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# Repository Description Stars Updated
1 ecmadao/Coding-Guide 自己随手记录的东西 1419 2022-03-29
2 rodralez/NaveGo NaveGo: an open-source MATLAB/GNU Octave toolbox for processing integrated navigation systems and performing inertial sensors analysis. 395 2022-04-02
3 weisongwen/researchTools useful blogs for research 84 2022-03-24
4 yandld/nav_matlab 基于的matlab导航科学计算库 81 2022-03-27
5 lyc102/ifem iFEM is a MATLAB software package containing robust, efficient, and easy-following codes for the main building blocks of adaptive finite element methods on unstructured simplicial grids in both two an ... 78 2022-03-23
6 chengji253/Multiple-fixed-wing-UAVs-flight-simulation-platform A multiple fixed-wing UAVs flight simulation platform built by matlab and simulink. 一个小型固定翼无人机集群仿真演示平台 71 2022-03-02
7 dong-hao/EM3DVP EM3DVP: a Visual Package for 3D Geo-Electromagnetic modeling and inversion 25 2022-03-18
8 intLyc/MTO-Platform Multi-Task Optimization Platform 多任务优化平台 20 2022-03-25
9 sjtu-jq/Image-registration Registration for power equipment infrared and visible images 20 2022-02-16
10 sevenysw/MathGeo2022 - 16 2022-02-11
11 Taoistzou/event-triggered-consensus 事件触发一致性及其对应的文献 15 2022-03-22
12 yeyuanxin110/CFOG - 14 2022-04-03
13 WHUzxp/stackelberg_Game 主从博弈 下层KKT条件 强对偶处理双线性 13 2022-03-09
14 scliubit/complex-DnCNN - 13 2022-03-08
15 WHUzxp/Supports_for_AEPS 电力系统自动化《考虑电动汽车可调度潜力的充电站两阶段市场投标策略》源代码 13 2022-03-17
16 chdilo/BadAppleOSC 在示波器上播放Bad Apple!! 12 2022-02-12
17 ohMyJason/face_Identification 期末课设_机器学习基础_基于BP神经网络的人脸识别 12 2022-03-14
18 Taoistzou/formation-control 编队控制 9 2022-03-25
19 Taoistzou/Distributed-finite-time-regulation-of-a-class-of-networked-heterogeneous-multi-agent-systems 分布式有限时间异质多智能体系统一致性 8 2022-03-25
20 Taoistzou/preset-time-consensus 预定义时间一致性 8 2022-03-25
21 zephyrhours/Hyperspectral-Change-Detection-Based-on-Multiple-Morphological-Profiles Hyperspectral Change Detection Based on Multiple Morphological Profiles 8 2022-02-25
22 yqx7150/EDAEPRec Enhanced Denoising Auto-Encoding Priors for Reconstruction 8 2022-02-14
23 Taoistzou/fixed-time-bipartite-consensus-of-multi-agent-system-with-disturbances 固定时间二分一致性 7 2022-03-25
24 Taoistzou/Distributed-consensus-of-linear-multi-agent-systems-with-adaptive-dynamic-protocols 具有自适应动态协议的线性多智能体系统的分布式一致性 7 2022-03-25
25 Taoistzou/Fixed-time-consensus-algorithm-for-second-order-multi-agent-systems 二阶多智能体系统固定时间一致性 7 2022-03-25
26 Taoistzou/fixed-time-consensus-with-input-time-delay 输入时延下的固定是时延一致性 7 2022-03-25
27 Taoistzou/consensus-tracking- 高阶系统固定时间一致性追踪 7 2022-03-22
28 Taoistzou/Second-Order-Consensus-Using-a-Fixed-Time-Convergent-Sliding-Surface- 滑模控制二阶系统固定时间一致性 6 2022-03-25
29 Taoistzou/Scaled-consensus-of-second-order-multiagent-systems- 二阶系统比例一致性 6 2022-03-25
30 Taoistzou/Fixed-Time-Consensus-Tracking-of-Heterogeneous-Multi-agent-Systems 异质多智能体系统固定时间一致性跟踪 6 2022-03-25
31 Taoistzou/tracking-consensus-protocols-for-networked-Euler-Lagrangian-systems 欧拉拉格朗系统一致性跟踪 6 2022-03-23
32 PollyNET/Pollynet_Processing_Chain NRT lidar data processing program for multiwavelength polarization Raman lidar network (PollyNET) 6 2022-03-16
33 Silver-Fang/MATLAB-Extension 埃博拉酱的MATLAB扩展 5 2022-04-02
34 heihei2122/mag_cuboid a gui or app based matlab to calculate B force stiffness 矩形磁体的计算 5 2022-03-04
35 suntong-1221/EV_Model 纯电动汽车simulink模型 4 2022-02-22
36 a839290771/SSVEP-BCI-OpenBCI 基于OpenBCI(Bciduino)完成的SSVEP项目,包括刺激器、信号实时传输、以及基于FFT方式的信号处理 4 2022-02-11
37 Shizhaoyu7288/GA-SVM 使用遗传算法优化支持向量机/Optimization of support vector machine using genetic algorithm 3 2022-03-16
38 zhenhua-chen1/Huawei-Cup-Postgraduate-Mathematical-Contest-in-Modelling “华为杯”中国研究生数学建模竞赛相关优化类型的部分代码 3 2022-03-24
39 z-xr/SSL 基于matlab的声源定位广义互相关算法的实现 3 2022-03-16

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