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leo / WSL-Launcher

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Api.cc 12.16 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
leo 提交于 2018-09-17 20:48 . v1.2
#include "Api.h"
#include "Json.h"
#include "curl/include/curl.h"
#include <codecvt>
#include <functional>
#include <locale>
namespace {
* Handle HTTP response
* \param data HTTP response content
* \param size Reponse data length
* \param count Block count
* \param userdata User data
size_t HandleResponse(void * data, size_t size, size_t count, void * userdata) {
auto rsp = *(std::function<void (const std::string &)> *)userdata;
rsp(std::string((char *)data, size * count));
return size * count;
* Send HTTP GET request.
* \param url URL to visit
* \param authorization Token for HTTP header 'Authorization'
* \param rsp Response handler
BOOL OpenUrl(const std::string & url, const std::string & authorization, const std::function<void (const std::string &)> & rsp) {
CURL * ctx = curl_easy_init();
curl_slist * header = NULL;
if (ctx == nullptr) {
printf("Fetch distro image failed. Due to curl_easy_init\n");
return FALSE;
curl_easy_setopt(ctx, CURLOPT_POST, 0);
curl_easy_setopt(ctx, CURLOPT_URL, url.c_str());
curl_easy_setopt(ctx, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 0);
curl_easy_setopt(ctx, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, &HandleResponse);
curl_easy_setopt(ctx, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, &rsp);
curl_easy_setopt(ctx, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0L);
curl_easy_setopt(ctx, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
curl_easy_setopt(ctx, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);
curl_easy_setopt(ctx, CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL, 1L);
curl_easy_setopt(ctx, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1L);
if (!authorization.empty()) {
header = curl_slist_append(header, authorization.c_str());
curl_easy_setopt(ctx, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, header);
CURLcode ret = curl_easy_perform(ctx);
if (ret != CURLE_OK) {
printf("HTTP request failed. Due to curl_easy_perform ret : %d, %s\n", ret, curl_easy_strerror(ret));
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
* Get user's input
* \param message Input tips
* \return User's input data
std::wstring GetUserInput(const std::wstring & message) {
wprintf(L"%ls", message.c_str());
wchar_t buf[512] = {0};
std::wstring in;
if (wscanf_s(L"%s", buf, 64) == 1) in = buf;
/** Throw away any additional characters that did NOT fit in the buffer */
wchar_t check;
do {
check = getwchar();
} while ((check != L'\n') && check != WEOF);
return in;
Api::Api(const std::string & distro, const std::string & distro_repo) {
std::wstring_convert<std::codecvt_utf8<wchar_t>> converter;
_distro = converter.from_bytes(distro);
_repo = distro_repo;
_dll = ::LoadLibraryEx(L"wslapi.dll", nullptr, LOAD_LIBRARY_SEARCH_SYSTEM32);
if (_dll != nullptr) {
_is_registered = (API_IS_REGISTERED)::GetProcAddress(_dll, "WslIsDistributionRegistered");
_register = (API_REGISTER)::GetProcAddress(_dll, "WslRegisterDistribution");
_unregister = (API_UNREGISTER)::GetProcAddress(_dll, "WslUnregisterDistribution");
_config = (API_CONFIGURE)::GetProcAddress(_dll, "WslConfigureDistribution");
_launch_interactive = (API_LAUNCH_INTERACTIVE)::GetProcAddress(_dll, "WslLaunchInteractive");
_launch = (API_LAUNCH)::GetProcAddress(_dll, "WslLaunch");
Api::~Api() {
if (_dll != nullptr) FreeLibrary(_dll);
ULONG Api::GetUID(const std::wstring & name) const {
HANDLE read_pipe;
HANDLE write_pipe;
SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa { sizeof(sa), nullptr, true };
ULONG uid = (ULONG)-1;
DWORD exit_code = 0;
if (!::CreatePipe(&read_pipe, &write_pipe, &sa, 0)) {
return uid;
std::wstring cmd = L"id -u " + name;
HANDLE child;
if (Launch(cmd.c_str(), true, ::GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE), write_pipe, GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE), &child)) {
::WaitForSingleObject(child, INFINITE);
if (::GetExitCodeProcess(child, &exit_code) && (exit_code == 0)) {
char buf[64] = {0};
DWORD bytes = 0;
if (::ReadFile(read_pipe, buf, 63, &bytes, nullptr)) {
buf[bytes] = ANSI_NULL;
try {
uid = std::stoul(buf, nullptr, 10);
} catch (...) {}
return uid;
BOOL Api::Install() const {
printf("Installing, this may take a few minutes...\n");
std::wstring_convert<std::codecvt_utf8<wchar_t>> converter;
std::string repo = _repo;
std::string token = "";
/** Get Access token for Dockerhub */
BOOL succ = OpenUrl("https://auth.docker.io/token?service=registry.docker.io&scope=repository:" + repo + ":pull", "", [&](const std::string & data) {
Json::CharReaderBuilder builder;
Json::Value rsp;
if (!builder.newCharReader()->parse(data.data(), data.data() + data.size(), &rsp, nullptr) || !rsp.isObject() || !rsp["token"].isString()) {
printf("Get access_token from auth.docker.io ... [Failed]\n", data.c_str());
token = "Authorization: Bearer " + rsp["token"].asString();
printf("Get access_token from auth.docker.io ... [OK]\n");
if (!succ || token.empty()) return FALSE;
/** Get all valid versions */
std::vector<std::string> tags;
succ = OpenUrl("https://registry.hub.docker.com/v2/" + repo + "/tags/list", token, [&](const std::string & data) {
Json::CharReaderBuilder builder;
Json::Value rsp;
if (!builder.newCharReader()->parse(data.data(), data.data() + data.size(), &rsp, nullptr) || !rsp.isObject() || !rsp["tags"].isArray()) {
printf("Get distro versions from registry.hub.docker.com ... [Failed]\n", data.c_str());
size_t count = rsp["tags"].size();
if (count == 0) {
printf("Bad distro. Can NOT find image from docker.io\n");
printf("Get distro versions from registry.hub.docker.com ... [OK]\n");
printf("Valid versions for distro [%s]:\n", repo.c_str());
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
printf("\t%s\n", rsp["tags"][i].asCString());
if (!succ || tags.empty()) return FALSE;
/** Let user select which distro version to install */
std::wstring input_tag = GetUserInput(L"Please input the version tag you want to install : ");
std::string tag = converter.to_bytes(input_tag);
/** Get selected version manifests */
std::string rootfs;
succ = OpenUrl("https://registry.hub.docker.com/v2/" + repo + "/manifests/" + tag, token, [&](const std::string & data) {
Json::CharReaderBuilder builder;
Json::Value rsp;
if (!builder.newCharReader()->parse(data.data(), data.data() + data.size(), &rsp, nullptr) || !rsp.isObject() || !rsp["fsLayers"].isArray()) {
printf("Get [%s:%s] manifest from registry.hub.docker.com ... [Failed]\n", repo.c_str(), tag.c_str(), data.c_str());
size_t count = rsp["fsLayers"].size();
if (count == 0) {
printf("Bad distro version : %s. Can NOT find image from docker.io\n", tag.c_str());
printf("Get [%s:%s] manifest from registry.hub.docker.com ... [OK]\n", repo.c_str(), tag.c_str());
for (int i = (int)count - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
std::string sum = rsp["fsLayers"][i]["blobSum"].asString();
if (sum == "sha256:a3ed95caeb02ffe68cdd9fd84406680ae93d633cb16422d00e8a7c22955b46d4") continue;
rootfs = sum;
if (!succ || rootfs.empty()) return FALSE;
/** Downloading file */
FILE * file = fopen("rootfs.tar.gz", "wb+");
if (!file) {
printf("Create file for downloading distro's image failed\n");
return FALSE;
printf("Downloading rootfs for [%s:%s] ...\r", repo.c_str(), tag.c_str());
size_t size = 0;
bool ok = true;
succ = OpenUrl("https://registry.hub.docker.com/v2/" + repo + "/blobs/" + rootfs, token, [&](const std::string & data) {
if (data.size() > 0) {
size_t writed = fwrite(data.data(), 1, data.size(), file);
if (writed != data.size()) {
ok = false;
} else {
size += writed;
printf("Downloading rootfs for [%s:%s] ... %.3lf MB\r", repo.c_str(), tag.c_str(), size * 1.0 / (1024 * 1024));
if (!ok) {
printf("Downloading rootfs for [%s:%s] ... [WRITE ERROR]\n", repo.c_str(), tag.c_str());
return FALSE;
} else if (!succ) {
printf("Downloading rootfs for [%s:%s] ... [FAILED]\n", repo.c_str(), tag.c_str());
return FALSE;
} else {
printf("Downloading rootfs for [%s:%s] ... %.3lf MB [DONE]\n", repo.c_str(), tag.c_str(), size * 1.0 / (1024 * 1024));
/** Register WSL */
printf("Register distribution[%s:%s] ...\r", repo.c_str(), tag.c_str());
HRESULT hr = _register(_distro.c_str(), L"rootfs.tar.gz");
if (FAILED(hr)) {
printf("Register distribution[%s:%s] ... [FAILED]\n", repo.c_str(), tag.c_str());
return FALSE;
} else {
printf("Register distribution[%s:%s] ... [OK]\n", repo.c_str(), tag.c_str());
/** Delete /etc/resolv.conf to allow WSL to generate a version based on Windows network information */
DWORD exit_code;
hr = LaunchInteractive(L"/bin/rm /etc/resolv.conf", true, &exit_code);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
printf("Failed to install this distro : Can NOT rm /etc/resolv.conf\n");
return FALSE;
/** Ask for default login user */
/** Generate uninstall batch file */
FILE * uninstall = fopen("uninstall.bat", "w+");
std::string uninstall_cmd = converter.to_bytes(_distro) + ".exe uninstall\n";
fwrite(uninstall_cmd.c_str(), 1, uninstall_cmd.size(), uninstall);
/** Clean up */
return TRUE;
VOID Api::CreateUser() const {
/** Confirm */
while (true) {
std::wstring create_user = GetUserInput(L"Create new default user instead of 'root'[y/n] : ");
if (create_user == L"n") return;
if (create_user == L"y") break;
/** Get user name */
std::wstring name = GetUserInput(L"Create a default UNIX user. The username does not need to match your Windows username.\nFor more information visit: https://aka.ms/wslusers\nEnter new UNIX username: ");
DWORD exit_code;
/** Clean on failed */
struct Cleaner {
const Api * api;
std::wstring name;
bool cancel;
~Cleaner() {
if (cancel) return;
wprintf(L"Create default user failed, use 'root' as default\n");
std::wstring cmd_deluser = L"userdel -f -r " + name;
DWORD unused = 0;
api->LaunchInteractive(cmd_deluser.c_str(), true, &unused);
} cleanup = { this, name, false };
/** Create user account */
std::wstring cmd_adduser = L"useradd -g root -G adm,wheel -m " + name;
if (!LaunchInteractive(cmd_adduser.c_str(), true, &exit_code) || exit_code != 0) return;
/** Set user's password */
std::wstring cmd_pswd = L"passwd " + name;
if (!LaunchInteractive(cmd_pswd.c_str(), true, &exit_code) || exit_code != 0) return;
/** Set as default user */
cleanup.cancel = true;
VOID Api::Uninstall() const {
DWORD exit_code;
LaunchInteractive(L"/bin/rm -rf /usr", true, &exit_code);
HRESULT hr = _unregister(_distro.c_str());
if (FAILED(hr)) wprintf(L"Uninstall distribution[%ls] failed : %0x!\n", _distro.c_str(), hr);
