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WinH / Excel-VBA-Dicts

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Dicts.bas 54.99 KB
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WinH 提交于 2019-08-07 12:29 . Update Dicts.bas
'@desc Util Class Dicts
'@author Qiou Yang
'@license MIT
'@lastUpdate 07.08.2019
' minor bugfix / load method now does not change the status of underlying object
' feed/reset method -> feed the value recursively to the struct
'@TODO add comments
' unify the Exception-Code
' declaration compulsory
Option Explicit
'___________private variables_____________
'implement TreeMaps Object
Private pKeys As TreeSets
Private pVals As Collection
Const pUpdate As Boolean = True ' to update if duplicated
' has column label
Private pIsLabeled As Boolean
' column label as Dicts, label -> index
Private pLabeledArray As Dicts
' target workbook
Private pWb As Workbook
Private pList As Lists
' enum for the parameters in filter/reduce/map
Enum ProcessWith
key = 0
value = 1
RangedValue = 2
End Enum
' aggregate method for the function ranged
Enum AggregateMethod
AggMap = 0
AggReduce = 1
Aggfilter = 2
End Enum
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set pWb = ThisWorkbook
Set pList = New Lists
Set pKeys = New TreeSets
Set pVals = New Collection
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Set pWb = Nothing
Set pLabeledArray = Nothing
Set pList = Nothing
Set pKeys = Nothing
Set pVals = Nothing
End Sub
' get/set target workbook
Public Property Get wb() As Workbook
Set wb = pWb
End Property
Public Property Let wb(ByRef wkb As Workbook)
Set pWb = wkb
End Property
' get the underlying Dicitionary-Object
Public Property Get dict() As Dicts
Set dict = Me
End Property
Public Function add(k, v) As Dicts
pKeys.add k, pUpdate
pVals.add v
Set add = Me
End Function
Public Property Let Item(key As Variant, value As Variant)
add key, value
End Property
Public Property Get Item(key As Variant) As Variant
Dim tmp As Nodes
Set tmp = pKeys.ceiling(key, True)
If tmp Is Nothing Then
Item = Null
If IsObject(pVals.Item(tmp.index + 1)) Then
Set Item = pVals.Item(tmp.index + 1)
Item = pVals.Item(tmp.index + 1)
End If
End If
Set tmp = Nothing
End Property
Public Function exists(key As Variant) As Boolean
Dim tmp As Nodes
Set tmp = pKeys.ceiling(key, True)
exists = False
If Not tmp Is Nothing Then
exists = tmp.value = key
End If
End Function
Public Function RemoveAll()
Set pVals = New Collection
End Function
Public Function Remove(e)
pKeys.Remove e
End Function
Public Function clear()
End Function
' get/set column labels
Public Property Get label() As Dicts
If pIsLabeled Then
Set label = pLabeledArray
Set label = Nothing
End If
End Property
Public Property Let label(ByVal rng As Variant)
setLabel rng
End Property
Public Function hasLabel() As Boolean
hasLabel = pIsLabeled
End Function
Public Function copyLabel(ByRef src As Dicts, ByRef targ As Dicts)
If src.hasLabel Then
targ.label = src.label
targ.label = Nothing
End If
End Function
'@desc: set the column/row labels to the underlying Dicts
'@return: this Dicts
'@param: rng either as Array, Dicts or as Range
Public Function setLabel(ByVal rng As Variant) As Dicts
If isInstanceOf(rng, "Nothing") Then
pIsLabeled = False
Set pLabeledArray = Nothing
Dim c
Dim cnt As Long
cnt = 0
Dim d As New Dicts
If isInstanceOf(rng, "Range") Then
For Each c In rng.Cells
d.Item(Trim(CStr(c.value))) = cnt
cnt = cnt + 1
Next c
Me.setLabel d
If isDict(rng) Then
Set pLabeledArray = rng
ElseIf IsArray(rng) Then
Dim k
For k = 0 To UBound(rng) - LBound(rng)
d.Item(rng(k)) = k
Next k
Me.setLabel d
End If
End If
pIsLabeled = True
End If
Set setLabel = Me
End Function
'@desc get element by key and label
'@return the target element
Public Function getByLabel(ByRef k As Variant, ByRef label As String) As Variant
If Not pIsLabeled Then
Err.Raise 99760, , "LabelAbsentException: please specify the label first"
End If
If Not Me.exists(k) Then
Err.Raise 89760, , "ElementNotFoundException: the key does not exist"
End If
If Not pLabeledArray.exists(label) Then
Err.Raise 89760, , "ElementNotFoundException: the label '" & label & "' does not exist"
End If
If IsObject(Item(k)(pLabeledArray.Item(label))) Then
Set getByLabel = Item(k)(pLabeledArray.Item(label))
getByLabel = Item(k)(pLabeledArray.Item(label))
End If
End Function
' get length of the key-value pairs
' if recursive set to true, count the keys of all child-dicts
' allLevels only relevant in recursive-mode, count all the keys in the structure
Public Function Count(Optional ByVal recursive As Boolean = False, Optional ByVal allLevels As Boolean = True) As Long
If Not recursive Then
Count = pKeys.size
If isDicted_(Me) Then
Dim k
Dim res As Long
For Each k In Me.Keys
res = IIf(allLevels, 1, 0) + res + Me.Item(k).Count(True)
Next k
Count = res
Count = Me.Count
End If
End If
End Function
' get keys as Array, if no element return null-Array
Public Property Get keysArr() As Variant
keysArr = Me.Keys
End Property
' get keys as Array, if no element return null-Array
Public Property Get valsArr() As Variant
Dim res()
If Me.Count > 0 Then
ReDim res(0 To Me.Count - 1)
Dim k
Dim cnt As Long
cnt = 0
For Each k In Me.Keys
res(cnt) = Me.Item(k)
cnt = cnt + 1
Next k
End If
valsArr = res
Erase res
End Property
' get keys as iterable-object
Public Property Get Keys() As Variant
Keys = pKeys.toArray
End Property
Public Function fromArray(ByRef arr) As Dicts
If IsArray(arr) Then
Set fromArray = pList.addAll(arr).toDict
ElseIf TypeName(arr) = "Lists" Then
Set fromArray = arr.toDict
Err.Raise 9876, , "Unknown Parameter Type!"
End If
End Function
'@desc: get Worksheet
'@return: the target sht
'@param: targSht sheet name in string, by default the activesheet
' wb the workbook which contains the targSht
Function getTargetSht(Optional ByVal targSht As String = "", Optional ByRef wb As Workbook) As Worksheet
Dim tmpWb As Workbook
Set tmpWb = IIf(wb Is Nothing, pWb, wb)
With tmpWb
Dim tmpname As String
tmpname = ActiveSheet.Name
If Trim(targSht) = "" Then
targSht = tmpname
End If
Set getTargetSht = .Worksheets(targSht)
End With
Set tmpWb = Nothing
End Function
'@desc: load the content of range
'@return: the target range
'@param: targSht sheet name in string, by default the activesheet
' targKeyCol target key column, default to be 1
' targValCol target value column, the column to be read from, default to be the key column
' targRowBegine row number to begin
' targRowEnd row number ends, by default the last none-empty row of key column
' isVertical if true, data entries ranged vertically, i.e. model vlookup; if false, targKeyCol means actually targKeyRow and targValCol targValRow
Function getRange(Optional ByVal targSht As String = "", Optional ByVal targKeyCol As Long = 1, Optional ByVal targValCol = 1, Optional targRowBegine As Variant, Optional ByVal targRowEnd As Variant, Optional ByRef wb As Workbook, Optional ByVal isVertical As Boolean = True) As Range
' get the target Range
With getTargetSht(targSht, wb)
If IsMissing(targRowBegine) Then
targRowBegine = 1
End If
' if the targValCol is single number, put it into array
If Not IsArray(targValCol) Then
targValCol = Array(targValCol)
End If
If IsMissing(targRowEnd) Then
If isVertical Then
targRowEnd = .Cells(.Rows.Count, targKeyCol).End(xlUp).row
targRowEnd = .Cells(targKeyCol, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
End If
End If
If isVertical Then
Set getRange = .Cells(targRowBegine, targValCol(LBound(targValCol))).Resize(targRowEnd - targRowBegine + 1, targValCol(UBound(targValCol)) - targValCol(LBound(targValCol)) + 1)
Set getRange = .Cells(targValCol(LBound(targValCol)), targRowBegine).Resize(targValCol(UBound(targValCol)) + 1 - targValCol(LBound(targValCol)), targRowEnd + 1 - targRowBegine)
End If
End With
End Function
'@desc: get one-dimensional array based on the range
'@return: one-dimensional array containing value or address
'@param: rng as target Range
' isVertical if true, data entries ranged vertically, i.e. model vlookup
' asAddress keep the address as the content of the array
Public Function rngToArr(ByRef rng As Range, Optional ByVal isVertical As Boolean = True, Optional ByVal asAddress As Boolean = False) As Variant
Dim i
Dim res()
Dim cnt As Long
cnt = 0
Dim arr() ' multi-dimensional array containing either value or address
' fill in the arr
If rng.Cells.Count = 1 Then
ReDim arr(1 To 1, 1 To 1)
arr(1, 1) = IIf(asAddress, rng.Address, rng.value)
If asAddress Then
arr = rngToAddress(rng)
arr = rng.value
End If
End If
' slice the 2-dimensional array based on the direction specified
If isVertical Then
ReDim res(0 To rng.Rows.Count - 1)
For i = LBound(arr, 1) To UBound(arr, 1)
res(cnt) = sliceArr(arr, i, isVertical)
cnt = cnt + 1
Next i
ReDim res(0 To rng.Columns.Count - 1)
For i = LBound(arr, 2) To UBound(arr, 2)
res(cnt) = sliceArr(arr, i, isVertical)
cnt = cnt + 1
Next i
End If
' if the result array contains only one element and the element is not array itself, return the result
If UBound(res) = LBound(res) Then
rngToArr = res(0)
rngToArr = res
End If
Erase res
Erase arr
End Function
'@desc: get two-dimensional array with the address of the target range
'@return: two-dimensional array with the address of the target range
'@param: rng as target Range
Public Function rngToAddress(ByRef rng As Range, Optional ByVal withShtName As Boolean = True, Optional ByVal withWbName As Boolean = False) As Variant
Dim fst As Range
Set fst = rng.Cells(1, 1)
Dim lst As Range
Set lst = fst.offSet(rng.Rows.Count - 1, rng.Columns.Count - 1)
Dim shtName As String
Dim wbName As String
shtName = "'" & fst.Worksheet.Name & "'!"
wbName = "'[" & fst.Worksheet.parent.Name & "]" & fst.Worksheet.Name & "'!"
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim res()
ReDim res(1 To rng.Rows.Count, 1 To rng.Columns.Count)
For i = fst.row To lst.row
For j = fst.Column To lst.Column
res(i - fst.row + 1, j - fst.Column + 1) = IIf(withWbName, wbName & Cells(i, j).Address(0, 0), IIf(withShtName, shtName & Cells(i, j).Address(0, 0), Cells(i, j).Address(0, 0)))
Next j
Next i
rngToAddress = res
Set fst = Nothing
Set lst = Nothing
Erase res
End Function
'@desc: slice two-dimensional array into one-dimensional array based on the direction specified
'@return: one-dimensional array containing values of specific row or column
'@param: arr two-dimensional array
' n the n-th row, if isVertical else the n-th column
' isVertical if true, data entries ranged vertically, i.e. model vlookup
Private Function sliceArr(arr, ByVal n As Long, Optional ByVal isVertical As Boolean = True) As Variant
Dim i
Dim res()
Dim cnt As Long
cnt = 0
If isVertical Then
ReDim res(0 To UBound(arr, 2) - LBound(arr, 2))
' n is row number, dimension 1
For i = LBound(arr, 2) To UBound(arr, 2)
res(cnt) = arr(n, i)
cnt = cnt + 1
Next i
ReDim res(0 To UBound(arr, 1) - LBound(arr, 1))
' n is col number, dimension 2
For i = LBound(arr, 1) To UBound(arr, 1)
res(cnt) = arr(i, n)
cnt = cnt + 1
Next i
End If
sliceArr = res
Erase res
End Function
'@return: dimension of the array
'@param: arr target array
Private Function arrDimension(arr) As Long
On Error GoTo hdl:
Dim res As Long
res = 0
Dim cnt As Long
cnt = 1
If IsArray(arr) Then
Dim e
Do While True
e = UBound(arr, cnt)
cnt = cnt + 1
res = cnt - 1
End If
arrDimension = res
End Function
'@return: length of the one-dimensional array
'@param: arr target array
Private Function arrLen(arr) As Long
arrLen = UBound(arr) - LBound(arr) + 1
End Function
'@return: Dicts obj
'@param: keyArr keys in one-dimensional array
' valArr vals in one-dimensional array, which can contain arrays of value as its element
' isReversed read from bottom up if true
' keyCstr whether transfer the keys into trimmed string
Function arrToDict(keyArr, valArr, Optional ByVal isReversed As Boolean = False, Optional ByVal keyCstr As Boolean = False) As Dicts
Dim res As New Dicts
' combine the key-value pair in a zipped mode
If arrLen(keyArr) = 0 Then
ElseIf arrLen(keyArr) = 1 And arrLen(valArr) > 1 Then
res.Item(keyArr(LBound(keyArr))) = valArr
If arrLen(keyArr) <> arrLen(valArr) Then
Err.Raise 8888, "", "Arrays with different length can not be combined"
End If
Dim i, k
If isReversed Then
For i = UBound(keyArr) To LBound(keyArr) Step -1
If Len(Trim(CStr(keyArr(i)))) > 0 Then
k = IIf(keyCstr, Trim(CStr(keyArr(i))), keyArr(i))
If res.exists(k) Then
res.Remove k
End If
res.add k, valArr(i)
End If
Next i
For i = LBound(keyArr) To UBound(keyArr)
If Len(Trim(CStr(keyArr(i)))) > 0 Then
k = IIf(keyCstr, Trim(CStr(keyArr(i))), keyArr(i))
If res.exists(k) Then
res.Remove k
End If
res.add k, valArr(i)
End If
Next i
End If
End If
Set arrToDict = res
Set res = Nothing
End Function
'@desc: map the range to dictionary
'@return: dictionary-object
'@param: arr two-dimensional array
' n the n-th row, if isVertical else the n-th column
Function rngToDict(ByRef keyRng As Range, ByRef valRng As Range, Optional ByVal isReversed As Boolean = False, Optional ByVal asAddress As Boolean = False) As Dicts
' if the keyRng contains only one column, it is vertical
Dim isVertical As Boolean
isVertical = keyRng.Columns.Count = 1
Set rngToDict = arrToDict(rngToArr(keyRng, Not isVertical), IIf(IIf(isVertical, valRng.Columns.Count, valRng.Rows.Count) = 1, rngToArr(valRng, Not isVertical, asAddress), rngToArr(valRng, isVertical, asAddress)), isReversed)
End Function
'@desc: read data from xlSht to Dicts-Collection
'@return: Dicts-object
'@param: Sht Name of the target Worksheet
' KeyCol the position of key, the n-th column if isVertical, else the n-th row
' ValCol the position of value, can be either a number or an array representing the n-th column if isVertical, else the n-th row
' RowBegine the firstRow of the data entries
' RowEnd the lastRow of the data entries, by default the last none-empty row
' wb the Workbook-Object which contains the Sht, by default thisWorkbook
' Reversed read from bottom up if true.
' asAddress load the addresses
' appendMode keep the old data if evoked multiple times
' isVertical vlook if true
Public Function load(Optional ByVal sht As String = "", Optional ByVal KeyCol As Long = 1, Optional ByVal valCol = 1, Optional RowBegine As Variant = 1, Optional ByVal RowEnd As Variant, Optional ByRef wb As Workbook, Optional ByRef Reversed As Boolean = False, Optional ByRef asAddress As Boolean = False, Optional appendMode As Boolean = False, Optional ByVal isVertical As Boolean = True) As Dicts
Dim keyRng As Range
Set keyRng = getRange(sht, KeyCol, KeyCol, RowBegine, RowEnd, wb, isVertical)
Dim valRng As Range
Set valRng = getRange(sht, KeyCol, valCol, RowBegine, RowEnd, wb, isVertical)
If Count = 0 Or Not appendMode Then
Set load = rngToDict(keyRng, valRng, Reversed, asAddress)
Set load = union(createInstance(Me.rngToDict(keyRng, valRng, Reversed, asAddress)))
End If
Set keyRng = Nothing
Set valRng = Nothing
End Function
Public Function loadH(Optional ByVal sht As String = "", Optional ByVal KeyRow As Long = 1, Optional ByVal ValRow = 1, Optional ColBegine As Variant = 1, Optional ByVal ColEnd As Variant, Optional ByRef wb As Workbook, Optional ByRef Reversed As Boolean = False, Optional ByRef asAddress As Boolean = False, Optional appendMode As Boolean = False) As Dicts
Set loadH = load(sht:=sht, KeyCol:=KeyRow, valCol:=ValRow, RowBegine:=ColBegine, RowEnd:=ColEnd, wb:=wb, Reversed:=Reversed, asAddress:=asAddress, appendMode:=appendMode, isVertical:=False)
End Function
'@desc update self with new dictionary obj
'@deprecated only for the legacy code
Public Function of(ByRef dictObj As Dicts) As Dicts
Set of = dictObj
End Function
'@desc create a new instance with the dictionary obj
'@deprecated only for the legacy code
Public Function createInstance(ByRef dictObj As Dicts) As Dicts
Dim res As New Dicts
Set createInstance = res.of(dictObj)
Set res = Nothing
End Function
'@deprecated only for the legacy code
Public Function emptyInstance() As Dicts
Dim res As New Dicts
Set emptyInstance = res
Set res = Nothing
End Function
Public Function loadStruct(ByVal sht As String, ByVal KeyCol1 As Long, ByVal KeyCol2 As Long, ByVal valCol, Optional RowBegine As Variant, Optional ByVal RowEnd As Variant, Optional ByRef wb As Workbook, Optional ByRef Reversed As Boolean = False) As Dicts
With getTargetSht(sht, wb)
Dim dict As New Dicts
If IsMissing(RowBegine) Then
RowBegine = 1
End If
If IsMissing(RowEnd) Then
RowEnd = .Cells(Rows.Count, KeyCol2).End(xlUp).row
End If
Dim tmpPreviousRow As Long
Dim tmpCurrentRow As Long
Dim tmpDict As New Dicts
tmpPreviousRow = RowEnd
tmpCurrentRow = tmpPreviousRow
Do While tmpCurrentRow > RowBegine
tmpCurrentRow = .Cells(tmpCurrentRow, KeyCol1).End(xlUp).row
dict.add .Cells(tmpCurrentRow, KeyCol1).value, tmpDict.load(sht, KeyCol2, valCol, tmpCurrentRow + 1, tmpPreviousRow, wb, Reversed)
Set tmpDict = Nothing
tmpPreviousRow = tmpCurrentRow - 1
Set loadStruct = dict
Set dict = Nothing
End With
End Function
Public Function reset(Optional ByVal v As Variant = 0) As Dicts
Dim k
For Each k In Me.Keys
If isDict(Me.Item(k)) Then
Me.Item(k).reset v
Me.Item(k) = v
End If
Next k
Set reset = Me
End Function
' incremental based on the data Dict feed
Public Function feed(ByRef d As Dicts, Optional ByVal isIncremental As Boolean = False) As Dicts
Dim k
For Each k In Me.Keys
If isDict(Me.Item(k)) Then
Me.Item(k).feed d
If d.exists(k) Then
If isIncremental Then
Me.Item(k) = Me.Item(k) + d.Item(k)
Me.Item(k) = d.Item(k)
End If
End If
End If
Next k
Set feed = Me
End Function
' rng can be Range Object or an array
Public Function frequencyCount(ByRef rng) As Dicts
Dim res As New Dicts
Dim k
If TypeName(rng) = "Range" Then
For Each k In rng.Cells
If Len(k.value) > 0 Then
If res.exists(k.value) Then
res.Item(k.value) = res.Item(k.value) + 1
res.Item(k.value) = 1
End If
End If
Next k
For Each k In rng
If Len(k) > 0 Then
If res.exists(k) Then
res.Item(k) = res.Item(k) + 1
res.Item(k) = 1
End If
End If
Next k
' type undefined
End If
Set frequencyCount = res
Set res = Nothing
End Function
Public Sub unload(ByVal shtName As String, ByVal keyPos As Long, ByVal startingRow As Long, ByVal startingCol As Long, Optional ByVal endRow As Long, Optional ByVal endCol As Long, Optional ByRef wb As Workbook, Optional ByVal isVertical As Boolean = True)
Dim c
Dim tmp
Dim l
With getTargetSht(shtName, wb)
If isVertical Then
If IsMissing(endRow) Or endRow = 0 Then
endRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, keyPos).End(xlUp).row
End If
For Each c In .Cells(startingRow, keyPos).Resize(endRow - startingRow + 1, 1).Cells
If exists(c.value) Then
tmp = Item(c.value)
If IsArray(tmp) Then
If IsMissing(endCol) Or endCol = 0 Then
.Cells(c.row, startingCol).Resize(1, arrLen(tmp)).value = tmp
l = pList.fromArray(tmp, False).take(endCol - startingCol + 1).toArray
.Cells(c.row, startingCol).Resize(1, arrLen(l)).value = l
End If
.Cells(c.row, startingCol).value = tmp
End If
End If
Next c
If IsMissing(endCol) Or endCol = 0 Then
endCol = .Cells(keyPos, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
End If
For Each c In .Cells(keyPos, startingCol).Resize(1, endCol - startingCol + 1).Cells
If exists(c.value) Then
tmp = Item(c.value)
If IsArray(tmp) Then
If IsMissing(endRow) Or endRow = 0 Then
.Cells(startingRow, c.Column).Resize(arrLen(tmp), 1).value = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(tmp)
l = pList.fromArray(tmp, False).take(endCol - startingCol + 1).toArray
.Cells(startingRow, c.Column).Resize(arrLen(l), 1).value = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(l)
End If
.Cells(startingRow, c.Column).value = tmp
End If
End If
Next c
End If
End With
End Sub
Public Sub dump(ByVal shtName As String, Optional ByVal keyPos As Long = 1, Optional ByVal startingRow As Long = 1, Optional ByVal startingCol As Long = 2, Optional ByVal endRow As Long, Optional ByVal endCol As Long, Optional ByRef wb As Workbook, Optional ByVal isVertical As Boolean = True, Optional ByVal trailingRows As Long = 0, Optional ByVal withLabel As Boolean = False)
With getTargetSht(shtName, wb)
If Me.Count > 0 Then
If isDicted_(Me) Then
Dim k
Dim cnt As Long
For Each k In Me.Keys
If isVertical Then
.Cells(startingRow + cnt, keyPos) = k
.Cells(keyPos, startingCol + cnt) = k
End If
Me.Item(k).dump shtName, keyPos + 1, startingRow + cnt + 1, startingCol + 1, startingRow + cnt + Me.Item(k).Count(True), endCol, wb, isVertical, trailingRows, withLabel
cnt = cnt + Me.Item(k).Count(True) + 1
Next k
'unload the key
If isVertical Then
.Cells(startingRow, keyPos).Resize(Me.Count, 1) = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(Me.keysArr)
.Cells(keyPos, startingCol).Resize(1, Me.Count) = Me.keysArr
End If
Me.unload shtName, keyPos, startingRow, startingCol, endRow, endCol, wb, isVertical
End If
End If
If withLabel And Me.hasLabel Then
.Rows(startingRow).Insert Shift:=xlDown
.Range(.Cells(startingRow, startingCol), .Cells(startingRow, startingCol + Me.label.Count - 1)) = Me.label.keysArr
End If
End With
End Sub
' if delete if all the elements are empty
' if value specified, set all empty value in the range to the value
Public Function nulls(Optional ByVal toVal, Optional isRanged As Boolean = False) As Dicts
Dim k
If Not isRanged Then
isRanged = isRanged_(Me)
End If
If Not isRanged Then
If IsMissing(toVal) Then
For Each k In Me.Keys
If isEmpty(Me.Item(k)) Then
Me.Remove k
End If
Next k
For Each k In Me.Keys
If isEmpty(Me.Item(k)) Then
Me.Item(k) = toVal
End If
Next k
End If
Dim l As New Lists
If IsMissing(toVal) Then
For Each k In Me.Keys
If l.addAll(Me.Item(k), False).isEmptyList Then
Me.Remove k
End If
Next k
For Each k In Me.Keys
Me.Item(k) = l.addAll(Me.Item(k), False).nullVal(toVal).toArray
Next k
End If
End If
Set nulls = Me
End Function
' if containing arrays as element
Private Function isRanged_(ByRef obj As Dicts) As Boolean
Dim k
For Each k In obj.Keys
isRanged_ = IsArray(obj.Item(k))
Exit For
Next k
End Function
' if containing Dicts as elements
Private Function isDicted_(ByRef obj As Dicts) As Boolean
Dim k
For Each k In obj.Keys
isDicted_ = isDict(obj.Item(k))
Exit For
Next k
End Function
Public Function sliceWithLabel(nm) As Dicts
If pIsLabeled Then
Dim res As Dicts
If TypeName(nm) = "String" Then
Dim i As Long
i = pLabeledArray.Item(nm)
Set res = Me.ranged("{i}=" & i, aggregate:=AggregateMethod.Aggfilter)
res.setLabel Array(nm)
ElseIf IsArray(nm) Then
Dim idxList As New Lists
Dim k
Dim d As New Dicts
Dim tmp As New Lists
For Each k In nm
idxList.add pLabeledArray.Item(k)
Next k
For Each k In Me.Keys
d.add k, tmp.addAll(Me.Item(k), False).filterIndex(idxList).toArray
Next k
Set res = d
Set d = Nothing
Set idxList = Nothing
res.setLabel nm
ElseIf TypeName(nm) = "Lists" Then
Set res = sliceWithLabel(nm.toArray)
Err.Raise "5678", , "TypeError: the parameter of sliceWithLabel should be either String, Array or Lists. " & TypeName(nm) & " found."
End If
Set sliceWithLabel = res
Set res = Nothing
Set sliceWithLabel = Nothing
End If
End Function
' ________________________________________Class Collection Functions___________________________________________
'@desc get elements not contained in dict2 but in this dict
Public Function diff(ByVal dict2 As Dicts) As Dicts
Dim k
Dim res As Dicts
Set res = New Dicts
For Each k In Me.Keys
If Not dict2.exists(k) Then
res.Item(k) = Me.Item(k)
End If
Next k
copyLabel Me, res
Set diff = res
Set res = Nothing
End Function
'@desc get the union of two dicts
Public Function union(dict2 As Dicts, Optional ByVal keepOriginalVal As Boolean = True) As Dicts
Dim k
Dim res As New Dicts
For Each k In Keys
res.add k, Item(k)
Next k
For Each k In dict2.Keys
If Not Me.exists(k) Or Not keepOriginalVal Then
res.add k, dict2.Item(k)
End If
Next k
copyLabel Me, res
Set union = res
Set res = Nothing
End Function
Public Function intersect(ByRef dict2 As Dicts, Optional ByVal keepOriginalVal As Boolean = True) As Dicts
Dim k
Dim res As New Dicts
For Each k In dict2.Keys
If Me.exists(k) Then
If Not keepOriginalVal Then
res.Item(k) = dict2.Item(k)
res.Item(k) = Me.Item(k)
End If
End If
Next k
copyLabel Me, res
Set intersect = res
Set res = Nothing
End Function
Public Function update(ByVal dict2 As Dicts) As Dicts
Set update = Me.union(dict2, False)
End Function
Public Function reduce(ByVal operation As String, ByVal initialVal As Variant, Optional ByVal placeholder As String = "_", Optional ByVal placeholderInitialVal As String = "?", Optional ByVal replaceDecimalPoint As Boolean = True, Optional ByVal reduceWith As Long = ProcessWith.value) As Variant
Dim l As New Lists
If reduceWith = ProcessWith.value Then
reduce = l.addAll(Me.valsArr).reduce(operation, initialVal, placeholder, placeholderInitialVal, replaceDecimalPoint)
ElseIf reduceWith = ProcessWith.key Then
reduce = l.addAll(Me.keysArr).reduce(operation, initialVal, placeholder, placeholderInitialVal, replaceDecimalPoint)
ElseIf reduceWith = ProcessWith.RangedValue Then
Err.Raise 8889, , "to process RangedValue please refer to ranged"
Err.Raise 8889, , "unknown aggregate parameter"
End If
Set l = Nothing
End Function
Public Function reduceKey(ByVal operation As String, ByVal initialVal As Variant, Optional ByVal placeholder As String = "_", Optional ByVal placeholderInitialVal As String = "?", Optional ByVal replaceDecimalPoint As Boolean = True, Optional ByVal reduceWith As Long = ProcessWith.value) As Variant
reduceKey = reduce(operation, initialVal, placeholder, placeholderInitialVal, replaceDecimalPoint, ProcessWith.key)
End Function
Public Function reduceRngVertical(Optional ByVal operation As String = "?+_", Optional ByVal initialVal As Variant = 0, Optional ByVal placeholder As String = "_", Optional ByVal placeholderInitialVal As String = "?", Optional ByVal replaceDecimalPoint As Boolean = True) As Lists
Set pList = pList.fromArray(Me.valsArr).zipMe
Dim l As New Lists
Dim k
For k = 0 To pList.length - 1
l.add pList.getVal(k).reduce(operation, initialVal, placeholder, placeholderInitialVal, replaceDecimalPoint)
Next k
Set reduceRngVertical = l
Set l = Nothing
End Function
'@param operation: string to be evaluated, e.g. _*2 will be interpreated as ele * 2
' placeholder: placeholder to be replaced by the value
' idx: index of the element
' replaceDecimalPoint: whether the Germany Decimal Point should be replace by "."
'@example get length of the valsArray -> ProcessWith.Value
Public Function map(ByVal operation, Optional ByVal placeholder As String = "_", Optional ByVal idx As String = "{i}", Optional ByVal replaceDecimalPoint As Boolean = True, Optional ByVal setNullValTo = 0, Optional ByVal mapWith As Long = ProcessWith.value) As Dicts
If (Not IsReg(operation)) And TypeName(operation) <> "String" Then
Err.Raise 8889, , "ParameterTypeError: 'operation' should be either String or RegExp!"
End If
Dim l As New Lists
If mapWith = ProcessWith.value Then
If IsReg(operation) Then
Set map = Me.updateFromArray(l.addAll(Me.valsArr).mapReg(operation).toArray, mapWith)
Set map = Me.updateFromArray(l.addAll(Me.valsArr).map(operation, placeholder, idx, replaceDecimalPoint, setNullValTo).toArray, mapWith)
End If
ElseIf mapWith = ProcessWith.key Then
If IsReg(operation) Then
Set map = Me.updateFromArray(l.addAll(Me.keysArr).mapReg(operation).toArray, mapWith)
Set map = Me.updateFromArray(l.addAll(Me.keysArr).map(operation, placeholder, idx, replaceDecimalPoint, setNullValTo).toArray, mapWith)
End If
ElseIf mapWith = ProcessWith.RangedValue Then
Err.Raise 8889, , "to process RangedValue please refer to ranged"
Err.Raise 8889, , "unknown aggregate parameter"
End If
Set l = Nothing
End Function
Public Function mapKey(ByVal operation, Optional ByVal placeholder As String = "_", Optional ByVal idx As String = "{i}", Optional ByVal replaceDecimalPoint As Boolean = True, Optional ByVal setNullValTo = 0) As Dicts
Set mapKey = map(operation, placeholder, idx, replaceDecimalPoint, setNullValTo, ProcessWith.key)
End Function
Public Function mergeMap(ByVal operation, ByRef other As Dicts, Optional ByVal placeholder As String = "_", Optional ByVal elemSelf As String = "{1}", Optional ByVal elemOther As String = "{2}", Optional ByVal replaceDecimalPoint As Boolean = True, Optional ByVal setNullValTo = 0, Optional ByVal mapWith As Long = ProcessWith.value) As Dicts
Dim k
Dim mt, ot
Dim res As New Dicts
For Each k In Me.Keys
ot = IIf(other.exists(k), other.Item(k), setNullValTo)
ot = IIf(replaceDecimalPoint, Replace("" & ot, ",", "."), ot)
mt = Me.Item(k)
mt = IIf(replaceDecimalPoint, Replace("" & mt, ",", "."), mt)
res.Item(k) = Application.Evaluate(Replace(Replace(operation, elemSelf, mt), elemOther, ot))
Next k
copyLabel Me, res
Set mergeMap = res
Set res = Nothing
End Function
Public Function ranged(ByVal operation As String, Optional ByVal placeholder As String = "_", Optional ByVal idx As String = "{i}", Optional ByVal placeholderInitialVal As String = "?", Optional ByVal replaceDecimalPoint As Boolean = True, Optional ByVal setNullValTo = 0, Optional ByVal initialVal As Variant = 0, Optional ByVal aggregate As Long = AggregateMethod.AggReduce) As Dicts
Dim k
Dim res As New Dicts
Dim l As New Lists
If aggregate = AggregateMethod.AggReduce Then
For Each k In Me.Keys
res.Item(k) = l.addAll(Me.Item(k), False).reduce(operation, initialVal, placeholder, placeholderInitialVal, replaceDecimalPoint)
Next k
ElseIf aggregate = AggregateMethod.AggMap Then
For Each k In Me.Keys
res.Item(k) = l.addAll(Me.Item(k), False).map(operation, placeholder, idx, replaceDecimalPoint, setNullValTo).toArray
Next k
ElseIf aggregate = AggregateMethod.Aggfilter Then
For Each k In Me.Keys
res.Item(k) = l.addAll(Me.Item(k), False).filter(operation, placeholder, idx, replaceDecimalPoint, setNullValTo).toArray
Next k
Err.Raise 8889, , "unknown aggregate parameter"
End If
Set ranged = res
Set res = Nothing
Set l = Nothing
End Function
Public Function filter(ByVal operation, Optional ByVal placeholder As String = "_", Optional ByVal idx As String = "{i}", Optional ByVal replaceDecimalPoint As Boolean = True, Optional ByVal setNullValTo As Variant = 0, Optional ByVal filterWith As Long = ProcessWith.value) As Dicts
If (Not IsReg(operation)) And TypeName(operation) <> "String" Then
Err.Raise 8889, , "ParameterTypeError: 'operation' should be either String or RegExp!"
End If
Dim l As New Lists
Dim tmp As New Lists
Dim res As New Dicts
If filterWith = ProcessWith.value Then
If IsReg(operation) Then
Set tmp = l.addAll(Me.valsArr).judgeReg(operation)
Set tmp = l.addAll(Me.valsArr).map(operation, placeholder, idx, replaceDecimalPoint, setNullValTo)
End If
Set res = Me.arrToDict(l.addAll(Me.keysArr, False).filterWith(tmp).toArray, l.addAll(Me.valsArr, False).filterWith(tmp).toArray)
ElseIf filterWith = ProcessWith.key Then
If IsReg(operation) Then
Set tmp = l.addAll(Me.keysArr).judgeReg(operation)
Set tmp = l.addAll(Me.keysArr).map(operation, placeholder, idx, replaceDecimalPoint, setNullValTo)
End If
Set res = Me.arrToDict(l.addAll(Me.keysArr, False).filterWith(tmp).toArray, l.addAll(Me.valsArr, False).filterWith(tmp).toArray)
ElseIf filterWith = ProcessWith.RangedValue Then
Err.Raise 8889, , "to process RangedValue please refer to ranged"
Err.Raise 8889, , "unknown aggregate parameter"
End If
copyLabel Me, res
Set filter = res
Set l = Nothing
Set tmp = Nothing
End Function
Public Function filterKey(ByVal operation, Optional ByVal placeholder As String = "_", Optional ByVal idx As String = "{i}", Optional ByVal replaceDecimalPoint As Boolean = True, Optional ByVal setNullValTo As Variant = 0) As Dicts
Set filterKey = filter(operation, placeholder, idx, replaceDecimalPoint, setNullValTo, ProcessWith.key)
End Function
Public Function groupBy(ByRef attr, ByVal valCol As Long, Optional ByVal aggregateBy = xlSum) As Dicts
If Not isRanged_(Me) Then
Err.Raise 9997, , "more than one attribute in data set expected"
End If
If Not IsArray(attr) Then
Err.Raise 9999, , "attribute array should be specified!"
End If
Dim l As Long
l = arrLen(attr)
If l = 0 Then
Err.Raise 9998, , "at least one attribute should be contained"
End If
If aggregateBy <> xlSum And aggregateBy <> xlCount Then
Err.Raise 9996, , "aggregateMethod unkown, should be xlCount or xlSum"
End If
' lists of attributes
Set pList = pList.fromArray(Me.valsArr).zipMe
' get value array where the aggregate method to be operated on
Dim valArr()
valArr = pList.getVal(valCol).toArray
' extract target attributes specified in the attr
Dim nl As New Lists
For l = LBound(attr) To UBound(attr)
nl.add pList.getVal(attr(l))
Next l
' transpose to the target data entry
Set pList = nl.zipMe
Set nl = Nothing
Dim k, i, arr(), e
Dim parent As Dicts
Dim ub As Long
Dim cnt As Long
Dim res As New Dicts
cnt = 0
' loop through the entries to update the result Dicts
For Each k In Me.Keys
arr = pList.getVal(cnt).toArray
l = arrLen(arr)
ub = UBound(arr)
' process the attributes of the entry
' i stands for the level of the dicts, level 0 is the root, on the top most level to perform the aggregate
For i = LBound(arr) To UBound(arr)
Set nl = Nothing
Set parent = cascading(res, nl.addAll(arr, False).take(i - LBound(arr)).toArray)
e = arr(i)
If parent.exists(e) Then
If i = ub Then
parent.Item(e) = parent.Item(e) + IIf(aggregateBy = xlSum, valArr(cnt), IIf(aggregateBy = xlCount, 1, 0))
End If
If i = ub Then
parent.Item(e) = IIf(aggregateBy = xlSum, valArr(cnt), IIf(aggregateBy = xlCount, 1, 0))
parent.add e, emptyInstance
End If
End If
Set nl = Nothing
Next i
cnt = cnt + 1
Next k
Set groupBy = res
Set nl = Nothing
Set res = Nothing
Set parent = Nothing
Erase valArr
Erase arr
End Function
Public Function groupByLabel(attr, Optional ByVal valCol As String = "value", Optional ByVal aggregateBy = xlSum) As Dicts
If Not pIsLabeled Then
Err.Raise 9994, , "attribute labels should be specified!"
End If
If Not IsArray(attr) Then
Err.Raise 9704, , "ParameterTypeError, attr as Array expected, " & TypeName(attr) & " provided."
End If
Dim k
Dim col As Long
col = pLabeledArray.Item(valCol)
Dim attrCol()
ReDim attrCol(0 To arrLen(attr) - 1)
For k = 0 To arrLen(attr) - 1
attrCol(k) = pLabeledArray.Item(attr(k + LBound(attr)))
Next k
Dim res As Dicts
Set res = groupBy(attrCol, col, aggregateBy)
res.setLabel attr
Set groupByLabel = res
Set res = Nothing
Erase attrCol
End Function
' search for the sub-dicts through the array content
Private Function cascading(ByRef dict As Dicts, arr) As Dicts
Dim e
Dim tmp As Dicts
Set tmp = dict
For Each e In arr
Set tmp = tmp.Item(e)
Next e
Set cascading = tmp
Set tmp = Nothing
End Function
'@desc replace keys or vals with a new array
'@param arr: the new array
' updateWith: keys or values to be replaced
'@return self after update
Public Function updateFromArray(ByVal arr, Optional ByVal updateWith As Long = ProcessWith.value) As Dicts
Dim keyArr
Dim valArr
Dim res As Dicts
keyArr = Me.keysArr
valArr = Me.valsArr
If arrLen(arr) <> arrLen(keyArr) Then
Err.Raise 8888, , "Input Array should be the same length with the Dict"
End If
Dim l As New Lists
If updateWith = ProcessWith.key Then
Set res = arrToDict(arr, valArr, , False)
Set res = arrToDict(keyArr, arr, , False)
End If
Set updateFromArray = res
Erase keyArr
Erase valArr
Set l = Nothing
Set res = Nothing
End Function
Public Function sort(Optional ByVal isAscending As Boolean = True, Optional ByVal sortRecursively As Boolean = True) As Dicts
Dim res As New Dicts
Dim l As New Lists
Set l = l.addAll(Me.keysArr).sort(isAscending)
Dim i
For i = 0 To l.length - 1
If sortRecursively Then
If isDict(Me.Item(l.getVal(i))) Then
res.add l.getVal(i), Me.Item(l.getVal(i)).sort(isAscending, sortRecursively)
res.add l.getVal(i), Me.Item(l.getVal(i))
End If
res.add l.getVal(i), Me.Item(l.getVal(i))
End If
Next i
copyLabel Me, res
Set sort = res
Set res = Nothing
Set l = Nothing
End Function
' ______________________________ Print______________________________________________
'print the key=>value pairs of this Dicts
Public Function p()
Debug.Print Me.toString()
End Function
Public Function toString() As String
toString = x_toString(Me)
End Function
' print iterables to screen
Private Function a_toString(ByVal arr As Variant, Optional ByVal lvl As Integer = 0) As String
If arrLen(arr) = 0 Then
a_toString = "[ ]"
Dim res As String
Dim i
res = "[ "
For Each i In arr
If isBool(i) Or isEmpty(i) Or Not IsNumeric(i) Then
res = res & x_toString(i, lvl + 1) & ", "
res = res & Replace(" " & i, ",", ".") & ", "
End If
Next i
res = Left(res, Len(res) - 2)
a_toString = res & " ]"
End If
End Function
Private Function dicts_toString(d As Variant, Optional ByVal lvl As Integer = 0) As String
If d.Count = 0 Then
dicts_toString = "{ }"
Dim res As String
Dim k
res = "{" & Chr(10)
For Each k In d.Keys
res = res & String(lvl, Chr(9)) & """" & k & """" & Chr(9) & ":" & Chr(9) & x_toString(d.Item(k), lvl + 1) & "," & Chr(10)
Next k
res = Left(res, Len(res) - 2)
dicts_toString = res & Chr(10) & String(lvl, Chr(9)) & "}"
End If
End Function
Public Function x_toString(x As Variant, Optional ByVal lvl As Integer = 0) As String
If IsArray(x) Then
x_toString = a_toString(x, lvl)
ElseIf Me.isDict(x) Then
x_toString = dicts_toString(x, lvl)
If pList.isLists(x) Then
x_toString = a_toString(x.toArray, lvl)
If IsNull(x) Then
x_toString = "null"
If isNothing(x) Or isEmpty(x) Then
x_toString = "null"
If IsDate(x) Then
x_toString = """" & Format(x, "yyyy-mm-dd") & """"
If TypeName(x) = "Boolean" Then
x_toString = IIf(x, "true", "false")
ElseIf IsNumeric(x) Then
x_toString = CStr(x)
x_toString = """" & CStr(x) & """"
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Function
Public Function pk()
Dim k
For Each k In Me.Keys
Debug.Print k
Next k
End Function
Private Function getLabeledSubDict(k) As Dicts
If Me.exists(k) Then
If Me.hasLabel Then
Dim res As Dicts
Set res = Me.Item(k)
res.label = pList.addAll(Me.label.keysArr, False).drop(1).toDict
Set getLabeledSubDict = res
Set res = Nothing
Set getLabeledSubDict = Me.Item(k)
End If
Set getLabeledSubDict = Nothing
End If
End Function
Public Function toJSON(Optional ByVal exportTo As String) As String
Dim res As String
res = x_toString(Me)
toJSON = res
If Not IsMissing(exportTo) Then
Dim fso As Object
Set fso = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
Dim targPath As String
targPath = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & exportTo
Dim ts As Object
Set ts = fso.createtextfile(targPath)
ts.writeline res
Set ts = Nothing
Set fso = Nothing
targPath = ""
End If
End Function
' ________________________________________Util Functions____________________________________________
' return the RegExp-Object
Public Function reg(ByVal pattern As String, Optional ByVal flag As String) As Object
Dim obj As Object
Set obj = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
obj.pattern = pattern
If IsMissing(flag) Then
obj.IgnoreCase = False
' "gi"
If InStr(StrConv(flag, vbLowerCase), "g") > 0 Then
obj.Global = True
End If
' i by default to false
If InStr(StrConv(flag, vbLowerCase), "i") > 0 Then
obj.IgnoreCase = True
End If
End If
Set reg = obj
Set obj = Nothing
End Function
' return a consective sequence of the integer numbers
' start/ending can be column label in string
Public Function rng(ByVal start, ByVal ending, Optional ByVal steps As Long = 1)
If isInstanceOf(start, "String") Then
start = letterToColNum(start)
End If
If isInstanceOf(ending, "String") Then
ending = letterToColNum(ending)
End If
Dim res()
Dim cnt As Long
cnt = -1
Dim i As Long
For i = start To ending Step steps
cnt = cnt + 1
Next i
ReDim res(0 To cnt)
For i = start To ending Step steps
res(i - start) = i
Next i
rng = res
End Function
Public Function y(Optional ByVal sht As String = "", Optional ByVal col As Long = 1, Optional ByVal wb As Workbook) As Long
y = getTargetSht(sht, wb).Cells(Rows.Count, col).End(xlUp).row
End Function
Public Function x(Optional ByVal sht As String = "", Optional ByVal row As Long = 1, Optional ByVal wb As Workbook) As Long
x = getTargetSht(sht, wb).Cells(row, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
End Function
Private Function IsReg(testObj) As Boolean
IsReg = TypeName(testObj) = "IRegExp2"
End Function
Public Function isDict(testObj As Variant) As Boolean
isDict = TypeName(testObj) = "Dicts"
End Function
Public Function isBool(testObj As Variant) As Boolean
isBool = TypeName(testObj) = "Boolean"
End Function
Public Function isNothing(testObj As Variant) As Boolean
If IsObject(testObj) Then
isNothing = testObj Is Nothing
isNothing = False
End If
End Function
Public Function isInstanceOf(testObj, typeArr) As Boolean
Dim s As String
s = TypeName(testObj)
If TypeName(typeArr) = "String" Then
isInstanceOf = s = typeArr
ElseIf IsArray(typeArr) Then
Dim k
Dim res As Boolean
res = False
For Each k In typeArr
If s = k Then
res = True
Exit For
End If
Next k
isInstanceOf = res
ElseIf isInstanceOf(typeArr, "Lists") Then
isInstanceOf = isInstanceOf(testObj, typeArr.toArray)
Err.Raise 9980, , "ParameterTypeErrorException: typeArr should be either String, Array or Lists"
End If
End Function
Public Function withSameType(obj1, obj2) As Boolean
withSameType = TypeName(obj1) = TypeName(obj2)
End Function
Public Function letterToColNum(ByVal l As String) As Integer
letterToColNum = Range(l & "1").Column
End Function
Public Function fromString(ByRef s As String, Optional ByRef i As Long = 1) As Variant
skipSpace s, i
Select Case Mid$(s, i, 1)
Case "["
Set fromString = listFromString(s, i)
Case "{"
Set fromString = dictFromString(s, i)
Case """", "'"
fromString = strFromString(s, i)
Case Else
fromString = elementFromString(s, i)
End Select
End Function
' element at i is "{"
Public Function dictFromString(ByRef s As String, Optional ByRef i As Long = 1) As Dicts
Dim stack As New Lists
Dim res As New Dicts
Dim k As String
skipSpace s, i
stack.add i
i = i + 1
Select Case Mid$(s, i, 1)
Case "{"
stack.add i
i = i + 1
skipSpace s, i
k = strFromString(s, i)
skipSpace s, i
res.add k, fromString(s, i)
If i >= Len(s) Then GoTo endFunc
' i = i - 1
Case ",", " ", VBA.vbCr, VBA.vbTab
i = i + 1
Case "}"
Set stack = stack.dropLast(1)
i = i + 1
If stack.length = 0 Then GoTo endFunc
Case ":"
i = i + 1
res.add k, fromString(s, i)
Case Else
k = strFromString(s, i)
End Select
Loop While i < Len(s)
Set dictFromString = res
End Function
' element at i is "["
Public Function listFromString(ByRef s As String, Optional ByRef i As Long = 1) As Lists
Dim stack As New Lists
Dim res As New Lists
skipSpace s, i
stack.add i
i = i + 1
Select Case Mid$(s, i, 1)
Case "["
stack.add i
res.add listFromString(s, i)
If i >= Len(s) Then GoTo endFunc
i = i - 1
Case "]"
Set stack = stack.dropLast(1)
i = i + 1
If stack.length = 0 Then GoTo endFunc
Case ","
i = i + 1
Case Else
res.add fromString(s, i)
End Select
Set listFromString = res
End Function
Private Function skipSpace(ByRef s As String, Optional ByRef i As Long = 1)
Select Case Mid$(s, i, 1)
Case " ", VBA.vbCr, VBA.vbTab
i = i + 1
Case Else
Exit Function
End Select
End Function
Public Function elementFromString(ByRef s As String, Optional ByRef i As Long = 1) As Variant
If Mid$(s, i, 4) = "true" Then
elementFromString = True
i = i + 4
ElseIf Mid$(s, i, 5) = "false" Then
elementFromString = False
i = i + 5
ElseIf Mid$(s, i, 4) = "null" Then
elementFromString = Null
i = i + 4
elementFromString = numericFromString(s, i)
End If
End Function
Public Function strFromString(ByRef s As String, ByRef i As Long) As String
Dim start As Long
start = i + 1
Dim quotation As String
quotation = Mid$(s, i, 1)
i = i + 1
If Mid$(s, i, 1) = quotation Then
strFromString = Mid$(s, start, i - start)
i = i + 1
Exit Function
End If
i = i + 1
End Function
Public Function numericFromString(ByRef s As String, ByRef i As Long) As Double
Dim start As Long
start = i
If Not InStr("-.0123456789 ", Mid$(s, i, 1)) > 0 Then
numericFromString = CDbl(Replace(Trim(Mid$(s, start, i - start)), ".", Application.DecimalSeparator))
Exit Function
End If
i = i + 1
End Function
Visual Basic
