

qs9816 暂无简介

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    qs9816 / YurunPHP forked from 宇润 / YurunPHP


    qs9816 / PPPHP forked from kphcdr / PPPHP


    qs9816 / MicroPHP forked from 狂奔的蜗牛. / MicroPHP


    qs9816 / ffpython forked from EvanZhaoOwn / ffpython

    ffpython is a c++ lib,which is to simplify embedding python and extend python. For example, call python function, register c++ function to python, register c++ class to python, on one implement c++ header file.

    qs9816 / fflua

    FFLUA 是嵌入LUA,注册C++相关的对象到lua的封装库, wraper for C++ embedding lua, extend C++ to lua

    qs9816 / xunsearch

    免费开源的中文搜索引擎,采用 C/C++ 编写 (基于 xapian 和 scws),提供 PHP 的开发接口和丰富文档

    qs9816 / fourinone forked from fourinone / fourinone

    Fourinone (Chinese name "四不像") provides a 4-in-1 distributed framework and easy-to-use programming api to use CPU, memory, hard drives of multi-machine together, in order to gain a powerful computing power to solve complex problems . The Fourinone framework provides a series of parallel computing model (include Migrant Workers / Contractors / Job Agency/ Warehouse concepts) to take advantage of the computing power of multi-machine multi-core cpu; provide a complete distributed cache and a small cache to take advantage of multi-machine memory capacity; provides the operation of remote files in the same way as local files (access, parallel read and write, split, exclusive, copying, parsing, transaction, etc.) for the use of hard disk storage capacity of multi-machine; due to the multi-computer physically independent, Fourinone framework also provides a complete Distributed collaborative and locks, as well as simplify the MQ function for multi-machine collaboration and communication. In other words, fourinone integrates Hadoop, Zookeeper, Memcache, MQ four major functions in a simple jar! It is only 150k size and without any dependence and very convenient to embed your system for use.

    qs9816 / koubeiblog


    qs9816 / jeedcp forked from henrycao / jeedcp

    Jeedcp 是一个企业级分布式基础平台,Java EE(J2EE)快速开发框架,使用经典技术组合(Spring、Spring MVC、Apache Shiro、MyBatis、hplus。利用maven管理多模块。包含代码生成模块,流程引擎模块,阿里云OSS文件模块,权限模块,SSO模块,微信模块,任务调度模块,支付模块(支持微信支付和支付宝支付),在线报表开发模块,缓存模块,消息模块(阿里短信),日志模块(用mongo记录日志),配置模块,测试模块等

    qs9816 / YayCrawler forked from 代码神童 / YayCrawler

    分布式爬虫系统,简单使用,高级配置。可扩展,减轻开发量,能docker化,适应各种急切需求核心框架:WebMagic, Spring Boot ,MongoDB, ActiveMQ ,Spring + Quartz,Spring Jpa , Druid,Redis, Ehcache ,SLF4J、Log4j2, Bootstrap + Jquery 等,不详细列举了

    qs9816 / goshop forked from 星·夜 / goshop

    分布式多店铺电商系统,使用技术:spring 、springmvc、mybatis、maven、html5、jquery、freemarker、Redis(缓存服务器)、Solr(搜索引擎)、Dubbo(调用系统服务)、Nginx(web服务器)、FastDFS(文件服务器)、Shiro(权限框架)、Zookeeper(分布式应用程序协调服务)

    qs9816 / SpringWind forked from baomidou / SpringWind

    Java EE(J2EE)快速开发框架, SSM 架构 spring-wind 实战项目

    qs9816 / iBase4J forked from iBase4J / iBase4J


    qs9816 / fastrpc forked from feimat / fastrpc

    高性能 c++ 服务器框架 10秒即可上手。技术交流群:339711102,主要探讨游戏开发,游戏框架,后台开发,web框架及fastrpc使用优化问题。

    qs9816 / fastpy forked from feimat / fastpy

    高性能python web框架 自带http服务器等功能

    qs9816 / fpage forked from fy / fpage

    FPage 是一个tornado项目生成器,能够帮你生成基于 tornado + mako/jinja2 + sqlalchemy/peewee 的项目,节省时间。从https://github.com/fy0/fpage镜像
