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http1_parser.h 28.19 KB
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#ifndef H_HTTP1_PARSER_H
Copyright: Boaz Segev, 2017-2020
License: MIT
Feel free to copy, use and enjoy according to the license provided.
This is a callback based parser. It parses the skeleton of the HTTP/1.x protocol
and leaves most of the work (validation, error checks, etc') to the callbacks.
#define H_HTTP1_PARSER_H
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
/* *****************************************************************************
Parser Settings
***************************************************************************** */
* When defined, HTTP headers will be converted to lowercase and header
* searches will be case sensitive.
* This is highly recommended, required by facil.io and helps with HTTP/2
* compatibility.
/** Prefer a custom memchr implementation. Usualy memchr is better. */
#define FIO_MEMCHAR 0
/** Peforms some optimizations assuming unaligned memory access is okay. */
/* *****************************************************************************
Parser API
***************************************************************************** */
/** this struct contains the state of the parser. */
typedef struct http1_parser_s {
struct http1_parser_protected_read_only_state_s {
long long content_length; /* negative values indicate chuncked data state */
ssize_t read; /* total number of bytes read so far (body only) */
uint8_t *next; /* the known position for the end of request/response */
uint8_t reserved; /* for internal use */
} state;
} http1_parser_s;
{ \
{ 0 } \
* Returns the amount of data actually consumed by the parser.
* The value 0 indicates there wasn't enough data to be parsed and the same
* buffer (with more data) should be resubmitted.
* A value smaller than the buffer size indicates that EITHER a request /
* response was detected OR that the leftover could not be consumed because more
* data was required.
* Simply resubmit the reminder of the data to continue parsing.
* A request / response callback automatically stops the parsing process,
* allowing the user to adjust or refresh the state of the data.
static size_t http1_parse(http1_parser_s *parser, void *buffer, size_t length);
/* *****************************************************************************
Required Callbacks (MUST be implemented by including file)
***************************************************************************** */
/** called when a request was received. */
static int http1_on_request(http1_parser_s *parser);
/** called when a response was received. */
static int http1_on_response(http1_parser_s *parser);
/** called when a request method is parsed. */
static int http1_on_method(http1_parser_s *parser, char *method,
size_t method_len);
/** called when a response status is parsed. the status_str is the string
* without the prefixed numerical status indicator.*/
static int http1_on_status(http1_parser_s *parser, size_t status,
char *status_str, size_t len);
/** called when a request path (excluding query) is parsed. */
static int http1_on_path(http1_parser_s *parser, char *path, size_t path_len);
/** called when a request path (excluding query) is parsed. */
static int http1_on_query(http1_parser_s *parser, char *query,
size_t query_len);
/** called when a the HTTP/1.x version is parsed. */
static int http1_on_version(http1_parser_s *parser, char *version, size_t len);
/** called when a header is parsed. */
static int http1_on_header(http1_parser_s *parser, char *name, size_t name_len,
char *data, size_t data_len);
/** called when a body chunk is parsed. */
static int http1_on_body_chunk(http1_parser_s *parser, char *data,
size_t data_len);
/** called when a protocol error occurred. */
static int http1_on_error(http1_parser_s *parser);
/* *****************************************************************************
Implementation Details
***************************************************************************** */
#define HEADER_NAME_IS_EQ(var_name, const_name, len) \
(!memcmp((var_name), (const_name), (len)))
#define HEADER_NAME_IS_EQ(var_name, const_name, len) \
(!strncasecmp((var_name), (const_name), (len)))
#define HTTP1_PARSER_BIT_16 16
#define HTTP1_PARSER_BIT_32 32
/* *****************************************************************************
Seeking for characters in a string
***************************************************************************** */
* This seems to be faster on some systems, especially for smaller distances.
* On newer systems, `memchr` should be faster.
static int seek2ch(uint8_t **buffer, register uint8_t *const limit,
const uint8_t c) {
if (*buffer >= limit)
return 0;
if (**buffer == c) {
return 1;
/* too short for this mess */
if ((uintptr_t)limit <= 16 + ((uintptr_t)*buffer & (~(uintptr_t)7)))
goto finish;
/* align memory */
const uint8_t *alignment =
(uint8_t *)(((uintptr_t)(*buffer) & (~(uintptr_t)7)) + 8);
if (*buffer < alignment)
*buffer += 1; /* we already tested this char */
if (limit >= alignment) {
while (*buffer < alignment) {
if (**buffer == c) {
return 1;
*buffer += 1;
const uint8_t *limit64 = (uint8_t *)((uintptr_t)limit & (~(uintptr_t)7));
const uint8_t *limit64 = (uint8_t *)limit - 7;
uint64_t wanted1 = 0x0101010101010101ULL * c;
for (; *buffer < limit64; *buffer += 8) {
const uint64_t eq1 = ~((*((uint64_t *)*buffer)) ^ wanted1);
const uint64_t t0 = (eq1 & 0x7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7fllu) + 0x0101010101010101llu;
const uint64_t t1 = (eq1 & 0x8080808080808080llu);
if ((t0 & t1)) {
while (*buffer < limit) {
if (**buffer == c) {
return 1;
return 0;
/* a helper that seeks any char, converts it to NUL and returns 1 if found. */
inline static uint8_t seek2ch(uint8_t **pos, uint8_t *const limit, uint8_t ch) {
/* This is library based alternative that is sometimes slower */
if (*pos >= limit)
return 0;
if (**pos == ch) {
return 1;
uint8_t *tmp = memchr(*pos, ch, limit - (*pos));
if (tmp) {
*pos = tmp;
return 1;
*pos = limit;
return 0;
/* a helper that seeks the EOL, converts it to NUL and returns it's length */
inline static uint8_t seek2eol(uint8_t **pos, uint8_t *const limit) {
/* single char lookup using memchr might be better when target is far... */
if (!seek2ch(pos, limit, '\n'))
return 0;
if ((*pos)[-1] == '\r') {
(*pos)[-1] = (*pos)[0] = 0;
return 2;
(*pos)[0] = 0;
return 1;
/* *****************************************************************************
Change a letter to lower case (latin only)
***************************************************************************** */
static uint8_t http_tolower(uint8_t c) {
if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
c |= 32;
return c;
/* *****************************************************************************
String to Number
***************************************************************************** */
/** Converts a String to a number using base 10 */
static long long http1_atol(const uint8_t *buf, const uint8_t **end) {
register unsigned long long i = 0;
uint8_t inv = 0;
while (*buf == ' ' || *buf == '\t' || *buf == '\f')
while (*buf == '-' || *buf == '+')
inv ^= (*(buf++) == '-');
while (i <= ((((~0ULL) >> 1) / 10)) && *buf >= '0' && *buf <= '9') {
i = i * 10;
i += *buf - '0';
/* test for overflow */
if (i >= (~((~0ULL) >> 1)) || (*buf >= '0' && *buf <= '9'))
i = (~0ULL >> 1);
if (inv)
i = 0ULL - i;
if (end)
*end = buf;
return i;
/** Converts a String to a number using base 16, overflow limited to 113bytes */
static long long http1_atol16(const uint8_t *buf, const uint8_t **end) {
register unsigned long long i = 0;
uint8_t inv = 0;
for (int limit_ = 0;
(*buf == ' ' || *buf == '\t' || *buf == '\f') && limit_ < 32; ++limit_)
for (int limit_ = 0; (*buf == '-' || *buf == '+') && limit_ < 32; ++limit_)
inv ^= (*(buf++) == '-');
if (*buf == '0')
if ((*buf | 32) == 'x')
for (int limit_ = 0; (*buf == '0') && limit_ < 32; ++limit_)
while (!(i & (~((~(0ULL)) >> 4)))) {
if (*buf >= '0' && *buf <= '9') {
i <<= 4;
i |= *buf - '0';
} else if ((*buf | 32) >= 'a' && (*buf | 32) <= 'f') {
i <<= 4;
i |= (*buf | 32) - ('a' - 10);
} else
if (inv)
i = 0ULL - i;
if (end)
*end = buf;
return i;
/* *****************************************************************************
HTTP/1.1 parsre stages
***************************************************************************** */
inline static int http1_consume_response_line(http1_parser_s *parser,
uint8_t *start, uint8_t *end) {
parser->state.reserved |= HTTP1_P_FLAG_RESPONSE;
uint8_t *tmp = start;
if (!seek2ch(&tmp, end, ' '))
return -1;
if (http1_on_version(parser, (char *)start, tmp - start))
return -1;
tmp = start = tmp + 1;
if (!seek2ch(&tmp, end, ' '))
return -1;
if (http1_on_status(parser, http1_atol(start, NULL), (char *)(tmp + 1),
end - tmp))
return -1;
return 0;
inline static int http1_consume_request_line(http1_parser_s *parser,
uint8_t *start, uint8_t *end) {
uint8_t *tmp = start;
uint8_t *host_start = NULL;
uint8_t *host_end = NULL;
if (!seek2ch(&tmp, end, ' '))
return -1;
if (http1_on_method(parser, (char *)start, tmp - start))
return -1;
tmp = start = tmp + 1;
if (start[0] == 'h' && start[1] == 't' && start[2] == 't' &&
start[3] == 'p') {
if (start[4] == ':' && start[5] == '/' && start[6] == '/') {
/* Request URI is in long form... emulate Host header instead. */
tmp = host_end = host_start = (start += 7);
} else if (start[4] == 's' && start[5] == ':' && start[6] == '/' &&
start[7] == '/') {
/* Secure request is in long form... emulate Host header instead. */
tmp = host_end = host_start = (start += 8);
} else
goto review_path;
if (!seek2ch(&tmp, end, ' '))
return -1;
*tmp = ' ';
if (!seek2ch(&host_end, tmp, '/')) {
if (http1_on_path(parser, (char *)"/", 1))
return -1;
goto start_version;
host_end[0] = '/';
start = host_end;
tmp = start;
if (seek2ch(&tmp, end, '?')) {
if (http1_on_path(parser, (char *)start, tmp - start))
return -1;
tmp = start = tmp + 1;
if (!seek2ch(&tmp, end, ' '))
return -1;
if (tmp - start > 0 && http1_on_query(parser, (char *)start, tmp - start))
return -1;
} else {
tmp = start;
if (!seek2ch(&tmp, end, ' '))
return -1;
if (http1_on_path(parser, (char *)start, tmp - start))
return -1;
start = tmp + 1;
if (start + 5 >= end) /* require "HTTP/" */
return -1;
if (http1_on_version(parser, (char *)start, end - start))
return -1;
/* */
if (host_start && http1_on_header(parser, (char *)"host", 4,
(char *)host_start, host_end - host_start))
return -1;
return 0;
inline /* inline the function of it's short enough */
static int
http1_consume_header_transfer_encoding(http1_parser_s *parser,
uint8_t *start, uint8_t *end_name,
uint8_t *start_value, uint8_t *end) {
/* this removes the `chunked` marker and prepares to "unchunk" the data */
while (start_value < end && (end[-1] == ',' || end[-1] == ' '))
if ((end - start_value) == 7 &&
(((uint32_t *)(start_value))[0] | 0x20202020) ==
((uint32_t *)"chun")[0] &&
(((uint32_t *)(start_value + 3))[0] | 0x20202020) ==
((uint32_t *)"nked")[0]
((start_value[0] | 32) == 'c' && (start_value[1] | 32) == 'h' &&
(start_value[2] | 32) == 'u' && (start_value[3] | 32) == 'n' &&
(start_value[4] | 32) == 'k' && (start_value[5] | 32) == 'e' &&
(start_value[6] | 32) == 'd')
) {
/* simple case,only `chunked` as a value */
parser->state.reserved |= HTTP1_P_FLAG_CHUNKED;
parser->state.content_length = 0;
start_value += 7;
while (start_value < end && (*start_value == ',' || *start_value == ' '))
if (!(end - start_value))
return 0;
} else if ((end - start_value) > 7 &&
((end[(-7 + 0)] | 32) == 'c' && (end[(-7 + 1)] | 32) == 'h' &&
(end[(-7 + 2)] | 32) == 'u' && (end[(-7 + 3)] | 32) == 'n' &&
(end[(-7 + 4)] | 32) == 'k' && (end[(-7 + 5)] | 32) == 'e' &&
(end[(-7 + 6)] | 32) == 'd')) {
/* simple case,`chunked` at the end of list (RFC required) */
parser->state.reserved |= HTTP1_P_FLAG_CHUNKED;
parser->state.content_length = 0;
end -= 7;
while (start_value < end && (end[-1] == ',' || end[-1] == ' '))
if (!(end - start_value))
return 0;
#ifdef HTTP1_ALLOW_CHUNKED_IN_MIDDLE_OF_HEADER /* RFC diisallows this */
else if ((end - start_value) > 7 && (end - start_value) < 256) {
/* complex case, `the, chunked, marker, is in the middle of list */
uint8_t val[256];
size_t val_len = 0;
while (start_value < end && val_len < 256) {
if ((end - start_value) >= 7) {
if (
(((uint32_t *)(start_value))[0] | 0x20202020) ==
((uint32_t *)"chun")[0] &&
(((uint32_t *)(start_value + 3))[0] | 0x20202020) ==
((uint32_t *)"nked")[0]
((start_value[0] | 32) == 'c' && (start_value[1] | 32) == 'h' &&
(start_value[2] | 32) == 'u' && (start_value[3] | 32) == 'n' &&
(start_value[4] | 32) == 'k' && (start_value[5] | 32) == 'e' &&
(start_value[6] | 32) == 'd')
) {
parser->state.reserved |= HTTP1_P_FLAG_CHUNKED;
parser->state.content_length = 0;
start_value += 7;
/* skip comma / white space */
while (start_value < end &&
(*start_value == ',' || *start_value == ' '))
/* copy value */
while (start_value < end && val_len < 256 && start_value[0] != ',') {
val[val_len++] = *start_value;
/* copy comma */
if (start_value[0] == ',' && val_len < 256) {
val[val_len++] = *start_value;
/* skip spaces */
while (start_value < end && start_value[0] == ' ') {
if (val_len < 256) {
while (start_value < end && val_len < 256) {
val[val_len++] = *start_value;
val[val_len] = 0;
/* perform callback with `val` or indicate error */
if (val_len == 256 ||
(val_len && http1_on_header(parser, (char *)start, (end_name - start),
(char *)val, val_len)))
return -1;
return 0;
/* perform callback */
if (http1_on_header(parser, (char *)start, (end_name - start),
(char *)start_value, end - start_value))
return -1;
return 0;
inline static int http1_consume_header_top(http1_parser_s *parser,
uint8_t *start, uint8_t *end_name,
uint8_t *start_value, uint8_t *end) {
if ((end_name - start) == 14 &&
*((uint64_t *)start) == *((uint64_t *)"content-") &&
*((uint64_t *)(start + 6)) == *((uint64_t *)"t-length")
HEADER_NAME_IS_EQ((char *)start, "content-length", 14)
) {
/* handle the special `content-length` header */
if ((parser->state.reserved & HTTP1_P_FLAG_CHUNKED))
return 0; /* ignore if `chunked` */
long long old_clen = parser->state.content_length;
parser->state.content_length = http1_atol(start_value, NULL);
if ((parser->state.reserved & HTTP1_P_FLAG_CLENGTH) &&
old_clen != parser->state.content_length) {
/* content-length header repeated with conflict */
return -1;
parser->state.reserved |= HTTP1_P_FLAG_CLENGTH;
} else if ((end_name - start) == 17 && (end - start_value) >= 7 &&
!parser->state.content_length &&
*((uint64_t *)start) == *((uint64_t *)"transfer") &&
*((uint64_t *)(start + 8)) == *((uint64_t *)"-encodin")
HEADER_NAME_IS_EQ((char *)start, "transfer-encoding", 17)
) {
/* handle the special `transfer-encoding: chunked` header */
return http1_consume_header_transfer_encoding(parser, start, end_name,
start_value, end);
/* perform callback */
if (http1_on_header(parser, (char *)start, (end_name - start),
(char *)start_value, end - start_value))
return -1;
return 0;
inline static int http1_consume_header_trailer(http1_parser_s *parser,
uint8_t *start,
uint8_t *end_name,
uint8_t *start_value,
uint8_t *end) {
if ((end_name - start) > 1 && start[0] == 'x') {
/* X- headers are allowed */
goto white_listed;
/* white listed trailer names */
const struct {
char *name;
long len;
} http1_trailer_white_list[] = {
{"server-timing", 13}, /* specific for client data... */
{NULL, 0}, /* end of list marker */
for (size_t i = 0; http1_trailer_white_list[i].name; ++i) {
if ((long)(end_name - start) == http1_trailer_white_list[i].len &&
HEADER_NAME_IS_EQ((char *)start, http1_trailer_white_list[i].name,
http1_trailer_white_list[i].len)) {
/* header disallowed here */
goto white_listed;
return 0;
/* perform callback */
if (http1_on_header(parser, (char *)start, (end_name - start),
(char *)start_value, end - start_value))
return -1;
return 0;
inline static int http1_consume_header(http1_parser_s *parser, uint8_t *start,
uint8_t *end) {
uint8_t *end_name = start;
/* divide header name from data */
if (!seek2ch(&end_name, end, ':'))
return -1;
if (end_name[-1] == ' ' || end_name[-1] == '\t')
return -1;
for (uint8_t *t = start; t < end_name; t++) {
*t = http_tolower(*t);
uint8_t *start_value = end_name + 1;
// clear away leading white space from value.
while (start_value < end &&
(start_value[0] == ' ' || start_value[0] == '\t')) {
return (parser->state.read ? http1_consume_header_trailer
: http1_consume_header_top)(
parser, start, end_name, start_value, end);
/* *****************************************************************************
HTTP/1.1 Body handling
***************************************************************************** */
inline static int http1_consume_body_streamed(http1_parser_s *parser,
void *buffer, size_t length,
uint8_t **start) {
uint8_t *end = *start + parser->state.content_length - parser->state.read;
uint8_t *const stop = ((uint8_t *)buffer) + length;
if (end > stop)
end = stop;
if (end > *start &&
http1_on_body_chunk(parser, (char *)(*start), end - *start))
return -1;
parser->state.read += (end - *start);
*start = end;
if (parser->state.content_length <= parser->state.read)
parser->state.reserved |= HTTP1_P_FLAG_COMPLETE;
return 0;
inline static int http1_consume_body_chunked(http1_parser_s *parser,
void *buffer, size_t length,
uint8_t **start) {
uint8_t *const stop = ((uint8_t *)buffer) + length;
uint8_t *end = *start;
while (*start < stop) {
if (parser->state.content_length == 0) {
if (end + 2 >= stop)
return 0;
if ((end[0] == '\r' && end[1] == '\n')) {
/* remove tailing EOL that wasn't processed and retest */
end += 2;
*start = end;
if (end + 2 >= stop)
return 0;
long long chunk_len = http1_atol16(end, (const uint8_t **)&end);
if (end + 2 > stop) /* overflowed? */
return 0;
if ((end[0] != '\r' || end[1] != '\n'))
return -1; /* required EOL after content length */
end += 2;
parser->state.content_length = 0 - chunk_len;
*start = end;
if (parser->state.content_length == 0) {
/* all chunked data was parsed */
/* update content-length */
parser->state.content_length = parser->state.read;
{ /* add virtual header ... ? */
char buf[512];
size_t buf_len = 512;
size_t tmp_len = parser->state.read;
buf[--buf_len] = 0;
while (tmp_len) {
size_t mod = tmp_len / 10;
buf[--buf_len] = '0' + (tmp_len - (mod * 10));
tmp_len = mod;
if (!(parser->state.reserved & HTTP1_P_FLAG_CLENGTH) &&
http1_on_header(parser, "content-length", 14,
(char *)buf + buf_len, 511 - buf_len)) {
return -1;
/* FIXME: consume trailing EOL */
if (*start + 2 <= stop && (start[0][0] == '\r' || start[0][0] == '\n'))
*start += 1 + (start[0][1] == '\r' || start[0][1] == '\n');
else {
/* remove the "headers complete" and "trailer" flags */
parser->state.reserved =
return -2;
/* the parsing complete flag */
parser->state.reserved |= HTTP1_P_FLAG_COMPLETE;
return 0;
end = *start + (0 - parser->state.content_length);
if (end > stop)
end = stop;
if (end > *start &&
http1_on_body_chunk(parser, (char *)(*start), end - *start)) {
return -1;
parser->state.read += (end - *start);
parser->state.content_length += (end - *start);
*start = end;
return 0;
inline static int http1_consume_body(http1_parser_s *parser, void *buffer,
size_t length, uint8_t **start) {
if (parser->state.content_length > 0 &&
parser->state.content_length > parser->state.read) {
/* normal, streamed data */
return http1_consume_body_streamed(parser, buffer, length, start);
} else if (parser->state.content_length <= 0 &&
(parser->state.reserved & HTTP1_P_FLAG_CHUNKED)) {
/* chuncked encoding */
return http1_consume_body_chunked(parser, buffer, length, start);
} else {
/* nothing to do - parsing complete */
parser->state.reserved |= HTTP1_P_FLAG_COMPLETE;
return 0;
/* *****************************************************************************
HTTP/1.1 parsre function
***************************************************************************** */
#include <assert.h>
#define HTTP1_ASSERT assert
#define HTTP1_ASSERT(...)
* Returns the amount of data actually consumed by the parser.
* The value 0 indicates there wasn't enough data to be parsed and the same
* buffer (with more data) should be resubmitted.
* A value smaller than the buffer size indicates that EITHER a request /
* response was detected OR that the leftover could not be consumed because more
* data was required.
* Simply resubmit the reminder of the data to continue parsing.
* A request / response callback automatically stops the parsing process,
* allowing the user to adjust or refresh the state of the data.
static size_t http1_parse(http1_parser_s *parser, void *buffer, size_t length) {
if (!length)
return 0;
HTTP1_ASSERT(parser && buffer);
parser->state.next = NULL;
uint8_t *start = (uint8_t *)buffer;
uint8_t *end = start;
uint8_t *const stop = start + length;
uint8_t eol_len = 0;
#define HTTP1_CONSUMED ((size_t)((uintptr_t)start - (uintptr_t)buffer))
switch ((parser->state.reserved & 7)) {
case 0: /* request / response line */
/* clear out any leading white space */
while ((start < stop) &&
(*start == '\r' || *start == '\n' || *start == ' ' || *start == 0)) {
end = start;
/* make sure the whole line is available*/
if (!(eol_len = seek2eol(&end, stop)))
if (start[0] == 'H' && start[1] == 'T' && start[2] == 'T' &&
start[3] == 'P') {
/* HTTP response */
if (http1_consume_response_line(parser, start, end - eol_len + 1))
goto error;
} else if (http_tolower(start[0]) >= 'a' && http_tolower(start[0]) <= 'z') {
/* HTTP request */
if (http1_consume_request_line(parser, start, end - eol_len + 1))
goto error;
} else
goto error;
end = start = end + 1;
parser->state.reserved |= HTTP1_P_FLAG_STATUS_LINE;
/* fallthrough */
case 1: /* headers */
do {
if (start >= stop)
return HTTP1_CONSUMED; /* buffer ended on header line */
if (*start == '\r' || *start == '\n') {
goto finished_headers; /* empty line, end of headers */
end = start;
if (!(eol_len = seek2eol(&end, stop)))
if (http1_consume_header(parser, start, end - eol_len + 1))
goto error;
end = start = end + 1;
} while ((parser->state.reserved & HTTP1_P_FLAG_HEADER_COMPLETE) == 0);
if (*start == '\n')
end = start;
parser->state.reserved |= HTTP1_P_FLAG_HEADER_COMPLETE;
/* fallthrough */
/* request body */
int t3 = http1_consume_body(parser, buffer, length, &start);
switch (t3) {
case -1:
goto error;
case -2:
goto re_eval;
/* are we done ? */
if (parser->state.reserved & HTTP1_P_FLAG_COMPLETE) {
parser->state.next = start;
if (((parser->state.reserved & HTTP1_P_FLAG_RESPONSE)
? http1_on_response
: http1_on_request)(parser))
goto error;
parser->state = (struct http1_parser_protected_read_only_state_s){0};
parser->state = (struct http1_parser_protected_read_only_state_s){0};
return length;
