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Creating_custom_filter_widget.md 7.44 KB
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Gustavo Navarro 提交于 2020-04-20 22:07 . Add OData documentation

Blazor client-side with OData back-end

Creating custom filter widget


The default GridBlazor render filter widget for a text column looks like:

But you can provide a more specific filter widget for this column. For example, image that you want users pick a customer from customer's list, like:

Follow thes steps to create a custom filter widget:

  1. Create a blazor page for the new widget

    Your blazor page should contain the following parameters:

    • GridHeaderComponent: it has two methods to add and remove a filter to the column:
      • AddFilter: adds a filter to the column. This method must be called by the Apply button of the widget
      • RemoveFilter: removes the filter to the column. This method must be called by the Clear button of the widget
    • visible: boolean to control if the widget is shown or not
    • filterType: string for the selected filter type. It can be one of these characters:
      • 1: Equals
      • 2: Contains
      • 3: StartsWith
      • 4: EndsWidth
      • 5: GreaterThan
      • 6: LessThan
      • 7: GreaterThanOrEquals
      • 8: LessThanOrEquals
    • filterValue: string for the value of the filter

    Example of a blazor page for a filter widget (you can find it in the sample GridBlazorOData.Client project with the file name CustomersFilterComponent.razor):

        @using GridBlazor.Resources
        @using GridBlazorOData.Shared.Models
        @using GridShared.Filtering
        @using System.Collections.Generic
        @inject NavigationManager NavigationManager
        @inject HttpClient HttpClient
        @inject IJSRuntime jSRuntime
        @typeparam T
        @if (visible)
            <div class="dropdown dropdown-menu grid-dropdown opened" style="display:block;" @onkeyup="FilterKeyup" @onclick:stopPropagation @onkeyup:stopPropagation>
                <div class="grid-dropdown-arrow"></div>
                <div class="grid-dropdown-inner">
                    <div class="grid-popup-widget">
                        <div class="form-group">
                            <p><i>This is custom filter widget demo</i></p>
                            <select @ref="firstSelect" class="grid-filter-type customerslist form-control" style="width:250px;" @bind="_filterValue">
                                @foreach (var customerName in _customersNames)
                                    <option value="@customerName">@customerName</option>
                        <div class="grid-filter-buttons">
                            <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary grid-apply" @onclick="ApplyButtonClicked">
                    <div class="grid-popup-additional">
                        @if (_clearVisible)
                            <ul class="menu-list">
                                    <a class="grid-filter-clear" href="javascript:void(0);" @onclick="ClearButtonClicked">
        @code {
            private bool _clearVisible = false;
            protected string _filterValue;
            private List<string> _customersNames = new List<string>();
            protected ElementReference firstSelect;
            [CascadingParameter(Name = "GridHeaderComponent")]
            private GridHeaderComponent<T> GridHeaderComponent { get; set; }
            public bool visible { get; set; }
            public string ColumnName { get; set; }
            public IEnumerable<ColumnFilterValue> FilterSettings { get; set; }
            protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
                string url = NavigationManager.BaseUri + "odata/Customers?$select=CompanyName";
                var response = await HttpClient.GetFromJsonAsync<ODataDTO<Customer>>(url);
                if (response != null && response.Value != null)
                    _customersNames = response.Value.Select(r => r.CompanyName).ToList();
            protected override void OnParametersSet()
                _filterValue = FilterSettings.FirstOrDefault().FilterValue;
                _clearVisible = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_filterValue);
            protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync(bool firstRender)
                if (firstRender && firstSelect.Id != null)
                    await jSRuntime.InvokeVoidAsync("gridJsFunctions.focusElement", firstSelect);
            protected async Task ApplyButtonClicked()
                await GridHeaderComponent.AddFilter(new FilterCollection(GridFilterType.Equals.ToString("d"), _filterValue));
            protected async Task ClearButtonClicked()
                await GridHeaderComponent.RemoveFilter();
            public async Task FilterKeyup(KeyboardEventArgs e)
                if (e.Key == "Escape")
                    await GridHeaderComponent.FilterIconClicked();

    This example loads a customer's list from the server using a web service call. So we had to crealte a webservice in the server project to get a list of clients. But it is not mandatory to use a web service call. This example always uses a filterType with value 1 when calling the GridHeaderComponent.AddFilter method.

  2. In the functions area of the grid razor page you must create an empty QueryDictionary an add the custom filter widget created is step 1 using a unique name:

       private IQueryDictionary<Type> _customFilters = new QueryDictionary<Type>();
       protected override async Task OnInitAsync()
           _customFilters.Add("CompanyNameFilter", typeof(CustomersFilterComponent<Order>));
  3. Add a new atribute to the GridComponent called CustomFilters where we pass the dictionary created in the step 2:

        <GridComponent T="Order" Grid="@_grid" CustomFilters="@_customFilters"></GridComponent>
  4. Add the new filter widget to the colum that will use it. This is done in the lambda expression that creates the column's definition:

        public static Action<IGridColumnCollection<Order>> Columns = c =>
            c.Add(o => o.Customer.CompanyName).SetFilterWidgetType("CompanyNameFilter");

    You have to use the same unique name used on the step 2.

<- Using a date time filter | Setup initial column filtering ->

