Icarus Verilog is intended to compile ALL of the Verilog HDL as
described in the IEEE-1364 standard. Of course, it's not quite there
yet. It does currently handle a mix of structural and behavioural
constructs. For a view of the current state of Icarus Verilog, see its
home page at <http://iverilog.icarus.com/>.
Firmware development environment for the UEFI and PI specifications
智能开关平台,包含服务端、硬件端、安卓端和前端。关键词:智能家居、物联网开关、远程开关、红外线遥控开关、WIFI继电器、MQTT协议、ESP8266、Iot smart switch、Android、Spring boot、Vue、Arduino
RTOS with preemptive kernel 📺
Klipper is a 3d-Printer firmware
E-Paper on ESP32 board
板载 ESP32电子墨水屏功能板,支持 Arduino 开发
提供安卓手机 APP 程序,可通过蓝牙 EDR 更新显示内容,方便使用
提供 HTML 上位机程序,可通过网页远程更新显示内容,方便集成到各种网络应用中
WiFi 标准:802.11b/g/n
aggserv 用于接受来自树莓派的rss信号强度,通过7004端口进行分发,解析时需要遵循protobuf的定义格式