fetch 异步请求库,用于浏览器和 node.js 的 HTTP 客户端
A small embedded Modbus protocol stack, written in C language, support master and slave, support discrete mapping, support non-blocking and blocking read and write mode, and provide a complete example, can be transplanted to different processors, simple to use, portable.
跨平台网络通信与服务器开发框架;支持 HTTP/MQTT/Redis/Memcache/SMTP/PING/Beanstalk/handler socket 等网络通信协议;支持线程池、协程、进程池、非阻塞、触发器等多种服务器编程模型;支持 XML/JSON/MIME/BASE64/UUCODE/QPCODE/RFC2047 等常见格式编解码;还有其它更多有价值的功能。
支持.NET,core, U3D,物联网,web,通用,网关 socket通讯,架构带有内置协议,保证数据完整. nuget可搜索包Weave.TCPClient与Weave.Server