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tdus / godror

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drv.go 34.95 KB
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Tamás Gulácsi 提交于 2020-04-24 21:59 . make staticcheck happy
// Copyright 2019, 2020 The Godror Authors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: UPL-1.0 OR Apache-2.0
// Package godror is a database/sql/driver for Oracle DB.
// The connection string for the sql.Open("godror", connString) call can be
// the simple
// login/password@sid [AS SYSDBA|AS SYSOPER]
// type (with sid being the sexp returned by tnsping),
// or in the form of
// ora://login:password@sid/? \
// sysdba=0& \
// sysoper=0& \
// poolMinSessions=1& \
// poolMaxSessions=1000& \
// poolIncrement=1& \
// connectionClass=POOLED& \
// standaloneConnection=0& \
// enableEvents=0& \
// heterogeneousPool=0& \
// prelim=0& \
// poolWaitTimeout=5m& \
// poolSessionMaxLifetime=1h& \
// poolSessionTimeout=30s& \
// timezone=Local& \
// newPassword= \
// onInit=ALTER+SESSION+SET+current_schema%3Dmy_schema
// These are the defaults. Many advocate that a static session pool (min=max, incr=0)
// is better, with 1-10 sessions per CPU thread.
// See http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E82638_01/JJUCP/optimizing-real-world-performance.htm#JJUCP-GUID-BC09F045-5D80-4AF5-93F5-FEF0531E0E1D
// You may also use ConnectionParams to configure a connection.
// If you specify connectionClass, that'll reuse the same session pool
// without the connectionClass, but will specify it on each session acquire.
// Thus you can cluster the session pool with classes, or use POOLED for DRCP.
// For what can be used as "sid", see https://docs.oracle.com/en/database/oracle/oracle-database/19/netag/configuring-naming-methods.html#GUID-E5358DEA-D619-4B7B-A799-3D2F802500F1
package godror
#cgo CFLAGS: -I./odpi/include -I./odpi/src -I./odpi/embed
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "dpi.c"
import "C"
import (
errors "golang.org/x/xerrors"
const (
// DefaultFetchRowCount is the number of prefetched rows by default (if not changed through FetchRowCount statement option).
DefaultFetchRowCount = 1 << 8
// DefaultArraySize is the length of the maximum PL/SQL array by default (if not changed through ArraySize statement option).
DefaultArraySize = 1 << 10
const (
// DpiMajorVersion is the wanted major version of the underlying ODPI-C library.
// DpiMinorVersion is the wanted minor version of the underlying ODPI-C library.
// DpiPatchLevel is the patch level version of the underlying ODPI-C library
// DpiVersionNumber is the underlying ODPI-C version as one number (Major * 10000 + Minor * 100 + Patch)
// DriverName is set on the connection to be seen in the DB
// It cannot be longer than 30 bytes !
DriverName = "godror : " + Version
// DefaultPoolMinSessions specifies the default value for minSessions for pool creation.
DefaultPoolMinSessions = 1
// DefaultPoolMaxSessions specifies the default value for maxSessions for pool creation.
DefaultPoolMaxSessions = 1000
// DefaultSessionIncrement specifies the default value for increment for pool creation.
DefaultSessionIncrement = 1
// DefaultPoolIncrement is a deprecated name for DefaultSessionIncrement.
DefaultPoolIncrement = DefaultSessionIncrement
// DefaultConnectionClass is the default connectionClass
DefaultConnectionClass = "GODROR"
// NoConnectionPoolingConnectionClass is a special connection class name to indicate no connection pooling.
// It is the same as setting standaloneConnection=1
NoConnectionPoolingConnectionClass = "NO-CONNECTION-POOLING"
// DefaultSessionTimeout is the seconds before idle pool sessions get evicted
DefaultSessionTimeout = 5 * time.Minute
// DefaultWaitTimeout is the milliseconds to wait for a session to become available
DefaultWaitTimeout = 30 * time.Second
// DefaultMaxLifeTime is the maximum time in seconds till a pooled session may exist
DefaultMaxLifeTime = 1 * time.Hour
// Log function. By default, it's nil, and thus logs nothing.
// If you want to change this, change it to a github.com/go-kit/kit/log.Swapper.Log
// or analog to be race-free.
var Log func(...interface{}) error
var defaultDrv = &drv{}
func init() {
sql.Register("godror", defaultDrv)
var _ = driver.Driver((*drv)(nil))
type drv struct {
mu sync.Mutex
dpiContext *C.dpiContext
pools map[string]*connPool
clientVersion VersionInfo
type connPool struct {
dpiPool *C.dpiPool
params commonAndPoolParams
timeZone *time.Location
//tzOffSecs int
//serverVersion VersionInfo
func (d *drv) init() error {
defer d.mu.Unlock()
if d.pools == nil {
d.pools = make(map[string]*connPool)
if d.dpiContext != nil {
return nil
var errInfo C.dpiErrorInfo
var dpiCtx *C.dpiContext
if C.dpiContext_create(C.uint(DpiMajorVersion), C.uint(DpiMinorVersion),
(**C.dpiContext)(unsafe.Pointer(&dpiCtx)), &errInfo,
return fromErrorInfo(errInfo)
d.dpiContext = dpiCtx
var v C.dpiVersionInfo
if C.dpiContext_getClientVersion(d.dpiContext, &v) == C.DPI_FAILURE {
return errors.Errorf("%s: %w", "getClientVersion", d.getError())
return nil
// Open returns a new connection to the database.
// The name is a string in a driver-specific format.
func (d *drv) Open(connString string) (driver.Conn, error) {
c, err := d.OpenConnector(connString)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cx := c.(connector)
return d.createConnFromParams(ConnectionParams{CommonParams: cx.CommonParams, ConnParams: cx.ConnParams, PoolParams: cx.PoolParams})
func (d *drv) ClientVersion() (VersionInfo, error) {
return d.clientVersion, nil
// UTF-8 is a shortcut name for AL32UTF8 in ODPI-C (and not the same as the botched UTF8).
var cUTF8, cDriverName = C.CString("UTF-8"), C.CString(DriverName)
// initCommonCreateParams initializes ODPI-C common creation parameters used for creating pools and
// standalone connections. The C strings for the encoding and driver name are
// defined at the package level for convenience.
func (d *drv) initCommonCreateParams(P *C.dpiCommonCreateParams, enableEvents bool) error {
// initialize ODPI-C structure for common creation parameters
if C.dpiContext_initCommonCreateParams(d.dpiContext, P) == C.DPI_FAILURE {
return errors.Errorf("initCommonCreateParams: %w", d.getError())
// assign encoding and national encoding (always use UTF-8)
P.encoding = cUTF8
P.nencoding = cUTF8
// assign driver name
P.driverName = cDriverName
P.driverNameLength = C.uint32_t(len(DriverName))
// assign creation mode; always use threaded mode in order to allow
// goroutines to function without mutexing; enable events mode, if
// requested
if enableEvents {
return nil
// createConn creates an ODPI-C connection with the specified parameters. If a pool is
// provided, the connection is acquired from the pool; otherwise, a standalone
// connection is created.
func (d *drv) createConn(pool *connPool, P commonAndConnParams) (*conn, error) {
if Log != nil {
Log("msg", "createConn", "pool", pool, "connParams", P)
// initialize driver, if necessary
if err := d.init(); err != nil {
return nil, err
// initialize ODPI-C structure for common creation parameters; this is only
// used when a standalone connection is being created; when a connection is
// being acquired from the pool this structure is not needed
var commonCreateParamsPtr *C.dpiCommonCreateParams
var commonCreateParams C.dpiCommonCreateParams
if pool == nil {
if err := d.initCommonCreateParams(&commonCreateParams, P.EnableEvents); err != nil {
return nil, err
commonCreateParamsPtr = &commonCreateParams
// manage strings
var cUsername, cPassword, cNewPassword, cDSN, cConnClass *C.char
defer func() {
if cUsername != nil {
if cPassword != nil {
if cNewPassword != nil {
if cDSN != nil {
if cConnClass != nil {
// initialize ODPI-C structure for connection creation parameters
var connCreateParams C.dpiConnCreateParams
if C.dpiContext_initConnCreateParams(d.dpiContext,
&connCreateParams) == C.DPI_FAILURE {
return nil, errors.Errorf("initConnCreateParams: %w", d.getError())
// assign connection class
if P.ConnClass != "" {
cConnClass := C.CString(P.ConnClass)
connCreateParams.connectionClass = cConnClass
connCreateParams.connectionClassLength = C.uint32_t(len(P.ConnClass))
// assign new password (only relevant for standalone connections)
if pool == nil && P.NewPassword != "" {
cNewPassword = C.CString(P.NewPassword)
connCreateParams.newPassword = cNewPassword
connCreateParams.newPasswordLength = C.uint32_t(len(P.NewPassword))
// assign external authentication flag (only relevant for standalone
// connections)
if pool == nil && P.Username == "" && P.Password == "" {
connCreateParams.externalAuth = 1
// assign authorization mode
connCreateParams.authMode = C.dpiAuthMode(C.DPI_MODE_AUTH_DEFAULT)
if P.IsSysDBA {
connCreateParams.authMode |= C.DPI_MODE_AUTH_SYSDBA
if P.IsSysOper {
connCreateParams.authMode |= C.DPI_MODE_AUTH_SYSOPER
if P.IsSysASM {
connCreateParams.authMode |= C.DPI_MODE_AUTH_SYSASM
if P.IsPrelim {
connCreateParams.authMode |= C.DPI_MODE_AUTH_PRELIM
// assign sharding keys, if applicable
if len(P.ShardingKey) > 0 {
var tempData C.dpiData
mem := C.malloc(C.sizeof_dpiShardingKeyColumn *
defer C.free(mem)
columns := (*[1 << 30]C.dpiShardingKeyColumn)(mem)
for i, value := range P.ShardingKey {
switch value := value.(type) {
case int:
columns[i].oracleTypeNum = C.DPI_ORACLE_TYPE_NUMBER
columns[i].nativeTypeNum = C.DPI_NATIVE_TYPE_INT64
C.dpiData_setInt64(&tempData, C.int64_t(value))
case string:
columns[i].oracleTypeNum = C.DPI_ORACLE_TYPE_VARCHAR
columns[i].nativeTypeNum = C.DPI_NATIVE_TYPE_BYTES
cs := C.CString(value)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cs))
C.dpiData_setBytes(&tempData, cs, C.uint32_t(len(value)))
return nil, errors.New("Unsupported data type for sharding")
columns[i].value = tempData.value
connCreateParams.shardingKeyColumns = &columns[0]
connCreateParams.numShardingKeyColumns = C.uint8_t(len(P.ShardingKey))
// if a pool was provided, assign the pool
if pool != nil {
connCreateParams.pool = pool.dpiPool
// setup credentials
username, password := P.Username, P.Password
if pool != nil && !pool.params.Heterogeneous {
username, password = "", ""
if username != "" {
cUsername = C.CString(username)
if password != "" {
cPassword = C.CString(password)
if P.DSN != "" {
cDSN = C.CString(P.DSN)
// create ODPI-C connection
var dc *C.dpiConn
if C.dpiConn_create(
cUsername, C.uint32_t(len(username)),
cPassword, C.uint32_t(len(password)),
cDSN, C.uint32_t(len(P.DSN)),
&connCreateParams, &dc,
return nil, errors.Errorf("username=%q dsn=%q params=%+v: %w",
username, P.DSN, connCreateParams, d.getError())
// create connection and initialize it, if needed
c := conn{
drv: d, Client: d.clientVersion, dpiConn: dc,
params: ConnectionParams{CommonParams: P.CommonParams, ConnParams: P.ConnParams},
newSession: pool == nil || connCreateParams.outNewSession == 1,
if pool != nil {
c.params.PoolParams = pool.params.PoolParams
if c.params.Username == "" {
c.params.Username = pool.params.Username
return &c, nil
// createConnFromParams creates a driver connection given pool parameters and connection
// parameters. The pool parameters are used to either create a pool or use an
// existing cached pool.
// If the pool parameters are nil, no pool is used and a
// standalone connection is created instead. The connection parameters are used
// to acquire a connection from the pool specified by the pool parameters or
// are used to create a standalone connection.
func (d *drv) createConnFromParams(P ConnectionParams) (*conn, error) {
var err error
var pool *connPool
if !P.IsStandalone() {
pool, err = d.getPool(commonAndPoolParams{CommonParams: P.CommonParams, PoolParams: P.PoolParams})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
conn, err := d.createConn(pool, commonAndConnParams{CommonParams: P.CommonParams, ConnParams: P.ConnParams})
if err != nil || P.OnInit == nil || !conn.newSession {
return conn, err
if err = P.OnInit(conn); err != nil {
return nil, err
return conn, nil
// getPool get the pool to use given the set of pool parameters provided.
// Pools are stored in a map keyed by a string representation of the pool parameters.
// If no pool exists, a pool is created and stored in the map.
func (d *drv) getPool(P commonAndPoolParams) (*connPool, error) {
// initialize driver, if necessary
if err := d.init(); err != nil {
return nil, err
if P.Heterogeneous {
P.Username, P.Password = "", ""
// determine key to use for pool
poolKey := fmt.Sprintf("%s\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%t\t%t\t%t",
P.Username, P.DSN, P.MinSessions, P.MaxSessions,
P.SessionIncrement, P.WaitTimeout, P.MaxLifeTime, P.SessionTimeout,
P.Heterogeneous, P.EnableEvents, P.ExternalAuth)
if Log != nil {
Log("pool key:", poolKey)
// if pool already exists, return it immediately; otherwise, create a new
// pool; hold the lock while the pool is looked up (and created, if needed)
// in order to ensure that multiple goroutines do not attempt to create a
// pool
defer d.mu.Unlock()
pool, ok := d.pools[poolKey]
if ok {
return pool, nil
pool, err := d.createPool(P)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
d.pools[poolKey] = pool
return pool, nil
// createPool creates an ODPI-C pool with the specified parameters.
// This is done while holding the mutex in order to ensure that
// multiple goroutines do not attempt to create the pool at the same time.
func (d *drv) createPool(P commonAndPoolParams) (*connPool, error) {
// set up common creation parameters
var commonCreateParams C.dpiCommonCreateParams
if err := d.initCommonCreateParams(&commonCreateParams, P.EnableEvents); err != nil {
return nil, err
// initialize ODPI-C structure for pool creation parameters
var poolCreateParams C.dpiPoolCreateParams
if C.dpiContext_initPoolCreateParams(d.dpiContext,
&poolCreateParams) == C.DPI_FAILURE {
return nil, errors.Errorf("initPoolCreateParams: %w", d.getError())
// assign minimum number of sessions permitted in the pool
poolCreateParams.minSessions = DefaultPoolMinSessions
if P.MinSessions >= 0 {
poolCreateParams.minSessions = C.uint32_t(P.MinSessions)
// assign maximum number of sessions permitted in the pool
poolCreateParams.maxSessions = DefaultPoolMaxSessions
if P.MaxSessions > 0 {
poolCreateParams.maxSessions = C.uint32_t(P.MaxSessions)
// assign the number of sessions to create each time more is needed
poolCreateParams.sessionIncrement = DefaultPoolIncrement
if P.SessionIncrement > 0 {
poolCreateParams.sessionIncrement = C.uint32_t(P.SessionIncrement)
// assign "get" mode (always used timed wait)
poolCreateParams.getMode = C.DPI_MODE_POOL_GET_TIMEDWAIT
// assign wait timeout (number of milliseconds to wait for a session to
// become available
poolCreateParams.waitTimeout =
C.uint32_t(DefaultWaitTimeout / time.Millisecond)
if P.WaitTimeout > 0 {
poolCreateParams.waitTimeout =
C.uint32_t(P.WaitTimeout / time.Millisecond)
// assign timeout (number of seconds before idle pool session are evicted
// from the pool
poolCreateParams.timeout = C.uint32_t(DefaultSessionTimeout / time.Second)
if P.SessionTimeout > 0 {
poolCreateParams.timeout = C.uint32_t(P.SessionTimeout / time.Second)
// assign maximum lifetime (number of seconds a pooled session may exist)
poolCreateParams.maxLifetimeSession =
C.uint32_t(DefaultMaxLifeTime / time.Second)
if P.MaxLifeTime > 0 {
poolCreateParams.maxLifetimeSession =
C.uint32_t(P.MaxLifeTime / time.Second)
// assign external authentication flag
poolCreateParams.externalAuth = C.int(b2i(P.ExternalAuth))
// assign homogeneous pool flag; default is true so need to clear the flag
// if specifically reqeuested or if external authentication is desirable
if poolCreateParams.externalAuth == 1 || P.Heterogeneous {
poolCreateParams.homogeneous = 0
// setup credentials
var cUsername, cPassword, cDSN *C.char
if P.Username != "" {
cUsername = C.CString(P.Username)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cUsername))
if P.Password != "" {
cPassword = C.CString(P.Password)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cPassword))
if P.DSN != "" {
cDSN = C.CString(P.DSN)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cDSN))
// create pool
var dp *C.dpiPool
if Log != nil {
Log("C", "dpiPool_create", "username", P.Username, "DSN", P.DSN,
"common", commonCreateParams, "pool",
fmt.Sprintf("%#v", poolCreateParams))
if C.dpiPool_create(
cUsername, C.uint32_t(len(P.Username)),
cPassword, C.uint32_t(len(P.Password)),
cDSN, C.uint32_t(len(P.DSN)),
return nil, errors.Errorf("params=%v extAuth=%v: %w",
P, poolCreateParams.externalAuth, d.getError())
// set statement cache
C.dpiPool_setStmtCacheSize(dp, 40)
return &connPool{dpiPool: dp, params: P, timeZone: P.Timezone}, nil
// ConnectionParams holds the params for a connection (pool).
// You can use ConnectionParams{...}.StringWithPassword()
// as a connection string in sql.Open.
type ConnectionParams struct {
// NewPassword is used iff StandaloneConnection is true!
NewPassword string
onInitStmts []string
StandaloneConnection bool
type commonAndConnParams struct {
type commonAndPoolParams struct {
func (P ConnectionParams) IsStandalone() bool {
return P.StandaloneConnection || P.IsSysDBA || P.IsSysOper || P.IsSysASM || P.IsPrelim
type CommonParams struct {
Username, Password, DSN string
EnableEvents bool
OnInit func(driver.Conn) error
Timezone *time.Location
type ConnParams struct {
NewPassword, ConnClass string
IsSysDBA, IsSysOper, IsSysASM, IsPrelim bool
ShardingKey, SuperShardingKey []interface{}
type PoolParams struct {
MinSessions, MaxSessions, SessionIncrement int
WaitTimeout, MaxLifeTime, SessionTimeout time.Duration
Heterogeneous, ExternalAuth bool
// String returns the string representation of ConnectionParams.
// The password is replaced with a "SECRET" string!
func (P ConnectionParams) String() string {
return P.string(true, false)
// StringNoClass returns the string representation of ConnectionParams, without class info.
// The password is replaced with a "SECRET" string!
func (P ConnectionParams) StringNoClass() string {
return P.string(false, false)
// StringWithPassword returns the string representation of ConnectionParams (as String() does),
// but does NOT obfuscate the password, just prints it as is.
func (P ConnectionParams) StringWithPassword() string {
return P.string(true, true)
func (P ConnectionParams) string(class, withPassword bool) string {
host, path := P.DSN, ""
if i := strings.IndexByte(host, '/'); i >= 0 {
host, path = host[:i], host[i:]
q := make(url.Values, 32)
s := P.ConnClass
if !class {
s = ""
q.Add("connectionClass", s)
var password string
if withPassword {
password = P.Password
q.Add("newPassword", P.NewPassword)
} else {
hsh := fnv.New64()
io.WriteString(hsh, P.Password)
password = "SECRET-" + base64.URLEncoding.EncodeToString(hsh.Sum(nil))
if P.NewPassword != "" {
io.WriteString(hsh, P.NewPassword)
q.Add("newPassword", "SECRET-"+base64.URLEncoding.EncodeToString(hsh.Sum(nil)))
s = "local"
tz := P.Timezone
if tz != nil && tz != time.Local {
s = tz.String()
q.Add("timezone", s)
B := func(b bool) string {
if b {
return "1"
return "0"
q.Add("poolMinSessions", strconv.Itoa(P.MinSessions))
q.Add("poolMaxSessions", strconv.Itoa(P.MaxSessions))
q.Add("poolIncrement", strconv.Itoa(P.SessionIncrement))
q.Add("sysdba", B(P.IsSysDBA))
q.Add("sysoper", B(P.IsSysOper))
q.Add("sysasm", B(P.IsSysASM))
q.Add("standaloneConnection", B(P.StandaloneConnection))
q.Add("enableEvents", B(P.EnableEvents))
q.Add("heterogeneousPool", B(P.Heterogeneous))
q.Add("prelim", B(P.IsPrelim))
q.Add("poolWaitTimeout", P.WaitTimeout.String())
q.Add("poolSessionMaxLifetime", P.MaxLifeTime.String())
q.Add("poolSessionTimeout", P.SessionTimeout.String())
q["onInit"] = P.onInitStmts
return (&url.URL{
Scheme: "oracle",
User: url.UserPassword(P.Username, password),
Host: host,
Path: path,
RawQuery: q.Encode(),
// ParseConnString parses the given connection string into a struct.
func ParseConnString(connString string) (ConnectionParams, error) {
P := ConnectionParams{
CommonParams: CommonParams{
Timezone: time.Local,
ConnParams: ConnParams{
ConnClass: DefaultConnectionClass,
PoolParams: PoolParams{
MinSessions: DefaultPoolMinSessions,
MaxSessions: DefaultPoolMaxSessions,
SessionIncrement: DefaultPoolIncrement,
MaxLifeTime: DefaultMaxLifeTime,
WaitTimeout: DefaultWaitTimeout,
SessionTimeout: DefaultSessionTimeout,
origConnString := connString
if !strings.HasPrefix(connString, "oracle://") {
i := strings.IndexByte(connString, '/')
if i < 0 {
return P, errors.New("no '/' in connection string")
P.Username, connString = connString[:i], connString[i+1:]
uSid := strings.ToUpper(connString)
//fmt.Printf("connString=%q SID=%q\n", connString, uSid)
if strings.Contains(uSid, " AS ") {
if P.IsSysDBA = strings.HasSuffix(uSid, " AS SYSDBA"); P.IsSysDBA {
connString = connString[:len(connString)-10]
} else if P.IsSysOper = strings.HasSuffix(uSid, " AS SYSOPER"); P.IsSysOper {
connString = connString[:len(connString)-11]
} else if P.IsSysASM = strings.HasSuffix(uSid, " AS SYSASM"); P.IsSysASM {
connString = connString[:len(connString)-10]
if i = strings.LastIndexByte(connString, '@'); i >= 0 {
P.Password, P.DSN = connString[:i], connString[i+1:]
} else {
P.Password = connString
if strings.HasSuffix(P.DSN, ":POOLED") {
P.ConnClass, P.DSN = "POOLED", P.DSN[:len(P.DSN)-7]
//fmt.Printf("connString=%q params=%s\n", connString, P)
// only enable external authentication if we are dealing with a
// homogeneous pool and no user name/password has been specified
if P.Username == "" && P.Password == "" && !P.Heterogeneous {
P.PoolParams.ExternalAuth = true
if Log != nil {
Log("msg", "ParseConnString", "connString", origConnString, "commonParams", P.CommonParams, "connParams", P.ConnParams, "poolParams", P.PoolParams)
return P, nil
u, err := url.Parse(connString)
if err != nil {
return P, errors.Errorf("%s: %w", connString, err)
if usr := u.User; usr != nil {
P.Username = usr.Username()
P.Password, _ = usr.Password()
P.DSN = u.Hostname()
// IPv6 literal address brackets are removed by u.Hostname,
// so we have to put them back
if strings.HasPrefix(u.Host, "[") && !strings.Contains(P.DSN[1:], "]") {
P.DSN = "[" + P.DSN + "]"
if u.Port() != "" {
P.DSN += ":" + u.Port()
if u.Path != "" && u.Path != "/" {
P.DSN += u.Path
q := u.Query()
if vv, ok := q["connectionClass"]; ok {
P.ConnClass = vv[0]
for _, task := range []struct {
Dest *bool
Key string
{&P.IsSysDBA, "sysdba"},
{&P.IsSysOper, "sysoper"},
{&P.IsSysASM, "sysasm"},
{&P.IsPrelim, "prelim"},
{&P.StandaloneConnection, "standaloneConnection"},
{&P.EnableEvents, "enableEvents"},
{&P.Heterogeneous, "heterogeneousPool"},
} {
*task.Dest = q.Get(task.Key) == "1"
if tz := q.Get("timezone"); tz != "" {
if strings.EqualFold(tz, "local") {
// P.Timezone = time.Local // already set
} else if strings.Contains(tz, "/") {
if P.Timezone, err = time.LoadLocation(tz); err != nil {
return P, errors.Errorf("%s: %w", tz, err)
} else if off, err := parseTZ(tz); err == nil {
P.Timezone = time.FixedZone(tz, off)
} else {
return P, errors.Errorf("%s: %w", tz, err)
for _, task := range []struct {
Dest *int
Key string
{&P.MinSessions, "poolMinSessions"},
{&P.MaxSessions, "poolMaxSessions"},
{&P.SessionIncrement, "poolIncrement"},
{&P.SessionIncrement, "sessionIncrement"},
} {
s := q.Get(task.Key)
if s == "" {
var err error
*task.Dest, err = strconv.Atoi(s)
if err != nil {
return P, errors.Errorf("%s: %w", task.Key+"="+s, err)
for _, task := range []struct {
Dest *time.Duration
Key string
{&P.SessionTimeout, "poolSessionTimeout"},
{&P.WaitTimeout, "poolWaitTimeout"},
{&P.MaxLifeTime, "poolSessionMaxLifetime"},
} {
s := q.Get(task.Key)
if s == "" {
var err error
*task.Dest, err = time.ParseDuration(s)
if err != nil {
if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "time: missing unit in duration") {
return P, errors.Errorf("%s: %w", task.Key+"="+s, err)
i, err := strconv.Atoi(s)
if err != nil {
return P, errors.Errorf("%s: %w", task.Key+"="+s, err)
base := time.Second
if task.Key == "poolWaitTimeout" {
base = time.Millisecond
*task.Dest = time.Duration(i) * base
if P.MinSessions > P.MaxSessions {
P.MinSessions = P.MaxSessions
if P.MinSessions == P.MaxSessions {
P.SessionIncrement = 0
} else if P.SessionIncrement < 1 {
P.SessionIncrement = 1
if P.onInitStmts = q["onInit"]; len(P.onInitStmts) != 0 {
P.OnInit = mkExecMany(P.onInitStmts)
P.StandaloneConnection = P.StandaloneConnection || P.ConnClass == NoConnectionPoolingConnectionClass
if P.IsPrelim || P.StandaloneConnection {
// Prelim: the shared memory may not exist when Oracle is shut down.
P.ConnClass = ""
P.Heterogeneous = false
if P.IsStandalone() {
P.NewPassword = q.Get("newPassword")
} else {
// only enable external authentication if we are dealing with a
// homogeneous pool and no user name/password has been specified
if P.Username == "" && P.Password == "" && !P.Heterogeneous {
P.ExternalAuth = true
if Log != nil {
Log("msg", "ParseConnString", "connString", origConnString, "common", P.CommonParams, "connParams", P.ConnParams, "poolParams", P.PoolParams)
return P, nil
// SetSessionParamOnInit adds an "ALTER SESSION k=v" to the OnInit task list.
func (P *ConnectionParams) SetSessionParamOnInit(k, v string) {
s := fmt.Sprintf("ALTER SESSION SET %s = q'(%s)'", k, strings.Replace(v, "'", "''", -1))
P.onInitStmts = append(P.onInitStmts, s)
if old := P.OnInit; old == nil {
P.OnInit = mkExecMany(P.onInitStmts)
} else {
n := mkExecMany([]string{s})
P.OnInit = func(conn driver.Conn) error {
if err := old(conn); err != nil {
return err
return n(conn)
// OraErr is an error holding the ORA-01234 code and the message.
type OraErr struct {
message, funName, action, sqlState string
code, offset int
recoverable bool
// AsOraErr returns the underlying *OraErr and whether it succeeded.
func AsOraErr(err error) (*OraErr, bool) {
var oerr *OraErr
ok := errors.As(err, &oerr)
return oerr, ok
var _ = error((*OraErr)(nil))
// Code returns the OraErr's error code.
func (oe *OraErr) Code() int { return oe.code }
// Message returns the OraErr's message.
func (oe *OraErr) Message() string { return oe.message }
func (oe *OraErr) Error() string {
msg := oe.Message()
if oe.code == 0 && msg == "" {
return ""
return fmt.Sprintf("ORA-%05d: %s", oe.code, oe.message)
func fromErrorInfo(errInfo C.dpiErrorInfo) *OraErr {
oe := OraErr{
code: int(errInfo.code),
message: strings.TrimSpace(C.GoStringN(errInfo.message, C.int(errInfo.messageLength))),
offset: int(errInfo.offset),
funName: strings.TrimSpace(C.GoString(errInfo.fnName)),
action: strings.TrimSpace(C.GoString(errInfo.action)),
sqlState: strings.TrimSpace(C.GoString(errInfo.sqlState)),
recoverable: errInfo.isRecoverable != 0,
if oe.code == 0 && strings.HasPrefix(oe.message, "ORA-") &&
len(oe.message) > 9 && oe.message[9] == ':' {
if i, _ := strconv.Atoi(oe.message[4:9]); i > 0 {
oe.code, oe.message = i, strings.TrimSpace(oe.message[10:])
oe.message = strings.TrimPrefix(oe.message, fmt.Sprintf("ORA-%05d: ", oe.Code()))
return &oe
// Offset returns the parse error offset (in bytes) when executing a statement or the row offset when performing bulk operations or fetching batch error information. If neither of these cases are true, the value is 0.
func (oe *OraErr) Offset() int { return oe.offset }
// FunName returns the public ODPI-C function name which was called in which the error took place. This is a null-terminated ASCII string.
func (oe *OraErr) FunName() string { return oe.funName }
// Action returns the internal action that was being performed when the error took place. This is a null-terminated ASCII string.
func (oe *OraErr) Action() string { return oe.action }
// SQLState returns the SQLSTATE code associated with the error. This is a 5 character null-terminated string.
func (oe *OraErr) SQLState() string { return oe.sqlState }
// Recoverable indicates if the error is recoverable. This is always false unless both client and server are at release 12.1 or higher.
func (oe *OraErr) Recoverable() bool { return oe.recoverable }
// newErrorInfo is just for testing: testing cannot use Cgo...
func newErrorInfo(code int, message string) C.dpiErrorInfo {
return C.dpiErrorInfo{code: C.int32_t(code), message: C.CString(message), messageLength: C.uint(len(message))}
// against deadcode
var _ = newErrorInfo
func (d *drv) getError() *OraErr {
if d == nil || d.dpiContext == nil {
return &OraErr{code: -12153, message: driver.ErrBadConn.Error()}
var errInfo C.dpiErrorInfo
C.dpiContext_getError(d.dpiContext, &errInfo)
return fromErrorInfo(errInfo)
func b2i(b bool) uint8 {
if b {
return 1
return 0
// VersionInfo holds version info returned by Oracle DB.
type VersionInfo struct {
ServerRelease string
Version, Release, Update, PortRelease, PortUpdate, Full uint8
func (V *VersionInfo) set(v *C.dpiVersionInfo) {
*V = VersionInfo{
Version: uint8(v.versionNum),
Release: uint8(v.releaseNum), Update: uint8(v.updateNum),
PortRelease: uint8(v.portReleaseNum), PortUpdate: uint8(v.portUpdateNum),
Full: uint8(v.fullVersionNum),
func (V VersionInfo) String() string {
var s string
if V.ServerRelease != "" {
s = " [" + V.ServerRelease + "]"
return fmt.Sprintf("%d.%d.%d.%d.%d%s", V.Version, V.Release, V.Update, V.PortRelease, V.PortUpdate, s)
var timezones = make(map[[2]C.int8_t]*time.Location)
var timezonesMu sync.RWMutex
func timeZoneFor(hourOffset, minuteOffset C.int8_t) *time.Location {
if hourOffset == 0 && minuteOffset == 0 {
return time.UTC
key := [2]C.int8_t{hourOffset, minuteOffset}
tz := timezones[key]
if tz == nil {
if tz = timezones[key]; tz == nil {
tz = time.FixedZone(
fmt.Sprintf("%02d:%02d", hourOffset, minuteOffset),
timezones[key] = tz
return tz
type ctxKey string
func (s ctxKey) String() string { return string(s) }
const logCtxKey = ctxKey("godror.Log")
type logFunc func(...interface{}) error
func ctxGetLog(ctx context.Context) logFunc {
if lgr, ok := ctx.Value(logCtxKey).(func(...interface{}) error); ok {
return lgr
return Log
// ContextWithLog returns a context with the given log function.
func ContextWithLog(ctx context.Context, logF func(...interface{}) error) context.Context {
return context.WithValue(ctx, logCtxKey, logF)
var _ = driver.DriverContext((*drv)(nil))
var _ = driver.Connector((*connector)(nil))
type connector struct {
drv *drv
// NewConnector returns a driver.Connector to be used with sql.OpenDB,
// (for the default Driver registered with godror)
func NewConnector(params ConnectionParams) driver.Connector {
return connector{drv: defaultDrv, ConnectionParams: params}
// OpenConnector must parse the name in the same format that Driver.Open
// parses the name parameter.
func (d *drv) OpenConnector(name string) (driver.Connector, error) {
// parse connection string
P, err := ParseConnString(name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if Log != nil {
Log("msg", "OpenConnector", "name", name, "P", P)
return connector{drv: d, ConnectionParams: P}, nil
// Connect returns a connection to the database.
// Connect may return a cached connection (one previously
// closed), but doing so is unnecessary; the sql package
// maintains a pool of idle connections for efficient re-use.
// The provided context.Context is for dialing purposes only
// (see net.DialContext) and should not be stored or used for
// other purposes.
// The returned connection is only used by one goroutine at a
// time.
func (c connector) Connect(ctx context.Context) (driver.Conn, error) {
if ctxValue := ctx.Value(paramsCtxKey); ctxValue != nil {
if params, ok := ctxValue.(commonAndConnParams); ok {
// ContextWithUserPassw does not fill ConnParam.DSN
if params.DSN == "" {
params.DSN = c.DSN
if Log != nil {
Log("msg", "connect with params from context", "poolParams", c.PoolParams, "connParams", params, "common", params.CommonParams)
return c.drv.createConnFromParams(ConnectionParams{
CommonParams: params.CommonParams, ConnParams: params.ConnParams, PoolParams: c.PoolParams,
if Log != nil {
Log("msg", "connect with default params", "poolParams", c.PoolParams, "connParams", c.ConnParams, "common", c.CommonParams)
return c.drv.createConnFromParams(c.ConnectionParams)
// Driver returns the underlying Driver of the Connector,
// mainly to maintain compatibility with the Driver method
// on sql.DB.
func (c connector) Driver() driver.Driver { return c.drv }
// NewSessionIniter returns a function suitable for use in NewConnector as onInit,
// which calls "ALTER SESSION SET <key>='<value>'" for each element of the given map.
func NewSessionIniter(m map[string]string) func(driver.Conn) error {
ss := make([]string, 0, len(m))
for k, v := range m {
ss = append(ss, fmt.Sprintf("ALTER SESSION SET %s = q'(%s)'", k, strings.Replace(v, "'", "''", -1)))
return mkExecMany(ss)
func mkExecMany(qrys []string) func(driver.Conn) error {
return func(conn driver.Conn) error {
for _, qry := range qrys {
st, err := conn.Prepare(qry)
if err != nil {
return errors.Errorf("%s: %w", qry, err)
_, err = st.Exec(nil) //lint:ignore SA1019 it's hard to use ExecContext here
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
