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Zeroneko / cat-zh

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NummonCalc.js 46.05 KB
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Zeroneko 提交于 2020-04-20 17:08 . 61f26e0
dojo.declare("classes.managers.NummonStatsManager", com.nuclearunicorn.core.TabManager, {
game: null,
roundThisNumber: function (num) {
num *= 1000;
num += .5;
num = Math.floor(num);
num /= 1000;
return num;
getButton: function (tab, buttonName) {
for (var i in this.game.tabs[tab].buttons) {
if (this.game.tabs[tab].buttons[i].opts.building == buttonName)
return parseInt(i);
makeNiceString: function (num, numDigits = 3) {
if (typeof (num) == "number" && num != Infinity) {
num = num.toFixed(numDigits);
num = num.toString();
var decimal = num.substr(num.indexOf("."));
if (decimal == "." + Array(numDigits + 1).join("0"))
num = num.substr(0, num.indexOf("."));
for (var i = (num.indexOf(".") != -1 ? num.indexOf(".") - 3 : num.length - 3); i > 0; i -= 3)
num = num.substr(0, i) + "," + num.substr(i);
num = num.toString();
return num;
getBestUniBuilding: function (log = false) {
if (this.game.bld.getBuildingExt("unicornPasture").meta.val == 0) { return "独角兽牧场"; }
var validBuildings = ["unicornTomb", "ivoryTower", "ivoryCitadel", "skyPalace", "unicornUtopia", "sunspire"];
var pastureButton = this.getButton(0, "unicornPasture");
var unicornsPerSecond = this.game.getEffect("unicornsPerTickBase") * this.game.getRateUI();
var globalRatio = this.game.getEffect("unicornsGlobalRatio") + 1;
var religionRatio = this.game.getEffect("unicornsRatioReligion") + 1;
var paragonRatio = this.game.prestige.getParagonProductionRatio() + 1;
var faithBonus = this.game.religion.getProductionBonus() / 100 + 1;
var cycle = 1;
if (this.game.calendar.cycles[this.game.calendar.cycle].festivalEffects["unicorns"] != undefined)
if (this.game.prestige.getPerk("numeromancy").researched && this.game.calendar.festivalDays)
cycle = this.game.calendar.cycles[this.game.calendar.cycle].festivalEffects["unicorns"];
var onZig = Math.max(this.game.bld.getBuildingExt("ziggurat").meta.on, 1);
var total = unicornsPerSecond * globalRatio * religionRatio * paragonRatio * faithBonus * cycle;
var baseUnicornsPerRift = 500 * (1 + this.game.getEffect("unicornsRatioReligion") * 0.1);
var riftChanceRatio = 1;
if (this.game.prestige.getPerk("unicornmancy").researched)
riftChanceRatio *= 1.1;
var baseRift = this.game.getEffect("riftChance") * riftChanceRatio / (10000 * 2) * baseUnicornsPerRift;
if (log) {
console.log("Unicorns per second: " + total);
console.log("Base rift per second average: " + baseRift);
var bestAmoritization = Infinity;
var bestBuilding = "";
var pastureAmor = this.game.bld.getBuildingExt("unicornPasture").meta.effects["unicornsPerTickBase"] * this.game.getRateUI();
pastureAmor = pastureAmor * globalRatio * religionRatio * paragonRatio * faithBonus * cycle;
if (log) {
console.log("\tBonus unicorns per second: " + pastureAmor);
pastureAmor = this.game.tabs[0].buttons[pastureButton].model.prices[0].val / pastureAmor;
if (log) {
var baseWait = gamePage.tabs[0].buttons[pastureButton].model.prices[0].val / total;
var avgWait = gamePage.tabs[0].buttons[pastureButton].model.prices[0].val / (total + baseRift);
console.log("\tMaximum time to build: " + gamePage.toDisplaySeconds(baseWait) + " | Average time to build: " + gamePage.toDisplaySeconds(avgWait));
console.log("\tPrice: " + gamePage.tabs[0].buttons[pastureButton].model.prices[0].val + " | Amortization: " + gamePage.toDisplaySeconds(pastureAmor));
if (pastureAmor < bestAmoritization) {
bestAmoritization = pastureAmor;
bestBuilding = "独角兽牧场";
for (var i in this.game.tabs[5].zgUpgradeButtons) {
var btn = this.game.tabs[5].zgUpgradeButtons[i];
if (validBuildings.indexOf(btn.id) != -1) {
if (btn.model.visible) {
unicornPrice = 0;
for (var j in btn.model.prices) {
if (btn.model.prices[j].name == "unicorns")
unicornPrice += btn.model.prices[j].val;
if (btn.model.prices[j].name == "tears")
unicornPrice += btn.model.prices[j].val * 2500 / onZig;
var bld = this.game.religion.getZU(btn.id);
var relBonus = religionRatio;
var riftChance = this.game.getEffect("riftChance");
for (var j in bld.effects) {
if (j == "unicornsRatioReligion")
relBonus += bld.effects[j]
if (j == "riftChance")
riftChance += bld.effects[j];
var unicornsPerRift = 500 * ((relBonus - 1) * 0.1 + 1);
var riftBonus = riftChance * riftChanceRatio / (10000 * 2) * unicornsPerRift;
riftBonus -= baseRift;
var amor = unicornsPerSecond * globalRatio * relBonus * paragonRatio * faithBonus * cycle;
amor -= total;
amor = amor + riftBonus;
if (log) {
console.log("\tBonus unicorns per second: " + amor);
amor = unicornPrice / amor;
if (log) {
var baseWait = unicornPrice / total;
var avgWait = unicornPrice / (total + baseRift);
var amorSeconds = gamePage.toDisplaySeconds(amor);
if (amorSeconds == "")
amorSeconds = "NA";
console.log("\tMaximum time to build: " + gamePage.toDisplaySeconds(baseWait) + " | Average time to build: " + gamePage.toDisplaySeconds(avgWait));
console.log("\tPrice: " + unicornPrice + " | Amortization: " + amorSeconds);
if (amor < bestAmoritization)
if (riftBonus > 0 || relBonus > religionRatio && unicornPrice > 0) {
bestAmoritization = amor;
switch (btn.id) {
case 'unicornTomb':
bestBuilding = '独角兽坟墓';
case 'ivoryTower':
bestBuilding = '象牙塔';
case 'ivoryCitadel':
bestBuilding = '象牙城堡';
case 'skyPalace':
bestBuilding = '天空宫殿';
case 'unicornUtopia':
bestBuilding = '独角兽理想国';
case 'sunspire':
bestBuilding = '青睐之光';
return bestBuilding;
getUraniumForThoriumReactors: function () {
var needed = 250 * .1875 * this.game.bld.getBuildingExt("reactor").meta.val;
needed /= 1 + this.game.getResCraftRatio({ name: "thorium" });
needed = Math.round(needed * 1000) / 1000;
return needed;
getBlueprintCraft: function () {
return 1 + this.game.getResCraftRatio({ name: "blueprint" });
getPraiseLoss: function () {
var tier = this.game.religion.getTranscendenceLevel() + 1;
var tt = game.religion.getTranscendenceRatio(tier) - game.religion.getTranscendenceRatio(tier - 1);
var perc = this.game.religion.faithRatio / tt * 100;
var before = Math.round(this.game.religion.getTriValueReligion(tt * perc / 100) * 100);
var after = Math.round(game.religion.getTriValueReligion(tt * (perc - 100) / 100) * 100);
var loss = Math.round(before - after);
var lossRatio = 100 * loss / before;
perc = Math.round(perc * 1000) / 1000;
return perc + "%";
/*var str = "To tier: ";
str += tier;
str += "\n Progress: ";
str += this.makeNiceString(perc);
str += "%\n Before: ";
str += this.makeNiceString(before);
str += "%\n After: ";
str += this.makeNiceString(after);
str += "%\n Loss: ";
str += this.makeNiceString(loss);
str += "%\n Loss ratio: ";
str += this.makeNiceString(lossRatio);
str += "%";
return str;*/
getNecrocornsPerSecond: function () {
var numAlicorns = this.game.resPool.get("alicorn").value;
var curCorruption = this.game.religion.corruption;
var blsBoost = 1 + Math.sqrt(this.game.resPool.get("sorrow").value * this.game.getEffect("blsCorruptionRatio"));
var corruptionRate = 1;
if (this.game.resPool.get("necrocorn").value > 0)
corruptionRate = 0.25 * (1 + this.game.getEffect("corruptionBoostRatio"));
corruptionRate *= this.game.getEffect("corruptionRatio") * blsBoost;
if (numAlicorns <= 0) {
curCorruption = 0;
corruptionRate = 0;
corruptionRate *= this.game.getRateUI();
corruptionRate = Math.floor(corruptionRate * 100000) / 100000;
if (corruptionRate == Infinity)
return "Infinity";
return corruptionRate + "/秒";
getNecrocornTime: function () {
var numAlicorns = this.game.resPool.get("alicorn").value;
var curCorruption = this.game.religion.corruption;
var blsBoost = 1 + Math.sqrt(this.game.resPool.get("sorrow").value * this.game.getEffect("blsCorruptionRatio"));
var corruptionRate = 1;
if (this.game.resPool.get("necrocorn").value > 0)
corruptionRate = 0.25 * (1 + this.game.getEffect("corruptionBoostRatio"));
corruptionRate *= this.game.getEffect("corruptionRatio") * blsBoost;
if (numAlicorns <= 0) {
curCorruption = 0;
corruptionRate = 0;
if (corruptionRate == 0)
return "Infinity";
return this.game.toDisplaySeconds((1 - curCorruption) / (corruptionRate * this.game.getRateUI()));
getLeviChance: function () {
var numPyramids = this.game.religion.getZU("blackPyramid").val;
var numMarkers = this.game.religion.getZU("marker").val;
var chance = this.roundThisNumber(35 * numPyramids * (1 + 0.1 * numMarkers) / 10);
return chance + "%";
getReligionProductionBonusCap: function () {
var transcendTier = this.game.religion.getTranscendenceLevel();
var numObelisks = this.game.religion.getTU("blackObelisk").val;
var atheismBonus = 0;
if ((this.game.challenges.getChallenge("atheism").researched))
atheismBonus = this.game.religion.getTranscendenceLevel() * 0.1;
var result = 1000 * (transcendTier * numObelisks * .005 + atheismBonus + 1);
return result + "%";
getCelestialPerDay: function () {
var chanceRatio = 1;
if (this.game.prestige.getPerk("chronomancy").researched)
chanceRatio *= 1.1;
chanceRatio *= 1 + this.game.getEffect("timeRatio") * 0.25;
var chance = 25;
chance += this.game.getEffect("starEventChance") * 10000;
chance *= chanceRatio;
if (this.game.prestige.getPerk("astromancy").researched)
chance *= 2;
chance = Math.round(chance);
chance /= 100;//It's out of 10,000 originally
return chance + "%";
getCelestialAutoSuccess: function () {
var autoChance = this.game.getEffect("starAutoSuccessChance") * 100;
if (this.game.prestige.getPerk("astromancy").researched)
autoChance *= 2;
if (autoChance > 100)
autoChance = 100;
return autoChance + "%";
getTitPerZebraTrade: function () {
var titaniumPerTrade = this.game.resPool.get("ship").value / 100 * 1.5 * 2 + 1.5;
return titaniumPerTrade;
getZebraTradesToMaxTit: function () {
var titaniumPerTrade = this.getTitPerZebraTrade();
var maxTitanium = this.game.resPool.get("titanium").maxValue;
return Math.ceil(maxTitanium / titaniumPerTrade);
getZebraTradesLeftToMaxTit: function () {
var titaniumPerTrade = this.getTitPerZebraTrade();
var titToFill = this.game.resPool.get("titanium").maxValue;
titToFill -= this.game.resPool.get("titanium").value;
titToFill = Math.ceil(titToFill / titaniumPerTrade);
if (titToFill < 0)
titToFill = 0;
return titToFill;
getTCPerSacrifice: function () {
var numTCPerSacrifice = 1;
numTCPerSacrifice += this.game.getEffect("tcRefineRatio");
return numTCPerSacrifice;
getRelicPerTCRefine: function () {
return 1 + game.getEffect("relicRefineRatio") * game.religion.getZU("blackPyramid").val;
setCatnipArray: function (finalResult, theoreticalQuantity, actualQuantity, operation = "*") {
actualQuantity = actualQuantity || theoreticalQuantity;
for (var season in finalResult["theoretical"])
for (var weather in finalResult["theoretical"][season]) {
switch (operation) {
case "+":
finalResult["theoretical"][season][weather] += theoreticalQuantity;
case "-":
finalResult["theoretical"][season][weather] -= theoreticalQuantity;
case "/":
finalResult["theoretical"][season][weather] /= theoreticalQuantity;
finalResult["theoretical"][season][weather] *= theoreticalQuantity;
for (var season in finalResult["actual"])
for (var weather in finalResult["actual"][season]) {
switch (operation) {
case "+":
finalResult["actual"][season][weather] += actualQuantity;
case "-":
finalResult["actual"][season][weather] -= actualQuantity;
case "/":
finalResult["actual"][season][weather] /= actualQuantity;
finalResult["actual"][season][weather] *= actualQuantity;
getCatnipInSeasons: function (log = false) {
var finalResult = {
theoretical: {},
actual: {}
var catnip = this.game.resPool.get("catnip");
var theoreticalCatnipPerTickBase = this.game.bld.get("field").effects["catnipPerTickBase"];
var numFields = this.game.bld.get("field").on;
var theoreticalCatnipPerTickTotal = theoreticalCatnipPerTickBase * numFields;
var actualCatnipPerTickTotal = this.game.getEffect("catnipPerTickBase");
if (log)
"\nCatnip per field per tick: " + theoreticalCatnipPerTickBase +
"\nNumber of fields: " + numFields +
"\nTotal theoretical catnip from fields per tick: " + theoreticalCatnipPerTickTotal +
"\nActual catnip from fields per tick: " + actualCatnipPerTickTotal);
//Space ratio - does nothing. Skipping.
//Add space catnip to normal - does nothing. Skipping.
//Weather effects
if (log)
console.log("---SETTING UP SEASONS AND WEATHER---");
var weather = {
normal: 0,
warm: 0.15,
cold: -0.15
var seasons = this.game.calendar.seasons;
for (var i in seasons) {
finalResult["theoretical"][seasons[i].name] = {};
finalResult["actual"][seasons[i].name] = {};
for (var j in weather) {
finalResult["theoretical"][seasons[i].name][j] = (seasons[i].modifiers["catnip"] || 1) + weather[j];
if (finalResult["theoretical"][seasons[i].name][j] < -0.95)
finalResult["theoretical"][seasons[i].name][j] = -0.95;
finalResult["theoretical"][seasons[i].name][j] *= theoreticalCatnipPerTickTotal;
finalResult["actual"][seasons[i].name][j] = (seasons[i].modifiers["catnip"] || 1) + weather[j];
if (finalResult["actual"][seasons[i].name][j] < -0.95)
finalResult["actual"][seasons[i].name][j] = -0.95;
finalResult["actual"][seasons[i].name][j] *= actualCatnipPerTickTotal;
//Village job production
var numFarmers = this.game.village.getJob("farmer").value;
var theoreticalVillageProduction = 1 * numFarmers;//1 catnip per tick per farmer
var actualVillageProduction = this.game.village.getResProduction()["catnip"] || 0;
this.setCatnipArray(finalResult, theoreticalVillageProduction, actualVillageProduction, "+");
if (log)
console.log("---VILLAGE PRODUCTION (Adds to previous totals)---" +
"\nNumber of farmers in village: " + numFarmers +
"\nCatnip produced by farmers in theory (1 per tick per farmer): " + theoreticalVillageProduction +
"\nActual catnip produced by farmers: " + actualVillageProduction);
//Village job production workshop modifiers
var workshopJobModifier = this.game.getEffect("catnipJobRatio");
this.setCatnipArray(finalResult, theoreticalVillageProduction * workshopJobModifier,
actualVillageProduction * workshopJobModifier, "+");
if (log)
console.log("---VILLAGE PRODUCTION BONUS (Adds to previous totals)---" +
"\nModifier from workshop: " + workshopJobModifier +
"\nTheoretical bonus: " + (theoreticalVillageProduction * workshopJobModifier) +
"\nActual bonus: " + (actualVillageProduction * workshopJobModifier));
//Production boost - doesn't do anything right now. Skipping.
//Building and space production
var aqueduct = this.game.bld.get("aqueduct");
var numAqueduct = aqueduct.on;
var aqueductRatio = aqueduct.stages[aqueduct.stage].effects["catnipRatio"] || 0;
var hydroponics = this.game.space.getBuilding("hydroponics");
var numHydroponics = hydroponics.on;
var theoreticalBuildingRatio = aqueductRatio * numAqueduct;
theoreticalBuildingRatio += hydroponics.effects["catnipRatio"] * numHydroponics;
theoreticalBuildingRatio += 1;
var actualBuildingRatio = 1 + this.game.getEffect("catnipRatio");
this.setCatnipArray(finalResult, theoreticalBuildingRatio, actualBuildingRatio);
if (log)
"\nNumber of Aqueducts: " + numAqueduct +
"\n-The following Aqueduct ratio will be zero if you've upgraded to Hydro Farms-" +
"\nMulitipler per Aqueduct: " + aqueductRatio +
"\nTotal multiplier from Aqueducts: " + (aqueductRatio * numAqueduct) +
"\nNumber of Hydroponics (space): " + numHydroponics +
"\nMultiplier per Hydroponics: " + hydroponics.effects["catnipRatio"] +
"\nTotal multiplier from Hydroponics: " + (hydroponics.effects["catnipRatio"] * numHydroponics) +
"\nFinal theoretical building ratio: x" + theoreticalBuildingRatio +
"\nActual building ratio: x" + actualBuildingRatio);
//Religion modifiers - doesn't do anything right now. Skipping.
//...Super Ratio? Doesn't seem to have anything for it. Skipping.
//This would be steamworks here, but in the base it's a hack to only affect coal - skipping
//Paragon bonus
var paragonProd = 1 + this.game.prestige.getParagonProductionRatio();
if (this.game.challenges.currentChallenge == "winterIsComing")//If we're in this challenge - after challenge rework,
paragonProd = 0; //it will need to be reworked
this.setCatnipArray(finalResult, paragonProd);
if (log)
console.log("---PARAGON MULTIPLIER---" +
"\nParagon production ratio: " + (100 + 100 * paragonProd) + "%");
//Paragon... Space production? Does nothing for catnip. Skipping.
//Magnetos Boost - specifically does not affect catnip. Skipping.
//Reactor production bonus - specifically does not affect catnip. Skipping.
//SR Faith bonus
var srBonus = 1 + this.game.religion.getProductionBonus() / 100;
this.setCatnipArray(finalResult, srBonus);
if (log)
"\nSolar Revolution bonus: " + (100 * srBonus) + "%");
//Cosmic radiation, most people will probably have this disabled
if (!this.game.opts.disableCMBR) {
this.setCatnipArray(finalResult, 1 + this.game.getCMBRBonus());
if (log)
console.log("---COSMIC RADIATION BONUS (offline progression)---" +
"\nCosmic Radiation Bonus Ratio: " + (100 + 100 * this.game.getCMBRBonus()) + "%");
//Last section of paragon space production - does nothing. Skipping.
//Automated production building (catnipPerTickProd) - does nothing. Skipping.
//Automated space production, full bonus - does nothing. Skipping.
//Cycle effects - set in space buildings, none of which produce catnip themselves
//Cycle festival effects
for (var season in finalResult["theoretical"])
for (var weather in finalResult["theoretical"][season]) {
var tempEffect = { catnip: finalResult["theoretical"][season][weather] };
finalResult["theoretical"][season][weather] = tempEffect["catnip"];
for (var season in finalResult["actual"])
for (var weather in finalResult["actual"][season]) {
var tempEffect = { catnip: finalResult["actual"][season][weather] };
finalResult["actual"][season][weather] = tempEffect["catnip"];
if (log)
console.log("---CYCLE FESTIVAL EFFECTS---" +
"\nCharon is x1.5 to catnip. All others do nothing." +
"\nAre we in Charon right now? " + (this.game.calendar.cycle == 0 ? "Yes" : "No"));
//Building and space pertick - does nothing. Skipping.
var numKittens = this.game.village.sim.kittens.length;
var theoreticalCatnipConsumption = -0.85 * numKittens;
var pastures = this.game.bld.get("pasture");
var numPastures = pastures.on;
var unicPastures = this.game.bld.get("unicornPasture");
var numUnicPastures = unicPastures.on;
var theoreticalCatnipConsReduction = pastures.effects["catnipDemandRatio"] * numPastures;
theoreticalCatnipConsReduction += unicPastures.effects["catnipDemandRatio"] * numUnicPastures;
theoreticalCatnipConsReduction = this.game.getHyperbolicEffect(theoreticalCatnipConsReduction, 1);
var theoreticalReducedCatnipConsReduction = theoreticalCatnipConsReduction;
theoreticalCatnipConsumption *= 1 + theoreticalCatnipConsReduction
var theoreticalHappinessModifier = 0;
if (numKittens > 0 && this.game.village.happiness > 1) {
var theoreticalHappinessConsumption = Math.max(this.game.village.happiness - 1, 0);
var theoreticalWorkerRatio = 1 + (this.game.workshop.get("assistance").researched ? -0.25 : 0);
if (this.game.challenges.currentChallenge == "anarchy")
theoreticalHappinessModifier = theoreticalCatnipConsumption * theoreticalHappinessConsumption *
theoreticalHappinessModifier = theoreticalCatnipConsumption * theoreticalHappinessConsumption *
theoreticalWorkerRatio *
(1 - this.game.village.getFreeKittens() / numKittens);
theoreticalCatnipConsumption += theoreticalHappinessModifier;
var actualCatnipConsumption = this.game.village.getResConsumption()["catnip"] || 0;
actualCatnipConsumption *= 1 + this.game.getEffect("catnipDemandRatio");
var actualHappinessModifier = 0;
if (numKittens > 0 && this.game.village.happiness > 1) {
var actualHappinessConsumption = Math.max(this.game.village.happiness - 1, 0);
if (this.game.challenges.currentChallenge == "anarchy")
actualHappinessModifier = actualCatnipConsumption * actualHappinessConsumption *
(1 + this.game.getEffect("catnipDemandWorkerRatioGlobal"));
actualHappinessModifier = actualCatnipConsumption * actualHappinessConsumption *
(1 + this.game.getEffect("catnipDemandWorkerRatioGlobal")) *
(1 - this.game.village.getFreeKittens() / numKittens);
actualCatnipConsumption += actualHappinessModifier;
this.setCatnipArray(finalResult, theoreticalCatnipConsumption, actualCatnipConsumption, "+");
if (log)
console.log("---VILLAGE KITTEN CONSUMPTION (Adds to previous total)---" +
"\nNumber of kittens: " + numKittens +
"\nTheoretical demand per kitten per tick: " + (-0.85) +
"\nTotal initial theoretical demand: " + (-0.85 * numKittens) +
"\nTotal initial actual demand: " + (this.game.village.getResConsumption()["catnip"] || 0) +
"\nNumber of Pastures: " + numPastures +
"\n-The following Pasture ratio will be zero if you've upgraded to Solar Farms-" +
"\nReduction ratio per Pasture: " + pastures.effects["catnipDemandRatio"] +
"\nTotal preliminary reduction ratio for Pastures: " + (pastures.effects["catnipDemandRatio"] * numPastures) +
"\nNumber of Unicorn Pastures: " + numUnicPastures +
"\nReduction ratio per Unicorn Pasture: " + unicPastures.effects["catnipDemandRatio"] +
"\nTotal preliminary reduction ratio for Unicorn Pastures: " + (unicPastures.effects["catnipDemandRatio"] * numUnicPastures) +
"\nTotal preliminary reduction ratio: " + (pastures.effects["catnipDemandRatio"] * numPastures + unicPastures.effects["catnipDemandRatio"] * numUnicPastures) +
"\nFinal reduction ratio, after diminishing returns: " + theoreticalReducedCatnipConsReduction +
"\nActual reduction ratio after diminishing returns: " + this.game.getEffect("catnipDemandRatio") +
"\nTheoretical catnip consumption after reduction ratio: " + ((1 + theoreticalReducedCatnipConsReduction) * (-0.85 * numKittens)) +
"\nActual catnip consumption after reduction ratio: " + ((this.game.village.getResConsumption()["catnip"] || 0) * (1 + this.game.getEffect("catnipDemandRatio"))) +
"\n Happiness level: " + (100 * this.game.village.happiness) + "%" +
"\n Are we in the Anarchy challenge? " + (this.game.challenges.currentChallenge == "anarchy" ? "Yes" : "No") +
"\n Have we researched Robotic Assistance (-25% to happiness demand if so)? " + (this.game.workshop.get("assistance").researched ? "Yes" : "No") +
"\n Final theoretical happiness extra consumption: " + theoreticalHappinessModifier +
"\n Final actual happiness consumption: " + actualHappinessModifier +
"\nFinal theoretical catnip consumption: " + theoreticalCatnipConsumption +
"\nFinal actual catnip consumption: " + actualCatnipConsumption);
//Adjust from Per Tick to Per Second
this.setCatnipArray(finalResult, this.game.getRateUI());
var currentWeather = this.game.calendar.weather;
if (currentWeather == null)
currentWeather = "normal";
var currentActual = finalResult["actual"][this.game.calendar.seasons[this.game.calendar.season].name][currentWeather];
if (log)
"\nNumber of ticks per second: " + this.game.getRateUI() +
"\nCurrent predicted actual catnip per second: " + currentActual +
"\nCurrent actual catnip per second: " + (catnip.perTickCached * this.game.getRateUI()) +
"\nCatnip per second at cold winter: " + finalResult["actual"]["winter"]["cold"]);
var theoreticalMatches = true;
for (var season in finalResult["actual"])
for (var weather in finalResult["actual"][season])
if (finalResult["theoretical"][season][weather] != finalResult["actual"][season][weather])
theoreticalMatches = false;
if (log)
console.log("---FINAL SANITY CHECKS---" +
"\nDoes the theoretical result match the actual predicted result? " + (theoreticalMatches ? "Yes" : "No") +
"\nDoes the actual predicted result match reality? " + (currentActual == (catnip.perTickCached * this.game.getRateUI()) ? "Yes" : "No") +
"\nDoes the actual predicted result closely match reality? " + ((Math.floor(currentActual * 10 + .5) == Math.floor(catnip.perTickCached * this.game.getRateUI() * 10 + .5)) ? "Yes" : "No"));
return finalResult;
getCatnipColdWinter: function () {
var catnip = this.getCatnipInSeasons()["actual"]["winter"]["cold"];
return catnip;
getCatnipInWarmSpring: function () {
var catnip = this.getCatnipInSeasons()["actual"]["spring"]["warm"];
return catnip;
getParagonProductionBonus: function () {
var prodRatio = this.game.prestige.getParagonProductionRatio() * 100;
prodRatio = Math.round(prodRatio * 1000) / 1000;
return prodRatio + "%";
getParagonStorageBonus: function () {
var storeRatio = this.game.prestige.getParagonStorageRatio();
storeRatio = Math.round(storeRatio * 1000) / 1000;
return storeRatio + "x";
getTradeAmountAvg: function (race) {
var r = null;
try {
r = this.game.diplomacy.get(race);
catch (e) {
if (r) {
var ratio = this.game.diplomacy.getTradeRatio() + 1;
var curSeason = this.game.calendar.getCurSeason().name;
var sells = [];
for (var j in r.sells) {
var s = r.sells[j];
var min = 0;
var max = 0;
if (r.name == "zebras" && s.name == "titanium") {
var ships = this.game.resPool.get("ship").value;
var odds = Math.min(15 + ships * 0.35, 100);
var amt = 1.5 * ((ships / 100) * 2 + 1);
min = amt;
max = amt;
sells[s.name] = amt;
else {
var sratio = s.seasons[curSeason];
var tratio = ratio;
if (r.name == "leviathans")
tratio *= (1 + 0.02 * r.energy);
var val = sratio * s.value * (1 - s.delta / 2);
max = val;
max += Math.floor(s.value * sratio * s.delta);
val *= tratio;
min = val;
max *= tratio;
var amt = (min + max) / 2;
amt *= s.chance / 100;
sells[s.name] = amt;
return sells;
return []
getBlazarsForShatterEngine: function () {
var numRR = this.game.time.getCFU("ressourceRetrieval").val;
var uoPerYear = game.getResourcePerTick("unobtainium", true) * (1 / game.calendar.dayPerTick * game.calendar.daysPerSeason * 4);
var tcPerTrade = this.getTradeAmountAvg("leviathans")["timeCrystal"];
var neededUO = 5000 / tcPerTrade;
var neededPerc = neededUO / uoPerYear;
var basePerc = numRR * .01;
var neededBlazars = Math.max(Math.ceil((neededPerc / basePerc - 1) / .02), 0);
return neededBlazars;
getMaxComped: function () {
var scienceBldMax = this.game.bld.getEffect("scienceMax");
var compCap = this.game.bld.getEffect("scienceMaxCompendia");
var IWRatio = this.game.ironWill ? 10 : 1;
var blackLibrary = this.game.religion.getTU("blackLibrary");
if (this.game.prestige.getPerk("codexLeviathanianus").researched) {
var ttBoostRatio = (0.05 * (1 + blackLibrary.val * (blackLibrary.effects["compendiaTTBoostRatio"] + this.game.getEffect("blackLibraryBonus"))));
IWRatio *= (1 + ttBoostRatio * this.game.religion.getTranscendenceLevel());
var compCapFinal = scienceBldMax * IWRatio + compCap;
compCapFinal /= 10;
return compCapFinal;
getailvup: function () {
var lv = Math.exp(14.5);
var g = this.game.resPool.get("gflops").value;
var s = this.game.getEffect("gflopsPerTickBase") - this.game.getEffect("gflopsConsumption");
var ss;
if (s > 0) {
if (this.game.bld.get("aiCore").effects["aiLevel"] > 14) {
ss = '天网已觉醒';
else {
ss = this.game.toDisplaySeconds((lv - g) / (s * this.game.getRateUI()));
else { ss = ''; }
return ss;
getailvdown: function () {
var g = this.game.resPool.get("gflops").value;
var s = this.game.getEffect("gflopsPerTickBase") - this.game.getEffect("gflopsConsumption");
var ss;
if (this.game.bld.get("aiCore").effects["aiLevel"] == 0)
ss = 0;
else if (s < 0)
if (this.game.bld.get("aiCore").effects["aiLevel"] > 14) {
var lv = Math.exp(14.5);
ss = this.game.toDisplaySeconds((g - lv) / (s * this.game.getRateUI())) + '后将变为14级';
} else
ss = this.game.toDisplaySeconds(g / (-1 * s * this.game.getRateUI()));
ss = '';
return ss;
getamsx: function () {
if (!this.game.religion.getZU("blackPyramid").val) { return "提升黑金字塔等级"; }
if (this.game.tabs[5].zgUpgradeButtons.length == 0) { this.game.tabs[5].render(); }
var next;
var cs = Math.floor(Math.log((12 + this.game.religion.getTU("blackCore").val) / 5) / Math.log(1.15)) + 1;
var cs1 = 0;
var cs2 = Math.ceil(this.game.tabs[5].zgUpgradeButtons[9].model.prices[1].val) - this.game.resPool.get("sorrow").maxValue;
// 黑色连结价格
var bnexus = this.game.tabs[5].ctPanel.children[0].children[1].model.prices[0].val;
// 黑色核心价格
var bcore = this.game.tabs[5].ctPanel.children[0].children[2].model.prices[0].val;
// 下一个黑金字塔需要圣遗物数量
var a = (Math.pow(1.15, cs2) - 1) / 0.15 * bcore;
// 黑色连结提升产量
var bnexusup = 0.001 * cs / bnexus;
// 黑色核心提升产量
var bcoreup = 0.001 * this.game.religion.getTU("blackNexus").val / a;
if (cs2 > 0 && bnexusup >= bcoreup) {
while (bnexusup >= bcoreup && bnexus < Number.MAX_VALUE / 1.15) {
bnexus *= 1.15;
bnexusup = 0.001 * cs / bnexus;
bcoreup += 0.001 / a;
next = "黑色连结" + " 次数" + cs1;
else {
next = "黑色核心" + " 次数" + cs2;
if (cs2 < 1) { next = "提升黑金字塔等级"; }
return next;
getDarkFutureYears: function () {
return this.game.calendar.darkFutureYears(true);
//Finally done with calculation functions, now to get down to adding it to the stats tab
stats: [
name: "getBestUniBuilding",
title: "最佳独角兽建筑",
val: 0,
name: "getUraniumForThoriumReactors",
title: "钍反应堆的铀/秒",
val: 0,
name: "getBlueprintCraft",
title: "每次工艺制作的蓝图",
val: 0,
name: "getNecrocornsPerSecond",
title: "每秒得到的死灵兽",
val: 0,
name: "getNecrocornTime",
title: "距离得到下一个死灵兽的时间",
val: 0,
name: "getLeviChance",
title: "利维坦每年到来的机会",
val: 0,
name: "getReligionProductionBonusCap",
title: "太阳革命极限加成",
val: 0,
name: "getPraiseLoss",
title: "到达下一超越等级的进度",
val: 0,
name: "getCelestialPerDay",
title: "天文事件的几率",
val: 0,
name: "getCelestialAutoSuccess",
title: "天文事件自动成功率",
val: 0,
name: "getTitPerZebraTrade",
title: "每次和斑马贸易得到的钛",
val: 0,
name: "getZebraTradesToMaxTit",
title: "最大斑马交易上限钛",
val: 0,
name: "getZebraTradesLeftToMaxTit",
title: "达到钛上限时与斑马交易剩余次数",
val: 0,
name: "getTCPerSacrifice",
title: "每次牺牲得到的时间水晶",
val: 0,
name: "getRelicPerTCRefine",
title: "每次遗物水晶精炼",
val: 0,
name: "getCatnipInWarmSpring",
title: "暖春的猫薄荷/秒",
val: 0,
name: "getCatnipColdWinter",
title: "寒冬的猫薄荷/秒",
val: 0,
name: "getParagonProductionBonus",
title: "领导力生产加成",
val: 0,
name: "getParagonStorageBonus",
title: "领导力库存加成",
val: 0,
name: "getBlazarsForShatterEngine",
title: "水晶收支平衡所需耀变体加成",
val: 0,
name: "getMaxComped",
title: "最大加成的概要数量",
val: 0,
name: "getailvup",
title: "天网觉醒倒计时",
val: 0,
name: "getailvdown",
title: "AI等级归零倒计时",
val: 0,
name: "getamsx",
title: "提高圣遗物产出推荐奥秘神学",
val: 0,
name: "getDarkFutureYears",
title: "黑暗未来惩罚年份",
val: 0,
statTitle: "附加统计(不保证准确性)",
statGroups: null,
constructor: function (game) {
this.game = game;
this.statGroups = [
group: this.stats,
title: this.statTitle
for (var i in this.statGroups) {
for (var j in this.statGroups[i].group) {
this.statGroups[i].group[j].calculate = this[this.statGroups[i].group[j].name];
getStat: function (name) {
return this[name]();
save: function (saveData) {
load: function (saveData) {
resetState: function () {
dojo.declare("classes.tab.NummonTab", com.nuclearunicorn.game.ui.tab, {
container: null,
constructor: function (tabName) {
render: function (content) {
this.container = content;
update: function () {
for (var idx in this.game.nummon.statGroups) {
var statGroup = this.game.nummon.statGroups[idx];
dojo.create("h1", {
innerHTML: statGroup.title
}, this.container);
var stats = statGroup.group;
var table = dojo.create("table", { class: 'statTable' }, this.container);
for (var i in stats) {
var stat = stats[i];
var val = stat.val;
if (val == Infinity)
val = "无限";
stat.val = this.game.nummon[stat.name]();
var tr = dojo.create("tr", null, table);
dojo.create("td", {
innerHTML: stat.title
}, tr);
dojo.create("td", {
innerHTML: typeof val == "number" ? this.game.getDisplayValueExt(val) : val
}, tr);
NummonInit = function () {
var managers = [
id: "nummon", class: "NummonStatsManager"
for (var i in managers) {
var manager = managers[i];
if (gamePage[manager.id] == undefined) {
gamePage[manager.id] = new window["classes"]["managers"][manager.class](gamePage);
else {
gamePage[manager.id] = new window["classes"]["managers"][manager.class](gamePage);
gamePage.nummonTab = new classes.tab.NummonTab({ name: "附加统计", id: "Nummon" }, gamePage);
gamePage.nummonTab.visible = true;
var tabExists = false;
for (var i in gamePage.tabs)
if (gamePage.tabs[i].tabName == "Nummon") {
gamePage.tabs[i] == gamePage.nummonTab;
tabExists = true;
if (!tabExists)
gamePage.getTab = function (name) {
switch (name) {
case "science":
return this.libraryTab;
case "village":
return this.villageTab;
case "workshop":
return this.workshopTab;
case "space":
return this.spaceTab;
case "stats":
return this.statsTab;
case "nummon":
return this.nummonTab;
case "time":
return this.timeTab;
