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tdus / godror

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queue.go 18.62 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
// Copyright 2019, 2020 The Godror Authors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: UPL-1.0 OR Apache-2.0
package godror
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "dpiImpl.h"
import "C"
import (
errors "golang.org/x/xerrors"
const MsgIDLength = 16
var zeroMsgID [MsgIDLength]byte
// DefaultEnqOptions is the default set for NewQueue.
var DefaultEnqOptions = EnqOptions{
Visibility: VisibleImmediate,
DeliveryMode: DeliverPersistent,
// DefaultDeqOptions is the default set for NewQueue.
var DefaultDeqOptions = DeqOptions{
Mode: DeqRemove,
DeliveryMode: DeliverPersistent,
Navigation: NavFirst,
Visibility: VisibleImmediate,
Wait: 30,
// Queue represents an Oracle Advanced Queue.
type Queue struct {
PayloadObjectType ObjectType
props []*C.dpiMsgProps
name string
conn *conn
dpiQueue *C.dpiQueue
mu sync.Mutex
// NewQueue creates a new Queue.
// WARNING: the connection given to it must not be closed before the Queue is closed!
// So use an sql.Conn for it.
func NewQueue(ctx context.Context, execer Execer, name string, payloadObjectTypeName string) (*Queue, error) {
cx, err := DriverConn(ctx, execer)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
Q := Queue{conn: cx.(*conn), name: name}
var payloadType *C.dpiObjectType
if payloadObjectTypeName != "" {
if Q.PayloadObjectType, err = Q.conn.GetObjectType(payloadObjectTypeName); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
payloadType = Q.PayloadObjectType.dpiObjectType
value := C.CString(name)
if C.dpiConn_newQueue(Q.conn.dpiConn, value, C.uint(len(name)), payloadType, &Q.dpiQueue) == C.DPI_FAILURE {
err = errors.Errorf("newQueue %q: %w", name, Q.conn.drv.getError())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err = Q.SetEnqOptions(DefaultEnqOptions); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err = Q.SetDeqOptions(DefaultDeqOptions); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &Q, nil
// Close the queue.
func (Q *Queue) Close() error {
c, q := Q.conn, Q.dpiQueue
Q.conn, Q.dpiQueue = nil, nil
if q == nil {
return nil
if C.dpiQueue_release(q) == C.DPI_FAILURE {
return errors.Errorf("release: %w", c.getError())
return nil
// Name of the queue.
func (Q *Queue) Name() string { return Q.name }
// EnqOptions returns the queue's enqueue options in effect.
func (Q *Queue) EnqOptions() (EnqOptions, error) {
var E EnqOptions
var opts *C.dpiEnqOptions
if C.dpiQueue_getEnqOptions(Q.dpiQueue, &opts) == C.DPI_FAILURE {
return E, errors.Errorf("getEnqOptions: %w", Q.conn.drv.getError())
err := E.fromOra(Q.conn.drv, opts)
return E, err
// DeqOptions returns the queue's dequeue options in effect.
func (Q *Queue) DeqOptions() (DeqOptions, error) {
var D DeqOptions
var opts *C.dpiDeqOptions
if C.dpiQueue_getDeqOptions(Q.dpiQueue, &opts) == C.DPI_FAILURE {
return D, errors.Errorf("getDeqOptions: %w", Q.conn.drv.getError())
err := D.fromOra(Q.conn.drv, opts)
return D, err
// Dequeues messages into the given slice.
// Returns the number of messages filled in the given slice.
func (Q *Queue) Dequeue(messages []Message) (int, error) {
defer Q.mu.Unlock()
var props []*C.dpiMsgProps
if cap(Q.props) >= len(messages) {
props = Q.props[:len(messages)]
} else {
props = make([]*C.dpiMsgProps, len(messages))
Q.props = props
var ok C.int
num := C.uint(len(props))
if num == 1 {
ok = C.dpiQueue_deqOne(Q.dpiQueue, &props[0])
} else {
ok = C.dpiQueue_deqMany(Q.dpiQueue, &num, &props[0])
if ok == C.DPI_FAILURE {
err := Q.conn.getError()
if code := err.(interface{ Code() int }).Code(); code == 3156 {
return 0, context.DeadlineExceeded
return 0, errors.Errorf("dequeue: %w", err)
var firstErr error
for i, p := range props[:int(num)] {
if err := messages[i].fromOra(Q.conn, p, &Q.PayloadObjectType); err != nil {
if firstErr == nil {
firstErr = err
return int(num), firstErr
// Enqueue all the messages given.
// WARNING: calling this function in parallel on different connections acquired from the same pool may fail due to Oracle bug 29928074. Ensure that this function is not run in parallel, use standalone connections or connections from different pools, or make multiple calls to Queue.enqOne() instead. The function Queue.Dequeue() call is not affected.
func (Q *Queue) Enqueue(messages []Message) error {
defer Q.mu.Unlock()
var props []*C.dpiMsgProps
if cap(Q.props) >= len(messages) {
props = Q.props[:len(messages)]
} else {
props = make([]*C.dpiMsgProps, len(messages))
Q.props = props
defer func() {
for _, p := range props {
if p != nil {
for i, m := range messages {
if C.dpiConn_newMsgProps(Q.conn.dpiConn, &props[i]) == C.DPI_FAILURE {
return errors.Errorf("newMsgProps: %w", Q.conn.getError())
if err := m.toOra(Q.conn.drv, props[i]); err != nil {
return err
var ok C.int
if len(messages) == 1 {
ok = C.dpiQueue_enqOne(Q.dpiQueue, props[0])
} else {
ok = C.dpiQueue_enqMany(Q.dpiQueue, C.uint(len(props)), &props[0])
if ok == C.DPI_FAILURE {
return errors.Errorf("enqueue %#v: %w", messages, Q.conn.getError())
return nil
// Message is a message - either received or being sent.
type Message struct {
Correlation, ExceptionQ string
Enqueued time.Time
MsgID, OriginalMsgID [16]byte
Raw []byte
Delay, Expiration int32
Priority, NumAttempts int32
Object *Object
DeliveryMode DeliveryMode
State MessageState
func (M *Message) toOra(d *drv, props *C.dpiMsgProps) error {
var firstErr error
OK := func(ok C.int, name string) {
if ok == C.DPI_SUCCESS {
if firstErr == nil {
firstErr = errors.Errorf("%s: %w", name, d.getError())
if M.Correlation != "" {
value := C.CString(M.Correlation)
OK(C.dpiMsgProps_setCorrelation(props, value, C.uint(len(M.Correlation))), "setCorrelation")
if M.Delay != 0 {
OK(C.dpiMsgProps_setDelay(props, C.int(M.Delay)), "setDelay")
if M.ExceptionQ != "" {
value := C.CString(M.ExceptionQ)
OK(C.dpiMsgProps_setExceptionQ(props, value, C.uint(len(M.ExceptionQ))), "setExceptionQ")
if M.Expiration != 0 {
OK(C.dpiMsgProps_setExpiration(props, C.int(M.Expiration)), "setExpiration")
if M.OriginalMsgID != zeroMsgID {
OK(C.dpiMsgProps_setOriginalMsgId(props, (*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(&M.OriginalMsgID[0])), MsgIDLength), "setMsgOriginalId")
OK(C.dpiMsgProps_setPriority(props, C.int(M.Priority)), "setPriority")
if M.Object == nil {
OK(C.dpiMsgProps_setPayloadBytes(props, (*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(&M.Raw[0])), C.uint(len(M.Raw))), "setPayloadBytes")
} else {
OK(C.dpiMsgProps_setPayloadObject(props, M.Object.dpiObject), "setPayloadObject")
return firstErr
func (M *Message) fromOra(c *conn, props *C.dpiMsgProps, objType *ObjectType) error {
var firstErr error
OK := func(ok C.int, name string) bool {
if ok == C.DPI_SUCCESS {
return true
if firstErr == nil {
firstErr = errors.Errorf("%s: %w", name, c.getError())
return false
M.NumAttempts = 0
var cint C.int
if OK(C.dpiMsgProps_getNumAttempts(props, &cint), "getNumAttempts") {
M.NumAttempts = int32(cint)
var value *C.char
var length C.uint
M.Correlation = ""
if OK(C.dpiMsgProps_getCorrelation(props, &value, &length), "getCorrelation") {
M.Correlation = C.GoStringN(value, C.int(length))
M.Delay = 0
if OK(C.dpiMsgProps_getDelay(props, &cint), "getDelay") {
M.Delay = int32(cint)
M.DeliveryMode = DeliverPersistent
var mode C.dpiMessageDeliveryMode
if OK(C.dpiMsgProps_getDeliveryMode(props, &mode), "getDeliveryMode") {
M.DeliveryMode = DeliveryMode(mode)
M.ExceptionQ = ""
if OK(C.dpiMsgProps_getExceptionQ(props, &value, &length), "getExceptionQ") {
M.ExceptionQ = C.GoStringN(value, C.int(length))
var ts C.dpiTimestamp
M.Enqueued = time.Time{}
if OK(C.dpiMsgProps_getEnqTime(props, &ts), "getEnqTime") {
tz := c.params.Timezone
if ts.tzHourOffset != 0 || ts.tzMinuteOffset != 0 {
tz = timeZoneFor(ts.tzHourOffset, ts.tzMinuteOffset)
if tz == nil {
tz = time.Local
M.Enqueued = time.Date(
int(ts.year), time.Month(ts.month), int(ts.day),
int(ts.hour), int(ts.minute), int(ts.second), int(ts.fsecond),
M.Expiration = 0
if OK(C.dpiMsgProps_getExpiration(props, &cint), "getExpiration") {
M.Expiration = int32(cint)
M.MsgID = zeroMsgID
if OK(C.dpiMsgProps_getMsgId(props, &value, &length), "getMsgId") {
n := C.int(length)
if n > MsgIDLength {
n = MsgIDLength
copy(M.MsgID[:], C.GoBytes(unsafe.Pointer(value), n))
M.OriginalMsgID = zeroMsgID
if OK(C.dpiMsgProps_getOriginalMsgId(props, &value, &length), "getMsgOriginalId") {
n := C.int(length)
if n > MsgIDLength {
n = MsgIDLength
copy(M.OriginalMsgID[:], C.GoBytes(unsafe.Pointer(value), n))
M.Priority = 0
if OK(C.dpiMsgProps_getPriority(props, &cint), "getPriority") {
M.Priority = int32(cint)
M.State = 0
var state C.dpiMessageState
if OK(C.dpiMsgProps_getState(props, &state), "getState") {
M.State = MessageState(state)
M.Raw = nil
M.Object = nil
var obj *C.dpiObject
if OK(C.dpiMsgProps_getPayload(props, &obj, &value, &length), "getPayload") {
if obj == nil {
M.Raw = C.GoBytes(unsafe.Pointer(value), C.int(length))
} else {
if C.dpiObject_addRef(obj) == C.DPI_FAILURE {
return objType.getError()
M.Object = &Object{dpiObject: obj, ObjectType: *objType}
return nil
// EnqOptions are the options used to enqueue a message.
type EnqOptions struct {
Transformation string
Visibility Visibility
DeliveryMode DeliveryMode
func (E *EnqOptions) fromOra(d *drv, opts *C.dpiEnqOptions) error {
var firstErr error
OK := func(ok C.int, msg string) bool {
if ok == C.DPI_SUCCESS {
return true
if firstErr == nil {
firstErr = errors.Errorf("%s: %w", msg, d.getError())
return false
E.DeliveryMode = DeliverPersistent
var value *C.char
var length C.uint
if OK(C.dpiEnqOptions_getTransformation(opts, &value, &length), "getTransformation") {
E.Transformation = C.GoStringN(value, C.int(length))
var vis C.dpiVisibility
if OK(C.dpiEnqOptions_getVisibility(opts, &vis), "getVisibility") {
E.Visibility = Visibility(vis)
return firstErr
func (E EnqOptions) toOra(d *drv, opts *C.dpiEnqOptions) error {
var firstErr error
OK := func(ok C.int, msg string) bool {
if ok == C.DPI_SUCCESS {
return true
if firstErr == nil {
firstErr = errors.Errorf("%s: %w", msg, d.getError())
return false
OK(C.dpiEnqOptions_setDeliveryMode(opts, C.dpiMessageDeliveryMode(E.DeliveryMode)), "setDeliveryMode")
cs := C.CString(E.Transformation)
OK(C.dpiEnqOptions_setTransformation(opts, cs, C.uint(len(E.Transformation))), "setTransformation")
OK(C.dpiEnqOptions_setVisibility(opts, C.uint(E.Visibility)), "setVisibility")
return firstErr
// SetEnqOptions sets all the enqueue options
func (Q *Queue) SetEnqOptions(E EnqOptions) error {
var opts *C.dpiEnqOptions
if C.dpiQueue_getEnqOptions(Q.dpiQueue, &opts) == C.DPI_FAILURE {
return errors.Errorf("getEnqOptions: %w", Q.conn.drv.getError())
return E.toOra(Q.conn.drv, opts)
// DeqOptions are the options used to dequeue a message.
type DeqOptions struct {
Condition, Consumer, Correlation string
MsgID, Transformation string
Mode DeqMode
DeliveryMode DeliveryMode
Navigation DeqNavigation
Visibility Visibility
Wait uint32
func (D *DeqOptions) fromOra(d *drv, opts *C.dpiDeqOptions) error {
var firstErr error
OK := func(ok C.int, msg string) bool {
if ok == C.DPI_SUCCESS {
return true
if firstErr == nil {
firstErr = errors.Errorf("%s: %w", msg, d.getError())
return false
var value *C.char
var length C.uint
D.Transformation = ""
if OK(C.dpiDeqOptions_getTransformation(opts, &value, &length), "getTransformation") {
D.Transformation = C.GoStringN(value, C.int(length))
D.Condition = ""
if OK(C.dpiDeqOptions_getCondition(opts, &value, &length), "getCondifion") {
D.Condition = C.GoStringN(value, C.int(length))
D.Consumer = ""
if OK(C.dpiDeqOptions_getConsumerName(opts, &value, &length), "getConsumer") {
D.Consumer = C.GoStringN(value, C.int(length))
D.Correlation = ""
if OK(C.dpiDeqOptions_getCorrelation(opts, &value, &length), "getCorrelation") {
D.Correlation = C.GoStringN(value, C.int(length))
D.DeliveryMode = DeliverPersistent
var mode C.dpiDeqMode
if OK(C.dpiDeqOptions_getMode(opts, &mode), "getMode") {
D.Mode = DeqMode(mode)
D.MsgID = ""
if OK(C.dpiDeqOptions_getMsgId(opts, &value, &length), "getMsgId") {
D.MsgID = C.GoStringN(value, C.int(length))
var nav C.dpiDeqNavigation
if OK(C.dpiDeqOptions_getNavigation(opts, &nav), "getNavigation") {
D.Navigation = DeqNavigation(nav)
var vis C.dpiVisibility
if OK(C.dpiDeqOptions_getVisibility(opts, &vis), "getVisibility") {
D.Visibility = Visibility(vis)
D.Wait = 0
var u32 C.uint
if OK(C.dpiDeqOptions_getWait(opts, &u32), "getWait") {
D.Wait = uint32(u32)
return firstErr
func (D DeqOptions) toOra(d *drv, opts *C.dpiDeqOptions) error {
var firstErr error
OK := func(ok C.int, msg string) bool {
if ok == C.DPI_SUCCESS {
return true
if firstErr == nil {
firstErr = errors.Errorf("%s: %w", msg, d.getError())
return false
cs := C.CString(D.Transformation)
OK(C.dpiDeqOptions_setTransformation(opts, cs, C.uint(len(D.Transformation))), "setTransformation")
cs = C.CString(D.Condition)
OK(C.dpiDeqOptions_setCondition(opts, cs, C.uint(len(D.Condition))), "setCondifion")
cs = C.CString(D.Consumer)
OK(C.dpiDeqOptions_setConsumerName(opts, cs, C.uint(len(D.Consumer))), "setConsumer")
cs = C.CString(D.Correlation)
OK(C.dpiDeqOptions_setCorrelation(opts, cs, C.uint(len(D.Correlation))), "setCorrelation")
OK(C.dpiDeqOptions_setDeliveryMode(opts, C.dpiMessageDeliveryMode(D.DeliveryMode)), "setDeliveryMode")
OK(C.dpiDeqOptions_setMode(opts, C.dpiDeqMode(D.Mode)), "setMode")
cs = C.CString(D.MsgID)
OK(C.dpiDeqOptions_setMsgId(opts, cs, C.uint(len(D.MsgID))), "setMsgId")
OK(C.dpiDeqOptions_setNavigation(opts, C.dpiDeqNavigation(D.Navigation)), "setNavigation")
OK(C.dpiDeqOptions_setVisibility(opts, C.dpiVisibility(D.Visibility)), "setVisibility")
OK(C.dpiDeqOptions_setWait(opts, C.uint(D.Wait)), "setWait")
return firstErr
// SetDeqOptions sets all the dequeue options
func (Q *Queue) SetDeqOptions(D DeqOptions) error {
var opts *C.dpiDeqOptions
if C.dpiQueue_getDeqOptions(Q.dpiQueue, &opts) == C.DPI_FAILURE {
return errors.Errorf("getDeqOptions: %w", Q.conn.drv.getError())
return D.toOra(Q.conn.drv, opts)
// SetDeqCorrelation is a convenience function setting the Correlation DeqOption
func (Q *Queue) SetDeqCorrelation(correlation string) error {
var opts *C.dpiDeqOptions
if C.dpiQueue_getDeqOptions(Q.dpiQueue, &opts) == C.DPI_FAILURE {
return errors.Errorf("getDeqOptions: %w", Q.conn.drv.getError())
cs := C.CString(correlation)
ok := C.dpiDeqOptions_setCorrelation(opts, cs, C.uint(len(correlation))) == C.DPI_FAILURE
if !ok {
return errors.Errorf("setCorrelation: %w", Q.conn.drv.getError())
return nil
const (
NoWait = uint32(0)
WaitForever = uint32(1<<31 - 1)
// MessageState constants representing message's state.
type MessageState uint32
const (
// MsgStateReady says that "The message is ready to be processed".
MsgStateReady = MessageState(C.DPI_MSG_STATE_READY)
// MsgStateWaiting says that "The message is waiting for the delay time to expire".
MsgStateWaiting = MessageState(C.DPI_MSG_STATE_WAITING)
// MsgStateProcessed says that "The message has already been processed and is retained".
MsgStateProcessed = MessageState(C.DPI_MSG_STATE_PROCESSED)
// MsgStateExpired says that "The message has been moved to the exception queue".
MsgStateExpired = MessageState(C.DPI_MSG_STATE_EXPIRED)
// DeliveryMode constants for delivery modes.
type DeliveryMode uint32
const (
// DeliverPersistent is to Dequeue only persistent messages from the queue. This is the default mode.
DeliverPersistent = DeliveryMode(C.DPI_MODE_MSG_PERSISTENT)
// DeliverBuffered is to Dequeue only buffered messages from the queue.
DeliverBuffered = DeliveryMode(C.DPI_MODE_MSG_BUFFERED)
// DeliverPersistentOrBuffered is to Dequeue both persistent and buffered messages from the queue.
DeliverPersistentOrBuffered = DeliveryMode(C.DPI_MODE_MSG_PERSISTENT_OR_BUFFERED)
// Visibility constants represents visibility.
type Visibility uint32
const (
// VisibleImmediate means that "The message is not part of the current transaction but constitutes a transaction of its own".
VisibleImmediate = Visibility(C.DPI_VISIBILITY_IMMEDIATE)
// VisibleOnCommit means that "The message is part of the current transaction. This is the default value".
VisibleOnCommit = Visibility(C.DPI_VISIBILITY_ON_COMMIT)
// DeqMode constants for dequeue modes.
type DeqMode uint32
const (
// DeqRemove reads the message and updates or deletes it. This is the default mode. Note that the message may be retained in the queue table based on retention properties.
DeqRemove = DeqMode(C.DPI_MODE_DEQ_REMOVE)
// DeqBrows reads the message without acquiring a lock on the message (equivalent to a SELECT statement).
DeqBrowse = DeqMode(C.DPI_MODE_DEQ_BROWSE)
// DeqLocked reads the message and obtain a write lock on the message (equivalent to a SELECT FOR UPDATE statement).
DeqLocked = DeqMode(C.DPI_MODE_DEQ_LOCKED)
// DeqPeek confirms receipt of the message but does not deliver the actual message content.
// DeqNavigation constants for navigation.
type DeqNavigation uint32
const (
// NavFirst retrieves the first available message that matches the search criteria. This resets the position to the beginning of the queue.
NavFirst = DeqNavigation(C.DPI_DEQ_NAV_FIRST_MSG)
// NavNext skips the remainder of the current transaction group (if any) and retrieves the first message of the next transaction group. This option can only be used if message grouping is enabled for the queue.
// NavNext Retrieves the next available message that matches the search criteria. This is the default method.
NavNext = DeqNavigation(C.DPI_DEQ_NAV_NEXT_MSG)
