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Luc Boudreau 提交于 2014-06-09 11:53 . [CLEANUP] Updates the release notes.
Mondrian 3.7.0 production release notes
This release is a maintenance release. It contains all of the fixes
from our prior service packs of the 3.6.X code line. It also addresses
a lot of issues around compound slicers as well as in-memory rollup
We have also introduced a few select new features that the team would like
to test in the community in the hope of growing them organically.
To find out more about Mondrian, go to http://mondrian.pentaho.com.
For further installation instructions, see
or the included file doc/installation.html.
New features in this release
- Beta support for JMX monitoring.
- Support for olap4j 1.2.0.
- Support for NuoDB
API changes from 3.6.X to 3.7.X
- None.
Notable bug fixes
- Fixes issues around in-memory rollups.
- Fixes issues with Impala and Hive dialects.
- Fixes issues where using roles would prevent all of the members from
being cached and retrieved correctly.
- Fixes arithmetic errors when compound slicers are used.
- Fixes concurrency issues with the segment indexes and external caches.
See CHANGES.txt for a list of all source code changes
since the previous release.
Mondrian 3.6.0 production release notes
Mondrian 3.6.0 is a feature feature release based off the previous 3.4.9
version. It contains all of the previous bug fixes, plus added support for
native resolution of named sets containing compound expressions.
We have also included some performance enhancements in the core code.
To find out more about Mondrian, go to http://mondrian.pentaho.com.
As usual, there are two distributions for this release:
* mondrian-<version>.zip contains the FoodMart dataset in
SQL and Access format
* mondrian-<version>-derby.zip contains the FoodMart
dataset as an Apache Derby database
Each distribution contains the full mondrian source code, as
mondrian-<version>-src.zip, documentation including
generated API documentation, and a web archive mondrian.war.
This web archive contains all classes and libraries (jars)
necessary to run mondrian.
For further installation instructions, see
or the included file doc/installation.html.
Main functionality in this release
- Support for native named sets which use the '+' operator.
- Faster implementation of olap4j's Member.getParent and some other
method calls by using the Locus API.
- Various bug fixes form the previous 3.4.X re-releases.
API changes from 3.5.9 to 3.6.0
- None.
See CHANGES.txt for a list of all source code changes
since the previous release.
Mondrian 3.5.0-GA production release notes
Mondrian 3.5.0 is a bugfix release based off the previous 3.4.1 version.
It includes many enhancements and performance fixes as well as better
native support for native resolution of tuples when access controls
are added.
We have also significantly improved the performance when dealing with
levels of high cardinality as well as enabled Mondrian to run into
a real-time mode where nothing gets cached and the data it returns
is always the latest from the source.
To find out more about Mondrian, go to http://mondrian.pentaho.com.
As usual, there are two distributions for this release:
* mondrian-<version>.zip contains the FoodMart dataset in
SQL and Access format
* mondrian-<version>-derby.zip contains the FoodMart
dataset as an Apache Derby database
Each distribution contains the full mondrian source code, as
mondrian-<version>-src.zip, documentation including
generated API documentation, and a web archive mondrian.war.
This web archive contains all classes and libraries (jars)
necessary to run mondrian.
For further installation instructions, see
or the included file doc/installation.html.
Main functionality in this release
- Tuples evaluation now push down natively the constraints
imposed by roles.
- Fixes some issues in the way Mondrian was splitting segments
across multiple sub-segments.
- Resolving tuples only joins to the fact table if absolutely
- Improved processing of large volumes of data when a member grant
is used with a partial rollup policy.
- Enables a mode in which nothing gets cached and the data returned
is always the latest available from the database.
- Allows more than one measure to be included in the RETURN clause
of a DRILLTHROUGH statement.
- Added support for native evaluation of regular expressions with
- Upgraded Apache Xerces.
API changes from 3.4.1 to 3.5.0
- Changes to the effects of the property 'mondrian.rolap.DisableCache'
- Introduces a new property to disable the default in-memory cache
for segments.
- Added a new method to specify the roles for a connection to allow
the presence of commas in role names.
- Allows to specify a minimum TTL value for schemas in the pool through
connection properties.
- Allows to specify a unique connection UUID to force the usage of a
specific schema in the pool through connection properties.
See CHANGES.txt for a list of all source code changes
since the previous release.
Mondrian 3.4.0-GA production release notes
Mondrian 3.4.0-GA is a major refactoring of Mondrian's internals
and the way it handles & stores the cell data. This release makes
Mondrian much more scalable and much more effective in the way it
uses the system threads.
This release also introduces a new algorithm to load, share and
rollup the data cells, or segments. Mondrian will rollup and union
the segment data from low levels, in memory, to answer queries
related to higher levels. This provides a huge improvement in
performance on systems with high user interactivity.
It is also worth noting that the Mondrian project now hosts its
source code on github. The official source code can now be found
at: github.com/pentaho/mondrian
To find out more about Mondrian, go to http://mondrian.pentaho.com.
As usual, there are two distributions for this release:
* mondrian-<version>.zip contains the FoodMart dataset in
SQL and Access format
* mondrian-<version>-derby.zip contains the FoodMart
dataset as an Apache Derby database
Each distribution contains the full mondrian source code, as
mondrian-<version>-src.zip, documentation including
generated API documentation, and a web archive mondrian.war.
This web archive contains all classes and libraries (jars)
necessary to run mondrian.
This release runs on Java version 1.5 and higher. For
backwards compatibility on Java 1.4, substitute
mondrian-jdk14.jar for mondrian.jar, and add
retroweaver-rt-1.2.4.jar to your classpath.
For further installation instructions, see
or the included file doc/installation.html.
Main functionality in this release
- Support for olap4j 1.0.1 and JDBC 4.1.
- Simplified and improved the SegmentCache SPI.
- Introduces the Mondrian Monitor API.
- Refactored some key parts of the engine into an
implementation of the Actor design pattern, providing more
effective resource sharing and the elimination of many
synchronization blocks.
- SQL queries for cell data is now fetched by a multi-threaded
executor and the tasks are shared among the query threads.
- More than one SegmentCache implementations can now be used
at a time.
- Ability to combine the data of multiple segments for a single
- Ability to combine data of an existing segment with data form SQL.
- Support for the DRILLTHROUGH RETURN clause.
- Ability to define non-measure calculated members in a cube
under a specific parent.
- Allow aggregate tables to join to middle levels of snowflake
- As usual, many other bug fixes and performance tweaks.
API changes from 3.3.to 3.4
- Substantial changes to SegmentCache
- Upgraded to olap4j-
See CHANGES.txt for a list of all source code changes
since the previous release.
Mondrian production release notes
Mondrian introduces many new features, optimizations and
bug fixes to the previous release. There are a few potentially
disruptive changes introduced in this release. We strongly
recommend reading these release notes carefully.
To find out more about mondrian, go to http://mondrian.pentaho.com.
As usual, there are two distributions for this release:
* mondrian-<version>.zip contains the FoodMart dataset in
SQL and Access format
* mondrian-<version>-derby.zip contains the FoodMart
dataset as an Apache Derby database
Each distribution contains the full mondrian source code, as
mondrian-<version>-src.zip, documentation including
generated API documentation, and a web archive mondrian.war.
This web archive contains all classes and libraries (jars)
necessary to run mondrian.
This release runs on Java version 1.5 and higher. For
backwards compatibility on Java 1.4, substitute
mondrian-jdk14.jar for mondrian.jar, and add
retroweaver-rt-1.2.4.jar to your classpath.
For further installation instructions, see
or the included file doc/installation.html.
Main functionality in this release
- Improved native performance.
- Support for olap4j 1.0.
- XMLA now supports roles and access controls, as well as
a major refactoring to allow the XMLA servlet to run on top
of any olap4j compliant driver.
- Improved Greenplum support.
- Improved member cache control.
- Introduces the Hive dialect.
- Introduces scripted user defined functions and formatters.
- Introduces the SegmentCache SPI.
- Introduces the EXPLAIN PLAN query.
API changes from 3.2.to 3.3
- Added OlapElement.isVisible().
- Dialect now includes:
o allowsJoinOn()
o allowsRegularExpressionInWhereClause()
o generateRegularExpression()
o requiresHavingAlias()
o generateCountExpression()
- Dialect removes:
o getNullCollation()
- Upgraded to olap4j-
- Introduction of:
o SegmentCache
o PropertyFormatter
o MemberFormatter
o CellFormatter
See CHANGES.txt for a list of all source code changes
since the previous release.
Bugs and feature requests fixed for
A complete list of the changes included in this release is available
at the following URL.
Bugs and feature requests fixed for
MONDRIAN-821 - Adds a unique ID property to the Schema API. This id
is expected to be different across different Mondrian
instances. It allows clients to refresh their schema
caches when that ID changes. This usually happened
when a dynamic schema processor is used and the schema
changes when a user login changes.
MONDRIAN-695 - NonEmpty, Crossjoin and multiple dimensions in a slicer
all together were returning wrong results with native
PPP-2542 - Changing dir to the current dir for win7 issue,
BISERVER-4632, added check to see if the jre folder
provided exists
Bugs and feature requests fixed for
MONDRIAN-799 - Currency format string shows a junk character for the
currency symbol
MONDRIAN-779 - Include/exclude filter not working
MONDRIAN-777 - The identical view acting as a relation for a dimension
table and fact table is determined not equal, causing
issues with degenerate dimensions in views
MONDRIAN-776 - mondrian.xsd updated to new specifications
MONDRIAN-769 - row counts coming back as zero
MONDRIAN-766 - Bug in escaping strings containing backslash for MySQL
MONDRIAN-761 - mondrian.olap.fun.VisualTotalsFunDef$VisualTotalMember
cannot be cast to mondrian.rolap.RolapCubeMember
MONDRIAN-756 - Error in RolapResult.replaceNonAllMembers leads to NPE
MONDRIAN-755 - Getting drillthrough count results in exception
MONDRIAN-735 - Indian format strings
MONDRIAN-724 - Cannot reference Member that has the same name as the
MONDRIAN-711 - Wrong behaviour with approxRowCount attribute added in
a Level element
MONDRIAN-568 - If two cubes have dimension with same name, mondrian
treats grant to one as grant to other
MONDRIAN-463 - New error messages if hierarchy has no levels; if
hierarchy has
BISERVER-4618 - PSW Duplicate catalog entry in datasources.xml
PSW-87 - As a BI Pracitioner, I would like Schema Workbench to use the
same connection creation dialog as the rest of the Pentaho
PSW-84 - Column in schema workbench wont allow as measure if data type
Bugs and feature requests fixed for
MONDRIAN-751 - Drill SQL does not include slicer members in WHERE
Bugs and feature requests fixed for
MONDRIAN-745 - NullPointerException when passing in null param value
MONDRIAN-746 - Level of calculated member is different when hierarchy
is access-controlled
MONDRIAN-750 - View model with Analyzer where model contains multiple
hierarchies beneath a single dimension throws exception
Bugs and feature requests fixed for
MONDRIAN-560 - StrToMember function doesn't use IgnoreInvalidMembers
MONDRIAN-737 - Sybase SQL Dialect is not correctly applied for
Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.5
MONDRIAN-722 - If ignoreInvalidMembers=true, should ignore
grants with invalid members
MONDRIAN-734 - Exception thrown when creating a 'New Analysis View'
with JPivot
MONDRIAN-728 - Rolap Connection Locale is handled incorrectly in
MONDRIAN-738 - Statements not being closed
MONDRIAN-708 - After change 13351 all Excel pivots fail to update.
CellInfo element in XMLA response is wrong
MONDRIAN-742 - Role security not applied correctly for the 'Top
Level' restriction
MONDRIAN-727 - [Fact count] measure added in change 13506
shouldn't be returned in XMLA rowset, not visible
measures shouldn't be
returned either
Bugs and feature requests fixed for
MONDRIAN-686 - Regression: JPivot output invalid - New Variance
Percent column
MONDRIAN-691 - RolapSchemaReader is not enforcing access control
on two APIs
MONDRIAN-694 - Incorrect handling of child/parent relationship
with hierarchy grants
MONDRIAN-726 - Change 13509 is not Excel 2007 compatible
MONDRIAN-725 - setParameter function should be able to accept
Java string for set value
MONDRIAN-652 - Add support for generic annotations to Mondrian schema
MONDRIAN-718 - Direct References to Members on a Dimension that has
calculated members defined will not be found
MONDRIAN-710 - Count with ExcludeEmpty throws an exception when
the cube does not have a factCountMeasure
MONDRIAN-715 - Constrained Measures can generate incorrect results
when evaluated natively
MONDRIAN-706 - SQL using hierarchy attribute 'Column Name'
instead of 'Column' in the filter
MONDRIAN-705 - Aggregate with grouping sets turned on causes
MONDRIAN-704 - MDSCHEMA_PROPERTIES should not return internal
MONDRIAN-681 - Add serializable to PropertyList class for caching
MONDRIAN-678 - VisualTotals gives UnsupportedOperationException
calling getOrdinal
MONDRIAN-679 - VisualTotals gives ClassCastException when called
via XMLA
Mondrian Previous Releases - Tags and Checksums
Below is the list of Mondrian tags and checksums in Git. They
represent the previous releases of Mondrian and can all be found
directly from: https://github.com/pentaho/mondrian/tags
Version Tag Git Hash
------- --------- ----------------------------------------
3.6.7 3.6.7-R 6c8436dac24b08c32a84234ded106cd8a6b74f88
3.6.6 3.6.6-R a1486a6a56e7ee0055c91d7bd44bd5091ce84092
3.6.5 3.6.5-R 56609c22ea7e2edc46c67bc83d2f245e52bd732e
3.6.4 3.6.4-R e9b291fb5ae82862e37037befcd2d3504592f209
3.6.3 3.6.3-R 8e4009ff39cb9e5e60a67d3f1a674f4a01b6e45e
3.6.2 3.6.2-R 19ed7f14a3aada13dc15adb4109f1b3b415d7a55
3.6.1 3.6.1-R ae6d1a41a351e5dc43f627ae6bba98de99487207 9dc5a6a639b3f47b1c2addb90d159c008a61e8b0
3.6.0 3.6.0-R 7fb96718a2ca652b864c7a22ffbd2023172f4445
3.5.14 3.5.14-R 7734f8fb5312abe9a086e9c4bbd9bea1dedf7ac9
3.5.13 3.5.13-R b831b0ed8e63e2108b952aed12eb74b70ff2cd9c
3.5.12 3.5.12-R cf469ac137ad48ca4fc48272590f8e720ae392e7
3.5.11 3.5.11-R 2fc917a5640cc35ca68670b86505fd7748553af7
3.5.10 3.5.10-R 097264aa7e11d89881c2c9a8d54961b122620788
3.5.9 3.5.9-R 187129ca52cb8037b27e9063a3f9d2a66230c67d
3.5.8 3.5.8-R 643db12c8a8044934fcf9c0bc202be1556c4c254
3.5.7 3.5.7-R c15578eaf0ecb3fe10b2848431a508aed1e47e3e
3.5.6 3.5.6-R 263f9f0b9ecdcbd7dc49460717fa16f193ba89d4
3.5.5 3.5.5-R 1a6f422f88a285d560dc3d4f903fba756643a080
3.5.4 3.5.4-R 3c76d436b1324be35c922a2c5fd0495bdd36ebe6
3.5.3 3.5.3-R 8d01ab45bfd641bc2c489ea3f46a5ba563d557a7
3.5.2 3.5.2-R 3dfeb82c0ae2e1f96fe82c2fc3e4bc95959fe8a4
3.5.1 3.5.1-R dcef59a1c32eab95662b9950b9b875e88511af29
3.5.0 3.5.0-R b7033fea78744a3a9702efed767498e14593951e
3.4.17 3.4.17-R 10abbaf0bde215e8c6cf31b2708a045ef128cf8c
3.4.16 3.4.16-R 3be0d9220620268245880b03dacd9b33c6a4bf61
3.4.15 3.4.15-R 3d0333fcd1bec7ee5ae0660ca6ad2f1f8c3c21f1
3.4.14 3.4.14-R 7a0613f7ac1610a4a260814fe7f20a683345a4e1
3.4.13 3.4.13-R 762d7bfc1074802a0bd2ca554bfb799f9dffdd09
3.4.12 3.4.12-R 59c3ddacdefa6c0174d9777176f366d7feb1daf0
3.4.11 3.4.11-R ef3a173941b7f355a5e3c28d4ff3d204c299ec18
3.4.10 3.4.10-R d5eb9b1534ee2a1325b9c0418ec919c5e6cda67e
3.4.9 3.4.9-R bfc255caaccca484f4cbdfc99d0a3bf3244b8867
3.4.8 3.4.8-R 50470c77d4872509821a78d1835b566cd3ffffea
3.4.7 3.4.7-R 46a5b225264ec731433c6fde64335578fbabf9e3
3.4.6 3.4.6-R 9636faddab631b3dc504677d1a442d380fc32ed9
3.4.5 3.4.5-R 0e4efa3e8273bd27b01e3b4871629c773edaa8f1
3.4.4 3.4.4-R 0d86fc57b743fcad6ba618d18ac5e80b3344447a
3.4.3 3.4.3-R e526272ceed4c888d6162e33e5260487fe4d4261
3.4.2 3.4.2-R afdf8826a7bc40633cdb363df71abdfef791ed9f
3.4.1 3.4.1-R 4639f47ce665e94d99f99d89a0a2c8e399d9d358
3.3.2 3.3.2-R 9518450f359a099368c3391262953a0c9cb72792
3.3.1 3.3.1-R 34460aca8fdef617bef640fa9331bfacc04f9324
3.3.0 3.3.0-R d14cac7b8c95d2e70ab87121d0098aa854c805d4
3.2.5 3.2.5-R 17e3c699655494fc383b5365eec5b428da66435b
3.2.4 3.2.4-R 8bc44978106a2e3c5817286a0717903281695b19
3.2.3 3.2.3-R 0436dec34369fbf0a1fdda47ac0e44831ee81747
3.2.2 3.2.2-R 88c3b7e8fdecc91001391ff4998758b14dc173da
3.2.1 3.2.1-R 984fce88f5f55aa4e051e2e0377b4b84a8865960
