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Subgrids.md 4.26 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Gustavo Navarro 提交于 2019-10-30 16:24 . Add extended sorting and grouping

GridMvc for ASP.NET Core MVC



You can enable the subgrids support for your grid. Subgrids allows to view records for those tables that have a 1 to N relationship with the parent table of the main grid.

We asume that you already configured the parent grid and it's working as expected as described in the Quick start section.

IMPORTANT: You must use the Client side object model to enable subgrids

You can enable subgrids for the parent grid using the SubGrid method of the SGrid object on a view:

    @await Html.Grid(Model).Columns(columns =>
        columns.Add(c => c.OrderID);
        columns.Add(c => c.Title);
        columns.Add(c => c.Date);

Or you can also use the SubGrid method of the GridServer object from an action controller:

    public ActionResult Index()
        IQueryable<Foo> items = fooRepository.GetAll();
        Action<IGridColumnCollection<Foo>> columns = c =>
            columns.Add(c => c.OrderID);
            columns.Add(c => c.Title);
            columns.Add(c => c.Date);
        var server = new GridServer<Order>(items, Request.Query, false, "ordersGrid", columns)

        return View(server.Grid);

SubGrid parameter

Parameter Type Description Example
keys params string[] variable number of strings with the names of required columns to find records for the subgrid SubGrid(new string[] { "OrderID" })

The following script on the view will enable paging, sorting, filtering and subgrids

        $(function () {
                getPagedData: "/Home/GetOrdersGridRows",
                getSubGridData: "/Home/GetOrderDetailsGrid"

getPagedData must contain the name of the controller action to get rows for the main grid. And getSubGridData must contain the name of the controller action to get rows for the subgrids.

Both actions must implement http POST method because we are using the Client side object model.

Finally we have to create the new controller action to get the subgrid rows:

    public ActionResult GetOrderDetailsGrid(int OrderId)
        Action<IGridColumnCollection<OrderDetail>> columns = c =>
            c.Add(o => o.OrderID);
            c.Add(o => o.ProductID);
            c.Add(o => o.Product.ProductName);
            c.Add(o => o.Quantity).Format("{0:F}");
            c.Add(o => o.UnitPrice).Format("{0:F}");

        var requestCulture = HttpContext.Features.Get<IRequestCultureFeature>();
        var locale = requestCulture.RequestCulture.UICulture.TwoLetterISOLanguageName;
        var orderDetails = (new OrderDetailsRepository(_context)).GetForOrder(OrderId);

        var server = new GridServer<OrderDetail>(orderDetails, Request.Query,
            false, "orderDetailsGrid" + OrderId.ToString(), columns, 10, locale)
                .SetRowCssClasses(item => item.Quantity > 10 ? "success" : string.Empty)

        return PartialView("_SubGrid", server.Grid);

It's important to note that:

  • the parameters used for the action are the same than the keys array parameter used on the SubGrid method for tha parent grid. In this example is OrderId.
  • the grid name parameter we use must be unique for each subgrid. In this example we use the name "orderDetailsGrid" + OrderId.ToString().

This action returns a PartialView with the subgrid model and the name of the view we will use for it.

Finally we will create the view for subgrids. The easiest way is to use a tag helper:

    @using GridMvc
    @model ISGrid
    @addTagHelper *, GridMvc

    <grid model="@Model" />

<- Render button, checkbox, etc. in a grid cell | Passing grid state as parameter ->

