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skin.cpp 30.35 KB
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Jaime van Kessel 提交于 2022-03-03 17:26 . Fix generation of roof skin area
//Copyright (c) 2021 Ultimaker B.V.
//CuraEngine is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
#include <cmath> // std::ceil
#include "Application.h" //To get settings.
#include "Slice.h"
#include "ExtruderTrain.h"
#include "skin.h"
#include "infill.h"
#include "sliceDataStorage.h"
#include "settings/EnumSettings.h" //For EFillMethod.
#include "settings/types/Angle.h" //For the infill support angle.
#include "settings/types/Ratio.h"
#include "utils/math.h"
#include "utils/polygonUtils.h"
#include "WallToolPaths.h"
#define MIN_AREA_SIZE (0.4 * 0.4)
namespace cura
coord_t SkinInfillAreaComputation::getSkinLineWidth(const SliceMeshStorage& mesh, const LayerIndex& layer_nr)
coord_t skin_line_width = mesh.settings.get<coord_t>("skin_line_width");
if (layer_nr == 0)
const ExtruderTrain& train_skin = mesh.settings.get<ExtruderTrain&>("top_bottom_extruder_nr");
skin_line_width *= train_skin.settings.get<Ratio>("initial_layer_line_width_factor");
return skin_line_width;
SkinInfillAreaComputation::SkinInfillAreaComputation(const LayerIndex& layer_nr, SliceMeshStorage& mesh, bool process_infill)
: layer_nr(layer_nr)
, mesh(mesh)
, bottom_layer_count(mesh.settings.get<size_t>("bottom_layers"))
, initial_bottom_layer_count(mesh.settings.get<size_t>("initial_bottom_layers"))
, top_layer_count(mesh.settings.get<size_t>("top_layers"))
, skin_line_width(getSkinLineWidth(mesh, layer_nr))
, no_small_gaps_heuristic(mesh.settings.get<bool>("skin_no_small_gaps_heuristic"))
, process_infill(process_infill)
, top_skin_preshrink(mesh.settings.get<coord_t>("top_skin_preshrink"))
, bottom_skin_preshrink(mesh.settings.get<coord_t>("bottom_skin_preshrink"))
, top_skin_expand_distance(mesh.settings.get<coord_t>("top_skin_expand_distance"))
, bottom_skin_expand_distance(mesh.settings.get<coord_t>("bottom_skin_expand_distance"))
* This function is executed in a parallel region based on layer_nr.
* When modifying make sure any changes does not introduce data races.
* this function may only read/write the skin and infill from the *current* layer.
Polygons SkinInfillAreaComputation::getOutlineOnLayer(const SliceLayerPart& part_here, const LayerIndex layer2_nr)
Polygons result;
if (layer2_nr >= static_cast<int>(mesh.layers.size()))
return result;
const SliceLayer& layer2 = mesh.layers[layer2_nr];
for (const SliceLayerPart& part2 : layer2.parts)
if (part_here.boundaryBox.hit(part2.boundaryBox))
return result;
* This function is executed in a parallel region based on layer_nr.
* When modifying make sure any changes does not introduce data races.
* generateSkinAreas reads data from mesh.layers.parts[*].insets and writes to mesh.layers[n].parts[*].skin_parts
* generateSkinInsets only read/writes the skin_parts from the current layer.
* generateSkins therefore reads (depends on) data from mesh.layers[*].parts[*].insets and writes mesh.layers[n].parts[*].skin_parts
void SkinInfillAreaComputation::generateSkinsAndInfill()
SliceLayer* layer = &mesh.layers[layer_nr];
for (unsigned int part_nr = 0; part_nr < layer->parts.size(); part_nr++)
SliceLayerPart& part = layer->parts[part_nr];
* This function is executed in a parallel region based on layer_nr.
* When modifying make sure any changes does not introduce data races.
* generateSkinAreas reads data from mesh.layers[*].parts[*].insets and writes to mesh.layers[n].parts[*].skin_parts
void SkinInfillAreaComputation::generateSkinAndInfillAreas()
SliceLayer& layer = mesh.layers[layer_nr];
if (!process_infill && bottom_layer_count == 0 && top_layer_count == 0)
for(SliceLayerPart& part : layer.parts)
* This function is executed in a parallel region based on layer_nr.
* When modifying make sure any changes does not introduce data races.
* generateSkinAreas reads data from mesh.layers[*].parts[*].insets and writes to mesh.layers[n].parts[*].skin_parts
void SkinInfillAreaComputation::generateSkinAndInfillAreas(SliceLayerPart& part)
//Make a copy of the outline which we later intersect and union with the resized skins to ensure the resized skin isn't too large or removed completely.
Polygons top_skin;
if (top_layer_count > 0)
top_skin = Polygons(part.inner_area);
Polygons bottom_skin;
if (bottom_layer_count > 0 || layer_nr < LayerIndex(initial_bottom_layer_count))
bottom_skin = Polygons(part.inner_area);
calculateBottomSkin(part, bottom_skin);
calculateTopSkin(part, top_skin);
applySkinExpansion(part.inner_area, top_skin, bottom_skin);
//Now combine the resized top skin and bottom skin.
Polygons skin = top_skin.unionPolygons(bottom_skin);
if (process_infill)
{ // process infill when infill density > 0
// or when other infill meshes want to modify this infill
generateInfill(part, skin);
for (PolygonsPart& skin_area_part : skin.splitIntoParts())
part.skin_parts.back().outline = skin_area_part;
* This function is executed in a parallel region based on layer_nr.
* When modifying make sure any changes does not introduce data races.
* this function may only read/write the skin and infill from the *current* layer.
void SkinInfillAreaComputation::calculateBottomSkin(const SliceLayerPart& part, Polygons& downskin)
if (bottom_layer_count == 0 && initial_bottom_layer_count == 0)
return; // downskin remains empty
if (layer_nr < LayerIndex(initial_bottom_layer_count))
return; // don't subtract anything form the downskin
LayerIndex bottom_check_start_layer_idx = std::max(LayerIndex(0), layer_nr - bottom_layer_count);
Polygons not_air = getOutlineOnLayer(part, bottom_check_start_layer_idx);
if (!no_small_gaps_heuristic)
for (int downskin_layer_nr = bottom_check_start_layer_idx + 1; downskin_layer_nr < layer_nr; downskin_layer_nr++)
not_air = not_air.intersection(getOutlineOnLayer(part, downskin_layer_nr));
const double min_infill_area = mesh.settings.get<double>("min_infill_area");
if (min_infill_area > 0.0)
downskin = downskin.difference(not_air); // skin overlaps with the walls
void SkinInfillAreaComputation::calculateTopSkin(const SliceLayerPart& part, Polygons& upskin)
if(layer_nr > LayerIndex(mesh.layers.size()) - top_layer_count || top_layer_count <= 0)
//If we're in the very top layers (less than top_layer_count from the top of the mesh) everything will be top skin anyway, so no need to generate infill. Just take the original inner contour.
//If top_layer_count is 0, no need to calculate anything either.
Polygons not_air = getOutlineOnLayer(part, layer_nr + top_layer_count);
if (!no_small_gaps_heuristic)
for (int upskin_layer_nr = layer_nr + 1; upskin_layer_nr < layer_nr + top_layer_count; upskin_layer_nr++)
not_air = not_air.intersection(getOutlineOnLayer(part, upskin_layer_nr));
const double min_infill_area = mesh.settings.get<double>("min_infill_area");
if (min_infill_area > 0.0)
upskin = upskin.difference(not_air); // skin overlaps with the walls
* This function is executed in a parallel region based on layer_nr.
* When modifying make sure any changes does not introduce data races.
* this function may only read/write the skin and infill from the *current* layer.
void SkinInfillAreaComputation::applySkinExpansion(const Polygons& original_outline, Polygons& upskin, Polygons& downskin)
const coord_t min_width = mesh.settings.get<coord_t>("min_skin_width_for_expansion") / 2;
// Expand some areas of the skin for Skin Expand Distance.
if(min_width > 0)
// This performs an opening operation by first insetting by the minimum width, then offsetting with the same width.
// The expansion is only applied to that opened shape.
if(bottom_skin_expand_distance != 0)
const Polygons expanded = downskin.offset(-min_width).offset(min_width + bottom_skin_expand_distance);
// And then re-joined with the original part that was not offset, to retain parts smaller than min_width.
downskin = downskin.unionPolygons(expanded);
if(top_skin_expand_distance != 0)
const Polygons expanded = upskin.offset(-min_width).offset(min_width + top_skin_expand_distance);
upskin = upskin.unionPolygons(expanded);
else // No need to pay attention to minimum width. Just expand.
if(bottom_skin_expand_distance != 0)
downskin = downskin.offset(bottom_skin_expand_distance);
if(top_skin_expand_distance != 0)
upskin = upskin.offset(top_skin_expand_distance);
bool should_bottom_be_clipped = bottom_skin_expand_distance > 0;
bool should_top_be_clipped = top_skin_expand_distance > 0;
// Remove thin pieces of support for Skin Removal Width.
if(bottom_skin_preshrink > 0 || (min_width == 0 && bottom_skin_expand_distance != 0))
downskin = downskin.offset(-bottom_skin_preshrink / 2, ClipperLib::jtRound).offset(bottom_skin_preshrink / 2, ClipperLib::jtRound);
should_bottom_be_clipped = true; // Rounding errors can lead to propagation of errors. This could mean that skin goes beyond the original outline
if(top_skin_preshrink > 0 || (min_width == 0 && top_skin_expand_distance != 0))
upskin = upskin.offset(-top_skin_preshrink / 2, ClipperLib::jtRound).offset(top_skin_preshrink / 2, ClipperLib::jtRound);
should_top_be_clipped = true; // Rounding errors can lead to propagation of errors. This could mean that skin goes beyond the original outline
downskin = downskin.intersection(original_outline);
upskin = upskin.intersection(original_outline);
* This function is executed in a parallel region based on layer_nr.
* When modifying make sure any changes does not introduce data races.
* generateInfill read mesh.layers[n].parts[*].{insets,skin_parts,boundingBox} and write mesh.layers[n].parts[*].infill_area
void SkinInfillAreaComputation::generateInfill(SliceLayerPart& part, const Polygons& skin)
part.infill_area = part.inner_area.difference(skin); //Generate infill everywhere where there wasn't any skin.
* This function is executed in a parallel region based on layer_nr.
* When modifying make sure any changes does not introduce data races.
* this function may only read/write the skin and infill from the *current* layer.
void SkinInfillAreaComputation::generateRoofing(SliceLayerPart& part)
const size_t roofing_layer_count = std::min(mesh.settings.get<size_t>("roofing_layer_count"), mesh.settings.get<size_t>("top_layers"));
for(SkinPart& skin_part : part.skin_parts)
Polygons no_air_above = generateNoAirAbove(part, roofing_layer_count);
skin_part.roofing_fill = skin_part.outline.difference(no_air_above);
skin_part.skin_fill = skin_part.outline.intersection(no_air_above);
// Insets are NOT generated for any layer if the top/bottom pattern is concentric.
// In this case, we still want to generate insets for the roofing layers based on the extra skin wall count,
// if the roofing pattern is not concentric.
if (!skin_part.roofing_fill.empty()
&& layer_nr > 0
&& mesh.settings.get<EFillMethod>("roofing_pattern") != EFillMethod::CONCENTRIC
&& mesh.settings.get<EFillMethod>("top_bottom_pattern") == EFillMethod::CONCENTRIC)
Polygons no_air_above = generateNoAirAbove(part, roofing_layer_count);
skin_part.roofing_fill = skin_part.outline.difference(no_air_above);
skin_part.skin_fill = skin_part.outline.intersection(no_air_above);
const bool concentric_skinfill_pattern =
mesh.settings.get<EFillMethod>("roofing_pattern") == EFillMethod::CONCENTRIC
&& mesh.settings.get<EFillMethod>("top_bottom_pattern") != EFillMethod::CONCENTRIC;
// If the pattern is concentric, ONLY use insets.
// In this case, we still want to generate skinfill for the roofing layers,
// but only if the roofing pattern is not concentric.
if(!skin_part.roofing_fill.empty() && layer_nr > 0)
// Regenerate the no_air_above, and recalculate the inner and roofing infills,
// taking into account the extra skin wall count (only for the roofing layers).
regenerateRoofingFillAndInnerInfill(part, skin_part);
// On the contrary, unwanted insets are generated for roofing layers because of the non-concentric top/bottom pattern.
// In such cases we want to clear the skin insets first and then regenerate the proper roofing fill and inner infill
// in the concentric roofing_pattern.
else if(!skin_part.roofing_fill.empty() && skin_part.skin_fill.empty() && layer_nr > 0 && concentric_skinfill_pattern)
// Clear the skin insets for the roofing layers and regenerate the roofing fill and inner infill without taking into
// account the Extra Skin Wall Count.
regenerateRoofingFillAndInnerInfill(part, skin_part);
* This function is executed in a parallel region based on layer_nr.
* When modifying make sure any changes does not introduce data races.
* this function may only read the skin and infill from the *current* layer.
Polygons SkinInfillAreaComputation::generateNoAirAbove(SliceLayerPart& part, size_t roofing_layer_count)
const size_t wall_idx = std::min(size_t(2), mesh.settings.get<size_t>("wall_line_count"));
Polygons no_air_above = getOutlineOnLayer(part, layer_nr + roofing_layer_count);
if (!no_small_gaps_heuristic)
for (int layer_nr_above = layer_nr + 1; layer_nr_above < layer_nr + roofing_layer_count; layer_nr_above++)
Polygons outlines_above = getOutlineOnLayer(part, layer_nr_above);
no_air_above = no_air_above.intersection(outlines_above);
if (layer_nr > 0)
// if the skin has air below it then cutting it into regions could cause a region
// to be wholely or partly above air and it may not be printable so restrict
// the regions that have air above (the visible regions) to not include any area that
// has air below (fixes https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/issues/2656)
// set air_below to the skin area for the current layer that has air below it
Polygons air_below = getOutlineOnLayer(part, layer_nr).difference(getOutlineOnLayer(part, layer_nr - 1));
if (!air_below.empty())
// add the polygons that have air below to the no air above polygons
no_air_above = no_air_above.unionPolygons(air_below);
return no_air_above;
* This function is executed in a parallel region based on layer_nr.
* When modifying make sure any changes does not introduce data races.
* this function may only read the skin and infill from the *current* layer.
Polygons SkinInfillAreaComputation::generateNoAirBelow(SliceLayerPart& part, size_t flooring_layer_count)
if (layer_nr < flooring_layer_count)
return {};
constexpr size_t min_wall_line_count = 2;
const int lowest_flooring_layer = layer_nr - flooring_layer_count;
Polygons no_air_below = getOutlineOnLayer(part, lowest_flooring_layer);
if (!no_small_gaps_heuristic)
const int next_lowest_flooring_layer = lowest_flooring_layer + 1;
for (int layer_nr_below = next_lowest_flooring_layer; layer_nr_below < layer_nr; layer_nr_below++)
Polygons outlines_below = getOutlineOnLayer(part, layer_nr_below);
no_air_below = no_air_below.intersection(outlines_below);
return no_air_below;
* This function is executed in a parallel region based on layer_nr.
* When modifying make sure any changes does not introduce data races.
* this function may only read/write the skin and infill from the *current* layer.
void SkinInfillAreaComputation::regenerateRoofingFillAndInnerInfill(SliceLayerPart& part, SkinPart& skin_part)
const size_t roofing_layer_count = std::min(mesh.settings.get<size_t>("roofing_layer_count"), mesh.settings.get<size_t>("top_layers"));
Polygons no_air_above = generateNoAirAbove(part, roofing_layer_count);
skin_part.roofing_fill = skin_part.outline.difference(no_air_above);
skin_part.skin_fill = skin_part.outline.intersection(no_air_above);
void SkinInfillAreaComputation::generateInfillSupport(SliceMeshStorage& mesh)
const coord_t layer_height = mesh.settings.get<coord_t>("layer_height");
const AngleRadians support_angle = mesh.settings.get<AngleRadians>("infill_support_angle");
const double tan_angle = tan(support_angle) - 0.01; //The X/Y component of the support angle. 0.01 to make 90 degrees work too.
const coord_t max_dist_from_lower_layer = tan_angle * layer_height; //Maximum horizontal distance that can be bridged.
for (int layer_idx = mesh.layers.size() - 2; layer_idx >= 0; layer_idx--)
SliceLayer& layer = mesh.layers[layer_idx];
SliceLayer& layer_above = mesh.layers[layer_idx + 1];
Polygons inside_above;
Polygons infill_above;
for (SliceLayerPart& part_above : layer_above.parts)
for (SliceLayerPart& part : layer.parts)
const Polygons& infill_area = part.infill_area;
if (infill_area.empty())
const Polygons unsupported = infill_area.offset(-max_dist_from_lower_layer);
const Polygons basic_overhang = unsupported.difference(inside_above);
const Polygons overhang_extented = basic_overhang.offset(max_dist_from_lower_layer + 50); // +50 for easier joining with support from layer above
const Polygons full_overhang = overhang_extented.difference(inside_above);
const Polygons infill_support = infill_above.unionPolygons(full_overhang);
part.infill_area_own = infill_support.intersection(part.getOwnInfillArea());
void SkinInfillAreaComputation::generateGradualInfill(SliceMeshStorage& mesh)
// no early-out for this function; it needs to initialize the [infill_area_per_combine_per_density]
float layer_skip_count = 8; // skip every so many layers as to ignore small gaps in the model making computation more easy
if (!mesh.settings.get<bool>("skin_no_small_gaps_heuristic"))
layer_skip_count = 1;
const coord_t gradual_infill_step_height = mesh.settings.get<coord_t>("gradual_infill_step_height");
const size_t gradual_infill_step_layer_count = round_divide(gradual_infill_step_height, mesh.settings.get<coord_t>("layer_height")); // The difference in layer count between consecutive density infill areas
// make gradual_infill_step_height divisible by layer_skip_count
float n_skip_steps_per_gradual_step = std::max(1.0f, std::ceil(gradual_infill_step_layer_count / layer_skip_count)); // only decrease layer_skip_count to make it a divisor of gradual_infill_step_layer_count
layer_skip_count = gradual_infill_step_layer_count / n_skip_steps_per_gradual_step;
const size_t max_infill_steps = mesh.settings.get<size_t>("gradual_infill_steps");
const LayerIndex min_layer = mesh.settings.get<size_t>("initial_bottom_layers");
const LayerIndex max_layer = mesh.layers.size() - 1 - mesh.settings.get<size_t>("top_layers");
const auto infill_wall_count = mesh.settings.get<size_t>("infill_wall_line_count");
const auto infill_wall_width = mesh.settings.get<coord_t>("infill_line_width");
const auto infill_overlap = mesh.settings.get<coord_t>("infill_overlap_mm");
for (LayerIndex layer_idx = 0; layer_idx < static_cast<LayerIndex>(mesh.layers.size()); layer_idx++)
{ // loop also over layers which don't contain infill cause of bottom_ and top_layer to initialize their infill_area_per_combine_per_density
SliceLayer& layer = mesh.layers[layer_idx];
for (SliceLayerPart& part : layer.parts)
assert((part.infill_area_per_combine_per_density.empty() && "infill_area_per_combine_per_density is supposed to be uninitialized"));
const Polygons& infill_area = Infill::generateWallToolPaths(part.infill_wall_toolpaths, part.getOwnInfillArea(), infill_wall_count, infill_wall_width, infill_overlap, mesh.settings);
if (infill_area.empty() || layer_idx < min_layer || layer_idx > max_layer)
{ // initialize infill_area_per_combine_per_density empty
part.infill_area_per_combine_per_density.emplace_back(); // create a new infill_area_per_combine
part.infill_area_per_combine_per_density.back().emplace_back(); // put empty infill area in the newly constructed infill_area_per_combine
// note: no need to copy part.infill_area, cause it's the empty vector anyway
Polygons less_dense_infill = infill_area; // one step less dense with each infill_step
for (size_t infill_step = 0; infill_step < max_infill_steps; infill_step++)
LayerIndex min_layer = layer_idx + infill_step * gradual_infill_step_layer_count + static_cast<size_t>(layer_skip_count);
LayerIndex max_layer = layer_idx + (infill_step + 1) * gradual_infill_step_layer_count;
for (float upper_layer_idx = min_layer; upper_layer_idx <= max_layer; upper_layer_idx += layer_skip_count)
if (upper_layer_idx >= mesh.layers.size())
const SliceLayer& upper_layer = mesh.layers[static_cast<size_t>(upper_layer_idx)];
Polygons relevent_upper_polygons;
for (const SliceLayerPart& upper_layer_part : upper_layer.parts)
if (!upper_layer_part.boundaryBox.hit(part.boundaryBox))
less_dense_infill = less_dense_infill.intersection(relevent_upper_polygons);
if (less_dense_infill.empty())
// add new infill_area_per_combine for the current density
std::vector<Polygons>& infill_area_per_combine_current_density = part.infill_area_per_combine_per_density.back();
const Polygons more_dense_infill = infill_area.difference(less_dense_infill);
std::vector<Polygons>& infill_area_per_combine_current_density = part.infill_area_per_combine_per_density.back();
part.infill_area_own = std::nullopt; // clear infill_area_own, it's not needed any more.
assert(!part.infill_area_per_combine_per_density.empty() && "infill_area_per_combine_per_density is now initialized");
void SkinInfillAreaComputation::combineInfillLayers(SliceMeshStorage& mesh)
if (mesh.layers.empty() || mesh.layers.size() - 1 < static_cast<size_t>(mesh.settings.get<size_t>("top_layers")) || mesh.settings.get<coord_t>("infill_line_distance") == 0) //No infill is even generated.
const coord_t layer_height = mesh.settings.get<coord_t>("layer_height");
const size_t amount = std::max(uint64_t(1), round_divide(mesh.settings.get<coord_t>("infill_sparse_thickness"), std::max(layer_height, coord_t(1)))); //How many infill layers to combine to obtain the requested sparse thickness.
if(amount <= 1) //If we must combine 1 layer, nothing needs to be combined. Combining 0 layers is invalid.
/* We need to round down the layer index we start at to the nearest
divisible index. Otherwise we get some parts that have infill at divisible
layers and some at non-divisible layers. Those layers would then miss each
other. */
size_t bottom_most_layers = mesh.settings.get<size_t>("initial_bottom_layers");
LayerIndex min_layer = static_cast<LayerIndex>(bottom_most_layers + amount) - 1;
min_layer -= min_layer % amount; //Round upwards to the nearest layer divisible by infill_sparse_combine.
LayerIndex max_layer = static_cast<LayerIndex>(mesh.layers.size()) - 1 - mesh.settings.get<size_t>("top_layers");
max_layer -= max_layer % amount; //Round downwards to the nearest layer divisible by infill_sparse_combine.
for(LayerIndex layer_idx = min_layer; layer_idx <= max_layer; layer_idx += amount) //Skip every few layers, but extrude more.
SliceLayer* layer = &mesh.layers[layer_idx];
for(size_t combine_count_here = 1; combine_count_here < amount; combine_count_here++)
if(layer_idx < static_cast<LayerIndex>(combine_count_here))
LayerIndex lower_layer_idx = layer_idx - combine_count_here;
if (lower_layer_idx < min_layer)
SliceLayer* lower_layer = &mesh.layers[lower_layer_idx];
for (SliceLayerPart& part : layer->parts)
for (unsigned int density_idx = 0; density_idx < part.infill_area_per_combine_per_density.size(); density_idx++)
{ // go over each density of gradual infill (these density areas overlap!)
std::vector<Polygons>& infill_area_per_combine = part.infill_area_per_combine_per_density[density_idx];
Polygons result;
for (SliceLayerPart& lower_layer_part : lower_layer->parts)
if (part.boundaryBox.hit(lower_layer_part.boundaryBox))
Polygons intersection = infill_area_per_combine[combine_count_here - 1].intersection(lower_layer_part.infill_area).offset(-200).offset(200);
result.add(intersection); // add area to be thickened
infill_area_per_combine[combine_count_here - 1] = infill_area_per_combine[combine_count_here - 1].difference(intersection); // remove thickened area from less thick layer here
unsigned int max_lower_density_idx = density_idx;
// Generally: remove only from *same density* areas on layer below
// If there are no same density areas, then it's ok to print them anyway
// Don't remove other density areas
if (density_idx == part.infill_area_per_combine_per_density.size() - 1)
// For the most dense areas on a given layer the density of that area is doubled.
// This means that - if the lower layer has more densities -
// all those lower density lines are included in the most dense of this layer.
// We therefore compare the most dense are on this layer with all densities
// of the lower layer with the same or higher density index
max_lower_density_idx = lower_layer_part.infill_area_per_combine_per_density.size() - 1;
for (size_t lower_density_idx = density_idx; lower_density_idx <= max_lower_density_idx && lower_density_idx < lower_layer_part.infill_area_per_combine_per_density.size(); lower_density_idx++)
std::vector<Polygons>& lower_infill_area_per_combine = lower_layer_part.infill_area_per_combine_per_density[lower_density_idx];
lower_infill_area_per_combine[0] = lower_infill_area_per_combine[0].difference(intersection); // remove thickened area from lower (single thickness) layer
* This function is executed in a parallel region based on layer_nr.
* When modifying make sure any changes does not introduce data races.
* this function may only read/write the skin and infill from the *current* layer.
void SkinInfillAreaComputation::generateTopAndBottomMostSkinSurfaces(SliceLayerPart &part) {
for (SkinPart& skin_part : part.skin_parts) {
Polygons no_air_above = generateNoAirAbove(part, 1);
skin_part.top_most_surface_fill = skin_part.skin_fill.difference(no_air_above);
Polygons no_air_below = generateNoAirBelow(part, 1);
skin_part.bottom_most_surface_fill = skin_part.skin_fill.difference(no_air_below);
}//namespace cura
