本仓提供了HarmonyOS NEXT开源组件市场工具,这是一个开源的插件,可以直接安装在DevEco Studio中,帮助开发者非常便捷地导入仓中的案例源码,快速构建出一个鸿蒙应用,大大提升开发效率!欢迎开发者使用并且参与贡献开发案例,感兴趣的开发者也可以通过回答问卷加入微信交流群!
小熊派BearPi-HM Nano开发板基于HarmonyOS的源码
LiteOS kernel for embedded devices with rich resources | 适用于资源较丰富嵌入式设备的LiteOS内核
Hardware platforms emulation by QEMU | QEMU模拟不同的硬件单板
Wi-Fi station/P2P/AP management, including enabling, disabling, scanning, connecting, and information obtaining operations | WiFi STA/P2P/AP模式的管理:开关、扫描、连接、WiFi信息
The OpenHarmony JS UI framework provides basic, container, and canvas UI components and standard CSS animation capabilities. It supports the web-development-like programming paradigm.