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DETAILS: Tier: Free, Premium, Ultimate Offering: GitLab.com, Self-managed, GitLab Dedicated

The Datadog integration enables you to send CI/CD pipeline and job information to Datadog. The Datadog CI Visibility product helps you monitor for job failures and performance issues, then troubleshoot them. It's based on Webhooks, and only requires configuration on GitLab.

Configure the integration

Users with the Administrator role can configure the integration at the project, group, or instance level:

  1. If you do not have a Datadog API key:
    1. Sign in to Datadog.
    2. Go to the Integrations section.
    3. Generate an API key in the APIs tab. Copy this value, as you need it in a later step.
  2. For project-level or group-level integrations: In GitLab, go to your project or group.
  3. For instance-level integrations:
    1. Sign in to GitLab as a user with administrator access.
    2. On the left sidebar, at the bottom, select Admin Area.
  4. Select Settings > Integrations.
  5. Scroll to Add an integration, and select Datadog.
  6. Select Active to enable the integration.
  7. Specify the Datadog site to send data to.
  8. Provide your Datadog API key.
  9. Optional. Select Enable logs collection to enable logs collection for the output of jobs. (Introduced in GitLab 15.3.)
  10. Optional. To override the API URL used to send data directly, provide an API URL. Used only in advanced scenarios.
  11. Optional. If you use more than one GitLab instance, provide a unique Service name to differentiate between your GitLab instances.
  1. Optional. If you use groups of GitLab instances (such as staging and production environments), provide an Env name. This value is attached to each span the integration generates.
  1. Optional. To define any custom tags for all spans at which the integration is being configured, enter one tag per line in Tags. Each line must be in the format key:value.
  2. Optional. Select Test settings.
  3. Select Save changes.

When the integration sends data, you can view it in the CI Visibility section of your Datadog account.

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