1 from s_dept where 1=1);
-- exists后面的子查询能够查询出来结果 - > true
  • 找出与'Ben'同部门的员工
select e.first_name,e.dept_id 
	from s_emp e 
	where exists(
        select 1 
        from s_emp e1 
        where e1.first_name='Ben' and e.dept_id = e1.dept_id
    ) and e.first_name<>'Ben';
  • select 1是查询有没有满足条件的数据

  • select count(*)是判断满足条件的数据有多少条

  • 找出各个部门工资排名前二的员工 - 前提是 - 相同工资不超过2个.

-- 在"我e"这个部门中,如果有人的工资比"我e"还要高,那么这个人的数量不能超过1个.
select e.dept_id,e.first_name,e.salary
	from s_emp e
	where exists(
    	select 1 from s_emp e1
        where e1.dept_id = e.dept_id and e1.salary > e.salary 
        having count(*)<=1
    )order by 1;
-- 不存在,在"我e"这个部门中,有人的工资比我高,并且这个数量超过1.
select e.dept_id,e.first_name,e.salary
	from s_emp e
	where not exists(
    	select 1 from s_emp e1
        where e1.dept_id = e.dept_id and e1.salary > e.salary 
        having count(*)>1
    ) order by 1;
  • 找出各个部门中工资最高的员工
    • 思路:本部门中比'我'工资高的员工不超过1个
    • 本部门中不存在比'我'工资还要高的员工(数量>0)
select e.dept_id,e.first_name,e.salary 
	from s_emp e 
	where not exists(
        select 1 
        from s_emp e1 
        where e1.dept_id = e.dept_id and e1.salary>e.salary
     having count(*)>0

exists 应用场景

笔试最难的题目 - 学生表,教师表,课程表,选课表

						- 客户表,购买表,产品表.
  • 请找出所选课程和'Tom'选课一样的学生的信息.

    比如:tom选择的课程id - 1 2 3

  • 请找出所有课程包含'Tom'选课的学生的信息.

思路 - 差集.

  • 1 2 3 - 2 3 = 1 -> 有记录 -> 不符合条件
  • 1 2 3 - 1 2 3 4 -> 没有记录 -> 符合条件


  • 并集 - union union all

  • 差集

create table tt(
	id int(7)
insert into tt values(1),(2),(3),(4);

select id from tt where id in(1,2);

select id from tt where id in(2,3);

-- 第一种写法(建议)
select core_.aid 
		select * 
        from (
            select id aid 
            from tt 
            where id in(1,2)
        ) a 
        left join (
            select id bid 
            from tt 
            where id in(2,3)
        ) b on a.aid = b.bid) core_
	where core_.bid is null;

-- 第二种写法
select * 
        select id 
        from tt 
        where id in(1,2)
    ) a
	where a.id not 
        select id 
        from tt 
        where id 


drop table purcase;
drop table customer;
drop table product;

create table product(
	  productid int(12) primary key,
	  productname varchar(20) not null,
	  unitprice double(11,2),
	  category varchar(28),
	  provider varchar(48)

create table customer(
		customerid int(12) primary key,
		name varchar(48),
		location varchar(128)

create table purcase(
		customerid int(12),
		productid int(12),
		quantity int(7)

insert into product values(1,'佳洁士',8.00,'牙膏','宝洁');
insert into product values(2,'高露洁',6.50,'牙膏','高露洁');
insert into product values(3,'洁诺',5.00,'牙膏','联合利华');
insert into product values(4,'舒肤佳',3.00,'香皂','宝洁');
insert into product values(5,'夏士莲',5.00,'香皂','联合利华');
insert into product values(6,'雕牌',2.50,'洗衣粉','纳爱斯');
insert into product values(7,'中华',3.50,'牙膏','联合利华');
insert into product values(8,'汰渍',3.00,'洗衣粉','宝洁');
insert into product values(9,'碧浪',4.00,'洗衣粉','宝洁');

insert into customer values(1,'Dennis','黄浦区');
insert into customer values(2,'John','徐家汇');
insert into customer values(3,'Tom','闸北');
insert into customer values(4,'Jenny','静安');
insert into customer values(5,'Rick','浦东');

insert into purcase values(1,1,3);
insert into purcase values(1,5,2);
insert into purcase values(1,8,2);
insert into purcase values(2,1,5);
insert into purcase values(2,5,4);
insert into purcase values(2,8,3);
insert into purcase values(3,1,1);
insert into purcase values(3,5,1);
insert into purcase values(3,6,3);
insert into purcase values(3,8,1);
insert into purcase values(4,1,7);
insert into purcase values(4,5,3);
insert into purcase values(4,8,3);
insert into purcase values(5,6,2);
insert into purcase values(5,7,8);


-- 求购买的商品包含了顾客"Dennis"所购买的所有商品的顾客(姓名)
-- 产品的id - 1 5 8

-- 思路 - 1 5 8的查询结果和另外一个人进行差集操作,如果返回empty,就是符合要求的.

-- 找出Dennis所买的productid
	pur.productid apid 
	from purcase pur 
	where pur.customerid=(
        select c.customerid 
        from customer c 
        where c.name='Dennis'
-- 158

-- 假设挑选出一个客户->tom->3

select pur.productid bpid 
	from purcase pur 
	where pur.customerid=3;
-- 1568

select * from(
    select pur.productid apid 
    from purcase pur 
    where pur.customerid=(
        select c.customerid 
        from customer c 
        where c.name='Dennis')
	) a where a.apid not in(
        select pur.productid bpid 
        from purcase pur 
        where pur.customerid=3
-- ----------------
select c.name 
	from customer c 
	where not exists(
		select * from(
            select pur.productid apid 
            from purcase pur 
            where pur.customerid=(
                select c.customerid 
                from customer c 
                where  c.name='Dennis')
        ) a where a.apid 
        not in(select pur.productid bpid
               from purcase pur 
               where pur.customerid=c.customerid)
	) and c.name<>'Dennis';

-- 求购买的商品和顾客"Dennis"所购买的所有商品一样并且数量一样的顾客(姓名)
select c.customerid,c.name 
	from customer c 
	where not exists(
		select * from(
            select pur.productid apid 
            from purcase pur 
            where pur.customerid=(
                select c.customerid 
                from customer c 
                where  c.name='Dennis'
        ) a where a.apid 
        not in(select pur.productid bpid
               from purcase pur 
               where pur.customerid=c.customerid)
	) and c.name<>'Dennis';

-- 分解 - 'Denis'购买的数量
select c.customerid,c.name,count(*) count_ 
	from customer c 
	join purcase pur 
		on c.customerid = pur.customerid 
	where c.name='Dennis' 
	group by c.customerid,c.name;

select count(*) count_ 
	from customer c 
	join purcase pur 
		on c.customerid = pur.customerid 
	where c.name='Dennis' group by c.customerid;

-- 最终的结果

select outer_.name 
	from(select core_.cid,core_.name,count(*) count_ 
         from(select c.customerid cid,c.name 
              from customer c 
              where not exists(select * from(
                  select pur.productid apid 
                  from purcase pur 
                  where pur.customerid=(
                      select c.customerid 
                      from customer c 
                      where c.name='Dennis')
              ) a where a.apid not in(
                  select pur.productid bpid
                  from purcase pur 
                  where pur.customerid=c.customerid)
			)and c.name<>'Dennis') core_ 
         join purcase pp 
         	on core_.cid = pp.customerid 
         group by core_.cid,core_.name) outer_ 
         where outer_.count_ = (
             select count(*) count_ 
             from customer c 
             join purcase pur 
             	on c.customerid = pur.customerid 
             where c.name='Dennis' group by c.customerid
