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nxrm.groovy 42.63 KB
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#!/usr/bin/env groovy
* Sonatype Nexus (TM) Open Source Version
* Copyright (c) 2008-present Sonatype, Inc.
* All rights reserved. Includes the third-party code listed at http://links.sonatype.com/products/nexus/oss/attributions.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0,
* which accompanies this distribution and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html.
* Sonatype Nexus (TM) Professional Version is available from Sonatype, Inc. "Sonatype" and "Sonatype Nexus" are trademarks
* of Sonatype, Inc. Apache Maven is a trademark of the Apache Software Foundation. M2eclipse is a trademark of the
* Eclipse Foundation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
* Requires:
* - git
* - unbuffer (apt install expect-dev, brew install expect --with-brewed-tk)
* - Takari (optional but recommended. Much quicker builds.) - see http://takari.io/book/30-team-maven.html#takari-smart-builder
* To enable: Add 'takari=true' to .nxrm/nxrmrc.groovy
@Grab(group = 'com.aestasit.infrastructure.sshoogr', module = 'sshoogr', version = '0.9.26')
@Grab(group = 'com.caseyscarborough.colorizer', module = 'groovy-colorizer', version = '1.0.0')
@Grab(group = 'jline', module = 'jline', version = '2.14.2')
@Grab(group = 'org.ajoberstar', module = 'grgit', version = '2.2.1')
@Grab(group = 'org.apache.commons', module = 'commons-compress', version = '1.24.0')
@Grab(group = 'commons-io', module = 'commons-io', version = '2.13.0')
@Grab(group = 'org.apache.maven', module = 'maven-model', version = '3.8.1')
@Grab(group = 'org.rauschig', module = 'jarchivelib', version = '1.2.0')
@Grab(group = 'com.google.guava', module = 'guava', version = '32.1.1-jre')
import java.nio.file.Paths
import java.time.ZonedDateTime
import com.caseyscarborough.colorizer.Colorizer
import org.ajoberstar.grgit.*
import org.ajoberstar.grgit.operation.*
import org.ajoberstar.grgit.service.*
import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils
import org.apache.maven.model.Model
import org.apache.maven.model.io.xpp3.MavenXpp3Reader
import org.rauschig.jarchivelib.ArchiveFormat
import org.rauschig.jarchivelib.ArchiverFactory
import com.google.common.base.Stopwatch
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
import static com.aestasit.infrastructure.ssh.DefaultSsh.*
import static java.time.ZoneId.systemDefault
import static java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern
import java.util.zip.*
ant = new AntBuilder()
ant.project.buildListeners[0].messageOutputLevel = 0
HR = "".padRight(jline.TerminalFactory.get().getWidth() - 7, '-') // terminal line width
TARGET_DIR = "target"
LOCK_FILE = "$TARGET_DIR/sonatype-work/nexus3/lock"
SONATYPE_WORK = "$TARGET_DIR/sonatype-work"
SONATYPE_WORK_BACKUP = System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir") + "/nxrm-sonatype-work"
env = System.getenv()
changedProjects = [] as Set
ignoredProjects = [':nexus-buildsupport-scripts'] // always ignore these projects
cliOptions = null
positionalOptions = null
buildLog = new File("build.log")
// test projects - generated with command: for i in `find -name pom.xml`; do cd `dirname $i`; xmllint --xpath "//*[local-name()='project']/*[local-name()='artifactId']/text()" pom.xml; cd -; done
testProjects = [':functional-testsuite', ':nexus-analytics-testsupport', ':nexus-contributedhandler-testsupport', ':nexus-docker-testsupport-internal', ':nexus-fabric-testsupport', ':nexus-ldap-testsupport', ':nexus-migration-testsupport', ':nexus-repository-testsupport-internal', ':nexus-saml-testsupport', ':nexus-stress-testsuite', ':nexus-testlm-edition', ':nexus-testsuite-data', ':nexus-upgrade-testsupport', ':nexuspro-fabric-testsuite', ':nexuspro-migration-testsuite', ':nexuspro-modern-testsuite', ':nexuspro-performance-testsuite', ':nexuspro-sql-fabric-testsuite', ':nexuspro-testsuite', ':nxrm-pro-image', ':pax-exam-spock', ':selenide-functional-tests' ]
Customize these by creating a .nxrm/nxrmrc.groovy. Sample contents:
//tests="custom Maven test arguments here"
//assemblies="custom Maven assembly arguments here"
//sources="custom Maven sources arguments here"
configDefaults = [
javaMinMem : '2703m',
javaMaxMem : '2703m',
directMaxMem : '2703m',
vmOptions : '',
port : 8081,
sslPort : 8443,
karafSshPort : 8022,
javaDebugPort: 5005,
ssl : true, // SSL is enabled by default
orient : true, // Orient access (binary/Studio) is enabled by default
elastic : false, // Elastic is disabled by default
takari : false, // Takari is disabled by default
deploy : true, // Deployment is performed by default
backup : false, // Backup sonatype-work disabled by default
restore : false, // Restore backup of sonatype-work disabled by default
builder : '-T 1C', // default one thread per core
randomPassword: false,
// use the default maven property or change to "install" for faster but less stable build which also updates the lock file
npmInstall: '',
// default to building both debug and production builds with webpack - change to "build" to get the debug build copied as the "production" build (saves around 30s of build time)
npmBuild: ''
buildOptions = [
buildMode : "",
buildModeDesc : "",
mavenGoalsAndPhases : "",
mavenGoalsAndPhasesDesc: "",
tests : "",
testsDesc : "",
assemblies : "",
assemblyDesc : "",
sources : "",
sourcesDesc : "",
def hr = {
def info(String message) {
println Colorizer.colorize("|[lightBlue]INFO[default]| ${message}")
buildLog << "|INFO| ${message}\n"
def warn(String message) {
println Colorizer.colorize("|[lightYellow]WARNING[default]| ${message}")
buildLog << "|WARNING| ${message}\n"
def error(String message) {
println Colorizer.colorize("|[lightRed]ERROR[default]| ${message}")
buildLog << "|ERROR| ${message}\n"
def debug(String message) {
if (cliOptions.verbose) {
println Colorizer.colorize("|[lightYellow]DEBUG[default]| ${message}")
buildLog << "|DEBUG| ${message}\n"
File searchUp(File directory) {
if (!directory) {
return null
File pom = new File(directory, "pom.xml")
if (pom.exists()) {
return pom
else {
return searchUp(directory.getParentFile())
def getChangedProjects() {
def grgit = Grgit.open()
def changes = grgit.status().staged.getAllChanges() + grgit.status().unstaged.getAllChanges()
// for all changes, search up for a pom.xml, and get artifactId out
MavenXpp3Reader reader = new MavenXpp3Reader()
def projects = [] as Set
changes.each {
File pom = searchUp(new File(it).getParentFile())
// note: this ignores files in the project root
if (pom) {
Model model = reader.read(new FileReader(pom))
projects.add(":" + model.getArtifactId())
return projects
ConfigObject processRcConfigFile() {
// start with defaults
ConfigObject config = new ConfigObject()
// combine with overrides
def rcFile = new File('.nxrm/nxrmrc.groovy')
if(rcFile.exists()) {
def overrides = new ConfigSlurper().parse(rcFile.toURI().toURL())
config = config.merge(overrides)
else {
// create .nxrm folder if it doesn't exist
File nxrmFolder = new File('.nxrm/')
if(!nxrmFolder.exists()) {
info("First run. Creating .nxrm folder")
// assign any CLI options
config.port = cliOptions.'port' ?: config.port
config.sslPort = cliOptions.'ssl-port' ?: config.sslPort
config.sslIp = cliOptions.'ssl-ip' ?: null
config.karafSshPort = cliOptions.'karaf-ssh-port' ?: config.karafSshPort
config.javaDebugPort = cliOptions.'java-debug-port' ?: config.javaDebugPort
config.ssl = assign('ssl', 'no-ssl', config.ssl)
config.orient = assign('orient', 'no-orient', config.orient)
config.elastic = assign('elastic', 'no-elastic', config.elastic)
config.takari = assign('takari', 'no-takari', config.takari)
config.deploy = assign('deploy', 'no-deploy', config.deploy)
config.backup = assign('backup', 'no-backup', config.backup)
config.restore = assign('restore', 'no-restore', config.restore)
config.randomPassword = assign('random-password', 'no-random-password', config.randomPassword)
config.npmInstall = assign('npm-install', 'npm-ci', config.npmInstall)
config.npmBuild = assign('npm-build-all', 'npm-build', config.npmBuild)
debug("config read from RC and merged with defaults: ${config}")
return config
def assign(def trueOption, def falseOption, def defaultValue){
debug("assign(${trueOption}, ${falseOption}, ${defaultValue})")
return true
else if(cliOptions[falseOption])
return false
return defaultValue
static ConfigObject processLastBuild() {
def lastBuildFile = new File('.nxrm/last_build')
if (!lastBuildFile.exists()) {
return new ConfigObject()
return new ConfigSlurper().parse(lastBuildFile.toURI().toURL())
def saveLastBuild() {
def grgit = Grgit.open()
def currentBranch = grgit.branch.getCurrent().name
def currentHead = grgit.head().abbreviatedId
def lastProjects = buildOptions.buildMode == "full" ? [] : changedProjects
ConfigObject configObject = new ConfigObject()
configObject['BRANCH'] = currentBranch
configObject['HEAD'] = currentHead
configObject['LAST_PROJECTS'] = lastProjects
File lastBuild = new File(".nxrm/last_build")
lastBuild.text = configObject.prettyPrint()
def processBuildMode() {
if (cliOptions.full) {
info("Full build selected")
buildOptions.buildMode = "full"
if (!new File("$TARGET_DIR").exists()) {
warn("No root target folder present. Full build required.")
buildOptions.buildMode = "full"
if (!new File(".nxrm/last_build").exists()) {
warn("No previous build detected. Full build required.")
buildOptions.buildMode = "full"
ConfigObject lastBuild = processLastBuild()
debug("Last build info: ${lastBuild}")
def grgit = Grgit.open()
def currentBranch = grgit.branch.getCurrent().name
def currentHead = grgit.head().abbreviatedId
debug("Git current branch: ${currentBranch}")
debug("Git current HEAD: ${currentHead}")
if (lastBuild.BRANCH == null) {
warn("No previous branch detected. Full build required.")
buildOptions.buildMode = "full"
else if (lastBuild.BRANCH != currentBranch) {
warn("Detected new branch. Full build required.")
buildOptions.buildMode = "full"
if (lastBuild.HEAD == null) {
warn("No previous HEAD detected. Full build required.")
buildOptions.buildMode = "full"
else if (lastBuild.HEAD != currentHead) {
warn("Detected new HEAD. Full build required.")
buildOptions.buildMode = "full"
// default is an incremental build
buildOptions.buildMode = "incremental"
def processCliOptions(args) {
CliBuilder cli = new CliBuilder(usage: './nxrm.groovy [options] [-x options to be passed through]',
header: 'Nexus Repository Manager control script')
cli.with {
h longOpt: 'help', 'Show usage information'
v longOpt: 'verbose', 'show verbose debug information'
// modes (exclusive from each other)
b longOpt: 'build', 'Build mode [default]. Intelligently does a full or incremental build.'
r longOpt: 'run', args: 1, 'Run mode. Starts Nexus with the specified assembly. Add \'debug\' for Nexus debug mode (i.e. remote debugging).'
_ longOpt: 'geb', '''Process dependencies for Geb test execution in your IDE.'''
_ longOpt: 'sass', '''Compile Sass files to CSS.'''
e longOpt: 'extract', 'Re-run the assembly extraction'
// build mode options
f longOpt: 'full', 'Force full build'
t longOpt: 'tests', args: 1, '''Control test execution. Options:
skipAll: Skip all building & execution [default]
skip: Build unit & integration but skip execution
unit: Build and execute unit tests only
skipITs: Build unit & integration, only execute unit
all: Build and execute all tests'''
a longOpt: 'assemblies', args: 1, '''Control assembly execution. Options:
skip: Skip all assembly building [default - ignored if full build is triggered]
all: Build all assemblies'''
s longOpt: 'sources', args: 1, '''Control building of sources. Options:
skip: Skip all source creation [default]
all: Build all sources'''
n longOpt: 'deploy', 'Enable automatic deployment for incremental builds (if disabled by config). Note this will enable SSH on Karaf.'
n longOpt: 'no-deploy', 'Disable automatic deployment for incremental builds (enabled by default)'
_ longOpt: 'backup', "Enable backup of any existing target/sonatype-work folder to ${SONATYPE_WORK_BACKUP} (if disabled by config)"
_ longOpt: 'no-backup', "Disable backup (if enabled by config)"
// run mode options
p longOpt: 'port', args: 1, 'Set NXRM port. Defaults to 8081'
_ longOpt: 'ssl-port', args: 1, 'Set NXRM SSL port. Defaults to 8443'
_ longOpt: 'karaf-ssh-port', args: 1, 'Set Karaf SSH port. Defaults to 8022'
_ longOpt: 'java-debug-port', args: 1, 'Set JDWP debug port. Defaults to 5005'
_ longOpt: 'ssl', 'Enable SSL (if disabled by config)'
_ longOpt: 'no-ssl', 'Disable SSL (enabled by default)'
_ longOpt: 'ssl-ip', args: 1, 'Provide the ip address of this machine to generate an SSL certificate for use with Docker'
_ longOpt: 'orient', 'Enable Orient (if disabled by config)'
_ longOpt: 'no-orient', 'Disable Orient (enabled by default)'
_ longOpt: 'elastic', 'Enable Elastic plugins (disabled by default)'
_ longOpt: 'no-elastic', 'Disable Elastic plugins (if enabled by config)'
_ longOpt: 'takari', 'Enable Takari (disabled by default)'
_ longOpt: 'no-takari', 'Disable Takari (if enabled by config)'
_ longOpt: 'restore', "Enable restore of backup from ${SONATYPE_WORK_BACKUP} to target/sonatype-work (disabled by default)"
_ longOpt: 'no-restore', "Disable restore of backup (if enabled by config)"
_ longOpt: 'random-password', "Enable generation of random password for admin user on initial start"
_ longOpt: 'no-random-password', "Disable generation of random password (default)"
_ longOpt: 'npm-install', "use `npm install` for npm dependencies (this results in a faster, but less stable build)"
_ longOpt: 'npm-ci', "use `npm ci` for npm dependencies (this results in a slower, but more stable build and is the default)"
o longOpt: 'overwrite-target', args: 1, "Overwrite target dir"
// general options
d longOpt: 'dry-run', 'Dry run, don\'t actually execute anything'
_ longOpt: 'no-docker', 'Disable the docker build'
_ longOpt: 'single-threaded', "Don't build in parallel"
cliOptions = cli.parse(args)
if (!cliOptions) {
return false
if (cliOptions.h) {
// CliBuilder automatically wraps ALL text at ~80 chars which doesn't make for good help. Manually print it out
println '''
./nxrm.groovy Normal 'should just work' use case. Will perform a full build or incremental build as necessary.
Same as ./nxrm.groovy --build
./nxrm.groovy -f Force a full build.
Same as ./nxrm.groovy --build --full
./nxrm.groovy -r pro debug Run Nexus. Assembly is required. 'debug' is optional and starts Nexus in debug mode.
Same as ./nxrm.groovy --run
If NXRM is running when you do a build, it will automatically be re-deployed and re-started.
./nxrm.groovy -t skip Compile tests but skip execution. Note that the default is to skip all tests, even compilation, to save time.
./nxrm.groovy -e Re-run the assembly extraction. This is for if you nuke your 'target/' folder and want to start your NXRM clean.
Same as ./nxrm.groovy --extract
./nxrm.groovy clean package Maven goals and phases can be passed in directly. Otherwise will default to 'clean install' for full build and 'install' for incremental.
./nxrm.groovy -x -rf :nexus-main Due to a limitation in the Groovy CliBuilder, any positional parameters you wish to pass into the maven build or run commands need to be after the '-x' parameter, and be last.
./nxrm.groovy -x -U Example usage to force Maven snapshot updates.
./nxrm.groovy --geb Enables Geb in your IDE. See https://docs.sonatype.com/display/Nexus/Nexus+Repository+Manager+Developer+Onboarding#NexusRepositoryManagerDeveloperOnboarding-TestingWithGeb
./nxrm.groovy target-overwrite
new-target-dir Run script using artifacts from provided directory
return false
// get the positional arguments (i.e. the arguments to pass through to NXRM)
// Have to do this through special unspecified '-x' option which indicates what follows are arguments to be passed to build or run command
// don't need the '-x' itself though, so remove it
positionalOptions = cliOptions.arguments()
positionalOptions.removeAll { it == '-x' }
if(!positionalOptions.isEmpty()) {
debug("Positional options: " + positionalOptions.toString())
return true
def processMavenGoalsAndPhases() {
if (buildOptions.mavenGoalsAndPhases == "") {
if (buildOptions.buildMode == "full") {
buildOptions.mavenGoalsAndPhases = "clean install"
buildOptions.mavenGoalsAndPhasesDesc = "${buildOptions.mavenGoalsAndPhases} [default full build]"
else {
buildOptions.mavenGoalsAndPhases = "install"
buildOptions.mavenGoalsAndPhasesDesc = "${buildOptions.mavenGoalsAndPhases} [default]"
// see if positional options contains any maven phases/goals (anything at the beginning of the list that isn't prefixed with a '-')
if (positionalOptions.size) {
def items = []
positionalOptions.removeAll {
if(!it.startsWith('-')) {
debug("items: ${items}")
if (items) {
buildOptions.mavenGoalsAndPhases = items.join(" ")
buildOptions.mavenGoalsAndPhasesDesc = "${buildOptions.mavenGoalsAndPhases} [custom]"
else {
buildOptions.mavenGoalsAndPhasesDesc = "${buildOptions.mavenGoalsAndPhases}"
def processTestArgs() {
// Test options
// Precendence: environment variable, parameter, rc
debug("Initial value for 'tests' environment variable: $env.tests")
debug("Initial value for '-tests' CLI: $cliOptions.tests")
debug("Initial value for 'tests' RC config: $rcConfig.tests")
def testsArg
if (env.tests) {
testsArg = env.tests
debug("Using test arguments from environment '$testsArg'")
else if (cliOptions.tests) {
testsArg = cliOptions.tests
debug("Using test arguments from CLI '$testsArg'")
else if (rcConfig.tests) {
testsArg = rcConfig.tests
debug("Using test arguments from RC '$testsArg'")
else {
testsArg = "skipAll"
if (buildOptions.buildMode == "full") {
debug("Detected full build mode. Defaulting to '-t skipAll' to skip all test compilation and execution")
else {
debug("No test params specified. Defaulting to '-t skipAll'")
if (testsArg == "skipAll") {
buildOptions.testsDesc = "Skipping all compiling & execution"
buildOptions.tests = "-DskipTests -Dmaven.test.skip=true"
else if (testsArg == "skip") {
buildOptions.testsDesc = "Compiling all (unit & integration) but skipping execution"
buildOptions.tests = "-DskipTests -Dit"
else if (testsArg == "unit") {
buildOptions.testsDesc = "Building and executing unit tests only"
buildOptions.tests = ""
else if (testsArg == "skipITs") {
buildOptions.testsDesc = "Compiling all (unit & integration), executing unit tests only"
buildOptions.tests = "-DskipITs -Dit"
else if (testsArg == "all") {
buildOptions.testsDesc = "Compiling and executing all tests (unit & integration)"
buildOptions.tests = "-Dit"
else {
// custom option
buildOptions.testsDesc = "Using custom arguments"
buildOptions.tests = testsArg
debug("Final test arguments: $buildOptions.tests")
def processAssemblyArgs() {
// Assembly options
// Precendence: environment variable, parameter, rc
debug("Initial value for 'assemblies' environment variable: $env.assemblies")
debug("Initial value for '-assemblies' CLI: $cliOptions.assemblies")
debug("Initial value for 'assemblies' RC config: $rcConfig.assemblies")
if (buildOptions.buildMode == "full") {
debug("Detected full build mode. Assemblies required")
buildOptions.assemblies = ""
buildOptions.assembliesDesc = "Yes (Build mode = full, assemblies required)"
else if (buildOptions.buildMode == "incremental" && !isNxrmRunning()) {
debug("Incremental build mode, but Nexus not running or no lock file exists so assemblies required")
buildOptions.assemblies = ""
buildOptions.assembliesDesc = "Yes (Incremental mode, but Nexus not running or no lock file exists so assemblies " +
else {
def assembliesArg
if (env.assemblies) {
assembliesArg = env.assemblies
debug("Using assembly arguments from environment '$assembliesArg'")
else if (cliOptions.assemblies) {
assembliesArg = cliOptions.assemblies
debug("Using assembly arguments from CLI '$assembliesArg'")
else if (rcConfig.assemblies) {
assembliesArg = rcConfig.assemblies
debug("Using assembly arguments from RC '$assembliesArg'")
else {
assembliesArg = "skip"
if (assembliesArg == "skip") {
buildOptions.assembliesDesc = "Skipping all assembly"
buildOptions.assemblies = "-Dassembly.skipAssembly=true"
else if (assembliesArg == "all") {
buildOptions.assembliesDesc = "Building all assemblies"
buildOptions.assemblies = ""
else {
buildOptions.assembliesDesc = "Using custom assembly arguments"
buildOptions.assemblies = assembliesArg
debug("Final assembly arguments: $buildOptions.assemblies")
def processSourceArgs() {
// Source options
// Precendence: environment variable, parameter, rc
debug("Initial value for 'sources' environment variable: $env.sources")
debug("Initial value for '-sources' CLI: $cliOptions.sources")
debug("Initial value for 'sources' RC config: $rcConfig.sources")
def sourcesArg
if (env.sources) {
sourcesArg = env.sources
debug("Using source arguments from environment '$sourcesArg'")
else if (cliOptions.sources) {
sourcesArg = cliOptions.sources
debug("Using source arguments from CLI '$sourcesArg'")
else if (rcConfig.sources) {
sourcesArg = rcConfig.sources
debug("Using source arguments from RC '$sourcesArg'")
else {
sourcesArg = "skip"
if (sourcesArg == "skip") {
buildOptions.sourcesDesc = "Skipping all source building"
buildOptions.sources = "-Dmaven.source.skip=true"
else if (sourcesArg == "all") {
buildOptions.sourcesDesc = "Building all sources"
buildOptions.sources = ""
else {
buildOptions.sourcesDesc = "Using custom source arguments"
buildOptions.sources = sourcesArg
debug("Final source arguments: $buildOptions.sources")
def processBuilder() {
if (rcConfig.takari) {
rcConfig.builder = "--builder smart -T 1C"
File file = new File('.mvn/extensions.xml')
if (file.exists() && file.text.contains("takari-smart-builder")) {
debug("Takari enabled and detected in .mvn/extensions.xml")
else {
error("Takari enabled but not detected in .mvn/extensions.xml")
warn("Installing Takari now")
if (file.exists()) {
error(".mvn/extensions.xml already exists. Unable to install Takari")
rcConfig.builder = ""
else {
file.write """<extensions xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/EXTENSIONS/1.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3
xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/EXTENSIONS/1.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/core-extensions-1.0.0
info("Takari enabled!")
else if (cliOptions['single-threaded']) {
rcConfig.builder = ''
def processMavenCommand() {
changedProjects = getChangedProjects()
def projects = changedProjects
// include the last projects built as well to avoid issues with git reset/checkout
projects += lastBuild.LAST_PROJECTS
// remove ignored entries
projects -= ignoredProjects
// if tests are not built, don't care about changes on test projects
if(buildOptions.tests == "-Dmaven.test.skip=true") {
projects -= testProjects
// if there are no projects, then a full build is needed
if (!projects) {
buildOptions.buildMode = "full"
warn("No projects to build, nothing to do but perform full build")
if (buildOptions.buildMode == "full") {
buildOptions.buildModeDesc = "Full"
// Note: Assembly arguments not included here so assemblies will be generated.
buildOptions.mavenCommand = "${buildOptions.mavenGoalsAndPhases} ${rcConfig.builder} ${buildOptions.tests} " +
else if (projects) {
buildOptions.buildModeDesc = "Incremental on ${projects}"
buildOptions.projects = projects.join(',')
buildOptions.mavenCommand = "${buildOptions.mavenGoalsAndPhases} ${rcConfig.builder} ${buildOptions.tests} " +
"${buildOptions.sources} ${buildOptions.assemblies} -pl ${projects.join(',')} -amd"
else {
buildOptions.buildModeDesc = "Full (Incremental mode, but no code changes detected)"
buildOptions.mavenCommand = "${buildOptions.mavenGoalsAndPhases} ${rcConfig.builder} ${buildOptions.tests} " +
"${buildOptions.sources} ${buildOptions.assemblies}"
if (cliOptions['no-docker']) {
buildOptions.mavenCommand += ' -Dno-docker'
if (rcConfig.npmInstall) {
buildOptions.mavenCommand += " -Dnpm.install=${rcConfig.npmInstall}"
if (rcConfig.npmBuild) {
buildOptions.mavenCommand += " -Dnpm.build=${rcConfig.npmBuild}"
buildOptions.mavenCommand += ' ' + positionalOptions.join(' ')
def removeBuildLog() {
if (buildLog.exists()) {
def isNxrmRunning() {
File lockFile = new File("$LOCK_FILE")
if (!lockFile.exists()) {
debug("No lock file, NXRM is not running")
return false
else {
def pid = lockFile.text - ~/@.*/
if ("kill -0 ${pid}".execute().waitFor() == 0) {
debug("NXRM running at pid $pid")
return true
else {
debug("Lock file exists, but NXRM not running")
return false
def isNxrmFullyUp() {
try {
def url = "http://localhost:${rcConfig.port}/service/metrics/ping"
String encoded = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString("admin:admin123".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8))
HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) new URL(url).openConnection()
connection.setRequestProperty("Authorization", "Basic ${encoded}")
int responseCode = connection.getResponseCode()
return (200 <= responseCode && responseCode <= 399)
catch (IOException exception) {
debug("Unable to connect to NXRM. Message was ${exception.getMessage()}")
return false
String getSshHost() {
return "admin:admin123@localhost:${rcConfig.karafSshPort}"
def runBuild() {
if (buildOptions.buildMode == "full" && isNxrmRunning()) {
// Full mode means Maven clean which nukes target folder which kills Nexus
warn("Shutting down NXRM due to full build")
try {
remoteSession(getSshHost(), trustUnknownHosts = true) {
exec 'system:shutdown -f'
} catch (com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException e) {
error("Unable to connect to NXRM to shut it down. Attempting to continue.")
if (buildOptions.buildMode == "full" && rcConfig.backup) {
// perform backup (if enabled) on full build only due to 'clean'
File sonatypeWork = new File(SONATYPE_WORK)
if ((sonatypeWork).exists()) {
def backupFolder = new File(SONATYPE_WORK_BACKUP)
info("Backing up ${sonatypeWork.getCanonicalPath()} to ${backupFolder.getCanonicalPath()}")
if (backupFolder.exists()) {
def newName = new File(SONATYPE_WORK_BACKUP + new Date().format('-yyyyMMddHHmm'))
info("Moving existing backup to ${newName.getCanonicalPath()}")
FileUtils.moveDirectory(backupFolder, newName)
FileUtils.moveDirectory(sonatypeWork, backupFolder)
else {
info("No target/sonatype-work to backup!")
// execute command
def exitValue = mvnw(buildOptions.mavenCommand).exitValue()
debug("Build process exit value: $exitValue")
// stop if mvn execution failed
if (exitValue == 0) {
info "Build succeeded"
// TODO - should this be run on build failure still?
return true
else {
error "Build failed"
return false
def runDeploy() {
if (buildOptions.buildMode == "full") {
// only extract the assemblies on full builds
else if (!rcConfig.deploy) {
info("Skipping deployment (no-deploy=true)")
else if (!((new File(LOCK_FILE)).exists())) {
info("No lock file detected at $LOCK_FILE. Performing regular deployment.")
else if (isNxrmRunning()) {
info("Nexus found running. Restarting...")
try {
remoteSession(getSshHost(), trustUnknownHosts = true) {
exec 'system:shutdown -f -r'
} catch (com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException e) {
error("Unable to connect to NXRM to restart it down. Attempting to continue.")
// give it a few to shut down
// loop until we can ping it again
def counter = 0
while (!isNxrmFullyUp()) {
print "."
if (counter >= 60) {
info("Failed to detect Nexus start within 60 seconds. Exiting")
sleep 1000
println "done"
info("Nexus Ready")
else {
info("Nexus is not running. You may start it now with './nxrm.groovy -r <assembly> [debug]'.")
def deploy() {
extract("./assemblies/nexus-base-template/target/", "nexus-base-template-*.zip")
extract("./private/assemblies/distributions/nexus-oss/target/", "nexus-*-bundle.zip")
extract("./private/assemblies/distributions/nexus-pro/target/", "nexus-professional-*-bundle.zip")
extract("./private/assemblies/distributions/nexus-pro-starter/target/", "nexus-pro-starter-*-bundle.zip")
// Tell Karaf to load bundles from local .m2 folder
def files = new FileNameFinder().getFileNames("$TARGET_DIR", "nexus*/**/org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.cfg")
files.each {
// comment out localRepository
ant.replace(file: it, token: "org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.localRepository",
value: "#org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.localRepository")
// point defaultRepositories to .m2
ant.replace(file: it, token: 'file:${karaf.base}/${karaf.default.repository}@id=system.repository@snapshots',
value: 'file:\${user.home}/.m2/repository@id=system.repository@snapshots')
// helper to unzip assemblies
def extract(path, zipRegex) {
List<String> files = new FileNameFinder().getFileNames(path, zipRegex)
if (!files) {
error("MISSING: ${path}${zipRegex}")
else {
File file = new File(files.get(0))
info("Extracting: ${file.toString()}")
ArchiverFactory.createArchiver(ArchiveFormat.ZIP).extract(file, new File("$TARGET_DIR"))
def checkSSL() {
// Assumes if keystore.jks is already copied that it is already enabled
if (rcConfig.ssl) {
debug("Enabling SSL")
// see if keystore.jks is already created
def keystore = new File(".nxrm/keystore.jks")
if (rcConfig.sslIp != null && keystore.exists()) {
// If we have an ssl ip address set, then we need to generate a new keystore
if (!keystore.exists()) {
info "Generating .nxrm/keystore.jks"
def keytool = ["keytool", "-genkeypair", "-keystore", ".nxrm/keystore.jks", "-storepass",
"password", "-keypass", "password", "-alias", "self-signed-example", "-keyalg", "RSA", "-keysize", "2048",
"-validity", "5000", "-dname", "CN=localhost, OU=Example, O=Example, L=Unspecified, ST=Unspecified, C=US",
"-ext", "BC=ca:true"]
if (rcConfig.sslIp) {
keytool << "-ext"
keytool << "SAN=IP:${rcConfig.sslIp},DNS:localhost"
def process = new ProcessBuilder(keytool as String[]).redirectErrorStream(true).start()
process.inputStream.eachLine {
println it
def exitValue = process.exitValue()
debug("keytool exit value: $exitValue")
// Copy to etc/ssl folder
List<String> files = new FileNameFinder().getFileNames("$TARGET_DIR", "nexus*/NOTICE.txt")
files.each {
File dest = new File(new File(it).getParent(), "etc/ssl/")
debug("SSL: Copying keystore.jks to $dest")
ant.copy(file: keystore, todir: dest)
// Update nexus.properties (and default files)
files = new FileNameFinder().getFileNames("$TARGET_DIR", "nexus*/**/nexus*.properties")
files.each {
ant.replace(file: it, token: '${jetty.etc}/jetty-http.xml,${jetty.etc}/jetty-requestlog.xml',
value: '${jetty.etc}/jetty-http.xml,${jetty.etc}/jetty-https.xml,${jetty.etc}/jetty-requestlog.xml')
else {
debug("Skipping SSL")
def ensurePresentInFile(File file, String line) {
debug("Ensuring '$line' present in $file")
ant.touch(file: file)
if (!file.getText().contains(line)) {
file << "$line\n"
def checkSSH() {
if (!rcConfig.'deploy') {
debug("TODO no deploy")
debug("Enabling SSH")
// Add ssh option to all cfg files in target
List<String> files = new FileNameFinder().getFileNames("$TARGET_DIR", "nexus*/**/org.apache.karaf.features.cfg")
files.each {
debug("Updating $it to enable SSH")
ant.replaceregexp(file: it, match: "\\(wrap\\), ", replace: "\\(wrap\\),ssh,")
// Karaf ssh port
files = new FileNameFinder().getFileNames("$TARGET_DIR", "nexus*/**/org.apache.karaf.shell.cfg")
files.each {
debug("Updating $it to set Karaf SSH port")
ant.replaceregexp(file: it, match: "sshPort = 8022", replace: "sshPort = ${rcConfig.karafSshPort}")
def checkOrient() {
if (rcConfig.orient) {
debug("Enabling Orient")
// Update nexus.properties (and default files)
List<String> files = new FileNameFinder().getFileNames("$TARGET_DIR", "nexus*/**/nexus*.properties")
files.each {
ensurePresentInFile(new File(it), "nexus.orient.binaryListenerEnabled=true")
ensurePresentInFile(new File(it), "nexus.orient.dynamicPlugins=true")
else {
debug('Skipping Orient config')
def checkElastic() {
if (rcConfig.elastic) {
debug("Enabling Elastic")
// Update elasticsearch.yml (and default files)
List<String> files = new FileNameFinder().getFileNames("$TARGET_DIR", "nexus*/**/elasticsearch.yml")
files.each {
debug("Updating $it to set enable Elastic HTTP")
ant.replace(file: it, token: "http.enabled: false", value: "http.enabled: true")
// Update nexus.properties (and default files)
files = new FileNameFinder().getFileNames("$TARGET_DIR", "nexus*/**/nexus*.properties")
files.each {
ensurePresentInFile(new File(it), 'nexus.elasticsearch.plugins=license,marvel-agent,mobz/elasticsearch-head,lmenezes/elasticsearch-kopf,xyu/elasticsearch-whatson')
else {
debug('Skipping Elastic config')
def checkPorts() {
debug("Checking application ports")
// Update nexus.properties (and default files)
List<String> files = new FileNameFinder().getFileNames("$TARGET_DIR", "nexus*/etc/nexus*.properties sonatype-work/nexus3/etc/nexus*properties")
files.each {
ensurePresentInFile(new File(it), "application-port=${rcConfig.port}")
ensurePresentInFile(new File(it), "application-port-ssl=${rcConfig.sslPort}")
def checkRestore() {
if (rcConfig.restore) {
def backupFolder = new File(SONATYPE_WORK_BACKUP)
if (backupFolder.exists()) {
def sonatypeWork = new File(SONATYPE_WORK)
info("Restoring from ${backupFolder.getCanonicalPath()} to ${sonatypeWork.getCanonicalPath()}")
// move any existing sonatype-work out of the way
if (sonatypeWork.exists()) {
def newName = new File(SONATYPE_WORK_BACKUP + new Date().format('-yyyyMMddHHmm'))
info("Moving existing sonatype-work to ${newName.getCanonicalPath()}")
FileUtils.moveDirectory(sonatypeWork, newName)
FileUtils.moveDirectory(backupFolder, sonatypeWork)
else {
info("No backup to restore in ${SONATYPE_WORK_BACKUP}!")
def runNxrm() {
info("Starting Nexus on ${rcConfig.port}/${rcConfig.sslPort} (JDWP debug port: ${rcConfig.javaDebugPort})")
// pre-flight checks
def assembly = cliOptions.run
debug("Assembly: $assembly")
def run = { dir ->
MavenXpp3Reader reader = new MavenXpp3Reader()
Model model = reader.read(new FileReader(new File('pom.xml')))
def version = model.getVersion()
def nxrmCommand = ["$TARGET_DIR/${dir}${version}/bin/nexus".toString()]
nxrmCommand = nxrmCommand.plus(positionalOptions.join(' ')) // add remaining arguments (e.g. -rf :project)
info("Executing NXRM command: ${nxrmCommand.join(' ')}")
if (cliOptions.'dry-run') {
info("Dry run mode - skipping...")
def processBuilder = new ProcessBuilder(nxrmCommand)
processBuilder.environment().put('NEXUS_SECURITY_RANDOMPASSWORD', Boolean.toString(rcConfig.randomPassword))
processBuilder.environment().put('JAVA_MIN_MEM', rcConfig.javaMinMem)
processBuilder.environment().put('JAVA_MAX_MEM', rcConfig.javaMaxMem)
processBuilder.environment().put('DIRECT_MAX_MEM', rcConfig.directMaxMem)
rcConfig.javaDebugPort instanceof String ? rcConfig.javaDebugPort : Integer.toString(rcConfig.javaDebugPort))
processBuilder.environment().put('EXTRA_JAVA_OPTS', rcConfig.vmOptions)
processBuilder.environment().put('NEXUS_RESOURCE_DIRS', evaluate(new File('buildsupport/scripts/nexusresourcedirs.groovy')))
def process = processBuilder.start()
process.inputStream.eachLine {
// print to console
println it
def exitValue = process.exitValue()
debug("Run process exit value: $exitValue")
switch (assembly) {
case "oss":
case "pro":
case "pro-starter":
case "base":
error("Usage: ./nxrm.groovy -r { base | oss | pro | pro-starter } [nexus-options]")
def geb() {
info('Enabling Geb tests for your IDE')
info("Note: The default build options do NOT even compile tests. Before running '--geb' you should run './nxrm.groovy -f -t skip' to compile ALL test code.")
mvnw('dependency:properties process-test-resources -Dit -pl :functional-testsuite,:nexuspro-modern-testsuite,:nexuspro-fabric-testsuite')
def sass() {
info('Compiling Sass files')
mvnw('clean install -Pdriver -Dmode=build -pl :nexus-rapture')
* @param cmd a String with the entire command to execute
* @return
def mvnw(String cmd) {
def stopwatch = Stopwatch.createStarted()
info("Running command: ./mvnw $cmd")
List<String> command = ["unbuffer", "./mvnw"]
def process = new ProcessBuilder(command).redirectErrorStream(true).start()
process.inputStream.eachLine {
// print to console
println it
// dump to build.log (strip colour)
buildLog << it.replaceAll("\u001B\\[[;\\d]*m", "") + "\n"
if (System.getenv().containsKey('NXRM_STATS')) {
def nxrmAndArgs = ['nxrm.groovy']
nxrmAndArgs.addAll(args as List<String>)
def (nxrmCmd, elapsed, exitValue, mvnwCmd) = [nxrmAndArgs.join(' '), stopwatch.elapsed().seconds,
process.exitValue(), command.tail().join(' ')]
Paths.get(System.getProperty('user.home'), '.nxrm_build_times') <<
return process
def String timestamp() {
if (!processCliOptions(args)) {
rcConfig = processRcConfigFile()
lastBuild = processLastBuild()
if (cliOptions.'overwrite-target')
TARGET_DIR = cliOptions.'overwrite-target'
// stand-alone options
if (cliOptions.run) {
else if (cliOptions.extract) {
else if (cliOptions.geb) {
else if (cliOptions.sass) {
else {
// build mode is the default
info("-- nxrm.groovy build script")
info("Build mode | $buildOptions.buildModeDesc")
info("Goals/phases | $buildOptions.mavenGoalsAndPhasesDesc")
info("Tests | $buildOptions.testsDesc")
info("Assemblies | $buildOptions.assembliesDesc")
info("Sources | $buildOptions.sourcesDesc")
info("Command | ./mvnw ${buildOptions.mavenCommand}")
if (cliOptions.'dry-run') {
info("Dry run mode - skipping...")
if(runBuild()) {
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