

Xia,Rongfu 暂无简介

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    Xia,Rongfu / C-OCR forked from pimee / C-OCR

    C-OCR是携程自研的OCR项目,主要包括身份证、护照、火车票、签证等旅游相关证件、材料的识别。 项目包含4个部分,拒识、检测、识别、后处理。

    Xia,Rongfu / dopaas forked from wl4g / dopaas

    一站式基于DevSecOps的PaaS平台解决方案 --- 基于SpringCloud/Docker/K8s/ServiceMesh(Istio),主要集成模块:CMDB、统一持续交付CI/CD(分布式编译和部署)、IAM认证中心、统一监控中心、统一配置中心、统一分布式调度中心、统一文档、统一开发者中心(AutoGenerator),统一私有对象存储管理、统一源/包/映像库管理、Shell-Cli组件、各种工具链(如HBase/OSS运维)、即时通讯、轻量级风控等

    Xia,Rongfu / dopaas-coredns forked from wl4g / dopaas-coredns

    DoPaaS DNS server for coredns plugin

    Xia,Rongfu / dopaas-shell forked from wl4g / dopaas-shell

    Shell-cli is an open source command-line tool based on spring cloud service, which is similar to the way spark-shell works.

    Xia,Rongfu / dopaas-view forked from wl4g / dopaas-view

    Frontend project for https://gitee.com/wl4g/dopaas

    Xia,Rongfu / infra forked from wl4g / infra

    Enterprise-grade microservice infrastructure

    Xia,Rongfu / layuiAdmin forked from 刘斌 / layuiAdmin

    layuiAdmin 后台管理模板 完全由 layui 自建的一套前端架构实现而成的通用型后台管理模板系统

    Xia,Rongfu / office插件


    Xia,Rongfu / postgres forked from 爱是与世界平行 / postgres

    postgres学习资料文档集,整理全网优秀的pg资源,方便平时学习。 同时也整理了德哥的很多pg笔记。 GitHub地址:https://github.com/digoal/blog digoal个人简介地址:https://github.com/digoal/blog/blob/master/me/readme.md

    Xia,Rongfu / xcloud-component forked from hedden / xcloud-component

    A enterprise level common build component based on spring cloud.

    Xia,Rongfu / xcloud-components-opencv-native forked from wl4g / xcloud-components-opencv-native


    Xia,Rongfu / xcloud-coss forked from wl4g / xcloud-coss

    COSS(Composite Object Storage Service) A composite object storage service based on spring cloud. It does not store data on its own, Supports bridging to other storage media, such as Hdfs, Aliyun OSS, Aws S3, GlusterFS, etc

    Xia,Rongfu / xcloud-coss-1 forked from hedden / xcloud-coss

    COSS(Composite Object Storage Service) A composite object storage service based on spring cloud. It does not store data on its own, Supports bridging to other storage media, such as Hdfs, Aliyun OSS, Aws S3, GlusterFS, etc

    Xia,Rongfu / xcloud-dopaas forked from hedden / xcloud-dopaas

    一站式基于DevSecOps的PaaS平台解决方案 --- 基于SpringCloud/Docker/ServiceMesh(Istio),主要集成模块:CMDB、统一持续交付CI/CD(分布式编译和部署)、IAM认证中心、统一监控中心、统一配置中心、统一分布式调度中心、统一文档、统一开发者中心(AutoGenerator),统一私有对象存储管理、统一源/包/映像库管理、Shell-Cli组件、各种工具链(如HBase/OSS运维)、即时通讯、轻量级风控等

    Xia,Rongfu / xcloud-gateway forked from maomao1x / xcloud-gateway

    A enterprise microservice gateway based on spring cloud gateway supports dynamic configuration of forwarding rules and load rules through the interface console, and can integrate with CI to realize Canary deployment.

    Xia,Rongfu / xcloud-iam forked from hedden / xcloud-iam


    Xia,Rongfu / xcloud-im forked from wl4g / xcloud-im

    A social communication software that simulates wechat, QQ, Facebook, etc., can be used to replace the private cloud version of QQ, and create a safe and fresh interior for enterprises Communication tools.

    Xia,Rongfu / xcloud-rcm forked from wl4g / xcloud-rcm

    RCM(Risk Control Management Services) - A wind control system of light weight dynamic and static rule engine based on spring cloud, It supports the local dynamic and static rule engine based on tensorflow + groovy, and can bridge to a third party, such as aliyun saf risk control services.

    Xia,Rongfu / xcloud-shell forked from hedden / xcloud-shell

    Shell-cli is an open source command-line tool based on spring cloud service, which is similar to the way spark-shell works.

    Xia,Rongfu / xcloud-webconsole forked from maomao1x / xcloud-webconsole

