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wuzhouhui / awk

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awkcode.txt 116.36 KB
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wuzhouhui 提交于 2016-12-11 10:10 . sortgen: fix wrong assignment
# unbundle - unpack a bundle into separate files
$1 != prev { close(prev); prev = $1 }
{ print substr($0, index($0, " ") + 1) >$1 }
emp.data Beth 4.00 0
emp.data Dan 3.75 0
emp.data Kathy 4.00 10
emp.data Mark 5.00 20
emp.data Mary 5.50 22
emp.data Susie 4.25 18
05.awk { print $1, $3 }
28.awk { print NF, $1, $NF }
06.awk { print $1, $2 * $3 }
07.awk { print NR, $0 }
10.awk { print "total pay for", $1, "is", $2 * $3 }
11.awk { printf("total pay for %s is $%.2f\n", $1, $2 * $3) }
11a.awk { printf("%-8s $%6.2f\n", $1, $2 * $3) }
08.sh awk '{ printf("%6.2f %s\n", $2 * $3, $0) }' emp.data | sort
12.awk $2 >= 5
13.awk $2 * $3 > 50 { printf("$%.2f for %s\n", $2 * $3, $1) }
14.awk $1 == "Susie"
15.awk /Susie/
20.awk $2 >= 4 || $3 >= 20
21.awk $2 >= 4
21.awk $3 >= 20
22.awk !($2 < 4 && $3 < 20)
26.awk NF != 3 { print $0, "number of fields is not equal to 3" }
26.awk $2 < 3.35 { print $0, "rate is below minimum wage" }
26.awk $2 > 10 { print $0, "rate exceeds $10 per hour" }
26.awk $3 < 0 { print $0, "negative hours worked" }
26.awk $3 > 60 { print $0, "too many hours worked" }
30.awk BEGIN { print "NAME RATE HOURS"; print "" }
30.awk { print }
31.awk $3 > 15 { emp = emp + 1 }
31.awk END { print emp, "employees worked more than 15 hours" }
31a.awk END { print NR, "employees" }
32.awk { pay = pay + $2 * $3 }
32.awk END { print NR, "employees"
32.awk print "total pay is", pay
32.awk print "average pay is", pay/NR
32.awk }
33.awk $2 > maxrate { maxrate = $2; maxemp = $1 }
33.awk END { print "highest hourly rate:", maxrate, "for", maxemp }
34.awk { names = names $1 " " }
34.awk END { print names }
33a.awk { last = $0 }
33a.awk END { print last }
40.awk { print $1, length($1) }
40a.awk { nc = nc + length($0) + 1
40a.awk nw = nw + NF
40a.awk }
40a.awk END { print NR, "lines,", nw, "words,", nc, "characters" }
41.awk $2 > 6 { n = n + 1; pay = pay + $2 * $3 }
41.awk END { if (n > 0)
41.awk print n, "employees, total pay is", pay,
41.awk "average pay is", pay/n
41.awk else
41.awk print "no employees are paid more than $6/hour"
41.awk }
interest1.awk # interest1 - compute compound interest
interest1.awk # input: amount rate years
interest1.awk # output: compounded value at the end of each year
interest1.awk { i = 1
interest1.awk while (i <= $3) {
interest1.awk printf("\t%.2f\n", $1 * (1 + $2) ^ i)
interest1.awk i = i + 1
interest1.awk }
interest1.awk }
forint.awk # interest2 - compute compound interest
forint.awk # input: amount rate years
forint.awk # output: compounded value at the end of each year
forint.awk { for (i = 1; i <= $3; i = i + 1)
forint.awk printf("\t%.2f\n", $1 * (1 + $2) ^ i)
forint.awk }
50.awk # reverse - print input in reverse order by line
50.awk { line[NR] = $0 } # remember each input line
50.awk END { i = NR # print lines in reverse order
50.awk while (i > 0) {
50.awk print line[i]
50.awk i = i - 1
50.awk }
50.awk }
51.awk # reverse - print input in reverse order by line
51.awk { line[NR] = $0 } # remember each input line
51.awk END { for (i = NR; i > 0; i = i - 1)
51.awk print line[i]
51.awk }
61.awk END { print NR }
62.awk NR == 10
66.awk { print $NF }
63.awk { field = $NF}
63.awk END { print field }
64.awk NF > 4
65.awk $NF > 4
67.awk { nf = nf + NF }
67.awk END { print nf }
68.awk /Beth/ { nlines = nlines + 1 }
68.awk END { print nlines }
69.awk $1 > max { max = $1; maxline = $0 }
69.awk END { print max, maxline }
70.awk NF > 0
71.awk length($0) > 80
72.awk { print NF, $0 }
73.awk { print $2, $1 }
74.awk { temp = $1; $1 = $2; $2 = temp; print }
75.awk { $1 = NR; print }
76.awk { $2 = ""; print }
77.awk { for (i = NF; i > 0; i = i - 1) printf("%s ", $i)
77.awk printf("\n")
77.awk }
78.awk { sum = 0
78.awk for (i = 1; i <= NF; i = i + 1) sum = sum + $i
78.awk print sum
78.awk }
79.awk { for (i = 1; i <= NF; i = i + 1) sum = sum + $i }
79.awk END { print sum }
80.awk { for (i = 1; i <= NF; i = i + 1) if ($i < 0) $i = -$i
80.awk print
80.awk }
countries USSR 8649 275 Asia
countries Canada 3852 25 North America
countries China 3705 1032 Asia
countries USA 3615 237 North America
countries Brazil 3286 134 South America
countries India 1267 746 Asia
countries Mexico 762 78 North America
countries France 211 55 Europe
countries Japan 144 120 Asia
countries Germany 96 61 Europe
countries England 94 56 Europe
p11.awk # print countries with column headers and totals
p11.awk BEGIN { FS = "\t" # make tab the field separator
p11.awk printf("%10s %6s %5s %s\n\n",
p11.awk "COUNTRY", "AREA", "POP", "CONTINENT")
p11.awk }
p11.awk { printf("%10s %6d %5d %s\n", $1, $2, $3, $4)
p11.awk area = area + $2
p11.awk pop = pop + $3
p11.awk }
p11.awk END { printf("\n%10s %6d %5d\n", "TOTAL", area, pop) }
p12.awk $0 >= "M"
p13.awk $1 < $4
p13a.awk /Asia/
re1.awk /^[0-9]+$/
re2.awk /^[0-9][0-9][0-9]$/
re3.awk /^(\+|-)?[0-9]+\.?[0-9]*$/
re4.awk /^[+-]?[0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*$/
re5.awk /^[+-]?([0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*|[.][0-9]+)([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?$/
re6.awk /^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*$/
re7.awk /^[A-Za-z]$|^[A-Za-z][0-9]$/
re8.awk /^[A-Za-z][0-9]?$/
p16.awk $2 !~ /^[0-9]+$/
p18.awk $4 == "Asia" && $3 > 500
p19.awk $4 == "Asia" || $4 == "Europe"
p20.awk $4 ~ /^(Asia|Europe)$/
p20a.awk /Asia/ || /Europe/
p20b.awk /Asia|Europe/
p21.awk /Europe/, /Africa/
p22.awk FNR == 1, FNR == 5 { print FILENAME ": " $0 }
p22a.awk FNR <= 5 { print FILENAME ": " $0 }
p23.awk $4 == "Asia" { print $1, 1000 * $2 }
p41.awk { $2 = $2 / 1000; print }
p42.awk BEGIN { FS = OFS = "\t" }
p42.awk $4 == "North America" { $4 = "NA" }
p42.awk $4 == "South America" { $4 = "SA" }
p42.awk { print }
p43.awk BEGIN { FS = OFS = "\t" }
p43.awk { $5 = 1000 * $3 / $2; print }
p43a.awk { print ($1 != 0 ? 1/$1 : "$1 is zero, line " NR) }
p32.awk $4 == "Asia" { pop = pop + $3; n = n + 1 }
p32.awk END { print "Total population of the", n,
p32.awk "Asian countries is", pop, "million."
p32.awk }
p34.awk $3 > maxpop { maxpop = $3; country = $1 }
p34.awk END { print "country with largest population:",
p34.awk country, maxpop
p34.awk }
p24.awk { $2 /= 1000; print }
p35.awk { print NR ":" $0 }
p17.awk BEGIN { digits = "^[0-9]+$" }
p17.awk $2 ~ digits
builtup.awk BEGIN {
builtup.awk sign = "[+-]?"
builtup.awk decimal = "[0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*"
builtup.awk fraction = "[.][0-9]+"
builtup.awk exponent = "([eE]" sign "[0-9]+)?"
builtup.awk number = "^" sign "(" decimal "|" fraction ")" exponent "$"
builtup.awk }
builtup.awk $0 ~ number
p36.awk { gsub(/USA/, "United States"); print }
p39.awk { $1 = substr($1, 1, 3); print $0 }
p40.awk { s = s substr($1, 1, 3) " " }
p40.awk END { print s }
p40a.awk BEGIN { print "1E2"+0, "12E"+0, "E12"+0, "1X2Y3"+0 }
p40b.awk BEGIN { print 1E2 "", 12E-2 "", E12 "", 1.23456789 "" }
p45.awk { i = 1
p45.awk while (i <= NF) {
p45.awk print $i
p45.awk i++
p45.awk }
p45.awk }
p46.awk { for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++)
p46.awk print $i
p46.awk }
empty.awk BEGIN { FS = "\t" }
empty.awk { for (i = 1; i <= NF && $i != ""; i++)
empty.awk ;
empty.awk if (i <= NF)
empty.awk print
empty.awk }
revline.awk { x[NR] = $0 }
revline.awk END { for (i = NR; i > 0; i--) print x[i] }
p47.awk /Asia/ { pop["Asia"] += $3 }
p47.awk /Europe/ { pop["Europe"] += $3 }
p47.awk END { print "Asian population is",
p47.awk pop["Asia"], "million."
p47.awk print "European population is",
p47.awk pop["Europe"], "million."
p47.awk }
p48.awk BEGIN { FS = "\t" }
p48.awk { pop[$4] += $3 }
p48.awk END { for (name in pop)
p48.awk print name, pop[name]
p48.awk }
p51.awk function max(m, n) {
p51.awk return m > n ? m : n
p51.awk }
p51a.awk { print max($1,max($2,$3)) } # print maximum of $1, $2, $3
p51a.awk function max(m, n) {
p51a.awk return m > n ? m : n
p51a.awk }
p52.awk BEGIN { OFS = ":"; ORS = "\n\n" }
p52.awk { print $1, $2 }
p53.awk $3 > 100 { print $1, $3 >"bigpop" }
p53.awk $3 <= 100 { print $1, $3 >"smallpop" }
p53a.awk { print($1, $3) > ($3 > 100 ? "bigpop" : "smallpop") }
p53b.awk { print > $1 }
p54.awk # print continents and populations, sorted by population
p54.awk BEGIN { FS = "\t" }
p54.awk { pop[$4] += $3 }
p54.awk END { for (c in pop)
p54.awk printf("%15s\t%6d\n", c, pop[c]) | "sort -t'\t' +1rn"
p54.awk }
p60.awk # include - replace #include "f" by contents of file f
p60.awk /^#include/ {
p60.awk gsub(/"/, "", $2)
p60.awk while (getline x <$2 > 0)
p60.awk print x
p60.awk next
p60.awk }
p60.awk { print }
p61.awk # echo - print command-line arguments
p61.awk BEGIN {
p61.awk for (i = 1; i < ARGC; i++)
p61.awk printf "%s ", ARGV[i]
p61.awk printf "\n"
p61.awk }
p44.awk # seq - print sequences of integers
p44.awk # input: arguments q, p q, or p q r; q >= p; r > 0
p44.awk # output: integers 1 to q, p to q, or p to q in steps of r
p44.awk BEGIN {
p44.awk if (ARGC == 2)
p44.awk for (i = 1; i <= ARGV[1]; i++)
p44.awk print i
p44.awk else if (ARGC == 3)
p44.awk for (i = ARGV[1]; i <= ARGV[2]; i++)
p44.awk print i
p44.awk else if (ARGC == 4)
p44.awk for (i = ARGV[1]; i <= ARGV[2]; i += ARGV[3])
p44.awk print i
p44.awk }
p62.awk $1 == "#include" { gsub(/"/, "", $2); system("cat " $2); next }
p62.awk { print }
field.awk # field - print named fields of each input line
field.awk # usage: field n n n ... file file file ...
field.awk awk '
field.awk BEGIN {
field.awk for (i = 1; ARGV[i] ~ /^[0-9]+$/; i++) { # collect numbers
field.awk fld[++nf] = ARGV[i]
field.awk ARGV[i] = ""
field.awk }
field.awk if (i >= ARGC) # no file names so force stdin
field.awk ARGV[ARGC++] = "-"
field.awk }
field.awk { for (i = 1; i <= nf; i++)
field.awk printf("%s%s", $fld[i], i < nf ? " " : "\n")
field.awk }
field.awk ' $*
sum1 # sum1 - print column sums
sum1 # input: rows of numbers
sum1 # output: sum of each column
sum1 # missing entries are treated as zeros
sum1 { for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++)
sum1 sum[i] += $i
sum1 if (NF > maxfld)
sum1 maxfld = NF
sum1 }
sum1 END { for (i = 1; i <= maxfld; i++) {
sum1 printf("%g", sum[i])
sum1 if (i < maxfld)
sum1 printf("\t")
sum1 else
sum1 printf("\n")
sum1 }
sum1 }
sum2 # sum2 - print column sums
sum2 # check that each line has the same number of fields
sum2 # as line one
sum2 NR==1 { nfld = NF }
sum2 { for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++)
sum2 sum[i] += $i
sum2 if (NF != nfld)
sum2 print "line " NR " has " NF " entries, not " nfld
sum2 }
sum2 END { for (i = 1; i <= nfld; i++)
sum2 printf("%g%s", sum[i], i < nfld ? "\t" : "\n")
sum2 }
sum3 # sum3 - print sums of numeric columns
sum3 # input: rows of integers and strings
sum3 # output: sums of numeric columns
sum3 # assumes every line has same layout
sum3 NR==1 { nfld = NF
sum3 for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++)
sum3 numcol[i] = isnum($i)
sum3 }
sum3 { for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++)
sum3 if (numcol[i])
sum3 sum[i] += $i
sum3 }
sum3 END { for (i = 1; i <= nfld; i++) {
sum3 if (numcol[i])
sum3 printf("%g", sum[i])
sum3 else
sum3 printf("--")
sum3 printf(i < nfld ? "\t" : "\n")
sum3 }
sum3 }
sum3 function isnum(n) { return n ~ /^[+-]?[0-9]+$/ }
3-4.ans { total[$1] += $2 }
3-4.ans END { for (x in total) print x, total[x] | "sort" }
percent # percent
percent # input: a column of nonnegative numbers
percent # output: each number and its percentage of the total
percent { x[NR] = $1; sum += $1 }
percent END { if (sum != 0)
percent for (i = 1; i <= NR; i++)
percent printf("%10.2f %5.1f\n", x[i], 100*x[i]/sum)
percent }
histogram # histogram
histogram # input: numbers between 0 and 100
histogram # output: histogram of deciles
histogram { x[int($1/10)]++ }
histogram END { for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
histogram printf(" %2d - %2d: %3d %s\n",
histogram 10*i, 10*i+9, x[i], rep(x[i],"*"))
histogram printf("100: %3d %s\n", x[10], rep(x[10],"*"))
histogram }
histogram function rep(n,s, t) { # return string of n s's
histogram while (n-- > 0)
histogram t = t s
histogram return t
histogram }
hist.sh awk '
hist.sh # generate random integers
hist.sh BEGIN { for (i = 1; i <= 200; i++)
hist.sh print int(101*rand())
hist.sh }
hist.sh ' |
hist.sh awk -f histogram
histans1.awk { x[int($1/10)]++ }
histans1.awk END { max = MAXSTARS = 25
histans1.awk for (i = 0; i <= 10; i++)
histans1.awk if (x[i] > max)
histans1.awk max = x[i]
histans1.awk for (i = 0; i <= 10; i++)
histans1.awk y[i] = x[i]/max * MAXSTARS
histans1.awk for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
histans1.awk printf(" %2d - %2d: %3d %s\n",
histans1.awk 10*i, 10*i+9, x[i], rep(y[i],"*"))
histans1.awk printf("100: %3d %s\n", x[10], rep(y[10],"*"))
histans1.awk }
histans1.awk function rep(n,s, t) { # return string of n s's
histans1.awk while (n-- > 0)
histans1.awk t = t s
histans1.awk return t
histans1.awk }
sumcomma # sumcomma - add up numbers containing commas
sumcomma { gsub(/,/, ""); sum += $0 }
sumcomma END { print sum }
addcomma # addcomma - put commas in numbers
addcomma # input: a number per line
addcomma # output: the input number followed by
addcomma # the number with commas and two decimal places
addcomma { printf("%-12s %20s\n", $0, addcomma($0)) }
addcomma function addcomma(x, num) {
addcomma if (x < 0)
addcomma return "-" addcomma(-x)
addcomma num = sprintf("%.2f", x) # num is dddddd.dd
addcomma while (num ~ /[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]/)
addcomma sub(/[0-9][0-9][0-9][,.]/, ",&", num)
addcomma return num
addcomma }
addcomma.ans /^[+-]?[0-9][0-9]?[0-9]?(,[0-9][0-9][0-9])*$/ {
addcomma.ans gsub(/,/, "")
addcomma.ans sum += $0
addcomma.ans next
addcomma.ans }
addcomma.ans { print "bad format:", $0 }
addcomma.ans END { print sum }
addcomma.ans2 /^[+-]?[0-9][0-9]?[0-9]?(,[0-9][0-9][0-9])*([.][0-9]*)?$/ {
addcomma.ans2 gsub(/,/, "")
addcomma.ans2 sum += $0
addcomma.ans2 next
addcomma.ans2 }
addcomma.ans2 { print "bad format:", $0}
addcomma.ans2 END { print sum }
datecvt # date convert - convert mmddyy into yymmdd in $1
datecvt { $1 = substr($1,5,2) substr($1,1,2) substr($1,3,2); print }
date.data 013042 mary's birthday
date.data 032772 mark's birthday
date.data 052470 anniversary
date.data 061209 mother's birthday
date.data 110175 elizabeth's birthday
daynum function daynum(y, m, d, days, i, n) { # 1 == Jan 1, 1901
daynum split("31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31", days)
daynum # 365 days a year, plus one for each leap year
daynum n = (y-1901) * 365 + int((y-1901)/4)
daynum if (y % 4 == 0) # leap year from 1901 to 2099
daynum days[2]++
daynum for (i = 1; i < m; i++)
daynum n += days[i]
daynum return n + d
daynum }
daynum { print daynum($1, $2, $3) }
nm.output file.o:
nm.output 00000c80 T _addroot
nm.output 00000b30 T _checkdev
nm.output 00000a3c T _checkdupl
nm.output U _chown
nm.output U _client
nm.output U _close
nm.output funmount.o:
nm.output 00000000 T _funmount
nm.output U cerror
nm.format # nm.format - add filename to each nm output line
nm.format NF == 1 { file = $1 }
nm.format NF == 2 { print file, $1, $2 }
nm.format NF == 3 { print file, $2, $3 }
prchecks # prchecks - print formatted checks
prchecks # input: number \t amount \t payee
prchecks # output: eight lines of text for preprinted check forms
prchecks BEGIN {
prchecks FS = "\t"
prchecks dashes = sp45 = sprintf("%45s", " ")
prchecks gsub(/ /, "-", dashes) # to protect the payee
prchecks "date" | getline date # get today's date
prchecks split(date, d, " ")
prchecks date = d[2] " " d[3] ", " d[6]
prchecks initnum() # set up tables for number conversion
prchecks }
prchecks NF != 3 || $2 >= 1000000 { # illegal data
prchecks printf("\nline %d illegal:\n%s\n\nVOID\nVOID\n\n\n", NR, $0)
prchecks next # no check printed
prchecks }
prchecks { printf("\n") # nothing on line 1
prchecks printf("%s%s\n", sp45, $1) # number, indented 45 spaces
prchecks printf("%s%s\n", sp45, date) # date, indented 45 spaces
prchecks amt = sprintf("%.2f", $2) # formatted amount
prchecks printf("Pay to %45.45s $%s\n", $3 dashes, amt) # line 4
prchecks printf("the sum of %s\n", numtowords(amt)) # line 5
prchecks printf("\n\n\n") # lines 6, 7 and 8
prchecks }
prchecks function numtowords(n, cents, dols) { # n has 2 decimal places
prchecks cents = substr(n, length(n)-1, 2)
prchecks dols = substr(n, 1, length(n)-3)
prchecks if (dols == 0)
prchecks return "zero dollars and " cents " cents exactly"
prchecks return intowords(dols) " dollars and " cents " cents exactly"
prchecks }
prchecks function intowords(n) {
prchecks n = int(n)
prchecks if (n >= 1000)
prchecks return intowords(n/1000) " thousand " intowords(n%1000)
prchecks if (n >= 100)
prchecks return intowords(n/100) " hundred " intowords(n%100)
prchecks if (n >= 20)
prchecks return tens[int(n/10)] " " intowords(n%10)
prchecks return nums[n]
prchecks }
prchecks function initnum() {
prchecks split("one two three four five six seven eight nine " \
prchecks "ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen " \
prchecks "sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen", nums, " ")
prchecks split("ten twenty thirty forty fifty sixty " \
prchecks "seventy eighty ninety", tens, " ")
prchecks }
checkfix.ans # prchecks - print formatted checks
checkfix.ans # input: number \t amount \t payee
checkfix.ans # output: eight lines of text for preprinted check forms
checkfix.ans BEGIN {
checkfix.ans FS = "\t"
checkfix.ans dashes = sp45 = sprintf("%45s", " ")
checkfix.ans gsub(/ /, "-", dashes) # to protect the payee
checkfix.ans "date" | getline date # get today's date
checkfix.ans split(date, d, " ")
checkfix.ans date = d[2] ". " d[3] ", " d[6]
checkfix.ans initnum() # set up tables for number conversion
checkfix.ans }
checkfix.ans NF != 3 {
checkfix.ans printf("\nrec %d has %d fields:\n|%s|\n\nVOID\nVOID\n\n\n",
checkfix.ans NR, NF, $0)
checkfix.ans next
checkfix.ans }
checkfix.ans { printf("\n") # nothing on line 1
checkfix.ans printf("%s%s\n", sp45, $1) # number, indented 45 spaces
checkfix.ans printf("%s%s\n", sp45, date) # date, indented 45 spaces
checkfix.ans amt = sprintf("%.2f", $2) # formatted amount
checkfix.ans printf("Pay to %45.45s $%s\n", $3 dashes, amt) # line 4
checkfix.ans printf("the sum of %s\n", numtowords(amt)) # line 5
checkfix.ans printf("\n\n\n") # lines 6, 7 and 8
checkfix.ans }
checkfix.ans function numtowords(n, cents, dols, s) { # n has 2 decimal places
checkfix.ans cents = substr(n, length(n)-1, 2)
checkfix.ans dols = substr(n, 1, length(n)-3)
checkfix.ans if (dols == 0)
checkfix.ans s = "zero dollars and " cents " cents exactly"
checkfix.ans else
checkfix.ans s = intowords(dols) " dollars and " cents " cents exactly"
checkfix.ans sub(/^one dollars/, "one dollar", s)
checkfix.ans gsub(/ +/, " ", s)
checkfix.ans return s
checkfix.ans }
checkfix.ans function intowords(n) {
checkfix.ans n = int(n)
checkfix.ans if (n >= 1000000)
checkfix.ans return("VOID")
checkfix.ans if (n >= 1000)
checkfix.ans return intowords(n/1000) " thousand " intowords(n%1000)
checkfix.ans if (n >= 100)
checkfix.ans return intowords(n/100) " hundred " intowords(n%100)
checkfix.ans if (n >= 20)
checkfix.ans return tens[int(n/10)] " " intowords(n%10)
checkfix.ans return nums[n]
checkfix.ans }
checkfix.ans function initnum() {
checkfix.ans split("one two three four five six seven eight nine " \
checkfix.ans "ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen " \
checkfix.ans "sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen", nums, " ")
checkfix.ans split("ten twenty thirty forty fifty sixty " \
checkfix.ans "seventy eighty ninety", tens, " ")
checkfix.ans }
colcheck # colcheck - check consistency of columns
colcheck # input: rows of numbers and strings
colcheck # output: lines whose format differs from first line
colcheck NR == 1 {
colcheck nfld = NF
colcheck for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++)
colcheck type[i] = isnum($i)
colcheck }
colcheck { if (NF != nfld)
colcheck printf("line %d has %d fields instead of %d\n",
colcheck NR, NF, nfld)
colcheck for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++)
colcheck if (isnum($i) != type[i])
colcheck printf("field %d in line %d differs from line 1\n",
colcheck i, NR)
colcheck }
colcheck function isnum(n) { return n ~ /^[+-]?[0-9]+$/ }
p12check # p12check - check input for alternating .P1/.P2 delimiters
p12check /^\.P1/ { if (p != 0)
p12check print ".P1 after .P1, line", NR
p12check p = 1
p12check }
p12check /^\.P2/ { if (p != 1)
p12check print ".P2 with no preceding .P1, line", NR
p12check p = 0
p12check }
p12check END { if (p != 0) print "missing .P2 at end" }
delim.ans BEGIN {
delim.ans expects["aa"] = "bb"
delim.ans expects["cc"] = "dd"
delim.ans expects["ee"] = "ff"
delim.ans }
delim.ans /^(aa|cc|ee)/ {
delim.ans if (p != "")
delim.ans print "line", NR, ": expected " p
delim.ans p = expects[substr($0, 1, 2)]
delim.ans }
delim.ans /^(bb|dd|ff)/ {
delim.ans x = substr($0, 1, 2)
delim.ans if (p != x) {
delim.ans print "line", NR, ": saw " x
delim.ans if (p)
delim.ans print ", expected", p
delim.ans }
delim.ans p = ""
delim.ans }
delim.ans END {
delim.ans if (p != "")
delim.ans print "at end, missing", p
delim.ans }
passwd # passwd - check password file
passwd BEGIN {
passwd FS = ":" }
passwd NF != 7 {
passwd printf("line %d, does not have 7 fields: %s\n", NR, $0) }
passwd $1 ~ /[^A-Za-z0-9]/ {
passwd printf("line %d, nonalphanumeric user id: %s\n", NR, $0) }
passwd $2 == "" {
passwd printf("line %d, no password: %s\n", NR, $0) }
passwd $3 ~ /[^0-9]/ {
passwd printf("line %d, nonnumeric user id: %s\n", NR, $0) }
passwd $4 ~ /[^0-9]/ {
passwd printf("line %d, nonnumeric group id: %s\n", NR, $0) }
passwd $6 !~ /^\// {
passwd printf("line %d, invalid login directory: %s\n", NR, $0) }
checkgen.data NF != 7 does not have 7 fields
checkgen.data $1 ~ /[^A-Za-z0-9]/ nonalphanumeric user id
checkgen.data $2 == "" no password
checkgen # checkgen - generate data-checking program
checkgen # input: expressions of the form: pattern tabs message
checkgen # output: program to print message when pattern matches
checkgen BEGIN { FS = "\t+" }
checkgen { printf("%s {\n\tprintf(\"line %%d, %s: %%s\\n\",NR,$0) }\n",
checkgen $1, $2)
checkgen }
valid.ans BEGIN { FS = "\t" }
valid.ans /^=/ { print substr($0, 2); next }
valid.ans { printf("%s {\n\tprintf(\"line %%d, %s: %%s\\n\",NR,$0) }\n",
valid.ans $1, $2)
valid.ans }
compat # compat - check if awk program uses new built-in names
compat BEGIN { asplit("close system atan2 sin cos rand srand " \
compat "match sub gsub", fcns)
compat asplit("do delete function return", keys)
compat }
compat { line = $0 }
compat /"/ { gsub(/"([^"]|\\")*"/, "", line) } # remove strings,
compat /\// { gsub(/\/([^\/]|\\\/)+\//, "", line) } # reg exprs,
compat /#/ { sub(/#.*/, "", line) } # and comments
compat { n = split(line, x, "[^A-Za-z0-9_]+") # into words
compat for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
compat if (x[i] in fcns)
compat warn(x[i] " is now a built-in function")
compat if (x[i] in vars)
compat warn(x[i] " is now a built-in variable")
compat if (x[i] in keys)
compat warn(x[i] " is now a keyword")
compat }
compat }
compat function asplit(str, arr) { # make an assoc array from str
compat n = split(str, temp)
compat for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
compat arr[temp[i]]++
compat return n
compat }
compat function warn(s) {
compat sub(/^[ \t]*/, "")
compat printf("file %s, line %d: %s\n\t%s\n", FILENAME, FNR, s, $0)
compat }
bundle # bundle - combine multiple files into one
bundle { print FILENAME, $0 }
unbundle # unbundle - unpack a bundle into separate files
unbundle $1 != prev { close(prev); prev = $1 }
unbundle { print substr($0, index($0, " ") + 1) >$1 }
addr.1 Adam Smith
addr.1 1234 Wall St., Apt. 5C
addr.1 New York, NY 10021
addr.1 212 555-4321
addr.1 David W. Copperfield
addr.1 221 Dickens Lane
addr.1 Monterey, CA 93940
addr.1 408 555-0041
addr.1 work phone 408 555-6532
addr.1 Mary, birthday January 30
addr.1 Canadian Consulate
addr.1 555 Fifth Ave
addr.1 New York, NY
addr.1 212 586-2400
ny1.awk BEGIN { RS = "" }
ny1.awk /New York/
ny2.awk BEGIN { RS = ""; ORS = "\n\n" }
ny2.awk /New York/
smith.awk BEGIN { RS = ""; FS = "\n" }
smith.awk $1 ~ /Smith$/ { print $1, $4 } # name, phone
msort.sh # pipeline to sort address list by last names
msort.sh awk '
msort.sh BEGIN { RS = ""; FS = "\n" }
msort.sh { printf("%s!!#", x[split($1, x, " ")])
msort.sh for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++)
msort.sh printf("%s%s", $i, i < NF ? "!!#" : "\n")
msort.sh }
msort.sh ' |
msort.sh sort |
msort.sh awk '
msort.sh BEGIN { FS = "!!#" }
msort.sh { for (i = 2; i <= NF; i++)
msort.sh printf("%s\n", $i)
msort.sh printf("\n")
msort.sh }
msort.sh '
addr.2 accountant
addr.2 Adam Smith
addr.2 1234 Wall St., Apt. 5C
addr.2 New York, NY 10021
addr.2 doctor - ophthalmologist
addr.2 Dr. Will Seymour
addr.2 798 Maple Blvd.
addr.2 Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922
addr.2 lawyer
addr.2 David W. Copperfield
addr.2 221 Dickens Lane
addr.2 Monterey, CA 93940
addr.2 doctor - pediatrician
addr.2 Dr. Susan Mark
addr.2 600 Mountain Avenue
addr.2 Murray Hill, NJ 07974
doctors1.awk /^doctor/, /^$/
doctors2.awk /^doctor/ { p = 1; next }
doctors2.awk p == 1
doctors2.awk /^$/ { p = 0; next }
checks.data check 1021
checks.data to Champagne Unlimited
checks.data amount 123.10
checks.data date 1/1/87
checks.data deposit
checks.data amount 500.00
checks.data date 1/1/87
checks.data check 1022
checks.data date 1/2/87
checks.data amount 45.10
checks.data to Getwell Drug Store
checks.data tax medical
checks.data check 1023
checks.data amount 125.00
checks.data to International Travel
checks.data date 1/3/87
checks.data amount 50.00
checks.data to Carnegie Hall
checks.data date 1/3/87
checks.data check 1024
checks.data tax charitable contribution
checks.data to American Express
checks.data check 1025
checks.data amount 75.75
checks.data date 1/5/87
check1 # check1 - print total deposits and checks
check1 /^check/ { ck = 1; next }
check1 /^deposit/ { dep = 1; next }
check1 /^amount/ { amt = $2; next }
check1 /^$/ { addup() }
check1 END { addup()
check1 printf("deposits $%.2f, checks $%.2f\n",
check1 deposits, checks)
check1 }
check1 function addup() {
check1 if (ck)
check1 checks += amt
check1 else if (dep)
check1 deposits += amt
check1 ck = dep = amt = 0
check1 }
check2 # check2 - print total deposits and checks
check2 BEGIN { RS = ""; FS = "\n" }
check2 /(^|\n)deposit/ { deposits += field("amount"); next }
check2 /(^|\n)check/ { checks += field("amount"); next }
check2 END { printf("deposits $%.2f, checks $%.2f\n",
check2 deposits, checks)
check2 }
check2 function field(name, i,f) {
check2 for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) {
check2 split($i, f, "\t")
check2 if (f[1] == name)
check2 return f[2]
check2 }
check2 printf("error: no field %s in record\n%s\n", name, $0)
check2 }
check3 # check3 - print check information
check3 BEGIN { RS = ""; FS = "\n" }
check3 /(^|\n)check/ {
check3 for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) {
check3 split($i, f, "\t")
check3 val[f[1]] = f[2]
check3 }
check3 printf("%8s %5d %8s %s\n",
check3 val["date"],
check3 val["check"],
check3 sprintf("$%.2f", val["amount"]),
check3 val["to"])
check3 for (i in val)
check3 delete val[i]
check3 }
prep1 # prep1 - prepare countries by continent and pop. den.
prep1 BEGIN { FS = "\t" }
prep1 { printf("%s:%s:%d:%d:%.1f\n",
prep1 $4, $1, $3, $2, 1000*$3/$2) | "sort -t: +0 -1 +4rn"
prep1 }
form1 # form1 - format countries data by continent, pop. den.
form1 BEGIN { FS = ":"
form1 printf("%-15s %-10s %10s %7s %12s\n",
form1 "AREA", "POP. DEN.")
form1 }
form1 { printf("%-15s %-10s %7d %10d %10.1f\n",
form1 $1, $2, $3, $4, $5)
form1 }
prep2 # prep2 - prepare countries by continent, inverse pop. den.
prep2 BEGIN { FS = "\t"}
prep2 { den = 1000*$3/$2
prep2 printf("%-15s:%12.8f:%s:%d:%d:%.1f\n",
prep2 $4, 1/den, $1, $3, $2, den) | "sort"
prep2 }
form2 # form2 - format countries by continent, pop. den.
form2 BEGIN { FS = ":"
form2 printf("%-15s %-10s %10s %7s %12s\n",
form2 "AREA", "POP. DEN.")
form2 }
form2 { if ($1 != prev) {
form2 print ""
form2 prev = $1
form2 } else
form2 $1 = ""
form2 printf("%-15s %-10s %7d %10d %10.1f\n",
form2 $1, $2, $3, $4, $5)
form2 }
prep3 # prep3 - prepare countries data for form3
prep3 BEGIN { FS = "\t" }
prep3 pass == 1 {
prep3 area[$4] += $2
prep3 areatot += $2
prep3 pop[$4] += $3
prep3 poptot += $3
prep3 }
prep3 pass == 2 {
prep3 den = 1000*$3/$2
prep3 printf("%s:%s:%s:%f:%d:%f:%f:%d:%d\n",
prep3 $4, $1, $3, 100*$3/poptot, $2, 100*$2/areatot,
prep3 den, pop[$4], area[$4]) | "sort -t: +0 -1 +6rn"
prep3 }
form3 # form3 - format countries report number 3
form3 BEGIN {
form3 FS = ":"; date = "January 1, 1988"
form3 hfmt = "%36s %8s %12s %7s %12s\n"
form3 tfmt = "%33s %10s %10s %9s\n"
form3 TOTfmt = " TOTAL for %-13s%7d%11.1f%11d%10.1f\n"
form3 printf("%-18s %-40s %19s\n\n", "Report No. 3",
form3 printf(" %-14s %-14s %-23s %-14s %-11s\n\n",
form3 printf(hfmt, "Millions ", "Pct. of", "Thousands ",
form3 "Pct. of", "People per")
form3 printf(hfmt, "of People", "Total ", "of Sq. Mi.",
form3 "Total ", "Sq. Mi. ")
form3 printf(hfmt, "---------", "-------", "----------",
form3 "-------", "----------")
form3 }
form3 { if ($1 != prev) { # new continent
form3 if (NR > 1)
form3 totalprint()
form3 prev = $1 # first entry for continent
form3 poptot = $8; poppct = $4
form3 areatot = $9; areapct = $6
form3 } else { # next entry for continent
form3 $1 = ""
form3 poppct += $4; areapct += $6
form3 }
form3 printf(" %-15s%-10s %6d %10.1f %10d %9.1f %10.1f\n",
form3 $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7)
form3 gpop += $3; gpoppct += $4
form3 garea += $5; gareapct += $6
form3 }
form3 END {
form3 totalprint()
form3 printf(" GRAND TOTAL %20d %10.1f %10d %9.1f\n",
form3 gpop, gpoppct, garea, gareapct)
form3 printf(tfmt, "=====", "======", "=====", "======")
form3 }
form3 function totalprint() { # print totals for previous continent
form3 printf(tfmt, "----", "-----", "-----", "-----")
form3 printf(TOTfmt, prev, poptot, poppct, areatot, areapct)
form3 printf(tfmt, "====", "=====", "=====", "=====")
form3 }
form4 # form4 - format countries data for tbl input
form4 BEGIN {
form4 FS = ":"; OFS = "\t"; date = "January 1, 1988"
form4 print ".TS\ncenter;"
form4 print "l c s s s r s\nl\nl l c s c s c\nl l c c c c c."
form4 printf("%s\t%s\t%s\n\n", "Report No. 3",
form4 "AREA", "POP. DEN."
form4 print "", "", "Millions", "Pct. of", "Thousands",
form4 "Pct. of", "People per"
form4 print "", "", "of People", "Total", "of Sq. Mi.",
form4 "Total", "Sq. Mi."
form4 print "\t\t_\t_\t_\t_\t_"
form4 print ".T&\nl l n n n n n."
form4 }
form4 { if ($1 != prev) { # new continent
form4 if (NR > 1)
form4 totalprint()
form4 prev = $1
form4 poptot = $8; poppct = $4
form4 areatot = $9; areapct = $6
form4 } else { # next entry for current continent
form4 $1 = ""
form4 poppct += $4; areapct += $6
form4 }
form4 printf("%s\t%s\t%d\t%.1f\t%d\t%.1f\t%.1f\n",
form4 $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7)
form4 gpop += $3; gpoppct += $4
form4 garea += $5; gareapct += $6
form4 }
form4 END {
form4 totalprint()
form4 print ".T&\nl s n n n n n."
form4 printf("GRAND TOTAL\t\t%d\t%.1f\t%d\t%.1f\n",
form4 gpop, gpoppct, garea, gareapct)
form4 print "", "=", "=", "=", "=", "="
form4 print ".TE"
form4 }
form4 function totalprint() { # print totals for previous continent
form4 print ".T&\nl s n n n n n."
form4 print "", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_"
form4 printf(" TOTAL for %s\t%d\t%.1f\t%d\t%.1f\n",
form4 prev, poptot, poppct, areatot, areapct)
form4 print "", "=", "=", "=", "=", "="
form4 print ".T&\nl l n n n n n."
form4 }
table # table - simple table formatter
table BEGIN {
table FS = "\t"; blanks = sprintf("%100s", " ")
table number = "^[+-]?([0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*|[.][0-9]+)$"
table }
table { row[NR] = $0
table for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) {
table if ($i ~ number)
table nwid[i] = max(nwid[i], length($i))
table wid[i] = max(wid[i], length($i))
table }
table }
table END {
table for (r = 1; r <= NR; r++) {
table n = split(row[r], d)
table for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
table sep = (i < n) ? " " : "\n"
table if (d[i] ~ number)
table printf("%" wid[i] "s%s", numjust(i,d[i]), sep)
table else
table printf("%-" wid[i] "s%s", d[i], sep)
table }
table }
table }
table function max(x, y) { return (x > y) ? x : y }
table function numjust(n, s) { # position s in field n
table return s substr(blanks, 1, int((wid[n]-nwid[n])/2))
table }
table1 # table1 - single column formatter
table1 # input: one column of strings and decimal numbers
table1 # output: aligned column
table1 BEGIN {
table1 blanks = sprintf("%100s", " ")
table1 number = "^[+-]?([0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*|[.][0-9]+)$"
table1 left = "^[+-]?[0-9]*"
table1 right = "[.][0-9]*"
table1 }
table1 { row[NR] = $1
table1 if ($1 ~ number) {
table1 match($1, left) # matches the empty string, so RLENGTH>=0
table1 lwid = max(lwid, RLENGTH)
table1 if (!match($1, right))
table1 RLENGTH = 0
table1 rwid = max(rwid, RLENGTH)
table1 wid = max(wid, lwid + rwid)
table1 } else
table1 wid = max(wid, length($1))
table1 }
table1 END {
table1 for (r = 1; r <= NR; r++) {
table1 if (row[r] ~ number)
table1 printf("%" wid "s\n", numjust(row[r]))
table1 else
table1 printf("%-" wid "s\n", row[r])
table1 }
table1 }
table1 function max(x, y) { return (x > y) ? x : y }
table1 function numjust(s) { # position s
table1 if (!match(s, right))
table1 RLENGTH = 0
table1 return s substr(blanks, 1, int(rwid-RLENGTH+(wid-(lwid+rwid))/2))
table1 }
info0 awk '
info0 BEGIN { FS = "\t" }
info0 $1 ~ /Canada/ {
info0 printf("%s:\n", $1)
info0 printf("\t%d million people\n", $3)
info0 printf("\t%.3f million sq. mi.\n", $2/1000)
info0 printf("\t%.1f people per sq. mi.\n", 1000*$3/$2)
info0 }
info0 ' countries
info awk '
info # info - print information about country
info # usage: info country-name
info BEGIN { FS = "\t" }
info $1 ~ /'$1'/ {
info printf("%s:\n", $1)
info printf("\t%d million people\n", $3)
info printf("\t%.3f million sq. mi.\n", $2/1000)
info printf("\t%.1f people per sq. mi.\n", 1000*$3/$2)
info }
info ' countries
info.ans awk '
info.ans BEGIN { FS = "\t"; pat = ARGV[1]; ARGV[1] = "-" }
info.ans $1 ~ pat {
info.ans printf("%s:\n", $1)
info.ans printf("\t%d million people\n", $3)
info.ans printf("\t%.3f million sq. mi.\n", $2/1000)
info.ans printf("\t%.1f people per sq. mi.\n", 1000*$3/$2)
info.ans }
info.ans ' "$1" <countries
info1.ans awk '
info1.ans BEGIN { FS = "\t" }
info1.ans $1 ~ pat {
info1.ans printf("%s:\n", $1)
info1.ans printf("\t%d million people\n", $3)
info1.ans printf("\t%.3f million sq. mi.\n", $2/1000)
info1.ans printf("\t%.1f people per sq. mi.\n", 1000*$3/$2)
info1.ans }
info1.ans ' pat="$1" <countries
letter.text Subject: Demographic Information About #1
letter.text From: AWK Demographics, Inc.
letter.text In response to your request for information about #1,
letter.text our latest research has revealed that its population is #2
letter.text million people and its area is #3 million square miles.
letter.text This gives #1 a population density of #4 people per
letter.text square mile.
form.gen # form.gen - generate form letters
form.gen # input: prototype file letter.text; data lines
form.gen # output: one form letter per data line
form.gen BEGIN {
form.gen FS = ":"
form.gen while (getline <"letter.text" > 0) # read form letter
form.gen form[++n] = $0
form.gen }
form.gen { for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) { # read data lines
form.gen temp = form[i] # each line generates a letter
form.gen for (j = NF; j >= 1; j--)
form.gen gsub("#" j, $j, temp)
form.gen print temp
form.gen }
form.gen }
capitals USSR Moscow
capitals Canada Ottawa
capitals China Beijing
capitals USA Washington
capitals Brazil Brasilia
capitals India New Delhi
capitals Mexico Mexico City
capitals France Paris
capitals Japan Tokyo
capitals Germany Bonn
capitals England London
merge.awk awk ' BEGIN { FS = "\t" }
merge.awk FILENAME == "capitals" {
merge.awk cap[$1] = $2
merge.awk }
merge.awk FILENAME == "countries" && $4 == "Asia" {
merge.awk print $1, $3, cap[$1]
merge.awk }
merge.awk ' capitals countries
join.awk # join - join file1 file2 on first field
join.awk # input: two sorted files, tab-separated fields
join.awk # output: natural join of lines with common first field
join.awk BEGIN {
join.awk OFS = sep = "\t"
join.awk file2 = ARGV[2]
join.awk ARGV[2] = "" # read file1 implicitly, file2 explicitly
join.awk eofstat = 1 # end of file status for file2
join.awk if ((ng = getgroup()) <= 0)
join.awk exit # file2 is empty
join.awk }
join.awk { while (prefix($0) > prefix(gp[1]))
join.awk if ((ng = getgroup()) <= 0)
join.awk exit # file2 exhausted
join.awk if (prefix($0) == prefix(gp[1])) # 1st attributes in file1
join.awk for (i = 1; i <= ng; i++) # and file2 match
join.awk print $0, suffix(gp[i]) # print joined line
join.awk }
join.awk function getgroup() { # put equal prefix group into gp[1..ng]
join.awk if (getone(file2, gp, 1) <= 0) # end of file
join.awk return 0
join.awk for (ng = 2; getone(file2, gp, ng) > 0; ng++)
join.awk if (prefix(gp[ng]) != prefix(gp[1])) {
join.awk unget(gp[ng]) # went too far
join.awk return ng-1
join.awk }
join.awk return ng-1
join.awk }
join.awk function getone(f, gp, n) { # get next line in gp[n]
join.awk if (eofstat <= 0) # eof or error has occurred
join.awk return 0
join.awk if (ungot) { # return lookahead line if it exists
join.awk gp[n] = ungotline
join.awk ungot = 0
join.awk return 1
join.awk }
join.awk return eofstat = (getline gp[n] <f)
join.awk }
join.awk function unget(s) { ungotline = s; ungot = 1 }
join.awk function prefix(s) { return substr(s, 1, index(s, sep) - 1) }
join.awk function suffix(s) { return substr(s, index(s, sep) + 1) }
relfile countries:
relfile country
relfile area
relfile population
relfile continent
relfile capitals:
relfile country
relfile capital
relfile cc:
relfile country
relfile area
relfile population
relfile continent
relfile capital
relfile !sort countries >temp.countries
relfile !sort capitals >temp.capitals
relfile !join temp.countries temp.capitals >cc
avgarea.awk { area += $area }; END { print area/NR }
qawk # qawk - awk relational database query processor
qawk BEGIN { readrel("relfile") }
qawk /./ { doquery($0) }
qawk function readrel(f) {
qawk while (getline <f > 0) # parse relfile
qawk if ($0 ~ /^[A-Za-z]+ *:/) { # name:
qawk gsub(/[^A-Za-z]+/, "", $0) # remove all but name
qawk relname[++nrel] = $0
qawk } else if ($0 ~ /^[ \t]*!/) # !command...
qawk cmd[nrel, ++ncmd[nrel]] = substr($0,index($0,"!")+1)
qawk else if ($0 ~ /^[ \t]*[A-Za-z]+[ \t]*$/) # attribute
qawk attr[nrel, $1] = ++nattr[nrel]
qawk else if ($0 !~ /^[ \t]*$/) # not white space
qawk print "bad line in relfile:", $0
qawk }
qawk function doquery(s, i,j) {
qawk for (i in qattr) # clean up for next query
qawk delete qattr[i]
qawk query = s # put $names in query into qattr, without $
qawk while (match(s, /\$[A-Za-z]+/)) {
qawk qattr[substr(s, RSTART+1, RLENGTH-1)] = 1
qawk s = substr(s, RSTART+RLENGTH+1)
qawk }
qawk for (i = 1; i <= nrel && !subset(qattr, attr, i); )
qawk i++
qawk if (i > nrel) # didn't find a table with all attributes
qawk missing(qattr)
qawk else { # table i contains attributes in query
qawk for (j in qattr) # create awk program
qawk gsub("\\$" j, "$" attr[i,j], query)
qawk for (j = 1; j <= ncmd[i]; j++) # create table i
qawk if (system(cmd[i, j]) != 0) {
qawk print "command failed, query skipped\n", cmd[i,j]
qawk return
qawk }
qawk awkcmd = sprintf("awk -F'\t' '%s' %s", query, relname[i])
qawk printf("query: %s\n", awkcmd) # for debugging
qawk system(awkcmd)
qawk }
qawk }
qawk function subset(q, a, r, i) { # is q a subset of a[r]?
qawk for (i in q)
qawk if (!((r,i) in a))
qawk return 0
qawk return 1
qawk }
qawk function missing(x, i) {
qawk print "no table contains all of the following attributes:"
qawk for (i in x)
qawk print i
qawk }
qawk1.ans # qawk - awk relational database query processor
qawk1.ans BEGIN { readrel("relfile") }
qawk1.ans /./ { doquery($0) }
qawk1.ans function readrel(f) {
qawk1.ans while (getline <f > 0) # parse relfile
qawk1.ans if ($0 ~ /^[A-Za-z]+ *:/) { # name:
qawk1.ans gsub(/[^A-Za-z]+/, "", $0) # remove all but name
qawk1.ans relname[++nrel] = $0
qawk1.ans } else if ($0 ~ /^[ \t]*!/) # !command...
qawk1.ans cmd[nrel, ++ncmd[nrel]] = substr($0,index($0,"!")+1)
qawk1.ans else if ($0 ~ /^[ \t]*[A-Za-z]+[ \t]*$/) # attribute
qawk1.ans attr[nrel, $1] = ++nattr[nrel]
qawk1.ans else if ($0 !~ /^[ \t]*$/) # not white space
qawk1.ans print "bad line in relfile:", $0
qawk1.ans }
qawk1.ans function doquery(s, i,j,x) {
qawk1.ans for (i in qattr) # clean up for next query
qawk1.ans delete qattr[i]
qawk1.ans query = s # put $names in query into qattr, without $
qawk1.ans while (match(s, /\$[A-Za-z]+/)) {
qawk1.ans qattr[substr(s, RSTART+1, RLENGTH-1)] = 1
qawk1.ans s = substr(s, RSTART+RLENGTH+1)
qawk1.ans }
qawk1.ans for (i = 1; i <= nrel && !subset(qattr, attr, i); )
qawk1.ans i++
qawk1.ans if (i > nrel) # didn't find a table with all attributes
qawk1.ans missing(qattr)
qawk1.ans else { # table i contains attributes in query
qawk1.ans for (j in qattr) # create awk program
qawk1.ans gsub("\\$" j, "$" attr[i,j], query)
qawk1.ans if (!exists[i] && ncmd[i] > 0) {
qawk1.ans for (j = 1; j <= ncmd[i]; j++)
qawk1.ans x = x cmd[i, j] "\n"
qawk1.ans print "executing\n" x # for debugging
qawk1.ans if (system(x) != 0) { # create table i
qawk1.ans print "command failed, query skipped\n", x
qawk1.ans return
qawk1.ans }
qawk1.ans exists[i]++
qawk1.ans }
qawk1.ans awkcmd = sprintf("awk -F'\t' '%s' %s", query, relname[i])
qawk1.ans printf("query: %s\n", awkcmd) # for debugging
qawk1.ans system(awkcmd)
qawk1.ans }
qawk1.ans }
qawk1.ans function subset(q, a, r, i) { # is q a subset of a[r]?
qawk1.ans for (i in q)
qawk1.ans if (!((r,i) in a))
qawk1.ans return 0
qawk1.ans return 1
qawk1.ans }
qawk1.ans function missing(x, i) {
qawk1.ans print "no table contains all of the following attributes:"
qawk1.ans for (i in x)
qawk1.ans print i
qawk1.ans }
randint # randint - return random integer x, 1 <= x <= n
randint function randint(n) {
randint return int(n * rand()) + 1
randint }
randlet # randlet - generate random lower-case letter
randlet function randlet() {
randlet return substr("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", randint(26), 1)
randlet }
choose # choose - print in order k random elements from A[1]..A[n]
choose function choose(A, k, n, i) {
choose for (i = 1; n > 0; i++)
choose if (rand() < k/n--) {
choose print A[i]
choose k--
choose }
choose }
comb.ans # print k distinct random integers between 1 and n
comb.ans { random($1, $2) }
comb.ans function random(k, n, A, i, r) {
comb.ans for (i = n-k+1; i <= n; i++)
comb.ans ((r = randint(i)) in A) ? A[i] : A[r]
comb.ans for (i in A)
comb.ans print i
comb.ans }
comb.ans function randint(n) { return int(n*rand())+1 }
bridge.ans # bridge - generate random bridge hands
bridge.ans BEGIN { split(permute(52,52), deck) # generate a random deck
bridge.ans sort(1,13); sort(14,26); sort(27,39); sort(40,52) # sort hands
bridge.ans prhands() # format and print the four hands
bridge.ans }
bridge.ans function permute(k, n, i, p, r) { # generate a random permutation
bridge.ans srand(); p = " " # of k integers between 1 and n
bridge.ans for (i = n-k+1; i <= n; i++)
bridge.ans if (p ~ " " (r = int(i*rand())+1) " " )
bridge.ans sub(" " r " ", " " r " " i " ", p) # put i after r in p
bridge.ans else p = " " r p # put r at beginning of p
bridge.ans return p
bridge.ans }
bridge.ans function sort(left,right, i,j,t) { # sort hand in deck[left..right]
bridge.ans for (i = left+1; i <= right; i++)
bridge.ans for (j = i; j > left && deck[j-1] < deck[j]; j--) {
bridge.ans t = deck[j-1]; deck[j-1] = deck[j]; deck[j] = t
bridge.ans }
bridge.ans }
bridge.ans function prhands() { # print the four hands
bridge.ans b = sprintf("%20s", " "); b40 = sprintf("%40s", " ")
bridge.ans card = 1 # global index into deck
bridge.ans suits(13); print b " NORTH"
bridge.ans print b spds; print b hrts; print b dnds; print b clbs
bridge.ans suits(26) # create the west hand from deck[14..26]
bridge.ans ws = spds substr(b40, 1, 40 - length(spds))
bridge.ans wh = hrts substr(b40, 1, 40 - length(hrts))
bridge.ans wd = dnds substr(b40, 1, 40 - length(dnds))
bridge.ans wc = clbs substr(b40, 1, 40 - length(clbs))
bridge.ans suits(39); print " WEST" sprintf("%36s", " ") "EAST"
bridge.ans print ws spds; print wh hrts; print wd dnds; print wc clbs
bridge.ans suits(52); print b " SOUTH"
bridge.ans print b spds; print b hrts; print b dnds; print b clbs
bridge.ans }
bridge.ans function suits(j) { # collect suits of hand in deck[j-12..j]
bridge.ans for (spds = "S:"; deck[card] > 39 && card <= j; card++)
bridge.ans spds = spds " " fvcard(deck[card])
bridge.ans for (hrts = "H:"; deck[card] > 26 && card <= j; card++)
bridge.ans hrts = hrts " " fvcard(deck[card])
bridge.ans for (dnds = "D:"; deck[card] > 13 && card <= j; card++)
bridge.ans dnds = dnds " " fvcard(deck[card])
bridge.ans for (clbs = "C:"; card <= j; card++)
bridge.ans clbs = clbs " " fvcard(deck[card])
bridge.ans }
bridge.ans function fvcard(i) { # compute face value of card i
bridge.ans if (i % 13 == 0) return "A"
bridge.ans else if (i % 13 == 12) return "K"
bridge.ans else if (i % 13 == 11) return "Q"
bridge.ans else if (i % 13 == 10) return "J"
bridge.ans else return (i % 13) + 1
bridge.ans }
cliche # cliche - generate an endless stream of cliches
cliche # input: lines of form subject:predicate
cliche # output: lines of random subject and random predicate
cliche BEGIN { FS = ":" }
cliche { x[NR] = $1; y[NR] = $2 }
cliche END { for (;;) print x[randint(NR)], y[randint(NR)] }
cliche function randint(n) { return int(n * rand()) + 1 }
grammar Sentence -> Nounphrase Verbphrase
grammar Nounphrase -> the boy
grammar Nounphrase -> the girl
grammar Verbphrase -> Verb Modlist Adverb
grammar Verb -> runs
grammar Verb -> walks
grammar Modlist ->
grammar Modlist -> very Modlist
grammar Adverb -> quickly
grammar Adverb -> slowly
sentgen # sentgen - random sentence generator
sentgen # input: grammar file; sequence of nonterminals
sentgen # output: a random sentence for each nonterminal
sentgen BEGIN { # read rules from grammar file
sentgen while (getline < "grammar" > 0)
sentgen if ($2 == "->") {
sentgen i = ++lhs[$1] # count lhs
sentgen rhscnt[$1, i] = NF-2 # how many in rhs
sentgen for (j = 3; j <= NF; j++) # record them
sentgen rhslist[$1, i, j-2] = $j
sentgen } else
sentgen print "illegal production: " $0
sentgen }
sentgen { if ($1 in lhs) { # nonterminal to expand
sentgen gen($1)
sentgen printf("\n")
sentgen } else
sentgen print "unknown nonterminal: " $0
sentgen }
sentgen function gen(sym, i, j) {
sentgen if (sym in lhs) { # a nonterminal
sentgen i = int(lhs[sym] * rand()) + 1 # random production
sentgen for (j = 1; j <= rhscnt[sym, i]; j++) # expand rhs's
sentgen gen(rhslist[sym, i, j])
sentgen } else
sentgen printf("%s ", sym)
sentgen }
sentgen1 # sentgen1 - random sentence generator with probabilities
sentgen1 # input: grammar file; sequence of nonterminals
sentgen1 # output: random sentences generated by the grammar
sentgen1 BEGIN { # read rules from grammar file
sentgen1 while (getline < "test-gram" > 0)
sentgen1 if ($2 == "->") {
sentgen1 i = ++lhs[$1] # count lhs
sentgen1 rhsprob[$1, i] = $NF # 0 <= probability <= 1
sentgen1 rhscnt[$1, i] = NF-3 # how many in rhs
sentgen1 for (j = 3; j < NF; j++) # record them
sentgen1 rhslist[$1, i, j-2] = $j
sentgen1 } else
sentgen1 print "illegal production: " $0
sentgen1 for (sym in lhs)
sentgen1 for (i = 2; i <= lhs[sym]; i++)
sentgen1 rhsprob[sym, i] += rhsprob[sym, i-1]
sentgen1 }
sentgen1 { if ($1 in lhs) { # nonterminal to expand
sentgen1 gen($1)
sentgen1 printf("\n")
sentgen1 } else
sentgen1 print "unknown nonterminal: " $0
sentgen1 }
sentgen1 function gen(sym, i, j) {
sentgen1 if (sym in lhs) { # a nonterminal
sentgen1 j = rand() # random production
sentgen1 for (i = 1; i <= lhs[sym] && j > rhsprob[sym, i]; i++)
sentgen1 ;
sentgen1 for (j = 1; j <= rhscnt[sym, i]; j++) # expand rhs's
sentgen1 gen(rhslist[sym, i, j])
sentgen1 } else
sentgen1 printf("%s ", sym)
sentgen1 }
sentgen2 # sentgen2 - random sentence generator (nonrecursive)
sentgen2 # input: grammar file; sequence of nonterminals
sentgen2 # output: random sentences generated by the grammar
sentgen2 BEGIN { # read rules from grammar file
sentgen2 while (getline < "grammar" > 0)
sentgen2 if ($2 == "->") {
sentgen2 i = ++lhs[$1] # count lhs
sentgen2 rhscnt[$1, i] = NF-2 # how many in rhs
sentgen2 for (j = 3; j <= NF; j++) # record them
sentgen2 rhslist[$1, i, j-2] = $j
sentgen2 } else
sentgen2 print "illegal production: " $0
sentgen2 }
sentgen2 { if ($1 in lhs) { # nonterminal to expand
sentgen2 push($1)
sentgen2 gen()
sentgen2 printf("\n")
sentgen2 } else
sentgen2 print "unknown nonterminal: " $0
sentgen2 }
sentgen2 function gen( i, j) {
sentgen2 while (stp >= 1) {
sentgen2 sym = pop()
sentgen2 if (sym in lhs) { # a nonterminal
sentgen2 i = int(lhs[sym] * rand()) + 1 # random production
sentgen2 for (j = rhscnt[sym, i]; j >= 1; j--) # expand rhs's
sentgen2 push(rhslist[sym, i, j])
sentgen2 } else
sentgen2 printf("%s ", sym)
sentgen2 }
sentgen2 }
sentgen2 function push(s) { stack[++stp] = s }
sentgen2 function pop() { return stack[stp--] }
arith # arith - addition drill
arith # usage: awk -f arith [ optional problem size ]
arith # output: queries of the form "i + j = ?"
arith BEGIN {
arith maxnum = ARGC > 1 ? ARGV[1] : 10 # default size is 10
arith ARGV[1] = "-" # read standard input subsequently
arith srand() # reset rand from time of day
arith do {
arith n1 = randint(maxnum)
arith n2 = randint(maxnum)
arith printf("%g + %g = ? ", n1, n2)
arith while ((input = getline) > 0)
arith if ($0 == n1 + n2) {
arith print "Right!"
arith break
arith } else if ($0 == "") {
arith print n1 + n2
arith break
arith } else
arith printf("wrong, try again: ")
arith } while (input > 0)
arith }
arith function randint(n) { return int(rand()*n)+1 }
quiz.elems symbol:number:name|element
quiz.elems H:1:Hydrogen
quiz.elems He:2:Helium
quiz.elems Li:3:Lithium
quiz.elems Be:4:Beryllium
quiz.elems B:5:Boron
quiz.elems C:6:Carbon
quiz.elems N:7:Nitrogen
quiz.elems O:8:Oxygen
quiz.elems F:9:Fluorine
quiz.elems Ne:10:Neon
quiz.elems Na:11:Sodium|Natrium
quiz.elems Mg:12:Magnesium
quiz.elems Al:13:Aluminum
quiz.elems Si:14:Silicon
quiz.elems P:15:Phosphorus
quiz.elems S:16:Sulphur|Sulfur
quiz.elems Cl:17:Chlorine
quiz.elems Ar:18:Argon
quiz.elems K:19:Potassium|Kalium
quiz.elems Ca:20:Calcium
quiz.elems Sc:21:Scandium
quiz.elems Ti:22:Titanium
quiz.elems V:23:Vanadium
quiz.elems Cr:24:Chromium
quiz.elems Mn:25:Manganese
quiz.elems Fe:26:Iron|Ferrum
quiz.elems Co:27:Cobalt
quiz.elems Ni:28:Nickel
quiz.elems Cu:29:Copper|Cuprum
quiz.elems Zn:30:Zinc
quiz.elems Ga:31:Gallium
quiz.elems Ge:32:Germanium
quiz.elems As:33:Arsenic
quiz.elems Se:34:Selenium
quiz.elems Br:35:Bromine
quiz.elems Kr:36:Krypton
quiz.elems Rb:37:Rubidium
quiz.elems Sr:38:Strontium
quiz.elems Y:39:Yttrium
quiz.elems Zr:40:Zirconium
quiz.elems Nb:41:Niobium
quiz.elems Mo:42:Molybdenum
quiz.elems Tc:43:Technetium
quiz.elems Ru:44:Ruthenium
quiz.elems Rh:45:Rhodium
quiz.elems Pd:46:Palladium
quiz.elems Ag:47:Silver|Argentum
quiz.elems Cd:48:Cadmium
quiz.elems In:49:Indium
quiz.elems Sn:50:Tin|Stannum
quiz.elems Sb:51:Antimony|Stibium
quiz.elems Te:52:Tellurium
quiz.elems I:53:Iodine
quiz.elems Xe:54:Xenon
quiz.elems Cs:55:Cesium
quiz.elems Ba:56:Barium
quiz.elems La:57:Lanthanum
quiz.elems Ce:58:Cerium
quiz.elems Pr:59:Praseodymium
quiz.elems Nd:60:Neodymium
quiz.elems Pm:61:Promethium
quiz.elems Sm:62:Samarium
quiz.elems Eu:63:Europium
quiz.elems Gd:64:Gadolinium
quiz.elems Tb:65:Terbium
quiz.elems Dy:66:Dysprosium
quiz.elems Ho:67:Holmium
quiz.elems Er:68:Erbium
quiz.elems Tm:69:Thulium
quiz.elems Yb:70:Ytterbium
quiz.elems Lu:71:Lutetium
quiz.elems Hf:72:Hafnium
quiz.elems Ta:73:Tantalum
quiz.elems W:74:Tungsten|Wolfram
quiz.elems Re:75:Rhenium
quiz.elems Os:76:Osmium
quiz.elems Ir:77:Iridium
quiz.elems Pt:78:Platinum
quiz.elems Au:79:Gold|Aurum
quiz.elems Hg:80:Mercury
quiz.elems Tl:81:Thallium
quiz.elems Pb:82:Lead|Plumbum
quiz.elems Bi:83:Bismuth
quiz.elems Po:84:Polonium
quiz.elems At:85:Astatine
quiz.elems Rn:86:Radon
quiz.elems Fr:87:Francium
quiz.elems Ra:88:Radium
quiz.elems Ac:89:Actinium
quiz.elems Th:90:Thorium
quiz.elems Pa:91:Protactinium
quiz.elems U:92:Uranium
quiz.elems Np:93:Neptunium
quiz.elems Pu:94:Plutonium
quiz.elems Am:95:Americium
quiz.elems Cm:96:Curium
quiz.elems Bk:97:Berkelium
quiz.elems Cf:98:Californium
quiz.elems Es:99:Einsteinium
quiz.elems Fm:100:Fermium
quiz.elems Md:101:Mendelevium
quiz.elems No:102:Nobelium
quiz.elems Lw:103:Lawrencium
quiz # quiz - present a quiz
quiz # usage: awk -f quiz topicfile question-subj answer-subj
quiz BEGIN {
quiz FS = ":"
quiz if (ARGC != 4)
quiz error("usage: awk -f quiz topicfile question answer")
quiz if (getline <ARGV[1] < 0) # 1st line is subj:subj:...
quiz error("no such quiz as " ARGV[1])
quiz for (q = 1; q <= NF; q++)
quiz if ($q ~ ARGV[2])
quiz break
quiz for (a = 1; a <= NF; a++)
quiz if ($a ~ ARGV[3])
quiz break
quiz if (q > NF || a > NF || q == a)
quiz error("valid subjects are " $0)
quiz while (getline <ARGV[1] > 0) # load the quiz
quiz qa[++nq] = $0
quiz ARGC = 2; ARGV[1] = "-" # now read standard input
quiz srand()
quiz do {
quiz split(qa[int(rand()*nq + 1)], x)
quiz printf("%s? ", x[q])
quiz while ((input = getline) > 0)
quiz if ($0 ~ "^(" x[a] ")$") {
quiz print "Right!"
quiz break
quiz } else if ($0 == "") {
quiz print x[a]
quiz break
quiz } else
quiz printf("wrong, try again: ")
quiz } while (input > 0)
quiz }
quiz function error(s) { printf("error: %s\n", s); exit }
wordfreq # wordfreq - print number of occurrences of each word
wordfreq # input: text
wordfreq # output: number-word pairs sorted by number
wordfreq { gsub(/[.,:;!?(){}]/, "") # remove punctuation
wordfreq for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++)
wordfreq count[$i]++
wordfreq }
wordfreq END { for (w in count)
wordfreq print count[w], w | "sort -rn"
wordfreq }
fmt # fmt - format
fmt # input: text
fmt # output: text formatted into lines of <= 60 characters
fmt /./ { for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) addword($i) }
fmt /^$/ { printline(); print "" }
fmt END { printline() }
fmt function addword(w) {
fmt if (length(line) + length(w) > 60)
fmt printline()
fmt line = line " " w
fmt }
fmt function printline() {
fmt if (length(line) > 0) {
fmt print substr(line, 2) # removes leading blank
fmt line = ""
fmt }
fmt }
fmt.just # fmt.just - formatter with right justification
fmt.just BEGIN { blanks = sprintf("%60s", " ") }
fmt.just /./ { for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) addword($i) }
fmt.just /^$/ { printline("no"); print "" }
fmt.just END { printline("no") }
fmt.just function addword(w) {
fmt.just if (cnt + size + length(w) > 60)
fmt.just printline("yes")
fmt.just line[++cnt] = w
fmt.just size += length(w)
fmt.just }
fmt.just function printline(f, i, nb, nsp, holes) {
fmt.just if (f == "no" || cnt == 1) {
fmt.just for (i = 1; i <= cnt; i++)
fmt.just printf("%s%s", line[i], i < cnt ? " " : "\n")
fmt.just } else if (cnt > 1) {
fmt.just dir = 1 - dir # alternate side for extra blanks
fmt.just nb = 60 - size # number of blanks needed
fmt.just holes = cnt - 1 # holes
fmt.just for (i = 1; holes > 0; i++) {
fmt.just nsp = int((nb-dir) / holes) + dir
fmt.just printf("%s%s", line[i], substr(blanks, 1, nsp))
fmt.just nb -= nsp
fmt.just holes--
fmt.just }
fmt.just print line[cnt]
fmt.just }
fmt.just size = cnt = 0
fmt.just }
xref.data .#Fig _quotes_
xref.data Figure _quotes_ gives two brief quotations from famous books.
xref.data Figure _quotes_:
xref.data .#Bib _alice_
xref.data "... `and what is the use of a book,' thought Alice,
xref.data `without pictures or conversations?'" [_alice_]
xref.data .#Bib _huck_
xref.data "... if I'd a knowed what a trouble it was to make a book
xref.data I wouldn't a tackled it and ain't agoing to no more." [_huck_]
xref.data [_alice_] Carroll, L., Alice's Adventures in Wonderland,
xref.data Macmillan, 1865.
xref.data [_huck_] Twain, M., Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,
xref.data Webster & Co., 1885.
xref # xref - create numeric values for symbolic names
xref # input: text with definitions for symbolic names
xref # output: awk program to replace symbolic names by numbers
xref /^\.#/ { printf("{ gsub(/%s/, \"%d\") }\n", $2, ++count[$1]) }
xref END { printf("!/^[.]#/\n") }
xref.ans /^\.#/ { printf("{ gsub(/%s/, \"%d\") }\n", $2, ++count[$1])
xref.ans if (saw[$2])
xref.ans print NR ": redefinition of", $2, "from line", saw[$2]
xref.ans saw[$2] = NR
xref.ans }
xref.ans END { printf("!/^[.]#/\n") }
xref1.ans /^\.#/ { s[$2] = ++count[$1]; next }
xref1.ans { for (i in s)
xref1.ans gsub(i, s[i])
xref1.ans print
xref1.ans }
say.in.kwic All's well that ends well.
say.in.kwic Nature abhors a vacuum.
say.in.kwic Every man has a price.
kwic awk '
kwic # kwic - generate kwic index
kwic { print $0
kwic for (i = length($0); i > 0; i--) # compute length only once
kwic if (substr($0,i,1) == " ")
kwic # prefix space suffix ==> suffix tab prefix
kwic print substr($0,i+1) "\t" substr($0,1,i-1)
kwic } ' |
kwic sort -f |
kwic awk '
kwic BEGIN { FS = "\t"; WID = 30 }
kwic { printf("%" WID "s %s\n", substr($2,length($2)-WID+1),
kwic substr($1,1,WID))
kwic } '
kwic.ans awk '
kwic.ans # kwic - generate kwic index
kwic.ans { print $0
kwic.ans for (i = length($0); i > 0; i--) # compute length only once
kwic.ans if (substr($0,i,1) == " ")
kwic.ans # prefix space suffix ==> suffix tab prefix
kwic.ans print substr($0,i+1) "\t" substr($0,1,i-1)
kwic.ans } ' |
kwic.ans awk '$1 !~ /^(a|an|and|by|for|if|in|is|of|on|the|to)$/' |
kwic.ans sort -f |
kwic.ans awk '
kwic.ans BEGIN { FS = "\t"; WID = 30 }
kwic.ans { printf "%" WID "s %s\n", substr($2,length($2)-WID+1),
kwic.ans substr($1,1,WID)
kwic.ans } '
ix.raw [FS] variable 35
ix.raw [FS] variable 36
ix.raw arithmetic operators 36
ix.raw coercion rules 44
ix.raw string comparison 44
ix.raw numeric comparison 44
ix.raw arithmetic operators 44
ix.raw coercion~to number 45
ix.raw coercion~to string 45
ix.raw [if]-[else] statement 47
ix.raw control-flow statements 48
ix.raw [FS] variable 52
ix.collapse # ix.collapse - combine number lists for identical terms
ix.collapse # input: string tab num \n string tab num ...
ix.collapse # output: string tab num num ...
ix.collapse BEGIN { FS = OFS = "\t" }
ix.collapse $1 != prev {
ix.collapse if (NR > 1)
ix.collapse printf("\n")
ix.collapse prev = $1
ix.collapse printf("%s\t%s", $1, $2)
ix.collapse next
ix.collapse }
ix.collapse { printf(" %s", $2) }
ix.collapse END { if (NR > 1) printf("\n") }
ix.rotate # ix.rotate - generate rotations of index terms
ix.rotate # input: string tab num num ...
ix.rotate # output: rotations of string tab num num ...
ix.rotate BEGIN { FS = OFS = "\t" }
ix.rotate { print $1, $2 # unrotated form
ix.rotate for (i = 1; (j = index(substr($1, i+1), " ")) > 0; ) {
ix.rotate i += j # find each blank, rotate around it
ix.rotate printf("%s, %s\t%s\n",
ix.rotate substr($1, i+1), substr($1, 1, i-1), $2)
ix.rotate }
ix.rotate }
ix.genkey # ix.genkey - generate sort key to force ordering
ix.genkey # input: string tab num num ...
ix.genkey # output: sort key tab string tab num num ...
ix.genkey BEGIN { FS = OFS = "\t" }
ix.genkey { gsub(/~/, " ", $1) # tildes now become blanks
ix.genkey key = $1
ix.genkey # remove troff size and font change commands from key
ix.genkey gsub(/\\f.|\\f\(..|\\s[-+][0-9]/, "", key)
ix.genkey # keep blanks, letters, digits only
ix.genkey gsub(/[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]+/, "", key)
ix.genkey if (key ~ /^[^a-zA-Z]/) # force nonalpha to sort first
ix.genkey key = " " key # by prefixing a blank
ix.genkey print key, $1, $2
ix.genkey }
ix.sort1 # ix.sort1 - sort by index term, then by page number
ix.sort1 # input/output: lines of the form string tab number
ix.sort1 # sort by string, then by number; discard duplicates
ix.sort1 sort -t' ' +0 -1 +1n -2 -u
ix.sort2 # ix.sort2 - sort by sort key
ix.sort2 # input/output: sort-key tab string tab num num ...
ix.sort2 sort -f -d
ix.format # ix.format - remove key, restore size and font commands
ix.format # input: sort key tab string tab num num ...
ix.format # output: troff format, ready to print
ix.format BEGIN { FS = "\t" }
ix.format { gsub(/ /, ", ", $3) # commas between page numbers
ix.format gsub(/\[/, "\\f(CW", $2) # set constant-width font
ix.format gsub(/\]/, "\\fP", $2) # restore previous font
ix.format print ".XX" # user-definable command
ix.format printf("%s %s\n", $2, $3) # actual index entry
ix.format }
indall sh ix.sort1 |
indall awk -f ix.collapse |
indall awk -f ix.rotate |
indall awk -f ix.genkey |
indall sh ix.sort2 |
indall awk -f ix.format
sum.asm # print sum of input numbers (terminated by zero)
sum.asm ld zero # initialize sum to zero
sum.asm st sum
sum.asm loop get # read a number
sum.asm jz done # no more input if number is zero
sum.asm add sum # add in accumulated sum
sum.asm st sum # store new value back in sum
sum.asm j loop # go back and read another number
sum.asm done ld sum # print sum
sum.asm put
sum.asm halt
sum.asm zero const 0
sum.asm sum const
asm # asm - assembler and interpreter for simple computer
asm # usage: awk -f asm program-file data-files...
asm BEGIN {
asm srcfile = ARGV[1]
asm ARGV[1] = "" # remaining files are data
asm tempfile = "asm.temp"
asm n = split("const get put ld st add sub jpos jz j halt", x)
asm for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) # create table of op codes
asm op[x[i]] = i-1
asm FS = "[ \t]+"
asm while (getline <srcfile > 0) {
asm sub(/#.*/, "") # strip comments
asm symtab[$1] = nextmem # remember label location
asm if ($2 != "") { # save op, addr if present
asm print $2 "\t" $3 >tempfile
asm nextmem++
asm }
asm }
asm close(tempfile)
asm nextmem = 0
asm while (getline <tempfile > 0) {
asm if ($2 !~ /^[0-9]*$/) # if symbolic addr,
asm $2 = symtab[$2] # replace by numeric value
asm mem[nextmem++] = 1000 * op[$1] + $2 # pack into word
asm }
asm for (pc = 0; pc >= 0; ) {
asm addr = mem[pc] % 1000
asm code = int(mem[pc++] / 1000)
asm if (code == op["get"]) { getline acc }
asm else if (code == op["put"]) { print acc }
asm else if (code == op["st"]) { mem[addr] = acc }
asm else if (code == op["ld"]) { acc = mem[addr] }
asm else if (code == op["add"]) { acc += mem[addr] }
asm else if (code == op["sub"]) { acc -= mem[addr] }
asm else if (code == op["jpos"]) { if (acc > 0) pc = addr }
asm else if (code == op["jz"]) { if (acc == 0) pc = addr }
asm else if (code == op["j"]) { pc = addr }
asm else if (code == op["halt"]) { pc = -1 }
asm else { pc = -1 }
asm }
asm }
asm.print # asm - assembler and interpreter for simple computer
asm.print # usage: awk -f asm program-file data-files...
asm.print # this is a special version to produce a listing
asm.print BEGIN {
asm.print srcfile = ARGV[1]
asm.print ARGV[1] = "" # remaining files are data
asm.print tempfile = "asm.temp"
asm.print n = split("const get put ld st add sub jpos jz j halt", x)
asm.print for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) # create table of op codes
asm.print op[x[i]] = i-1
asm.print # ASSEMBLER PASS 1
asm.print nextmem = 0 # new
asm.print FS = "[ \t]+"
asm.print while (getline <srcfile > 0) {
asm.print input[nextmem] = $0 # new: remember source line
asm.print sub(/#.*/, "") # strip comments
asm.print symtab[$1] = nextmem # remember label location
asm.print if ($2 != "") { # save op, addr if present
asm.print print $2 "\t" $3 >tempfile
asm.print nextmem++
asm.print }
asm.print }
asm.print close(tempfile)
asm.print # ASSEMBLER PASS 2
asm.print nextmem = 0
asm.print while (getline <tempfile > 0) {
asm.print if ($2 !~ /^[0-9]*$/) # if symbolic addr,
asm.print $2 = symtab[$2] # replace by numeric value
asm.print mem[nextmem++] = 1000 * op[$1] + $2 # pack into word
asm.print }
asm.print for (i = 0; i < nextmem; i++) # new: print memory
asm.print printf("%3d: %05d %s\n", i, mem[i], input[i]) # new
asm.print }
graph.data label Annual Traffic Deaths, USA, 1925-1984
graph.data range 1920 5000 1990 60000
graph.data left ticks 10000 30000 50000
graph.data bottom ticks 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980
graph.data 1925 20771
graph.data 1930 31204
graph.data 1935 34494
graph.data 1940 32914
graph.data 1945 26785
graph.data 1946 31874
graph.data 1947 31193
graph.data 1948 30775
graph.data 1949 30246
graph.data 1950 33186
graph.data 1951 35309
graph.data 1952 36088
graph.data 1953 36190
graph.data 1954 33890
graph.data 1955 36688
graph.data 1956 37965
graph.data 1957 36932
graph.data 1958 35331
graph.data 1959 36223
graph.data 1960 36399
graph.data 1961 36285
graph.data 1962 38980
graph.data 1963 41723
graph.data 1964 45645
graph.data 1965 47089
graph.data 1966 50894
graph.data 1967 50724
graph.data 1968 52725
graph.data 1969 53543
graph.data 1970 52627
graph.data 1971 52542
graph.data 1972 54589
graph.data 1973 54052
graph.data 1974 45196
graph.data 1975 44525
graph.data 1976 45523
graph.data 1977 47878
graph.data 1978 50331
graph.data 1979 51093
graph.data 1980 51091
graph.data 1981 49301
graph.data 1982 43945
graph.data 1983 42589
graph.data 1984 44257
graph # graph - processor for a graph-drawing language
graph # input: data and specification of a graph
graph # output: data plotted in specified area
graph BEGIN { # set frame dimensions...
graph ht = 24; wid = 80 # height and width
graph ox = 6; oy = 2 # offset for x and y axes
graph number = "^[-+]?([0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*|[.][0-9]+)" \
graph "([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?$"
graph }
graph $1 == "label" { # for bottom
graph sub(/^ *label */, "")
graph botlab = $0
graph next
graph }
graph $1 == "bottom" && $2 == "ticks" { # ticks for x-axis
graph for (i = 3; i <= NF; i++) bticks[++nb] = $i
graph next
graph }
graph $1 == "left" && $2 == "ticks" { # ticks for y-axis
graph for (i = 3; i <= NF; i++) lticks[++nl] = $i
graph next
graph }
graph $1 == "range" { # xmin ymin xmax ymax
graph xmin = $2; ymin = $3; xmax = $4; ymax = $5
graph next
graph }
graph $1 == "height" { ht = $2; next }
graph $1 == "width" { wid = $2; next }
graph $1 ~ number && $2 ~ number { # pair of numbers
graph nd++ # count number of data points
graph x[nd] = $1; y[nd] = $2
graph ch[nd] = $3 # optional plotting character
graph next
graph }
graph $1 ~ number && $2 !~ number { # single number
graph nd++ # count number of data points
graph x[nd] = nd; y[nd] = $1; ch[nd] = $2
graph next
graph }
graph END { # draw graph
graph if (xmin == "") { # no range was given
graph xmin = xmax = x[1] # so compute it
graph ymin = ymax = y[1]
graph for (i = 2; i <= nd; i++) {
graph if (x[i] < xmin) xmin = x[i]
graph if (x[i] > xmax) xmax = x[i]
graph if (y[i] < ymin) ymin = y[i]
graph if (y[i] > ymax) ymax = y[i]
graph }
graph }
graph frame(); ticks(); label(); data(); draw()
graph }
graph function frame() { # create frame for graph
graph for (i = ox; i < wid; i++) plot(i, oy, "-") # bottom
graph for (i = ox; i < wid; i++) plot(i, ht-1, "-") # top
graph for (i = oy; i < ht; i++) plot(ox, i, "|") # left
graph for (i = oy; i < ht; i++) plot(wid-1, i, "|") # right
graph }
graph function ticks( i) { # create tick marks for both axes
graph for (i = 1; i <= nb; i++) {
graph plot(xscale(bticks[i]), oy, "|")
graph splot(xscale(bticks[i])-1, 1, bticks[i])
graph }
graph for (i = 1; i <= nl; i++) {
graph plot(ox, yscale(lticks[i]), "-")
graph splot(0, yscale(lticks[i]), lticks[i])
graph }
graph }
graph function label() { # center label under x-axis
graph splot(int((wid + ox - length(botlab))/2), 0, botlab)
graph }
graph function data( i) { # create data points
graph for (i = 1; i <= nd; i++)
graph plot(xscale(x[i]),yscale(y[i]),ch[i]=="" ? "*" : ch[i])
graph }
graph function draw( i, j) { # print graph from array
graph for (i = ht-1; i >= 0; i--) {
graph for (j = 0; j < wid; j++)
graph printf((j,i) in array ? array[j,i] : " ")
graph printf("\n")
graph }
graph }
graph function xscale(x) { # scale x-value
graph return int((x-xmin)/(xmax-xmin) * (wid-1-ox) + ox + 0.5)
graph }
graph function yscale(y) { # scale y-value
graph return int((y-ymin)/(ymax-ymin) * (ht-1-oy) + oy + 0.5)
graph }
graph function plot(x, y, c) { # put character c in array
graph array[x,y] = c
graph }
graph function splot(x, y, s, i, n) { # put string s in array
graph n = length(s)
graph for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
graph array[x+i, y] = substr(s, i+1, 1)
graph }
transpose # transpose - input and output suitable for graph
transpose # input: data and specification of a graph
transpose # output: data and specification for the transposed graph
transpose BEGIN {
transpose number = "^[-+]?([0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*|[.][0-9]+)" \
transpose "([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?$"
transpose }
transpose $1 == "bottom" && $2 == "ticks" { # ticks for x-axis
transpose $1 = "left"
transpose print
transpose next
transpose }
transpose $1 == "left" && $2 == "ticks" { # ticks for y-axis
transpose $1 = "bottom"
transpose print
transpose next
transpose }
transpose $1 == "range" { # xmin ymin xmax ymax
transpose print $1, $3, $2, $5, $4
transpose next
transpose }
transpose $1 == "height" { $1 = "width"; print; next }
transpose $1 == "width" { $1 = "height"; print; next }
transpose $1 ~ number && $2 ~ number { nd++; print $2, $1, $3; next }
transpose $1 ~ number && $2 !~ number { # single number:
transpose nd++ # count data points
transpose print $1, nd, $2 # fill in both x and y
transpose next
transpose }
transpose { print }
sortgen0.in descending numeric order
sortgen.in field separator is :
sortgen.in primary key is field 1
sortgen.in increasing alphabetic
sortgen.in secondary key is field 5
sortgen.in reverse numeric
sortgen # sortgen - generate sort command
sortgen # input: sequence of lines describing sorting options
sortgen # output: Unix sort command with appropriate arguments
sortgen BEGIN { key = 0 }
sortgen /no |not |n't / { print "error: can't do negatives:", $0; ok = 0 }
sortgen # rules for global options
sortgen { ok = 0 }
sortgen /uniq|discard.*(iden|dupl)/ { uniq = " -u"; ok = 1 }
sortgen /separ.*tab|tab.*sep/ { sep = "t'\t'"; ok = 1 }
sortgen /separ/ { for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++)
sortgen if (length($i) == 1)
sortgen sep = "t'" $i "'"
sortgen ok = 1
sortgen }
sortgen /key/ { key++; dokey(); ok = 1 } # new key; must come in order
sortgen # rules for each key
sortgen /dict/ { dict[key] = "d"; ok = 1 }
sortgen /ignore.*(space|blank)/ { blank[key] = "b"; ok = 1 }
sortgen /fold|case/ { fold[key] = "f"; ok = 1 }
sortgen /num/ { num[key] = "n"; ok = 1 }
sortgen /rev|descend|decreas|down|oppos/ { rev[key] = "r"; ok = 1 }
sortgen /forward|ascend|increas|up|alpha/ { next } # this is sort's default
sortgen !ok { print "error: can't understand:", $0 }
sortgen END { # print flags for each key
sortgen cmd = "sort" uniq
sortgen flag = dict[0] blank[0] fold[0] rev[0] num[0] sep
sortgen if (flag) cmd = cmd " -" flag
sortgen for (i = 1; i <= key; i++)
sortgen if (pos[i] != "") {
sortgen flag = pos[i] dict[i] blank[i] fold[i] rev[i] num[i]
sortgen if (flag) cmd = cmd " +" flag
sortgen if (pos2[i]) cmd = cmd " -" pos2[i]
sortgen }
sortgen print cmd
sortgen }
sortgen function dokey( i) { # determine position of key
sortgen for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++)
sortgen if ($i ~ /^[0-9]+$/) {
sortgen pos[key] = $i - 1 # sort uses 0-origin
sortgen break
sortgen }
sortgen for (i++; i <= NF; i++)
sortgen if ($i ~ /^[0-9]+$/) {
sortgen pos2[key] = $i
sortgen break
sortgen }
sortgen if (pos[key] == "")
sortgen printf("error: invalid key specification: %s\n", $0)
sortgen if (pos2[key] == "")
sortgen pos2[key] = pos[key] + 1
sortgen }
calc1 # calc1 - reverse-Polish calculator, version 1
calc1 # input: arithmetic expressions in reverse Polish
calc1 # output: values of expressions
calc1 { for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++)
calc1 if ($i ~ /^[+-]?([0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*|[.][0-9]+)$/) {
calc1 stack[++top] = $i
calc1 } else if ($i == "+" && top > 1) {
calc1 stack[top-1] += stack[top]; top--
calc1 } else if ($i == "-" && top > 1) {
calc1 stack[top-1] -= stack[top]; top--
calc1 } else if ($i == "*" && top > 1) {
calc1 stack[top-1] *= stack[top]; top--
calc1 } else if ($i == "/" && top > 1) {
calc1 stack[top-1] /= stack[top]; top--
calc1 } else if ($i == "^" && top > 1) {
calc1 stack[top-1] ^= stack[top]; top--
calc1 } else {
calc1 printf("error: cannot evaluate %s\n", $i)
calc1 top = 0
calc1 next
calc1 }
calc1 if (top == 1)
calc1 printf("\t%.8g\n", stack[top--])
calc1 else if (top > 1) {
calc1 printf("error: too many operands\n")
calc1 top = 0
calc1 }
calc1 }
calc2 # calc2 - reverse-Polish calculator, version 2
calc2 # input: expressions in reverse Polish
calc2 # output: value of each expression
calc2 { for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++)
calc2 if ($i ~ /^[+-]?([0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*|[.][0-9]+)$/) {
calc2 stack[++top] = $i
calc2 } else if ($i == "+" && top > 1) {
calc2 stack[top-1] += stack[top]; top--
calc2 } else if ($i == "-" && top > 1) {
calc2 stack[top-1] -= stack[top]; top--
calc2 } else if ($i == "*" && top > 1) {
calc2 stack[top-1] *= stack[top]; top--
calc2 } else if ($i == "/" && top > 1) {
calc2 stack[top-1] /= stack[top]; top--
calc2 } else if ($i == "^" && top > 1) {
calc2 stack[top-1] ^= stack[top]; top--
calc2 } else if ($i == "sin" && top > 0) {
calc2 stack[top] = sin(stack[top])
calc2 } else if ($i == "cos" && top > 0) {
calc2 stack[top] = cos(stack[top])
calc2 } else if ($i == "atan2" && top > 1) {
calc2 stack[top-1] = atan2(stack[top-1],stack[top]); top--
calc2 } else if ($i == "log" && top > 0) {
calc2 stack[top] = log(stack[top])
calc2 } else if ($i == "exp" && top > 0) {
calc2 stack[top] = exp(stack[top])
calc2 } else if ($i == "sqrt" && top > 0) {
calc2 stack[top] = sqrt(stack[top])
calc2 } else if ($i == "int" && top > 0) {
calc2 stack[top] = int(stack[top])
calc2 } else if ($i in vars) {
calc2 stack[++top] = vars[$i]
calc2 } else if ($i ~ /^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*=$/ && top > 0) {
calc2 vars[substr($i, 1, length($i)-1)] = stack[top--]
calc2 } else {
calc2 printf("error: cannot evaluate %s\n", $i)
calc2 top = 0
calc2 next
calc2 }
calc2 if (top == 1 && $NF !~ /\=$/)
calc2 printf("\t%.8g\n", stack[top--])
calc2 else if (top > 1) {
calc2 printf("error: too many operands\n")
calc2 top = 0
calc2 }
calc2 }
calc3 # calc3 - infix calculator
calc3 NF > 0 {
calc3 f = 1
calc3 e = expr()
calc3 if (f <= NF) printf("error at %s\n", $f)
calc3 else printf("\t%.8g\n", e)
calc3 }
calc3 function expr( e) { # term | term [+-] term
calc3 e = term()
calc3 while ($f == "+" || $f == "-")
calc3 e = $(f++) == "+" ? e + term() : e - term()
calc3 return e
calc3 }
calc3 function term( e) { # factor | factor [*/] factor
calc3 e = factor()
calc3 while ($f == "*" || $f == "/")
calc3 e = $(f++) == "*" ? e * factor() : e / factor()
calc3 return e
calc3 }
calc3 function factor( e) { # number | (expr)
calc3 if ($f ~ /^[+-]?([0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*|[.][0-9]+)$/) {
calc3 return $(f++)
calc3 } else if ($f == "(") {
calc3 f++
calc3 e = expr()
calc3 if ($(f++) != ")")
calc3 printf("error: missing ) at %s\n", $f)
calc3 return e
calc3 } else {
calc3 printf("error: expected number or ( at %s\n", $f)
calc3 return 0
calc3 }
calc3 }
parser.in BEGIN { x = 0; y = 1 }
parser.in $1 > x { if (x == y+1) {
parser.in x = 1
parser.in y = x * 2
parser.in } else
parser.in print x, z[x]
parser.in }
parser.in NR > 1 { print $1 }
parser.in END { print NR }
awk.parser # awk.parser - recursive-descent translator for part of awk
awk.parser # input: awk program (very restricted subset)
awk.parser # output: C code to implement the awk program
awk.parser BEGIN { program() }
awk.parser function advance() { # lexical analyzer; returns next token
awk.parser if (tok == "(eof)") return "(eof)"
awk.parser while (length(line) == 0)
awk.parser if (getline line == 0)
awk.parser return tok = "(eof)"
awk.parser sub(/^[ \t]+/, "", line) # remove white space
awk.parser if (match(line, /^[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*/) || # identifier
awk.parser match(line, /^-?([0-9]+\.?[0-9]*|\.[0-9]+)/) || # number
awk.parser match(line, /^(<|<=|==|!=|>=|>)/) || # relational
awk.parser match(line, /^./)) { # everything else
awk.parser tok = substr(line, 1, RLENGTH)
awk.parser line = substr(line, RLENGTH+1)
awk.parser return tok
awk.parser }
awk.parser error("line " NR " incomprehensible at " line)
awk.parser }
awk.parser function gen(s) { # print s with nt leading tabs
awk.parser printf("%s%s\n", substr("\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t", 1, nt), s)
awk.parser }
awk.parser function eat(s) { # read next token if s == tok
awk.parser if (tok != s) error("line " NR ": saw " tok ", expected " s)
awk.parser advance()
awk.parser }
awk.parser function nl() { # absorb newlines and semicolons
awk.parser while (tok == "\n" || tok == ";")
awk.parser advance()
awk.parser }
awk.parser function error(s) { print "Error: " s | "cat 1>&2"; exit 1 }
awk.parser function program() {
awk.parser advance()
awk.parser if (tok == "BEGIN") { eat("BEGIN"); statlist() }
awk.parser pastats()
awk.parser if (tok == "END") { eat("END"); statlist() }
awk.parser if (tok != "(eof)") error("program continues after END")
awk.parser }
awk.parser function pastats() {
awk.parser gen("while (getrec()) {"); nt++
awk.parser while (tok != "END" && tok != "(eof)") pastat()
awk.parser nt--; gen("}")
awk.parser }
awk.parser function pastat() { # pattern-action statement
awk.parser if (tok == "{") # action only
awk.parser statlist()
awk.parser else { # pattern-action
awk.parser gen("if (" pattern() ") {"); nt++
awk.parser if (tok == "{") statlist()
awk.parser else # default action is print $0
awk.parser gen("print(field(0));")
awk.parser nt--; gen("}")
awk.parser }
awk.parser }
awk.parser function pattern() { return expr() }
awk.parser function statlist() {
awk.parser eat("{"); nl(); while (tok != "}") stat(); eat("}"); nl()
awk.parser }
awk.parser function stat() {
awk.parser if (tok == "print") { eat("print"); gen("print(" exprlist() ");") }
awk.parser else if (tok == "if") ifstat()
awk.parser else if (tok == "while") whilestat()
awk.parser else if (tok == "{") statlist()
awk.parser else gen(simplestat() ";")
awk.parser nl()
awk.parser }
awk.parser function ifstat() {
awk.parser eat("if"); eat("("); gen("if (" expr() ") {"); eat(")"); nl(); nt++
awk.parser stat()
awk.parser if (tok == "else") { # optional else
awk.parser eat("else")
awk.parser nl(); nt--; gen("} else {"); nt++
awk.parser stat()
awk.parser }
awk.parser nt--; gen("}")
awk.parser }
awk.parser function whilestat() {
awk.parser eat("while"); eat("("); gen("while (" expr() ") {"); eat(")"); nl()
awk.parser nt++; stat(); nt--; gen("}")
awk.parser }
awk.parser function simplestat( lhs) { # ident = expr | name(exprlist)
awk.parser lhs = ident()
awk.parser if (tok == "=") {
awk.parser eat("=")
awk.parser return "assign(" lhs ", " expr() ")"
awk.parser } else return lhs
awk.parser }
awk.parser function exprlist( n, e) { # expr , expr , ...
awk.parser e = expr() # has to be at least one
awk.parser for (n = 1; tok == ","; n++) {
awk.parser advance()
awk.parser e = e ", " expr()
awk.parser }
awk.parser return e
awk.parser }
awk.parser function expr(e) { # rel | rel relop rel
awk.parser e = rel()
awk.parser while (tok ~ /<|<=|==|!=|>=|>/) {
awk.parser op = tok
awk.parser advance()
awk.parser e = sprintf("eval(\"%s\", %s, %s)", op, e, rel())
awk.parser }
awk.parser return e
awk.parser }
awk.parser function rel(op, e) { # term | term [+-] term
awk.parser e = term()
awk.parser while (tok == "+" || tok == "-") {
awk.parser op = tok
awk.parser advance()
awk.parser e = sprintf("eval(\"%s\", %s, %s)", op, e, term())
awk.parser }
awk.parser return e
awk.parser }
awk.parser function term(op, e) { # fact | fact [*/%] fact
awk.parser e = fact()
awk.parser while (tok == "*" || tok == "/" || tok == "%") {
awk.parser op = tok
awk.parser advance()
awk.parser e = sprintf("eval(\"%s\", %s, %s)", op, e, fact())
awk.parser }
awk.parser return e
awk.parser }
awk.parser function fact( e) { # (expr) | $fact | ident | number
awk.parser if (tok == "(") {
awk.parser eat("("); e = expr(); eat(")")
awk.parser return "(" e ")"
awk.parser } else if (tok == "$") {
awk.parser eat("$")
awk.parser return "field(" fact() ")"
awk.parser } else if (tok ~ /^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*/) {
awk.parser return ident()
awk.parser } else if (tok ~ /^-?([0-9]+\.?[0-9]*|\.[0-9]+)/) {
awk.parser e = tok
awk.parser advance()
awk.parser return "num((float)" e ")"
awk.parser } else
awk.parser error("unexpected " tok " at line " NR)
awk.parser }
awk.parser function ident( id, e) { # name | name[expr] | name(exprlist)
awk.parser if (!match(tok, /^[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*/))
awk.parser error("unexpected " tok " at line " NR)
awk.parser id = tok
awk.parser advance()
awk.parser if (tok == "[") { # array
awk.parser eat("["); e = expr(); eat("]")
awk.parser return "array(" id ", " e ")"
awk.parser } else if (tok == "(") { # function call
awk.parser eat("(")
awk.parser if (tok != ")") {
awk.parser e = exprlist()
awk.parser eat(")")
awk.parser } else eat(")")
awk.parser return id "(" e ")" # calls are statements
awk.parser } else
awk.parser return id # variable
awk.parser }
isort.awk # insertion sort
isort.awk { A[NR] = $0 }
isort.awk END { isort(A, NR)
isort.awk for (i = 1; i <= NR; i++)
isort.awk print A[i]
isort.awk }
isort.awk # isort - sort A[1..n] by insertion
isort.awk function isort(A,n, i,j,t) {
isort.awk for (i = 2; i <= n; i++)
isort.awk for (j = i; j > 1 && A[j-1] > A[j]; j--) {
isort.awk # swap A[j-1] and A[j]
isort.awk t = A[j-1]; A[j-1] = A[j]; A[j] = t
isort.awk }
isort.awk }
ptest.awk # batch test of sorting routines
ptest.awk BEGIN {
ptest.awk print " 0 elements"
ptest.awk isort(A, 0); check(A, 0)
ptest.awk print " 1 element"
ptest.awk genid(A, 1); isort(A, 1); check(A, 1)
ptest.awk n = 10
ptest.awk print " " n " random integers"
ptest.awk genrand(A, n); isort(A, n); check(A, n)
ptest.awk print " " n " sorted integers"
ptest.awk gensort(A, n); isort(A, n); check(A, n)
ptest.awk print " " n " reverse-sorted integers"
ptest.awk genrev(A, n); isort(A, n); check(A, n)
ptest.awk print " " n " identical integers"
ptest.awk genid(A, n); isort(A, n); check(A, n)
ptest.awk }
ptest.awk function isort(A,n, i,j,t) {
ptest.awk for (i = 2; i <= n; i++)
ptest.awk for (j = i; j > 1 && A[j-1] > A[j]; j--) {
ptest.awk # swap A[j-1] and A[j]
ptest.awk t = A[j-1]; A[j-1] = A[j]; A[j] = t
ptest.awk }
ptest.awk }
ptest.awk # test-generation and sorting routines...
ptest.awk function check(A,n, i) {
ptest.awk for (i = 1; i < n; i++)
ptest.awk if (A[i] > A[i+1])
ptest.awk printf("array is not sorted, element %d\n", i)
ptest.awk }
ptest.awk function genrand(A,n, i) { # put n random integers in A
ptest.awk for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
ptest.awk A[i] = int(n*rand())
ptest.awk }
ptest.awk function gensort(A,n, i) { # put n sorted integers in A
ptest.awk for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
ptest.awk A[i] = i
ptest.awk }
ptest.awk function genrev(A,n, i) { # put n reverse-sorted integers
ptest.awk for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) # in A
ptest.awk A[i] = n+1-i
ptest.awk }
ptest.awk function genid(A,n, i) { # put n identical integers in A
ptest.awk for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
ptest.awk A[i] = 1
ptest.awk }
scaff.awk BEGIN { srand(1111) }
scaff.awk { print }
scaff.awk # interactive test framework for sort routines
scaff.awk /^[0-9]+.*rand/ { n = $1; genrand(A, n); dump(A, n); next }
scaff.awk /^[0-9]+.*id/ { n = $1; genid(A, n); dump(A, n); next }
scaff.awk /^[0-9]+.*sort/ { n = $1; gensort(A, n); dump(A, n); next }
scaff.awk /^[0-9]+.*rev/ { n = $1; genrev(A, n); dump(A, n); next }
scaff.awk /^data/ { # use data right from this line
scaff.awk for (i = 2; i <= NF; i++)
scaff.awk A[i-1] = $i
scaff.awk n = NF - 1
scaff.awk next
scaff.awk }
scaff.awk /q.*sort/ { qsort(A, 1, n); check(A, n); dump(A, n); next }
scaff.awk /h.*sort/ { hsort(A, n); check(A, n); dump(A, n); next }
scaff.awk /i.*sort/ { isort(A, n); check(A, n); dump(A, n); next }
scaff.awk /./ { print "data ... | N [rand|id|sort|rev]; [qhi]sort" }
scaff.awk function dump(A, n) { # print A[1]..A[n]
scaff.awk for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
scaff.awk printf(" %s", A[i])
scaff.awk printf("\n")
scaff.awk }
scaff.awk # test-generation and sorting routines ...
scaff.awk function genrand(A,n, i) { # put n random integers in A
scaff.awk for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
scaff.awk A[i] = int(n*rand())
scaff.awk }
scaff.awk function gensort(A,n, i) { # put n sorted integers in A
scaff.awk for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
scaff.awk A[i] = i
scaff.awk }
scaff.awk function genrev(A,n, i) { # put n reverse-sorted integers in A
scaff.awk for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
scaff.awk A[i] = n+1-i
scaff.awk }
scaff.awk function genid(A,n, i) { # put n identical integers in A
scaff.awk for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
scaff.awk A[i] = 1
scaff.awk }
scaff.awk function check(A,n, i) {
scaff.awk for (i = 1; i < n; i++)
scaff.awk if (A[i] > A[i+1])
scaff.awk printf("error: array is not sorted, element %d\n", i)
scaff.awk }
scaff.awk function isort(A,n, i,j,t) {
scaff.awk for (i = 2; i <= n; i++)
scaff.awk for (j = i; j > 1 && A[j-1] > A[j]; j--) {
scaff.awk # swap A[j-1] and A[j]
scaff.awk t = A[j-1]; A[j-1] = A[j]; A[j] = t
scaff.awk }
scaff.awk }
scaff.awk function qsort(A,left,right, i,last) {
scaff.awk if (left >= right) # do nothing if array contains
scaff.awk return # at most one element
scaff.awk swap(A, left, left + int((right-left+1)*rand()))
scaff.awk last = left
scaff.awk for (i = left+1; i <= right; i++)
scaff.awk if (A[i] < A[left])
scaff.awk swap(A, ++last, i)
scaff.awk swap(A, left, last)
scaff.awk qsort(A, left, last-1)
scaff.awk qsort(A, last+1, right)
scaff.awk }
scaff.awk function swap(A,i,j, t) {
scaff.awk t = A[i]; A[i] = A[j]; A[j] = t
scaff.awk }
scaff.awk function hsort(A,right, i) {
scaff.awk for (i = int(right/2); i >= 1; i--)
scaff.awk heapify(A, i, right)
scaff.awk for (i = right; i > 1; i--) {
scaff.awk swap(A, 1, i)
scaff.awk heapify(A, 1, i-1)
scaff.awk }
scaff.awk }
scaff.awk function heapify(A,left,right, p,c) {
scaff.awk for (p = left; (c = 2*p) <= right; p = c) {
scaff.awk if (c < right && A[c+1] > A[c])
scaff.awk c++
scaff.awk if (A[p] < A[c])
scaff.awk swap(A, c, p)
scaff.awk }
scaff.awk }
iisort.awk # count comparisons and exchanges in isort
iisort.awk { A[NR] = $0 }
iisort.awk END { comp = exch = 0
iisort.awk isort(A, NR)
iisort.awk print "isort", NR, comp, exch
iisort.awk }
iisort.awk function isort(A,n, i,j,t) { # insertion sort
iisort.awk for (i = 2; i <= n; i++) # with counters
iisort.awk for (j = i; j > 1 && ++comp &&
iisort.awk A[j-1] > A[j] && ++exch; j--) {
iisort.awk # swap A[j-1] and A[j]
iisort.awk t = A[j-1]; A[j-1] = A[j]; A[j] = t
iisort.awk }
iisort.awk }
frame.awk # test framework for sort performance evaluation
frame.awk # input: lines with sort name, type of data, sizes...
frame.awk # output: name, type, size, comparisons, exchanges, c+e
frame.awk { for (i = 3; i <= NF; i++)
frame.awk test($1, $2, $i)
frame.awk }
frame.awk function test(sort, data, n) {
frame.awk comp = exch = 0
frame.awk if (data ~ /rand/)
frame.awk genrand(A, n)
frame.awk else if (data ~ /id/)
frame.awk genid(A, n)
frame.awk else if (data ~ /rev/)
frame.awk genrev(A, n)
frame.awk else
frame.awk print "illegal type of data in", $0
frame.awk if (sort ~ /q.*sort/)
frame.awk qsort(A, 1, n)
frame.awk else if (sort ~ /h.*sort/)
frame.awk hsort(A, n)
frame.awk else if (sort ~ /i.*sort/)
frame.awk isort(A, n)
frame.awk else print "illegal type of sort in", $0
frame.awk print sort, data, n, comp, exch, comp+exch
frame.awk }
frame.awk # test-generation and sorting routines ...
frame.awk BEGIN { srand(111) }
frame.awk function genrand(A,n, i) { # put n random integers in A
frame.awk for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
frame.awk A[i] = int(n*rand())
frame.awk }
frame.awk function gensort(A,n, i) { # put n sorted integers in A
frame.awk for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
frame.awk A[i] = i
frame.awk }
frame.awk function genrev(A,n, i) { # put n reverse-sorted integers in A
frame.awk for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
frame.awk A[i] = n+1-i
frame.awk }
frame.awk function genid(A,n, i) { # put n identical integers in A
frame.awk for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
frame.awk A[i] = 1
frame.awk }
frame.awk function check(A,n, i) {
frame.awk for (i = 1; i < n; i++)
frame.awk if (A[i] > A[i+1])
frame.awk printf("error: array is not sorted, element %d\n", i)
frame.awk }
frame.awk function isort(A,n, i,j,t) {
frame.awk for (i = 2; i <= n; i++)
frame.awk for (j = i; j > 1 && ++comp && A[j-1] > A[j] && ++exch; j--) {
frame.awk # swap A[j-1] and A[j]
frame.awk t = A[j-1]; A[j-1] = A[j]; A[j] = t
frame.awk }
frame.awk }
frame.awk function qsort(A,left,right, i,last) {
frame.awk if (left >= right) # do nothing if array contains
frame.awk return # at most one element
frame.awk swap(A, left, left + int((right-left+1)*rand()))
frame.awk last = left
frame.awk for (i = left+1; i <= right; i++)
frame.awk if (++comp && A[i] < A[left])
frame.awk swap(A, ++last, i)
frame.awk swap(A, left, last)
frame.awk qsort(A, left, last-1)
frame.awk qsort(A, last+1, right)
frame.awk }
frame.awk function swap(A,i,j, t) {
frame.awk ++exch
frame.awk t = A[i]; A[i] = A[j]; A[j] = t
frame.awk }
frame.awk function hsort(A,right, i) {
frame.awk for (i = int(right/2); i >= 1; i--)
frame.awk heapify(A, i, right)
frame.awk for (i = right; i > 1; i--) {
frame.awk swap(A, 1, i)
frame.awk heapify(A, 1, i-1)
frame.awk }
frame.awk }
frame.awk function heapify(A,left,right, p,c) {
frame.awk for (p = left; (c = 2*p) <= right; p = c) {
frame.awk if (c < right && ++comp && A[c+1] > A[c])
frame.awk c++
frame.awk if (++comp && A[p] < A[c])
frame.awk swap(A, c, p)
frame.awk }
frame.awk }
qsort.awk # quicksort
qsort.awk { A[NR] = $0 }
qsort.awk END { qsort(A, 1, NR)
qsort.awk for (i = 1; i <= NR; i++)
qsort.awk print A[i]
qsort.awk }
qsort.awk # qsort - sort A[left..right] by quicksort
qsort.awk function qsort(A,left,right, i,last) {
qsort.awk if (left >= right) # do nothing if array contains
qsort.awk return # less than two elements
qsort.awk swap(A, left, left + int((right-left+1)*rand()))
qsort.awk last = left # A[left] is now partition element
qsort.awk for (i = left+1; i <= right; i++)
qsort.awk if (A[i] < A[left])
qsort.awk swap(A, ++last, i)
qsort.awk swap(A, left, last)
qsort.awk qsort(A, left, last-1)
qsort.awk qsort(A, last+1, right)
qsort.awk }
qsort.awk function swap(A,i,j, t) {
qsort.awk t = A[i]; A[i] = A[j]; A[j] = t
qsort.awk }
hsort.awk # heapsort
hsort.awk { A[NR] = $0 }
hsort.awk END { hsort(A, NR)
hsort.awk for (i = 1; i <= NR; i++)
hsort.awk { print A[i] }
hsort.awk }
hsort.awk function hsort(A,n, i) {
hsort.awk for (i = int(n/2); i >= 1; i--) # phase 1
hsort.awk { heapify(A, i, n) }
hsort.awk for (i = n; i > 1; i--) { # phase 2
hsort.awk { swap(A, 1, i) }
hsort.awk { heapify(A, 1, i-1) }
hsort.awk }
hsort.awk }
hsort.awk function heapify(A,left,right, p,c) {
hsort.awk for (p = left; (c = 2*p) <= right; p = c) {
hsort.awk if (c < right && A[c+1] > A[c])
hsort.awk { c++ }
hsort.awk if (A[p] < A[c])
hsort.awk { swap(A, c, p) }
hsort.awk }
hsort.awk }
hsort.awk function swap(A,i,j, t) {
hsort.awk t = A[i]; A[i] = A[j]; A[j] = t
hsort.awk }
makeprof # makeprof - prepare profiling version of an awk program
makeprof # usage: awk -f makeprof awkprog >awkprog.p
makeprof # running awk -f awkprog.p data creates a
makeprof # file prof.cnts of statement counts for awkprog
makeprof { if ($0 ~ /{/) sub(/{/, "{ _LBcnt[" ++_numLB "]++; ")
makeprof print
makeprof }
makeprof END { printf("END { for (i = 1; i <= %d; i++)\n", _numLB)
makeprof printf("\t\t print _LBcnt[i] > \"prof.cnts\"\n}\n")
makeprof }
printprof # printprof - print profiling counts
printprof # usage: awk -f printprof awkprog
printprof # prints awkprog with statement counts from prof.cnts
printprof BEGIN { while (getline < "prof.cnts" > 0) cnt[++i] = $1 }
printprof /{/ { printf("%5d", cnt[++j]) }
printprof { printf("\t%s\n", $0) }
tsort.awk # tsort - topological sort of a graph
tsort.awk # input: predecessor-successor pairs
tsort.awk # output: linear order, predecessors first
tsort.awk { if (!($1 in pcnt))
tsort.awk pcnt[$1] = 0 # put $1 in pcnt
tsort.awk pcnt[$2]++ # count predecessors of $2
tsort.awk slist[$1, ++scnt[$1]] = $2 # add $2 to successors of $1
tsort.awk }
tsort.awk END { for (node in pcnt) {
tsort.awk nodecnt++
tsort.awk if (pcnt[node] == 0) # if it has no predecessors
tsort.awk q[++back] = node # queue node
tsort.awk }
tsort.awk for (front = 1; front <= back; front++) {
tsort.awk printf(" %s", node = q[front])
tsort.awk for (i = 1; i <= scnt[node]; i++)
tsort.awk if (--pcnt[slist[node, i]] == 0)
tsort.awk # queue s if it has no more predecessors
tsort.awk q[++back] = slist[node, i]
tsort.awk }
tsort.awk if (back != nodecnt)
tsort.awk print "\nerror: input contains a cycle"
tsort.awk printf("\n")
tsort.awk }
dfs.awk # dfs - depth-first search for cycles
dfs.awk function dfs(node, i, s) {
dfs.awk visited[node] = 1
dfs.awk for (i = 1; i <= scnt[node]; i++)
dfs.awk if (visited[s = slist[node, i]] == 0)
dfs.awk dfs(s)
dfs.awk else if (visited[s] == 1)
dfs.awk print "cycle with back edge (" node ", " s ")"
dfs.awk visited[node] = 2
dfs.awk }
rtsort.awk # rtsort - reverse topological sort
rtsort.awk # input: predecessor-successor pairs
rtsort.awk # output: linear order, successors first
rtsort.awk { if (!($1 in pcnt))
rtsort.awk pcnt[$1] = 0 # put $1 in pcnt
rtsort.awk pcnt[$2]++ # count predecessors of $2
rtsort.awk slist[$1, ++scnt[$1]] = $2 # add $2 to successors of $1
rtsort.awk }
rtsort.awk END { for (node in pcnt) {
rtsort.awk nodecnt++
rtsort.awk if (pcnt[node] == 0)
rtsort.awk rtsort(node)
rtsort.awk }
rtsort.awk if (pncnt != nodecnt)
rtsort.awk print "error: input contains a cycle"
rtsort.awk printf("\n")
rtsort.awk }
rtsort.awk function rtsort(node, i, s) {
rtsort.awk visited[node] = 1
rtsort.awk for (i = 1; i <= scnt[node]; i++)
rtsort.awk if (visited[s = slist[node, i]] == 0)
rtsort.awk rtsort(s)
rtsort.awk else if (visited[s] == 1)
rtsort.awk printf("error: nodes %s and %s are in a cycle\n",
rtsort.awk s, node)
rtsort.awk visited[node] = 2
rtsort.awk printf(" %s", node)
rtsort.awk pncnt++ # count nodes printed
rtsort.awk }
make.awk # make - maintain dependencies
make.awk BEGIN {
make.awk while (getline <"makefile" > 0)
make.awk if ($0 ~ /^[A-Za-z]/) { # $1: $2 $3 ...
make.awk sub(/:/, "")
make.awk if (++names[nm = $1] > 1)
make.awk error(nm " is multiply defined")
make.awk for (i = 2; i <= NF; i++) # remember targets
make.awk slist[nm, ++scnt[nm]] = $i
make.awk } else if ($0 ~ /^\t/) # remember cmd for
make.awk cmd[nm] = cmd[nm] $0 "\n" # current name
make.awk else if (NF > 0)
make.awk error("illegal line in makefile: " $0)
make.awk ages() # compute initial ages
make.awk if (ARGV[1] in names) {
make.awk if (update(ARGV[1]) == 0)
make.awk print ARGV[1] " is up to date"
make.awk } else
make.awk error(ARGV[1] " is not in makefile")
make.awk }
make.awk function ages( f,n,t) {
make.awk for (t = 1; ("ls -t" | getline f) > 0; t++)
make.awk age[f] = t # all existing files get an age
make.awk close("ls -t")
make.awk for (n in names)
make.awk if (!(n in age)) # if n has not been created
make.awk age[n] = 9999 # make n really old
make.awk }
make.awk function update(n, changed,i,s) {
make.awk if (!(n in age)) error(n " does not exist")
make.awk if (!(n in names)) return 0
make.awk changed = 0
make.awk visited[n] = 1
make.awk for (i = 1; i <= scnt[n]; i++) {
make.awk if (visited[s = slist[n, i]] == 0) update(s)
make.awk else if (visited[s] == 1)
make.awk error(s " and " n " are circularly defined")
make.awk if (age[s] <= age[n]) changed++
make.awk }
make.awk visited[n] = 2
make.awk if (changed || scnt[n] == 0) {
make.awk printf("%s", cmd[n])
make.awk system(cmd[n]) # execute cmd associated with n
make.awk ages() # recompute all ages
make.awk age[n] = 0 # make n very new
make.awk return 1
make.awk }
make.awk return 0
make.awk }
make.awk function error(s) { print "error: " s; exit }
examples.index Cross-reference index for examples in
examples.index The AWK Programming Language 1988
examples.index compiled 1999 Oct 5 by Chris Johansen <johansen@main.nc.us>,
examples.index to whom many thanks.
examples.index Filename Sec Page Notes
examples.index emp.data 1.1 1 data file
examples.index 05.awk 1.2 5
examples.index 28.awk 1.2 6
examples.index 06.awk 1.2 6
examples.index 07.awk 1.2 6
examples.index 10.awk 1.2 7
examples.index 11.awk 1.3 7
examples.index 11a.awk 1.3 8
examples.index 08.sh 1.3 8 shell script
examples.index 12.awk 1.4 9
examples.index 13.awk 1.4 9
examples.index 14.awk 1.4 9
examples.index 15.awk 1.4 10
examples.index 20.awk 1.4 10
examples.index 21.awk 1.4 10
examples.index 22.awk 1.4 10
examples.index 26.awk 1.4 11
examples.index 30.awk 1.4 11
examples.index 31.awk 1.5 12
examples.index 31a.awk 1.5 12
examples.index 32.awk 1.5 12
examples.index 33.awk 1.5 12
examples.index 34.awk 1.5 13
examples.index 33a.awk 1.5 13
examples.index 40.awk 1.5 14
examples.index 40a.awk 1.5 14
examples.index 41.awk 1.6 14
examples.index interest1.awk 1.6 15
examples.index forint.awk 1.6 16 (interest2)
examples.index 50.awk 1.7 16 (reverse1)
examples.index 51.awk 1.7 17 (reverse2)
examples.index 61.awk 1.8 17 one-liner 1
examples.index 62.awk 1.8 17 one-liner 2
examples.index 66.awk 1.8 17 one-liner 3
examples.index 63.awk 1.8 17 one-liner 4
examples.index 64.awk 1.8 17 one-liner 5
examples.index 65.awk 1.8 17 one-liner 6
examples.index 67.awk 1.8 17 one-liner 7
examples.index 68.awk 1.8 17 one-liner 8
examples.index 69.awk 1.8 18 one-liner 9
examples.index 70.awk 1.8 18 one-liner 10
examples.index 71.awk 1.8 18 one-liner 11
examples.index 72.awk 1.8 18 one-liner 12
examples.index 73.awk 1.8 18 one-liner 13
examples.index 74.awk 1.8 18 one-liner 14
examples.index 75.awk 1.8 18 one-liner 15
examples.index 76.awk 1.8 18 one-liner 16
examples.index 77.awk 1.8 18 one-liner 17
examples.index 78.awk 1.8 18 one-liner 18
examples.index 79.awk 1.8 18 one-liner 19
examples.index 80.awk 1.8 18 one-liner 20
examples.index countries 2 22 data file
examples.index p11.awk 2.1 24
examples.index p12.awk 2.1 26
examples.index p13.awk 2.1 26
examples.index p13a.awk 2.1 26
examples.index re1.awk 2.1 30
examples.index re2.awk 2.1 30
examples.index re3.awk 2.1 30
examples.index re4.awk 2.1 30
examples.index re5.awk 2.1 30
examples.index re6.awk 2.1 30
examples.index re7.awk 2.1 30
examples.index re8.awk 2.1 30
examples.index p16.awk 2.1 31
examples.index p18.awk 2.1 31
examples.index p19.awk 2.1 31
examples.index p20.awk 2.1 32
examples.index p20a.awk 2.1 32
examples.index p20b.awk 2.1 32
examples.index p21.awk 2.1 33
examples.index p22.awk 2.1 32
examples.index p22a.awk 2.1 32
examples.index p23.awk 2.2 35
examples.index p41.awk 2.2 35
examples.index p42.awk 2.2 35
examples.index p43.awk 2.2 36
examples.index p43a.awk 2.2 38
examples.index p32.awk 2.2 38
examples.index p34.awk 2.2 38
examples.index p24.awk 2.2 39
examples.index p35.awk 2.2 40
examples.index p17.awk 2.2 40
examples.index builtup.awk 2.2 40
examples.index p36.awk 2.2 43
examples.index p39.awk 2.2 43
examples.index p40.awk 2.2 44
examples.index p40a.awk 2.2 45
examples.index p40b.awk 2.2 45
examples.index p45.awk 2.2 48
examples.index p46.awk 2.2 49
examples.index empty.awk 2.2 50
examples.index revline.awk 2.2 50
examples.index p47.awk 2.2 51
examples.index p48.awk 2.2 51
examples.index p51.awk 2.3 53
examples.index p51a.awk 2.3 54
examples.index p52.awk 2.4 56
examples.index p53.awk 2.4 57
examples.index p53a.awk 2.4 58
examples.index p53b.awk 2.4 58
examples.index p54.awk 2.4 58
examples.index p60.awk 2.5 62
examples.index p61.awk 2.5 63
examples.index p44.awk 2.5 64
examples.index p62.awk 2.6 64
examples.index field.awk 2.6 66
examples.index sum1 3.1 68
examples.index sum2 3.1 68
examples.index sum3 3.1 69
examples.index 3-4.ans 3.1 69 exercise 3-4
examples.index percent 3.1 70
examples.index histogram 3.1 70
examples.index hist.sh 3.1 70 shell script
examples.index histans1.awk 3.1 71 exercise 3-5
examples.index sumcomma 3.1 71
examples.index addcomma 3.1 72
examples.index addcomma.ans 3.1 72 exercise 3-7
examples.index addcomma.ans2 3.1 72 exercise 3-7
examples.index datecvt 3.1 72
examples.index date.data 3.1 73 data file
examples.index daynum 3.1 73 exercise 3-8
examples.index nm.output 3.1 73 data file
examples.index nm.format 3.1 74
examples.index prchecks 3.1 75
examples.index checkfix.ans 3.1 76 exercise 3-9,12
examples.index colcheck 3.2 77
examples.index p12check 3.2 77
examples.index delim.ans 3.2 78 exercise 3-13
examples.index passwd 3.2 78
examples.index checkgen.data 3.2 79 data file
examples.index checkgen 3.2 79
examples.index valid.ans 3.2 79 exercise 3-14
examples.index compat 3.2 80
examples.index bundle 3.3 81
examples.index unbundle 3.3 82
examples.index addr.1 3.4 83 data file
examples.index ny1.awk 3.4 83
examples.index ny2.awk 3.4 83
examples.index smith.awk 3.4 84
examples.index msort.sh 3.4 84 shell script
examples.index addr.2 3.4 85
examples.index doctors1.awk 3.4 85
examples.index doctors2.awk 3.4 85
examples.index checks.data 3.4 86 data file
examples.index check1 3.4 87
examples.index check2 3.4 87
examples.index check3 3.4 88
examples.index prep1 4.1 90
examples.index form1 4.1 91
examples.index prep2 4.1 91
examples.index form2 4.1 92
examples.index prep3 4.1 93
examples.index form3 4.1 94
examples.index form4 4.1 96
examples.index table 4.1 98
examples.index table1 4.1 196 exercise 4-3
examples.index info0 4.2 99
examples.index info 4.2 100
examples.index info.ans 4.2 100 exercise 4-5
examples.index info1.ans 4.2 100 exercise 4-5
examples.index letter.text 4.2 101
examples.index form.gen 4.2 101
examples.index capitals 4.3 102 data file
examples.index merge.awk 4.3 103
examples.index join.awk 4.3 104
examples.index relfile 4.3 106
examples.index avgarea.awk 4.3 108
examples.index qawk 4.3 109
examples.index qawk1.ans 4.3 110 exercise 4-11
examples.index randint 5.1 111
examples.index randlet 5.1 112
examples.index choose 5.1 112
examples.index comb.ans 5.1 112 exercise 5-2
examples.index bridge.ans 5.1 112 exercise 5-3
examples.index cliche 5.1 113
examples.index grammar 5.1 113 data file
examples.index sentgen 5.1 115
examples.index sentgen1 5.1 116 exercise 5-6
examples.index sentgen2 5.1 116 exercise 5-7
examples.index arith 5.1 117
examples.index quiz.elems 5.1 117 data file
examples.index quiz 5.1 118
examples.index wordfreq 5.3 119
examples.index fmt 5.3 120
examples.index fmt.just 5.3 120 exercise 5-13
examples.index xref.data 5.3 121 data file
examples.index xref 5.3 122
examples.index xref.ans 5.3 122 exercise 5-16
examples.index xref1.ans 5.3 122 exercise 5-18
examples.index say.in.kwic 5.3 123 input file
examples.index kwic 5.3 123
examples.index kwic.ans 5.3 124 exercise 5-19
examples.index ix.raw 5.3 125 data file
examples.index ix.collapse 5.3 126
examples.index ix.rotate 5.3 127
examples.index ix.genkey 5.3 128
examples.index ix.sort1 5.3 126
examples.index ix.sort2 5.3 128
examples.index ix.format 5.3 129
examples.index indall 5.3 129 shell script
examples.index sum.asm 6.1 133 assembly source
examples.index asm 6.1 134
examples.index asm.print 6.1 135 exercise 6-1
examples.index graph 6.2 137
examples.index transpose 6.2 139 exercise 6-6
examples.index sortgen0.in 6.3 140 input file
examples.index sortgen.in 6.3 140 input file
examples.index sortgen 6.3 141
examples.index calc1 6.4 143
examples.index calc2 6.4 144
examples.index calc3 6.5 146
examples.index parser.in 6.6 147 input file
examples.index awk.parser 6.6 149
examples.index isort.awk 7.1 154
examples.index ptest.awk 7.1 155
examples.index scaff.awk 7.1 157
examples.index iisort.awk 7.1 158
examples.index frame.awk 7.1 159
examples.index qsort.awk 7.1 161
examples.index hsort.awk 7.1 165
examples.index makeprof 7.2 167
examples.index printprof 7.2 168
examples.index tsort.awk 7.3 172
examples.index dfs.awk 7.3 173
examples.index rtsort.awk 7.3 174
examples.index make.awk 7.4 178
