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此仓库是为了提升国内下载速度的镜像仓库,每日同步一次。 原始仓库: https://github.com/dumingyou/mysql_repl_repair
mysql_repl_repair.py 32.78 KB
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dukope 提交于 2018-06-01 17:15 . fix multi thread salve error
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#author: dumingyou,zhaotianyuan from netease
#this script is used to repair mysql replication errors(1062, 1032)
#1062: HA_ERR_FOUND_DUPP_KEY (duplicate key)
#1032: HA_ERR_KEY_NOT_FOUND (key not found)
import MySQLdb.cursors
import sys,os,fcntl,time,decimal,struct,signal,logging
from optparse import OptionParser
from threading import Thread
sigint_up = False
def usage():
"Print usage and parse input variables"
usage = "\n"
usage += "python " + sys.argv[0] + " [options]\n"
usage += "\n"
usage += "this script is used to repair mysql replication errors(1062, 1032)\n"
usage += "\n"
usage += "example:\n"
usage += "python mysql_repl_repair.py -u mysql -p mysql -S /tmp/mysql.sock -d -v\n"
usage += "python mysql_repl_repair.py -u mysql -p mysql -S /tmp/mysql3306.sock,"\
"/tmp/mysql3307.sock -l /tmp\n"
parser = OptionParser(usage)
parser.add_option("-u", "--user", dest="user", action="store",
help = "username for login mysql")
parser.add_option("-p", "--password", dest="password", action="store",
help = "Password to use when connecting to server")
parser.add_option("-l", "--logdir", dest="logdir", action="store",
help = "log will output to screen by default,"\
"if run with daemon mode, default logdir is /tmp,"\
" logfile is $logdir/mysql_repl_repair.$port.log")
parser.add_option("-S", "--socket",dest="sockets", action="store",
help = "mysql sockets for connecting to server, "\
"you can input multi socket to repair multi mysql instance,"\
" each socket separate by ','")
parser.add_option("-d", "--daemon",dest="daemon", action="store_true",
default=False, help = "run as a daemon")
parser.add_option("-t", "--time",dest="time", action="store",
default='0', help = "unit is second, default is 0 mean run forever")
parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", action="store_true",
default=False, help = "debug log mode")
if not options.time.isdigit():
print "please input a integer value for time"
if options.daemon and options.logdir is None:
options.logdir = "/tmp"
if options.logdir is not None:
if not os.path.exists(options.logdir):
print "logdir %s is not exists" %(options.logdir)
if not( options.user and options.password and options.sockets):
print "please input user password socket"
return options
class Daemon(object):
"A generic daemon class"
def daemonize(self):
# do first fork
pid = os.fork()
if pid > 0:
# exit first parent
except OSError, e:
sys.stderr.write("fork #1 failed: %d (%s)\n" % (e.errno, e.strerror))
# decouple from parent environment
# do second fork
pid = os.fork()
if pid > 0:
# exit from second parent
except OSError, e:
sys.stderr.write("fork #2 failed: %d (%s)\n" % (e.errno, e.strerror))
# redirect standard file descriptors
si = file(os.devnull, 'r')
so = file(os.devnull, 'a+')
se = file(os.devnull, 'a+')
os.dup2(si.fileno(), sys.stdin.fileno())
os.dup2(so.fileno(), sys.stdout.fileno())
os.dup2(se.fileno(), sys.stderr.fileno())
def start(self):
"Start the daemon"
# Start the daemon
def run(self):
"You should override this method when you subclass Daemon"
def sigint_handler(signum, frame):
global sigint_up
sigint_up = True
class MysqlReplRepairDaemon(Daemon):
"run mysql repl repair as a daemon"
def __init__(self, option):
self.option = option
def run(self):
def run_mysql_repl_repair(op):
threadlist = []
runseconds = int(op.time) - 1
for socket in op.sockets.split(","):
myrepair = MysqlReplRepair(op.user, op.password, socket, op.logdir, op.verbose)
for thread in threadlist:
while runseconds !=0 :
if sigint_up:
print "Bye.Bye"
runseconds = runseconds -1
for thread in threadlist:
class MysqlReplRepair(Thread):
"Do MySQL repliaction repair"
def __init__(self,user,password,socket,logdir,isdebug):
self.user = user
self.password = password
self.socket = socket
self.logdir = logdir
self.isdebug = isdebug
self.errorno = 0
self.dbcursor = self.init_dbconn()
self.port = self.init_port()
self.start_position = 0
self.stop_position = 0
self.lockfile = "/tmp/mysql_repl_repair" + str(self.port) + ".lck"
self.logger = MyLogger(self.port, self.logdir, self.isdebug)
self.logger.info(" "*25 + "PROCESS START")
def init_dbconn(self):
"init db connection, return a db cursor"
conn = MySQLdb.connect(user=self.user, passwd=self.password,unix_socket=self.socket,
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute("set session sql_log_bin=0")
return cur
except Exception, e:
raise Exception("can't connect to db, please check user: %s, password: %s and socket: %s"\
def init_port(self):
"get db port"
self.dbcursor.execute("select @@port port")
return self.dbcursor.fetchone()["port"]
def execsql(self,sql):
"execute sql and return result"
self.logger.debug("start run sql: %s" %(sql))
ret = self.dbcursor.fetchone()
self.logger.debug("sql result: %s" %(str(ret)))
return ret
def get_relay_dir(self):
ret = self.execsql("select @@relay_log relay_log")
if ret["relay_log"] is None:
return self.execsql("select @@datadir datadir")["datadir"]
elif ret["relay_log"].startswith("/"):
return ret["relay_log"][:ret["relay_log"].rindex("/")+1]
datadir = self.execsql("select @@datadir datadir")["datadir"]
if ret["relay_log"].startswith("./"):
return datadir + ret["relay_log"][:ret["relay_log"].rindex("/")+1]
return datadir
def table_unique_key_info(self,schema_name,table_name):
"get table unique key"
self.dbcursor.execute("""select INDEX_NAME, COLUMN_NAME
from information_schema.STATISTICS
where table_name = '%s' and NON_UNIQUE = 0 and table_schema ='%s'
order by INDEX_NAME, SEQ_IN_INDEX""" %(table_name,schema_name))
res = {}
rows = self.dbcursor.fetchall()
for row in rows:
if row["INDEX_NAME"] not in res:
res[row["INDEX_NAME"]] = [row["COLUMN_NAME"]]
return res
def rowformat_check(self):
"check binlog format"
ret = self.execsql("select @@binlog_format format")
if ret["format"] !="ROW":
return False
ret = self.execsql("select @@binlog_row_image binlog_row_image")
if ret["binlog_row_image"] !="FULL":
return False
except Exception, e:
return True
def fix_slave_by_sql(self,sql):
"run sql and restart slave"
global sigint_up
self.logger.info("try to run this sql to resolve repl error, sql: " +sql)
except Exception, e:
self.logger.error("run sql failed, sql: " + sql)
sigint_up = True
self.execsql("stop slave;")
self.execsql("start slave")
slaveinfo = self.execsql("show slave status")
if slaveinfo["Seconds_Behind_Master"] is not None and slaveinfo["Slave_SQL_Running"] == "Yes":
self.logger.info("slave repl error fixed success!")
return True
self.logger.info("slave repl error fixed failed! go on...")
return False
def handle_error(self,rowdata,binlog_pos):
"handle 1062 & 1032 error with row event result data"
table_schema = rowdata["table_schema"]
table_name = rowdata["table_name"]
sql = ""
if self.errorno == 1062: #duplicate key error
if rowdata["event_type"] in (23,30,24,31): #only insert & update cause 1062 error
tb_unique_cols = self.table_unique_key_info(table_schema,table_name)
if tb_unique_cols == {}: #no unique key never cause duplicate key error
return False
where_pred = ""
for uk_name in tb_unique_cols:
tmp_pred = ""
for col_name in tb_unique_cols[uk_name]:
if rowdata["event_type"] in (23,30):
tmp_pred += "and `%s` = %s " %(col_name, rowdata["data"][col_name])
elif rowdata["event_type"] in (24,31):
tmp_pred += "and `%s` = %s " %(col_name, rowdata["data2"][col_name])
where_pred += "or (" + tmp_pred.lstrip("and") + ") "
sql = "delete from `%s`.`%s` where %s" %(table_schema,table_name, where_pred.lstrip("or"))
elif self.errorno == 1032: #record not found,update,delete
if rowdata["event_type"] in (24, 25, 31, 32): # only update & delete cause 1032 error
tmp_pred = ""
for col_name in rowdata["data"]:
if rowdata["data"][col_name] is not None:
tmp_pred += "`%s` = %s," %(col_name,rowdata["data"][col_name])
sql = "replace into `%s`.`%s` set %s" %(table_schema,table_name,tmp_pred.rstrip(","))
if sql == "":
return False
if self.stop_position > binlog_pos+4:
return False
return self.fix_slave_by_sql(sql)
def change_repl_worker_count(self,type):
"set slave slave_parallel_workers to 0 or to multi"
ret = self.execsql("select * from information_schema.global_variables where VARIABLE_NAME='slave_parallel_workers'")
if ret is None:
if type == 0:
self.execsql("select ifnull(@slave_workers, @slave_workers:=@@slave_parallel_workers)")
self.execsql("set global slave_parallel_workers=0")
self.execsql("set global slave_parallel_workers=@slave_workers")
self.execsql("stop slave")
self.execsql("start slave")
def run(self):
"check mysql replication and handle errors"
global sigint_up
# add file lock first to sure only 1 process is running on this instance
if not os.path.exists(self.lockfile):
os.system("touch %s" %(self.lockfile))
f = open(self.lockfile, "r")
fcntl.flock(f.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_EX|fcntl.LOCK_NB)
self.logger.debug("get file lock on %s success" %(self.lockfile))
except Exception, e:
msg = "can't get lock for mysql %s, please check script is already running" %(self.port)
sigint_up = True
raise Exception(msg)
# check binlog format
if not self.rowformat_check():
sigint_up = True
raise Exception("unsupport binlog format")
relaydir = self.get_relay_dir()
while sigint_up==False:
slaveinfo = self.execsql("show slave status")
if slaveinfo is None:
self.logger.info("this instance is not a slave,needn't repair")
if slaveinfo["Seconds_Behind_Master"] is not None and slaveinfo["Slave_SQL_Running"] == "Yes":
self.logger.info("SLAVE IS OK !, SKIP...")
self.errorno = int(slaveinfo['Last_SQL_Errno'])
if self.errorno in (1032, 1062) and slaveinfo["Last_SQL_Error"] !="":
#change slave repl work to 0
slaveinfo = self.execsql("show slave status")
binlogfile = relaydir + slaveinfo["Relay_Log_File"]
self.start_position = slaveinfo["Relay_Log_Pos"]
last_sql_error = slaveinfo["Last_SQL_Error"]
relay_log_pos = int(slaveinfo["Relay_Log_Pos"])
exec_master_log_pos = int(slaveinfo["Exec_Master_Log_Pos"])
print last_sql_error.split('end_log_pos')
end_log_pos = int(last_sql_error.split('end_log_pos')[1].split('.')[0])
self.stop_position = relay_log_pos + (end_log_pos - exec_master_log_pos)
self.logger.info(" "*10 + "REPL ERROR FOUND !!! STRAT REPAIR ERROR...")
self.logger.info("RELAYLOG FILE : %s " % (binlogfile))
self.logger.info("START POSITION : %s . STOP POSITION : %s " % (self.start_position, self.stop_position))
self.logger.info("ERROR MESSAGE : %s" % (last_sql_error))
self.logger.info("start parse relay log to fix this error...")
binlogread = BinlogReader(binlogfile,self.start_position,self.dbcursor,self.logger)
for event in binlogread:
if event.rowdata !={}:
res = self.handle_error(event.rowdata, event.start_pos)
if res:
if sigint_up or event.start_pos >= self.stop_position:
elif self.errorno > 0:
self.logger.info("this script just can resolve replication error 1062 & 1032")
self.logger.info("current error is %s, msg: %s" %(slaveinfo['Last_SQL_Errno'], last_sql_error))
self.logger.info("you should fix it by yourself")
bitCountInByte = [
0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 4,
1, 2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 4, 2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 5,
1, 2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 4, 2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 5,
2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 5, 3, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 6,
1, 2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 4, 2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 5,
2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 5, 3, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 6,
2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 5, 3, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 6,
3, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 6, 4, 5, 5, 6, 5, 6, 6, 7,
1, 2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 4, 2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 5,
2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 5, 3, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 6,
2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 5, 3, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 6,
3, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 6, 4, 5, 5, 6, 5, 6, 6, 7,
2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 5, 3, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 6,
3, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 6, 4, 5, 5, 6, 5, 6, 6, 7,
3, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 6, 4, 5, 5, 6, 5, 6, 6, 7,
4, 5, 5, 6, 5, 6, 6, 7, 5, 6, 6, 7, 6, 7, 7, 8,
# Calculate totol bit counts in a bitmap
def BitCount(bitmap):
n = 0
for i in range(0, len(bitmap)):
bit = bitmap[i]
if type(bit) is str:
bit = ord(bit)
n += bitCountInByte[bit]
return n
# Get the bit set at offset position in bitmap
def BitGet(bitmap, position):
bit = bitmap[int(position / 8)]
if type(bit) is str:
bit = ord(bit)
return bit & (1 << (position & 7))
class BinlogReader():
"""read relay log (binlog) file and return rows
some function ref python-mysql-replication"""
def __init__(self,filename,start_pos,dbcursor,logger):
global sigint_up
self.filename = filename
self.start_pos = start_pos
self.dbcursor = dbcursor
self.logger = logger
self.table_column_map = {}
self.event_remain_len = 0
self.table_id = None
self.columns_present_bitmap = None
self.type_code = 0
self.rowdata = {}
self.stream = open(self.filename, 'rb')
except Exception, e:
sigint_up = True
raise Exception(str(e))
self.stream.seek(self.start_pos, 0)
def __str__(self):
return "filename: %s,start_pos: %s,rowdata: %s"\
def read(self, size):
return self.stream.read(size)
def is_binlogfile(self):
"binlog magic number: \xfe\x62\x69\x6e"
magicnum = self.read(4)
if magicnum != "\xfe\x62\x69\x6e":
raise Exception("this is not a binlog file")
def read_event_header(self):
"read event head"
return struct.unpack('<IB3IH', self.read(19))
def read_uint_by_size(self, size):
'''Read a little endian integer values based on byte number'''
if size == 1:
return struct.unpack('<B', self.read(1))[0]
elif size == 2:
return struct.unpack('<H', self.read(2))[0]
elif size == 3:
a, b, c = struct.unpack("<BBB", self.read(3))
return a + (b << 8) + (c << 16)
elif size == 4:
return struct.unpack('<I', self.read(4))[0]
elif size == 5:
a, b = struct.unpack("<BI", self.read(5))
return b + (a << 8)
elif size == 6:
a, b, c = struct.unpack("<HHH", self.read(6))
return a + (b << 16) + (c << 32)
elif size == 7:
a, b, c = struct.unpack("<BHI", self.read(7))
return a + (b << 8) + (c << 24)
elif size == 8:
return struct.unpack('<Q', self.read(8))[0]
raise Exception('Unsupport size.')
def read_int_be_by_size(self,size):
'''Read a big endian integer values based on byte number'''
if size == 1:
return struct.unpack('>b', self.read(1))[0]
elif size == 2:
return struct.unpack('>h', self.read(2))[0]
elif size == 3:
a, b, c = struct.unpack('BBB', self.read(3))
res = (a << 16) | (b << 8) | c
if res >= 0x800000:
res -= 0x1000000
return res
elif size == 4:
return struct.unpack('>i', self.read(4))[0]
elif size == 5:
a, b = struct.unpack(">IB", self.read(5))
return b + (a << 8)
elif size == 8:
return struct.unpack('>l', self.read(8))[0]
def read_length_coded_pascal_string(self, size):
"""Read a string with length coded using pascal style.
The string start by the size of the string
length = self.read_uint_by_size(size)
return self.read(length)
def table_column_info(self,schema_name,table_name):
"get column info from information schema"
sql = "select * from information_schema.columns where"\
" table_schema='%s' and table_name='%s' order by ORDINAL_POSITION"
sql = sql % (schema_name, table_name)
return self.dbcursor.fetchall()
def read_length_coded_binary(self):
"""Read a 'Length Coded Binary' number from the data buffer.
Length coded numbers can be anywhere from 1 to 9 bytes depending
on the value of the first byte
see https://dev.mysql.com/doc/internals/en/event-content-writing-conventions.html.
From PyMYSQL source code
c = self.read_uint_by_size(1)
if c == 251: # NULL_COLUMN
return None,1
return c,1
elif c == 252: # UNSIGNED_SHORT_COLUMN
return struct.unpack('<H',self.read(252)[0:2])[0],253
elif c == 253: # UNSIGNED_INT24_COLUMN
n = self.read(253)
m = struct.unpack('B', n[0])[0] \
+ (struct.unpack('B', n[1])[0] << 8) \
+ (struct.unpack('B', n[2])[0] << 16)
except TypeError:
m = n[0] + (n[1] << 8) + (n[2] << 16)
return m,254
elif c == 254: # UNSIGNED_INT64_COLUMN
n = self.read(254)
m = struct.unpack('B', n[0])[0] \
+ (struct.unpack('B', n[1])[0] << 8) \
+ (struct.unpack('B', n[2])[0] << 16) \
+ (struct.unpack('B', n[3])[0] << 24)
except TypeError:
m = n[0] + (n[1] << 8) + (n[2] << 16) + (n[3] << 24)
return m,255
def __read_new_decimal(self, precision, decimals):
"""Read MySQL's new decimal format introduced in MySQL 5"""
# This project was a great source of inspiration for
# understanding this storage format.
# https://github.com/jeremycole/mysql_binlog
digits_per_integer = 9
compressed_bytes = [0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4]
integral = (precision - decimals)
uncomp_integral = int(integral / digits_per_integer)
uncomp_fractional = int(decimals / digits_per_integer)
comp_integral = integral - (uncomp_integral * digits_per_integer)
comp_fractional = decimals - (uncomp_fractional * digits_per_integer)
# Support negative
# The sign is encoded in the high bit of the the byte
# But this bit can also be used in the value
value = self.read_uint_by_size(1)
if value & 0x80 != 0:
res = ""
mask = 0
mask = -1
res = "-"
firstbuf = struct.pack('B', value ^ 0x80)
firstbuf_len = 1
size = compressed_bytes[comp_integral]
if size > 0:
lastbuf = self.read(size-1)
paddbuf = (4 - size)*'\x00'
value = struct.unpack('>i', paddbuf + firstbuf+lastbuf)[0] ^ mask
firstbuf_len = 0
res += str(value)
for i in range(0, uncomp_integral):
if firstbuf_len > 0:
value = struct.unpack('>i', firstbuf + self.read(4-firstbuf_len))[0] ^ mask
firstbuf_len = 0
value = struct.unpack('>i', self.read(4))[0] ^ mask
res += '%09d' % value
res += "."
for i in range(0, uncomp_fractional):
if firstbuf_len > 0:
value = struct.unpack('>i', firstbuf + self.read(4-firstbuf_len))[0] ^ mask
firstbuf_len = 0
value = struct.unpack('>i', self.read(4))[0] ^ mask
res += '%09d' % value
size = compressed_bytes[comp_fractional]
if size > 0:
if firstbuf_len > 0:
value = struct.unpack('<i', (4-size)*'\x00' + firstbuf + self.read(size-firstbuf_len))[0] ^ mask
value = self.read_int_be_by_size(size) ^ mask
res += '%0*d' % (int(comp_fractional), value)
return decimal.Decimal(res)
def __read_date(self):
time = self.read_uint_by_size(3)
if time == 0: # nasty mysql 0000-00-00 dates
return None
year = (time & ((1 << 15) - 1) << 9) >> 9
month = (time & ((1 << 4) - 1) << 5) >> 5
day = (time & ((1 << 5) - 1))
if year == 0 or month == 0 or day == 0:
return None
return "%s-%s-%s" %(year,month,day)
def __read_binary_slice(self, binary, start, size, data_length):
Read a part of binary data and extract a number
binary: the data
start: From which bit (1 to X)
size: How many bits should be read
data_length: data size
binary = binary >> data_length - (start + size)
mask = ((1 << size) - 1)
return binary & mask
def __read_fsp(self, fsp):
read = 0
if fsp in (1,2):
read = 1
elif fsp in (3,4):
read = 2
elif fsp in (5,6):
read = 3
if read > 0:
res = '%0' + str(fsp) + 'd'
microsecond = self.read_int_be_by_size(read)
if fsp % 2:
microsecond = int(microsecond / 10)
return res % microsecond
return '0'
def __read_time(self,column):
"time support microsecond since mysql 5.6"
# DATETIME_PRECISION field appear in information_columns since mysql 5.6
if 'DATETIME_PRECISION' in column:
data = self.read_int_be_by_size(3)
sign = 1 if self.__read_binary_slice(data, 0, 1, 24) else -1
if sign == -1:
# negative integers are stored as 2's compliment
# hence take 2's compliment again to get the right value.
data = ~data + 1
hour=sign * self.__read_binary_slice(data, 2, 10, 24)
minute=self.__read_binary_slice(data, 12, 6, 24)
second=self.__read_binary_slice(data, 18, 6, 24)
return str(hour) + ":" + str(minute) + ":"\
+ str(second) + '.' + microsecond
time = self.read_uint_by_size(3)
hour=int(time / 10000)
minute=int((time % 10000) / 100)
second=int(time % 100)
return str(hour) + ":" + str(minute) + ":" + str(second)
def __read_datetime(self, column):
"datetime support microsecond since mysql 5.6"
# DATETIME_PRECISION field appear in information_columns since mysql 5.6
if 'DATETIME_PRECISION' in column:
data = self.read_int_be_by_size(5)
year_month = self.__read_binary_slice(data, 1, 17, 40)
year=int(year_month / 13)
month=year_month % 13
day=self.__read_binary_slice(data, 18, 5, 40)
hour=self.__read_binary_slice(data, 23, 5, 40)
minute=self.__read_binary_slice(data, 28, 6, 40)
second=self.__read_binary_slice(data, 34, 6, 40)
date_precision = column["DATETIME_PRECISION"]
microsecond = self.__read_fsp(date_precision)
return str(year) + "-" + str(month) + "-" + str(day)\
+ " " + str(hour) + ":" + str(minute)\
+ ":" + str(second) + "." + microsecond
except ValueError:
return None
#before mysql 5.6
value = self.read_uint_by_size(8)
if value == 0: # nasty mysql 0000-00-00 dates
return None
return str(value)[:8] + ' ' + str(value)[8:]
def __read_timestamp(self,column):
"timestamp support microsecond since mysql 5.6"
if 'DATETIME_PRECISION' in column:
ts = self.read_int_be_by_size(4)
microsecond = self.__read_fsp(column["DATETIME_PRECISION"])
return str(ts)+'.' + microsecond
return self.read_uint_by_size(4)
def __read_bit(self, bytes,length):
"""Read MySQL BIT type"""
resp = ""
for byte in range(0, bytes):
current_byte = ""
data = self.read_uint_by_size(1)
if byte == 0:
if bytes == 1:
end = length
end = length % 8
if end == 0:
end = 8
end = 8
for bit in range(0, end):
if data & (1 << bit):
current_byte += "1"
current_byte += "0"
resp += current_byte[::-1]
return resp
def __is_null(self, null_bitmap, position):
bit = null_bitmap[int(position / 8)]
if type(bit) is str:
bit = ord(bit)
return bit & (1 << (position % 8))
def _read_column_data(self, cols_bitmap, column_info):
"""Use for WRITE, UPDATE and DELETE events.
Return an array of column data
values = {}
# null bitmap length = (bits set in 'columns-present-bitmap'+7)/8
# See http://dev.mysql.com/doc/internals/en/rows-event.html
null_bitmap = self.read((BitCount(cols_bitmap) + 7) / 8)
nullBitmapIndex = 0
nb_columns = len(column_info)
for i in range(0, nb_columns):
column = column_info[i]
name = column['COLUMN_NAME']
if "unsigned" in column["COLUMN_TYPE"]:
unsigned = True
unsigned = False
if BitGet(cols_bitmap, i) == 0:
values[name] = None
col_start_pos = self.stream.tell()
if self.__is_null(null_bitmap, nullBitmapIndex):
values[name] = None
elif column["DATA_TYPE"] == "tinyint": # tinyint & boolean
if unsigned:
values[name] = struct.unpack("<B", self.read(1))[0]
values[name] = struct.unpack("<b", self.read(1))[0]
elif column["DATA_TYPE"] == "smallint": #smallint:
if unsigned:
values[name] = struct.unpack("<H", self.read(2))[0]
values[name] = struct.unpack("<h", self.read(2))[0]
elif column["DATA_TYPE"] == "int": #int:
if unsigned:
values[name] = struct.unpack("<I", self.read(4))[0]
values[name] = struct.unpack("<i", self.read(4))[0]
elif column["DATA_TYPE"] == "mediumint": #mediumint:
if unsigned:
values[name] = self.read_uint_by_size(3)
a, b, c = struct.unpack("BBB", self.read(3))
res = a | (b << 8) | (c << 16)
if res >= 0x800000:
res -= 0x1000000
values[name] = res
elif column["DATA_TYPE"] == "float": #float:
values[name] = struct.unpack("<f", self.read(4))[0]
elif column["DATA_TYPE"] == "double":
values[name] = struct.unpack("<d", self.read(8))[0]
elif "char" in column["DATA_TYPE"] or "text" in column["DATA_TYPE"] \
or "blob" in column["DATA_TYPE"] or "binary" in column["DATA_TYPE"]:
if column["CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH"] > 255:
value = self.read_length_coded_pascal_string(2)
value = self.read_length_coded_pascal_string(1)
values[name] = "x'"+ value.encode('hex') + "'"
elif column["DATA_TYPE"] == "decimal":
values[name] = self.__read_new_decimal(PRECISION,SCALE)
elif column["DATA_TYPE"] == "datetime":
values[name] = "'" + self.__read_datetime(column) + "'"
elif column["DATA_TYPE"] == "time":
values[name] = "'" + self.__read_time(column) + "'"
elif column["DATA_TYPE"] == "date":
values[name] = "'" + self.__read_date() + "'"
elif column["DATA_TYPE"] == "timestamp":
values[name] = "from_unixtime("+str(self.__read_timestamp(column))+")"
elif column["DATA_TYPE"] == "bigint":
if unsigned:
values[name] = self.read_uint_by_size(8)
values[name] = struct.unpack('<q', self.read(8))[0]
elif column["DATA_TYPE"] == "year":
values[name] = "'" + str(self.read_uint_by_size(1) + 1900) + "'"
elif column["DATA_TYPE"] == "enum":
size = len(column["COLUMN_TYPE"].split("','")) + 1
if size < 256:
values[name] = self.read_uint_by_size(1)
values[name] = self.read_uint_by_size(2)
elif column["DATA_TYPE"] == "set":
# We read set columns as a bitmap telling us which options
# are enabled
size = len(column["COLUMN_TYPE"].split("','")) + 1
if size <= 8:
values[name] = self.read_uint_by_size(1)
elif size <= 16:
values[name] = self.read_uint_by_size(2)
elif size <= 24:
values[name] = self.read_uint_by_size(3)
elif size <= 64:
values[name] = self.read_uint_by_size(8)
raise Exception("error found while parse set type data")
elif column["DATA_TYPE"] == "bit":
length = int(column["COLUMN_TYPE"].split('(')[1][:-1])
size = (length+7)/8
values[name] = "b'" + self.__read_bit(size,length) + "'"
#todo support GEOMETRY & JSON
# elif column.type == FIELD_TYPE.GEOMETRY:
# values[name] = self.packet.read_length_coded_pascal_string(1)
# elif column.type == FIELD_TYPE.JSON:
# values[name] = self.packet.read_binary_json(column.length_size)
raise Exception("Unknown MySQL column type: %d" %(column["DATA_TYPE"]))
nullBitmapIndex += 1
col_end_pos = self.stream.tell()
self.logger.debug("read column for %s.%s, column: %s, data type: %s, read bytes %s,"\
" column value: %s" %(column['TABLE_SCHEMA'],column['TABLE_NAME'],\
name,column["DATA_TYPE"], col_end_pos - col_start_pos, values[name] ))
return values
def __next__(self):
"for support python3.0"
return self.next()
def _read_data(self):
"direct read data"
self.rowdata = {}
if self.event_remain_len > 0:
if self.event_remain_len != 4: #4 bytes checksum, at the end of event if checksum enable
self.rowdata["data"] = {}
self.rowdata["data2"] = {}
braw_pos = self.stream.tell()
self.rowdata["data"]= self._read_column_data(self.columns_present_bitmap,self.table_column_map[self.table_id])
self.rowdata["table_schema"] = self.table_column_map[self.table_id][0]["TABLE_SCHEMA"]
self.rowdata["table_name"] = self.table_column_map[self.table_id][0]["TABLE_NAME"]
self.rowdata["event_type"] = self.type_code
if self.type_code in (24,31):
# new record of update row event
self.rowdata["data2"]= self._read_column_data(self.columns_present_bitmap,self.table_column_map[self.table_id])
araw_pos = self.stream.tell()
self.event_remain_len = self.event_remain_len - (araw_pos - braw_pos)
self.stream.seek(4, 1)
self.event_remain_len = 0
def next(self):
"parse row format binlog iteratively"
if self.event_remain_len > 0:
timestamp, self.type_code, server_id, event_length, next_position, flags = self.read_event_header()
if event_length == 0:
raise Exception("event length is 0, something error")
if self.type_code == 19:
self.table_id = self.read_uint_by_size(6) #6 bytes. The table ID
self.stream.seek(2,1)#2 bytes. Reserved for future use
schema_length = self.read_uint_by_size(1)
schema_name = self.read(schema_length).decode()#schema name
self.stream.seek(1, 1)#schema name terminated with null
table_length = self.read_uint_by_size(1)
table_name = self.read(table_length).decode()#table name
self.table_column_map[self.table_id] = self.table_column_info(schema_name,table_name)
self.stream.seek(event_length - (19 + 6 + 2 + 1 + schema_length + 1 + 1 + table_length), 1)
# before 5.6 WRITE/UPDATE/DELETE_ROWS_EVENT type code is 23 24 25
# start 5.6 WRITE/UPDATE/DELETE_ROWS_EVENT type code change to 30 31 32
elif self.type_code in (23,24,25,30,31,32):
# 6 bytes. The table ID
self.table_id = self.read_uint_by_size(6) #6 bytes. The table ID
if self.table_id not in self.table_column_map:
self.stream.seek(2, 1) # 2 bytes. Reserved for future use
if self.type_code >= 30:
extra_len = 2
extra_len = 0
self.stream.seek(extra_len, 1) #extra_data_length
number_of_columns,col_count_len = self.read_length_coded_binary()
columns_in_use_len = (number_of_columns + 7) / 8
self.columns_present_bitmap = self.read(columns_in_use_len)
if self.type_code in (24,31):
# update row event has two column bit map
columns_exists_bitmap_size = columns_in_use_len * 2
columns_present_bitmap2 = self.read(columns_in_use_len)
columns_exists_bitmap_size = columns_in_use_len
extra = (19+6+2+col_count_len+columns_exists_bitmap_size+extra_len)
self.event_remain_len = event_length - extra
# skip parse other event
self.stream.seek(event_length - 19, 1)
self.start_pos = self.stream.tell()
return self
def __iter__(self):
return self
class MyLogger(object):
def __init__(self, tag, logdir=None, isdebug=False):
self.log = logging.getLogger("MYSQLREPLREPAIR" + str(tag))
self.logdir = logdir
self.isdebug = isdebug
self.tag = tag
def info(self,msg):
self.log.info("[%s] %s" %(self.tag,msg))
def debug(self,msg):
self.log.debug("[%s] %s" %(self.tag,msg))
def error(self,msg):
self.log.error("[%s] %s" %(self.tag,msg))
def warn(self,msg):
self.log.warn("[%s] %s" %(self.tag,msg))
def config_logger(self):
"config logger"
formatter = logging.Formatter("[%(levelname)s] [%(asctime)s] %(message)s")
if self.logdir is None:
loghd = logging.StreamHandler()
loghd = logging.FileHandler(self.logdir + "/mysql_repl_repair." + str(self.tag) + ".log",mode='a')
if self.isdebug:
def main():
"main func"
op = usage()
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, sigint_handler)
if op.daemon:
daemon = MysqlReplRepairDaemon(op)
except Exception, e:
global sigint_up
sigint_up = True
print str(e)
if __name__ == '__main__' :
"main func"
