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tujh 提交于 2019-07-10 12:42 . FaceUnity Nama SDK v6.2

Android Nama SDK Integration Guide


2019-05-01 v6.0.0:

  • Optimize face detection, improve detection rate and improve performance
  • Added the Light-Makeup function
  • Optimize the Facefusion
  • Optimize thesegmentation precision
  • Tongue tracking trackface logic support, Getfaceinfo support
  • Added Avatar pinch function, need FUEditor 6.0.0 or above
  • Optimize Beauty filter
  • Fix mebedtls symbol conflicts
  • Hairdressing and Animoji props support FUEditor v5.6.0 and above. The rest of the props are compatible with any SDK.



1. Introduction

This document shows you how to integrate the Faceunity Nama SDK into your Android project.

2. File structure

This section describes the structure of the Demo file, the various directories, and the functions of important files.

  +app 			      // app 
        +assets       // Assets 
          +image      // source image
        +effects      // props files
          +bundle     // bundle files
          +res        // icon
        +java         // Java source code
        +makeup       // makeup resource
          +material   // stickers
          +res        // icon
        +poster       // Facefusion
        +res          // App resource files
  +faceunity          // faceunity module
    +libs             // nama.jar 
        +assets       // Nama resource files     
        +java         // Java source code
        +jniLibs      // Nama so 
  +docs		    	  // contents
  +README.md	 	  // README

3. Integration

3.1 Develop environment

3.1.1 Platform

Android API 18 or above,GLES 2.0 or above

3.1.2 Develop environment

Android Studio 3.0 or above,GLES 2.0 or above

3.2 Preparing

3.3 Configurations

The certificate issued by the Android platform is the authpack.java file. If you have obtained the authentication certificate, put the certificate file in the project faceunity module com.faceunity.fulivedemo package.

  • Click the Sync button , or Build-->Make Projects.


  • Click the Run button,deployed to the phone.


3.4 initialization

Initialize SDK environment, load SDK data and perform authentication. Initialization must be performed before other interface, otherwise it will lead to an exception.

public static native int fuSetup(byte[] v3data, byte[] authdata);

Parameter description:

v3data : v3.bundle file directory

authdata : secret key array, must be set properly so SDK can work normally

Example code:

InputStream v3 = context.getAssets().open(BUNDLE_v3);
byte[] v3Data = new byte[v3.available()];
faceunity.fuSetup(v3Data, authpack.A());

Notes:only needs to be setup once after startup, where the authpack.A() key array is declared in authpack.java.

3.5 Prop Item Creation, Destruction and Switching

3.5.1 Prop Item Creation

Prop item creation interface::

public static native int fuCreateItemFromPackage(byte[] data);

Parameter description::

data :prop item binary data

Return value:

int : prop handle

Sometimes in practical application multiple prop items will be utilized at the same time, in that case parameter that Nama SDK's video processing interfaces accept is a int array including multiple prop item handles, so we need to creat a int array to store these prop item handles. Next we will create a face beautification prop item handle and store it in position ITEM_ARRAYS_EFFECT in int array. Example code as below:

InputStream is = mContext.getAssets().open(bundle.path());
byte[] itemData = new byte[is.available()];
int len = is.read(itemData);
mItemsArray[ITEM_ARRAYS_EFFECT] = faceunity.fuCreateItemFromPackage(itemData);
updateEffectItemParams( mItemsArray[ITEM_ARRAYS_EFFECT]);

3.5.2 Prop Item Destruction

Single Prop Item Destruction:

public static native void fuDestroyItem(int item);

Parameter description:

item :prop item handle to be destroyed

This interface will release resource corresponding to imported handle. Example code as below :

if (mItemsArray[ITEM_ARRAYS_EFFECT] > 0)

All Prop Items Destruction

public static native void fuDestroyAllItems();

This interface can destroy resources corresponding to all prop item handle, please set this handle to 0 after processing as well. Example code as below:

Arrays.fill(mItemsArray, 0);

3.5.3 Prop Item Switching

If certain position of handle array needs to be switched, new prop item handle needs to be created first, and then switch this handle with the one needs to be replaced, at last destroy replaced handle. Below is an example of replacing the position ITEM_ARRAYS_EFFECT handle of handle array:

final Effect effect = (Effect) msg.obj;
final int newEffectItem = loadItem(effect);
queueEvent(new Runnable() {
    public void run() {
        if (mItemsArray[ITEM_ARRAYS_EFFECT] > 0) {
        mItemsArray[ITEM_ARRAYS_EFFECT] = newEffectItem;

due to the asynchronous loading, using the queueEvent method to update the handle. (The queueEvent mechanism is the same as the queueEvent mechanism of GLSurfaceView)

Notes: If you destroy the old props first, and then create new props, you may have a stuttering phenomenon.

3.6 Video Processing

Send video image data and prop item handle together to Nama SDK's rendering interfaces and prop items' effect will be rendered to video image after rendering process.

3.6.1 Video Image Rendering Dual Input Interface

public static native int fuDualInputToTexture(byte[] img, int tex_in, int flags, int w, int h, int frame_id, int[] h);

Parameter description:

img :video image data byte[], support NV21(default), I420SP, RGBA format

tex_in video image texture ID

flags flags, may specify img data format, return texture ID's prop item mirroring and so on

w :video image data's width

h :video image data's height

frame_id: current processing video frame's serial number

items :int array including multiple prop item handle

Return value:

int :processed video image data texture ID

Example code as below:

int flags = mInputTextureType | mInputImageFormat;
if (mCurrentCameraType != Camera.CameraInfo.CAMERA_FACING_FRONT)
    flags |= FU_ADM_FLAG_FLIP_X;
int fuTex = faceunity.fuDualInputToTexture(img, tex, flags, w, h, mFrameId++, mItemsArray);

3.6.2 Video Image Rendering Single Input Interface

public static native int fuRenderToNV21Image(byte[] img, int w, int h, int frame_id, int[] items, int flags);

Parameter description:

img :video image data byte[], processed image data will be written back to this byte[]

w :video image data's width

h :video image data's height

frame_id :current processing video frame's serial number

items :int array including multiple prop item handle

flags flags, may specify img data format, return texture ID's prop item mirroring and so on

Return value:

int :processed video image data texture ID

Example code as below:

int flags = mInputImageFormat;
if (mCurrentCameraType != Camera.CameraInfo.CAMERA_FACING_FRONT)
    flags |= FU_ADM_FLAG_FLIP_X;
int fuTex = faceunity.fuRenderToNV21Image(img, w, h, mFrameId++, mItemsArray, flags);

4. Function

4.1 Face Beautification


Configuration of face beautification function is similar to that of adding special effect prop items to video image, create face beautification prop handle first and then save it in handle array.

InputStream beauty = mContext.getAssets().open(BUNDLE_face_beautification);
byte[] beautyData = new byte[beauty.available()];
mItemsArray[ITEM_ARRAYS_FACE_BEAUTY_INDEX] = faceunity.fuCreateItemFromPackage(beautyData);

When processing video image, beautification prop item handle will be imported to video image rendering interface through handle array, face beautification effect will be added to original video image after rendering.

Example code as below:

int fuTex = faceunity.fuDualInputToTexture(img, tex, flags, w, h, mFrameId++, mItemsArray);

Parameter Configuration Face beautification prop item mainly contain seven modules: filter, skin whitening, ruddy, blur, eye brighten, tooth whiten and face outline beautification. Each module has its default effect, parameters which can be adjusted are as belows:

4.1.1 Filter

The filter function is mainly controlled by the parameters filter_level and filter_name.

filter_name : refer to the documentation:Beautification Filters User Specification ,detailed description of the corresponding key value of the filter.

filter_level : value range 0.0-1.0, 0.0 is no effect, 1.0 is maximum effect, default value is 1.0, sample code:

faceunity.fuItemSetParam(mItemsArray[ITEM_ARRAYS_FACE_BEAUTY_INDEX], "filter_name", mFilterName.filterName());

filter_name : the value is a string, the default value is "origin", which is the use of the original image effect, sample code:

faceunity.fuItemSetParam(mItemsArray[ITEM_ARRAYS_FACE_BEAUTY_INDEX], "filter_level", mFaceBeautyFilterLevel);

4.1.2 Skin Whitening & Ruddy

Skin Whitening

Control skin whitening level through parameter color_level

The color_level value ranges from 0.0 to 1.0, 0.0 is no effect, 1.0 is the maximum effect, and the default value is 0.2.

Parameter setting example as below:

faceunity.fuItemSetParam(mItemsArray[ITEM_ARRAYS_FACE_BEAUTY_INDEX], "color_level", mFaceBeautyColorLevel);

Control ruddy level through parameter red_level

Red_level ranges from 0.0-1.0, 0.0 is no effect, 1.0 is maximum effect, and the default value is 0.5.

Parameter setting example as below:

faceunity.fuItemSetParam(mItemsArray[ITEM_ARRAYS_FACE_BEAUTY_INDEX], "red_level", mFaceBeautyRedLevel);

4.1.3 Blur

There are 4 parameters to control skin blur:blur_levelskin_detectnonshin_blur_scaleheavy_blur

  • blur_level: specifies blur level,This parameter's recommended value range is 0~6,the default value is 6.0
  • skin_detect: specifies whether enable skin detection,0 is on ,1 is off
  • nonskin_blur_scale: specifies non skin area blur weaken level when enable skin detection,This parameter's range is 0~1,the default value is 0.45
  • heavy_blur: specifies whether enable heavy blur function,0 is light blur,1 is heavy blur.

Parameter setting example code as below:

faceunity.fuItemSetParam(mItemsArray[ITEM_ARRAYS_FACE_BEAUTY_INDEX], "skin_detect", mFaceBeautyALLBlurLevel);
faceunity.fuItemSetParam(mItemsArray[ITEM_ARRAYS_FACE_BEAUTY_INDEX], "heavy_blur", mFaceBeautyType);
faceunity.fuItemSetParam(mItemsArray[ITEM_ARRAYS_FACE_BEAUTY_INDEX], "blur_level", 6 * mFaceBeautyBlurLevel);
faceunity.fuItemSetParam(mItemsArray[ITEM_ARRAYS_FACE_BEAUTY_INDEX], "nonshin_blur_scale", 0.45);

4.1.4 Eye Brighten

Eye brighten level can be controlled through parameter eye_bright

eye_bright :this parameter's recommended value range is 0~1,1.0 is the maximum effect, the default value is 1.0.

Parameter setting example code as below:

faceunity.fuItemSetParam(mItemsArray[ITEM_ARRAYS_FACE_BEAUTY_INDEX], "eye_bright", mBrightEyesLevel);

4.1.5 Tooth Whiten

Tooth Whiten level can be controlled through parameter tooth_whiten .

tooth_whiten: This parameter's recommended value range is 0~1,1.0 is the maximum effect, the default value is 1.0.

Parameter setting example code as below:

faceunity.fuItemSetParam(mItemsArray[ITEM_ARRAYS_FACE_BEAUTY_INDEX], "tooth_whiten", mBeautyTeethLevel);

4.1.6 Face Outline Beautification

Basic Face Outline Beautification

Face outline beautification supports four basic beautification types: Goddess, cyber celebrity, nature, default and one advanced face beautification type: custom, which specified by parameter face_shape: Goddess(0),cyber celebrity(1), nature(2), default(3) and custom(4).

faceunity.fuItemSetParam(mItemsArray[ITEM_ARRAYS_FACE_BEAUTY_INDEX], "face_shape", mFaceBeautyFaceShape);

Based on above mentioned four basic face outline beautification and one advanced face outline beautification, we provide following three parameters: face_shape_level, eye_enlarging, cheek_thinning in addition.

face_shape_level controls levels changing to specified basic face shape. This parameter's recommended value range is 0~1 which 0 stands for no effect, disable face outline beautification,1.0 is the maximum effect, the default value is 1.0.

faceunity.fuItemSetParam(mItemsArray[ITEM_ARRAYS_FACE_BEAUTY_INDEX], "face_shape_level", mFaceShapeLevel);

The parameter eye_enlarging is used to control the size of the eye. This parameter is affected by the parameter face_shape_level. The recommended value range for this parameter is [0, 1]. Greater than 1 is the enhancement effect, the default is 0.5.

faceunity.fuItemSetParam(mItemsArray[ITEM_ARRAYS_FACE_BEAUTY_INDEX], "eye_enlarging", mFaceBeautyEnlargeEye);

The parameter cheek_thinning is used to control the size of the face. This parameter is affected by the parameter face_shape_level. The recommended value range for this parameter is [0, 1]. Greater than 1 is the enhancement effect, the default is 0.5.

faceunity.fuItemSetParam(mItemsArray[ITEM_ARRAYS_FACE_BEAUTY_INDEX], "cheek_thinning", mFaceBeautyCheekThin);
Advanced Face Outline Beautification

face outlines adjustment

Added optimized face-lifting and big-eye effects, increased forehead adjustment, chin adjustment, thin nose, and mouth shape adjustment. 4 face_shape is set to 4 to enable fine face adjustment. FULiveDemo can be selected from the face. Define to turn on fine face adjustment.


  • loading face_beautification.bundle
  • setting the following parameter: face_shape: 4, // 4 is enable advance function,0~3 is basic function


Optimize the effect, more natural than before


  • loading face_beautification.bundle
  • setting the following parameter: face_shape: 4, // 4 is enable advance function,0~3 is basic function cheek_thinning: 0.0, // Use the original parameter cheek_thinning to control face-lifting, range 0 - 1, default 0.0

Eye Brighten

Optimize eye brighten effect , more natural than before


  • loading face_beautification.bundle
  • setting the following parameter: face_shape: 4, // 4 is enable advance function,0~3 is basic function eye_enlarging: 0.0, // Use the original parameter eye_enlarging to control large eyes, range 0 - 1, default 0.5

Forehead adjustment

A new beauty prop that can adjust the forehead size


  • loading face_beautification.bundle
  • setting the following parameter: face_shape: 4, // 4 is enable advance function,0~3 is basic function intensity_forehead: 0.5, // Greater than 0.5 becomes larger, less than 0.5 becomes smaller, default is 0.5

Chin adjustment

A new beauty prop that can adjust the chin size


  • loading face_beautification.bundle
  • setting the following parameter: face_shape: 4, // 4 is enable advance function,0~3 is basic function intensity_chin: 0.5, // Greater than 0.5 becomes larger, less than 0.5 becomes smaller, default is 0.5

Thin nose

A new beauty prop that can adjust the thin size


  • loading face_beautification.bundle
  • setting the following parameter: face_shape: 4, //4 is enable advance function,0~3 is basic function intensity_nose: 0.0, // 0 is the normal size, greater than 0 starts thin nose, range 0 - 1, default 0.0

Mouth adjustment

A new beauty prop that can adjust the mouth size


  • loading face_beautification.bundle
  • setting the following parameter: face_shape: 4, // 4 is enable advance function,0~3 is basic function intensity_mouth: 0.5, // Greater than 0.5 becomes larger, less than 0.5 becomes smaller, default is 0.5

4.2 Gesture Recognition

Gesture recognition function is realized by loading prop item as well currently. Gesture recognition prop items cotain gesture to be recognized, animation effect triggered when gesture recognized and control script. Loading process is same with that of common prop items and face beautification prop item.

In LiveDemo heart_v2.bundle is love heart gesture demo prop item. Load it as prop item to render shall enable gesture recognition function. Gesture recognition prop item can exist with common and face beautification prop item at the same time, just like expand mItemsArray to three in face beautification and load gesture recognition prop item at last.

Process of customize gesture prop is same with that of 2D prop item, please contact Faceunity technical support for details.

Note: Some of the new version of the gesture props need to use the non-lite version of the SDK in order to use normally.

4.3 3D Render Anti-Aliasing Function

High efficient full screen anti-aliasing, makes 3D render effect smoother.


  • load fxaa.bundle,distributed together with Nama SDK
  • Put fxaa.bundle at the last position of prop item array while rendering
InputStream animoji3D = mContext.getAssets().open(BUNDLE_animoji_3d);
byte[] animoji3DData = new byte[animoji3D.available()];
mItemsArray[ITEM_ARRAYS_EFFECT_ABIMOJI_3D] = faceunity.fuCreateItemFromPackage(animoji3DData);

4.4 Dynamic Portrait Function

  • Performe accurate face rebuild through photograph, then it will support real time face expression driving and preset face expression play. It can be used in real time application or be used to creat face expression package.

    This function contains two methods to creat resources:

    • Utilize FUEditor v4.3.0 and above to creat off line props

    • Utilize cloud service provided by Faceunity to upload photograph to creat props in real time.

      Please contact our technical support to get detailed information about cloud service.


    • Load corresponding prop item directly
    • Certificate that possess Dynamic Portrait privilege is needed

4.5 Face Warp Function

added 5 exaggeration transformation(Face Warp Function) prop items.


  • Load corresponding props directly
  • Certificate that possess photograph driving privilege is needed

4.6 Music Filter

Music filter is powered by time-stamp of playing music, it can be utilized by introducing music playing course to music filter prop item every time processing video image, example code as below:

faceunity.fuItemSetParam(mItemsArray[ITEM_ARRAYS_EFFECT_INDEX], "music_time", time);

You can simulate music playing course if there is no music. Prop item in demo corresponds to music of 28s(28000ms) in length, time counting can be started from loading music filter prop item, get time difference between current time and time when starting loading music filter every time before processing video image and convert it into ms, set time to 0 when time difference is over 28000ms. You can check FULiveDemo for effect and create one utilizing FUEditor(v4.2.1 and above).

4.7 Avatar Pinch function

The Nama SDK supports the Avatar pinch feature from 6.0.0.

The virtual character supports the pinch function. By using the bundle generated by the FUEditor 6.0.0 template facepup, the corresponding parameters can be adjusted on the client side, so that the user can customize the face, hairstyle, lip color and other parts, generate and save the avatar desired by the user. The avatar can be driven by the engine in real time according to the face, and the expression is synchronized with the face.

After loading the prepared pinch props, you can set the following parameters to pinch the face.

Enter the pinch state

//Enter the pinch state

Clear all pinch parameters

//Clear all pinch parameters

Set the pinch parameter

//Set the weight of the first pinch attribute "big eye", the range [0-1]. param corresponds to the first pinch face attribute here, starting from 1.

//Set the weight of the second pinch attribute "tip chin", range [0-1]. param corresponds to the first pinch face attribute here, starting from 1

**Save or Exit **

Choose one of the two

//1. Directly exit the pinch state, do not save the current pinch state, and enter the tracking state. Use the last pinch face to track facial expressions.
//2. Trigger to save the pinch face, and exit the pinch state, enter the tracking state. Time-consuming operation, set if necessary.

4.8 Comic Filter + Animoji in AR Mode

Comic Filter

Comic Filter is filter in comic style, utilizing method is same with common prop item, just load and save it in prop item handle array and then introduce to video image processing interface. In our demo, we utilize comic filter with Animoji in AR mode, but it's not limited in this kind of utilization, you can also utilize it alone or with any other prop item together. Please pay attention that Nama SDK will set comic filter's 'glVer' property according to current OpenGL ES version. Only utilizing OpenGL ES 3.0 can get good comic filter effect, below versions may cause bad effect. Setting method code as below:

faceunity.fuItemSetParam(itemHandle, "glVer", 3); // 2 stands for compatibility mode, 3 stands for normal mode。

Animoji in AR Mode

Unlike Animoji in normal mode, AR mode will show reality scenes and Animoji will move following face to add more interactivities. Utilizing Animoji in AR mode together with comic filtetr can make Animoji and reality scene's style unitive and blend very natural. Animoji in AR mode setting method code as below:

// Set Animoji to follow the face
faceunity.fuItemSetParam(itemHandle, "{\"thing\":\"<global>\",\"param\":\"follow\"}", 1); // A value of 1 means open, and a value of 0 means closed.

4.9 Tongue Driving

Nama SDK started supporting tongue driving function from v5.6. When utilizing prop item with tongue effect, loading tongue driving data model first is necessary and loading method code is as below:

InputStream tongue = context.getAssets().open(BUNDLE_tongue);
byte[] tongueDate = new byte[tongue.available()];

4.10 Face Fusion

Nama SDK started supporting face fusion function from v5.8. This function can perform fusion effect of user's face to model's face in the poster to realize face transfer effect.

First load change_face.bundle, and then please refer to Face Transfer Interface Documentation,also you can refer to our demo.

4.11 Make Up

Nama SDK started supporting new version make up function from v5.8. This function can add lip, blush, eye brow, eye shadow, eye liner, eyelash and eye pupil effects and support exquisite modification.

First load face_makeup.bundle, and then please refer toMake Up Parameter Specification,also you can refer to our demo.

4.12 Hair Color

The Nama SDK supports the hairdressing function from 5.8.0. This function can change the hair color of the characters. Currently, it supports 8 kinds of common hair color and 5 kinds of gradient colors, and adjusts the hairdressing degree.

common hair color

First load hair_color.bundle, then use the parameter Index to switch the color. The recommended value range of this parameter is 07. The intensity of the hair color can be adjusted by the parameter Strength. The recommended value range of this parameter is 01. Example code:

/**Set hairdressing parameters**/
faceunity.fuItemSetParam(mItemsArray[ITEM_ARRAYS_EFFECT_HAIR_NORMAL_INDEX], "Index", mHairColorIndex);
                    faceunity.fuItemSetParam(mItemsArray[ITEM_ARRAYS_EFFECT_HAIR_NORMAL_INDEX], "Strength", mHairColorStrength);

Gradient color

First load hair_gradient.bundle, then use the parameter Index`` to switch the color. The recommended value range of this parameter is 04. The intensity of the hair color can be adjusted by the parameter Strength. The recommended value range of this parameter is 01. Example code:

/**Set hairdressing parameters**/
faceunity.fuItemSetParam(mItemsArray[ITEM_ARRAYS_EFFECT_HAIR_GRADIENT_INDEX], "Index", mHairColorIndex);
                    faceunity.fuItemSetParam(mItemsArray[ITEM_ARRAYS_EFFECT_HAIR_GRADIENT_INDEX], "Strength", mHairColorStrength);

4.13 Light Makeup function

The Nama SDK supports texture and beauty features starting with 6.0.0.

The Light makeup is a more sophisticated and efficient beauty solution, which includes four modules: blur, beauty, filter and beauty. It provides 60+ sets of rich material library to support customers to switch styles and effects.

First load light_makeup.bundle, then set parameters such as blush, eye shadow, eyeliner, lipstick, etc.,and you can refer to our sample code in FULiveDemo.

5. FAQ

Confusion rule

-keep class com.faceunity.wrapper.faceunity {*;}
