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Use JuiceFS Hadoop Java SDK

JuiceFS provides Hadoop-compatible FileSystem by Hadoop Java SDK to support variety of components in Hadoop ecosystem.


JuiceFS use local mapping of user and UID. So, you should sync all the needed users and their UIDs across the whole Hadoop cluster to avoid permission error.

Hadoop Compatibility

JuiceFS Hadoop Java SDK is compatible with Hadoop 2.x and Hadoop 3.x. As well as variety of components in Hadoop ecosystem.

In order to make JuiceFS works with other components, it usually takes 2 steps:

  1. Put JAR file into the classpath of each Hadoop ecosystem component.
  2. Put JuiceFS configurations into the configuration file of each Hadoop ecosystem component (usually core-site.xml).


You need first installing Go 1.13+, JDK 8+ and Maven, then run following commands:

$ cd sdk/java
$ make

Deploy JuiceFS Hadoop Java SDK

After compiling you could find the JAR file in sdk/java/target directory, e.g. juicefs-hadoop-0.10.0.jar. Beware that file with original- prefix, it doesn't contain third-party dependencies. It's recommended to use the JAR file with third-party dependencies.

Note: The SDK could only be deployed to same operating system as it be compiled. For example, if you compile SDK in Linux then you must deploy it to Linux.

Then put the JAR file and $JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar to the classpath of each Hadoop ecosystem component. It's recommended create a symbolic link to the JAR file. The following tables describe where the SDK be placed.

Hadoop Distribution

Name Installing Paths
CDH /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH/lib/hadoop/lib
HDP /usr/hdp/current/hadoop-client/lib
Amazon EMR /usr/lib/hadoop/lib
Alibaba Cloud EMR /opt/apps/ecm/service/hadoop/*/package/hadoop*/share/hadoop/common/lib
Tencent Cloud EMR /usr/local/service/hadoop/share/hadoop/common/lib
UCloud UHadoop /home/hadoop/share/hadoop/common/lib
Baidu Cloud EMR /opt/bmr/hadoop/share/hadoop/common/lib

Community Components

Name Installing Paths
Spark ${SPARK_HOME}/jars
Presto ${PRESTO_HOME}/plugin/hive-hadoop2
Flink ${FLINK_HOME}/lib


Core Configurations

Configuration Default Value Description
fs.jfs.impl io.juicefs.JuiceFileSystem The FileSystem implementation for jfs:// URIs. If you wanna use different schema (e.g. cfs://), you could rename this configuration to fs.cfs.impl.
fs.AbstractFileSystem.jfs.impl io.juicefs.JuiceFS
juicefs.meta Redis URL. Its format is redis://<user>:<password>@<host>:<port>/<db>.
juicefs.accesskey Access key of object storage. See this document to learn how to get access key for different object storage.
juicefs.secretkey Secret key of object storage. See this document to learn how to get secret key for different object storage.

Cache Configurations

Configuration Default Value Description
juicefs.cache-dir Directory paths of local cache. Use colon to separate multiple paths. Also support wildcard in path. It's recommended create these directories manually and set 0777 permission so that different applications could share the cache data.
juicefs.cache-size 0 Maximum size of local cache in MiB. It's the total size when set multiple cache directories.
juicefs.discover-nodes-url The URL to discover cluster nodes, refresh every 10 minutes.

YARN: yarn
Spark Standalone: http://spark-master:web-ui-port/json/
Spark ThriftServer: http://thrift-server:4040/api/v1/applications/
Presto: http://coordinator:discovery-uri-port/v1/service/presto/


Configuration Default Value Description
juicefs.access-log Access log path. Ensure Hadoop application has write permission, e.g. /tmp/juicefs.access.log. The log file will rotate automatically to keep at most 7 files.
juicefs.superuser hdfs The super user
juicefs.no-usage-report false Whether disable usage reporting. JuiceFS only collects anonymous usage data (e.g. version number), no user or any sensitive data will be collected.

When you use multiple JuiceFS file systems, all these configurations could be set to specific file system alone. You need put file system name in the middle of configuration, for example (replace {JFS_NAME} with appropriate value):


Configurations Example

Note: Replace {HOST}, {PORT} and {DB} in juicefs.meta with appropriate values.


Configuration in Hadoop

Add configurations to core-site.xml.


Besides core-site, you also need to configure mapreduce.application.classpath of the YARN component, add:



Besides core-site, you also need to configure mapreduce.application.classpath of the MapReduce2 component, add (variables do not need to be replaced):


Configuration in Flink

Add configurations to conf/flink-conf.yaml. You could only setup Flink client without modify configurations in Hadoop.

Restart Services

When the following components need to access JuiceFS, they should be restarted.

Note: Before restart, you need to confirm JuiceFS related configuration has been written to the configuration file of each component, usually you can find them in core-site.xml on the machine where the service of the component was deployed.

Components Services
Hive HiveServer
Spark ThriftServer
Presto Coordinator
Impala Catalog Server
HBase Master

HDFS, Hue, ZooKeeper and other services don't need to be restarted.

When Class io.juicefs.JuiceFileSystem not found or No FilesSystem for scheme: jfs exceptions was occurred after restart, reference FAQ.



$ hadoop fs -ls jfs://{JFS_NAME}/


  name STRING,
  age INT
) LOCATION 'jfs://{JFS_NAME}/tmp/person';


JuiceFS provides some benchmark tools for you when JuiceFS has been deployed

Local environment


  • create

    hadoop jar juicefs-hadoop.jar io.juicefs.bench.NNBenchWithoutMR -operation create -numberOfFiles 10000 -baseDir jfs://{JFS_NAME}/benchmarks/nnbench_local

    It creates 10000 empty files without write data

  • open

    hadoop jar juicefs-hadoop.jar io.juicefs.bench.NNBenchWithoutMR -operation open -numberOfFiles 10000 -baseDir jfs://{JFS_NAME}/benchmarks/nnbench_local

    It opens 10000 files without read data

  • rename

    hadoop jar juicefs-hadoop.jar io.juicefs.bench.NNBenchWithoutMR -operation rename -numberOfFiles 10000 -bytesPerBlock 134217728 -baseDir jfs://{JFS_NAME}/benchmarks/nnbench_local
  • delete

    hadoop jar juicefs-hadoop.jar io.juicefs.bench.NNBenchWithoutMR -operation delete -numberOfFiles 10000 -bytesPerBlock 134217728 -baseDir jfs://{JFS_NAME}/benchmarks/nnbench_local
  • for reference

operation tps delay(ms)
create 546 1.83
open 1135 0.88
rename 364 2.75
delete 289 3.46

IO Performance

  • sequential write

    hadoop jar juicefs-hadoop.jar io.juicefs.bench.TestFSIO -write -fileSize 20000 -baseDir jfs://{JFS_NAME}/benchmarks/fsio
  • sequential read

    hadoop jar juicefs-hadoop.jar io.juicefs.bench.TestFSIO -read -fileSize 20000 -baseDir jfs://{JFS_NAME}/benchmarks/fsio

    When run the cmd for the second time, the result may be much better than the first run. It's because the data was cached in memory, just clean the local disk cache.

  • for reference

operation throughput(MB/s)
write 453
read 141

Distribute Benchmark

Distribute benchmark use MapReduce program to test meta and IO throughput performance

Enough resources should be provided to make sure all Map task can be started at the same time

We use 3 4c32g ecs(5Gbit/s) and AliYun Redis 5.0 4G redis for the benchmark


  • create

    hadoop jar juicefs-hadoop.jar io.juicefs.bench.NNBench -operation create -threadsPerMap 10 -maps 10 -numberOfFiles 1000 -baseDir jfs://{JFS_NAME}/benchmarks/nnbench

    10 map task, each has 10 threads, each thread create 1000 empty file. 100000 files in total

  • create

    hadoop jar juicefs-hadoop.jar io.juicefs.bench.NNBench -operation open -threadsPerMap 10 -maps 10 -numberOfFiles 1000 -baseDir jfs://{JFS_NAME}/benchmarks/nnbench

    10 map task, each has 10 threads, each thread open 1000 file. 100000 files in total

  • create

    hadoop jar juicefs-hadoop.jar io.juicefs.bench.NNBench -operation rename -threadsPerMap 10 -maps 10 -numberOfFiles 1000 -baseDir jfs://{JFS_NAME}/benchmarks/nnbench

    10 map task, each has 10 threads, each thread rename 1000 file. 100000 files in total

  • create

    hadoop jar juicefs-hadoop.jar io.juicefs.bench.NNBench -operation delete -threadsPerMap 10 -maps 10 -numberOfFiles 1000 -baseDir jfs://{JFS_NAME}/benchmarks/nnbench

    10 map task, each has 10 threads, each thread delete 1000 file. 100000 files in total

  • for reference

    • 10 threads
    operation tps delay(ms)
    create 2307 3.6
    open 3215 2.3
    rename 1700 5.22
    delete 1378 6.7
    • 100 threads
    operation tps delay(ms)
    create 8375 11.5
    open 12691 7.5
    rename 5343 18.4
    delete 3576 27.6

IO Performance

  • sequential write

    hadoop jar juicefs-hadoop.jar io.juicefs.bench.TestDFSIO -write -nrFiles 10 -fileSize 10000 -baseDir jfs://{JFS_NAME}/benchmarks/fsio

    10 map task, each task write 10000MB random data sequentially

  • sequential read

    hadoop jar juicefs-hadoop.jar io.juicefs.bench.TestDFSIO -read -nrFiles 10 -fileSize 10000 -baseDir jfs://{JFS_NAME}/benchmarks/fsio

    10 map task, each task read 10000MB random data sequentially

  • for reference

operation total throughput(MB/s)
write 1792
read 1409


Class io.juicefs.JuiceFileSystem not found exception

It means JAR file was not loaded, you can verify it by lsof -p {pid} | grep juicefs.

You should check whether the JAR file was located properly, or other users have the read permission.

Some Hadoop distribution also need to modify mapred-site.xml and put the JAR file location path to the end of the parameter mapreduce.application.classpath.

No FilesSystem for scheme: jfs exception

It means JuiceFS Hadoop Java SDK was not configured properly, you need to check whether there is JuiceFS related configuration in the core-site.xml of the component configuration.

