同步操作将从 pyq19/mir2ServerRelease 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
DONE List:
16/10/2015 - Note Revision 3.
Added StormEscape Book, Revised Damage + MP Usage
Added FastMove Book, (Awaiting Skill tobe coded).
Added ImmortalSkin Book, (Awaiting Skill tobe coded).
Added HealingCircle Book, (Awaiting Skill tobe coded).
Added MoonMist Book, (Awaiting Skill tobe coded).
Added Knapsack(S), Knapsack(M), Knapsack(L)
GameShop item's redone. Creatures + Mounts added.
28/09/2015 - 15/20/2015 Note Revision 2.
Added missing mounts to gm mount shop.
Removed STONETRAP from gm book shop.
Refine Added to Sabuk.
Added rest of Transforms to the GameShop.. Few need new names.
Added Patrols to CastleBichon
Changed Awaking to official Weapon Only. (Removed Armour + Helmet)
Changed CastleBichon Guard + ArcherGuard to Royal_Guard and Royal_Archer
Bribery of Commander Luke, will send you to the Prison: (waiting for a Prison Buff)
BookShops now fixed Archer explanation.
InnKeeper's fixed incomplete sentance.
Removed colours from the NPCS
Added Timer to DC/MC/SC Torches
Added Duration to Hard/KnowledgeTorchs
PrisonGuard added to the BichonProvince Prison (Awaiting CHECKBUFF command)
Gem + Orbs now follow Korean Official Useable on list.
PenalCavern Added.
PenalCavern Monster + Drop + Item Added.
EXP Scrolls now changed to a Potion.
Renumbered all Script type Items.
CraftingVillage Added.
Crafting Portal NPCS added. Require [SET] to enter. (Hidden until [SET] Active)
Added TravellingMerchant, Location's Coord's Time's located inside TravellingMerchant.txt
Re Added Old Patrols.
Added Packages to GameShop.
CreditScroll - change to CreditToken, image number 938 (mir2 token image)
Frog mob (pet) - AI 64, Name Frog, Effect 10 (stats of other pets like baby dragon)
FrogEgg item - Type Pets, Image 2884, Shape 10, Grade Mythical
Transform27 item - shape 27, type transform (normal transform item stats)
LaternItem - Type Torch, max light and range, gameshop item, image number 1948
NPC shops - needs multiples adding for any stack items. Example: hp potion should be 1, 5, 10 amounts (just add number on end of item in TRADE. Don't add a number higher than the amount it can stack.
08/09/2015 - 28/09/2015 Note Revision 1.
Added m,h,d,M,y To GameShop items
Added FootBall.
GaleRing Speed Changed to 1. GaleNecklace Speed Changed to 2.
Removed SC0-2 From Amulets and Poisons
Added Amulet(Bundle)
1x Quest to unlock Ancient Cave
If you take Wine to Emperor Far, you will unlock feature in future.
New NPC for Far, in the Palace "Hail Emperor Far" feature to come.
Renamed PremiumDungeon_Elijah to Premium_Elijah
You can purchase Wines from Sir_Mogu.. Wine Feature to come.
Removed BoxOfHolyWater from Server until i find a nice clean way to add.
Items Readded to GameShop
Flag 952 Added to GameMaster NPCS in R001
Flag 951 Added for Disabled NPCS
NPC's Redone:
CraftsLady-0 (Awaiting Feature tobe coded.)
GTMerchant-0 (Awaiting Feature tobe coded.)
(hoping for more complex system then orignal)
Lottery-0 (Awaiting Feature tobe coded.)
SwampNpc (Need to change to SabukCave once added FLAG CURRENT 951)
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