基于zynq的HDMI驱动,开发环境:Miz702开发板(兼容zedboard),vivado 2015.2
Icarus Verilog is intended to compile ALL of the Verilog HDL as
described in the IEEE-1364 standard. Of course, it's not quite there
yet. It does currently handle a mix of structural and behavioural
constructs. For a view of the current state of Icarus Verilog, see its
home page at <http://iverilog.icarus.com/>.
开源FPGA Lattice的iCE40系列芯片 入门教程
CPEN211LAB, make a RISCV computer
chiplab项目致力于构建基于LoongArch32 Reduced的soc敏捷开发平台
玉衡是一款从零开始写的 RISC-V 内核的处理器,基于 Verilog 硬件设计语言实现,五级流水线设计,支持 RV32IM 指令集,支持中断,支持 RT-Thread Nano 3.1.5