同步操作将从 huzgd/ezdml 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
unit ezdmlstrs;
{$MODE Delphi}
srEzdmlVersionNum = '3.47';
srEzdmlVersionDate = '2022-11-13';
{$ifdef WINDOWS}
{$ifdef WIN32}
srEzdmlAppTitleOS = 'EZDML for win32';
srEzdmlAppTitleOS = 'EZDML for win64';
srEzdmlAppTitleOS = 'EZDML for mac64';
srEzdmlAppTitleOS = 'EZDML for linux64';
//srEzdmlAppTitle = 'EZDML';
srEzdmlAppTitle = srEzdmlAppTitleOS;
{srEzdmlAppTitle = '表结构设计器';
srEzdmlExiting = '正在退出..';
srEzdmlLoading = '正在加载..';
srEzdmlOpeningFileFmt = '正在加载文件 %s...';
srEzdmlOpenFile = '打开文件';
srEzdmlOpening = '正在打开...';
srEzdmlAbortOpening = '确定要中止打开吗?';
srEzdmlConfirmClearAll = '新建文件将清除模型中的所有表,确定要继续吗?';
srEzdmlConfirmClearOnOpen = '打开前是否要清除现有表模型?';
srEzdmlSaveingFileFmt = '正在保存文件 %s...';
srEzdmlSaveFile = '保存文件';
srEzdmlSaving = '正在保存...';
srEzdmlAbortSaving = '确定要中止保存吗?';
srEzdmlSaved = '已保存: ';
srEzdmlNew = '新文件'; }
srEzdmlDefaultFontName = 'default';
srEzdmlDefaultFontSize = '0';
srEzdmlFixWidthFontName = 'default';
srEzdmlFixWidthFontSize = '0';
srEzdmlAbortSaving = 'Are you sure to abort saving?';
srEzdmlSaved = 'Saved: ';
srEzdmlExiting = 'Exiting..';
srEzdmlLoading = 'Loading..';
srEzdmlOpeningFileFmt = 'Opening file %s...';
srEzdmlOpenLastFileFmt = 'Open last recent file %s?';
srEzdmlPromptOpenDemoFile = 'Open demo file?';
srEzdmlOpenFile = 'Open file';
srEzdmlOpening = 'Opening...';
srEzdmlAbortOpening = 'Are you sure to abort opening file?';
srEzdmlConfirmClearAll = 'Create new file will clear all tables in the model file. Are you sure to continue?';
srEzdmlConfirmReOpenFile = 'Do you want to force the current file to be reopened (will skip the temp file)?';
srEzdmlConfirmClearOnOpen = 'Do you want to clear current model before open the file?';
srEzdmlConfirmClearOnLoad = 'Do you want to clear current model before load new models?';
//srEzdmlConfirmSyncWithDbFile = 'Since current file has the same name (%s) as the DB file being loaded, do you want to import the content into the current file (overwrite content but keep the local file name)?';
srEzdmlPromptSaveFile = 'Save current file before continue?';
srEzdmlPromptReloadOnFileDateSizeChanged = 'Current file is changed by other program, do you want to re-open it?';
srEzdmlPromptReloadDbFileChanged = 'Current file is changed in database by %s (%s), do you want to re-open it?';
srEzdmlConfirmCloseModified = 'Do you want to save and apply changes before close?';
srEzdmlSaveingFileFmt = 'Saving file %s...';
srEzdmlSaveFile = 'Save file';
srEzdmlSaving = 'Saving...';
srEzdmlDbFileSavedFmt = 'Database file saved: %s';
srEzdmlNew = 'New File';
srEzdmlDefault = 'Default';
srEzdmlFileNotFoundFmt = 'File not found %s';
srEzdmlTmpFileIgnoredFmt = '%s - the temp file is out of date and will be skipped';
srEzdmlDbTmpFileIgnoredFmt = '%s - the database file has been modified by %s (%s), thus the temp file is out of date and will be skipped';
srEzdmlLoadTmpFileFailFmt ='Failed to load tmp file: %s'#13#10'Error info: %s'#13#10'This may cause by version error or file damage. Please try newer version or delete the tmp file';
srEzdmlConfirmOpenUrlFmt = 'Are you sure to open URL %s with your internet explorer?';
srEzdmlConfirmEditTextFmt = 'Open %s to edit now?';
srEzdmlConfirmEditedTextFmt = '%s opened, please edit it now, and click OK to apply it when finished.';
srEzdmlConfirmExit = 'Do you want to save data before exit?';
srEzdmlCreateGScriptTipFmt = 'Global Script file (%s) not found, do you want to create it?';
srEzdmlFileAlreadyOpenedFmt = 'File %s is already open in another EZDML process.';
srEzdmlConfirmAlreadyOpenedFileFmt = 'Warning: File %s can not be locked and may have been opened in another EZDML process, continue operation may lead to unexpected consequences! Do you still want to forcibly open it?';
srEzdmlTempFileFmt = 'Temporary file - %s';
srEzdmlFunOnlyInWin32Ver = 'Sorry, this function is not available in EZDML of x64 version yet. Please take EZDML for win32 instead.';
srEzdmlCheckingForUpdates = 'Checking for updates...';
srEzdmlNoUpdateFound = 'No updatable version present.';
srEzdmlDmjUnicodePropmt = 'Save json data with \uXXXX unicode format?';
srEzdmlPromptNeverShown = '(Shift+Action = Don''t prompt again)';
srEzdmlGlobalScriptError = 'Error running global-script function %s: %s';
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