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郭宇晨 / 连续投影算法SPA

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SPA_CUPY.py 8.52 KB
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root 提交于 2021-02-13 15:40 . 使用 GPU加速版本
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# python: Python 3.7.3
# pandas: pandas 0.25.3
# numpy : numpy 1.16.2
# scipy : scipy 1.4.1
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import cupy as cp
from scipy.linalg import qr, inv, pinv
import scipy.stats
import scipy.io as scio
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from progress.bar import Bar
from numba import jit
import time
class SPA:
def _projections_qr(self, X, k, M):
X : 预测变量矩阵
K :投影操作的初始列的索引
M : 结果包含的变量个数
return :由投影操作生成的变量集的索引
X_projected = X.copy()
# 计算列向量的平方和
norms = cp.sum((X**2), axis=0)
# 找到norms中数值最大列的平方和
norm_max = cp.amax(norms)
# 缩放第K列 使其成为“最大的”列
X_projected[:, k] = X_projected[:, k] * 2 * norm_max/norms[k]
# 矩阵分割 ,order 为列交换索引
_, __, order = qr(cp.asnumpy(X_projected), 0, pivoting=True)
o = order[:M].T
return cp.asarray(o)
def _validation(self, Xcal, ycal, var_sel, Xval=None, yval=None):
[yhat,e] = validation(Xcal,var_sel,ycal,Xval,yval) --> 使用单独的验证集进行验证
[yhat,e] = validation(Xcal,ycalvar_sel) --> 交叉验证
N = Xcal.shape[0] # N 测试集的个数
if Xval is None: # 判断是否使用验证集
NV = 0
NV = Xval.shape[0] # NV 验证集的个数
yhat = e = None
# 使用单独的验证集进行验证
if NV > 0:
Xcal_ones = cp.hstack([cp.ones((N, 1)), Xcal[:, var_sel].reshape(N, -1)])
# 对偏移量进行多元线性回归
b = cp.linalg.lstsq(Xcal_ones, ycal, -1)[0]
# 对验证集进行预测
np_ones = cp.ones((NV, 1))
Xval_ = Xval[:, var_sel]
X = cp.hstack((np_ones, Xval[:, var_sel]))
yhat = cp.dot(X, b)#X.dot(b)
# 计算误差
e = yval-yhat
return yhat, e
def spa(self, Xcal, ycal, m_min=1, m_max=None, Xval=None, yval=None, autoscaling=1):
[var_sel,var_sel_phase2] = spa(Xcal,ycal,m_min,m_max,Xval,yval,autoscaling) --> 使用单独的验证集进行验证
[var_sel,var_sel_phase2] = spa(Xcal,ycal,m_min,m_max,autoscaling) --> 交叉验证
如果 m_min 为空时, 默认 m_min = 1
如果 m_max 为空时:
1. 当使用单独的验证集进行验证时, m_max = min(N-1, K)
2. 当使用交叉验证时,m_max = min(N-2, K)
autoscaling : 是否使用自动刻度 yes = 1,no = 0, 默认为 1
assert (autoscaling == 0 or autoscaling == 1), "请选择是否使用自动计算"
start = time.perf_counter()
N, K = Xcal.shape
if m_max is None:
if Xval is None:
m_max = min(N-1, K)
m_max = min(N-2, K)
assert (m_max < min(N-1, K)), "m_max 参数异常"
# 第一步: 对测试集进行投影操作
# 在均值中心化 和 自动窗口 之后 对 Xcal的列进行投影操作
normalization_factor = None
if autoscaling == 1:
normalization_factor = cp.std(
Xcal, ddof=1, axis=0).reshape(1, -1)[0]
normalization_factor = cp.ones((1, K))[0]
Xcaln = cp.empty((N, K))
for k in range(K):
x = Xcal[:, k]
Xcaln[:, k] = (x - cp.mean(x)) / normalization_factor[k]
SEL = cp.zeros((m_max, K))
# 进度条
with Bar('Projections :', max=K) as bar:
for k in range(K):
SEL[:, k] = self._projections_qr(Xcaln, k, m_max)
# 第二步: 进行评估
PRESS = float('inf') * cp.ones((m_max, K))
with Bar('Evaluation of variable subsets :', max=(K)*(m_max-m_min+1)) as bar:
for k in range(K):
for m in range(m_min-1, m_max):
var_sel = SEL[:m, k].astype(cp.int)
_, e = self._validation(Xcal, ycal, var_sel, Xval, yval)
PRESS[m, k] = cp.conj(e).T.dot(e)
PRESSmin = cp.min(PRESS, axis=0)
m_sel = cp.argmin(PRESS, axis=0)
k_sel = cp.argmin(PRESSmin)
# 第 k_sel波段为初始波段时最佳,波段数目为 m_sel(k_sel)
var_sel_phase2 = cp.asnumpy(SEL)[:m_sel[k_sel], k_sel].astype(np.int)
var_sel_phase2 = cp.asarray(var_sel_phase2)
# 最后消去变量
# 第 3.1 步 计算相关指数
Xcal2 = cp.hstack([cp.ones((N, 1)), Xcal[:, var_sel_phase2]])
b = cp.linalg.lstsq(Xcal2, ycal, rcond=None)[0]
std_deviation = cp.std(Xcal2, ddof=1, axis=0)
relev = cp.abs(b * std_deviation.T)
relev = relev[1:]
index_increasing_relev = cp.argsort(relev, axis=0)
index_decreasing_relev = index_increasing_relev[::-1].reshape(1, -1)[0]
PRESS_scree = cp.empty(len(var_sel_phase2))
yhat = e = None
for i in range(len(var_sel_phase2)):
var_sel = var_sel_phase2[index_decreasing_relev[:i]]
_, e = self._validation(Xcal, ycal, var_sel, Xval, yval)
PRESS_scree[i] = cp.conj(e).T.dot(e)
RMSEP_scree = cp.sqrt(PRESS_scree/len(e))
# 第 3.3: F-test 验证
PRESS_scree_min = cp.min(PRESS_scree)
alpha = 0.25
dof = len(e)
fcrit = scipy.stats.f.ppf(1-alpha, dof, dof)
PRESS_crit = PRESS_scree_min * fcrit
# 找到不明显比 PRESS_scree_min 大的最小变量
i_crit = cp.min(cp.nonzero(PRESS_scree < PRESS_crit))
i_crit = max(m_min, i_crit)
var_sel = var_sel_phase2[index_decreasing_relev[:i_crit]]
plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['SimHei'] # 用来正常显示中文标签
plt.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] = False # 用来正常显示负号
fig1 = plt.figure()
plt.xlabel('Number of variables included in the model')
plt.title('Final number of selected variables:{}(RMSE={})'.format(len(var_sel),RMSEP_scree[i_crit]))
plt.scatter(i_crit,RMSEP_scree[i_crit], marker='s',color='r')
fig2 = plt.figure()
plt.scatter(var_sel,Xcal[0,var_sel], marker='s',color='r')
plt.legend(['First calibration object','Selected variables'])
plt.xlabel('Variable index')
# end = time.perf_counter()
# print('运行时间:%.10f'%(end - start))
return var_sel
def __repr__(self):
return "SPA()"
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Xcal = scio.loadmat('Xcal.mat')['Pn_train'].astype(np.float64)
# Xval = scio.loadmat('Xval.mat')['Pn_test'].astype(np.float64)
# ycal = scio.loadmat('ycal.mat')['Tn_train'].astype(np.float64)
# yval = scio.loadmat('yval.mat')['Tn_test'].astype(np.float64)
# print(type(Xcal))
# var_sel, var_sel_phase2 = SPA().spa(
# Xcal, ycal, m_min=2, m_max=50, Xval=Xval, yval=yval, autoscaling=1)
# import time
# start = time.perf_counter()
path = r"msc.csv"
data_ = pd.read_csv(r"outlier.csv")
y = data_.loc[:,'Brix']
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler
Xcal, Xval, ycal, yval = train_test_split(x, y, test_size = 0.4, random_state = 0)
min_max_scaler = MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(-1,1))#这里feature_range根据需要自行设置,默认(0,1)
Xcal = min_max_scaler.fit_transform(Xcal)
Xval = min_max_scaler.transform(Xval)
Xcal = cp.asarray(Xcal)
Xval = cp.asarray(Xval)
ycal = cp.asarray(ycal)
yval = cp.asarray(yval)
var_sel = SPA().spa(
Xcal, ycal, m_min=2, m_max=50, Xval=Xval, yval=yval, autoscaling=1)
#long running


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