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tdus / godror

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conn.go 22.62 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Tamás Gulácsi 提交于 2020-04-24 21:59 . make staticcheck happy
// Copyright 2019, 2020 The Godror Authors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: UPL-1.0 OR Apache-2.0
package godror
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "dpiImpl.h"
import "C"
import (
errors "golang.org/x/xerrors"
const getConnection = "--GET_CONNECTION--"
const wrapResultset = "--WRAP_RESULTSET--"
// The maximum capacity is limited to (2^32 / sizeof(dpiData))-1 to remain compatible
// with 32-bit platforms. The size of a `C.dpiData` is 32 Byte on a 64-bit system, `C.dpiSubscrMessageTable` is 40 bytes.
// So this is 2^25.
// See https://github.com/go-godror/godror/issues/73#issuecomment-401281714
const maxArraySize = (1<<30)/C.sizeof_dpiSubscrMessageTable - 1
var _ = driver.Conn((*conn)(nil))
var _ = driver.ConnBeginTx((*conn)(nil))
var _ = driver.ConnPrepareContext((*conn)(nil))
var _ = driver.Pinger((*conn)(nil))
//var _ = driver.ExecerContext((*conn)(nil))
type conn struct {
currentTT TraceTag
params ConnectionParams
Client, Server VersionInfo
tranParams tranParams
mu sync.RWMutex
//currentUser string
drv *drv
dpiConn *C.dpiConn
objTypes map[string]ObjectType
tzOffSecs int
inTransaction bool
newSession bool
func (c *conn) getError() error {
if c == nil || c.drv == nil {
return driver.ErrBadConn
return c.drv.getError()
func (c *conn) Break() error {
defer c.mu.RUnlock()
if Log != nil {
Log("msg", "Break", "dpiConn", c.dpiConn)
if C.dpiConn_breakExecution(c.dpiConn) == C.DPI_FAILURE {
return maybeBadConn(errors.Errorf("Break: %w", c.getError()), c)
return nil
func (c *conn) ClientVersion() (VersionInfo, error) { return c.drv.ClientVersion() }
// Ping checks the connection's state.
// WARNING: as database/sql calls database/sql/driver.Open when it needs
// a new connection, but does not provide this Context,
// if the Open stalls (unreachable / firewalled host), the
// database/sql.Ping may return way after the Context.Deadline!
func (c *conn) Ping(ctx context.Context) error {
if err := ctx.Err(); err != nil {
return err
defer c.mu.RUnlock()
done := make(chan error, 1)
go func() {
defer close(done)
failure := C.dpiConn_ping(c.dpiConn) == C.DPI_FAILURE
if failure {
done <- maybeBadConn(errors.Errorf("Ping: %w", c.getError()), c)
done <- nil
select {
case err := <-done:
return err
case <-ctx.Done():
// select again to avoid race condition if both are done
select {
case err := <-done:
return err
_ = c.Break()
return driver.ErrBadConn
// Prepare returns a prepared statement, bound to this connection.
func (c *conn) Prepare(query string) (driver.Stmt, error) {
return c.PrepareContext(context.Background(), query)
// Close invalidates and potentially stops any current
// prepared statements and transactions, marking this
// connection as no longer in use.
// Because the sql package maintains a free pool of
// connections and only calls Close when there's a surplus of
// idle connections, it shouldn't be necessary for drivers to
// do their own connection caching.
func (c *conn) Close() error {
if c == nil {
return nil
defer c.mu.Unlock()
return c.close(true)
func (c *conn) close(doNotReuse bool) error {
if c == nil {
return nil
dpiConn, objTypes := c.dpiConn, c.objTypes
c.dpiConn, c.objTypes = nil, nil
if dpiConn == nil {
return nil
defer C.dpiConn_release(dpiConn)
seen := make(map[string]struct{}, len(objTypes))
for _, o := range objTypes {
nm := o.FullName()
if _, seen := seen[nm]; seen {
seen[nm] = struct{}{}
if !doNotReuse {
return nil
// Just to be sure, break anything in progress.
done := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
select {
case <-done:
case <-time.After(10 * time.Second):
if Log != nil {
Log("msg", "TIMEOUT releasing connection")
C.dpiConn_close(dpiConn, C.DPI_MODE_CONN_CLOSE_DEFAULT, nil, 0)
return nil
// Begin starts and returns a new transaction.
// Deprecated: Drivers should implement ConnBeginTx instead (or additionally).
func (c *conn) Begin() (driver.Tx, error) {
return c.BeginTx(context.Background(), driver.TxOptions{})
// BeginTx starts and returns a new transaction.
// If the context is canceled by the user the sql package will
// call Tx.Rollback before discarding and closing the connection.
// This must check opts.Isolation to determine if there is a set
// isolation level. If the driver does not support a non-default
// level and one is set or if there is a non-default isolation level
// that is not supported, an error must be returned.
// This must also check opts.ReadOnly to determine if the read-only
// value is true to either set the read-only transaction property if supported
// or return an error if it is not supported.
func (c *conn) BeginTx(ctx context.Context, opts driver.TxOptions) (driver.Tx, error) {
if err := ctx.Err(); err != nil {
return nil, err
const (
trLC = "ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMIT" + "TED" // against misspell check
var todo tranParams
if opts.ReadOnly {
todo.RW = trRO
} else {
todo.RW = trRW
switch level := sql.IsolationLevel(opts.Isolation); level {
case sql.LevelDefault:
case sql.LevelReadCommitted:
todo.Level = trLC
case sql.LevelSerializable:
todo.Level = trLS
return nil, errors.Errorf("isolation level is not supported: %s", sql.IsolationLevel(opts.Isolation))
if todo != c.tranParams {
for _, qry := range []string{todo.RW, todo.Level} {
if qry == "" {
qry = "SET TRANSACTION " + qry
stmt, err := c.PrepareContext(ctx, qry)
if err == nil {
if stc, ok := stmt.(driver.StmtExecContext); ok {
_, err = stc.ExecContext(ctx, nil)
} else {
_, err = stmt.Exec(nil) //lint:ignore SA1019 as that comment is not relevant here
if err != nil {
return nil, maybeBadConn(errors.Errorf("%s: %w", qry, err), c)
c.tranParams = todo
inTran := c.inTransaction
if inTran {
return nil, errors.New("already in transaction")
c.inTransaction = true
if tt, ok := ctx.Value(traceTagCtxKey).(TraceTag); ok {
return c, nil
type tranParams struct {
RW, Level string
// PrepareContext returns a prepared statement, bound to this connection.
// context is for the preparation of the statement,
// it must not store the context within the statement itself.
func (c *conn) PrepareContext(ctx context.Context, query string) (driver.Stmt, error) {
if err := ctx.Err(); err != nil {
return nil, err
if tt, ok := ctx.Value(traceTagCtxKey).(TraceTag); ok {
if query == getConnection {
if Log != nil {
Log("msg", "PrepareContext", "shortcut", query)
return &statement{conn: c, query: query}, nil
cSQL := C.CString(query)
defer func() {
defer c.mu.RUnlock()
var dpiStmt *C.dpiStmt
if C.dpiConn_prepareStmt(c.dpiConn, 0, cSQL, C.uint32_t(len(query)), nil, 0,
return nil, maybeBadConn(errors.Errorf("Prepare: %s: %w", query, c.getError()), c)
st := statement{conn: c, dpiStmt: dpiStmt, query: query}
if C.dpiStmt_getInfo(dpiStmt, &st.dpiStmtInfo) == C.DPI_FAILURE {
err := maybeBadConn(errors.Errorf("getStmtInfo: %w", c.getError()), c)
return nil, err
return &st, nil
func (c *conn) Commit() error {
return c.endTran(true)
func (c *conn) Rollback() error {
return c.endTran(false)
func (c *conn) endTran(isCommit bool) error {
c.inTransaction = false
c.tranParams = tranParams{}
var err error
//msg := "Commit"
if isCommit {
if C.dpiConn_commit(c.dpiConn) == C.DPI_FAILURE {
err = maybeBadConn(errors.Errorf("Commit: %w", c.getError()), c)
} else {
//msg = "Rollback"
if C.dpiConn_rollback(c.dpiConn) == C.DPI_FAILURE {
err = maybeBadConn(errors.Errorf("Rollback: %w", c.getError()), c)
//fmt.Printf("%p.%s\n", c, msg)
return err
type varInfo struct {
SliceLen, BufSize int
ObjectType *C.dpiObjectType
NatTyp C.dpiNativeTypeNum
Typ C.dpiOracleTypeNum
IsPLSArray bool
func (c *conn) newVar(vi varInfo) (*C.dpiVar, []C.dpiData, error) {
if c == nil || c.dpiConn == nil {
return nil, nil, errors.New("connection is nil")
isArray := C.int(0)
if vi.IsPLSArray {
isArray = 1
if vi.SliceLen < 1 {
vi.SliceLen = 1
var dataArr *C.dpiData
var v *C.dpiVar
if Log != nil {
Log("C", "dpiConn_newVar", "conn", c.dpiConn, "typ", int(vi.Typ), "natTyp", int(vi.NatTyp), "sliceLen", vi.SliceLen, "bufSize", vi.BufSize, "isArray", isArray, "objType", vi.ObjectType, "v", v)
if C.dpiConn_newVar(
c.dpiConn, vi.Typ, vi.NatTyp, C.uint32_t(vi.SliceLen),
C.uint32_t(vi.BufSize), 1,
isArray, vi.ObjectType,
&v, &dataArr,
return nil, nil, errors.Errorf("newVar(typ=%d, natTyp=%d, sliceLen=%d, bufSize=%d): %w", vi.Typ, vi.NatTyp, vi.SliceLen, vi.BufSize, c.getError())
// https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/cgo#Turning_C_arrays_into_Go_slices
var theCArray *C.YourType = C.getTheArray()
length := C.getTheArrayLength()
slice := (*[maxArraySize]C.YourType)(unsafe.Pointer(theCArray))[:length:length]
data := ((*[maxArraySize]C.dpiData)(unsafe.Pointer(dataArr)))[:vi.SliceLen:vi.SliceLen]
return v, data, nil
var _ = driver.Tx((*conn)(nil))
func (c *conn) ServerVersion() (VersionInfo, error) {
return c.Server, nil
func (c *conn) init(onInit func(conn driver.Conn) error) error {
if c.Client.Version == 0 {
var err error
if c.Client, err = c.drv.ClientVersion(); err != nil {
return err
if err := c.initVersionTZ(); err != nil || onInit == nil || !c.newSession {
return err
return onInit(c)
func (c *conn) initVersionTZ() error {
if c.Server.Version == 0 {
var v C.dpiVersionInfo
var release *C.char
var releaseLen C.uint32_t
if C.dpiConn_getServerVersion(c.dpiConn, &release, &releaseLen, &v) == C.DPI_FAILURE {
if c.params.IsPrelim {
return nil
return errors.Errorf("getServerVersion: %w", c.getError())
c.Server.ServerRelease = string(bytes.Replace(
[]byte{'\n'}, []byte{';', ' '}, -1))
if c.params.Timezone != nil && (c.params.Timezone != time.Local || c.tzOffSecs != 0) {
return nil
c.params.Timezone = time.Local
_, c.tzOffSecs = time.Now().In(c.params.Timezone).Zone()
if Log != nil {
Log("tz", c.params.Timezone, "offSecs", c.tzOffSecs)
// DBTIMEZONE is useless, false, and misdirecting!
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52531137/sysdate-and-dbtimezone-different-in-oracle-database
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 3*time.Second)
defer cancel()
st, err := c.PrepareContext(ctx, qry)
if err != nil {
return errors.Errorf("%s: %w", qry, err)
defer st.Close()
rows, err := st.Query(nil) //lint:ignore SA1019 - it's hard to use QueryContext here
if err != nil {
if Log != nil {
Log("qry", qry, "error", err)
return nil
defer rows.Close()
var dbTZ, timezone string
vals := []driver.Value{dbTZ, timezone}
if err = rows.Next(vals); err != nil && err != io.EOF {
return errors.Errorf("%s: %w", qry, err)
dbTZ = vals[0].(string)
timezone = vals[1].(string)
tz, off, err := calculateTZ(dbTZ, timezone)
if Log != nil {
Log("timezone", timezone, "tz", tz, "offSecs", off)
if err != nil || tz == nil {
return err
c.params.Timezone, c.tzOffSecs = tz, off
return nil
func calculateTZ(dbTZ, timezone string) (*time.Location, int, error) {
if Log != nil {
Log("dbTZ", dbTZ, "timezone", timezone)
var tz *time.Location
now := time.Now()
_, localOff := time.Now().Local().Zone()
off := localOff
var ok bool
var err error
if dbTZ != "" && strings.Contains(dbTZ, "/") {
tz, err = time.LoadLocation(dbTZ)
if ok = err == nil; ok {
if tz == time.Local {
return tz, off, nil
_, off = now.In(tz).Zone()
} else if Log != nil {
Log("LoadLocation", dbTZ, "error", err)
if !ok {
if timezone != "" {
if off, err = parseTZ(timezone); err != nil {
return tz, off, errors.Errorf("%s: %w", timezone, err)
} else if off, err = parseTZ(dbTZ); err != nil {
return tz, off, errors.Errorf("%s: %w", dbTZ, err)
// This is dangerous, but I just cannot get whether the DB time zone
// setting has DST or not - DBTIMEZONE returns just a fixed offset.
if off != localOff && tz == nil {
tz = time.FixedZone(timezone, off)
return tz, off, nil
func parseTZ(s string) (int, error) {
s = strings.TrimSpace(s)
if s == "" {
return 0, io.EOF
if s == "Z" || s == "UTC" {
return 0, nil
var tz int
var ok bool
if i := strings.IndexByte(s, ':'); i >= 0 {
if i64, err := strconv.ParseInt(s[i+1:], 10, 6); err != nil {
return tz, errors.Errorf("%s: %w", s, err)
} else {
tz = int(i64 * 60)
s = s[:i]
ok = true
if !ok {
if i := strings.IndexByte(s, '/'); i >= 0 {
targetLoc, err := time.LoadLocation(s)
if err != nil {
return tz, errors.Errorf("%s: %w", s, err)
_, localOffset := time.Now().In(targetLoc).Zone()
tz = localOffset
return tz, nil
if i64, err := strconv.ParseInt(s, 10, 5); err != nil {
return tz, errors.Errorf("%s: %w", s, err)
} else {
if i64 < 0 {
tz = -tz
tz += int(i64 * 3600)
return tz, nil
func (c *conn) setCallTimeout(ctx context.Context) {
if c.Client.Version < 18 {
var ms C.uint32_t
if dl, ok := ctx.Deadline(); ok {
ms = C.uint32_t(time.Until(dl) / time.Millisecond)
// force it to be 0 (disabled)
C.dpiConn_setCallTimeout(c.dpiConn, ms)
// maybeBadConn checks whether the error is because of a bad connection, and returns driver.ErrBadConn,
// as database/sql requires.
// Also in this case, iff c != nil, closes it.
func maybeBadConn(err error, c *conn) error {
if err == nil {
return nil
cl := func() {}
if c != nil {
cl = func() {
if Log != nil {
Log("msg", "maybeBadConn close", "conn", c)
if errors.Is(err, driver.ErrBadConn) {
return driver.ErrBadConn
var cd interface{ Code() int }
if errors.As(err, &cd) {
// Yes, this is copied from rana/ora, but I've put it there, so it's mine. @tgulacsi
switch cd.Code() {
case 0:
if strings.Contains(err.Error(), " DPI-1002: ") {
return driver.ErrBadConn
// cases by experience:
// ORA-12170: TNS:Connect timeout occurred
// ORA-12528: TNS:listener: all appropriate instances are blocking new connections
// ORA-12545: Connect failed because target host or object does not exist
// ORA-24315: illegal attribute type
// ORA-28547: connection to server failed, probable Oracle Net admin error
case 12170, 12528, 12545, 24315, 28547:
//cases from https://github.com/oracle/odpi/blob/master/src/dpiError.c#L61-L94
case 22, // invalid session ID; access denied
28, // your session has been killed
31, // your session has been marked for kill
45, // your session has been terminated with no replay
378, // buffer pools cannot be created as specified
602, // internal programming exception
603, // ORACLE server session terminated by fatal error
609, // could not attach to incoming connection
1012, // not logged on
1041, // internal error. hostdef extension doesn't exist
1043, // user side memory corruption
1089, // immediate shutdown or close in progress
1092, // ORACLE instance terminated. Disconnection forced
2396, // exceeded maximum idle time, please connect again
3113, // end-of-file on communication channel
3114, // not connected to ORACLE
3122, // attempt to close ORACLE-side window on user side
3135, // connection lost contact
3136, // inbound connection timed out
12153, // TNS:not connected
12537, // TNS:connection closed
12547, // TNS:lost contact
12570, // TNS:packet reader failure
12583, // TNS:no reader
27146, // post/wait initialization failed
28511, // lost RPC connection
56600: // an illegal OCI function call was issued
return driver.ErrBadConn
return err
func (c *conn) setTraceTag(tt TraceTag) error {
if c == nil || c.dpiConn == nil {
return nil
for nm, vv := range map[string][2]string{
"action": {c.currentTT.Action, tt.Action},
"module": {c.currentTT.Module, tt.Module},
"info": {c.currentTT.ClientInfo, tt.ClientInfo},
"identifier": {c.currentTT.ClientIdentifier, tt.ClientIdentifier},
"op": {c.currentTT.DbOp, tt.DbOp},
} {
if vv[0] == vv[1] {
v := vv[1]
var s *C.char
if v != "" {
s = C.CString(v)
var rc C.int
switch nm {
case "action":
rc = C.dpiConn_setAction(c.dpiConn, s, C.uint32_t(len(v)))
case "module":
rc = C.dpiConn_setModule(c.dpiConn, s, C.uint32_t(len(v)))
case "info":
rc = C.dpiConn_setClientInfo(c.dpiConn, s, C.uint32_t(len(v)))
case "identifier":
rc = C.dpiConn_setClientIdentifier(c.dpiConn, s, C.uint32_t(len(v)))
case "op":
rc = C.dpiConn_setDbOp(c.dpiConn, s, C.uint32_t(len(v)))
if s != nil {
if rc == C.DPI_FAILURE {
return errors.Errorf("%s: %w", nm, c.getError())
c.currentTT = tt
return nil
const traceTagCtxKey = ctxKey("tracetag")
// ContextWithTraceTag returns a context with the specified TraceTag, which will
// be set on the session used.
func ContextWithTraceTag(ctx context.Context, tt TraceTag) context.Context {
return context.WithValue(ctx, traceTagCtxKey, tt)
// TraceTag holds tracing information for the session. It can be set on the session
// with ContextWithTraceTag.
type TraceTag struct {
// ClientIdentifier - specifies an end user based on the logon ID, such as HR.HR
ClientIdentifier string
// ClientInfo - client-specific info
ClientInfo string
// DbOp - database operation
DbOp string
// Module - specifies a functional block, such as Accounts Receivable or General Ledger, of an application
Module string
// Action - specifies an action, such as an INSERT or UPDATE operation, in a module
Action string
const paramsCtxKey = ctxKey("params")
// ContextWithParams returns a context with the specified parameters. These parameters are used
// to modify the session acquired from the pool.
// If a standalone connection is being used this will have no effect.
// Also, you should disable the Go connection pool with DB.SetMaxIdleConns(0).
func ContextWithParams(ctx context.Context, commonParams CommonParams, connParams ConnParams) context.Context {
return context.WithValue(ctx, paramsCtxKey,
commonAndConnParams{CommonParams: commonParams, ConnParams: connParams})
// ContextWithUserPassw returns a context with the specified user and password,
// to be used with heterogeneous pools.
// If a standalone connection is being used this will have no effect.
// Also, you should disable the Go connection pool with DB.SetMaxIdleConns(0).
func ContextWithUserPassw(ctx context.Context, user, password, connClass string) context.Context {
return ContextWithParams(ctx,
CommonParams{Username: user, Password: password},
ConnParams{ConnClass: connClass},
// StartupMode for the database.
type StartupMode C.dpiStartupMode
const (
// StartupDefault is the default mode for startup which permits database access to all users.
StartupDefault = StartupMode(C.DPI_MODE_STARTUP_DEFAULT)
// StartupForce shuts down a running instance (using ABORT) before starting a new one. This mode should only be used in unusual circumstances.
StartupForce = StartupMode(C.DPI_MODE_STARTUP_FORCE)
// StartupRestrict only allows database access to users with both the CREATE SESSION and RESTRICTED SESSION privileges (normally the DBA).
StartupRestrict = StartupMode(C.DPI_MODE_STARTUP_RESTRICT)
// Startup the database, equivalent to "startup nomount" in SQL*Plus.
// This should be called on PRELIM_AUTH (prelim=1) connection!
// See https://docs.oracle.com/en/database/oracle/oracle-database/18/lnoci/database-startup-and-shutdown.html#GUID-44B24F65-8C24-4DF3-8FBF-B896A4D6F3F3
func (c *conn) Startup(mode StartupMode) error {
if C.dpiConn_startupDatabase(c.dpiConn, C.dpiStartupMode(mode)) == C.DPI_FAILURE {
return errors.Errorf("startup(%v): %w", mode, c.getError())
return nil
// ShutdownMode for the database.
type ShutdownMode C.dpiShutdownMode
const (
// ShutdownDefault - further connections to the database are prohibited. Wait for users to disconnect from the database.
ShutdownDefault = ShutdownMode(C.DPI_MODE_SHUTDOWN_DEFAULT)
// ShutdownTransactional - further connections to the database are prohibited and no new transactions are allowed to be started. Wait for active transactions to complete.
ShutdownTransactional = ShutdownMode(C.DPI_MODE_SHUTDOWN_TRANSACTIONAL)
// ShutdownTransactionalLocal - behaves the same way as ShutdownTransactional but only waits for local transactions to complete.
ShutdownTransactionalLocal = ShutdownMode(C.DPI_MODE_SHUTDOWN_TRANSACTIONAL_LOCAL)
// ShutdownImmediate - all uncommitted transactions are terminated and rolled back and all connections to the database are closed immediately.
ShutdownImmediate = ShutdownMode(C.DPI_MODE_SHUTDOWN_IMMEDIATE)
// ShutdownAbort - all uncommitted transactions are terminated and are not rolled back. This is the fastest way to shut down the database but the next database startup may require instance recovery.
ShutdownAbort = ShutdownMode(C.DPI_MODE_SHUTDOWN_ABORT)
// ShutdownFinal shuts down the database. This mode should only be used in the second call to dpiConn_shutdownDatabase().
ShutdownFinal = ShutdownMode(C.DPI_MODE_SHUTDOWN_FINAL)
// Shutdown shuts down the database.
// Note that this must be done in two phases except in the situation where the instance is aborted.
// See https://docs.oracle.com/en/database/oracle/oracle-database/18/lnoci/database-startup-and-shutdown.html#GUID-44B24F65-8C24-4DF3-8FBF-B896A4D6F3F3
func (c *conn) Shutdown(mode ShutdownMode) error {
if C.dpiConn_shutdownDatabase(c.dpiConn, C.dpiShutdownMode(mode)) == C.DPI_FAILURE {
return errors.Errorf("shutdown(%v): %w", mode, c.getError())
return nil
// Timezone returns the connection's timezone.
func (c *conn) Timezone() *time.Location {
return c.params.Timezone
