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陈心 / mc_1.7.10

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cauldron.yml 7.55 KB
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陈心 提交于 2021-10-28 21:23 . first
# This is the main configuration file for Cauldron.
# If you need help with the configuration or have any questions related to Cauldron,
# join us at the IRC or drop by our forums and leave a post.
# IRC: #cauldron @ irc.esper.net ( http://webchat.esper.net/?channel=cauldron )
# Forums: http://cauldron.minecraftforge.net/
# Setting: logging.entity-collision-checks Default: false # Whether to log entity collision/count checks
# Setting: settings.load-chunk-on-forge-tick Default: false # Forces Chunk Loading during Forge Server Tick events
# Setting: settings.check-entity-max-speeds Default: false # Removes any entity that exceeds max speed.
# Setting: settings.chunk-gc-grace-period Default: 0 # Grace period of no-ticks before unload
# Setting: plugin-settings.allow-reload Default: false # Allow plugins to be reloaded. WARNING - breaks with some mods. We *will not* support this!
# Setting: logging.connection Default: false # Log connections
# Setting: logging.tick-intervals Default: false # Log when skip interval handlers are ticked
# Setting: logging.user-login Default: false # Set true to enable debuggin user's login process
# Setting: world-settings.default.flowing-lava-decay Default: false # Lava behaves like vanilla water when source block is removed
# Setting: protection.spawn-protect Default: true # Whether to enable Thermos' all-seeing protection in the spawn world
# Setting: protection.no-fallback-alias Default: true # Don't allow commands of the format plugin:cmd, the plugin: will be removed (recommended to keep at true)
# Setting: world-settings.default.allow-tnt-punishment Default: true # TNT ability to push other entities (including other TNTs)
# Setting: logging.dump-threads-on-warn Default: false # Dump the the server thread on deadlock warning (delps to debug the deadlock)
# Setting: logging.entity-speed-removal Default: false # Whether to log entity removals due to speed
# Setting: settings.entity-max-speed Default: 100 # Square of the max speed of an entity before removing it
# Setting: settings.check-entity-bounding-boxes Default: true # Removes a living entity that exceeds the max bounding box size.
# Setting: logging.disabled-warnings Default: false # Disable warning messages to server admins
# Setting: world-settings.default.infinite-water-source Default: true # Vanilla water source behavior - is infinite
# Setting: logging.world-leak-debug Default: false # Log worlds that appear to be leaking (buggy)
# Setting: logging.collision-warn-size Default: 200 # Number of colliding entities in one spot before logging a warning. Set to 0 to disable
# Setting: logging.entity-count-warn-size Default: 0 # Number of entities in one dimension logging a warning. Set to 0 to disable
# Setting: optimized.affinity-locking Default: false # Whether to enable affinity locking. Very technical usage, recommended for dedicated hosts only. Ask on Discord or GitHub for info on how to set this up properly.
# Setting: world-settings.max-players-visible Default: -1 # How many players will visible in the tab list
# Setting: optimized.ram-load-chunks Default: false # Loads chunks into the system RAM (experimental). WARNING! ENABLING THIS WILL INCREASE RAM USAGE BY OVER 1GB.
# Setting: world-settings.use-real-names Default: false # Instead of DIM##, use the world name prescribed by the mod! Be careful with this one, could create incompat with existing setups!
# Setting: logging.entity-death Default: false # Log when an entity is destroyed (dev)
# Setting: logging.entity-despawn Default: false # Log when living entities are despawned (dev)
# Setting: logging.chunk-unload Default: false # Log when chunks are unloaded (dev)
# Setting: plugin-settings.default.remap-plugin-file Default: false # Remap the plugin file (dev)
# Setting: protection.blocked-cmds Default: # Contains commands you want to block from being used in-game, you must also include command aliases (e.g. blocked-cmds: /op,/deop,/stop,/restart .
# Setting: protection.instant-removal Default: # Contains Block IDs that you want to NEVER exist in the world i.e. world anchors (just in case) (e.g. instant-removal: 1,93,56,24
# Setting: fake-players.do-login Default: false # Raise login events for fake players
# Setting: logging.entity-spawn Default: false # Log when living entities are spawned (dev)
# Setting: logging.dump-chunks-on-deadlock Default: false # Dump chunks in the event of a deadlock (helps to debug the deadlock)
# Setting: optimized.redstone-repeater-update-speed Default: -1 # how many milliseconds the server must ignore before trying repeater updates
# Setting: optimized.redstone-redstoneTorch-update-speed Default: -1 # how many milliseconds the server must ignore before trying redstoneTorch updates
# Setting: settings.load-chunk-on-request Default: true # Forces Chunk Loading on 'Provide' requests (speedup for mods that don't check if a chunk is loaded
# Setting: settings.entity-bounding-box-max-size Default: 1000 # Max size of an entity's bounding box before removing it (either being too large or bugged and 'moving' too fast)
# Setting: settings.dump-materials Default: false # Dumps all materials with their corresponding id's
# Setting: logging.chunk-load Default: false # Log when chunks are loaded (dev)
# Setting: logging.detailed-logging Default: false # Add stack traces to dev logging
# Setting: logging.dump-heap-on-deadlock Default: false # Dump the heap in the event of a deadlock (helps to debug the deadlock)
# Setting: debug.thread-contention-monitoring Default: false # Set true to enable Java's thread contention monitoring for thread dumps
entity-collision-checks: false
connection: false
tick-intervals: false
user-login: false
dump-threads-on-warn: false
entity-speed-removal: false
disabled-warnings: false
world-leak-debug: false
collision-warn-size: 200
entity-count-warn-size: 0
entity-death: false
entity-despawn: false
chunk-unload: false
entity-spawn: false
dump-chunks-on-deadlock: false
chunk-load: false
detailed-logging: false
dump-heap-on-deadlock: false
load-chunk-on-forge-tick: false
check-entity-max-speeds: false
chunk-gc-grace-period: 0
entity-max-speed: 100
check-entity-bounding-boxes: true
load-chunk-on-request: true
entity-bounding-box-max-size: 1000
dump-materials: false
allow-reload: false
remap-plugin-file: false
custom-class-loader: true
debug: false
remap-nms-v1_7_R4: true
remap-nms-v1_7_R3: true
remap-nms-v1_7_R1: true
remap-nms-v1_6_R3: true
remap-nms-v1_5_R3: true
remap-nms-pre: 'false'
remap-obc-v1_7_R4: true
remap-obc-v1_7_R3: true
remap-obc-v1_7_R1: true
remap-obc-v1_6_R3: true
remap-obc-v1_5_R3: true
remap-obc-pre: false
global-inheritance: true
plugin-inheritance: true
remap-reflect-field: true
remap-reflect-class: true
remap-allow-future: false
flowing-lava-decay: false
allow-tnt-punishment: true
infinite-water-source: true
entity-despawn-immediate: false
max-players-visible: -1
use-real-names: false
spawn-protect: true
no-fallback-alias: true
blocked-cmds: ''
instant-removal: ''
affinity-locking: false
ram-load-chunks: false
redstone-repeater-update-speed: -1
redstone-redstoneTorch-update-speed: -1
do-login: false
thread-contention-monitoring: false
config-version: 1
keep-world-loaded: true
keep-world-loaded: true
keep-world-loaded: false
