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kinematics.py 8.24 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
gaoszzz 提交于 2023-03-31 00:22 . update kinematics.py.
import numpy as np
from functools import reduce
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import cm
import math
def rotate(axis,deg):
AXIS = ('X', 'Y', 'Z')
axis = str(axis).upper()
if axis not in AXIS:
print(f"{axis} is unknown axis, should be one of {AXIS}")
rot_x = (axis == 'X')
rot_y = (axis == 'Y')
rot_z = (axis == 'Z')
rot_mat = np.array([[(np.cos(deg), 1)[rot_x], (0, -np.sin(deg))[rot_z], (0, np.sin(deg))[rot_y], 0],
[(0, np.sin(deg))[rot_z], (np.cos(deg), 1)[rot_y], (0, -np.sin(deg))[rot_x], 0],
[(0, -np.sin(deg))[rot_y], (0, np.sin(deg))[rot_x], (np.cos(deg), 1)[rot_z], 0],
[0, 0, 0, 1]], dtype=np.float32)
rot_mat = np.where(np.abs(rot_mat) < 1e-10, 0, rot_mat) # get a small value when np.cos(np.pi/2)
return rot_mat
def trans(axis, dis):
AXIS = ('X', 'Y', 'Z')
axis = str(axis).upper()
if axis not in AXIS:
print(f"{axis} is unknown axis, should be one of {AXIS}")
trans_mat = np.eye(4)
trans_mat[AXIS.index(axis), 3] = dis
return trans_mat
def DHmartix(thea, l, d, a):
T=np.mat( [[np.cos(thea), -np.sin(thea), 0, l],
[np.sin(thea)*np.cos(a), np.cos(thea)*np.cos(a), -np.sin(a), -np.sin(a)*d],
[np.sin(thea)*np.sin(a), np.cos(thea)*np.sin(a), np.cos(a), np.cos(a)*d],
[0, 0, 0, 1]], dtype=np.float16)
return np.around(T,4)
def fk(joints):
thea_1, thea_2, thea_3, thea_4, thea_5= joints
# DH_pramater: [theta,l_i-1,d_i,a_i-1],注意这里的单位是m
DH = [[thea_1, 0, 0, 0],
[thea_2, 0, 0, -np.pi/2],
[thea_3, 0.105, 0, 0],
[thea_4, 0.098, 0, 0],
[thea_5, 0.063,0, -np.pi/2]]
T = [rotate('z', thea_i).dot(trans('z', d_i)).dot(trans('x', l_i)).dot(rotate('x', a_i))
for thea_i, l_i, d_i, a_i in DH]
T_formula = [DHmartix(thea_j, l_j, d_j, a_j)
for thea_j, l_j, d_j, a_j in DH]
T50 = reduce(np.dot,T_formula)
return T50,T_formula
# joint = [0,np.pi/2,0,0,-np.pi/2]
# T50,T = fk(joint)
# print(T)
# print(T50)
def get_jac(joints: np.ndarray):
delta = 0.0001
jac = np.zeros((16, joints.shape[0]))
for i, joint in enumerate(joints):
joints_m = joints.copy()
joints_p = joints.copy()
joints_m[i] -= delta
joints_p[i] += delta
Tm,_ = fk(joints_m)
Tp,_ = fk(joints_p)
jac[:, i] = (Tp - Tm).flatten() / (2 * delta)
return jac
#Jacobian 迭代求解IK
def ik(T_tar, joints_init = np.zeros(5), tolerance = 1e-7):
itertime = 0
step = 0.5
joints = joints_init.copy()
while itertime < 1000:
T_cur,_ = fk(joints)
deltaT = (T_tar - T_cur).flatten()
error = np.linalg.norm(deltaT)
if error < tolerance:
return joints
jac = get_jac(joints)
deltaq = np.linalg.pinv(jac) @ deltaT
joints = joints + step * deltaq
itertime += 1
return False
def ana_ik(p_5,pitch = None):
x_t,y_t,z_t = p_5
theta = math.atan2(z_t,math.sqrt(x_t**2+y_t**2))
l1, l2 = 0.105, 0.098
l3 = 0.063
ik = []
if(pitch == None):
x_t *= 0.26/r
y_t *= 0.26/r
z_t *= 0.26/r
p_5 = [x_t ,y_t ,z_t]
beta = 1
# return None
elif(beta < 0.2964 and beta >-1):#所计算的关节角令关节大于75.76°,以及beta不超过180°,则选取小于75.76°的值
beta = 0.342 #选取beta = 70°
# beta=180*math.acos(beta)/np.pi
elif(beta < -1): #如果beta大于180° , 那就利用下面的公式重新选取beta角
beta = math.atan2(l2, l3) + math.acos((0.1165**2 + r**2 - l1**2)/(2*0.1165*l1))
else : #如果beta介于 0 ~ 75.76° ,选取0.8倍的beta角
beta = 180*math.acos(beta)/np.pi
beta *= 0.8
# beta = 2*int(beta)/3
else :
beta = - pitch + theta
#beta = int(beta)
# alpha = beta/180*np.pi
alpha = beta
if z_t == 0:
z_t +=1e-10
if (x_t**2 + y_t**2) == 0:
z = l3*math.cos(alpha)
x = -l3*math.sin(alpha)
y = 1e-7
h2 = z_t - (l3 * math.cos(theta - alpha) * math.tan(theta))
H = math.sqrt(x_t ** 2 + y_t ** 2 + z_t ** 2) / math.sqrt(x_t ** 2 + y_t ** 2) * math.sin(alpha) * l3
z = H + h2
x = x_t / z_t * h2
y = y_t / z_t * h2
if y == 0:
y +=1e-7
theta_1 = math.atan2(y, x)
theta_3 = math.acos((x ** 2 + y ** 2 + z ** 2 - (l1 ** 2 + l2 ** 2)) / 2 * l1 * l2)
k1 = math.cos(theta_3) * l2 + l1
k2 = math.sin(theta_3) * l2
theta_2 = - math.atan2(k2, k1) - math.atan2(z, math.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2))
theta_4 = - theta + alpha -theta_2 - theta_3
if x < 0 :
theta_1 = theta_1 -np.sign(y)*np.pi
theta_2 = - theta_2 - np.pi
theta_3 = - theta_3
theta_4 = - theta_4
pitch = alpha - theta
return ik,pitch
def ana_ik_Special_1(p_5) :
x_t,y_t,z_t = p_5
l1, l2 = 0.105, 0.098
l3 = 0.063
ik = []
x = x_t - x_t * math.sqrt(x_t**2+y_t**2) * l3
y = y_t - y_t * math.sqrt(x_t**2+y_t**2) * l3
z = z_t
theta_1 = math.atan2(y, x)
theta_3 = math.acos((x ** 2 + y ** 2 + z ** 2 - (l1 ** 2 + l2 ** 2)) / 2 * l1 * l2)
k1 = math.cos(theta_3) * l2 + l1
k2 = math.sin(theta_3) * l2
theta_2 = - math.atan2(k2, k1) - math.atan2(z, math.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2))
theta_4 = -theta_2 - theta_3
return ik
def ana_ik_forward(p_r, p_t, forward): # 分别沿x,y,z三个方向移动
x_t, y_t, z_t = p_t
x_r, y_r, z_r = p_r
theta = math.atan2(z_t, math.sqrt(x_t ** 2 + y_t ** 2))
l1, l2 = 0.105, 0.098
l3 = 0.063
ik = []
r = math.sqrt(x_t ** 2 + y_t ** 2 + z_t ** 2)
if (forward == ('x' or 'X')):
r_min = math.sqrt(y_t ** 2 + z_t ** 2)
if r_min < 0.1:
return None
for i in range(4):
ik.append([x_r + (i + 1) * x_t / 4, y_t, z_t])
return ik
elif (forward == ('y' or 'Y')):
r_min = math.sqrt(x_t ** 2 + z_t ** 2)
if r_min < 0.1:
return None
for i in range(4):
ik.append([x_t, y_r + (i + 1) * y_t / 4, z_t])
return ik
elif forward == ('z' or 'Z'):
r_min = math.sqrt(x_t ** 2 + y_t ** 2)
if r_min < 0.1:
return None
for i in range(4):
ik.append([x_t, y_t, z_r + (i + 1) * z_t / 4])
return ik
return None
def workspace(p_t):
x_t, y_t, z_t = p_t
r = math.sqrt(x_t ** 2 + y_t ** 2 + z_t ** 2)
if r > 0.266:
x_t *= 0.26/r
y_t *= 0.26/r
z_t *= 0.26/r
p_t = [x_t ,y_t ,z_t]
return p_t
def Geometric(ik):
l1, l2 = 0.105, 0.098
l3 = 0.063
theta1 ,theta2 ,theta3 ,theta4 =ik
r = l1*np.cos(theta2) + l2*np.cos(theta2 + theta3) + l3*np.cos(theta2 + theta3 + theta4)
x = r*np.cos(theta1)
y = r*np.sin(theta1)
z = -l1*np.sin(theta2) - l2*np.sin(theta2 + theta3) + l3*np.sin(theta2 + theta3 + theta4)
return Descartes
# def jtra_plan(start_position,end_position,num_point):
