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jmesyan / php2go

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php_test.go 9.63 KB
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syyong 提交于 2019-08-05 11:46 . support darwin
package php2go
import (
func TestTime(t *testing.T) {
gt(t, float64(Time()), 1522684800)
equal(t, "27/04/2018 11:23:14 AM", Date("02/01/2006 15:04:05 PM", 1524799394))
tStrtotime, _ := Strtotime("02/01/2006 15:04:05", "02/01/2016 15:04:05")
equal(t, int64(1451747045), tStrtotime)
tStrtotime1, _ := Strtotime("3 04 PM", "8 41 PM")
equal(t, int64(-62167144740), tStrtotime1)
equal(t, false, Checkdate(2, 29, 2018))
equal(t, true, Checkdate(2, 29, 2020))
func TestString(t *testing.T) {
equal(t, `\'wo\'中文\"emoji`, Addslashes("'wo'中文\"emoji"))
equal(t, "e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e", Md5("123456"))
equal(t, "7c4a8d09ca3762af61e59520943dc26494f8941b", Sha1("123456"))
equal(t, uint32(158520161), Crc32("123456"))
equal(t, "中文中文中文", StrRepeat("中文", 3))
equal(t, "ab", Substr("abc", 0, 2))
equal(t, "@gmail.com", Strstr("xxx@gmail.com", "@"))
equal(t, "Hello world", Ucfirst("hello world"))
equal(t, "hello world", Lcfirst("Hello world"))
equal(t, "Hello World", Ucwords("hello world"))
tStrlen := Strlen("G中文")
equal(t, 7, tStrlen)
tMbStrlen := MbStrlen("G中文")
equal(t, 3, tMbStrlen)
equal(t, 6, Strpos("hello wworld", "w", -6))
equal(t, -1, Stripos("hello Wworld", "w", 8))
equal(t, 6, Strrpos("hello wworld", "w", -6))
equal(t, 7, Strripos("hello wWorld", "w", 0))
equal(t, "a,b,c", Implode(",", []string{"a", "b", "c"}))
tAddslashes := Addslashes("f'oo b\"ar")
equal(t, `f\'oo b\"ar`, tAddslashes)
equal(t, `f'oo b"ar\a\\\`, Stripslashes("f\\'oo b\\\"ar\\\\a\\\\\\\\\\\\"))
equal(t, 4, Levenshtein("golang", "google", 1, 1, 1))
var percent float64
equal(t, 3, SimilarText("golang", "google", &percent))
equal(t, float64(50), percent)
equal(t, "H416", Soundex("Heilbronn"))
equal(t, 14, len(Uniqid("x")))
equal(t, true, bytes.HasPrefix([]byte(Uniqid("x")), []byte("x")))
equal(t, 5, utf8.RuneCountInString(StrShuffle("中˚abc")))
equal(t, 20013, Ord("中文"))
equal(t, "z", Chr(122))
equal(t, 4, MbStrlen("中文 a"))
equal(t, "<a><br />xxx<br />yy<br />中文<br />n<br />x", Nl2br("<a>\n\rxxx\nyy\r中文\r\nn\r\nx", true))
equal(t, "---)(5.01文中% cin cba", Strrev("abc \t nic %中文10.5()---"))
equal(t, "abce enice %中e文10e.5(e)--e-e", ChunkSplit("abc \t nic %中文10.5()---", 3, "e"))
equal(t, `\.\+\?\[\$\]\(\*\)\^中文`, Quotemeta(".+?[$](*)^中文"))
equal(t, `&lt;html&gt;hello world &lt;/html&gt;`, Htmlentities("<html>hello world </html>"))
equal(t, "<html>hello world </html>", HTMLEntityDecode("&lt;html&gt;hello world &lt;/html&gt;"))
equal(t, "abc\nhello\nworld\nxxx", Wordwrap("abc hello world xxx", 5, "\n", false))
equal(t, []string{"a", "b", "c"}, StrWordCount("a b c"))
equal(t, "1001", Strtr("baab", "ab", "01"))
equal(t, "bccb", Strtr("baab", "ab", "c"))
equal(t, "bccb", Strtr("baab", "a", "cd"))
equal(t, "ba01", Strtr("baab", map[string]string{"ab": "01"}))
tParseStr := make(map[string]interface{})
_ = ParseStr("f[a][]=m&f[a][]=n", tParseStr)
equal(t, "map[f:map[a:[m n]]]", fmt.Sprint(tParseStr))
func TestArray(t *testing.T) {
var s1 = make([]interface{}, 3)
s1[0] = "a"
s1[1] = "b"
s1[2] = "c"
tArrayChunk := ArrayChunk(s1, 2)
equal(t, [][]interface{}{{"a", "b"}, {"c"}}, tArrayChunk)
var m1 = make(map[interface{}]interface{}, 3)
m1[1] = "a"
m1["a"] = "b"
m1[2.5] = 1
tArrayKeyExists := ArrayKeyExists("a", m1)
equal(t, true, tArrayKeyExists)
tArrayUnshift := ArrayUnshift(&s1, "x", "y")
equal(t, 5, tArrayUnshift)
equal(t, []interface{}{"x", "y", "a", "b", "c"}, s1)
equal(t, 7, ArrayPush(&s1, "u", "v"))
equal(t, []interface{}{"x", "y", "a", "b", "c", "u", "v"}, s1)
equal(t, "v", ArrayPop(&s1))
equal(t, []interface{}{"x", "y", "a", "b", "c", "u"}, s1)
tArrayShift := ArrayShift(&s1)
equal(t, "x", tArrayShift)
equal(t, []interface{}{"y", "a", "b", "c", "u"}, s1)
equal(t, map[int]interface{}{-1: "aa", 0: "aa", 1: "aa", 2: "aa", -3: "aa", -2: "aa"}, ArrayFill(-3, 6, "aa"))
equal(t, 3, len(ArrayRand([]interface{}{"a", "b", "c"})))
var s2 = make([]interface{}, 3)
s2[0] = "a"
s2[1] = "b"
s2[2] = "c"
equal(t, []interface{}{"d", "d", "a", "b", "c"}, ArrayPad(s2, -5, "d"))
var s3 = make([]interface{}, 3, 3)
s3[0] = "x"
s3[1] = "y"
s3[2] = "z"
equal(t, map[interface{}]interface{}{"a": "x", "b": "y", "c": "z"}, ArrayCombine(s2, s3))
tInArray1 := InArray(1, [2]interface{}{"a", 1}) // array
tInArray2 := InArray(1, []interface{}{"a", 1}) // slice
tInArray3 := InArray(1, map[interface{}]interface{}{"a": "c", 1: "d"}) // map
equal(t, true, tInArray1)
equal(t, true, tInArray2)
equal(t, false, tInArray3)
func TestUrl(t *testing.T) {
tParseURL, _ := ParseURL("http://username:password@hostname:9090/path?arg=value#anchor", -1)
equal(t, map[string]string{"pass": "password", "path": "/path", "query": "arg=value", "fragment": "anchor", "scheme": "http", "host": "hostname", "port": "9090", "user": "username"}, tParseURL)
equal(t, "http%3A%2F%2Fgolang.org%3Fx+y", URLEncode("http://golang.org?x y"))
tURLDecode, _ := URLDecode("http%3A%2F%2Fgolang.org%3Fx+y")
equal(t, "http://golang.org?x y", tURLDecode)
equal(t, "http%3A%2F%2Fgolang.org%3Fx%20y", Rawurlencode("http://golang.org?x y"))
tRawurldecode, _ := Rawurldecode("http%3A%2F%2Fgolang.org%3Fx%20y")
equal(t, "http://golang.org?x y", tRawurldecode)
equal(t, "VGhpcyBpcyBhbiBlbmNvZGVkIHN0cmluZw==", Base64Encode("This is an encoded string"))
tBase64Decode, _ := Base64Decode("VGhpcyBpcyBhbiBlbmNvZGVkIHN0cmluZw")
equal(t, "This is an encoded string", tBase64Decode)
equal(t, "first=value&multi=foo+bar&multi=baz", HTTPBuildQuery(map[string][]string{"first": {"value"}, "multi": {"foo bar", "baz"}}))
func TestMath(t *testing.T) {
equal(t, float64(5), Max(2, 3.7, 5, 1.1))
equal(t, 1.1, Min(2, 3.7, 5, 1.1))
rangeValue(t, float64(2), float64(5), float64(Rand(2, 5)))
tDecbin := Decbin(100)
equal(t, "1100100", tDecbin)
tBindec, _ := Bindec(tDecbin)
equal(t, "100", tBindec)
tBin2hex, _ := Bin2hex(tDecbin)
equal(t, "64", tBin2hex)
tHexdec, _ := Hexdec(tBin2hex)
equal(t, int64(100), tHexdec)
tHex2bin, _ := Hex2bin(tBin2hex)
equal(t, "1100100", tHex2bin)
tDecoct := Decoct(tHexdec)
equal(t, "144", tDecoct)
tOctdec, _ := Octdec(tDecoct)
equal(t, int64(100), tOctdec)
tDechex := Dechex(tHexdec)
equal(t, "64", tDechex)
tBaseConvert, _ := BaseConvert("64", 16, 2)
equal(t, "1100100", tBaseConvert)
equal(t, "1,234,567,890.78", NumberFormat(1234567890.777, 2, ".", ","))
func TestFile(t *testing.T) {
tRealpath1, _ := Realpath("/home/go/../go/test/../")
equal(t, "/home/go", tRealpath1)
equal(t, "php2go.go", Basename("/home/go/src/pkg/php2go.go"))
tPathinfo := Pathinfo("/home/go/php2go.go.go", -1)
equal(t, map[string]string{"dirname": "/home/go", "basename": "php2go.go.go", "extension": "go", "filename": "php2go.go"}, tPathinfo)
wd, _ := os.Getwd()
tFilesize, _ := FileSize(wd)
gt(t, float64(tFilesize), 0)
func TestVariable(t *testing.T) {
equal(t, true, IsNumeric("-0xaF"))
equal(t, true, IsNumeric("123456"))
equal(t, true, Empty(nil))
equal(t, true, Empty(false))
equal(t, true, Empty(0))
equal(t, true, Empty(""))
equal(t, true, Empty(0.0))
equal(t, true, Empty([]int{}))
equal(t, true, Empty([0]int{}))
equal(t, false, Empty([1]int{}))
equal(t, true, Empty(map[int]int{}))
func TestProgramExecution(t *testing.T) {
var output []string
var retVal int
gt(t, float64(len(Exec("/bin/bash -c \"ls -a|grep php\"", &output, &retVal))), 0)
equal(t, 0, retVal)
equal(t, 0, retVal)
gt(t, float64(len(System("ls -l", &retVal))), 0)
Passthru("echo hello", &retVal)
equal(t, 0, retVal)
func TestNetwork(t *testing.T) {
tGethostname, _ := Gethostname()
gt(t, float64(len(tGethostname)), 0)
equal(t, uint32(134744072), IP2long(""))
equal(t, "", Long2ip(134744072))
tGethostbyname, _ := Gethostbyname("localhost")
equal(t, "", tGethostbyname)
tGethostbynamel, _ := Gethostbynamel("localhost")
gt(t, float64(len(tGethostbynamel)), 0)
tGethostbyaddr, _ := Gethostbyaddr("")
equal(t, "localhost", tGethostbyaddr)
func TestMisc(t *testing.T) {
equal(t, true, VersionCompare("1.3-beta", "1.4Rc1", "<"))
gt(t, float64(MemoryGetUsage(true)), 0)
tPack, err := Pack(binary.LittleEndian, []byte("abc"))
tUnpack, err := Unpack(binary.LittleEndian, tPack)
func BenchmarkFn(b *testing.B) {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
ChunkSplit("abc", 2, "\r\n")
// Expected to be equal.
func equal(t *testing.T, expected, actual interface{}) {
if !reflect.DeepEqual(expected, actual) {
t.Errorf("Expected %v (type %v) - Got %v (type %v)", expected, reflect.TypeOf(expected), actual, reflect.TypeOf(actual))
// Expected to be unequal.
func unequal(t *testing.T, expected, actual interface{}) {
if reflect.DeepEqual(expected, actual) {
t.Errorf("Did not expect %v (type %v) - Got %v (type %v)", expected, reflect.TypeOf(expected), actual, reflect.TypeOf(actual))
// Expect a greater than b.
func gt(t *testing.T, a, b float64) {
if a <= b {
t.Errorf("Expected %v (type %v) > Got %v (type %v)", a, reflect.TypeOf(a), b, reflect.TypeOf(b))
// Expect a greater than or equal to b.
func gte(t *testing.T, a, b float64) {
if a < b {
t.Errorf("Expected %v (type %v) > Got %v (type %v)", a, reflect.TypeOf(a), b, reflect.TypeOf(b))
// Expected value needs to be within range.
func rangeValue(t *testing.T, min, max, actual float64) {
if actual < min || actual > max {
t.Errorf("Expected range of %v-%v (type %v) > Got %v (type %v)", min, max, reflect.TypeOf(min), actual, reflect.TypeOf(actual))
