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dmtxencodec40textx12.c 17.80 KB
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* libdmtx - Data Matrix Encoding/Decoding Library
* Copyright 2011 Mike Laughton. All rights reserved.
* Copyright 2012-2016 Vadim A. Misbakh-Soloviov. All rights reserved.
* See LICENSE file in the main project directory for full
* terms of use and distribution.
* Contact:
* Vadim A. Misbakh-Soloviov <dmtx@mva.name>
* Mike Laughton <mike@dragonflylogic.com>
* \file dmtxencodec40textx12.c
* \brief C40/Text/X12 encoding rules
#undef CHKERR
#define CHKERR { if(stream->status != DmtxStatusEncoding) { return; } }
#undef CHKSIZE
#define CHKSIZE { if(sizeIdx == DmtxUndefined) { StreamMarkInvalid(stream, DmtxErrorUnknown); return; } }
#undef CHKPASS
#define CHKPASS { if(passFail == DmtxFail) { StreamMarkFatal(stream, DmtxErrorUnknown); return; } }
#define RETURN_IF_FAIL { if(*passFail == DmtxFail) return; }
static void
EncodeNextChunkCTX(DmtxEncodeStream *stream, int sizeIdxRequest)
int i;
DmtxPassFail passFail;
DmtxByte inputValue;
DmtxByte valueListStorage[6];
DmtxByteList valueList = dmtxByteListBuild(valueListStorage, sizeof(valueListStorage));
if(stream->currentScheme == DmtxSchemeX12)
/* Check for FNC1 character */
inputValue = StreamInputPeekNext(stream); CHKERR;
if(stream->fnc1 != DmtxUndefined && (int)inputValue == stream->fnc1) {
/* X12 does not allow partial blocks, resend last 1 or 2 as ASCII */
EncodeChangeScheme(stream, DmtxSchemeAscii, DmtxUnlatchExplicit); CHKERR;
for(i = 0; i < valueList.length % 3; i++)
StreamInputAdvancePrev(stream); CHKERR;
while(i) {
inputValue = StreamInputAdvanceNext(stream); CHKERR;
AppendValueAscii(stream, inputValue + 1); CHKERR;
StreamInputAdvanceNext(stream); CHKERR;
AppendValueAscii(stream, DmtxValueFNC1); CHKERR;
inputValue = StreamInputAdvanceNext(stream); CHKERR;
/* Expand next input value into up to 4 CTX values and add to valueList */
PushCTXValues(&valueList, inputValue, stream->currentScheme, &passFail, stream->fnc1);
if(passFail == DmtxFail)
/* XXX Perhaps PushCTXValues should return this error code */
StreamMarkInvalid(stream, DmtxErrorUnsupportedCharacter);
/* If there at least 3 CTX values available encode them to output */
while(valueList.length >= 3)
AppendValuesCTX(stream, &valueList); CHKERR;
ShiftValueListBy3(&valueList, &passFail); CHKPASS;
/* Finished on byte boundary -- done with current chunk */
if(valueList.length == 0)
* Special case: If all input values have been consumed and 1 or 2 unwritten
* C40/Text/X12 values remain, finish encoding the symbol according to the
* established end-of-symbol conditions.
if(!StreamInputHasNext(stream) && valueList.length > 0)
if(stream->currentScheme == DmtxSchemeX12)
CompletePartialX12(stream, &valueList, sizeIdxRequest); CHKERR;
CompletePartialC40Text(stream, &valueList, sizeIdxRequest); CHKERR;
static void
AppendValuesCTX(DmtxEncodeStream *stream, DmtxByteList *valueList)
int pairValue;
DmtxByte cw0, cw1;
StreamMarkFatal(stream, DmtxErrorUnexpectedScheme);
if(valueList->length < 3)
StreamMarkFatal(stream, DmtxErrorIncompleteValueList);
/* Build codewords from computed value */
pairValue = (1600 * valueList->b[0]) + (40 * valueList->b[1]) + valueList->b[2] + 1;
cw0 = pairValue / 256;
cw1 = pairValue % 256;
/* Append 2 codewords */
StreamOutputChainAppend(stream, cw0); CHKERR;
StreamOutputChainAppend(stream, cw1); CHKERR;
/* Update count for 3 encoded values */
stream->outputChainValueCount += 3;
static void
AppendUnlatchCTX(DmtxEncodeStream *stream)
StreamMarkFatal(stream, DmtxErrorUnexpectedScheme);
/* Verify we are on byte boundary */
if(stream->outputChainValueCount % 3 != 0)
StreamMarkInvalid(stream, DmtxErrorNotOnByteBoundary);
StreamOutputChainAppend(stream, DmtxValueCTXUnlatch); CHKERR;
* Complete C40/Text/X12 encoding if it matches a known end-of-symbol condition.
* Term Trip Symbol Codeword
* Cond Size Remain Sequence
* ---- ---- ------ -----------------------
* (a) 3 2 Special case
static void
CompleteIfDoneCTX(DmtxEncodeStream *stream, int sizeIdxRequest)
int sizeIdx;
int symbolRemaining;
if(stream->status == DmtxStatusComplete)
sizeIdx = FindSymbolSize(stream->output->length, sizeIdxRequest); CHKSIZE;
symbolRemaining = GetRemainingSymbolCapacity(stream->output->length, sizeIdx);
if(symbolRemaining > 0)
EncodeChangeScheme(stream, DmtxSchemeAscii, DmtxUnlatchExplicit); CHKERR;
PadRemainingInAscii(stream, sizeIdx);
StreamMarkComplete(stream, sizeIdx);
* The remaining values can exist in 3 possible cases:
* a) 1 C40/Text/X12 remaining == 1 data
* b) 2 C40/Text/X12 remaining == 1 shift + 1 data
* c) 2 C40/Text/X12 remaining == 1 data + 1 data
* To distinguish between cases (b) and (c), encode the final input value to
* C40/Text/X12 in a temporary location and check the resulting length. If
* it expands to multiple values it represents (b); otherwise it is (c). This
* accounts for both shift and upper shift conditions.
* Note that in cases (a) and (c) the final C40/Text/X12 value encoded in the
* previous chunk may have been a shift value, but this will be ignored by
* the decoder due to the implicit shift to ASCII. <-- what if symbol is much
* larger though?
* Term Value Symbol Codeword
* Cond Count Remain Sequence
* ---- ------- ------ ------------------------
* (b) C40 2 2 C40+C40+0
* (d) ASCII 1 1 ASCII (implicit unlatch)
* - - UNLATCH (finish ASCII)
static void
CompletePartialC40Text(DmtxEncodeStream *stream, DmtxByteList *valueList, int sizeIdxRequest)
int i;
int sizeIdx1, sizeIdx2;
int symbolRemaining1, symbolRemaining2;
DmtxPassFail passFail;
DmtxByte inputValue;
DmtxByte outputTmpStorage[4];
DmtxByteList outputTmp = dmtxByteListBuild(outputTmpStorage, sizeof(outputTmpStorage));
if(stream->currentScheme != DmtxSchemeC40 && stream->currentScheme != DmtxSchemeText)
StreamMarkFatal(stream, DmtxErrorUnexpectedScheme);
/* Should have exactly one or two input values left */
assert(valueList->length == 1 || valueList->length == 2);
sizeIdx1 = FindSymbolSize(stream->output->length + 1, sizeIdxRequest);
sizeIdx2 = FindSymbolSize(stream->output->length + 2, sizeIdxRequest);
symbolRemaining1 = GetRemainingSymbolCapacity(stream->output->length, sizeIdx1);
symbolRemaining2 = GetRemainingSymbolCapacity(stream->output->length, sizeIdx2);
if(valueList->length == 2 && symbolRemaining2 == 2)
/* End of symbol condition (b) -- Use Shift1 to pad final list value */
dmtxByteListPush(valueList, DmtxValueCTXShift1, &passFail); CHKPASS;
AppendValuesCTX(stream, valueList); CHKERR;
StreamMarkComplete(stream, sizeIdx2);
* Rollback progress of previously consumed input value(s) since ASCII
* encoder will be used to finish the symbol. 2 rollbacks are needed if
* valueList holds 2 data words (i.e., not shifts or upper shifts).
StreamInputAdvancePrev(stream); CHKERR;
inputValue = StreamInputPeekNext(stream); CHKERR;
/* Test-encode most recently consumed input value to C40/Text/X12 */
PushCTXValues(&outputTmp, inputValue, stream->currentScheme, &passFail, stream->fnc1);
if(valueList->length == 2 && outputTmp.length == 1)
StreamInputAdvancePrev(stream); CHKERR;
/* Re-use outputTmp to hold ASCII representation of 1-2 input values */
/* XXX Refactor how the DmtxByteList is passed back here */
outputTmp = EncodeTmpRemainingInAscii(stream, outputTmpStorage,
sizeof(outputTmpStorage), &passFail);
if(passFail == DmtxFail)
StreamMarkFatal(stream, DmtxErrorUnknown);
if(outputTmp.length == 1 && symbolRemaining1 == 1)
/* End of symbol condition (d) */
EncodeChangeScheme(stream, DmtxSchemeAscii, DmtxUnlatchImplicit); CHKERR;
AppendValueAscii(stream, outputTmp.b[0]); CHKERR;
/* Register progress since encoding happened outside normal path */
stream->inputNext = stream->input->length;
StreamMarkComplete(stream, sizeIdx1);
/* Finish in ASCII (c) */
EncodeChangeScheme(stream, DmtxSchemeAscii, DmtxUnlatchExplicit); CHKERR;
for(i = 0; i < outputTmp.length; i++)
AppendValueAscii(stream, outputTmp.b[i]); CHKERR;
sizeIdx1 = FindSymbolSize(stream->output->length, sizeIdxRequest);
PadRemainingInAscii(stream, sizeIdx1);
/* Register progress since encoding happened outside normal path */
stream->inputNext = stream->input->length;
StreamMarkComplete(stream, sizeIdx1);
* Partial chunks are not valid in X12. Encode using ASCII instead, using
* an implied unlatch if there is exactly one ascii codeword and one symbol
* codeword remaining. Otherwise use explicit unlatch.
static void
CompletePartialX12(DmtxEncodeStream *stream, DmtxByteList *valueList, int sizeIdxRequest)
int i;
int sizeIdx;
int symbolRemaining;
DmtxPassFail passFail;
DmtxByte outputTmpStorage[2];
DmtxByteList outputTmp;
if(stream->currentScheme != DmtxSchemeX12)
StreamMarkFatal(stream, DmtxErrorUnexpectedScheme);
/* Should have exactly one or two input values left */
assert(valueList->length == 1 || valueList->length == 2);
/* Roll back input progress */
for(i = 0; i < valueList->length; i++)
StreamInputAdvancePrev(stream); CHKERR;
/* Encode up to 2 codewords to a temporary stream */
outputTmp = EncodeTmpRemainingInAscii(stream, outputTmpStorage,
sizeof(outputTmpStorage), &passFail);
sizeIdx = FindSymbolSize(stream->output->length + 1, sizeIdxRequest);
symbolRemaining = GetRemainingSymbolCapacity(stream->output->length, sizeIdx);
if(outputTmp.length == 1 && symbolRemaining == 1)
/* End of symbol condition (XXX) */
EncodeChangeScheme(stream, DmtxSchemeAscii, DmtxUnlatchImplicit); CHKERR;
AppendValueAscii(stream, outputTmp.b[0]); CHKERR;
/* Register progress since encoding happened outside normal path */
stream->inputNext = stream->input->length;
StreamMarkComplete(stream, sizeIdx);
/* Finish in ASCII (XXX) */
EncodeChangeScheme(stream, DmtxSchemeAscii, DmtxUnlatchExplicit); CHKERR;
for(i = 0; i < outputTmp.length; i++)
AppendValueAscii(stream, outputTmp.b[i]); CHKERR;
sizeIdx = FindSymbolSize(stream->output->length, sizeIdxRequest);
PadRemainingInAscii(stream, sizeIdx);
/* Register progress since encoding happened outside normal path */
stream->inputNext = stream->input->length;
StreamMarkComplete(stream, sizeIdx);
* Return DmtxTrue 1 or 2 X12 values remain, otherwise DmtxFalse
static DmtxBoolean
PartialX12ChunkRemains(DmtxEncodeStream *stream)
DmtxEncodeStream streamTmp;
DmtxByte inputValue;
DmtxByte valueListStorage[6];
DmtxByteList valueList = dmtxByteListBuild(valueListStorage, sizeof(valueListStorage));
DmtxPassFail passFail;
/* Create temporary copy of stream to track test input progress */
streamTmp = *stream;
streamTmp.currentScheme = DmtxSchemeX12;
streamTmp.outputChainValueCount = 0;
streamTmp.outputChainWordCount = 0;
streamTmp.reason = NULL;
streamTmp.sizeIdx = DmtxUndefined;
streamTmp.status = DmtxStatusEncoding;
streamTmp.output = NULL;
inputValue = StreamInputAdvanceNext(&streamTmp);
if(stream->status != DmtxStatusEncoding)
StreamMarkInvalid(stream, DmtxErrorUnknown);
return DmtxFalse;
/* Expand next input value into up to 4 CTX values and add to valueList */
PushCTXValues(&valueList, inputValue, streamTmp.currentScheme, &passFail, stream->fnc1);
if(passFail == DmtxFail)
StreamMarkInvalid(stream, DmtxErrorUnknown);
return DmtxFalse;
/* Not a final partial chunk */
if(valueList.length >= 3)
return DmtxFalse;
return (valueList.length == 0) ? DmtxFalse : DmtxTrue;
static void
PushCTXValues(DmtxByteList *valueList, DmtxByte inputValue, int targetScheme,
DmtxPassFail *passFail, int fnc1)
assert(valueList->length <= 2);
/* Handle extended ASCII with Upper Shift character */
if(inputValue > 127 && (fnc1 == DmtxUndefined || (int)inputValue != fnc1))
if(targetScheme == DmtxSchemeX12)
*passFail = DmtxFail;
dmtxByteListPush(valueList, DmtxValueCTXShift2, passFail); RETURN_IF_FAIL;
dmtxByteListPush(valueList, 30, passFail); RETURN_IF_FAIL;
inputValue -= 128;
/* Handle all other characters according to encodation scheme */
if(targetScheme == DmtxSchemeX12)
if(inputValue == 13)
dmtxByteListPush(valueList, 0, passFail); RETURN_IF_FAIL;
else if(inputValue == 42)
dmtxByteListPush(valueList, 1, passFail); RETURN_IF_FAIL;
else if(inputValue == 62)
dmtxByteListPush(valueList, 2, passFail); RETURN_IF_FAIL;
else if(inputValue == 32)
dmtxByteListPush(valueList, 3, passFail); RETURN_IF_FAIL;
else if(inputValue >= 48 && inputValue <= 57)
dmtxByteListPush(valueList, inputValue - 44, passFail); RETURN_IF_FAIL;
else if(inputValue >= 65 && inputValue <= 90)
dmtxByteListPush(valueList, inputValue - 51, passFail); RETURN_IF_FAIL;
*passFail = DmtxFail;
/* targetScheme is C40 or Text */
/* Check for FNC1 character */
if(fnc1 != DmtxUndefined && (int)inputValue == fnc1)
dmtxByteListPush(valueList, DmtxValueCTXShift2, passFail); RETURN_IF_FAIL;
dmtxByteListPush(valueList, 27, passFail); RETURN_IF_FAIL; /* C40 version of FNC1 */
else if(inputValue <= 31)
dmtxByteListPush(valueList, DmtxValueCTXShift1, passFail); RETURN_IF_FAIL;
dmtxByteListPush(valueList, inputValue, passFail); RETURN_IF_FAIL;
else if(inputValue == 32)
dmtxByteListPush(valueList, 3, passFail); RETURN_IF_FAIL;
else if(inputValue <= 47)
dmtxByteListPush(valueList, DmtxValueCTXShift2, passFail); RETURN_IF_FAIL;
dmtxByteListPush(valueList, inputValue - 33, passFail); RETURN_IF_FAIL;
else if(inputValue <= 57)
dmtxByteListPush(valueList, inputValue - 44, passFail); RETURN_IF_FAIL;
else if(inputValue <= 64)
dmtxByteListPush(valueList, DmtxValueCTXShift2, passFail); RETURN_IF_FAIL;
dmtxByteListPush(valueList, inputValue - 43, passFail); RETURN_IF_FAIL;
else if(inputValue <= 90 && targetScheme == DmtxSchemeC40)
dmtxByteListPush(valueList, inputValue - 51, passFail); RETURN_IF_FAIL;
else if(inputValue <= 90 && targetScheme == DmtxSchemeText)
dmtxByteListPush(valueList, DmtxValueCTXShift3, passFail); RETURN_IF_FAIL;
dmtxByteListPush(valueList, inputValue - 64, passFail); RETURN_IF_FAIL;
else if(inputValue <= 95)
dmtxByteListPush(valueList, DmtxValueCTXShift2, passFail); RETURN_IF_FAIL;
dmtxByteListPush(valueList, inputValue - 69, passFail); RETURN_IF_FAIL;
else if(inputValue == 96 && targetScheme == DmtxSchemeText)
dmtxByteListPush(valueList, DmtxValueCTXShift3, passFail); RETURN_IF_FAIL;
dmtxByteListPush(valueList, 0, passFail); RETURN_IF_FAIL;
else if(inputValue <= 122 && targetScheme == DmtxSchemeText)
dmtxByteListPush(valueList, inputValue - 83, passFail); RETURN_IF_FAIL;
else if(inputValue <= 127)
dmtxByteListPush(valueList, DmtxValueCTXShift3, passFail); RETURN_IF_FAIL;
dmtxByteListPush(valueList, inputValue - 96, passFail); RETURN_IF_FAIL;
*passFail = DmtxFail;
*passFail = DmtxPass;
static DmtxBoolean
IsCTX(int scheme)
DmtxBoolean isCTX;
if(scheme == DmtxSchemeC40 || scheme == DmtxSchemeText || scheme == DmtxSchemeX12)
isCTX = DmtxTrue;
isCTX = DmtxFalse;
return isCTX;
static void
ShiftValueListBy3(DmtxByteList *list, DmtxPassFail *passFail)
int i;
/* Shift values */
for(i = 0; i < list->length - 3; i++)
list->b[i] = list->b[i+3];
/* Shorten list by 3 (or less) */
for(i = 0; i < 3; i++)
dmtxByteListPop(list, passFail);
if(*passFail == DmtxFail)
if(list->length == 0)
*passFail = DmtxPass;
