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zhangxubo 提交于 2021-09-28 17:13 . add 2.1.0 version resource
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# [[languages.zh.menu.main]]
# identifier = "join"
# name = "加入我们"
# url = "mailto:contact@opengauss.org"
# weight = 13
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author = "Site template made by devcows Modified by openGauss team"
defaultKeywords = ["openGauss","open source", "enterprise-grade", "relational database","community"]
defaultDescription = "openGauss is an enterprise-grade open source relational database with high-performance, high-security, high-reliability. openGauss is also an open source database platform that encourages community contribution and collaboration."
timestamp = "20201228"
# Twitter
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# Google Maps API key (if not set will default to not passing a key.)
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# Enable the contact form by entering your Formspree.io email
email = "contact@opengauss.org"
contact_form_ajax = false
about_us = "<p>We are an open source orgnization provides open source software.</p>"
# Format dates with Go's time formatting
date_format = "2006-01-02"
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address = """<p><strong>opengauss.org</strong>
<br>Newtown upon River
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### DOC Configurations
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# All carousel items are defined in their own files. You can find example items
# at 'exampleSite/data/carousel'.
# For more informtion take a look at the README.
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# All features are defined in their own files. You can find example items
# at 'exampleSite/data/features'.
# For more informtion take a look at the README.
enable = false
# All testimonials are defined in their own files. You can find example items
# at 'exampleSite/data/testimonials'.
# For more informtion take a look at the README.
title = "Testimonials"
subtitle = "We have worked with many clients and we always like to hear they come out from the cooperation happy and satisfied. Have a look what our clients said about us."
enable = true
icon = "fa fa-file-code-o"
title = "Do you want to contribute?"
subtitle = "We apprecite your contribution, whill all related projects are open source."
link_url = "https://gitee.com/opengauss/"
link_text = "Go To Source"
enable = true
# All clients are defined in their own files. You can find example items
# at 'exampleSite/data/clients'.
# For more informtion take a look at the README.
title = "Our Partners"
subtitle = ""
enable = true
title = "From our news"
subtitle = "There are many events ocur since we announce open source, Please keep an your eye on us."
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enable = true
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