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Powered by Apache SkyWalking

This page documents an alphabetical list of institutions that are using Apache SkyWalking for research and production, or providing commercial products including Apache SkyWalking.

  1. 17173.com https://www.17173.com/
  2. 300.cn 中企动力科技股份有限公司 http://www.300.cn/
  3. 360jinrong.net 360金融 https://www.360jinrong.net/
  4. 4399.com 四三九九网络股份有限公司. http://www.4399.com/
  5. 51mydao.com 买道传感科技(上海)有限公司 https://www.51mydao.com/
  6. 58 Daojia Inc. 58到家 https://www.daojia.com
  7. 5i5j. 上海我爱我家房地产经纪有限公司 https://sh.5i5j.com/about/
  8. Anheuser-Busch InBev 百威英博
  9. Agricultural Bank of China 中国农业银行
  10. Aihuishou.com 爱回收网 http://www.aihuishou.com/
  11. Alibaba Cloud, 阿里云, http://aliyun.com
  12. Anxin Insurance. 安心财产保险有限责任公司 https://www.95303.com
  13. APM Star 北京天空漫步科技有限公司 http://www.apmstar.com
  14. AsiaInfo Inc. http://www.asiainfo.com.cn/
  15. Autohome. 汽车之家. http://www.autohome.com.cn
  16. Baixing.com 百姓网 http://www.baixing.com/
  17. bitauto 易车 http://bitauto.com
  18. hellobanma 斑马网络 https://www.hellobanma.com/
  19. bestsign. 上上签. https://www.bestsign.cn/page/
  20. Beike Finance 贝壳金服 https://www.bkjk.com/
  21. Bizsaas.cn 北京商云科技发展有限公司. http://www.bizsaas.cn/
  22. Cdlhyj.com 六合远教(成都)科技有限公司 http://www.cdlhyj.com
  23. Chehejia Automotive. 北京车和家信息技术有限责任公司. https://www.chehejia.com/
  24. China Eastern Airlines 中国东方航空 http://www.ceair.com/
  25. China Express Airlines 华夏航空 http://www.chinaexpressair.com/
  26. Chinadaas. 北京中数智汇科技股份有限公司. https://www.chinadaas.com/
  27. Chinasoft International 中软国际
  28. China Merchants Bank. 中国招商银行. http://www.cmbchina.com/
  29. China National Software 中软
  30. China Mobile 中国移动
  31. China Unicom 中国联通
  32. China Tower 中国铁塔
  33. China Telecom 中国电信
  34. Chinese Academy of Sciences
  35. Chtwm.com. 恒天财富投资管理股份有限公司. https://www.chtwm.com/
  36. Cmft.com. 招商局金融科技. https://www.cmft.com/
  37. CXIST.com 上海程析智能科技有限公司 https://www.cxist.com/
  38. Dangdang.com. 当当网. http://www.dangdang.com/
  39. DaoCloud. https://www.daocloud.io/
  40. deepblueai.com 深兰科技上海有限公司 https://www.deepblueai.com/
  41. Deppon Logistics Co Ltd 德邦物流 https://www.deppon.com/
  42. Deyoushenghuo in WeChat app. 河南有态度信息科技有限公司,微信小程序:得有生活
  43. Dianfubao.com 垫富宝 https://www.dianfubao.com/
  44. DiDi 滴滴出行
  45. Echplus.com 北京易诚互动网络技术有限公司 http://www.echplus.com/
  46. Enmonster 怪兽充电 http://www.enmonster.com/
  47. Eqxiu.com. 北京中网易企秀科技有限公司 http://www.eqxiu.com/
  48. fangdd.com 房多多 https://www.fangdd.com
  49. fullgoal.com.cn 富国基金管理有限公司 https://www.fullgoal.com.cn/
  50. GTrace System. (No company provided)
  51. GSX Techedu Inc. 跟谁学 https://www.genshuixue.com
  52. Gdeng.cn 深圳谷登科技有限公司 http://www.gdeng.cn/
  53. GOME 国美 https://www.gome.com.cn/
  54. Guazi.com 瓜子二手车直卖网. https://www.guazi.com/
  55. guohuaitech.com 北京国槐信息科技有限公司. http://www.guohuaitech.com/
  56. GrowingIO 北京易数科技有限公司 https://www.growingio.com/
  57. Haier. 海尔消费金融 https://www.haiercash.com/
  58. Haoyunhu. 上海好运虎供应链管理有限公司 http://www.haoyunhu56.com/
  59. Huawei
  60. Hundun YUNRONG Fintech. 杭州恒生云融网络科技有限公司 https://www.hsjry.com/
  61. hunliji.com 婚礼纪 https://www.hunliji.com/
  62. iBoxChain 盒子科技 https://www.iboxpay.com/
  63. iFLYTEK. 科大讯飞股份有限公司-消费者BG http://www.iflytek.com/
  64. Inspur 浪潮集团
  65. juhaokan 聚好看科技股份有限公司 https://www.juhaokan.org/
  66. Ke.com. 贝壳找房. https://www.ke.com
  67. Keking.cn 凯京集团. http://www.keking.cn
  68. JoinTown. 九州通医药集团 http://www.jztey.com/
  69. Lagou.com. 拉勾. https://www.lagou.com/
  70. laocaibao. 上海证大爱特金融信息服务有限公司 https://www.laocaibao.com/
  71. Lenovo 联想
  72. Lima 北京力码科技有限公司 https://www.zhongbaounion.com/
  73. Lifesense.com 广东乐心医疗电子股份有限公司 http://www.lifesense.com/
  74. lizhi.fm 荔枝FM https://www.lizhi.fm/
  75. Lixiang.com 理想汽车 https://www.lixiang.com/
  76. Madecare. 北京美德远健科技有限公司. http://www.madecare.com/
  77. Maodou.com 毛豆新车网. https://www.maodou.com/
  78. Mobanker.com 上海前隆信息科技有限公司 http://www.mobanker.com/
  79. Mxnavi. 沈阳美行科技有限公司 http://www.mxnavi.com/
  80. Moji 墨叽(深圳)科技有限公司 https://www.mojivip.com
  81. Minsheng FinTech / China Minsheng Bank 民生科技有限责任公司 http://www.mskj.com/
  82. Migu Digital Media Co.Ltd. 咪咕数字传媒有限公司 http://www.migu.cn/
  83. Mypharma.com 北京融贯电子商务有限公司 https://www.mypharma.com
  84. NetEase 网易 https://www.163.com/
  85. Osacart in WeChat app 广州美克曼尼电子商务有限公司
  86. Oriente. https://oriente.com/
  87. Peking University 北京大学
  88. Ping An Technology / Ping An Insurance 平安科技
  89. Primeton.com 普元信息技术股份有限公司 http://www.primeton.com
  90. qiniu.com 七牛云 http://qiniu.com
  91. Qingyidai.com 轻易贷 https://www.qingyidai.com/
  92. Qsdjf.com 浙江钱宝网络科技有限公司 https://www.qsdjf.com/index.html
  93. Qk365.com 上海青客电子商务有限公司 https://www.qk365.com
  94. Qudian 趣店 http://ir.qudian.com/
  95. Renren Network 人人网
  96. Rong Data. 荣数数据 http://www.rong-data.com/
  97. Rongjinbao. 深圳融金宝互联网金融服务有限公司. http://www.rjb777.com
  98. Safedog. 安全狗. http://www.safedog.cn/
  99. Shouqi Limousine & chauffeur Group 首约科技(北京)有限公司. https://www.01zhuanche.com/
  100. shuaibaoshop.com 宁波鲸灵网络科技有限公司 http://www.shuaibaoshop.com/
  101. shuyun.com 杭州数云信息技术有限公司 http://www.shuyun.com/
  102. Sijibao.com 司机宝 https://www.sijibao.com/
  103. Sina 新浪
  104. Sinolink Securities Co.,Ltd. 国金证券佣金宝 http://www.yongjinbao.com.cn/
  105. Source++ https://sourceplusplus.com
  106. SPD Bank 浦发银行
  107. StartDT 奇点云 https://www.startdt.com/
  108. State Grid Corporation of China 国家电网有限公司
  109. Successchannel 苏州渠成易销网络科技有限公司. http://www.successchannel.com
  110. SuperMap 北京超图软件
  111. syswin.com 北京思源集团 http://www.syswin.com/
  112. szhittech.com 深圳和而泰智能控制股份有限公司. http://www.szhittech.com/
  113. Tencent
  114. Tetrate.io https://www.tetrate.io/
  115. Thomas Cook 托迈酷客 https://www.thomascook.com.cn
  116. Three Squirrels 三只松鼠
  117. Today36524.com Today便利店
  118. Tongcheng. 同城金服. https://jr.ly.com/
  119. Tools information technology co. LTD 杭州图尔兹信息技术有限公司 http://bintools.cn/
  120. TravelSky 中国航信 http://www.travelsky.net/
  121. Tsfinance.com 重庆宜迅联供应链科技有限公司 https://www.tsfinance.com.cn/
  122. tuhu.cn 途虎养车 https://www.tuhu.cn
  123. Tuya. 涂鸦智能. https://www.tuya.com
  124. Tydic 天源迪科 https://www.tydic.com/
  125. VBill Payment Co., LTD. 随行付. https://www.vbill.cn/
  126. Wahaha Group 娃哈哈 http://www.wahaha.com.cn/
  127. WeBank. 微众银行 http://www.webank.com
  128. Weier. 广州文尔软件科技有限公司. https://www.site0.cn
  129. Wochu. 我厨买菜. https://www.wochu.cn
  130. Xiaomi. 小米. https://www.mi.com/en/
  131. xin.com 优信集团 http://www.xin.com
  132. Xinyebang.com 重庆欣业邦网络技术有限公司 http://www.xinyebang.com
  133. xueqiu.com 雪球财经. https://xueqiu.com/
  134. yibainetwork.com 深圳易佰网络有限公司 http://www.yibainetwork.com/
  135. Yiguo. 易果生鲜. http://www.yiguo.com/
  136. Yinji(shenzhen)Network Technology Co.,Ltd. 印记. http://www.yinjiyun.cn/
  137. Yonghui Superstores Co., Ltd. 永辉超市 http://www.yonghui.com.cn
  138. Yonyou 用友
  139. Youzan.com 杭州有赞科技有限公司 http://www.youzan.com/
  140. Yunnan Airport Group Co.,Ltd. 云南机场集团
  141. yxt 云学堂 http://www.yxt.com/
  142. zbj.com 猪八戒 https://www.zbj.com/
  143. zhaopin.com 智联招聘 https://www.zhaopin.com/
  144. zjs.com.cn 北京宅急送快运股份有限公司 http://www.zjs.com.cn/

Use Cases

Alibaba and Alibaba Cloud

Alibaba products including Cloud DevOps product are under SkyWalking monitoring.

Alibaba Cloud supports SkyWalking agents and formats in Tracing Analysis cloud service.

China Eastern Airlines

Integrated in the microservices architecture support platform.

China Merchants Bank

Use SkyWalking and SkyAPM .net agent in the CMBChina Mall project.

China Mobile

China Mobile Suzhou Research Center, CMSS, integrated SkyWalking as the APM component in China Mobile PAAS.


Deploy SkyWalking in production environments.

  • Three CentOs Machines(32 CPUs, 64G RAM, 1.3T Disk) for Collector Server
  • Three ElasticSearch(Version 6.4.2, 40 CPUs, 96G RAM, 7T Disk) Nodes for Storage

Support 60+ Instances, Over 300k Calls Per Minute, Over 50k Spans Per Second


Guazi.com uses SkyWalking monitoring 270+ services, including topology + metrics analysis, and collecting 1.1+ billion traces per day with 100% sampling.

Plan is 1k+ services and 5 billion traces per day.


Use multiple language agents from SkyWalking and its ecosystem, including SkyWalking Javaagent and SkyAPM nodejs agent. SkyWalking OAP platform acts as backend and visualization.


Integrated in Primeton EOS PLATFORM 8, which is a commercial micro-service platform.

Qiniu Cloud

Provide a customized version SkyWalking agent. It could provide distributed tracing and integrated in its intelligence log management platform.


An open-source observant programming assistant which aims to bridge APM tools with the developer's IDE to enable tighter feedback loops. Source++ uses SkyWalking as the defacto APM for JVM-based applications.


Tetrate provides enterprise level service mesh. SkyWalking acts as the core observability platform for hybrid enterprise service mesh environment.


Lagou.com use Skywalking for JVM-based applications, deployed in production. Custom and optimize muiti collector functions, such as alarm, sql metric, circle operation metric, thread monitor, detail mode. Support 200+ Instances, over 4500k Segments Per Minute.

Yonghui Superstores

Yonghui Superstores Co., Ltd. use SkyWalking as primary APM system, to monitor 1k+ instances clusters, which supports 150k+ tps/qps payload. SkyWalking collect, analysis and save 10 billions trace segments(cost 3T disk) each day in 100% sampling strategy. SkyWalking backend cluster is built with 15 nodes OAP and 20 nodes ElasticSearch.

