9 Star 16 Fork 12

锅巴汉化 / 脆皮(Trimps)

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by22dgb 提交于 2022-12-18 08:42 . 更新5.8.1
var holidayObj = {
holiday: "",
lastCheck: null,
holidays: {
Eggy: {
check: function(day, month){
if (month == 3) return true;
Pumpkimp: {
check: function(day, month){
if (month == 9 || (month == 10 && day <= 5)) return true;
Snowy: {
check: function(day, month){
if ((month == 11 && day >= 15) || (month == 0 && day <= 15)) return true;
checkActive: function(name){
return (this.holiday == name);
checkAll: function(){
var date = new Date();
if (this.lastCheck != null && ((date.getTime() - this.lastCheck.getTime()) < 120000)) return;
this.lastCheck = date;
var day = date.getUTCDate();
var month = date.getUTCMonth();
for (var holiday in this.holidays){
if (this.holidays[holiday].check(day, month)){
if (!this.holiday){
message("Loaded " + holiday + " event!", "Notices");
this.holiday = holiday;
if (this.holiday){
message(this.holiday + " event has come to an end!", "Notices");
this.holiday = "";
var tutorial = {
open: false,
viewingStep: 0,
start: function(){
game.global.tutorialActive = true;
game.global.tutorialOpen = true;
load: function(){
if (game.global.tutorialOpen) this.openWindow();
document.getElementById('openTutorialContainer').style.display = 'block';
document.getElementById('openTutorialContainer2').style.display = 'block';
popup: function(){
game.global.tutorialOpen = !game.global.tutorialOpen;
if (game.global.totalPortals >= 1) game.global.tutorialStep = 15;
if (game.global.tutorialOpen) this.openWindow();
else this.closeWindow();
closeWindow: function(){
game.global.tutorialOpen = false;
document.getElementById('tutorialDiv').style.display = 'none';
openWindow: function(){
game.global.tutorialOpen = true;
this.viewingStep = game.global.tutorialStep;
document.getElementById('tutorialDiv').style.display = 'block';
reset: function(){
document.getElementById('openTutorialContainer').style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById('openTutorialContainer2').style.display = 'none';
makeFlash: function(){
swapClass('flash', 'flashing', document.getElementById('openTutorialBtn'));
swapClass('flash', 'flashing', document.getElementById('openTutorialBtn2'));
stopFlash: function(){
swapClass('flash', 'flashNo', document.getElementById('openTutorialBtn'));
swapClass('flash', 'flashNo', document.getElementById('openTutorialBtn2'));
check: function(){
var oldStep = game.global.tutorialStep;
if (oldStep == 15) return;
case 0:
if (game.upgrades.Bloodlust.allowed > 0) game.global.tutorialStep++;
case 1:
if (game.global.world >= 2) game.global.tutorialStep++;
case 2:
if (game.global.world >= 4) game.global.tutorialStep++;
case 3:
if (game.global.mapsUnlocked) game.global.tutorialStep++;
case 4:
if (game.global.preMapsActive || game.upgrades.Supershield.allowed > 0 || game.global.mapsActive) game.global.tutorialStep++;
case 5:
if (game.global.mapsActive || game.upgrades.Supershield.allowed > 0) game.global.tutorialStep++;
case 6:
if (game.upgrades.Supershield.allowed > 0 && game.upgrades.Dagadder.allowed > 0 && game.upgrades.Bootboost.allowed > 0) game.global.tutorialStep++;
case 7:
if (game.global.world >= 7 && (game.global.preMapsActive || game.upgrades.Megamace.allowed > 0)) game.global.tutorialStep++;
case 8:
if (game.upgrades.Megamace.allowed > 0 && game.upgrades.Hellishmet.allowed > 0) game.global.tutorialStep++;
case 9:
if (game.upgrades.Trapstorm.allowed > 0) game.global.tutorialStep++;
case 10:
if ((game.upgrades.Shieldblock.allowed > 0) || (!game.mapUnlocks.TheBlock.canRunOnce && game.global.preMapsActive)) game.global.tutorialStep++;
case 11:
if (game.upgrades.Shieldblock.allowed > 0) game.global.tutorialStep++;
case 12:
if (game.upgrades.Bounty.allowed > 0) game.global.tutorialStep++;
case 13:
if (game.upgrades.Anger.done > 0) game.global.tutorialStep++;
case 14:
if (game.global.portalActive) game.global.tutorialStep++;
if (oldStep != game.global.tutorialStep) {
if (!game.global.tutorialOpen){
this.viewingStep = game.global.tutorialStep;
setWinSize: function(){
var className = (game.global.preMapsActive) ? 'tutorialDivSm' : 'tutorialDiv';
var classWidth = (game.global.tutorialLg) ? 'tutorialWidthLg' : 'tutorialWidth'
swapClass('tutorialDiv', className, document.getElementById('tutorialDiv'));
swapClass('tutorialWidth', classWidth, document.getElementById('tutorialDiv'));
document.getElementById('tutorialBookmarks').style.display = (game.global.tutorialLg) ? 'inline-block' : 'none';
document.getElementById('tutorialInner').style.width = (game.global.tutorialLg) ? '79%' : '100%';
toggleSize: function(updateOnly){
if (!updateOnly) game.global.tutorialLg = !game.global.tutorialLg;
document.getElementById('tutorialSizeBtn').className = (game.global.tutorialLg) ? 'icomoon icon-shrink' : 'icomoon icon-expand';
if (game.global.tutorialLg) this.setBookmarks();
resetScroll: function(){
var elem = document.getElementById('tutorialTextInner');
elem.scrollTop = 0;
next: function(){
if (game.global.tutorialStep > this.viewingStep) {
back: function(){
if (this.viewingStep > 0){
setViewStep: function(to){
if (to > game.global.tutorialStep || to < 0) return;
this.viewingStep = to;
setBookmarks: function(){
var elem = document.getElementById('tutorialBookmarks');
var titles = ["Battle", "Zones", "提示1", "提示2", "Found a Map", "Map Chamber", "Mapping", "Equipment Prestige", "Custom Maps", "Map Settings", "Trapstorm", "Unique Maps", "Block", "Bounty", "Anger", "Portal"];
var text = "";
for (var x = 0; x <= game.global.tutorialStep; x++){
if (x > titles.length) break;
var selected = (x == this.viewingStep) ? ' selected' : '';
text += "<div class='tutorialBookmark" + selected + "' onclick='tutorial.setViewStep(" + x + ")'>" + titles[x] + "</div>";
elem.innerHTML = text;
getText: function(){
var text = "";
var goal = "";
var totalSteps = 16;
case 0:
text = "Hello there! Didn't mean to startle you, your look of confusion indicates that you do not remember me. I am your ship's Automated Defensive Voice and Idea Synthesizing On-board Robot, but you can call me ADVISOR. I have noticed that the wildlife in the area seems to be scared of the Ship for now, but if you want to be able to leave the immediate area, you'll need to fight to do it. Luckily I have already completed an analysis of the Trimps, and with enough training they could be used to fight!"
text += "<br/><br/>After researching Battle, press the F key or click the 'Fight' button to send Trimps to battle. You need 1 free Trimp in your town before you can send it to fight - Trap more Trimps or wait for 2 or more unemployed Trimps to breed if you run out!<br/><br/><i>You can show/hide the ADVISOR window by pressing the 'V' key, or by clicking the gold Star on the middle right after you research Battle. You can also click the <span class='icomoon icon-close' style='color: red'></span> button to close the ADVISOR window, or the <span class='icomoon icon-expand'></span> button next to it to expand this window and see a table of contents.</i>"
goal = "Research Battle and kill 10 Bad Guys";
case 1: //if bloodlust has been unlocked
text = "I am quite pleased. With your newly found Upgrade Book, you can now Train your Trimps to fight on their own! In order to maximize breed speed, you should teach the Trimps to only go out and fight when housing is completely full.<br/><br/>";
text += "My sensors have scanned the area, and the map of your current Zone will show you any Bad Guys with special rewards:<br/><span class='glyphicon glyphicon-apple'></span><span class='glyphicon glyphicon-tree-deciduous'></span><span class='icomoon icon-cubes'></span> - Food, Wood, or Metal respectively<br/>";
text += "<span class='glyphicon glyphicon-question-sign'></span> - New Equipment<br/><span class='glyphicon glyphicon-book'></span> - An Upgrade Book (mouse over it to see Upgrade name)<br/><span class='glyphicon glyphicon-gift'></span> - 使脆皮上限增加5";
text += "<br/><span class='glyphicon glyphicon-user'></span> - A foreman to help automatically build things in the queue<br/><br/>You now have lots of tools at your disposal. Keep your Trimps well equipped, research your upgrades, build more housing and you'll be in Zone 2 before you know it."
goal = "Clear this Zone"
case 2: //if on z2+
text = "You're doing great so far! That Coordination Book you found will allow you to send larger groups of Trimps to fight together at a time. Upgrading this will increase your breeding requirements to maintain a fighting army, but is always worth researching as soon as you can. You will find a Coordination Book at the end of every Zone, allowing you to build a truly massive army. Don't forget that you can build and use Traps to get armies together faster!<br/><br/>";
text += "You also notice there's blueprints for a Gym on this Zone, which will grant your Trimps the ability to Block some damage from attacks. This is a flat damage reduction per Trimp, meaning it scales with army size as you research more levels of Coordination.<br/><br/>";
text += "By the way, you can click many of the numbers on the screen to see breakdowns of where those numbers are coming from. For example, click your Trimps' Health to see all of their Health bonuses, Food per Second to see all Food gathering bonuses, or your total number of Trimps to see totals from various sources of Max Trimps.<br/><br/>";
text += "Continue to improve your town and army. These Bad Guys won't know what hit them.";
goal = "任务:到达区域4";
case 3: //if on z4+
text = "Here's a couple of tips the Bad Guys don't want you to know:<br/><br/><ul><li>You can click the 'Custom' number button, then type '1/4' to select one quarter of your current available workspaces. This makes it easy to evenly split your workers!</li><li>All Equipment shows how many resources you need to spend for each point of a stat. The lower this number, the more efficient that piece of Equipment is!</li><li>If you ever notice that everything is suddenly really expensive, you probably just need to click '+1' again.</li></ul>"
goal = "任务:到达区域6,新机制在等着您"
case 4: //unlocked maps
text = "You've certainly found something interesting, your first Map! You should try running it.<br/><br/>Click the orange Maps button under AutoFight. Your current group of soldiers can't come with you, so you can either wait for them to... finish fighting, or you can click the button a second time to go on without them.";
goal = "Enter the Map Chamber";
case 5: //entered map chamber
text = "Welcome to the map chamber! Select the map 'Tricky Paradise' in your map inventory.<br/><br/>Ignore the sliders at the top of this window for now, and take a look directly above the 'Run Map' map button. You'll see that there are currently 3 unique items inside this map, and we want them. To the right, you'll see Size 45 which indicates that this map will have 45 cells, Difficulty 85% indicating that Cell 1 has 15% less health and attack than Cell 1 in Zone 6, and Loot 120% indicating that each drop in this map is worth 20% more resources than the same drop in Zone 6.<br/><br/>Now click 'Run Map' and let's see what happens!"
goal = "Start Tricky Paradise";
case 6: //entered a map
text = "And they're off! Remember that we want 3 items out of this map, and we can see one of these Upgrade Books at the end right now. Press the 'R' key or click the red button that currently says 'Repeat Off' to turn Map Repeating on, so your Trimps will automatically rerun this map after they get the first upgrade.";
text += "<br/><br/>You'll need to clear this map 3 times to earn all of its items. Keep an eye on your City and Equipment and this will be a breeze.";
goal = "任务:解锁区域6的所有3种地图物品";
case 7: //Unlocked supershield, dagadder, bootboost
text = "Amazing job! You've earned all of the Map Items from Zone 6. Remember how you unlocked 3 pieces of Equipment on Zone 1, then 2 pieces each on Zones 2 through 5? From now on, you'll earn upgrades for these Equipments from maps with the same pattern, repeating every 5 Zones. 6, 11, 16 and so on will always have Shield, Dagger, and Boot upgrades, while Maps at all other Zone levels will have 2 upgrades.<br/><br/>";
text += "These 'prestige' upgrades for your Equipment will reset the Equipment to level 1, but they are extremely powerful. If you have the upgrade available, Prestiging your Equipment before buying more Levels is always more efficient. Because your Equipment resets to level 1, you generally want to try and earn these Upgrades soon after they become available.";
text += "You also may have noticed that the orange 'Maps' button now has a number next to it, indicating how many maps you've completed. Every time you complete a map with a level equal to your current Zone level, you'll gain a +20% damage buff for the rest of the Zone! This stacks up to 10 times. Remember you can click your Trimps' 'DMG' numbers to see all currently active bonuses.";
text += "<br/><br/>You can exit your Map the same way you got in, the orange 'Maps' button. Once you're back in the Map Chamber, click it one more time to return to the World."
goal = "Reach Zone 7, then go back to the Map Chamber";
case 8: //entered map chamber on Z7
text = "Welcome back! We're finally going to take a look at those sliders and settings at the top of the Map Chamber. We don't have a level 7 Map so we'll need to make our own!<br/><br/>";
text += "The Loot, Size and Difficulty sliders all let you reduce the randomness of the Map Generator. For example, the default roll for Size is 25 to 75 Cells, but if you drag that slider all the way to the right, the roll becomes 25-30, guaranteeing a nice small Map to quickly grab your Upgrades and damage bonuses. However, you'll also notice that there's a Fragment cost displayed at the top that increases or decreases as you drag the sliders.<br/><br/>";
text += "You don't have a ton of Fragments to work with right now, so you'll need to find a balance you're happy with. I'd suggest leaving the Loot slider alone for now and balancing the Size and Difficulty sliders to whatever you can afford, but you can do whatever you'd like. You can mouse over 'Biome' to see how that Dropdown works, but it doubles the Fragment cost and is best left on 'Random' until later."
goal = "Create a Level 7 Map and complete it at least twice."
case 9: //Unlocked megamace and hellishmet
text = "You're really getting the hang of this!<br/><br/>Now would be a good time to mention that you can click the grey cogwheel icon next to the maps button to customize some nifty map settings based on what you need. If you like getting 10 stacks of Map Bonus, turn on 'Repeat to 10' and 'Exit to World' and watch your Trimps automatically travel back to your current Zone after their 10th map. If you just want to get your upgrades and get out, 'Repeat for Items' is for you. Check each setting's tooltip for more information!";
text += "<br/><br/>Speaking of automation, there's another important book we could use for our automation arsenal hiding in a map up ahead. See if you can claim it for our city!"
goal = "Find a new upgrade in a Level 10 Map";
case 10: //Unlocked trapstorm
text = "Look at that! Gone are the days of adding traps to the building queue yourself, now Trapstorm can handle that for you!<br/><br/>By the way, when in a map you can mouse over the name of the map above the Fight button for some useful information like how long you've been in this map, and how many upgrades remain.<br/><br/>I'm detecting something we haven't seen yet inside a map on the next Zone. Let's go check it out!"
goal = "Run a Level 11 Map, then enter the Map Chamber"
case 11: //Entered map chamber with The Block unlocked
text = "Looks like we've found a Unique Map! These special maps have unique upgrades that cannot be found any other way. Unique Maps are not recyclable, generally have high loot and large size, and they change color from green to red after they've been completed. You can still run a red Unique Map as much as you want, but the color makes it easy to tell at a glance if you've earned the special upgrade from that map yet.<br/><br/>Note that this map has a size of 100 and a difficulty of 130%, so it will be more difficult than Zone 11. If The Block is too hard for you right now, you could farm an easier map first, go for another Coordination, or whatever else you think might be a good idea. Since this map is not recyclable, you can start it and then switch to a different map without destroying your Unique Map, but doing so will reset your progress in the Unique Map to Cell 1.";
goal = "Find a way to clear The Block";
case 12: //Unlocked Shieldblock
text = "You've done it! This special new upgrade will convert your Shield from an accessory that provides Health, to a fully fledged Shield that can actually block damage. What crazy technology!<br/><br/>Block should be a major part of your arsenal now. With enough investment you can even get your Trimps' block higher than enemy Attack, causing your Trimps to take no damage!<br/><br/>You've now shown proficiency with most of the basic skills required to lead a Trimp civilization. My sensors are detecting another Unique Map hiding in a Level 15+ Map, and I strongly believe you have what it takes to find and complete it.";
goal = "Find and complete the Level 15 Unique Map";
case 13: //Unlocked Bounty
text = "Excellent work! You've found and cleared The Wall, and earned the ultra powerful Bounty upgrade.<br/><br/>You've now amassed a powerful army, built a sprawling city, and culled thousands of enemies. There's something frightening at the end of Zone 20, but there's no doubt in my cold artificial mind that you have what it takes to defeat it.";
goal = "任务:研究在区域20最后获得的升级书";
case 14: //Unlocked Dimension of Anger
text = "My scanners are indicating that there is advanced Portal technology inside this Unique Map you've just created, but that it is filled with dangers. It will be a tough map to clear, but you should try to complete this one before finishing Zone 21 if possible.<br/><br/>Good luck.";
goal = "Complete the Dimension of Anger";
case 15: //Completed Dimension of Anger
text = "You're the best! You've accomplished every task I've asked of you with hardly any complaining, and I couldn't be more proud.<br/><br/>This Portal that you've unlocked is a powerful, ancient technology, powered by Helium. Luckily you also found a contraption that allows you to harvest Helium from the most powerful enemy of each Zone. Whenever you feel like enemies are getting too hard, you can use this Portal to return to Zone 1, and use Helium to make yourself and your Trimps permanently more powerful. The more Helium you find before you use the Portal, the more powerful you'll be after you use it!<br/><br/>This power is gained in the form of 'Perks', which you'll see on the left side of the Portal screen. You can mouse over any of these Perks to see what they do and how much they cost on their tooltip. Each time you buy 1 level of a Perk it becomes more expensive, so if you're looking for a general rule of thumb, try to spend evenly into all of them for now.<br/><br/>";
text += "The other important thing to know about Portals is that they can be used to start Challenges with powerful rewards. I highly suggest clicking either the 'Discipline' or 'Metal' Challenge on your Portal screen before you activate your Portal, so you can earn a new Perk on your next run!<br/><br/>";
text += "Your choices from now on are up to you. There's a big World out there to explore, filled with thousands of Upgrade Books to research.<br/><br/>See if you can clear Zone 22 to earn a little more Helium for next run, then activate your Portal.";
goal += "Clear Zone 22, then Portal with a Challenge"
if (this.viewingStep != 0 && this.viewingStep != 15) text += "<br/><br/><i>Remember you can toggle the ADVISOR window by pressing V or clicking the gold star by the enemy's name.</i>";
document.getElementById('tutorialTextInner').innerHTML = text;
document.getElementById('tutorialGoal').innerHTML = goal;
document.getElementById('tutorialStep').innerHTML = "(" + (this.viewingStep + 1) + "/" + totalSteps + ")";
document.getElementById('tutorialBackBtn').style.display = (this.viewingStep > 0) ? 'inline-block' : 'none';
document.getElementById('tutorialNextBtn').style.display = (this.viewingStep < game.global.tutorialStep) ? 'inline-block' : 'none';
if (game.global.tutorialLg) this.setBookmarks();
var alchObj = {
tab: document.getElementById('alchemyTab'),
load: function(){
if (game.global.potionData != null) this.potionsOwned = game.global.potionData;
else {
for (var x = 0; x < this.potionsOwned.length; x++){
this.potionsOwned[x] = 0;
this.potionAuto[x] = 0;
if (game.global.potionAuto != null) this.potionAuto = game.global.potionAuto;
if (this.potionsOwned.length < this.potionNames.length){
var need = this.potionNames.length - this.potionsOwned.length;
for (var x = 0; x < need; x++){
this.tab.style.display = (game.global.alchemyUnlocked || game.global.challengeActive == "Alchemy") ? 'table-cell' : 'none';
rewards: {
Metal: "Potatoes",
Wood: "Mushrooms",
Food: "Seaweed",
Gems: "Firebloom",
Any: "Berries",
potionNames: ["Herby Brew", "Gaseous Brew", "Potion of Finding", "Potion of the Void", "Potion of Strength", "Elixir of Crafting", "Elixir of Finding", "Elixir of Accuracy"],
potionsOwned: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
potionAuto: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
getRunetrinketMult: function(chance){
var notFind = 100 - chance;
notFind *= Math.pow(0.99, this.potionsOwned[2]);
return (100 - notFind);
getRunetrinketBonusAmt: function(){
var world = (game.global.world < 101) ? 101 : game.global.world;
var orig = game.portal.Observation.getDropChance(world);
var newMult = game.portal.Observation.getDropChance(world, true);
return orig - newMult;
potions: [
challenge: true,
cost: [["Potatoes",5,10]],
description: "Increases all Herbs found by 100% (compounding). <span class='red'>Increases Enemy Attack/Health by 75% (compounding)</span>",
effectText: "+#% Herbs found",
enemyMult: 1.75,
effectComp: 2,
challenge: true,
cost: [["Mushrooms",5,5]],
description: "Increases all Radon gained by 10% (compounding). <span class='red'>Increases Enemy Attack/Health by 30% (compounding)</span>",
effectText: "+#% Radon",
enemyMult: 1.3,
effectComp: 1.10,
challenge: true,
cost: [["Seaweed",5,4]],
description: "Increases all non-radon resources earned by 25% additively. Reduces chance to not find a Runetrinket by 1% (compounding). <span class='red'>Increases the cost of all other Potions by 50% (compounding)</span>",
effectText: "+#% res",
effect: 0.25,
challenge: true,
cost: [["Firebloom",5,4]],
description: "Nullifies 5% (compounding) of increased enemy stats from Potions while in Void Maps. <span class='red'>Increases the cost of all other Potions by 50% (compounding)</span>",
effectText: "#% nullified void stats",
effectComp: 0.95,
inverseComp: true
challenge: true,
cost: [["Berries",5,4]],
description: "Increases Trimp Attack/Health by 15% additively. <span class='red'>Increases the cost of all other Potions by 50% (compounding)</span>",
effectText: "+#% Stats",
effect: 0.15,
challenge: false,
cost: [["Potatoes",2000,4],["Berries",1000,4],["Seaweed",1000,4]],
description: "Increases all housing by 5% (compounding).",
effectText: "+#% housing",
effectComp: 1.05,
challenge: false,
cost: [["Mushrooms",10000,4],["Potatoes",3000,4]],
description: "Increases all non-radon resources by 5% (compounding).",
effectText: "+#% resources",
effectComp: 1.05,
challenge: false,
cost: [["Firebloom",7000,4],["Seaweed",3000,4]],
description: "Increases Crit Damage by 25%.",
effectText: "+#% Crit Damage",
effect: 0.25,
allPotionGrowth: 1.5,
getPotionCost: function(potionName, getText){
var index = this.potionNames.indexOf(potionName);
if (index == -1) return "";
var potion = this.potions[index];
var cost = potion.cost;
var costObj = [];
var costText = "";
var owned = 0;
var thisOwned = this.potionsOwned[index];
if (potion.challenge && !potion.enemyMult){
for (var y = 0; y < this.potionsOwned.length; y++){
if (this.potions[y].challenge != (game.global.challengeActive == "Alchemy")) continue;
if (y != index && !this.potions[y].enemyMult) owned += this.potionsOwned[y]; //no cost increase for enemyMult potions
for (var x = 0; x < cost.length; x++){
var thisCost = Math.ceil(cost[x][1] * Math.pow(cost[x][2], thisOwned));
if (potion.challenge) thisCost *= Math.pow(this.allPotionGrowth, owned);
if (getText){
var ownedName = (game.global.challengeActive == "Alchemy") ? "cowned" : "owned";
var color = (game.herbs[cost[x][0]][ownedName] < thisCost) ? "red" : "green";
costText += "<span class='" + color + "'>" + prettify(thisCost) + " " + cost[x][0] + "</span>";
if (cost.length == x + 2){
if (cost.length > 2) costText += ",";
costText += " and ";
else if (cost.length != x + 1) costText += ", ";
else costObj.push([cost[x][0], thisCost]);
if (getText) return costText;
return costObj;
getPotionEffect: function(potionName){
if (game.global.universe != 2) return 1;
var index = this.potionNames.indexOf(potionName);
if (index == -1) return 1;
var potion = this.potions[index];
var onChallenge = (game.global.challengeActive == "Alchemy");
if (potion.challenge && !onChallenge) return 1;
if (!potion.effect && !potion.effectComp) return 1;
var owned = this.potionsOwned[index];
if (potion.effect) return 1 + (potion.effect * owned);
return Math.pow(potion.effectComp, owned);
getRadonMult: function(){
if (game.global.challengeActive != "Alchemy") return 1;
var base = 51;
base *= this.getPotionEffect("Gaseous Brew");
return base;
getPotionCount: function(potionName){
return this.potionsOwned[this.potionNames.indexOf(potionName)];
getEnemyStats: function(map, voidMap){
//Challenge only
var baseMod = 0.1;
baseMod *= Math.pow(this.potions[0].enemyMult, this.potionsOwned[0]); //Herby Brew
baseMod *= Math.pow(this.potions[1].enemyMult, this.potionsOwned[1]); //Gaseous Brew
if (voidMap) {
baseMod *= 10;
if (this.potionsOwned[3] > 0) baseMod *= this.getPotionEffect("Potion of the Void");
return baseMod;
if (map) return baseMod * 3;
return baseMod;
unlock: function(){
if (typeof game.global.messages.Loot.alchemy === 'undefined') game.global.messages.Loot.alchemy = true;
mapCleared: function(mapObj){
if (game.global.universe != 2) return;
if (game.global.challengeActive != "Alchemy" && !game.global.alchemyUnlocked) return;
if (!mapObj || !mapObj.location) return;
var resType = game.mapConfig.locations[mapObj.location].resourceType;
if (resType == "Scaling") resType = getFarmlandsResType(mapObj);
var resource = this.rewards[resType];
if (!resource) return;
var amt = this.getDropRate(mapObj.level);
if (mapObj.location == "Farmlands") amt *= 1.5;
if (amt <= 0) return;
if (game.global.challengeActive == "Alchemy"){
game.herbs[resource].cowned += amt;
game.herbs[resource].owned += amt;
message("You found " + prettify(amt) + " " + resource + "!", "Loot", "*leaf3", "alchemy", "alchemy");
canAffordPotion: function(potionName){
var cost = this.getPotionCost(potionName);
if (!cost) return false;
var owned = (game.global.challengeActive == "Alchemy") ? "cowned" : "owned";
for (var x = 0; x < cost.length; x++){
var resOwned = game.herbs[cost[x][0]][owned];
if (resOwned < cost[x][1]) return false;
return true;
craftPotion: function(potionName){
if (!this.canAffordPotion(potionName)) return;
var cost = this.getPotionCost(potionName);
var ownedName = (game.global.challengeActive == "Alchemy") ? "cowned" : "owned";
for (var x = 0; x < cost.length; x++){
game.herbs[cost[x][0]][ownedName] -= cost[x][1];
var index = this.potionNames.indexOf(potionName);
game.global.potionData = this.potionsOwned;
zoneScale: 1.14,
extraMapScale: 1.25,
getDropRate: function(mapLevel){
var world = game.global.world;
var dif = mapLevel - world;
if (dif < 0) return 0;
var base = ((2 + (Math.floor(world / 10) * 5)) * Math.pow(this.zoneScale, world));
base = Math.floor(base * Math.pow(this.extraMapScale, dif));
base *= this.getPotionEffect("Herby Brew");
return base;
openPopup: function(updateOnly){
if (updateOnly && (lastTooltipTitle != "Alchemy" || !game.global.lockTooltip)) return;
var herbContainer = (updateOnly) ? document.getElementById('alchHerbContainer') : null;
if (updateOnly && !herbContainer) updateOnly = false;
var text = (updateOnly) ? "" : "<div class='alchemyTitle'>Herbs</div><div id='alchHerbContainer'>";
var ownedName = (game.global.challengeActive == "Alchemy") ? "cowned" : "owned";
for (var herb in game.herbs){
text += "<div class='alchemyPopupHerb'><span class='alchemyPopupName'>" + herb + "</span><br/>" + prettify(game.herbs[herb][ownedName]) + "</div>";
if (updateOnly){
herbContainer.innerHTML = text;
else text += "</div>";
text += "<div class='alchemyTitle'>Crafts</div>";
text += "<table id='alchemyCraftTable'><tbody><tr>"
var count = 0;
for (var x = 0; x < this.potions.length; x++){
var potion = this.potions[x];
if ((game.global.challengeActive == "Alchemy") != potion.challenge) continue;
if (count % 5 == 0) text += "</tr><tr>";
var name = this.potionNames[x];
var effectAmt = this.getPotionEffect(name);
if (potion.inverseComp) effectAmt = 1 - effectAmt;
else effectAmt--;
var effectText = prettify(this.potionsOwned[x]) + " owned, " + potion.effectText.replace("#", prettify((effectAmt) * 100));
if (name == "Potion of Finding") effectText += ", +" + this.getRunetrinketBonusAmt().toFixed(2) + "% RT chance"
var btnClass = (this.canAffordPotion(name)) ? "colorSuccess" : "colorDisabled";
if (updateOnly){
var craftBtn = document.getElementById('alchCraftBtn' + x);
if (!craftBtn) {
console.log('button not found for refresh');
swapClass('color', btnClass, craftBtn);
document.getElementById('alchPotionEffect' + x).innerHTML = effectText;
document.getElementById('alchPotionCost' + x).innerHTML = this.getPotionCost(name, true);
text += "<td class='alchemyPopupCraft " + ((potion.enemyMult) ? 'brew' : 'potion') + "'><div class='alchemyPopupName'>" + name + "</div><span id='alchCraftBtn" + x + "' onclick='alchObj.craftPotion(\"" + name + "\")' class='btn btn-sm " + btnClass + "' style='width: 80%; margin-left: 10%;'>Craft</span><br/><span id='alchPotionEffect" + x + "' class='alchemyPotionEffect'>" + effectText + "</span><br/><span id='alchPotionCost" + x + "' class='alchemyCraftCost'>" + this.getPotionCost(name, true) + "</span><div class='alchemyAuto'>AutoCraft up to: <input value='" + this.potionAuto[x] + "' type='number' id='potionAuto" + x + "' /></div><span class='alchemyCraftDescription'>" + potion.description + "</span></td>";
text += "</tr></tbody></table><div id='alchBottomText'>";
if (updateOnly) text = "";
if (game.global.challengeActive == "Alchemy"){
text += "<div class='alchemyEnemyStats'>Enemies in this dimension are enchanted, gaining +" + prettify(this.getEnemyStats(false, false) * 100) + "% enemy stats in World, +" + prettify(this.getEnemyStats(true, false) * 100) + "% in Maps, and +" + prettify(this.getEnemyStats(true, true) * 100) + "% in Void Maps. All Radon drops are increased by " + prettify((this.getRadonMult() - 1) * 100) + "%.";
text += "</div>";
text += "<div class='alchemyTitle'>Drop Rates</div><table id='alchemyDropsTable'><tbody>";
var row1 = "<tr><td style='font-weight: bold; font-style: italic'>Map Level</td>";
var row2 = "<tr><td style='font-weight: bold; font-style: italic'>Drop Amt</td>";
for (var y = game.global.world - 1; y <= game.global.world + 10; y++){
row1 += "<td>" + y + "</td>";
row2 += "<td>" + prettify(this.getDropRate(y)) + "</td>";
text += row1 + "</tr>" + row2 + "</tr></tbody></table>";
if (updateOnly){
document.getElementById('alchBottomText').innerHTML = text;
text += "</div>";
tooltip('confirm', null, 'update', text, 'alchObj.save()', 'Alchemy', 'Save and Close')
autoCraft: function(){
//called once every 2 seconds after alchemy is unlocked or during challenge
var onChallenge = (game.global.challengeActive == "Alchemy");
for (var x = 0; x < this.potions.length; x++){
var potion = this.potions[x];
if ((potion.challenge) != onChallenge) continue;
if (this.potionsOwned[x] >= this.potionAuto[x]) continue;
if (this.canAffordPotion(this.potionNames[x])) this.craftPotion(this.potionNames[x]);
save: function(){
for (var x = 0; x < this.potions.length; x++){
var elem = document.getElementById('potionAuto' + x);
if (!elem) continue;
var val = elem.value;
if (!val || isNumberBad(val)) continue;
this.potionAuto[x] = val;
game.global.potionAuto = this.potionAuto;
portal: function(){
for (var x = 0; x < this.potions.length; x++){
if (this.potions[x].challenge) this.potionsOwned[x] = 0;
for (var herb in game.herbs){
game.herbs[herb].cowned = 0;
if (!game.global.alchemyUnlocked) this.tab.style.display = 'none';
game.global.potionData = this.potionsOwned;
var autoBattle = {
frameTime: 300,
speed: 1,
enemyLevel: 1,
maxEnemyLevel: 1,
autoLevel: true,
dust: 0,
shards: 0,
shardDust: 0,
trimp: null,
enemy: null,
seed: 4568654,
enemiesKilled: 0,
sessionEnemiesKilled: 0,
sessionTrimpsKilled: 0,
maxItems: 4,
notes: "&nbsp;",
popupMode: "items",
battleTime: 0,
lastSelect: "",
lastActions: [],
activeContract: "",
lootAvg: {
accumulator: 0,
counter: 0
presets: {
names: ["预设1", "预设2", "预设3"],
p1: [],
p2: [],
p3: []
rings: {
level: 1,
mods: ["attack"]
template: function(){
return {
level: 1,
isTrimp: false,
baseHealth: 50,
health: 50,
maxHealth: 50,
baseAttack: 5,
attack: 5,
baseAttackSpeed: 5000,
attackSpeed: 5000,
lastAttack: 0,
shockChance: 0,
shockMod: 0,
bleedChance: 0,
bleedMod: 0,
bleedTime: 0,
hadBleed: false,
poisonChance: 0,
poisonTime: 0,
poisonMod: 0,
poisonStack: 2,
poisonRate: 1,
poisonTick: 1000,
poisonHeal: 0,
defense: 0,
lifesteal: 0,
shockResist: 0,
poisonResist: 0,
bleedResist: 0,
lifestealResist: 0,
slowAura: 1,
damageTakenMult: 1,
enrageMult: 1.25,
enrageFreq: 60,
explodeDamage: 0,
explodeFreq: -1,
lastExplode: 0,
berserkMod: -1,
berserkStack: 0,
ethChance: 0,
dmgTaken: 0,
dustMult: 0,
gooStored: 0,
lastGoo: -1,
bleed: {
time: 0,
mod: 0
poison: {
time: 0,
mod: 0,
lastTick: 0,
stacks: 0,
expired: false,
hitsAtMax: 0
shock: {
time: 0,
mod: 0,
count: 0,
unlockAllItems: function(){
for (var item in this.items){
this.items[item].owned = true;
resetAll: function(){
this.enemyLevel = 1;
this.maxEnemyLevel = 1;
this.autoLevel = true;
this.dust = 0;
this.shards = 0;
this.trimp = null;
this.enemy = null;
this.enemiesKilled = 0;
this.lastActions = [];
this.activeContract = "";
this.rings = this.getFreshRings();
for (var item in this.items){
item = this.items[item];
item.owned = (item.zone) ? false : true;
item.equipped = false;
item.hidden = false;
item.level = 1;
for (var bonus in this.bonuses){
this.bonuses[bonus].level = 0;
for (var oneTimer in this.oneTimers){
this.oneTimers[oneTimer].owned = false;
for (var setting in this.settings){
this.settings[setting].enabled = this.settings[setting].default;
this.items.Sword.equipped = true;
this.items.Pants.equipped = true;
this.presets.p1 = [];
this.presets.p2 = [];
this.presets.p3 = [];
save: function(){
var data = {};
data.enemyLevel = this.enemyLevel;
data.dust = this.dust;
data.shards = this.shards;
data.enemiesKilled = this.enemiesKilled;
data.maxEnemyLevel = this.maxEnemyLevel;
data.autoLevel = this.autoLevel;
data.lastActions = this.lastActions;
data.presets = this.presets;
data.activeContract = this.activeContract;
data.items = {};
data.rings = this.rings;
for (var item in this.items){
var thisItem = this.items[item];
if (!thisItem.owned) continue;
data.items[item] = {};
var saveItem = data.items[item];
saveItem.equipped = thisItem.equipped;
saveItem.owned = thisItem.owned;
saveItem.level = thisItem.level;
saveItem.hidden = thisItem.hidden;
data.bonuses = {};
for (var bonus in this.bonuses){
var thisBonus = this.bonuses[bonus];
if (thisBonus.level == 0) continue;
data.bonuses[bonus] = thisBonus.level;
data.oneTimers = {};
for (var oneTimer in this.oneTimers){
var thisOneTimer = this.oneTimers[oneTimer];
if (!thisOneTimer.owned) continue;
data.oneTimers[oneTimer] = true;
data.settings = {};
for (var setting in this.settings){
if (setting == "practice") continue;
var thisSetting = this.settings[setting];
if (thisSetting.enabled == thisSetting.default) continue;
data.settings[setting] = thisSetting.enabled;
game.global.autoBattleData = data;
load: function(){
var data = game.global.autoBattleData;
var tab = document.getElementById('autoBattleTab');
var canAb = (game.global.highestRadonLevelCleared >= 74);
if (!canAb || !data || !data.items){
if (!canAb) tab.style.display = 'none';
else tab.style.display = 'table-cell';
tab.style.display = 'table-cell';
this.enemyLevel = data.enemyLevel;
this.dust = data.dust;
this.shards = data.shards ? data.shards : 0;
this.enemiesKilled = data.enemiesKilled;
this.maxEnemyLevel = data.maxEnemyLevel;
this.autoLevel = data.autoLevel;
if (data.rings && data.rings.level) this.rings = data.rings;
else this.rings = this.getFreshRings();
if (data.activeContract) this.activeContract = data.activeContract;
if (data.presets) this.presets = data.presets;
this.presets.p1 = [];
this.presets.p2 = [];
this.presets.p3 = [];
if (data.lastActions) this.lastActions = data.lastActions;
for (var x = 0; x < this.lastActions.length; x++){
if (!this.lastActions[x][6]) this.lastActions[x][6] = 0;
for (var item in this.items){
var saveItem = data.items[item];
var thisItem = this.items[item];
if (!saveItem) {
//thisItem.owned = false;
thisItem.equipped = false;
thisItem.level = 1;
thisItem.hidden = false;
thisItem.owned = saveItem.owned;
thisItem.equipped = saveItem.equipped;
thisItem.level = saveItem.level;
if (typeof saveItem.hidden !== 'undefined')
thisItem.hidden = saveItem.hidden;
for (var bonus in this.bonuses){
if (!data.bonuses || !data.bonuses[bonus]){
this.bonuses[bonus].level = 0;
this.bonuses[bonus].level = data.bonuses[bonus];
for (var oneTimer in this.oneTimers){
if (!data.oneTimers || !data.oneTimers[oneTimer]){
this.oneTimers[oneTimer].owned = false;
this.oneTimers[oneTimer].owned = true;
for (var setting in this.settings){
if (!data.settings || typeof data.settings[setting] == 'undefined'){
this.settings[setting].enabled = this.settings[setting].default;
this.settings[setting].enabled = data.settings[setting];
if (!this.presets.names) this.presets.names = ["预设1", "预设2", "预设3"];
game.stats.saHighestLevel.valueTotal = this.maxEnemyLevel;
firstUnlock: function(){
tooltip('confirm', null, 'update', "<i>\"As you approach the infinitely tall Spire, a Trimp rushes out and embraces Scruffy. Scruffy introduces you to Huffy, who seems to have also realized that Druopitee is kind of a prick. Huffy lets you know that he managed to destroy the Corruption device at the top, but that it was now crawling with horrible shadowy enemies. Huffy lets you know that he is shielded from the Portal inside the Spire, but that even when you Portal and forget him, he can use your subconscious to help direct him in cleansing the Spire and finding artifacts to make your Trimps stronger.\"</i><br/><br/>You've finally made it to Huffy and the first Spire in this Universe. Huffy needs your help removing all of the Enemies! Check out the new tab titled 'SA' to get started.<br/><br/><b>A tip for once you're in</b>: Huffy has figured out how to put on Pants and a Sword but is struggling beyond that. Click two other items to equip them ASAP!", null, 'Spire Assault Unlocked!', 'Continue', false, true);
savePreset: function(slot){
this.presets[slot] = [];
for (var item in this.items){
if (this.items[item].equipped) this.presets[slot].push(item);
this.presets[slot].push(["level", this.enemyLevel]);
if (this.rings.mods.length) {
var ringMods = ["ring"];
for (var x = 0; x < this.rings.mods.length; x++){
this.popup(true, false, true);
loadPreset: function(slot){
var preset = this.presets[slot];
var plength = preset.length;
var maxAdd = this.getMaxItems();
var added = 0;
for (var item in this.items){
this.items[item].equipped = false;
if (this.settings.loadHide.enabled) this.items[item].hidden = (this.items[item].owned) ? true : false;
for (var x = 0; x < plength; x++){
var thisPreset = preset[x];
if (Array.isArray(thisPreset)){
if (this.settings.loadLevel.enabled && thisPreset[0] == "level" && thisPreset[1] <= this.maxEnemyLevel){
this.enemyLevel = thisPreset[1];
else if (this.settings.loadRing.enabled && thisPreset[0] == "ring"){
for (var y = 1; y < thisPreset.length; y++){
this.changeRing(null, y - 1, thisPreset[y])
if (!this.items[thisPreset] || !this.items[thisPreset].owned) continue;
if (added >= maxAdd) continue;
this.items[thisPreset].equipped = true;
this.items[thisPreset].hidden = false;
this.popupMode = 'items';
this.popup(true, false, true);
getItemOrder: function(){
var items = [];
for (var item in this.items){
items.push({name: item, zone: (this.items[item].zone) ? this.items[item].zone : 0})
function itemSort(a,b){
if (a.zone > b.zone) return 1;
if (a.zone < b.zone) return -1;
return items;
getContracts: function(){
var items = this.getItemOrder();
var contracts = [];
for (var x = 0; x < items.length; x++){
if (!this.items[items[x].name].owned) {
if (contracts.length >= 3) return contracts;
return contracts;
contractPrice: function(item){
var itemObj = this.items[item];
var dif = itemObj.zone - 75
var total = (100 * Math.pow(1.2023, dif));
if (itemObj.dustType == "shards") total /= 1e9;
return total;
oneTimerPrice: function(item){
var itemObj = this.oneTimers[item];
var allItems = this.getItemOrder();
var index = itemObj.requiredItems - 1;
if (itemObj.useShards) index++;
if (index <= 6) return 10000;
var lastItem = allItems[index];
var contractPrice = this.contractPrice(lastItem.name);
if (itemObj.useShards) return Math.ceil(contractPrice / 2);
return Math.ceil(contractPrice * 1000) / 10;
toggleSetting: function(which){
var setting = this.settings[which];
if (setting.enabled == setting.text.length - 1) setting.enabled = 0;
else setting.enabled++;
if (setting.onToggle) setting.onToggle();
this.popup(true, false, true);
settings: {
loadHide: {
enabled: 1,
default: 1,
text: ["Leave Items on Preset Load", "Hide Unused Items on Preset Load"]
loadLevel: {
enabled: 1,
default: 1,
text: ["Leave Enemy Level on Preset Load", "Set Enemy Level on Preset Load"]
loadRing: {
enabled: 1,
default: 1,
text: ["Leave Ring on Preset Load", "Load Ring Mods on Preset Load"],
hideUnless: function(){
return (autoBattle.oneTimers.The_Ring.owned);
practice: {
enabled: 0,
default: 0,
text: ["Practice Off - 10x Speed, no Dust or Progress", "Practice On - 10x Speed, no Dust or Progress"],
onToggle: function(){
if (this.enabled) autoBattle.speed = 10;
else autoBattle.speed = 1;
items: {
//Starting items
Menacing_Mask: {
owned: true,
equipped: false,
hidden: false,
level: 1,
description: function(){
return "使怒怒的攻击间隔-" + prettify((1 - this.trimpAttackSpeed()) * 100) + "%,敌人的攻击间隔+" + prettify((1 - this.enemyAttackSpeed()) * -100) + "%。";
upgrade: "每级使怒怒的攻击间隔-2%,敌人的攻击间隔+2%(相互叠乘)",
trimpAttackSpeed: function(){
return Math.pow(0.98, this.level);
enemyAttackSpeed: function(){
return 1.05 * Math.pow(1.02, (this.level - 1));
doStuff: function(){
autoBattle.trimp.attackSpeed *= this.trimpAttackSpeed();
autoBattle.enemy.attackSpeed *= this.enemyAttackSpeed();
priceMod: 5
Sword: {
owned: true,
equipped: true,
hidden: false,
level: 1,
description: function(){
return "使怒怒的攻击力+" + this.effect() + "";
upgrade: "每级使怒怒的攻击力+1",
effect: function(){
return this.level;
doStuff: function(){
autoBattle.trimp.attack += this.effect();
priceMod: 2.5
Armor: {
owned: true,
equipped: false,
hidden: false,
level: 1,
description: function(){
return "使怒怒的基础生命值+" + prettify(this.effect()) + "";
upgrade: "每级使怒怒的基础生命值+20",
effect: function(){
return 20 * this.level;
doStuff: function(){
autoBattle.trimp.maxHealth += this.effect();
priceMod: 5
Rusty_Dagger: {
owned: true,
equipped: false,
hidden: false,
level: 1,
description: function(){
return "可以使敌人流血,持续10秒。使怒怒的流血伤害+" + prettify(this.bleedMod() * 100) + "%" + ((this.level >= 5) ? ",攻击力+" + prettify(this.attack()) : "") + "。使怒怒触发流血的概率+" + prettify(this.bleedChance()) + "%,如果敌人震荡或中毒了,则使概率翻倍。";
upgrade: "每5级使怒怒的攻击力+10,流血伤害+20%。每级使怒怒的流血伤害+5%,触发流血的概率+3%",
attack: function(){
return Math.floor(this.level / 5) * 10;
bleedChance: function(){
return 17 + (3 * this.level);
bleedMod: function(){
var val = 0.1 + (0.05 * this.level);
val += (Math.floor(this.level / 5) * 0.2);
return val;
doStuff: function(){
autoBattle.trimp.attack += this.attack();
autoBattle.trimp.bleedMod += this.bleedMod();
if (autoBattle.trimp.bleedTime < 10000) autoBattle.trimp.bleedTime = 10000;
autoBattle.trimp.bleedChance += (autoBattle.enemy.poison.time > 0 || autoBattle.enemy.shock.time > 0) ? (this.bleedChance() * 2) : this.bleedChance();
startPrice: 25,
priceMod: 4
Fists_of_Goo: {
owned: true,
equipped: false,
hidden: false,
level: 1,
description: function(){
return "可以使敌人中毒,持续10秒。使怒怒的中毒伤害+" + prettify(this.effect()) + "。使怒怒触发中毒的概率+25%,如果敌人流血或震荡了,则使概率翻倍。"
upgrade: "每级使怒怒的中毒伤害+1",
effect: function(){
return this.level;
doStuff: function(){
autoBattle.trimp.poisonMod += this.effect();
autoBattle.trimp.poisonChance += (autoBattle.enemy.shock.time > 0 || autoBattle.enemy.bleed.time > 0) ? 50 : 25;
if (autoBattle.trimp.poisonTime < 10000) autoBattle.trimp.poisonTime = 10000;
priceMod: 6,
startPrice: 50
Battery_Stick: {
owned: true,
equipped: false,
hidden: false,
level: 1,
description: function(){
return "可以使敌人震荡,持续10秒。使怒怒的震荡伤害+" + prettify(this.shockMod() * 100) + "%。使怒怒触发震荡的概率+35%,如果敌人流血或中毒了,则使概率翻倍。";
upgrade: "每级使怒怒的震荡伤害+10%",
shockMod: function(){
return 0.15 + (0.1 * this.level);
doStuff: function(){
autoBattle.trimp.shockChance += (autoBattle.enemy.bleed.time > 0 || autoBattle.enemy.poison.time > 0) ? 70 : 35;
autoBattle.trimp.shockMod += this.shockMod();
autoBattle.trimp.shockTime = 10000;
startPrice: 25,
priceMod: 4
Pants: {
owned: true,
equipped: true,
hidden: false,
level: 1,
description: function(){
return "使怒怒的防御力+" + prettify(this.effect()) + ""
upgrade: "每级使怒怒的防御力+1",
effect: function(){
return this.level;
doStuff: function(){
autoBattle.trimp.defense += this.effect();
//raincoat, 75
//pouch 78
Chemistry_Set: {
owned: false,
equipped: false,
hidden: false,
level: 1,
zone: 81,
description: function(){
var stacks = this.poisonStack();
return "如果敌人未中毒,则使怒怒触发中毒的概率+50%。如果敌人中毒了,则使怒怒的防御力+" + this.defenseEffect() + "。使怒怒触发中毒的概率+" + prettify(this.poisonChance()) + "%。怒怒触发的中毒可以多叠加" + stacks + "层。";
upgrade: "每4级使中毒层数的上限+1。每级使怒怒的防御力+1,怒怒触发中毒的基础概率+4%",
defenseEffect: function(){
return this.level;
poisonChance: function(){
return 6 + (this.level * 4);
poisonStack: function(){
var levels = Math.floor(this.level / 4);
return 1 + levels;
doStuff: function(){
if (autoBattle.enemy.poison.time > 0) autoBattle.trimp.defense += this.defenseEffect();
else autoBattle.trimp.poisonChance += 50;
autoBattle.trimp.poisonChance += this.poisonChance();
autoBattle.trimp.poisonStack += this.poisonStack();
priceMod: 4,
startPrice: 200
//bad medkit - 84
Comfy_Boots: {
owned: false,
equipped: false,
hidden: false,
level: 1,
zone: 87,
description: function(){
return "使怒怒的防御力+" + prettify(this.defense()) + "。所有抗性+" + prettify(this.resistance()) + "%。";
upgrade: "每级使怒怒的防御力+2,所有抗性+5%",
defense: function(){
return 2 + (this.level * 2);
resistance: function(){
return (this.level * 5);
doStuff: function(){
autoBattle.trimp.defense += this.defense();
var res = this.resistance();
autoBattle.trimp.bleedResist += res;
autoBattle.trimp.poisonResist += res;
autoBattle.trimp.shockResist += res;
startPrice: 430
//Labcoat 90
Lifegiving_Gem: {
owned: false,
equipped: false,
hidden: false,
level: 1,
zone: 93,
description: function(){
return "使敌人多掉落" + prettify(this.effect() * 100) + "%魔尘,该数值还会*加*上*敌人死亡时怒怒的吸血数值。"
upgrade: "每级使敌人多掉落10%魔尘",
effect: function(){
return 0.2 + (0.1 * this.level);
dustIncrease: function(){
return this.effect() + Math.max(0, (autoBattle.trimp.lifesteal - autoBattle.enemy.lifestealResist));
startPrice: 650,
priceMod: 4
Mood_Bracelet: {
owned: false,
equipped: false,
hidden: false,
level: 1,
zone: 95,
description: function(){
return "如果敌人未流血,则使怒怒的攻击间隔-" + prettify((1 - this.effect()) * 100) + "%,防御力+" + prettify(this.defense()) + ""
upgrade: "每级使怒怒的攻击间隔-3%(相互叠乘),防御力+4",
effect: function(){
return 0.8765 * Math.pow(0.97, this.level);
defense: function(){
return 6 + (4 * this.level);
doStuff: function(){
if (autoBattle.enemy.bleed.time <= 0){
autoBattle.trimp.attackSpeed *= this.effect();
autoBattle.trimp.defense += this.defense();
priceMod: 4,
startPrice: 1100
Hungering_Mold: {
owned: false,
equipped: false,
hidden: false,
level: 1,
zone: 98,
description: function(){
return "当怒怒触发中毒造成伤害时,每层中毒使怒怒的生命值恢复" + prettify(this.healAmt()) + "。怒怒的中毒触发速度增加" + prettify((1 - this.tickMult()) * 100) + "%。";
upgrade: "每级使怒怒的生命值恢复量+0.5,中毒触发速度+1%",
healAmt: function(){
return 0.5 + (0.5 * this.level);
tickMult: function(){
return 0.909 * Math.pow(0.99, this.level);
doStuff: function(){
autoBattle.trimp.poisonTick *= this.tickMult();
autoBattle.trimp.poisonHeal += this.healAmt();
priceMod: 5,
startPrice: 2000
Recycler: {
owned: false,
equipped: false,
hidden: false,
level: 1,
zone: 100,
description: function(){
return "使怒怒的吸血+" + prettify(this.effect() * 100) + "%。怒怒因敌人流血而吸血恢复的生命值翻倍。";
upgrade: "每级使怒怒的吸血+5%",
effect: function(){
return 0.2 + (0.05 * this.level);
doStuff: function(){
autoBattle.trimp.lifesteal += this.effect();
startPrice: 2800,
priceMod: 5
Shining_Armor: {
owned: false,
equipped: false,
hidden: false,
level: 1,
zone: 103,
description: function(){
return "使怒怒的防御力+" + prettify(this.defense()) + "。使怒怒的生命值+" + prettify(this.health()) + "";
upgrade: "每级使怒怒的防御力+6,生命值+100",
defense: function(){
return 14 + (6 * this.level);
health: function(){
return 200 + (this.level * 100);
doStuff: function(){
autoBattle.trimp.defense += this.defense();
autoBattle.trimp.maxHealth += this.health();
priceMod: 5,
startPrice: 4000
owned: false,
equipped: false,
hidden: false,
level: 1,
zone: 105,
description: function(){
return "可以使敌人震荡,持续20秒。使怒怒的攻击力+" + prettify(this.attack()) + ",触发震荡的概率+" + prettify(this.shockChance()) + "%,震荡伤害+" + prettify(this.shockMod() * 100) + "%。如果敌人未震荡,则使怒怒的攻击间隔-25%,如果敌人震荡了,则使怒怒的吸血+25%。";
upgrade: "每级使怒怒的攻击力+4,触发震荡的概率+10%,震荡伤害+10%",
attack: function(){
return 6 + (4 * this.level);
shockChance: function(){
return 20 + (10 * this.level);
shockMod: function(){
return .40 + (.1 * this.level);
doStuff: function(){
if (autoBattle.trimp.shockTime < 20000) autoBattle.trimp.shockTime = 20000;
autoBattle.trimp.shockMod += this.shockMod();
autoBattle.trimp.shockChance += this.shockChance();
autoBattle.trimp.attack += this.attack();
if (autoBattle.enemy.shock.time <= 0) autoBattle.trimp.attackSpeed *= 0.75;
else autoBattle.trimp.lifesteal += 0.25;
priceMod: 5,
startPrice: 5750
//spiked gloves - 108
Tame_Snimp: {
owned: false,
equipped: false,
hidden: false,
level: 1,
zone: 110,
description: function(){
return "可以使敌人中毒,持续10秒。使怒怒触发中毒的概率+" + prettify(this.poisonChance()) + "%,中毒伤害+" + prettify(this.poisonMod()) + "。如果敌人中毒了,则使它的攻击力减少15%。";
upgrade: "每级使怒怒触发中毒的概率+10%,中毒伤害+2",
poisonChance: function(){
return 30 + (10 * this.level);
poisonMod: function(){
return 5 + (2 * this.level);
doStuff: function(){
if (autoBattle.enemy.poison.time > 0) autoBattle.enemy.attack *= 0.85;
if (autoBattle.trimp.poisonTime < 10000) autoBattle.trimp.poisonTime = 10000;
autoBattle.trimp.poisonChance += this.poisonChance();
autoBattle.trimp.poisonMod += this.poisonMod();
priceMod: 5.5,
startPrice: 15000
Lich_Wraps: {
owned: false,
equipped: false,
hidden: false,
level: 1,
zone: 113,
description: function(){
return "如果怒怒中毒、流血或震荡了,则使它的攻击力+" + prettify(this.attack()) + ",攻击间隔-15%,吸血+" + prettify(this.lifesteal() * 100) + "%,受到的伤害减少" + prettify((1 - this.damageTakenMult()) * 100) + "%。";
upgrade: "每级使怒怒的攻击力+6,吸血+6%,受到的伤害-3%(相互叠乘,最终会逼近75%)",
damageTakenMult: function(){
return (((0.825 * Math.pow(0.93, (this.level - 1))) / 1.5) + 0.25);
attack: function(){
return 9 + (6 * this.level);
lifesteal: function(){
return 0.09 + (0.06 * this.level);
doStuff: function(){
if (autoBattle.trimp.bleed.time > 0 || autoBattle.trimp.shock.time > 0 || autoBattle.trimp.poison.time > 0){
autoBattle.trimp.damageTakenMult *= this.damageTakenMult();
autoBattle.trimp.attack += this.attack();
autoBattle.trimp.lifesteal += this.lifesteal();
autoBattle.trimp.attackSpeed *= 0.85;
priceMod: 4,
startPrice: 25000
Wired_Wristguards: {
owned: false,
equipped: false,
hidden: false,
level: 1,
zone: 115,
description: function(){
return "使怒怒的防御力+" + prettify(this.defense()) + ",触发震荡的概率+" + prettify(this.shockChance()) + "%,震荡伤害+" + prettify(this.shockMod() * 100) + "%,所有抗性+50%。如果敌人震荡了,则使它的攻击间隔增加" + prettify((this.enemySpeed() - 1) * 100) + "%。";
upgrade: "每级使怒怒的防御力+3,触发震荡的概率+15%,震荡伤害+15%,敌人的攻击间隔+2%",
defense: function(){
return 7 + (3 * this.level);
shockChance: function(){
return 25 + (15 * this.level);
shockMod: function(){
return 0.25 + (0.15 * this.level);
enemySpeed: function(){
return 1.18 + (0.02 * this.level);
doStuff: function(){
autoBattle.trimp.defense += this.defense();
autoBattle.trimp.shockChance += this.shockChance();
autoBattle.trimp.shockMod += this.shockMod();
autoBattle.trimp.shockResist += 50;
autoBattle.trimp.poisonResist += 50;
autoBattle.trimp.bleedResist += 50;
if (autoBattle.enemy.shock.time > 0){
autoBattle.enemy.attackSpeed *= this.enemySpeed();
startPrice: 44000,
priceMod: 4.5
Sword_and_Board: {
owned: false,
equipped: false,
hidden: false,
level: 1,
zone: 120,
description: function(){
return "使怒怒的攻击力+" + prettify(this.attack()) + ",防御力+" + prettify(this.defense()) + ",生命值+" + prettify(this.health()) + ",所有抗性+" + prettify(this.resists()) + "%。";
upgrade: "每级使怒怒的攻击力+5,防御力+4,生命值+50,所有抗性+10%",
attack: function(){
return 10 + (5 * this.level);
defense: function(){
return 6 + (4 * this.level);
health: function(){
return 350 + (50 * this.level);
resists: function(){
return 10 + (10 * this.level);
doStuff: function(){
autoBattle.trimp.attack += this.attack();
autoBattle.trimp.defense += this.defense();
autoBattle.trimp.maxHealth += this.health();
var resists = this.resists();
autoBattle.trimp.shockResist += resists;
autoBattle.trimp.poisonResist += resists;
autoBattle.trimp.bleedResist += resists;
priceMod: 5,
startPrice: 90000
Bilious_Boots: {
owned: false,
equipped: false,
hidden: false,
level: 1,
zone: 122,
description: function(){
return "使怒怒的中毒伤害+" + prettify(this.poisonMod()) + ",中毒可以多叠加1层,生命值+" + prettify(this.health()) + ",所有抗性+" + prettify(this.resists()) + "%。";
upgrade: "每级使怒怒的中毒伤害+3,生命值+50,所有抗性+10%",
poisonMod: function(){
return 7 + (3 * this.level);
health: function(){
return 150 + (50 * this.level);
resists: function(){
return 10 + (10 * this.level);
doStuff: function(){
var resists = this.resists();
autoBattle.trimp.shockResist += resists;
autoBattle.trimp.poisonResist += resists;
autoBattle.trimp.bleedResist += resists;
autoBattle.trimp.poisonMod += this.poisonMod();
autoBattle.trimp.maxHealth += this.health();
priceMod: 5,
startPrice: 100000
Bloodstained_Gloves: {
owned: false,
equipped: false,
hidden: false,
level: 1,
zone: 123,
description: function(){
return "使怒怒触发流血的概率+" + prettify(this.bleedChance()) + "%,攻击力+" + prettify(this.attack()) + "。使敌人的攻击间隔-25%,攻击力-25%。每次怒怒或敌人触发流血时,使怒怒的攻击进度条填充" + prettify(this.barFill() * 100) + "%。";
upgrade: "每级使怒怒触发流血的概率+5%,攻击力+2,攻击进度条多填充5%",
attack: function(){
return 6 + (this.level * 2)
onBleed: function(){
autoBattle.trimp.lastAttack += (autoBattle.trimp.attackSpeed * this.barFill());
bleedChance: function(){
return 25 + (5 * this.level);
barFill: function(){
return 0.20 + (0.05 * this.level);
doStuff: function(){
autoBattle.trimp.bleedChance += this.bleedChance();
autoBattle.enemy.attackSpeed *= 0.75;
autoBattle.enemy.attack *= 0.75;
autoBattle.trimp.attack += this.attack();
startPrice: 160000
Unlucky_Coin: {
owned: false,
equipped: false,
hidden: false,
level: 1,
zone: 125,
description: function(){
return "使怒怒的攻击力+" + prettify(this.attack()) + "。如果敌人未中毒和流血,则使怒怒的吸血+" + prettify(this.lifesteal() * 100) + "%。";
upgrade: "每级使怒怒的攻击力+4,吸血+10%",
attack: function(){
return 11 + (this.level * 4);
lifesteal: function(){
return 0.2 + (this.level * .1);
doStuff: function(){
autoBattle.trimp.attack += this.attack();
if (autoBattle.enemy.bleed.time <= 0 && autoBattle.enemy.poison.time <= 0){
autoBattle.trimp.lifesteal += this.lifesteal();
priceMod: 5,
startPrice: 400000
Eelimp_in_a_Bottle: {
owned: false,
equipped: false,
hidden: false,
level: 1,
zone: 130,
description: function(){
return "使怒怒触发震荡的概率+" + prettify(this.shockChance()) + "%,震荡伤害+" + prettify(this.shockMod() * 100) + "%,震荡抗性+" + prettify(this.shockResist()) + "%。如果敌人震荡了,则使怒怒的攻击间隔-" + prettify((1 - this.attackSpeed()) * 100) + "%。每次怒怒触发震荡时,使敌人的攻击进度条归零。每当怒怒对同一个敌人触发震荡时,使怒怒的攻击力+" + prettify(this.attack()) + "(最高为10次)。";
upgrade: "每级使怒怒触发震荡的概率+5%,震荡伤害+5%,震荡抗性+5%,攻击间隔-5%,攻击力多+1",
attackSpeed: function(){
return 0.9 * Math.pow(0.95, this.level);
shockChance: function(){
return 35 + (5 * this.level);
shockMod: function(){
return .65 + (.1 * this.level);
shockResist: function(){
return 10 + (5 * this.level);
attack: function(){
return 2 + this.level;
doStuff: function(){
autoBattle.trimp.shockMod += this.shockMod();
autoBattle.trimp.shockChance += this.shockChance();
if (autoBattle.enemy.shock.time >= 0) autoBattle.trimp.attackSpeed *= this.attackSpeed();
autoBattle.trimp.attack += (Math.min(10, autoBattle.enemy.shock.count) * this.attack());
autoBattle.trimp.shockResist += this.shockResist();
priceMod: 5,
startPrice: 1000000
Big_Cleaver: {
owned: false,
equipped: false,
hidden: false,
level: 1,
zone: 133,
description: function(){
return "可以使敌人流血,持续10秒。如果敌人的生命值全满,则使怒怒触发流血的概率+100%,否则使怒怒触发流血的概率+25%。如果敌人流血了,则使怒怒的攻击力+" + prettify(this.attack()) + "。使怒怒的流血伤害+" + prettify(this.bleedMod() * 100) + "%,生命值+" + prettify(this.health()) + "";
upgrade: "每级使怒怒的攻击力+2,流血伤害+25%,生命值+100",
attack: function(){
return 30 + (this.level * 2);
bleedMod: function(){
return 1 + (0.25 * this.level);
health: function(){
return 500 + (100 * this.level);
doStuff: function(){
if (autoBattle.enemy.health == autoBattle.enemy.maxHealth) autoBattle.trimp.bleedChance += 100;
else autoBattle.trimp.bleedChance += 25;
autoBattle.trimp.maxHealth += this.health();
if (autoBattle.enemy.bleed.time > 0) autoBattle.trimp.attack += this.attack();
autoBattle.trimp.bleedMod += this.bleedMod();
if (autoBattle.trimp.bleedTime <= 10000) autoBattle.trimp.bleedTime = 10000;
priceMod: 4,
startPrice: 3000000
The_Globulator: {
owned: false,
equipped: false,
hidden: false,
level: 1,
zone: 135,
description: function(){
return "如果敌人中毒了,则使怒怒的防御力+" + prettify(this.defense()) + ",生命值+" + prettify(this.health()) + "。如果该敌人从未有中毒失效过,则怒怒触发中毒时,使您恢复该物品一半生命值数值的生命值。如果该敌人的中毒层数达到上限,则使非吸血的生命值恢复手段恢复的怒怒生命值翻倍。使怒怒的中毒伤害+" + prettify(this.poisonMod()) + ""
upgrade: "每级使怒怒的防御力+5,生命值+500,中毒伤害+10",
defense: function(){
return 25 + (5 * this.level);
health: function(){
return 500 + (500 * this.level);
poisonMod: function(){
return 15 + (10 * this.level);
onPoisonStack: function(stacks){
if (stacks == 1) autoBattle.trimp.maxHealth += this.health();
if (autoBattle.enemy.poison.expired) return;
autoBattle.trimp.health += (this.health() / 2);
if (autoBattle.trimp.health > autoBattle.trimp.maxHealth) autoBattle.trimp.health = autoBattle.trimp.maxHealth;
doStuff: function(){
if (autoBattle.enemy.poison.time > 0){
autoBattle.trimp.maxHealth += this.health();
autoBattle.trimp.defense += this.defense();
autoBattle.trimp.poisonMod += this.poisonMod();
startPrice: 5e6,
priceMod: 10
Metal_Suit: {
owned: false,
equipped: false,
hidden: false,
level: 1,
zone: 138,
description: function(){
return "使怒怒的防御力+" + prettify(this.defense()) + ",生命值+" + prettify(this.health()) + ",流血抗性+" + prettify(this.resist()) + "%。如果怒怒装备了可以使敌人流血的物品,则使怒怒的攻击力+" + prettify(this.attack()) + ""
upgrade: "每级使怒怒的防御力+30,生命值+1000,流血抗性+20%,攻击力+5",
attack: function(){
return 10 + (5 * this.level);
defense: function(){
return (-10 + (this.level * 30));
health: function(){
return (-500 + (this.level * 1000));
resist: function(){
return 30 + (20 * this.level);
doStuff: function(){
if (autoBattle.items.Rusty_Dagger.equipped || autoBattle.items.Big_Cleaver.equipped || autoBattle.items.Bag_of_Nails.equipped) autoBattle.trimp.attack += this.attack();
autoBattle.trimp.maxHealth += this.health();
autoBattle.trimp.defense += this.defense();
autoBattle.trimp.bleedResist += this.resist();
priceMod: 10,
startPrice: 6e6
Nozzled_Goggles: {
owned: false,
equipped: false,
hidden: false,
level: 1,
zone: 140,
description: function(){
return "使敌人常时震荡,至少多受到" + prettify(this.shockMod() * 100) + "%伤害。使怒怒的生命值+" + prettify(this.health()) + ",中毒抗性+" + prettify(this.resist()) + "%,中毒可以多叠加3层。";
upgrade: "每级使被常时震荡的敌人受到的伤害+20%。每级使怒怒的生命值+500,中毒抗性+20%",
shockMod: function(){
return (0.2 * this.level);
health: function(){
return (-500 + (this.level * 1000));
resist: function(){
return (20 * this.level);
doStuff: function(){
var enemy = autoBattle.enemy;
if (enemy.shock.time <= 0 || enemy.shock.mod < this.shockMod()){
enemy.shock.time = 9999999;
enemy.shock.mod = this.shockMod();
autoBattle.trimp.maxHealth += this.health();
autoBattle.trimp.poisonResist += this.resist();
autoBattle.trimp.poisonStack += 3;
startPrice: 7e6,
priceMod: 10
Sundering_Scythe: {
owned: false,
equipped: false,
hidden: false,
level: 1,
zone: 143,
description: function(){
return "使怒怒的攻击间隔-" + prettify((1 - this.attackTime()) * 100) + "%,攻击力+" + prettify(this.attack()) + ",生命值+" + prettify(this.health()) + ",吸血+" + prettify(this.lifesteal() * 100) + "%。使怒怒触发的震荡最多持续10秒,触发的流血在持续时间低于5秒时可以重新触发。";
upgrade: "每级使怒怒的攻击间隔-5%,攻击力+5,生命值+250,吸血+5%",
attackTime: function(){
return 0.842 * Math.pow(0.95, this.level);
attack: function(){
return 15 + (5 * this.level);
health: function(){
return 500 + (250 * this.level);
lifesteal: function(){
return 0.15 + (0.05 * this.level);
doStuff: function(){
autoBattle.trimp.attackSpeed *= this.attackTime();
autoBattle.trimp.attack += this.attack();
autoBattle.trimp.maxHealth += this.health();
autoBattle.trimp.lifesteal += this.lifesteal();
startPrice: 15e6,
priceMod: 10
//Shank 145
Plague_Bringer: {
owned: false,
equipped: false,
hidden: false,
level: 1,
zone: 148,
description: function(){
return "使怒怒的中毒触发速度+" + prettify((1 - this.tickMult()) * 100) + "%。敌人每有1%的流血或震荡抗性,就使怒怒的中毒伤害+" + prettify(this.eachPoison()) + "。当怒怒触发中毒造成伤害时,每层中毒使怒怒的生命值恢复" + prettify(this.healAmt()) + ""
upgrade: "每级使怒怒的中毒触发速度+2%,中毒伤害+0.05,每层中毒生命值多恢复5",
tickMult: function(){
return 0.816 * Math.pow(0.98, this.level);
eachPoison: function(){
return 0.05 + (0.05 * this.level);
healAmt: function(){
return 5 + (5 * this.level);
poisonMod: function(){
var res = autoBattle.enemy.bleedResist + autoBattle.enemy.shockResist;
return Math.floor(res * this.eachPoison());
doStuff: function(){
autoBattle.trimp.poisonMod += this.poisonMod();
autoBattle.trimp.poisonTick *= this.tickMult();
autoBattle.trimp.poisonHeal += this.healAmt();
startPrice: 70e6,
priceMod: 10
Very_Large_Slime: {
owned: false,
equipped: false,
hidden: false,
level: 1,
zone: 150,
description: function(){
return "可以使敌人中毒,持续20秒。使怒怒触发中毒的概率+" + prettify(this.poisonChance()) + "%,中毒伤害+" + prettify(this.poisonMod()) + ",防御力+" + prettify(this.defense()) + ",生命值+" + prettify(this.health()) + "。每当怒怒对同一个中毒层数达到上限的敌人进行3次攻击,将使中毒层数的上限再+1层(层数上限最多+" + prettify(this.maxStacks()) + "层)。";
upgrade: "每级使怒怒触发中毒的概率+15%,中毒伤害+20,防御力+50,生命值+500,中毒层数的上限+2层",
poisonChance: function(){
return 35 + (15 * this.level);
poisonMod: function(){
return 10 + (20 * this.level);
defense: function(){
return 50 + (50 * this.level);
health: function(){
return 500 + (500 * this.level);
maxStacks: function(){
return 8 + (this.level * 2);
doStuff: function(){
autoBattle.trimp.poisonChance += this.poisonChance();
autoBattle.trimp.poisonMod += this.poisonMod();
if (autoBattle.trimp.poisonTime < 20000) autoBattle.trimp.poisonTime = 20000;
autoBattle.trimp.defense += this.defense();
autoBattle.trimp.maxHealth += this.health();
autoBattle.trimp.poisonStack += Math.min(this.maxStacks(), Math.floor(autoBattle.enemy.poison.hitsAtMax / 3));
startPrice: 100e6,
priceMod: 10
//Monkimp Paw, 155
Grounded_Crown: {
owned: false,
equipped: false,
hidden: false,
level: 1,
zone: 160,
description: function(){
return "使怒怒的攻击力+" + prettify(this.attack()) + ",震荡伤害+" + prettify(this.shockMod() * 100) + "%,防御力+" + prettify(this.defense()) + ",生命值+" + prettify(this.health()) + "。如果敌人中毒或流血了,则怒怒每秒失去上限20%的生命值。";
upgrade: "每级使怒怒的攻击力+50,震荡伤害+50%,防御力+50,生命值+1000",
attack: function(){
return 50 + (50 * this.level);
shockMod: function(){
return 0.5 + (0.5 * this.level);
defense: function(){
return (50 * this.level);
health: function(){
return 500 + (1000 * this.level);
afterCheck: function(){
if (autoBattle.enemy.poison.time > 0 || autoBattle.enemy.bleed.time > 0){
var mod = 20 / autoBattle.frameTime;
autoBattle.trimp.health -= (autoBattle.trimp.maxHealth * mod * autoBattle.trimp.damageTakenMult);
if (autoBattle.trimp.health < 0.01) autoBattle.trimp.health = 0;
doStuff: function(){
autoBattle.trimp.attack += this.attack();
autoBattle.trimp.shockMod += this.shockMod();
autoBattle.trimp.defense += this.defense();
autoBattle.trimp.maxHealth += this.health();
startPrice: 650e6,
priceMod: 10
Fearsome_Piercer: {
owned: false,
equipped: false,
hidden: false,
level: 1,
zone: 165,
description: function(){
return "使怒怒的攻击力+" + prettify(this.attack()) + ",吸血+" + prettify(this.lifesteal() * 100) + "%,流血伤害+" + prettify(this.bleedMod() * 100) + "%,触发流血的概率+" + prettify(this.bleedChance()) + "%。如果怒怒装备了可以使敌人流血的物品,则使敌人在进入战斗前生命值上限减少25%。"
upgrade: "每级使怒怒的攻击力+75,吸血+10%,流血伤害+75%,触发流血的概率+50%",
attack: function(){
return 125 + (75 * this.level);
lifesteal: function(){
return 0.3 + (0.1 * this.level);
bleedMod: function(){
return 0.25 + (0.75 * this.level);
bleedChance: function(){
return 25 + (50 * this.level);
onEnemy: function(){
if (autoBattle.items.Rusty_Dagger.equipped || autoBattle.items.Big_Cleaver.equipped || autoBattle.items.Bag_of_Nails.equipped){
autoBattle.enemy.baseHealth *= 0.75;
autoBattle.enemy.maxHealth *= 0.75;
autoBattle.enemy.health = autoBattle.enemy.maxHealth;
doStuff: function(){
autoBattle.trimp.attack += this.attack();
autoBattle.trimp.lifesteal += this.lifesteal();
autoBattle.trimp.bleedMod += this.bleedMod();
autoBattle.trimp.bleedChance += this.bleedChance();
startPrice: 1.5e9,
priceMod: 10
Bag_of_Nails: {
owned: false,
equipped: false,
hidden: false,
level: 1,
zone: 168,
startPrice: 2.7e9,
priceMod: 10,
description: function(){
return "可以使敌人流血,持续10秒。使怒怒的减速气场无效。当敌人流血时,使它们的攻击力减少25%。使怒怒的攻击力+" + prettify(this.attack()) + ",流血伤害+" + prettify(this.bleedMod() * 100) + "%,生命值+" + prettify(this.health()) + ""
upgrade: "每级怒怒的攻击力+100,流血伤害+75%,生命值+500",
attack: function(){
return 150 + (this.level * 100);
bleedMod: function(){
return 1.25 + (0.75 * this.level);
health: function(){
return 500 + (500 * this.level);
doStuff: function(){
if (autoBattle.enemy.bleed.time > 0){
autoBattle.enemy.attack *= 0.75;
autoBattle.enemy.noSlow = true;
else autoBattle.enemy.noSlow = false;
autoBattle.trimp.attack += this.attack();
autoBattle.trimp.bleedMod += this.bleedMod();
autoBattle.trimp.maxHealth += this.health();
if (autoBattle.trimp.bleedTime <= 10000) autoBattle.trimp.bleedTime = 10000;
Blessed_Protector: {
owned: false,
equipped: false,
hidden: false,
level: 1,
zone: 170,
description: function(){
return "使怒怒的生命值+" + prettify(this.health()) + ",防御力+" + prettify(this.defense()) + ",吸血+" + prettify(this.lifesteal() * 100) + "%。怒怒每失去1%生命值,就使它的攻击力增加0.5%。当怒怒的生命值低于50%时,使它受到的伤害减少30%。"
upgrade: "每级使怒怒的生命值+1000,防御力+100,吸血+25%",
health: function(){
return 1000 + (1000 * this.level);
defense: function(){
return 100 + (100 * this.level);
lifesteal: function(){
return 0.25 + (0.25 * this.level);
afterCheck: function(){
if (autoBattle.trimp.health <= 0) return;
var healthPct = autoBattle.trimp.health / autoBattle.trimp.maxHealth;
if (healthPct < 0.5){
autoBattle.trimp.damageTakenMult *= 0.7;
if (healthPct < 1){
var boost = (1 - healthPct);
boost = (1 + (boost * 0.5));
autoBattle.trimp.attack *= boost;
doStuff: function(){
autoBattle.trimp.maxHealth += this.health();
autoBattle.trimp.defense += this.defense();
autoBattle.trimp.lifesteal += this.lifesteal();
startPrice: 4e9,
priceMod: 10
description: function(){
var stack = prettify((1 - this.attackTime()) * 100);
return "使怒怒的生命值+" + prettify(this.health()) + ",攻击间隔-" + stack + "%。每当怒怒在与同一个敌人战斗中受到15000伤害,就使怒怒的攻击间隔-" + stack + "%。最高可以减少" + this.stacks() + "次。";
owned: false,
equipped: false,
hidden: false,
level: 1,
zone: 180,
upgrade: "每级使怒怒的生命值+1500,攻击间隔-5%,最高可以减少的次数多1次",
attackTime: function(){
return 0.842 * Math.pow(0.95, this.level);
health: function(){
return 1500 + (1500 * this.level);
stacks: function(){
return 2 + this.level;
doStuff: function(){
var stacks = Math.floor(autoBattle.trimp.dmgTaken / 15000) + 1;
var maxStacks = this.stacks();
if (stacks > maxStacks) stacks = maxStacks;
autoBattle.trimp.attackSpeed *= Math.pow(this.attackTime(), stacks);
autoBattle.trimp.maxHealth += this.health();
dustType: "shards",
startPrice: 22,
priceMod: 15
Snimp__Fanged_Blade: {
owned: false,
equipped: false,
hidden: false,
level: 1,
zone: 185,
description: function(){
return "使怒怒的攻击力+" + prettify(this.attack()) + ",中毒层数的上限+" + this.poisonStack() + "。如果敌人中毒了,则使怒怒的流血伤害+" + prettify(this.bleedMod() * 100) + "%。如果敌人流血了,则使怒怒的中毒伤害+" + prettify(this.poisonMod()) + "";
upgrade: "每级使怒怒的攻击力+250,中毒层数的上限+5,流血伤害+200%,中毒伤害+250",
attack: function(){
return 250 + (250 * this.level);
poisonMod: function(){
return 250 * this.level;
bleedMod: function(){
return 1 + (2 * this.level);
poisonStack: function(){
return 5 * this.level;
doStuff: function(){
autoBattle.trimp.attack += this.attack();
autoBattle.trimp.poisonStack += this.poisonStack();
if (autoBattle.enemy.poison.time > 0) autoBattle.trimp.bleedMod += this.bleedMod();
if (autoBattle.enemy.bleed.time > 0) autoBattle.trimp.poisonMod += this.poisonMod();
dustType: "shards",
startPrice: 159,
priceMod: 15
//Dopp signet 190
owned: false,
equipped: false,
hidden: false,
level: 1,
zone: 195,
description: function(){
return "使怒怒的攻击力+" + prettify(this.attack()) + ",生命值+" + prettify(this.health()) + ",防御力+" + prettify(this.defense()) + ",攻击间隔-" + prettify((1 - this.attackTime()) * 100) + "%。";
upgrade: "每级使怒怒的攻击力+750,生命值+2000,防御力+200,攻击间隔-5%",
attack: function(){
return 1250 + (750 * this.level);
attackTime: function(){
return 0.842 * Math.pow(0.95, this.level);
health: function(){
return 2000 + (2000 * this.level);
defense: function(){
return 200 + (200 * this.level);
doStuff: function(){
autoBattle.trimp.attack += this.attack();
autoBattle.trimp.maxHealth += this.health();
autoBattle.trimp.attackSpeed *= this.attackTime();
autoBattle.trimp.defense += this.defense();
dustType: "shards",
startPrice: 400,
priceMod: 15
//basket of souls 200
Goo_Golem: {
owned: false,
equipped: false,
hidden: false,
level: 1,
zone: 205,
description: function(){
return "使怒怒的生命值+" + prettify(this.health()) + ",中毒伤害+" + prettify(this.poisonMod()) + ",中毒层数的上限+" + prettify(this.poisonStack()) + "。如果敌人中毒了,则将怒怒受到的伤害存至魔像中,使怒怒每秒受到伤害,该伤害的数值为魔像存储总伤害的10%。";
upgrade: "每级使怒怒的生命值+1000,中毒伤害+400,中毒层数的上限+5",
health: function(){
return 2000 + (1000 * this.level);
poisonMod: function(){
return 400 * this.level;
poisonStack: function(){
return 5 + (5 * this.level);
active: function(){
if (this.equipped && autoBattle.enemy.poison.time > 0) return true;
return false;
doStuff: function(){
autoBattle.trimp.maxHealth += this.health();
autoBattle.trimp.poisonMod += this.poisonMod();
autoBattle.trimp.poisonStack += this.poisonStack();
if (autoBattle.battleTime > autoBattle.trimp.lastGoo + 1000){
if (autoBattle.trimp.lastGoo == -1) autoBattle.trimp.lastGoo = autoBattle.battleTime;
else autoBattle.trimp.lastGoo += 1000;
var dmg = autoBattle.trimp.gooStored * 0.1;
autoBattle.trimp.gooStored -= dmg;
autoBattle.damageCreature(autoBattle.trimp, dmg, true);
dustType: "shards",
startPrice: 2500,
priceMod: 15
Omni_Enhancer: {
owned: false,
equipped: false,
hidden: false,
level: 1,
zone: 210,
description: function(){
return "使怒怒的攻击力+" + prettify(this.attack()) + ",流血伤害+" + prettify(this.bleedMod() * 100) + "%,震荡伤害+" + prettify(this.shockMod() * 100) + "%,中毒伤害+" + prettify(this.poisonMod()) + ",中毒层数叠加数+1,中毒触发速度增加10%。";
upgrade: "每级使怒怒的攻击力+2500,流血伤害+300%,震荡伤害+300%,中毒伤害+1000",
attack: function(){
return 2500 + (2500 * this.level);
bleedMod: function(){
return 4 + (3 * this.level);
shockMod: function(){
return 4 + (3 * this.level);
poisonMod: function(){
return (1000 * this.level);
doStuff: function(){
autoBattle.trimp.attack += this.attack();
autoBattle.trimp.bleedMod += this.bleedMod();
autoBattle.trimp.shockMod += this.shockMod();
autoBattle.trimp.poisonMod += this.poisonMod();
autoBattle.trimp.poisonTick *= 0.9;
dustType: "shards",
startPrice: 6300,
priceMod: 15
//stormbringer 215
Box_of_Spores: {
owned: false,
equipped: false,
hidden: false,
level: 1,
zone: 220,
description: function(){
return "如果击杀敌人时它中毒了,且从未有流血生效过,则多掉落" + this.dustMult() + "倍魔尘。";
upgrade: "每级使敌人多掉落1倍魔尘",
dustMult: function(){
return 4 + this.level;
dustType: "shards",
startPrice: 60000,
priceMod: 15
//nullifium armor 225
//Myco Mitts 230
Haunted_Harpoon: {
owned: false,
equipped: false,
hidden: false,
level: 1,
zone: 235,
description: function(){
return "使怒怒的生命值+" + prettify(this.health()) + "。如果敌人流血了,且至少经过5秒,则使怒怒的攻击力+" + prettify(this.attack()) + ",且敌人每秒额外受到流血伤害" + prettify(this.bleedTickMult() * 100) + "%数值的伤害。"
upgrade: "使怒怒的攻击力+10000,生命值+5000,每秒额外受到流血伤害的数值再+100%",
health: function(){
return 5000 + (5000 * this.level);
bleedTickMult: function(){
return 9 + this.level;
attack: function(){
return 15000 + (10000 * this.level);
doStuff: function(){
if (autoBattle.enemy.bleed.time > 0 && autoBattle.battleTime > 5000) autoBattle.trimp.attack += this.attack();
autoBattle.trimp.maxHealth += this.health();
afterCheck: function(){
if (autoBattle.enemy.bleed.time > 0 && autoBattle.battleTime > 5000){
var bdamage = autoBattle.getBleedDamage(autoBattle.enemy, autoBattle.trimp);
var pct = this.bleedTickMult() * (autoBattle.frameTime / 1000);
bdamage *= pct;
autoBattle.damageCreature(autoBattle.enemy, bdamage);
dustType: "shards",
startPrice: 15e5,
priceMod: 20
//Final calc items
//After all shock resist
Stormbringer: {
owned: false,
equipped: false,
hidden: false,
level: 1,
zone: 215,
description: function(){
return "敌人的震荡抗性归零,但流血抗性增加相应的数值。使怒怒的震荡伤害+" + prettify(this.shockMod() * 100) + "%,中毒伤害+" + prettify(this.poisonMod()) + "";
upgrade: "每级使怒怒的震荡伤害+500%,中毒伤害+5000",
shockMod: function(){
return 10 + (5 * this.level);
poisonMod: function(){
return 5000 + (5000 * this.level);
doStuff: function(){
autoBattle.enemy.bleedResist += autoBattle.enemy.shockResist;
autoBattle.enemy.shockResist = 0;
autoBattle.trimp.shockMod += this.shockMod();
autoBattle.trimp.poisonMod += this.poisonMod();
dustType: "shards",
startPrice: 20000,
priceMod: 15
Bad_Medkit: {
owned: false,
equipped: false,
hidden: false,
level: 1,
zone: 84,
description: function(){
return "其他物品触发流血时,流血至少持续" + this.bleedTime() + "秒。使怒怒触发流血的概率+" + prettify(this.bleedChance()) + "%。如果敌人流血了,则使怒怒的吸血+" + prettify(this.lifesteal() * 100) + "%。";
upgrade: "每级使敌人的流血持续时间+1秒,怒怒触发流血的概率+4%,怒怒的吸血+2.5%",
bleedTime: function(){
return 11 + (1 * this.level);
lifesteal: function(){
return 0.175 + (0.025 * this.level);
bleedChance: function(){
return 21 + (this.level * 4);
doStuff: function(){
if (autoBattle.trimp.bleedTime > 0 && autoBattle.trimp.bleedTime < (this.bleedTime() * 1000)) autoBattle.trimp.bleedTime = this.bleedTime() * 1000;
if (autoBattle.enemy.bleed.time > 0) autoBattle.trimp.lifesteal += this.lifesteal();
autoBattle.trimp.bleedChance += this.bleedChance();
startPrice: 300
Putrid_Pouch: {
owned: false,
equipped: false,
hidden: false,
level: 1,
zone: 78,
description: function(){
return "如果敌人中毒了,则使怒怒的攻击间隔-10%,防御力+" + prettify(this.defense()) + "。其他物品触发中毒时,中毒至少持续" + prettify(this.poisonTime() / 1000) + "秒。使怒怒触发中毒的概率+" + prettify(this.poisonChance()) + "%。";
upgrade: "每级使敌人的中毒持续时间+1秒,怒怒触发中毒的概率+6%,怒怒的防御力+3",
poisonTime: function(){
return 19000 + (this.level * 1000);
poisonChance: function(){
return 14 + (this.level * 6);
defense: function(){
return 7 + (3 * this.level);
doStuff: function(){
if (autoBattle.enemy.poison.time > 0){
autoBattle.trimp.attackSpeed *= 0.9;
autoBattle.trimp.defense += this.defense();
var poisonTime = this.poisonTime();
if (autoBattle.trimp.poisonTime > 0 && autoBattle.trimp.poisonTime < poisonTime) autoBattle.trimp.poisonTime = poisonTime;
autoBattle.trimp.poisonChance += this.poisonChance();
startPrice: 150,
priceMod: 4
Raincoat: { //After all bleed chance
owned: false,
equipped: false,
hidden: false,
level: 1,
zone: 75,
description: function(){
return "如果怒怒有概率触发流血,则使怒怒的防御力+" + prettify(this.defense()) + ",生命值+" + prettify(this.health()) + ",吸血+" + prettify(this.lifesteal() * 100) + "%,流血伤害+" + prettify(this.bleedDamage() * 100) + "%。";
upgrade: "每级使怒怒的防御力+2,生命值+20,吸血+2.5%,流血伤害+10%",
defense: function(){
return 4 + (this.level * 2);
health: function(){
return 20 + (20 * this.level);
lifesteal: function(){
return 0.125 + (0.025 * this.level)
bleedDamage: function(){
return 0.2 + (0.1 * this.level);
doStuff: function(){
var bleedChance = autoBattle.trimp.bleedChance;
if (autoBattle.items.Sacrificial_Shank.equipped) bleedChance = Math.floor(bleedChance * 0.75);
if (bleedChance > autoBattle.enemy.bleedResist && autoBattle.trimp.bleedTime > 0 && autoBattle.trimp.bleedMod > 0){
autoBattle.trimp.defense += this.defense();
autoBattle.trimp.maxHealth += this.health();
autoBattle.trimp.lifesteal += this.lifesteal();
autoBattle.trimp.bleedMod += this.bleedDamage();
startPrice: 100,
priceMod: 4
Labcoat: { //after all poison chance
owned: false,
equipped: false,
hidden: false,
level: 1,
zone: 90,
description: function(){
return "如果怒怒有概率触发中毒,则使怒怒的生命值+" + prettify(this.health()) + ",攻击间隔-" + prettify((1 - this.attackTime()) * 100) + "%,中毒伤害+" + prettify(this.poisonMod()) + "";
upgrade: "每级使怒怒的生命值+25,攻击间隔-1%,中毒伤害+1",
health: function(){
return 25 + (25 * this.level);
attackTime: function(){
return Math.pow(0.99, this.level);
poisonMod: function(){
return 1 + this.level;
doStuff: function(){
var poisonChance = autoBattle.trimp.poisonChance;
if (autoBattle.items.Sacrificial_Shank.equipped) poisonChance = Math.floor(poisonChance * 0.75);
if (poisonChance > autoBattle.enemy.poisonResist && autoBattle.trimp.poisonMod > 0 && autoBattle.trimp.poisonTime > 0){
autoBattle.trimp.maxHealth += this.health();
autoBattle.trimp.attackSpeed *= this.attackTime();
autoBattle.trimp.poisonMod += this.poisonMod();
startPrice: 1500,
priceMod: 4.5
Aegis: { //after all health
owned: false,
equipped: false,
hidden: false,
level: 1,
zone: 118,
description: function(){
return "使怒怒的防御力+" + this.defenseEffect() + "。如果怒怒的生命值与生命值上限的比例高于敌人,则使怒怒触发震荡的概率+" + prettify(this.shockChance()) + "%,怒怒的震荡伤害+" + prettify(this.shockMod() * 100) + "%,震荡至少持续15秒。否则使该物品的防御力翻倍,怒怒的吸血+" + prettify(this.lifestealEffect() * 100) + "%。";
upgrade: "每级使怒怒的防御力+4,触发震荡的概率+10%,震荡伤害+10%,吸血+10%",
defenseEffect: function(){
return 6 + (4 * this.level);
shockChance: function(){
return 15 + (10 * this.level);
shockMod: function(){
return 0.15 + (0.1 * this.level);
lifestealEffect: function(){
return 0.05 + (0.1 * this.level);
doStuff: function(){
var hufPct = autoBattle.trimp.health / autoBattle.trimp.maxHealth;
var enemyPct = autoBattle.enemy.health / autoBattle.enemy.maxHealth;
if (hufPct > enemyPct){
autoBattle.trimp.shockChance += this.shockChance();
autoBattle.trimp.shockMod += this.shockMod();
if (autoBattle.trimp.shockTime < 15000) autoBattle.trimp.shockTime = 15000;
autoBattle.trimp.defense += this.defenseEffect();
autoBattle.trimp.lifesteal += this.lifestealEffect();
autoBattle.trimp.defense += (this.defenseEffect() * 2);
priceMod: 8,
startPrice: 65000,
Sacrificial_Shank: { //after all status chances
owned: false,
equipped: false,
hidden: false,
level: 1,
zone: 145,
enemyReduced: 0,
description: function(){
return "使怒怒和敌人(在计算抗性之前)触发概率最高的异常状态,其触发概率变为原来的0.75倍。每因此使怒怒或敌人减少10%的触发概率,就使怒怒的攻击间隔-" + prettify((1 - this.attackTime()) * 100) + "%,所有抗性+" + prettify(this.resist()) + "%,吸血+" + prettify(this.lifesteal() * 100) + "%。";
upgrade: "每因该物品使怒怒或敌人减少10%的触发概率,每级就使怒怒的攻击间隔-1%,所有抗性+1%,吸血+1%",
attackTime: function(){
return Math.pow(0.99, this.level);
resist: function(){
return (1 * this.level);
lifesteal: function(){
return (0.01 * this.level);
onEnemy: function(){
var toReduce = ["poisonChance", "bleedChance", "shockChance"];
var totalReduce = 0;
var highestElem = "";
var highestChance = 0;
for (var x = 0; x < toReduce.length; x++){
var name = toReduce[x];
if (autoBattle.enemy[name] > highestChance) {
highestChance = autoBattle.enemy[name];
highestElem = name;
var thisReduce = autoBattle.enemy[highestElem] * 0.25;
if (thisReduce > 0){
autoBattle.enemy[highestElem] -= thisReduce;
totalReduce += thisReduce;
this.enemyReduced = totalReduce;
doStuff: function(){
var toReduce = ["poisonChance", "bleedChance", "shockChance"];
var totalReduce = this.enemyReduced;
var highestElem = "";
var highestChance = 0;
for (var x = 0; x < toReduce.length; x++){
var name = toReduce[x];
if (autoBattle.trimp[name] > highestChance) {
highestChance = autoBattle.trimp[name];
highestElem = name;
var thisReduce = autoBattle.trimp[highestElem] * 0.25;
if (thisReduce > 0){
autoBattle.trimp[highestElem] -= thisReduce;
totalReduce += thisReduce;
totalReduce = Math.floor(totalReduce / 10);
if (totalReduce <= 0) return;
autoBattle.trimp.attackSpeed *= Math.pow(this.attackTime(), totalReduce);
autoBattle.trimp.lifesteal += (this.lifesteal() * totalReduce);
autoBattle.trimp.poisonResist += (this.resist() * totalReduce);
autoBattle.trimp.bleedResist += (this.resist() * totalReduce);
autoBattle.trimp.shockResist += (this.resist() * totalReduce);
startPrice: 2500000,
priceMod: 4
Basket_of_Souls: { //after all additive lifesteal and health (before monkimp)
owned: false,
equipped: false,
hidden: false,
level: 1,
zone: 200,
description: function(){
return "使怒怒的生命值+" + prettify(this.health()) + ",防御力+" + prettify(this.defense()) + ",吸血+" + prettify(this.lifesteal() * 100) + "%,流血伤害+" + prettify(this.bleedMod() * 100) + "%,震荡伤害+" + prettify(this.shockMod() * 100) + "%。使怒怒的生命值上限变为它吸血数值的倍数,然后使它的吸血减半。"
upgrade: "每级使怒怒的生命值+1000,防御力+300,吸血+100%,流血伤害+200%,震荡伤害+200%",
health: function(){
return 2000 + (1000 * this.level);
defense: function(){
return 300 + (200 * this.level);
lifesteal: function(){
return 2 + (this.level);
bleedMod: function(){
return 3 + (2 * this.level);
shockMod: function(){
return 3 + (2 * this.level);
doStuff: function(){
autoBattle.trimp.maxHealth += this.health();
autoBattle.trimp.defense += this.defense();
autoBattle.trimp.lifesteal += this.lifesteal();
autoBattle.trimp.bleedMod += this.bleedMod();
autoBattle.trimp.shockMod += this.shockMod();
if (autoBattle.items.Monkimp_Paw.equipped) autoBattle.trimp.lifesteal *= 0.75; //monkimp paw special interaction
autoBattle.trimp.maxHealth *= autoBattle.trimp.lifesteal;
autoBattle.trimp.lifesteal *= 0.5;
dustType: "shards",
startPrice: 1000,
priceMod: 15
Monkimp_Paw: { //after basket of souls
owned: false,
equipped: false,
hidden: false,
level: 1,
zone: 155,
description: function(){
return "使怒怒的攻击力+" + prettify(this.attack()) + ",使怒怒的吸血减少25%。"
upgrade: "每级使怒怒的攻击力+100",
attack: function(){
return (100 * this.level);
doStuff: function(){
autoBattle.trimp.attack += this.attack();
if (!autoBattle.items.Basket_of_Souls.equipped) autoBattle.trimp.lifesteal *= 0.75; //basket of souls special interaction
if (autoBattle.trimp.lifesteal < 0) autoBattle.trimp.lifesteal = 0;
startPrice: 200e6,
priceMod: 10
Spiked_Gloves: { //after all attack
owned: false,
equipped: false,
hidden: false,
level: 1,
zone: 108,
description: function(){
return "使怒怒的攻击力+" + this.formatEffect() + "%。";
upgrade: "每级使怒怒的攻击力+5%",
formatEffect: function(){
return prettify(this.effect() * 100);
effect: function(){
return .2 + (0.05 * this.level);
doStuff: function(){
autoBattle.trimp.attack *= (1 + this.effect());
startPrice: 10000,
priceMod: 6,
//after all attack and health
Nullifium_Armor: {
owned: false,
equipped: false,
hidden: false,
level: 1,
zone: 225,
description: function(){
return "使怒怒的生命值+" + prettify((this.statMult() -1) * 100) + "%,攻击力+" + prettify((this.statMult() -1) * 100) + "%。如果敌人未中毒,则使怒怒的吸血+" + prettify(this.lifesteal() * 100) + "%。";
upgrade: "使怒怒的生命值、攻击力和吸血+50%",
statMult: function(){
return 4.5 + (this.level * 0.5);
lifesteal: function(){
return 1.5 + (this.level * 0.5);
doStuff: function(){
if (autoBattle.enemy.poison.time <= 0) autoBattle.trimp.lifesteal += this.lifesteal();
autoBattle.trimp.maxHealth *= this.statMult();
autoBattle.trimp.attack *= this.statMult();
dustType: "shards",
startPrice: 200000,
priceMod: 20
Doppelganger_Signet: { //actual final attack item
owned: false,
equipped: false,
hidden: false,
level: 1,
zone: 190,
longText: true,
description: function(){
return "召唤一个分身,在分身存在期间,使怒怒受到的伤害减少50%,攻击力翻倍,且中毒层数叠加数+1。分身会在受到等于生命值上限的伤害或可以击杀敌人时爆炸,对敌人造成伤害,该伤害的数值为本次战斗怒怒造成的伤害,并使敌人的防御力减少50%。";
onDeath: function(){
var damageDealt = autoBattle.enemy.dmgTaken;
autoBattle.damageCreature(autoBattle.enemy, damageDealt, false, true);
autoBattle.enemy.defense *= 0.5;
autoBattle.trimp.doppDown = true;
doStuff: function(){
if (autoBattle.trimp.doppDown) return;
autoBattle.trimp.attack *= 2;
autoBattle.trimp.damageTakenMult *= 0.5;
if (autoBattle.trimp.dmgTaken >= autoBattle.trimp.maxHealth || autoBattle.enemy.dmgTaken >= autoBattle.enemy.health) this.onDeath();
noUpgrade: true,
dustType: "shards"
//Final Poison Damage item
Myco_Mitts: {
owned: false,
equipped: false,
hidden: false,
level: 1,
zone: 230,
description: function(){
return "怒怒触发中毒时造成的伤害变为" + this.poisonMult() + "倍。"
upgrade: "触发中毒时造成的伤害倍率+1",
poisonMult: function(){
return 2 + this.level;
doStuff: function(){
autoBattle.trimp.poisonMod *= this.poisonMult();
startPrice: 5e5,
priceMod: 20,
dustType: "shards",
bonuses: {
Extra_Limbs: {
description: function(){
return "Huffy can equip 1 additional item.<br/><br/>"
level: 0,
price: 100,
priceMod: 100
Radon: {
description: function(){
return "Increase all Radon earned by +10% per level.<br/><br/>"
getMult: function(){
return 1 + (this.level * 0.1);
level: 0,
price: 30000,
priceMod: 3
Stats: {
description: function(){
return "Increases Attack and Health in U2 by +10% per level.<br/>"
getMult: function(){
return 1 + (this.level * 0.1);
level: 0,
price: 20000,
priceMod: 3
Scaffolding: {
description: function(){
return "Each level adds +100% Housing and increases the bonus of all other Scaffolds by 10%.<br/>"
getMult: function(){
return 1 + (this.level * Math.pow(1.1, this.level - 1))
level: 0,
price: 50,
useShards: true,
priceMod: 10
oneTimers: {
Gathermate: {
get description(){
return "Gather 5% more Food, Wood, and Metal in U2 for each Spire Assault level cleared.";
owned: false,
getMult: function(){
return 1 + (0.05 * (autoBattle.maxEnemyLevel - 1));
requiredItems: 7
Smithriffic: {
description: "Get an extra Smithy when completing Melting Point.",
owned: false,
requiredItems: 11
Championism: {
description: "Unlock a new Perk!",
owned: false,
onPurchase: function(){
game.portal.Championism.radLocked = false;
requiredItems: 15
Master_of_Arms: {
description: "Huffy gains +200 Health, +10 Attack, and +2 Poison Damage.",
owned: false,
requiredItems: 19
Artisan: {
get description(){
return "每通过1级尖塔突击,就使宇宙2中的装备花费减少1%。(目前加成为便宜" + prettify((1 - this.getMult()) * 100) + "%)";
owned: false,
getMult: function(){
return Math.pow(0.99, autoBattle.maxEnemyLevel - 1);
requiredItems: 21
Battlescruff: {
description: "Increases all Scruffy XP gained by +2% for each Spire Assault level cleared.",
owned: false,
requiredItems: 23
Collectology: {
description: "Collectors add 2 Hubs each PLUS another extra Hub for every 30 Spire Assault levels cleared.",
owned: false,
requiredItems: 28,
getHubs: function(){
return 2 + Math.floor((autoBattle.maxEnemyLevel - 1) / 30);
Dusty_Tome: {
description: "每通过1级尖塔突击,就使魔尘的获取量增加5%。",
owned: false,
requiredItems: 32
Whirlwind_of_Arms: {
description: "使怒怒的生命值增加1000,攻击力增加25,中毒伤害增加10。",
owned: false,
requiredItems: 34
Nullicious: {
description: "Increase the base Nu value of U2 Heirlooms by 0.5% per Spire Assault level cleared.",
owned: false,
requiredItems: 36,
getMult: function(){
return 1 + ((autoBattle.maxEnemyLevel - 1) * 0.005);
Suprism: {
description: "Increases Prismatic Shield by 3% per Spire Assault level cleared.",
getMult: function(){
return ((autoBattle.maxEnemyLevel -1) * 0.03);
owned: false,
requiredItems: 39,
The_Ring: {
description: "Unlock The Ring.",
owned: false,
requiredItems: 42,
useShards: true,
onPurchase: function(){
document.getElementById('autoBattleRingBtn').style.display = 'inline-block';
Mass_Hysteria: {
description: "Frenzy is always active.",
owned: false,
requiredItems: 45,
useShards: true
Burstier: {
description: "Gamma Burst now triggers at 4 stacks.",
owned: false,
requiredItems: 48,
useShards: true
Expanding_Tauntimp: {
description: "从下一次传送开始,宇宙2的脆皮咚咚将从根据当前数量增加脆皮上限改为直接使脆皮上限增加" + prettify(game.badGuys.Tauntimp.expandingBase() * 100) + "%。",
owned: false,
requiredItems: 51,
useShards: true
More_Expansion: {
description: "Unlock the Expansion Perk, further increasing the power of your Tauntimps",
owned: false,
requiredItems: 53,
owned: false,
useShards: true,
onPurchase: function(){
game.portal.Expansion.radLocked = false;
fight: function(){
if (!this.trimp || !this.enemy) this.resetCombat();
this.enemy.lastAttack += this.frameTime;
this.trimp.lastAttack += this.frameTime;
this.enemy.maxHealth = this.enemy.baseHealth;
this.trimp.maxHealth = this.trimp.baseHealth;
this.enemy.attackSpeed = this.enemy.baseAttackSpeed;
this.trimp.attackSpeed = this.trimp.baseAttackSpeed;
this.trimp.attack = this.trimp.baseAttack;
this.enemy.attack = this.enemy.baseAttack;
this.trimp.shockChance = 0;
this.trimp.shockMod = 0;
this.trimp.shockTime = 0;
this.trimp.bleedChance = 0;
this.trimp.bleedMod = 0;
this.trimp.bleedTime = 0;
this.trimp.poisonChance = 0;
this.trimp.poisonTime = 0;
this.trimp.poisonMod = 0;
this.trimp.poisonStack = 2;
this.trimp.poisonTick = 1000;
this.trimp.poisonHeal = 0;
this.trimp.poisonRate = 1;
this.trimp.shockResist = 0;
this.trimp.poisonResist = 0;
this.trimp.bleedResist = 0;
this.trimp.defense = 0;
this.trimp.lifesteal = 0;
this.trimp.damageTakenMult = 1;
this.trimp.slowAura = 1;
this.trimp.dustMult = 0;
var trimpAttackTime = this.trimp.attackSpeed;
if (this.trimp.lastAttack >= trimpAttackTime){
this.trimp.lastAttack -= trimpAttackTime;
this.attack(this.trimp, this.enemy);
if (this.trimp.bleed.time > 0) this.trimp.bleed.time -= this.frameTime;
if (this.trimp.shock.time > 0) this.trimp.shock.time -= this.frameTime;
if (this.enemy.health <= 0) {
if (this.trimp.health <= 0){
if (!this.enemy.noSlow) this.enemy.attackSpeed *= this.trimp.slowAura;
var enemyAttackTime = this.enemy.attackSpeed;
if (this.enemy.lastAttack >= enemyAttackTime){
this.enemy.lastAttack -= enemyAttackTime;
this.attack(this.enemy, this.trimp);
if (this.enemy.explodeFreq != -1){
this.enemy.lastExplode += this.frameTime;
if (this.enemy.lastExplode >= this.enemy.explodeFreq){
this.enemy.lastExplode -= this.enemy.explodeFreq;
var dmg = (this.enemy.explodeDamage * this.getAttack(this.enemy)) - this.trimp.defense;
this.damageCreature(this.trimp, dmg);
if (this.enemy.bleed.time > 0) this.enemy.bleed.time -= this.frameTime;
if (this.enemy.shock.time > 0 && this.enemy.shock.time != 9999999) this.enemy.shock.time -= this.frameTime;
if (this.trimp.health > this.trimp.maxHealth) this.trimp.health = this.trimp.maxHealth;
if (this.enemy.health > this.enemy.maxHealth) this.enemy.health = this.enemy.maxHealth;
if (this.trimp.health <= 0){
if (this.enemy.health <= 0) {
checkItems: function(){
if (this.oneTimers.Master_of_Arms.owned){
this.trimp.maxHealth += 200;
this.trimp.attack += 10;
this.trimp.poisonMod += 2;
if (this.oneTimers.Whirlwind_of_Arms.owned){
this.trimp.maxHealth += 1000;
this.trimp.attack += 25;
this.trimp.poisonMod += 10;
for (var x = 0; x < this.rings.mods.length; x++){
var modObj = this.ringStats[this.rings.mods[x]];
var ringDmg = this.getRingStatusDamage();
if (ringDmg > 0){
ringDmg /= 100;
this.trimp.bleedMod += ringDmg;
this.trimp.shockMod += ringDmg;
this.trimp.poisonMod += this.getRingPoisonDamage();
var ringChance = this.getRingStatusChance();
if (ringChance > 0){
this.trimp.bleedChance += ringChance;
this.trimp.shockChance += ringChance;
this.trimp.poisonChance += ringChance;
for (var item in this.items){
var itemObj = this.items[item];
if (!itemObj.equipped) continue;
if (itemObj.doStuff) itemObj.doStuff();
if (this.items.Sundering_Scythe.equipped && this.trimp.shockTime > 10000) this.trimp.shockTime = 10000;
if (this.items.Blessed_Protector.equipped) this.items.Blessed_Protector.afterCheck(); //after anything that might hurt huffy
if (this.items.Grounded_Crown.equipped) this.items.Grounded_Crown.afterCheck(); //just deals damage
if (this.items.Haunted_Harpoon.equipped) this.items.Haunted_Harpoon.afterCheck(); //after anything that might increase the damage of huffy's bleeds
this.trimp.attackSpeed *= this.enemy.slowAura;
if (this.trimp.attackSpeed <= 500){
this.trimp.slowAura += ((500 - this.trimp.attackSpeed) / 1000)
this.trimp.attackSpeed = 500;
damageCreature: function(creature, dmg, fromGoo, ignoreEth){
dmg *= creature.damageTakenMult;
if (creature.isEthereal && !ignoreEth) creature.health += dmg;
else {
if (!fromGoo && creature.isTrimp && this.items.Goo_Golem.equipped && this.items.Goo_Golem.active()){
creature.gooStored += dmg;
else {
creature.health -= dmg;
creature.dmgTaken += dmg;
return dmg;
checkPoison: function(creature){
var opponent = creature.isTrimp ? this.enemy : this.trimp;
if (creature.poison.time > 0){
creature.poison.lastTick += this.frameTime;
var tickTime = opponent.poisonTick;
if (creature.poison.lastTick >= tickTime){
var shockMod = 1;
if (creature.shock.time > 0){
shockMod += creature.shock.mod;
creature.poison.lastTick -= tickTime;
creature.poison.time -= tickTime;
var dmg = (creature.poison.mod * creature.poison.stacks * shockMod)
dmg = this.damageCreature(creature, dmg);
if (opponent.poisonHeal) {
var healFor = (opponent.poisonHeal * creature.poison.stacks);
if (this.items.The_Globulator.equipped) healFor *= 2;
this.trimp.health += healFor;
if (this.trimp.health > this.trimp.maxHealth) this.trimp.health = this.trimp.maxHealth;
if (creature.poison.time <= 0){
creature.poison.time = 0;
creature.poison.mod = 0;
creature.poison.lastTick = 0;
creature.poison.stacks = 0;
creature.poison.expired = true;
creature.poison.hitsAtMax = 0;
getAttack: function(fighterObj){
if (fighterObj.isTrimp) return fighterObj.attack;
return fighterObj.attack * this.getEnrageMult() * this.getBerserkMult();
getBerserkMult: function(){
if (this.enemy.berserkMod == -1) return 1;
return Math.pow(this.enemy.berserkMod, Math.floor(this.enemy.berserkStack / this.enemy.berserkEvery));
rollDamage: function(attacker){
var baseAttack = this.getAttack(attacker);
var attack = baseAttack * 0.2;
var roll = Math.floor(Math.random() * 201);
roll -= 100;
roll /= 100;
return (baseAttack + (attack * roll));
attack: function(attacker, defender){
var damage = this.rollDamage(attacker);
var shockMod = 1;
if (defender.shock.time > 0){
shockMod = (1 + defender.shock.mod);
damage *= shockMod;
damage -= defender.defense;
if (damage < 0) damage = 0;
damage = this.damageCreature(defender, damage);
var atkLifesteal = attacker.lifesteal - defender.lifestealResist;
if (atkLifesteal > 0){
attacker.health += (damage * atkLifesteal);
if (attacker.health > attacker.maxHealth) attacker.health = attacker.maxHealth;
if (attacker.bleed.time > 0){
var bdamage = this.getBleedDamage(attacker, defender);
bdamage = this.damageCreature(attacker, bdamage);
var defLifesteal = defender.lifesteal - attacker.lifestealResist;
if (defLifesteal > 0){
var healAmt = (bdamage * defLifesteal);
if (defender.isTrimp && this.items.Recycler.equipped) healAmt *= 2;
defender.health += healAmt;
if (defender.health > defender.maxHealth) defender.health = defender.maxHealth;
if (attacker.bleed.time <= 0){
attacker.bleed.time = 0;
attacker.bleed.mod = 0;
var bleedChance = attacker.bleedChance - defender.bleedResist;
if (bleedChance > 0 && attacker.bleedMod > 0 && attacker.bleedTime > 0 && (defender.bleed.time <= 0 || this.items.Sundering_Scythe.equipped && defender.bleed.time <= 5000)){
var roll = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100);
if (roll < bleedChance){
if (this.items.Bloodstained_Gloves.equipped) this.items.Bloodstained_Gloves.onBleed();
if (this.items.Bag_of_Nails.equipped) this.enemy.noSlow = true;
if (defender.bleed.mod < attacker.bleedMod) defender.bleed.mod = (1 + attacker.bleedMod);
if (defender.bleed.time < attacker.bleedTime) defender.bleed.time = attacker.bleedTime;
if (defender.bleed.time > 0) defender.hadBleed = true;
var poisonChance = attacker.poisonChance - defender.poisonResist;
if (poisonChance > 0 && attacker.poisonMod > 0 && attacker.poisonTime > 0){
var roll = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100);
if (roll < poisonChance){
if (defender.poison.time < attacker.poisonTime) defender.poison.time = attacker.poisonTime;
var stackRate = attacker.poisonRate;
for (var x = 0; x < stackRate; x++){
defender.poison.mod = attacker.poisonMod;
if (defender.poison.stacks < attacker.poisonStack){
if (attacker.isTrimp && this.items.The_Globulator.equipped) this.items.The_Globulator.onPoisonStack(defender.poison.stacks);
else defender.poison.hitsAtMax++;
var shockChance = attacker.shockChance - defender.shockResist;
if (shockChance > 0 && attacker.shockMod > 0 && attacker.shockTime > 0 && (defender.shock.time <= 0 || (defender.shock.time == 9999999 && attacker.shockMod > defender.shock.mod))){
var roll = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100);
if (roll < shockChance){
if (attacker.isTrimp && this.items.Eelimp_in_a_Bottle.equipped) defender.lastAttack = 0;
defender.shock.time = attacker.shockTime;
defender.shock.mod = attacker.shockMod;
if (attacker.berserkMod != -1) attacker.berserkStack++;
if (attacker.ethChance > 0) {
var ethRoll = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100);
if (ethRoll < attacker.ethChance) attacker.isEthereal = true;
else attacker.isEthereal = false;
getBleedDamage: function(attacker, defender){
var attackerShock = 1;
if (attacker.shock.time > 0){
attackerShock = (1 + attacker.shock.mod);
var bdamage = this.getAttack(defender) * attacker.bleed.mod * attackerShock;
bdamage -= attacker.defense;
return bdamage;
resetCombat: function(resetStats){
this.trimp = this.template();
this.trimp.isTrimp = true;
this.enemy = this.template();
this.battleTime = 0;
this.trimp.health = this.trimp.maxHealth;
this.enemy.level = this.enemyLevel;
var atkSpdLevel = Math.min(this.enemyLevel, 29);
this.enemy.baseAttackSpeed *= Math.pow(0.98, atkSpdLevel);
if (this.enemyLevel >= 30){
atkSpdLevel = this.enemyLevel - 29;
this.enemy.slowAura = Math.pow(1.01, atkSpdLevel);
this.enemy.baseHealth *= Math.pow(1.205, (this.enemyLevel));
this.enemy.baseAttack += (2 * (this.enemyLevel - 1));
this.enemy.baseAttack *= Math.pow(1.04, this.enemyLevel);
if (this.enemyLevel >= 50){
var newLev = this.enemyLevel - 49;
this.enemy.baseHealth *= Math.pow(1.1, newLev);
this.enemy.baseAttack *= Math.pow(1.1, newLev);
this.enemy.defense += (0.5 * this.enemyLevel);
this.enemy.poisonResist += this.enemyLevel;
this.enemy.bleedResist += this.enemyLevel;
this.enemy.shockResist += this.enemyLevel;
if (this.enemyLevel >= 15) this.enemy.lifestealResist += (0.03 * (this.enemy.level - 14))
if (this.enemyLevel >= 30) this.enemy.enrageMult = 1.5;
this.enemy.maxHealth = this.enemy.baseHealth;
this.enemy.health = this.enemy.baseHealth;
if (this.items.Fearsome_Piercer.equipped) this.items.Fearsome_Piercer.onEnemy();
if (this.items.Sacrificial_Shank.equipped) this.items.Sacrificial_Shank.onEnemy();
if (resetStats) this.resetStats();
setProfile: function(){
this.profile = "";
if (this.enemyLevel == 1) return;
var seed = this.seed;
seed += (100 * this.enemyLevel);
if (this.enemyLevel >= 51) seed += 3125; //Generated with Shold brain RNG
var doubleResist = true;
if (this.enemyLevel > 50){
doubleResist = getRandomIntSeeded(seed++, 0, 100);
doubleResist = (doubleResist < 20);
if (this.enemyLevel <= 50) doubleResist = true;
var effects = ["Healthy", "Fast", "Strong", "Defensive"];
if (this.enemyLevel > 5) {
effects.push("Poisoning", "Bloodletting", "Shocking", "Lifestealing");
if (this.enemyLevel > 10){
effects.push("Poison Resistant", "Shock Resistant", "Bleed Resistant");
if (this.enemyLevel > 20){
if (this.enemyLevel > 50){
effects.push("Explosive", "Berserking", "Slowing", "Ethereal");
var effectsCount;
if (this.enemyLevel < 25) effectsCount = Math.ceil((this.enemyLevel + 1) / 5);
else effectsCount = 4 + (Math.ceil((this.enemyLevel - 19) / 10));
var selectedEffects = [];
var selectedEffectsCount = [];
var maxEffectStack = 1;
maxEffectStack += Math.floor(this.enemyLevel / 10);
var healthMult = 1;
var attackMult = 1;
for (var x = 0; x < effectsCount; x++){
var roll = getRandomIntSeeded(seed++, 0, effects.length);
var effect = effects[roll];
if (!doubleResist && effect.search("Resistant") != -1){
var offset = this.enemyLevel % 3;
roll = getRandomIntSeeded(seed++, 0, 100);
if (roll >= 40){
if (offset == 0) effect = "Poison Resistant";
if (offset == 1) effect = "Shock Resistant";
if (offset == 2) effect = "Bleed Resistant";
var checkSelected = selectedEffects.indexOf(effect);
if (checkSelected == -1){
checkSelected = selectedEffects.length - 1;
else {
if (selectedEffectsCount[checkSelected] >= maxEffectStack) {
effects.splice(effects.indexOf(effect), 1);
var totalStacks = selectedEffectsCount[checkSelected];
var repeatMod = 1;
if (totalStacks > 1){
repeatMod *= Math.pow(0.5, (totalStacks - 1));
case "Healthy":
var mod = this.enemyLevel / 30;
healthMult += Math.min(1, mod);
if (selectedEffectsCount[checkSelected] >= 4) effects.splice(effects.indexOf(effect), 1);
case "Strong":
var mod = this.enemyLevel / 30;
attackMult += Math.min(1, mod);
if (selectedEffectsCount[checkSelected] >= 4) effects.splice(effects.indexOf(effect), 1);
case "Fast":
var mod = Math.pow(0.98, this.enemyLevel);
this.enemy.baseAttackSpeed *= Math.max(0.5, mod);
if (selectedEffectsCount[checkSelected] >= 2) effects.splice(effects.indexOf(effect), 1);
case "Poisoning":
this.enemy.poisonChance += Math.ceil(this.enemyLevel * 3 * repeatMod);
this.enemy.poisonMod += (Math.ceil((this.enemyLevel / 5) * repeatMod));
if (this.enemyLevel >= 30) this.enemy.poisonMod += (this.enemyLevel - 29);
if (totalStacks == 1) this.enemy.poisonStack += (Math.floor(this.enemyLevel / 10));
else this.enemy.poisonStack++;
this.enemy.poisonTime = 2500 + (Math.ceil(this.enemyLevel / 5) * 2500);
case "Bloodletting":
this.enemy.bleedChance += Math.ceil(this.enemyLevel * 3 * repeatMod);
this.enemy.bleedMod += Math.ceil(Math.min(2, (this.enemyLevel / 20)) * repeatMod);
this.enemy.bleedTime = 8000;
case "Shocking":
this.enemy.shockChance += Math.ceil(this.enemyLevel * 3 * repeatMod);
this.enemy.shockMod += Math.ceil(Math.min(2.5, (this.enemyLevel / 15)) * repeatMod);
this.enemy.shockTime = 8000;
case "Poison Resistant":
this.enemy.poisonResist += (10 * this.enemyLevel);
effects.splice(effects.indexOf(effect), 1);
if (!doubleResist || selectedEffects.indexOf('Bleed Resistant') != -1) effects.splice(effects.indexOf('Shock Resistant'), 1);
if (!doubleResist || selectedEffects.indexOf('Shock Resistant') != -1) effects.splice(effects.indexOf('Bleed Resistant'), 1);
case "Bleed Resistant":
this.enemy.bleedResist += (10 * this.enemyLevel);
effects.splice(effects.indexOf(effect), 1);
if (!doubleResist || selectedEffects.indexOf('Poison Resistant') != -1) effects.splice(effects.indexOf('Shock Resistant'), 1);
if (!doubleResist || selectedEffects.indexOf('Shock Resistant') != -1) effects.splice(effects.indexOf('Poison Resistant'), 1);
case "Shock Resistant":
this.enemy.shockResist += (10 * this.enemyLevel);
effects.splice(effects.indexOf(effect), 1);
if (!doubleResist || selectedEffects.indexOf('Bleed Resistant') != -1) effects.splice(effects.indexOf('Poison Resistant'), 1);
if (!doubleResist || selectedEffects.indexOf('Poison Resistant') != -1) effects.splice(effects.indexOf('Bleed Resistant'), 1);
case "Defensive":
this.enemy.defense += Math.ceil((this.enemy.level * 0.75) * Math.pow(1.05, this.enemy.level));
case "Lifestealing":
this.enemy.lifesteal += Math.min(1, (this.enemyLevel / 50));
case "Enraging":
this.enemy.enrageFreq -= 10;
this.enemy.enrageMult += 0.1;
if (selectedEffectsCount[checkSelected] >= 2) effects.splice(effects.indexOf(effect), 1);
case "Slowing":
this.enemy.slowAura += 0.1;
case "Explosive":
var count = selectedEffectsCount[checkSelected];
if (count >= 3) effects.splice(effects.indexOf(effect), 1);
if (count == 1) {
this.enemy.explodeDamage = 1.5;
this.enemy.explodeFreq = 20000;
else {
this.enemy.explodeDamage += 0.3;
this.enemy.explodeFreq -= 5000;
case "Berserking":
var count = selectedEffectsCount[checkSelected];
if (count >= 3) effects.splice(effects.indexOf(effect), 1);
if (count == 1) {
this.enemy.berserkMod = 1.05;
this.enemy.berserkEvery = 4;
else {
this.enemy.berserkMod += 0.05;
case "Ethereal":
var count = selectedEffectsCount[checkSelected];
if (count >= 3) effects.splice(effects.indexOf(effect), 1);
if (count == 1) {
this.enemy.ethChance = 10;
else {
this.enemy.ethChance += 5;
this.enemy.baseHealth *= healthMult;
this.enemy.baseAttack *= attackMult;
for (var x = 0; x < selectedEffects.length; x++){
this.profile += "<i></i>" + selectedEffects[x];
if (selectedEffectsCount[x] > 1) this.profile += "<i></i>x" + selectedEffectsCount[x] + "";
this.profile += "<i></i>,";
this.profile = this.profile.substring(0, this.profile.length - 1)
trimpDied: function(){
this.lootAvg.counter += this.battleTime;
if (this.sessionEnemiesKilled < this.sessionTrimpsKilled) swapClass('abTab', 'abTabLosing', document.getElementById('autoBattleTab'));
this.popup(true, true);
//this.notes += "Trimp Died. "
getDustMult: function(){
var amt = 1;
if (this.items.Lifegiving_Gem.equipped){
amt *= (1 + this.items.Lifegiving_Gem.dustIncrease());
amt += this.trimp.dustMult;
if (this.oneTimers.Dusty_Tome.owned){
amt *= (1 + (0.05 * (this.maxEnemyLevel - 1)));
if (u2Mutations.tree.Dust.purchased){
var mutMult = 1.25;
if (u2Mutations.tree.Dust2.purchased){
mutMult += 0.25;
amt *= mutMult;
if (this.items.Box_of_Spores.equipped && !this.enemy.hadBleed && this.enemy.poison.time > 0){
amt *= this.items.Box_of_Spores.dustMult();
if (game.global.fluffyExp2 >= 1466015503701000) amt *= 5; //don't even look at this line, just move on
return amt;
getEnrageMult: function(){
var enrages = Math.floor(this.battleTime / (this.enemy.enrageFreq * 1000));
if (enrages < 1) return 1;
return Math.pow(this.enemy.enrageMult, enrages);
getDustReward: function(){
var amt = (1 + ((this.enemy.level - 1) * 5)) * Math.pow(1.19, (this.enemy.level - 1));
if (this.enemy.level >= 50) amt *= Math.pow(1.1, (this.enemy.level - 49));
amt *= this.getDustMult();
return amt;
enemyDied: function(){
//this.notes += "Enemy Died. "
if (this.sessionEnemiesKilled >= 100 && this.sessionTrimpsKilled == 0 && this.enemyLevel >= 5) giveSingleAchieve("Huffstle");
if (this.enemyLevel >= 20 && this.trimp.shockTime <= 0 && this.trimp.bleedTime <= 0 && this.trimp.poisonTime <= 0) giveSingleAchieve("Just Smack It");
if (this.enemyLevel >= 100) giveSingleAchieve("Heroic Huffy");
var amt = this.getDustReward();
if (this.speed == 1) {
this.dust += amt;
game.stats.saDust.value += amt;
if (this.enemyLevel > 50){
this.shardDust += amt;
if (this.shardDust >= 1e9){
var shardAmt = Math.floor(this.shardDust / 1e9);
this.shards += shardAmt;
this.shardDust -= 1e9 * shardAmt;
game.stats.saShards.value += shardAmt;
this.lootAvg.accumulator += amt;
this.lootAvg.counter += this.battleTime;
if (this.enemy.level == this.maxEnemyLevel && this.speed == 1){
if (this.enemiesKilled >= this.nextLevelCount()) {
game.stats.saHighestLevel.valueTotal = this.maxEnemyLevel;
if (this.autoLevel) this.enemyLevel++;
this.enemiesKilled = 0;
if (this.sessionEnemiesKilled > this.sessionTrimpsKilled) swapClass('abTab', 'abTabWinning', document.getElementById('autoBattleTab'));
this.popup(true, false, false, false, true);
nextLevelCount: function(){
if (this.enemyLevel < 20) return 10 * this.enemyLevel;
return (190 + (15 * (this.enemyLevel - 19)))
update: function(){
if (game.global.highestRadonLevelCleared < 74) return;
if (usingRealTimeOffline && this.speed > 1){
this.settings.practice.enabled = 0;
this.speed = 1;
for (var x = 0; x < this.speed; x++){
this.popup(true, true);
this.battleTime += this.frameTime;
getMaxItems: function(){
return this.maxItems + this.bonuses.Extra_Limbs.level;
getDustPs: function() {
var dps = 0;
if (this.lootAvg.accumulator == 0){
if (!this.enemy) return 0;
if (this.sessionTrimpsKilled > 0) return 0;
if (this.enemy.health >= this.enemy.maxHealth) return 0;
if (this.enemy.health <= 0 || this.trimp.health <= 0) return 0;
var enPct = this.enemy.health / this.enemy.maxHealth;
var tpPct = this.trimp.health / this.trimp.maxHealth;
if (enPct > tpPct) return 0;
var reward = this.getDustReward();
dps = (1000 * ((reward * (1 - enPct)) / this.battleTime));
else dps = (1000 * (this.lootAvg.accumulator / this.lootAvg.counter));
if (dps < 0.01) dps = 0;
return dps;
resetStats: function(){
this.sessionEnemiesKilled = 0;
this.sessionTrimpsKilled = 0;
this.lootAvg.accumulator = 0;
this.lootAvg.counter = 0;
this.battleTime = 0;
swapClass('abTab', 'abTabNone', document.getElementById('autoBattleTab'));
//popup stuff
equip: function(item){
var itemObj = this.items[item];
if (!itemObj.equipped){
var count = this.countEquippedItems();
if (count >= this.getMaxItems()) {
this.notes = "<span class='red'>您目前只能装备" + this.getMaxItems() + "个物品。</span>";
if (!itemObj) return;
itemObj.equipped = !itemObj.equipped;
if (itemObj.hidden) this.restore(item);
countEquippedItems: function(){
var count = 0;
for (var ck in this.items){
if (this.items[ck].equipped) count++;
return count;
countOwnedItems: function(){
var count = 0;
for (var ck in this.items){
if (this.items[ck].owned) count++;
return count;
getBonusCost: function(what){
var bonus = this.bonuses[what];
return Math.ceil(bonus.price * Math.pow(bonus.priceMod, bonus.level));
buyBonus: function(what){
var bonus = this.bonuses[what];
var cost = this.getBonusCost(what);
if (bonus.useShards){
if (this.shards < cost) return;
this.shards -= cost;
if (this.dust < cost) return;
this.dust -= cost;
this.saveLastAction('bonus', what, cost);
this.popup(true, false, true);
buyOneTimer: function(what){
var bonus = this.oneTimers[what];
var cost = this.oneTimerPrice(what);
if (bonus.useShards){
if (this.shards < cost) return;
this.shards -= cost;
if (this.dust < cost) return;
this.dust -= cost;
bonus.owned = true;
if (bonus.onPurchase) bonus.onPurchase();
this.saveLastAction('oneTimer', what, cost);
this.popup(true, false, true);
hoverItem: function(item, upgrade){
var itemObj = this.items[item];
if (!itemObj) return;
if (upgrade){
this.notes = itemObj.upgrade;
this.notes = itemObj.description();
this.popup(true, true);
upgradeCost: function(item){
var itemObj = this.items[item];
if (!itemObj) return;
var priceMod = 3;
if (itemObj.priceMod) priceMod = itemObj.priceMod;
var startPrice = 5;
if (itemObj.startPrice) startPrice = itemObj.startPrice;
return startPrice * Math.pow(priceMod, itemObj.level - 1);
upgrade: function(item){
var itemObj = this.items[item];
if (!itemObj) return;
var cost = this.upgradeCost(item);
var currency = (this.items[item].dustType == "shards") ? this.shards : this.dust;
if (currency < cost) return;
this.saveLastAction("upgrade", item);
if (this.items[item].dustType == "shards") this.shards -= cost;
else this.dust -= cost;
this.popup(false, false, true);
checkLastActions: function(){
var somethinGood = false;
for (var x = 0; x < this.lastActions.length; x++){
if (this.lastActions[x][2] > this.dust || this.lastActions[x][6] > this.shards) {
somethinGood = true;
if (!somethinGood) this.lastActions = [];
saveLastAction: function(type, what, cost){
var useShards = false;
if (type == "ring" || ((type == "contract" || type == "cancelContract") && this.items[what].dustType == "shards")) useShards = true;
if (type == "oneTimer" && this.oneTimers[what].useShards) useShards = true;
else if (type == "bonus" && this.bonuses[what].useShards) useShards = true;
if (type == "bonus" || type == "oneTimer" || type == "contract"){
for (var x = 0; x < this.lastActions.length; x++){
if (useShards) this.lastActions[x][6] -= cost;
else this.lastActions[x][2] -= cost;
if (type == "cancelContract"){
for (var x = 0; x < this.lastActions.length; x++){
if (useShards) this.lastActions[x][6] += cost;
else this.lastActions[x][2] += cost;
var lastLastAction = (this.lastActions.length) ? this.lastActions[this.lastActions.length - 1] : [];
if (lastLastAction && lastLastAction[0] == 'upgrade' && type == 'upgrade' && lastLastAction[1] == what) lastLastAction[5]++;
else if (lastLastAction && lastLastAction[0] == 'ring' && type == 'ring') lastLastAction[5]++;
else if (type == "ring") this.lastActions.push(['ring', null, this.dust, this.maxEnemyLevel, this.enemiesKilled, 1, this.shards])
else this.lastActions.push([type, what, this.dust, this.maxEnemyLevel, this.enemiesKilled, 1, this.shards]);
if (this.lastActions.length > 3) this.lastActions.splice(0,1);
restoreLastAction: function(){
var action = this.lastActions.splice(this.lastActions.length - 1, 1)[0];
this.dust = action[2];
this.shards = (action[6]) ? action[6] : 0;
this.maxEnemyLevel = action[3];
this.enemiesKilled = action[4];
if (action[0] == "upgrade"){
this.items[action[1]].level -= action[5];
else if (action[0] == "contract"){
this.items[action[1]].equipped = false;
this.items[action[1]].owned = false;
else if (action[0] == "ring"){
this.rings.level -= action[5];
var removeMods = this.rings.mods.length - this.getRingSlots();
if (removeMods > 0){
autoBattle.rings.mods.splice(autoBattle.rings.mods.length - removeMods, removeMods);
if (this.enemyLevel > this.maxEnemyLevel) this.enemyLevel = this.maxEnemyLevel;
this.confirmUndo = false;
this.popup(false, false, true);
confirmUndo: false,
confirmUndoClicked: function(){
this.confirmUndo = !this.confirmUndo;
this.popup(false, false, true);
levelDown: function(){
if (this.enemyLevel > 1) {
this.autoLevel = false;
levelUp: function(){
if (this.enemyLevel < this.maxEnemyLevel){
toggleAutoLevel: function(){
this.autoLevel = !this.autoLevel;
if (this.autoLevel && this.enemyLevel != this.maxEnemyLevel){
this.enemyLevel = this.maxEnemyLevel;
updatePopupBtns: function(){
var downBtn = document.getElementById('abDecreaseLevel');
var upBtn = document.getElementById('abIncreaseLevel');
var autoBtn = document.getElementById('abAutoLevel');
if (!downBtn || !upBtn || !autoBtn) return;
var downBtnColor = (this.enemyLevel > 1) ? "autoItemUpgrade" : "autoColorGrey";
var upBtnColor = (this.enemyLevel < this.maxEnemyLevel) ? "autoItemUpgrade" : "autoColorGrey";
var autoBtnColor = (this.autoLevel) ? "autoItemEquipped" : "autoItemHide";
swapClass("auto", downBtnColor, downBtn);
swapClass("auto", upBtnColor, upBtn);
swapClass("auto", autoBtnColor, autoBtn);
autoBtn.innerHTML = "AutoLevel " + ((this.autoLevel) ? "On" : "Off");
swapPopup: function(to){
if (to == "rings" && !this.oneTimers.The_Ring.owned) return;
this.hideMode = false;
this.popupMode = to;
this.notes = "";
this.confirmUndo = false;
this.popup(false, false, true);
toggleHideMode: function(){
this.hideMode = !this.hideMode;
this.popupMode = "items";
this.popup(false, false, true)
hide: function(itemName){
this.items[itemName].hidden = true;
if (this.items[itemName].equipped) this.items[itemName].equipped = false;
this.popup(false, false, true);
restore: function(itemName){
this.items[itemName].hidden = false;
this.popup(false, false, true);
completedVoidMap: function(zone){
if (!this.activeContract) return;
var item = this.items[this.activeContract];
if (zone < item.zone) return;
//completed contract
item.owned = true;
message("您完成了合约,怒怒获得了<i></i>" + this.cleanName(this.activeContract) + "<i></i>!", "Notices");
this.activeContract = "";
abandonContract: function(){
if (!this.activeContract) return;
var price = this.contractPrice(this.activeContract);
if (this.items[this.activeContract].dustType == "shards"){
this.shards += price;
this.dust += price;
this.saveLastAction('cancelContract', this.activeContract, price);
this.activeContract = "";
acceptContract: function(item){
if (this.activeContract) return;
var price = this.contractPrice(item);
var currency = (this.items[item].dustType == "shards") ? this.shards : this.dust;
if (currency < price) return;
this.saveLastAction('contract', item, price);
if (this.items[item].dustType == "shards") this.shards -= price;
else this.dust -= price;
this.activeContract = item;
this.popup(false, false, true);
renamePresetTooltip: function(which){
var text = "重命名预设" + which + "<br/><input style='width: 75%; margin-left: 12.5%' id='abPresetNameInput' value='" + this.presets.names[which - 1] + "'/>"
return text;
cleanName: function(name){
return name.split("__").join("-").split("_").join(' ')
savePresetName: function(which){
var input = document.getElementById('abPresetNameInput');
if (!input) return;
var value = input.value;
if (value.length < 1) return;
value = htmlEncode(value.substring(0, 25));
this.presets.names[which - 1] = value;
help: function(){
var text = "<ul>";
text += "<li><b>Click on an item name to equip it. You can have 4 items equipped at the start</b>, but you can purchase 'Extra Limbs' under the Bonus button if you want some more!</li>";
text += "<li>Huffy can progress to the next level of the Spire after killing the amount of Enemies listed next to your total Dust at the top of the SA window (\"Kill X\"). Huffy must be fighting at your highest reached level in order to progress this counter, otherwise it will say \"Farming\".</li>";
text += "<li>Equipping or Unequipping an item will reset your \"Session Score\" at the top of the SA window.</li>";
text += "<li>You can unlock new items for Huffy to use through the 'Contracts' tab. Once you have enough Dust to start a Contract, you'll need to complete a Void Map at or above the specified Zone in U2 to complete it and unlock the item.</li>";
text += "<li>Defense is a flat damage reduction. Damage taken is equal to (Enemy Attack * Shock Modifier) - Defense.</li>";
text += "<li>Lifesteal works on Bleed damage but not Poison damage. Lifesteal is based on final damage after Shock and Defense.</li>";
text += "<li>Shock boosts Poison and Bleed damage as well as normal attack damage.</li>";
text += "<li>Shocks and Bleeds cannot be applied while the Enemy already has that status effect. Poison can.</li>";
text += "<li>Resistance against an effect works by subtracting your current resist from the Enemy's chance to cause that effect. If the Enemy has a 50% Poison Chance and you have 25% Poison Resist, the Enemy will have an effective 25% Poison Chance.</li>";
text += "<li>Enemy Affixes per level are based on a seed, but everyone has the same seed and sees the same affixes each level. Feel free to discuss strategy with others!</li>";
text += "<li>Enemies gain +1 Affix every 5 Levels until 20, then gain +1 Affix every 10 Levels</li>";
text += "<li>Huffy's minimum Attack Time is 0.5 seconds. Any reductions to Attack Time below 0.5 seconds will be converted to Slow Aura, making the Enemy attack up to 50% slower.</li>";
text += "<li>魔尘获取量的公式为 (1 + ((敌人等级 - 1) × 5)) × (1.19^(敌人等级 - 1))</li>";
text += "<li>The Spire Assault window can be opened with hotkey \"i\"</li>";
text += "</ul>";
tooltip('confirm', null, 'update', text, 'autoBattle.popup()', "Spire Assault Help/FAQ", 'Back to Spire Assault', true);
var elem = document.getElementById('tooltipDiv');
swapClass('tooltipExtra', 'tooltipExtraLg', elem);
elem.style.top = "10%";
elem.style.left = "25%";
getFreshRings: function(){
return {
level: 1,
mods: []
getRingStatusDamage: function(){
if (!this.oneTimers.The_Ring.owned) return 0;
return this.rings.level * 25 * Math.pow(1.5, Math.floor(this.rings.level / 10));
getRingPoisonDamage: function(){
if (!this.oneTimers.The_Ring.owned) return 0;
return this.rings.level * 15 * Math.pow(5, Math.floor(this.rings.level / 10));
getRingStatusChance: function(){
if (this.rings.level < 10) return 0;
var calcLevel = this.rings.level - 9;
return calcLevel * 20 * Math.pow(1.25, Math.floor(calcLevel / 10));
getRingStatAmt: function(modObj){
return modObj.baseGain * this.rings.level * Math.pow(modObj.perTen, Math.floor(this.rings.level / 10))
getRingSlots: function(){
var amt = Math.floor((this.rings.level - 5) / 10) + 1;
if (amt > 2) amt = 2;
return amt;
levelRing: function(){
var cost = this.getRingLevelCost();
if (this.shards < cost) return;
this.saveLastAction("ring", null, cost);
this.shards -= cost;
var slots = this.getRingSlots();
if (this.rings.mods.length < slots){
var availableMods = this.getAvailableRingMods();
var randomMod = availableMods[Math.floor(Math.random() * availableMods.length)];
this.popup(false, false, true);
getAvailableRingMods: function(){
var availableMods = [];
var keys = Object.keys(autoBattle.ringStats);
for (var x = 0; x < keys.length; x++){
if (this.rings.mods.indexOf(keys[x]) == -1) availableMods.push(keys[x]);
return availableMods;
changeRing: function(elem, slot, useValue){
var availableMods = this.getAvailableRingMods();
if (!useValue) useValue = elem.value;
if (availableMods.indexOf(useValue) == -1) return;
if (slot > this.getRingSlots() - 1) return;
this.rings.mods[slot] = useValue;
this.popup(false, false, true);
getRingLevelCost: function(){
return Math.ceil(15 * Math.pow(2, this.rings.level));
getRingUi: function(){
var text = "<div class='ringContainer' style='text-align: center;'><span style='font-size: 1.2em'>灵戒 - 等级" + this.rings.level + "</span><br/>";
text += "使流血伤害和震荡伤害+" + prettify(this.getRingStatusDamage()) + "%<br/>";
text += "使中毒伤害+" + prettify(this.getRingPoisonDamage()) + "<br/>";
var chance = this.getRingStatusChance();
if (chance > 0) text += "使怒怒触发异常状态的概率+" + prettify(this.getRingStatusChance()) + "%<br/>";
for (var x = 0; x < this.rings.mods.length; x++){
var mod = this.ringStats[this.rings.mods[x]];
var amt = this.getRingStatAmt(mod);
text += mod.formatEffect(amt) + "<br/>";
text += "</div><div class='ringContainer'>";
if (this.rings.level < 5) text += "Level The Ring to 5 to earn your first customizable slot!";
text += "<span style='font-size: 1.2em'>Customizable Slots:</span>"
var slots = this.getRingSlots();
var availableMods = this.getAvailableRingMods();
var options = "";
for (var x = 0; x < availableMods.length; x++){
options += "<option value='" + availableMods[x] + "'>" + this.ringStats[availableMods[x]].name + "</option>";
for (var x = 0; x < slots; x++){
text += "<select class='autoRingSelect' id='ringSlot" + x + "' onchange='autoBattle.changeRing(this, " + x + ")' value='" + this.rings.mods[x] + "'>";
text += "<option selected='selected' value='" + this.rings.mods[x] + "'>" + this.ringStats[this.rings.mods[x]].name + "</option>";
text += options;
text += "</select>";
if (this.rings.level < 15) text += "Unlock another slot at Level 15!"
text += "</div><div class='ringContainer' style='text-align: center; padding-top: 2em;'><span class='btn btn-lg autoItemUpgrade' onclick='autoBattle.levelRing()' style='width: 90%'>升级灵戒!(花费" + prettify(this.getRingLevelCost()) + "晶块)</span><br/>";
text += "Every level increases stats of all mods on The Ring.<br/>Every 10 levels, gains a bigger boost in power!<br/>"
if (this.rings.level < 10) text += "Gains status chance starting at Level 10.<br/>"
text += "</div>";
return text;
ringStats: {
attack: {
formatEffect: function(amt){
return "使怒怒的攻击力+" + prettify(amt);
name: "Attack",
doStuff: function(amt){
autoBattle.trimp.attack += amt;
baseGain: 50,
perTen: 5
health: {
formatEffect: function(amt){
return "使怒怒的生命值+" + prettify(amt);
name: "Health",
doStuff: function(amt){
autoBattle.trimp.maxHealth += amt;
baseGain: 200,
perTen: 5,
defense: {
formatEffect: function(amt){
return "使怒怒的防御力+" + prettify(amt);
name: "Defense",
doStuff: function(amt){
autoBattle.trimp.defense += amt;
baseGain: 25,
perTen: 2.5,
lifesteal: {
formatEffect: function(amt){
return "使怒怒的吸血+" + prettify(amt) + "%";
name: "Lifesteal",
doStuff: function(amt){
amt /= 100;
autoBattle.trimp.lifesteal += amt;
baseGain: 2.5,
perTen: 4,
dustMult: {
formatEffect: function(amt){
return "使魔尘获取倍率+" + prettify(amt) + "%";
name: "Dust Mult",
doStuff: function(amt){
amt /= 100;
autoBattle.trimp.dustMult += amt;
baseGain: 5,
perTen: 2,
getCurrencyName: function(item){
var curName = this.items[item].dustType ? this.items[item].dustType : "dust";
return curName.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + curName.slice(1);
updateBonusPrices: function(){
for (var bonus in this.bonuses){
var bonusObj = this.bonuses[bonus];
if (bonusObj.useShards && this.maxEnemyLevel < 51) continue;
var cost = this.getBonusCost(bonus);
var costColor = ((!bonusObj.useShards && cost <= this.dust) || (bonusObj.useShards && cost <= this.shards)) ? "green" : "red";
var elem = document.getElementById(bonus + "BonusPrice");
if (!elem) return false;
elem.className = costColor;
var oneCount = 0;
var ownedItems = this.countOwnedItems();
for (var oneTime in this.oneTimers){
var oneObj = this.oneTimers[oneTime];
if (oneObj.owned) continue;
if (this.maxEnemyLevel >= 51 && oneCount >= 3) break;
if (oneCount >= 4) break;
var cost = this.oneTimerPrice(oneTime);
var costColor = ((!oneObj.useShards && cost <= this.dust) || (oneObj.useShards && cost <= this.shards)) ? "green" : "red";
if (ownedItems < oneObj.requiredItems){
var elem = document.getElementById(oneTime + "BonusPrice");
if (!elem) return false;
elem.className = costColor;
return true;
hideMode: false,
popup: function(updateOnly, statsOnly, itemsOnly, leaveMode, fromBattle){
if (fromBattle){
if (this.popupMode == "bonuses" && !this.updateBonusPrices()){
itemsOnly = true;
statsOnly = false;
statsOnly = true;
itemsOnly = false;
if (!updateOnly && !statsOnly && !itemsOnly) {
if (!leaveMode) this.popupMode = "items";
this.hideMode = false;
this.confirmUndo = false;
if ((updateOnly || itemsOnly) && (lastTooltipTitle != "Spire Assault" || !game.global.lockTooltip)) return;
if (usingRealTimeOffline){
var text = "";
var totalFights = this.sessionEnemiesKilled + this.sessionTrimpsKilled;
var pctWon = (totalFights > 0) ? "(" + Math.round((this.sessionEnemiesKilled / totalFights) * 100) + "%)" : "&nbsp;";
var dustPs = this.getDustPs();
var shardText = "";
if (this.maxEnemyLevel > 50){
shardText = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" + prettify(this.shards) + "晶块";
if (this.enemyLevel > 50){
shardText += "(";
var shardsPs = dustPs / 1e9;
if (shardsPs >= 0.01 || shardsPs == 0) shardText += "每秒" + prettify(shardsPs) + ")";
else {
shardsPs = 1 / shardsPs;
shardText += prettify(shardsPs) + "秒可获得1晶块)";
var topText = prettify(this.dust) + "魔尘(每秒" + prettify(dustPs) + ")" + shardText + "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" + ((this.settings.practice.enabled == 1) ? "<b style='color: #921707'>Practicing</b>" : ((this.enemyLevel == this.maxEnemyLevel) ? "需击杀" + (this.nextLevelCount() - this.enemiesKilled) : "刷怪中")) + "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;敌人击杀数:" + this.sessionEnemiesKilled + "&nbsp;" + pctWon + "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;战斗失利数:" + this.sessionTrimpsKilled + "<br/>敌人等级" + this.enemy.level + ((this.profile) ? "(" + this.profile + ")" : "") + "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
var buttons = "";
if (!(updateOnly && statsOnly)) buttons = "<div id='abLevelButtons'><span id='abDecreaseLevel' onclick='autoBattle.levelDown()' class='btn-md btn auto'>-降低敌人等级-</span><span onclick='autoBattle.toggleAutoLevel()' id='abAutoLevel' class='btn btn-md auto'>Set AutoLevel On</span><span onclick='autoBattle.levelUp()' id='abIncreaseLevel' class='btn btn-md auto'>+提高敌人等级+</span><span id='abHelpBtn' onclick='autoBattle.help()' class='icomoon icon-question-circle'></span><span id='abCloseBtn' onclick='cancelTooltip()' class='icomoon icon-close'></span></div>";
text = "<div class='noselect'><div id='autoDust'>" + topText + "</div>" + buttons + "<div class='autoBattleTopName'>Huffy</div><div class='autoBattleTopName'>Enemy</div>";
if (updateOnly || itemsOnly) document.getElementById('autoDust').innerHTML = topText;
var trimpAttackTime = (this.trimp.attackSpeed);
var enemyAttackTime = (this.enemy.attackSpeed);
var hpPct = Math.min(100, ((this.trimp.health / this.trimp.maxHealth) * 100)).toFixed(2);
var EhpPct = Math.min(100, ((this.enemy.health / this.enemy.maxHealth) * 100)).toFixed(2);
var atkPct = Math.min(100, ((this.trimp.lastAttack / (trimpAttackTime / 1000)) / 10)).toFixed(2);
var EatkPct = Math.min(100, ((this.enemy.lastAttack / (enemyAttackTime / 1000)) / 10)).toFixed(2);
if ((updateOnly && statsOnly) || itemsOnly){
document.getElementById('autoBattleTrimpHealthBar').style.width = hpPct + "%";
document.getElementById('autoBattleTrimpAttackBar').style.width = atkPct + "%";
document.getElementById('autoBattleTrimpHealth').innerHTML = prettify(this.trimp.health);
document.getElementById('autoBattleTrimpHealthMax').innerHTML = prettify(this.trimp.maxHealth);
document.getElementById('autoBattleEnemyHealthBar').style.width = EhpPct + "%";
document.getElementById('autoBattleEnemyAttackBar').style.width = EatkPct + "%";
document.getElementById('autoBattleEnemyHealth').innerHTML = prettify(this.enemy.health);
document.getElementById('autoBattleEnemyHealthMax').innerHTML = prettify(this.enemy.maxHealth);
text += '<div class="autoBattleBarHolder"><div style="width: ' + hpPct + '%" class="progress-bar percentColorBlue" id="autoBattleTrimpHealthBar" role="progressbar"><span class="noselect innerFightBar"><span id="autoBattleTrimpHealth">' + prettify(this.trimp.health) + '</span>/<span id="autoBattleTrimpHealthMax">' + prettify(this.trimp.maxHealth) + '</span></span></div></div>';
text += '<div class="autoBattleBarHolder"><div style="width: ' + EhpPct + '%" class="progress-bar rightBar percentColorBlue" id="autoBattleEnemyHealthBar" role="progressbar"><span class="noselect innerFightBar"><span id="autoBattleEnemyHealth">' + prettify(this.enemy.health) + '</span>/<span id="autoBattleEnemyHealthMax">' + prettify(this.enemy.maxHealth) + '</span></span></div></div>';
text += '<div class="autoBattleBarHolder"><div style="width: ' + atkPct + '%" class="progress-bar percentColorYellow" id="autoBattleTrimpAttackBar" role="progressbar"><span class="innerFightBar">&nbsp;</span></div></div>';
text += '<div class="autoBattleBarHolder"><div style="width: ' + EatkPct + '%" class="progress-bar rightBar percentColorYellow" id="autoBattleEnemyAttackBar" role="progressbar"><span class="innerFightBar">&nbsp;</span></div></div>';
var statsText = "";
var things = ["trimp", "enemy"];
for (var x = 0; x < things.length; x++){
var fighterName = things[x];
var fighterObj = this[fighterName];
var opponentObj = (fighterObj.isTrimp) ? this.enemy : this.trimp;
var attackTime = (fighterName == "trimp") ? trimpAttackTime : enemyAttackTime;
attackTime /= 1000;
var baseAttack = this.getAttack(fighterObj);
var attackText = prettify(baseAttack) + " (" + prettify(baseAttack * 0.8) + " - " + prettify(baseAttack * 1.2) + ")";
var dustBdText = (fighterName == "trimp") ? "<b>Dust Mult: </b>" + prettify(this.getDustMult() * 100) + "%" : "<b>Dust Value:</b>" + prettify(this.getDustReward());
var lifestealFinal = Math.max(fighterObj.lifesteal - opponentObj.lifestealResist, 0) * 100;
var lifestealDisplay;
if (lifestealFinal <= 0 && fighterObj.lifesteal > 0) lifestealDisplay = prettify(lifestealFinal) + "% (" + prettify((fighterObj.lifesteal - opponentObj.lifestealResist) * 100) + "%)";
else lifestealDisplay = prettify(lifestealFinal) + "%";
statsText += "<div class='autoStats'><div class='autoStatsBreakup'><b>Attack:</b>" + attackText + "<br/><b>Attack Time:</b>" + prettify(attackTime) + "<br/><b>Defense:</b>" + prettify(fighterObj.defense) + "<br/><b>Lifesteal:</b>" + lifestealDisplay;
statsText += "</div>";
statsText += "<div class='autoStatsBreakup'>" + dustBdText + "<br/><b>Poison Resist:</b> " + prettify(fighterObj.poisonResist) + "%<br/><b>Bleed Resist:</b>" + prettify(fighterObj.bleedResist) + "%<br/><b>Shock Resist:</b>" + prettify(fighterObj.shockResist) + "%";
statsText += "</div>";
statsText += "<div class='autoStatsBreakup'>";
if (fighterObj.isTrimp) statsText += "<b>Time:</b>" + formatSecondsAsClock(this.battleTime / 1000, 2) + "<br/>";
else {
var enrageFreq = this.enemy.enrageFreq;
var baseMult = this.enemy.enrageMult;
baseMult = (baseMult - 1) * 100;
var currentMult = this.getEnrageMult();
if (currentMult > 1) statsText += "<b>Enraged!</b>- 攻击力增加了" + prettify((currentMult - 1) * 100) + "%。每" + enrageFreq + "秒再增加" + prettify(baseMult) + "%。";
else statsText += "<b>Enrages</b> - 每" + enrageFreq + "秒,使攻击力增加" + prettify(baseMult) + "%。";
statsText += "<br/>";
if (fighterObj.slowAura > 1)
statsText += "<b>Slowing Aura:</b>" + prettify((fighterObj.slowAura - 1) * 100) + "%";
statsText += "<br/>";
if (fighterObj.lifestealResist)
statsText += "<b>Lifesteal Resist:</b>" + prettify(fighterObj.lifestealResist * 100) + "%";
statsText += "</div>";
statsText += "<br/><b>Poisoned:</b>";
if (fighterObj.poison.time > 0){
var timeText = (opponentObj.poisonTick != 1000) ? "" + prettify(opponentObj.poisonTick / 1000) + "" : "每秒";
statsText += timeText + "受到" + prettify(fighterObj.poison.mod * fighterObj.poison.stacks) + "伤害,持续" + (fighterObj.poison.time / 1000).toFixed(1) + "秒。(" + fighterObj.poison.stacks + "/" + opponentObj.poisonStack + ")";
else statsText += "None";
statsText += "<br/><b>Bleed:</b>";
if (fighterObj.bleed.time > 0){
statsText += "" + (fighterObj.bleed.time / 1000).toFixed(1) + "秒内每次攻击后受到对方攻击力" + prettify(fighterObj.bleed.mod * 100) + "%的伤害。";
else statsText += "None";
statsText += "<br/><b>Shock:</b>";
if (fighterObj.shock.time > 0){
var shockTime = (fighterObj.shock.time == 9999999) ? "<span class='icomoon icon-infinity'></span>" : (fighterObj.shock.time / 1000).toFixed(1);
statsText += "" + shockTime + "秒内受到的伤害增加" + prettify(fighterObj.shock.mod * 100) + "%。";
else statsText += "None";
statsText += "<br/>"
var freePmod = 0;
if (this.oneTimers.Master_of_Arms.owned) freePmod += 2;
if (this.oneTimers.Whirlwind_of_Arms.owned) freePmod += 10;
var ringStatusChance = this.getRingStatusChance();
var ringPoison = this.getRingPoisonDamage();
var ringBleedShock = this.getRingStatusDamage();
if (fighterObj.poisonChance > 0 && fighterObj.poisonTime > 0 && fighterObj.poisonMod > 0){
statsText += "" + prettify(fighterObj.poisonChance - opponentObj.poisonResist) + "%概率触发中毒,持续" + prettify(fighterObj.poisonTime / 1000) + "秒,使对方每秒受到" + prettify(fighterObj.poisonMod) + "伤害,中毒层数的上限为" + fighterObj.poisonStack + "层。";
else if ((fighterObj.poisonChance > 0 && (!ringStatusChance || ringStatusChance < fighterObj.poisonChance)) || fighterObj.poisonTime > 0 || (fighterObj.poisonMod > freePmod && (!ringPoison || ringPoison + freePmod < fighterObj.poisonMod))){
statsText += "<span class='abError'>"
if (fighterObj.poisonTime <= 0) statsText += "*You need an item that can create a Poison (Like Fists of Goo) to Poison.";
else if (fighterObj.poisonChance <= 0 && (!this.rings.poison.poisonChance || this.rings.poison.poisonChance < fighterObj.poisonChance)) statsText += "*You need an item that grants Poison Chance to Poison.";
else if (fighterObj.poisonMod <= 0) statsText += "*You need an item that grants Poison Damage to Poison.";
statsText += "</span>";
statsText += "<br/>";
if (fighterObj.bleedChance > 0 && fighterObj.bleedTime > 0 && fighterObj.bleedMod > 0){
statsText += "" + prettify(fighterObj.bleedChance - opponentObj.bleedResist) + "%概率触发流血,持续" + prettify(fighterObj.bleedTime / 1000) + "秒,使对方在每次攻击后受到我方攻击力加上我方攻击力" + prettify(fighterObj.bleedMod * 100) + "%的伤害。";
else if ((fighterObj.bleedChance > 0 && (!ringStatusChance || ringStatusChance < fighterObj.bleedChance)) || fighterObj.bleedTime > 0 || (fighterObj.bleedMod > 0 && (!ringBleedShock || ringBleedShock / 100 < fighterObj.bleedMod))){
statsText += "<span class='abError'>"
if (fighterObj.bleedTime <= 0) statsText += "*You need an item that can create a Bleed (Like Rusty Dagger) to cause Bleeding.";
else if (fighterObj.bleedChance <= 0) statsText += "*You need an item that grants Bleed Chance to cause Bleeding.";
else if (fighterObj.bleedMod <= 0) statsText += "*You need an item that grants Bleed Damage to cause Bleeding.";
statsText += "</span>";
statsText += "<br/>";
if (fighterObj.shockChance > 0 && fighterObj.shockTime > 0 && fighterObj.shockMod > 0){
statsText += "" + prettify(fighterObj.shockChance - opponentObj.shockResist) + "%概率触发震荡,持续" + prettify(fighterObj.shockTime / 1000) + "秒,使对方受到的伤害增加" + prettify(fighterObj.shockMod * 100) + "%。";
else if ((fighterObj.shockChance > 0 && (!ringStatusChance || ringStatusChance < fighterObj.shockChance)) || fighterObj.shockTime > 0 || (fighterObj.shockMod > 0 && (!ringBleedShock || ringBleedShock / 100 < fighterObj.shockMod))){
statsText += "<span class='abError'>"
if (fighterObj.shockTime <= 0 && !this.items.Nozzled_Goggles.equipped) statsText += "*You need an item that can create a Shock (Like Battery Stick) to Shock.";
else if (fighterObj.shockChance <= 0) statsText += "*You need an item that grants Shock Chance to Shock.";
else if (fighterObj.shockMod <= 0) statsText += "*You need an item that grants Shock Damage to Shock.";
statsText += "</span>";
statsText += "<br/>";
if (fighterName == "trimp"){
if (this.items.Doppelganger_Signet.equipped){
statsText += "分身";
if (this.trimp.doppDown) statsText += "已爆炸!";
else statsText += "生命值:" + prettify(this.trimp.maxHealth - this.trimp.dmgTaken);
statsText += "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"
if (this.items.Goo_Golem.equipped && this.items.Goo_Golem.active()){
statsText += "粘液魔像:已存储" + prettify(this.trimp.gooStored) + "伤害";
else if (this.enemyLevel > 50){
if (fighterObj.explodeFreq != -1){
var explodeIn = ((fighterObj.explodeFreq - fighterObj.lastExplode) / 1000).toFixed(1);
statsText += "<b>Special:</b>在" + explodeIn + "秒后爆炸,造成攻击力" + prettify(fighterObj.explodeDamage * 100) + "%的伤害";
else if (fighterObj.berserkMod != -1){
var mult = this.getBerserkMult();
statsText += "<b>Special:</b>每" + fighterObj.berserkEvery + "次攻击后使攻击力变为" + fighterObj.berserkMod + "倍。目前使攻击力变为" + prettify(mult) + "倍。";
else if (fighterObj.ethChance > 0){
statsText += "<b>Special:</b>每次攻击有" + fighterObj.ethChance + "%概率变为空灵,使受到的伤害转为恢复生命值。";
if (fighterObj.isEthereal) statsText += "**空灵**"
statsText += "<br/>";
statsText += "</div>";
if (updateOnly && statsOnly){
var elem = document.getElementById('autoBattleStatsText');
var notesElem = document.getElementById('autoBattleNotes');
if (elem){
if (notesElem) notesElem.innerHTML = this.notes;
elem.innerHTML = statsText;
if (!itemsOnly) return;
text += "<div id='autoBattleStatsText'>" + statsText + "</div>";
var itemsText = "物品(已装备" + this.countEquippedItems() + "/" + this.getMaxItems() + ")";
text += "<div id='autoBattleMenuButtons'><span id='abItemsBtn' onclick='autoBattle.swapPopup(\"items\")' class='btn btn-lg autoItemUpgrade darkBorder'>" + itemsText + "</span><span onclick='autoBattle.swapPopup(\"bonuses\")' class='btn btn-lg colorNavy'>Bonuses</span><span onclick='autoBattle.swapPopup(\"contracts\")' class='btn btn-lg colorVoidy darkBorder'>Contracts</span><span onclick='autoBattle.swapPopup(\"hidden\")' class='btn btn-lg autoColorOrange darkBorder'>Hidden Items</span><span class='btn btn-lg autoItemHide darkBorder' onclick='autoBattle.toggleHideMode()'>Hide Items</span>";
text += "<span id='autoBattleRingBtn' onclick='autoBattle.swapPopup(\"rings\")' style='display: " + ((this.oneTimers.The_Ring.owned) ? 'inline-block' : 'none') + "' class='btn btn-lg autoColorTeal active darkBorder'>The Ring</span>";
text += "<span onclick='autoBattle.swapPopup(\"other\")' class='btn btn-lg autoColorGrey active darkBorder'>Misc</span></div>";
var notesElem = document.getElementById('autoBattleNotes');
if (!notesElem || !itemsOnly) text += "<div id='autoBattleNotes'" + ((this.popupMode == "items" || this.popupMode == "hidden") ? "" : " style='display: none'") + ">" + this.notes + "</div>";
if (this.popupMode == "items" || this.popupMode == "hidden") {
if (notesElem) notesElem.style.display = 'block';
else if (notesElem && itemsOnly) notesElem.style.display = 'none';
var extraClass = (this.popupMode == "other" || this.popupMode == "bonuses" || this.popupMode == "rings") ? "modeLg" : "modeNone";
text += "<div id='autoItemsDiv' class='niceScroll " + extraClass + "'>"
var itemsElem = document.getElementById('autoItemsDiv');
if (itemsOnly && itemsElem){
text = "";
document.getElementById('abItemsBtn').innerHTML = itemsText;
swapClass('mode', extraClass, itemsElem)
if (this.popupMode == "items" || this.popupMode == "hidden"){
var itemList = this.getItemOrder();
var line1 = "";
var line2 = "";
var count = 1;
var total = 0;
for (x = 0; x < itemList.length; x++){
var item = itemList[x].name;
var itemObj = this.items[item];
if (!itemObj.owned) continue;
if (itemObj.hidden != (this.popupMode == "hidden")) continue;
if (count > 7){
text += "<div>" + line1 + "</div><div>" + line2 + "</div>";
line1 = "";
line2 = "";
count = 1;
var equipClass = (itemObj.equipped) ? "Equipped" : "NotEquipped";
var upgradeCost = "<i></i>" + prettify(this.upgradeCost(item)) + "<i></i>" + this.getCurrencyName(item);
line1 += "<div class='autoItem autoItem" + equipClass + "' onclick='autoBattle.equip(\"" + item + "\")' onmouseover='autoBattle.hoverItem(\"" + item + "\")'>" + this.cleanName(item) + ((itemObj.noUpgrade) ? "" : "<i></i> 等级" + itemObj.level) + "</div>";
if (this.popupMode == "items"){
if (this.hideMode)
line2 += "<div class='autoItem autoItemHide' onclick='autoBattle.hide(\"" + item + "\")'>Hide</div>";
else if (itemObj.noUpgrade) line2 += "<div class='autoItem autoColorGrey'>Unupgradable</div>"
line2 += "<div class='autoItem autoItemUpgrade' onclick='autoBattle.upgrade(\"" + item + "\")' onmouseover='autoBattle.hoverItem(\"" + item + "\", true)'>Upgrade (" + upgradeCost + ")</div>";
else if (this.popupMode == "hidden")
line2 += "<div class='autoItem autoItemRestore' onclick='autoBattle.restore(\"" + item + "\")'>Restore</div>";
if (total == 0){
if (this.popupMode == "hidden") line1 += "<br/><b style='color: white; padding: 2%;'>You have no hidden items right now, but can hide items you're no longer using using the 'Hide Items' button above.</b>";
else line1 += "<br/><b>All of your items are hidden!</b>";
text += "<div>" + line1 + "</div><div>" + line2 + "</div><br/></div>";
else if (this.popupMode == "bonuses"){
for (var bonus in this.bonuses){
var bonusObj = this.bonuses[bonus];
if (bonusObj.useShards && this.maxEnemyLevel < 51) continue;
var cost = this.getBonusCost(bonus);
var costText = ((!bonusObj.useShards && cost <= this.dust) || (bonusObj.useShards && cost <= this.shards)) ? "green" : "red";
costText = "<span id='" + bonus + "BonusPrice' class='" + costText + "'>" + prettify(cost) + "<i></i>" + ((bonusObj.useShards) ? "Shards" : "Dust") + "</span>";
text += "<div id='" + bonus + "BonusBox' onclick='autoBattle.buyBonus(\"" + bonus + "\")' class='autoBonusBox'>" + this.cleanName(bonus) + "<br/>等级:" + bonusObj.level + " - " + costText + "<br/>" + bonusObj.description() + "<br/>Unlimited Purchases</div>";
var oneCount = 0;
var ownedItems = this.countOwnedItems();
for (var oneTime in this.oneTimers){
var oneObj = this.oneTimers[oneTime];
if (oneObj.owned) continue;
if (this.maxEnemyLevel >= 51 && oneCount >= 3) break;
if (oneCount >= 4) break;
var cost = this.oneTimerPrice(oneTime);
var costText = ((!oneObj.useShards && cost <= this.dust) || (oneObj.useShards && cost <= this.shards)) ? "green" : "red";
costText = "<span id='" + oneTime + "BonusPrice' class='" + costText + "'>" + prettify(cost) + "<i></i>" + ((oneObj.useShards) ? "Shards" : "Dust") + "</span>";
if (ownedItems < oneObj.requiredItems){
var need = (oneObj.requiredItems - ownedItems);
text += "<div class='autoBonusBox autoOneTimerNotOwned' style='padding-top: 2%'><br/>再完成" + need + "个合约就能解锁这项加成了!</div>";
else text += "<div onclick='autoBattle.buyOneTimer(\"" + oneTime + "\")' class='autoBonusBox autoOneTimerNotOwned'>" + this.cleanName(oneTime) + "<br/>" + costText + "<br/>" + oneObj.description + "</div>";
text += "<br/>";
for (var oneTime in this.oneTimers){
var oneObj = this.oneTimers[oneTime];
if (!oneObj.owned) continue;
text += "<div class='autoBonusBox autoOneTimerOwned'>" + this.cleanName(oneTime) + "<br/><span class='green'>Owned!</span><br/>" + oneObj.description + "</div>";
text += "</div>";
else if (this.popupMode == "contracts"){
var contracts = this.getContracts();
for (var x = 0; x < contracts.length; x++){
var item = contracts[x];
var itemObj = this.items[item];
var accepted = (this.activeContract == item) ? " accepted" : "";
var description;
if (accepted) description = "You have paid the " + ((itemObj.dustType == "shards") ? "Shards" : "Dust") + " and accepted this Contract.<br/>Huffy will gain access to this item as soon as you<br/><b style='font-size:1.3em'>在宇宙2中通过一张区域" + itemObj.zone + "及以上区域的虚空地图</b>";
else description = itemObj.description();
var extraClass = "";
if (itemObj.longText) extraClass = " descriptionSm";
text += "<div class='contractBox" + accepted + "'><div class='contractTitle'>" + this.cleanName(item) + "</div><div class='contractDescription" + extraClass + "'>" + description + "</div>";
if (accepted) text += "<span onclick='autoBattle.abandonContract()' class='btn btn-lg autoItemHide'>Abandon and Refund</span>";
else if (!this.activeContract) text += "<span onclick='autoBattle.acceptContract(\"" + item + "\")' class='btn btn-lg colorVoidy'>接受(" + prettify(this.contractPrice(item)) + "<i></i>" + this.getCurrencyName(item) + "<i></i>,通过一张区域" + itemObj.zone + "及以上区域的虚空地图)</span>";
else text += "<span class='btn btn-lg autoColorGrey'>Other Contract in Progress</span>";
text += "</div>";
if (contracts.length < 3){
var extraText = (contracts.length == 0) ? "There are no Contracts left to complete! Huffy is geared to the teeth!" : "&nbsp;";
text += "<div class='contractBox' style='width: " + (33.3 * (3 - contracts.length)).toFixed(2) + "%'><div class='contractTitle'>&nbsp;</div><div class='contractDescription'>" + extraText + "</div><span class='btn btn-lg colorVoidy' style='visibility: hidden'>&nbsp</span>"
else if (this.popupMode == "other"){
text += "<div class='abOptions'>设置:&nbsp;";
for (var setting in this.settings){
var thisSetting = this.settings[setting];
if (typeof thisSetting.hideUnless !== 'undefined' && !thisSetting.hideUnless()) continue;
var className = (thisSetting.enabled) ? "autoItemEquipped" : "autoItemHide";
text += "<span class='btn btn-md " + className + "' onclick='autoBattle.toggleSetting(\"" + setting + "\")'>" + thisSetting.text[thisSetting.enabled] + "</span>";
text += "</div>";
text += "<div class='abMiscBox'><b style='font-size: 1.1em;'>Undo last change</b><br/>";
var action = this.lastActions[this.lastActions.length - 1];
if (action){
if (!this.confirmUndo) text += "<span class='btn autoItemUpgrade btn-md' onclick='autoBattle.confirmUndoClicked()'>Undo</span>";
else text += "<b>Are you sure?!</b><br/><span class='btn autoItemUpgrade btn-md' onclick='autoBattle.restoreLastAction()'>Yes, Undo</span><span class='btn autoItemHide btn-md' onclick='autoBattle.confirmUndoClicked()'>No, Cancel</span>";
text += "<br/>";
if (action[0] == "ring"){
text += "使您的戒指降低" + action[5] + "";
else {
var itemName = this.cleanName(action[1]);
text += "使<i></i>" + itemName + "<i></i>减少" + action[5] + "";
text += ",并使<b>魔尘变回" + prettify(action[2]);
if (this.maxEnemyLevel >= 51) text += ",晶块变回" + prettify(action[6]);
text += "</b>(也就是升级前您拥有的数量)。";
if (this.maxEnemyLevel > action[3]) text += "您将回到敌人等级" + action[3] + "";
else if (this.enemiesKilled > action[4]) text += "击杀计数将减少" + prettify(this.enemiesKilled - action[4]) + "";
text += "<br/>";
else text += "Undoing your last 3 actions would still leave you with less currency than you have now."
text += "</div>"
for (var x = 1; x <= 3; x++){
var pname = 'p' + x;
var preset = this.presets[pname];
text += "<div class='abMiscBox preset'><b style='font-size: 1.1em;'>" + this.presets.names[x-1] + "</b><br/>";
text += "<span class='btn autoItemEquipped btn-md' onclick='autoBattle.savePreset(\"p" + x + "\")'>Save</span>";
if (preset.length) text += "<span class='btn autoItemUpgrade btn-md' onclick='autoBattle.loadPreset(\"p" + x + "\")'>Load</span>";
text += "<span class='btn autoColorOrange btn-md' onclick='tooltip(\"Rename SA Preset\", null, \"update\", " + x + ")'>Rename</span>";
text += "<div class='presetItems'>";
var pname = 'p' + x;
var preset = this.presets[pname];
if (!preset.length) text += "Nothing Yet";
for (var y = 0; y < preset.length; y++){
if (Array.isArray(preset[y])){
if (preset[y][0] == "level" && this.settings.loadLevel.enabled) text += "<i></i>。等级" + preset[y][1];
if (preset[y][0] == "ring" && this.settings.loadRing.enabled){
text += "。灵戒:<i></i>";
for (var z = 1; z < preset[y].length; z++){
if (z != 1) text += "<i></i>,<i></i>";
text += autoBattle.ringStats[preset[y][z]].name
if (!this.items[preset[y]] || !this.items[preset[y]].owned) continue;
if (y != 0) text += "<i></i>,<i></i>";
text += this.cleanName(preset[y]);
text += "</div>";
text += "</div>";
text += "</div>";
else if (this.popupMode == "rings"){
text += this.getRingUi();
if (itemsOnly && itemsElem){
itemsElem.innerHTML = text;
else text += "</div>";
var scrollTop = 0;
if (itemsElem){
scrollTop = itemsElem.scrollTop;
if (!(itemsOnly && itemsElem)) {cancelTooltip(); tooltip('confirm', null, 'update', text, '', 'Spire Assault', 'Close', false, true)}
if (!(updateOnly && statsOnly)) this.updatePopupBtns();
if (scrollTop > 0){
itemsElem = document.getElementById('autoItemsDiv');
if (itemsElem){
itemsElem.scrollTop = scrollTop;
window.addEventListener('resize', function() {
if (!u2Mutations.open) return;
var u2Mutations = {
open: false,
respecOnPortal: false,
purchaseCount: 0,
save: function(){
var data = {};
for (var item in this.tree){
if (this.tree[item].purchased){
data[item] = true;
game.global.u2MutationData = data;
load: function(){
var count = 0;
for (var item in this.tree){
if (game.global.u2MutationData[item]){
this.tree[item].purchased = true;
else this.tree[item].purchased = false;
this.purchaseCount = count;
clear: function(){
for (var item in this.tree){
this.tree[item].purchased = false;
this.purchaseCount = 0;
respec: function(){
for (var item in this.tree){
if (this.tree[item].purchased){
this.tree[item].purchased = false;
game.global.mutatedSeeds += game.global.mutatedSeedsSpent;
this.purchaseCount = 0;
game.global.mutatedSeedsSpent = 0;
tree: {
Scruffy: {
pos: [-3, 2],
color: 'orange',
description: "Scruffy gains 30% more experience from all sources.",
purchased: false
NovaScruff: {
pos: [-4, 7],
dn: 'Scruffva',
color: 'orange',
require: ['Scruffy'],
description: "Scruffy gains 300% of the Zone's XP when you kill a primary Nova enemy.",
purchased: false
Worship: {
pos: [-3, 10.5],
dn: 'Praise the Light',
color: 'orange',
require: ['NovaScruff'],
description: "One Worshipper per Zone changes their mind about leaving.",
purchased: false
Nullifium: {
pos: [-7, 3],
color: 'orange',
require: ['Scruffy'],
description: "Gain 10% more Nullifium when recycling Heirlooms",
purchased: false
Heirlots: {
pos: [-10, 9.5],
color: 'orange',
require: ['Nullifium'],
description: "In U2 above Z201, gain a +5% chance to find your highest available Heirloom tier, and a -5% chance to find the lowest.",
purchased: false
Slowva: {
pos: [-12, 5],
color: 'orange',
require: ['Nullifium'],
description: "When attacking a Nova enemy, take only one stack of blinded every 2 attacks.",
purchased: false
Health: {
pos: [1, 2],
color: 'purple',
description: "Gain +50% Health in U2.",
Attack: {
pos: [3, 7],
color: 'purple',
require: ["Health"],
description: "Gain +50% Attack in U2.",
purchased: false
Radon: {
pos: [7, 8],
color: 'purple',
dn: 'Mutadon',
require: ['Attack'],
description: "Gain 50% more Radon from U2 Mutations.",
purchased: false
AllRadon: {
pos: [12, 10],
dn: 'Mass Radon',
color: 'purple',
require: ['Radon'],
description: "Gain +50% Radon in U2 above Z201.",
purchased: false
Unrage: {
pos: [6, 4],
color: 'purple',
require: ['Attack'],
description: "暴怒的敌人初始攻击力从5倍变为4倍。",
purchased: false
CritChance: {
pos: [12, 4],
dn: 'Mutated Crit',
color: 'purple',
require: ['Unrage'],
description: "Gain +25% Crit Chance in U2.",
purchased: false
Overkill1: {
pos: [-3, -2],
dn: 'Overkill',
color: 'green',
description: "0.5% of your damage can Overkill 1 cell in U2, up to 30% of your Highest Zone reached. U1 Masteries that increase Overkill do not apply in U2.",
purchased: false
Overkill2: {
pos: [-5, -7],
dn: 'More Overkill',
color: 'green',
require: ['Overkill1'],
description: "You can Overkill in U2 for an additional 10% of your Highest Zone (up to 40%).",
purchased: false
Overkill3: {
pos: [-8, -12],
dn: 'Mass Overkill',
color: 'green',
require: ['Overkill2'],
description: "You can Overkill in U2 for an additional 10% of your Highest Zone (up to 50%).",
purchased: false
Decompress: {
pos: [-8, -3],
color: 'green',
require: ['Overkill1'],
description: "Compressed enemies gain 20% less attack and health from each cell they contain.",
purchased: false
MaxOverkill: {
pos: [-12, -7],
dn: 'Max Overkill',
color: 'green',
require: ['Decompress'],
description: "When Overkilling in U2, you can Overkill +1 Cell.",
purchased: false
MaZ: {
pos: [1,-2],
dn: 'Mazzy',
color: 'blue',
description: "Gain an additional Map at Zone row in Universe 2.",
purchased: false
Loot: {
pos: [3.65, -4.65],
color: 'blue',
require: ['MaZ'],
description: "All non-Radon loot gained in U2 is increased by 50%.",
purchased: false
RandLoot: {
pos: [1, -10],
dn: 'Row Siphon',
color: 'blue',
require: ['MaZ'],
description: "Cells in Randomized Rows drop 0.5 seconds of Food, Wood, and Metal production on death per row number they were swapped with. For example, if you're fighting a cell on row 2 that has stats from row 9, you'll get 4.5 seconds of production per cell. Your Worshippers don't care about this mutated food but your other Trimps don't mind.",
purchased: false
Dust: {
pos: [10, -2],
dn: 'Dusty',
color: 'blue',
require: ['MaZ'],
description: "Huffy earns 25% more Dust from all sources.",
purchased: false
RandLoot2: {
pos: [6.35, -7.35],
dn: 'Siphonier',
color: 'blue',
require: ['RandLoot', 'Dust'],
description: "Gain 50% more seconds of loot from Randomized Rows (0.75 seconds per row).",
purchased: false
Dust2: {
pos: [9.65, -10.65],
dn: 'Dustier',
color: 'blue',
require: ['RandLoot2'],
description: "Huffy earns an additional 25% Dust from all sources.",
purchased: false
purchase: function(what){
var obj = this.tree[what];
if (obj.purchased) return;
var cost = this.nextCost();
if (game.global.mutatedSeeds < cost) return;
if (obj.require){
for (var x = 0; x < obj.require.length; x++){
if (!this.tree[obj.require[x]].purchased) return;
obj.purchased = true;
game.global.mutatedSeeds -= cost;
game.global.mutatedSeedsSpent += cost;
setAlert: function(){
var elem = document.getElementById('mutatorsAlert');
var elem2 = document.getElementById('mutatorsAlert2');
var text = (game.options.menu.masteryTab.enabled != 0 && game.global.mutatedSeeds >= this.nextCost() && this.purchaseCount < Object.keys(this.tree).length) ? "!" : "";
elem.innerHTML = text;
elem2.innerHTML = text;
if (game.global.tabForMastery) updateTalentNumbers();
else document.getElementById('talentsEssenceTotal').innerHTML = (game.options.menu.masteryTab.enabled == 2 || (game.options.menu.masteryTab.enabled == 3 && text != "!")) ? " (" + prettify(game.global.mutatedSeeds) + ")" : "";
showNames: function(){
game.global.showU2MutNames = !game.global.showU2MutNames;
swapTab: function(toMutators){
game.global.tabForMastery = !toMutators;
if (toMutators) {
else {
getMasteryAlert: function(){
//To show the alert on the 'show masteries' button
if (!((game.options.menu.masteryTab.enabled == 1 || game.options.menu.masteryTab.enabled == 3))) return "";
var cost = getNextTalentCost();
if (cost == -1) return "";
if (game.global.essence >= cost) return '&nbsp;<span class="alert badge">!</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;';
toggleRespec: function(displayOnly, forceHide){
var mutRespecBtn = document.getElementById('respecMutatorsBtn');
if (forceHide || game.global.highestRadonLevelCleared < 200 || this.purhcaseCount < 1) {
this.respecOnPortal = false;
mutRespecBtn.style.display = 'none';
if (!displayOnly) this.respecOnPortal = !this.respecOnPortal;
mutRespecBtn.style.display = 'inline-block';
mutRespecBtn.innerHTML = (this.respecOnPortal) ? 'Cancel Mutator Respec' : 'Respec Mutators On Portal';
var newClass = (this.respecOnPortal) ? 'autoColorOrange' : 'autoColorTeal';
swapClass('autoColor', newClass, mutRespecBtn);
openTree: function(){
var scale = Math.min(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight) / 32;
document.getElementById('mutTreeWrapper').style.display = 'block';
document.getElementById("wrapper").style.display = "none";
document.getElementById('mutTreeWrapper').innerHTML = '';
var costText = (Object.keys(this.tree).length > this.purchaseCount) ? "下个突变因子花费:" + prettify(this.nextCost()) : "已购买所有突变因子!";
var text = "<div><div style='position: absolute; top: 2%; left: 2%; display: inline-block;'><span style='font-size: 1.1em; margin-left: 0.25em;' class='btn btn-lg btn-info' onclick='u2Mutations.showNames()' id='u2MutShowNameBtn'>" + ((game.global.showU2MutNames) ? "Hide Names" : "Show Names") + "</span><br/><span style='font-size: 1.1em; margin-top: 0.25em;' id='swapToMasteryBtn' class='btn btn-lg btn-success' onclick='u2Mutations.swapTab(false)'>显示专精" + this.getMasteryAlert() + "</span></div>剩余突变之种:" + prettify(game.global.mutatedSeeds) + "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" + costText + "<span id='mutTreeCloseBtn' class='icomoon icon-close' onclick='u2Mutations.closeTree()'></span></div><div id='mutTree'>";
for (var item in this.tree){
var boxScale = 2 * scale;
var coords = this.tree[item].pos;
var itemObj = this.tree[item];
var bgColor = 'available';
if (itemObj.purchased) bgColor = 'purchased';
else if (itemObj.require){
var meetReq = true;
for (var y = 0; y < itemObj.require.length; y++){
if (!this.tree[itemObj.require[y]].purchased){
meetReq = false;
if (!meetReq) bgColor = 'requirement';
var dn = (itemObj.dn) ? itemObj.dn : item;
text += '<div onclick="u2Mutations.purchase(\'' + item + '\')" onmouseover="tooltip(\'' + item + '\', \'Mutator\', event)" onmouseout="tooltip(\'hide\')" id="' + item + 'MutatorBox" class="mutatorBox mutatorBox' + bgColor + '" style="color: ' + itemObj.color + '; width: ' + (boxScale) + 'px; height: ' + (boxScale) + 'px; left: ' + (coords[0] * scale) + 'px; top: ' + (coords[1] * scale) + 'px; font-size: ' + scale * 1.5 + 'px">';
if (game.global.showU2MutNames) text += '<span class="mutTreeName">' + dn + '</span>';
text += '<span class="icomoon icon-star"></span></div>';
if (!itemObj.require) continue;
var connect = itemObj.require;
for (var x = 0; x < connect.length; x++){
var thisConnect = this.tree[connect[x]].pos;
var distanceX = thisConnect[0] - coords[0];
var distanceY = thisConnect[1] - coords[1];
var length = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(distanceX, 2) + Math.pow(distanceY, 2));
var angle = Math.atan2(distanceY, distanceX) * 180 / Math.PI;
var left = (coords[0] * scale + (boxScale/2) - (length*scale/2) + (distanceX/2*scale));
var top = (coords[1] * scale + (boxScale/2) + (distanceY/2*scale));
var width = (length * scale);
var line = '<div class="mutLine" style="left: ' + left + 'px; top: ' + top + 'px; height: 1px; width: ' + width + 'px; transform: rotate(' + angle + 'deg);">&nbsp;</div>'
text += line;
text += "</div>"
document.getElementById('mutTreeWrapper').innerHTML = text;
this.open = true;
closeTree: function(){
this.open = false;
document.getElementById('mutTreeWrapper').style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById("wrapper").style.display = "block";
nextCost: function(){
return 300 * Math.pow(2, this.purchaseCount);
rewardMutation: function(cell){
if (!cell.u2Mutation || !cell.u2Mutation.length) return 0;
var reward = game.global.world - 199;
var rewardMult = 0;
if (cell.u2Mutation.length >= 2) giveSingleAchieve("Double Trouble");
for (var x = 0; x < cell.u2Mutation.length; x++){
var mut = cell.u2Mutation[x];
if (mut == 'RGE') rewardMult += this.types.Rage.rewardMult();
else if (mut == 'NVA' || mut == 'NVX'){
rewardMult += this.types.Nova.rewardMult();
if (this.tree.NovaScruff.purchased && mut == 'NVA') Fluffy.rewardExp(3);
else if (mut == 'CMP' || mut == 'CMX') rewardMult += this.types.Compression.rewardMult();
else if (mut == 'CSP' || mut == 'CSX'){
rewardMult += this.types.Swapper.rewardMult();
if (u2Mutations.tree.RandLoot.purchased){
var seconds = Math.floor(cell.cs / 10);
if (u2Mutations.tree.RandLoot2.purchased) seconds *= 0.75;
else seconds *= 0.5;
var eligible = ["food", "wood", "metal"];
var cMessage = "您从乱数敌人身上获得了";
for (var y = 0; y < eligible.length; y++){
var item = eligible[y];
var amt = simpleSeconds(item, seconds);
amt = scaleLootBonuses(amt, true);
addResCheckMax(item, amt, true, null, true);
if (item == "food"){
item = "食物";
else if (item == "wood"){
item = "木头";
else if (item == "metal"){
item = "金属";
cMessage += prettify(amt) + item;
if (y == (eligible.length - 1)) cMessage += "";
else if (y == (eligible.length - 2)) cMessage += "";
else cMessage += "";
cMessage += ""
message(cMessage, "Loot", "*dice", null, "primary");
reward *= rewardMult;
if (game.global.challengeActive == "Daily"){
reward *= (1 + (getDailyHeliumValue(countDailyWeight()) / 100));
if (Fluffy.isRewardActive("bigSeeds")) reward *= 10;
game.global.mutatedSeeds += reward;
if (typeof game.global.messages.Loot.seeds === 'undefined') game.global.messages.Loot.seeds = true;
message("您击杀了那个<i></i>" + this.getName(cell.u2Mutation) + "<i></i>敌人,获得了" + prettify(reward) + "突变之种!", 'Loot', null, 'seedMessage', 'seeds', null, 'background-color: ' + this.getColor(cell.u2Mutation));
game.stats.mutatedSeeds.value += reward;
if (!game.global.runningChallengeSquared){
var radonPct = rewardMult * 0.25;
if (u2Mutations.tree.Radon.purchased) radonPct *= 1.25;
var radonReward = rewardResource("helium", 1, 99, false, radonPct);
message("您还从那个突变敌人身上获得了" + prettify(radonReward) + "氡!", "Loot", heliumIcon(true), 'helium', 'helium');
if (this.open) this.openTree();
addMutations: function(array){
if (game.global.world < 201) return array;
var thisTypes = this.getTypes();
if (thisTypes.length == 0) return array;
for (var item in this.types){
if (thisTypes.indexOf(item) != -1) array = this.types[item].pattern(array);
return array;
getAttack: function(cell){
var baseAttack;
var addAttack = 0;
if (cell.cs){
baseAttack = game.global.getEnemyAttack(cell.cs, cell.name);
else baseAttack = game.global.getEnemyAttack(cell.level, cell.name);
if (cell.cc) addAttack = this.types.Compression.attack(cell, baseAttack);
if (cell.u2Mutation.indexOf('NVA') != -1) baseAttack *= 0.01;
else if (cell.u2Mutation.indexOf('NVX') != -1) baseAttack *= 10;
baseAttack += addAttack;
baseAttack *= Math.pow(1.01, (game.global.world - 201));
return baseAttack;
getHealth: function(cell){
var baseHealth;
var addHealth = 0;
if (cell.cs){
baseHealth = game.global.getEnemyHealth(cell.cs, cell.name);
else baseHealth = game.global.getEnemyHealth(cell.level, cell.name);
if (cell.cc) addHealth = this.types.Compression.health(cell, baseHealth);
if (cell.u2Mutation.indexOf('NVA') != -1) baseHealth *= 0.01;
else if (cell.u2Mutation.indexOf('NVX') != -1) baseHealth *= 0.1;
baseHealth += addHealth;
baseHealth *= 2;
baseHealth *= Math.pow(1.02, (game.global.world - 201));
return baseHealth;
getTypes: function(){
if (game.global.universe != 2) return [];
if (game.global.world == 201) return ["Rage"];
else if (game.global.world == 202) return ["Compression"];
else if (game.global.world == 203) return ["Nova"];
else if (game.global.world == 204) return ["Swapper"];
var thisMutations = [];
var options = ["Rage", "Compression", "Nova", "Swapper"];
var runTimes = Math.floor((game.global.world - 201) / 50) + 1;
if (runTimes > 4) runTimes = 4;
for (var x = 0; x < runTimes; x++){
var roll = getRandomIntSeeded(game.global.u2MutationSeed++, 0, options.length);
var result = options.splice(roll, 1);
return thisMutations;
getColor: function(thisMutation){
var colors = {
RGE: {
r: 102,
g: 0,
b: 102
CMP: {
r: 0,
g: 51,
b: 0
CMX: {
r: 51,
g: 153,
b: 102
NVA: {
r: 255,
g: 153,
b: 0
NVX: {
r: 204,
g: 51,
b: 0
CSP: {
r: 0,
g: 51,
b: 153
CSX: {
r: 0,
g: 51,
b: 153
if (thisMutation.length == 1){
var useColor = colors[thisMutation[0]];
return "rgb(" + useColor.r + ", " + useColor.g + ", " + useColor.b + ")";
var r = 0;
var g = 0;
var b = 0;
for (var x = 0; x < thisMutation.length; x++){
var useColor = colors[thisMutation[x]];
r += useColor.r;
g += useColor.g;
b += useColor.b;
var length = thisMutation.length;
r = Math.floor(r / length);
g = Math.floor(g / length);
b = Math.floor(b / length);
return "rgb(" + r + ", " + g + ", " + b + ")";
getName: function(mutList){
var text = "";
var nameList = [];
for (var y = 0; y < mutList.length; y++){
var name = mutList[y];
if (name == "RGE") name = "Rage";
else if (name == "NVA" || name == "NVX") name = "Nova";
else if (name == "CSX" || name == "CSP") name = "Swapper";
else if (name == "CMP" || name == "CMX") name = "Compression";
if (nameList.indexOf(name) != -1) continue;
for (var x = 0; x < nameList.length; x++){
var isPre = (x == 0);
var isPost = (x == (nameList.length - 1));
var isMid = (!isPre && !isPost);
var isFull = (nameList.length == 1);
var name = nameList[x];
var target;
if (isFull) target = "name";
else if (isPre) target = "pre";
else if (isPost) target = "post";
else if (isMid) target = "mid";
text += this.types[name][target];
return text;
types: {
Rage: {
pattern: function(currentArray){
var possible = this.cellCount();
var spread = (Math.floor(possible / 6) + 1) * 10;
if (spread > 100) spread = 100;
var addCorrupteds = getAmountInRange(spread, possible, true);
for (var a = 0; a < addCorrupteds.length; a++){
return currentArray;
rewardMult: 1,
cellCount: function(){
var max = 60;
var stacks = 5 + Math.floor((game.global.world - 201) / 5);
if (stacks > max) stacks = max;
return stacks;
hasRage: function(cell){
if (cell.u2Mutation.indexOf('RGE') != -1) return true;
if (cell.cc && cell.cc[3] > 0) return true;
return false;
attacked: function(){
enemyAttackMult: function(){
var base = 5;
if (u2Mutations.tree.Unrage.purchased) base = 4;
var enemyCell = getCurrentWorldCell();
var healthPct = enemyCell.health / enemyCell.maxHealth;
base *= healthPct;
return base;
removeStacks: function(){
game.global.novaMutStacks = 0;
clearStacks: function(){
manageStacks(null, null, false, 'rageMutStacks', null, null, true);
drawStacks: function(){
var stacks = this.enemyAttackMult().toFixed(1);
manageStacks('Rage', stacks, false, 'rageMutStacks', 'icomoon icon-bullseye', this.stackTooltip());
stackTooltip: function(){
var mult = (u2Mutations.tree.Unrage.purchased) ? 4 : 5;
return "This enemy is enraged! Damage it to weaken it back down. Deals " + mult + "x attack damage, reduced by its remaining percentage of health."
rewardMult: function(){
return 1;
name: "Raging",
pre: "Rag"
Nova: {
pattern: function(currentArray){
var size = this.novaSize();
var min = size;
var max = 9 - size;
var repeats = this.repeats();
for (var y = 0; y < repeats; y++){
var startC = getRandomIntSeeded(game.global.u2MutationSeed++, min, max);
var startR = getRandomIntSeeded(game.global.u2MutationSeed++, min, max);
var start = (startR * 10) + startC;
var cells = [];
for (var x = 1; x < size + 1; x++){
cells.push(start + (1 * x));
cells.push(start - (1 * x));
cells.push(start + (10 * x));
cells.push(start - (10 * x));
for (var x = 0; x < cells.length; x++){
var thisCell = currentArray[cells[x]].u2Mutation;
return currentArray;
novaSize: function(){
var max = 3;
var stacks = 1 + Math.floor((game.global.world - 201) / 100);
if (stacks > max) stacks = max;
return stacks;
repeats: function(){
var max = 3;
var stacks = 1 + Math.floor((game.global.world - 201) / 75);
if (stacks > max) stacks = max;
return stacks;
hasNova: function(cell){
if (cell.u2Mutation.indexOf('NVA') != -1) return true;
if (cell.cc && cell.cc[4] > 0) return true;
return false;
attacked: function(){
if (game.global.novaMutStacks < 50) {
if (u2Mutations.tree.Slowva.purchased) game.global.novaMutStacks += 0.5;
else game.global.novaMutStacks++;
else game.global.novaMutStacks = 50;
trimpAttackMult: function(){
return Math.pow(0.99, Math.ceil(game.global.novaMutStacks));
enemyAttackMult: function(){
return Math.pow(1.01, Math.ceil(game.global.novaMutStacks));
removeStacks: function(){
game.global.novaMutStacks = 0;
clearStacks: function(){
manageStacks(null, null, true, 'novaMutStacks', null, null, true);
drawStacks: function(){
manageStacks('Blinded', Math.ceil(game.global.novaMutStacks), true, 'novaMutStacks', 'icomoon icon-sun', this.stackTooltip());
stackTooltip: function(){
return "Your Trimps are blinded by the Nova! Trimps deal " + prettify(this.trimpAttackMult()) + "x damage, and enemies deal " + prettify(this.enemyAttackMult()) + "x damage. Stacks increase when attacking Nova enemies and clear when you complete this Zone. Active in World only, can stack up to 50 times."
rewardMult: function(){
var cells = (1 + (this.novaSize() * 4)) * this.repeats();
return (u2Mutations.types.Rage.cellCount() / cells);
name: "Novad",
pre: "Nov",
mid: "ova",
post: "vad"
Swapper: {
pattern: function(currentArray){
var swapFrom = getRandomIntSeeded(game.global.u2MutationSeed++, 0, 5);
var swapTo = getRandomIntSeeded(game.global.u2MutationSeed++, 5, 9);
for (var x = 0; x < 10; x++){
var cellFrom = (swapFrom * 10) + x;
var cellTo = (swapTo * 10) + x;
currentArray[cellFrom].cs = cellTo;
currentArray[cellTo].cs = cellFrom;
return currentArray;
rewardMult: function(){
return (u2Mutations.types.Rage.cellCount() / 20);
name: "Randomized",
pre: "Rand",
mid: "dom",
post: "ized"
Compression: {
pattern: function(currentArray){
var repeat = this.repeats();
var count = this.cellCount();
var allowedCells = 98 - count;
var repeatFreq = allowedCells / repeat;
var min = 0;
var max = repeatFreq;
var compMod = 1;
if (u2Mutations.tree.Decompress.purchased) compMod = 0.8;
for (var z = 0; z < repeat; z++){
var start = getRandomIntSeeded(game.global.u2MutationSeed++, Math.ceil(min), Math.floor(max - count));
min += repeatFreq;
max += repeatFreq;
// [count, attack, health, RGE, NVA]
var contents = [count, 1, 1, 0, 0];
for (var x = start + 1; x < start + count; x++){
var thisHealth = 1;
var thisAttack = 1;
for (var y = 0; y < currentArray[x].u2Mutation.length; y++){
var item = currentArray[x].u2Mutation[y];
if (item == 'RGE') contents[3]++;
else if (item == 'NVA'){
thisHealth *= 0.01;
thisAttack *= 0.01;
else if (item == 'NVX'){
thisHealth *= 0.1;
thisAttack *= 10;
else if (item == 'CSX') {
thisHealth *= 1.2;
thisAttack *= 1.2;
else if (item == 'CSP'){
thisHealth *= 0.8;
thisAttack *= 0.8;
contents[1] += (thisAttack * compMod);
contents[2] += (thisHealth * compMod);
currentArray[x].health = "compressed";
currentArray[start].cc = contents;
return currentArray;
cellCount: function(){
var max = 7;
var stacks = 3 + Math.floor((game.global.world - 201) / 100);
if (stacks > max) stacks = max;
return stacks;
repeats: function(){
var max = 6;
var stacks = 1 + Math.floor((game.global.world - 201) / 40);
if (stacks > max) stacks = max;
return stacks;
rewardMult: function(){
return (u2Mutations.types.Rage.cellCount() / (this.cellCount() * this.repeats()));
attack: function(cell, attack){
return attack * cell.cc[1];
health: function(cell, health){
return health * cell.cc[2];
name: "Compressed",
mid: "pressed",
post: "pressed"
