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张小农 / 某扫描器核心反编译

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doctest.py 87.73 KB
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张小农 提交于 2019-03-21 13:47 . first code
# uncompyle6 version 3.2.3
# Python bytecode 3.6 (3379)
# Decompiled from: Python 3.6.8 |Anaconda custom (64-bit)| (default, Feb 21 2019, 18:30:04) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
# Embedded file name: doctest.py
"""Module doctest -- a framework for running examples in docstrings.
In simplest use, end each module M to be tested with:
def _test():
import doctest
if __name__ == "__main__":
Then running the module as a script will cause the examples in the
docstrings to get executed and verified:
python M.py
This won't display anything unless an example fails, in which case the
failing example(s) and the cause(s) of the failure(s) are printed to stdout
(why not stderr? because stderr is a lame hack <0.2 wink>), and the final
line of output is "Test failed.".
Run it with the -v switch instead:
python M.py -v
and a detailed report of all examples tried is printed to stdout, along
with assorted summaries at the end.
You can force verbose mode by passing "verbose=True" to testmod, or prohibit
it by passing "verbose=False". In either of those cases, sys.argv is not
examined by testmod.
There are a variety of other ways to run doctests, including integration
with the unittest framework, and support for running non-Python text
files containing doctests. There are also many ways to override parts
of doctest's default behaviors. See the Library Reference Manual for
__docformat__ = "reStructuredText en"
__all__ = [
import __future__, argparse, difflib, inspect, linecache, os, pdb, re, sys, traceback, unittest
from io import StringIO
from collections import namedtuple
TestResults = namedtuple("TestResults", "failed attempted")
def register_optionflag(name):
return OPTIONFLAGS_BY_NAME.setdefault(name, 1 << len(OPTIONFLAGS_BY_NAME))
DONT_ACCEPT_TRUE_FOR_1 = register_optionflag("DONT_ACCEPT_TRUE_FOR_1")
ELLIPSIS = register_optionflag("ELLIPSIS")
SKIP = register_optionflag("SKIP")
REPORT_UDIFF = register_optionflag("REPORT_UDIFF")
REPORT_CDIFF = register_optionflag("REPORT_CDIFF")
REPORT_NDIFF = register_optionflag("REPORT_NDIFF")
FAIL_FAST = register_optionflag("FAIL_FAST")
def _extract_future_flags(globs):
Return the compiler-flags associated with the future features that
have been imported into the given namespace (globs).
flags = 0
for fname in __future__.all_feature_names:
feature = globs.get(fname, None)
if feature is getattr(__future__, fname):
flags |= feature.compiler_flag
return flags
def _normalize_module(module, depth=2):
Return the module specified by `module`. In particular:
- If `module` is a module, then return module.
- If `module` is a string, then import and return the
module with that name.
- If `module` is None, then return the calling module.
The calling module is assumed to be the module of
the stack frame at the given depth in the call stack.
if inspect.ismodule(module):
return module
if isinstance(module, str):
return __import__(module, globals(), locals(), ["*"])
if module is None:
return sys.modules[sys._getframe(depth).f_globals["__name__"]]
raise TypeError("Expected a module, string, or None")
def _load_testfile(filename, package, module_relative, encoding):
if module_relative:
package = _normalize_module(package, 3)
filename = _module_relative_path(package, filename)
if getattr(package, "__loader__", None) is not None:
if hasattr(package.__loader__, "get_data"):
file_contents = package.__loader__.get_data(filename)
file_contents = file_contents.decode(encoding)
return (file_contents.replace(os.linesep, "\n"), filename)
with open(filename, encoding=encoding) as (f):
return (f.read(), filename)
def _indent(s, indent=4):
Add the given number of space characters to the beginning of
every non-blank line in `s`, and return the result.
return re.sub("(?m)^(?!$)", indent * " ", s)
def _exception_traceback(exc_info):
Return a string containing a traceback message for the given
exc_info tuple (as returned by sys.exc_info()).
excout = StringIO()
exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb = exc_info
traceback.print_exception(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb, file=excout)
return excout.getvalue()
class _SpoofOut(StringIO):
def getvalue(self):
result = StringIO.getvalue(self)
if result:
if not result.endswith("\n"):
result += "\n"
return result
def truncate(self, size=None):
def _ellipsis_match(want, got):
Essentially the only subtle case:
>>> _ellipsis_match('aa...aa', 'aaa')
if ELLIPSIS_MARKER not in want:
return want == got
ws = want.split(ELLIPSIS_MARKER)
if not len(ws) >= 2:
raise AssertionError
startpos, endpos = 0, len(got)
w = ws[0]
if w:
if got.startswith(w):
startpos = len(w)
del ws[0]
return False
w = ws[-1]
if w:
if got.endswith(w):
endpos -= len(w)
del ws[-1]
return False
if startpos > endpos:
return False
for w in ws:
startpos = got.find(w, startpos, endpos)
if startpos < 0:
return False
startpos += len(w)
return True
def _comment_line(line):
"""Return a commented form of the given line"""
line = line.rstrip()
if line:
return "# " + line
return "#"
def _strip_exception_details(msg):
start, end = 0, len(msg)
i = msg.find("\n")
if i >= 0:
end = i
i = msg.find(":", 0, end)
if i >= 0:
end = i
i = msg.rfind(".", 0, end)
if i >= 0:
start = i + 1
return msg[start:end]
class _OutputRedirectingPdb(pdb.Pdb):
A specialized version of the python debugger that redirects stdout
to a given stream when interacting with the user. Stdout is *not*
redirected when traced code is executed.
def __init__(self, out):
self._OutputRedirectingPdb__out = out
self._OutputRedirectingPdb__debugger_used = False
pdb.Pdb.__init__(self, stdout=out, nosigint=True)
self.use_rawinput = 1
def set_trace(self, frame=None):
self._OutputRedirectingPdb__debugger_used = True
if frame is None:
frame = sys._getframe().f_back
pdb.Pdb.set_trace(self, frame)
def set_continue(self):
if self._OutputRedirectingPdb__debugger_used:
def trace_dispatch(self, *args):
save_stdout = sys.stdout
sys.stdout = self._OutputRedirectingPdb__out
return pdb.Pdb.trace_dispatch(self, *args)
sys.stdout = save_stdout
def _module_relative_path(module, test_path):
if not inspect.ismodule(module):
raise TypeError("Expected a module: %r" % module)
if test_path.startswith("/"):
raise ValueError("Module-relative files may not have absolute paths")
test_path = os.path.join(*test_path.split("/"))
if hasattr(module, "__file__"):
basedir = os.path.split(module.__file__)[0]
if module.__name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) > 0:
if sys.argv[0] != "":
basedir = os.path.split(sys.argv[0])[0]
basedir = os.curdir
if hasattr(module, "__path__"):
for directory in module.__path__:
fullpath = os.path.join(directory, test_path)
if os.path.exists(fullpath):
return fullpath
raise ValueError(
"Can't resolve paths relative to the module %r (it has no __file__)"
% module.__name__
return os.path.join(basedir, test_path)
class Example:
A single doctest example, consisting of source code and expected
output. `Example` defines the following attributes:
- source: A single Python statement, always ending with a newline.
The constructor adds a newline if needed.
- want: The expected output from running the source code (either
from stdout, or a traceback in case of exception). `want` ends
with a newline unless it's empty, in which case it's an empty
string. The constructor adds a newline if needed.
- exc_msg: The exception message generated by the example, if
the example is expected to generate an exception; or `None` if
it is not expected to generate an exception. This exception
message is compared against the return value of
`traceback.format_exception_only()`. `exc_msg` ends with a
newline unless it's `None`. The constructor adds a newline
if needed.
- lineno: The line number within the DocTest string containing
this Example where the Example begins. This line number is
zero-based, with respect to the beginning of the DocTest.
- indent: The example's indentation in the DocTest string.
I.e., the number of space characters that precede the
example's first prompt.
- options: A dictionary mapping from option flags to True or
False, which is used to override default options for this
example. Any option flags not contained in this dictionary
are left at their default value (as specified by the
DocTestRunner's optionflags). By default, no options are set.
def __init__(self, source, want, exc_msg=None, lineno=0, indent=0, options=None):
if not source.endswith("\n"):
source += "\n"
if want:
if not want.endswith("\n"):
want += "\n"
if exc_msg is not None:
if not exc_msg.endswith("\n"):
exc_msg += "\n"
self.source = source
self.want = want
self.lineno = lineno
self.indent = indent
if options is None:
options = {}
self.options = options
self.exc_msg = exc_msg
def __eq__(self, other):
if type(self) is not type(other):
return NotImplemented
return (
self.source == other.source
and self.want == other.want
and self.lineno == other.lineno
and self.indent == other.indent
and self.options == other.options
and self.exc_msg == other.exc_msg
def __hash__(self):
return hash((self.source, self.want, self.lineno, self.indent, self.exc_msg))
class DocTest:
A collection of doctest examples that should be run in a single
namespace. Each `DocTest` defines the following attributes:
- examples: the list of examples.
- globs: The namespace (aka globals) that the examples should
be run in.
- name: A name identifying the DocTest (typically, the name of
the object whose docstring this DocTest was extracted from).
- filename: The name of the file that this DocTest was extracted
from, or `None` if the filename is unknown.
- lineno: The line number within filename where this DocTest
begins, or `None` if the line number is unavailable. This
line number is zero-based, with respect to the beginning of
the file.
- docstring: The string that the examples were extracted from,
or `None` if the string is unavailable.
def __init__(self, examples, globs, name, filename, lineno, docstring):
Create a new DocTest containing the given examples. The
DocTest's globals are initialized with a copy of `globs`.
if not not isinstance(examples, str):
raise AssertionError(
"DocTest no longer accepts str; use DocTestParser instead"
self.examples = examples
self.docstring = docstring
self.globs = globs.copy()
self.name = name
self.filename = filename
self.lineno = lineno
def __repr__(self):
if len(self.examples) == 0:
examples = "no examples"
if len(self.examples) == 1:
examples = "1 example"
examples = "%d examples" % len(self.examples)
return "<%s %s from %s:%s (%s)>" % (
def __eq__(self, other):
if type(self) is not type(other):
return NotImplemented
return (
self.examples == other.examples
and self.docstring == other.docstring
and self.globs == other.globs
and self.name == other.name
and self.filename == other.filename
and self.lineno == other.lineno
def __hash__(self):
return hash((self.docstring, self.name, self.filename, self.lineno))
def __lt__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, DocTest):
return NotImplemented
return (self.name, self.filename, self.lineno, id(self)) < (
class DocTestParser:
A class used to parse strings containing doctest examples.
_EXAMPLE_RE = re.compile(
"\n # Source consists of a PS1 line followed by zero or more PS2 lines.\n (?P<source>\n (?:^(?P<indent> [ ]*) >>> .*) # PS1 line\n (?:\\n [ ]* \\.\\.\\. .*)*) # PS2 lines\n \\n?\n # Want consists of any non-blank lines that do not start with PS1.\n (?P<want> (?:(?![ ]*$) # Not a blank line\n (?![ ]*>>>) # Not a line starting with PS1\n .+$\\n? # But any other line\n )*)\n ",
_EXCEPTION_RE = re.compile(
"\n # Grab the traceback header. Different versions of Python have\n # said different things on the first traceback line.\n ^(?P<hdr> Traceback\\ \\(\n (?: most\\ recent\\ call\\ last\n | innermost\\ last\n ) \\) :\n )\n \\s* $ # toss trailing whitespace on the header.\n (?P<stack> .*?) # don't blink: absorb stuff until...\n ^ (?P<msg> \\w+ .*) # a line *starts* with alphanum.\n ",
_IS_BLANK_OR_COMMENT = re.compile("^[ ]*(#.*)?$").match
def parse(self, string, name="<string>"):
Divide the given string into examples and intervening text,
and return them as a list of alternating Examples and strings.
Line numbers for the Examples are 0-based. The optional
argument `name` is a name identifying this string, and is only
used for error messages.
string = string.expandtabs()
min_indent = self._min_indent(string)
if min_indent > 0:
string = ("\n").join([l[min_indent:] for l in string.split("\n")])
output = []
charno, lineno = (0, 0)
for m in self._EXAMPLE_RE.finditer(string):
output.append(string[charno : m.start()])
lineno += string.count("\n", charno, m.start())
source, options, want, exc_msg = self._parse_example(m, name, lineno)
if not self._IS_BLANK_OR_COMMENT(source):
indent=min_indent + len(m.group("indent")),
lineno += string.count("\n", m.start(), m.end())
charno = m.end()
return output
def get_doctest(self, string, globs, name, filename, lineno):
Extract all doctest examples from the given string, and
collect them into a `DocTest` object.
`globs`, `name`, `filename`, and `lineno` are attributes for
the new `DocTest` object. See the documentation for `DocTest`
for more information.
return DocTest(
self.get_examples(string, name), globs, name, filename, lineno, string
def get_examples(self, string, name="<string>"):
Extract all doctest examples from the given string, and return
them as a list of `Example` objects. Line numbers are
0-based, because it's most common in doctests that nothing
interesting appears on the same line as opening triple-quote,
and so the first interesting line is called "line 1" then.
The optional argument `name` is a name identifying this
string, and is only used for error messages.
return [x for x in self.parse(string, name) if isinstance(x, Example)]
def _parse_example(self, m, name, lineno):
Given a regular expression match from `_EXAMPLE_RE` (`m`),
return a pair `(source, want)`, where `source` is the matched
example's source code (with prompts and indentation stripped);
and `want` is the example's expected output (with indentation
`name` is the string's name, and `lineno` is the line number
where the example starts; both are used for error messages.
indent = len(m.group("indent"))
source_lines = m.group("source").split("\n")
self._check_prompt_blank(source_lines, indent, name, lineno)
self._check_prefix(source_lines[1:], " " * indent + ".", name, lineno)
source = ("\n").join([sl[indent + 4 :] for sl in source_lines])
want = m.group("want")
want_lines = want.split("\n")
if len(want_lines) > 1:
if re.match(" *$", want_lines[-1]):
del want_lines[-1]
self._check_prefix(want_lines, " " * indent, name, lineno + len(source_lines))
want = ("\n").join([wl[indent:] for wl in want_lines])
m = self._EXCEPTION_RE.match(want)
if m:
exc_msg = m.group("msg")
exc_msg = None
options = self._find_options(source, name, lineno)
return (source, options, want, exc_msg)
_OPTION_DIRECTIVE_RE = re.compile("#\\s*doctest:\\s*([^\\n\\'\"]*)$", re.MULTILINE)
def _find_options(self, source, name, lineno):
Return a dictionary containing option overrides extracted from
option directives in the given source string.
`name` is the string's name, and `lineno` is the line number
where the example starts; both are used for error messages.
options = {}
for m in self._OPTION_DIRECTIVE_RE.finditer(source):
option_strings = m.group(1).replace(",", " ").split()
for option in option_strings:
if option[0] not in "+-" or option[1:] not in OPTIONFLAGS_BY_NAME:
raise ValueError(
"line %r of the doctest for %s has an invalid option: %r"
% (lineno + 1, name, option)
flag = OPTIONFLAGS_BY_NAME[option[1:]]
options[flag] = option[0] == "+"
if options:
if self._IS_BLANK_OR_COMMENT(source):
raise ValueError(
"line %r of the doctest for %s has an option directive on a line with no example: %r"
% (lineno, name, source)
return options
_INDENT_RE = re.compile("^([ ]*)(?=\\S)", re.MULTILINE)
def _min_indent(self, s):
"""Return the minimum indentation of any non-blank line in `s`"""
indents = [len(indent) for indent in self._INDENT_RE.findall(s)]
if len(indents) > 0:
return min(indents)
return 0
def _check_prompt_blank(self, lines, indent, name, lineno):
Given the lines of a source string (including prompts and
leading indentation), check to make sure that every prompt is
followed by a space character. If any line is not followed by
a space character, then raise ValueError.
for i, line in enumerate(lines):
if len(line) >= indent + 4:
raise line[indent + 3] != " " and ValueError(
"line %r of the docstring for %s lacks blank after %s: %r"
% (lineno + i + 1, name, line[indent : indent + 3], line)
def _check_prefix(self, lines, prefix, name, lineno):
Check that every line in the given list starts with the given
prefix; if any line does not, then raise a ValueError.
for i, line in enumerate(lines):
if line:
raise not line.startswith(prefix) and ValueError(
"line %r of the docstring for %s has inconsistent leading whitespace: %r"
% (lineno + i + 1, name, line)
class DocTestFinder:
A class used to extract the DocTests that are relevant to a given
object, from its docstring and the docstrings of its contained
objects. Doctests can currently be extracted from the following
object types: modules, functions, classes, methods, staticmethods,
classmethods, and properties.
def __init__(
self, verbose=False, parser=DocTestParser(), recurse=True, exclude_empty=True
Create a new doctest finder.
The optional argument `parser` specifies a class or
function that should be used to create new DocTest objects (or
objects that implement the same interface as DocTest). The
signature for this factory function should match the signature
of the DocTest constructor.
If the optional argument `recurse` is false, then `find` will
only examine the given object, and not any contained objects.
If the optional argument `exclude_empty` is false, then `find`
will include tests for objects with empty docstrings.
self._parser = parser
self._verbose = verbose
self._recurse = recurse
self._exclude_empty = exclude_empty
def find(self, obj, name=None, module=None, globs=None, extraglobs=None):
Return a list of the DocTests that are defined by the given
object's docstring, or by any of its contained objects'
The optional parameter `module` is the module that contains
the given object. If the module is not specified or is None, then
the test finder will attempt to automatically determine the
correct module. The object's module is used:
- As a default namespace, if `globs` is not specified.
- To prevent the DocTestFinder from extracting DocTests
from objects that are imported from other modules.
- To find the name of the file containing the object.
- To help find the line number of the object within its
Contained objects whose module does not match `module` are ignored.
If `module` is False, no attempt to find the module will be made.
This is obscure, of use mostly in tests: if `module` is False, or
is None but cannot be found automatically, then all objects are
considered to belong to the (non-existent) module, so all contained
objects will (recursively) be searched for doctests.
The globals for each DocTest is formed by combining `globs`
and `extraglobs` (bindings in `extraglobs` override bindings
in `globs`). A new copy of the globals dictionary is created
for each DocTest. If `globs` is not specified, then it
defaults to the module's `__dict__`, if specified, or {}
otherwise. If `extraglobs` is not specified, then it defaults
to {}.
if name is None:
name = getattr(obj, "__name__", None)
if name is None:
raise ValueError(
"DocTestFinder.find: name must be given when obj.__name__ doesn't exist: %r"
% (type(obj),)
if module is False:
module = None
if module is None:
module = inspect.getmodule(obj)
file = inspect.getsourcefile(obj)
except TypeError:
source_lines = None
if not file:
file = inspect.getfile(obj)
if not file[0] + file[-2:] == "<]>":
file = None
if file is None:
source_lines = None
if module is not None:
source_lines = linecache.getlines(file, module.__dict__)
source_lines = linecache.getlines(file)
if not source_lines:
source_lines = None
if globs is None:
if module is None:
globs = {}
globs = module.__dict__.copy()
globs = globs.copy()
if extraglobs is not None:
globs["__name__"] = "__name__" not in globs and "__main__"
tests = []
self._find(tests, obj, name, module, source_lines, globs, {})
return tests
def _from_module(self, module, object):
Return true if the given object is defined in the given
if module is None:
return True
if inspect.getmodule(object) is not None:
return module is inspect.getmodule(object)
if inspect.isfunction(object):
return module.__dict__ is object.__globals__
if inspect.ismethoddescriptor(object):
if hasattr(object, "__objclass__"):
obj_mod = object.__objclass__.__module__
if hasattr(object, "__module__"):
obj_mod = object.__module__
return True
return module.__name__ == obj_mod
if inspect.isclass(object):
return module.__name__ == object.__module__
if hasattr(object, "__module__"):
return module.__name__ == object.__module__
if isinstance(object, property):
return True
raise ValueError("object must be a class or function")
def _find(self, tests, obj, name, module, source_lines, globs, seen):
Find tests for the given object and any contained objects, and
add them to `tests`.
if self._verbose:
print("Finding tests in %s" % name)
if id(obj) in seen:
seen[id(obj)] = 1
test = self._get_test(obj, name, module, globs, source_lines)
if test is not None:
if inspect.ismodule(obj):
if self._recurse:
for valname, val in obj.__dict__.items():
valname = "%s.%s" % (name, valname)
if inspect.isroutine(inspect.unwrap(val)) or inspect.isclass(val):
if self._from_module(module, val):
tests, val, valname, module, source_lines, globs, seen
if inspect.ismodule(obj) and self._recurse:
for valname, val in getattr(obj, "__test__", {}).items():
if not isinstance(valname, str):
raise ValueError(
"DocTestFinder.find: __test__ keys must be strings: %r"
% (type(valname),)
if not (
or inspect.isclass(val)
or inspect.ismodule(val)
or isinstance(val, str)
raise ValueError(
"DocTestFinder.find: __test__ values must be strings, functions, methods, classes, or modules: %r"
% (type(val),)
valname = "%s.__test__.%s" % (name, valname)
self._find(tests, val, valname, module, source_lines, globs, seen)
if inspect.isclass(obj):
if self._recurse:
for valname, val in obj.__dict__.items():
if isinstance(val, staticmethod):
val = getattr(obj, valname)
if isinstance(val, classmethod):
val = getattr(obj, valname).__func__
if (
or inspect.isclass(val)
or isinstance(val, property)
if self._from_module(module, val):
valname = "%s.%s" % (name, valname)
tests, val, valname, module, source_lines, globs, seen
def _get_test(self, obj, name, module, globs, source_lines):
Return a DocTest for the given object, if it defines a docstring;
otherwise, return None.
if isinstance(obj, str):
docstring = obj
if obj.__doc__ is None:
docstring = ""
docstring = obj.__doc__
if not isinstance(docstring, str):
docstring = str(docstring)
except (TypeError, AttributeError):
docstring = ""
lineno = self._find_lineno(obj, source_lines)
if self._exclude_empty:
if not docstring:
if module is None:
filename = None
filename = getattr(module, "__file__", module.__name__)
if filename[-4:] == ".pyc":
filename = filename[:-1]
return self._parser.get_doctest(
docstring, globs, name, filename, lineno
def _find_lineno(self, obj, source_lines):
Return a line number of the given object's docstring. Note:
this method assumes that the object has a docstring.
lineno = None
if inspect.ismodule(obj):
lineno = 0
if inspect.isclass(obj):
if source_lines is None:
pat = re.compile("^\\s*class\\s*%s\\b" % getattr(obj, "__name__", "-"))
for i, line in enumerate(source_lines):
if pat.match(line):
lineno = i
if inspect.ismethod(obj):
obj = obj.__func__
if inspect.isfunction(obj):
obj = obj.__code__
if inspect.istraceback(obj):
obj = obj.tb_frame
if inspect.isframe(obj):
obj = obj.f_code
if inspect.iscode(obj):
lineno = getattr(obj, "co_firstlineno", None) - 1
if lineno is not None:
if source_lines is None:
return lineno + 1
pat = re.compile("(^|.*:)\\s*\\w*(\"|\\')")
for lineno in range(lineno, len(source_lines)):
if pat.match(source_lines[lineno]):
return lineno
class DocTestRunner:
A class used to run DocTest test cases, and accumulate statistics.
The `run` method is used to process a single DocTest case. It
returns a tuple `(f, t)`, where `t` is the number of test cases
tried, and `f` is the number of test cases that failed.
>>> tests = DocTestFinder().find(_TestClass)
>>> runner = DocTestRunner(verbose=False)
>>> tests.sort(key = lambda test: test.name)
>>> for test in tests:
... print(test.name, '->', runner.run(test))
_TestClass -> TestResults(failed=0, attempted=2)
_TestClass.__init__ -> TestResults(failed=0, attempted=2)
_TestClass.get -> TestResults(failed=0, attempted=2)
_TestClass.square -> TestResults(failed=0, attempted=1)
The `summarize` method prints a summary of all the test cases that
have been run by the runner, and returns an aggregated `(f, t)`
>>> runner.summarize(verbose=1)
4 items passed all tests:
2 tests in _TestClass
2 tests in _TestClass.__init__
2 tests in _TestClass.get
1 tests in _TestClass.square
7 tests in 4 items.
7 passed and 0 failed.
Test passed.
TestResults(failed=0, attempted=7)
The aggregated number of tried examples and failed examples is
also available via the `tries` and `failures` attributes:
>>> runner.tries
>>> runner.failures
The comparison between expected outputs and actual outputs is done
by an `OutputChecker`. This comparison may be customized with a
number of option flags; see the documentation for `testmod` for
more information. If the option flags are insufficient, then the
comparison may also be customized by passing a subclass of
`OutputChecker` to the constructor.
The test runner's display output can be controlled in two ways.
First, an output function (`out) can be passed to
`TestRunner.run`; this function will be called with strings that
should be displayed. It defaults to `sys.stdout.write`. If
capturing the output is not sufficient, then the display output
can be also customized by subclassing DocTestRunner, and
overriding the methods `report_start`, `report_success`,
`report_unexpected_exception`, and `report_failure`.
DIVIDER = "*" * 70
def __init__(self, checker=None, verbose=None, optionflags=0):
Create a new test runner.
Optional keyword arg `checker` is the `OutputChecker` that
should be used to compare the expected outputs and actual
outputs of doctest examples.
Optional keyword arg 'verbose' prints lots of stuff if true,
only failures if false; by default, it's true iff '-v' is in
Optional argument `optionflags` can be used to control how the
test runner compares expected output to actual output, and how
it displays failures. See the documentation for `testmod` for
more information.
self._checker = checker or OutputChecker()
if verbose is None:
verbose = "-v" in sys.argv
self._verbose = verbose
self.optionflags = optionflags
self.original_optionflags = optionflags
self.tries = 0
self.failures = 0
self._name2ft = {}
self._fakeout = _SpoofOut()
def report_start(self, out, test, example):
Report that the test runner is about to process the given
example. (Only displays a message if verbose=True)
if self._verbose:
if example.want:
+ _indent(example.source)
+ "Expecting:\n"
+ _indent(example.want)
out("Trying:\n" + _indent(example.source) + "Expecting nothing\n")
def report_success(self, out, test, example, got):
Report that the given example ran successfully. (Only
displays a message if verbose=True)
if self._verbose:
def report_failure(self, out, test, example, got):
Report that the given example failed.
self._failure_header(test, example)
+ self._checker.output_difference(example, got, self.optionflags)
def report_unexpected_exception(self, out, test, example, exc_info):
Report that the given example raised an unexpected exception.
self._failure_header(test, example)
+ "Exception raised:\n"
+ _indent(_exception_traceback(exc_info))
def _failure_header(self, test, example):
out = [self.DIVIDER]
if test.filename:
if test.lineno is not None:
if example.lineno is not None:
lineno = test.lineno + example.lineno + 1
lineno = "?"
out.append('File "%s", line %s, in %s' % (test.filename, lineno, test.name))
out.append("Line %s, in %s" % (example.lineno + 1, test.name))
out.append("Failed example:")
source = example.source
return ("\n").join(out)
def __run(self, test, compileflags, out):
Run the examples in `test`. Write the outcome of each example
with one of the `DocTestRunner.report_*` methods, using the
writer function `out`. `compileflags` is the set of compiler
flags that should be used to execute examples. Return a tuple
`(f, t)`, where `t` is the number of examples tried, and `f`
is the number of examples that failed. The examples are run
in the namespace `test.globs`.
failures = tries = 0
original_optionflags = self.optionflags
check = self._checker.check_output
for examplenum, example in enumerate(test.examples):
quiet = self.optionflags & REPORT_ONLY_FIRST_FAILURE and failures > 0
self.optionflags = original_optionflags
if example.options:
for optionflag, val in example.options.items():
if val:
self.optionflags |= optionflag
self.optionflags &= ~optionflag
if self.optionflags & SKIP:
tries += 1
if not quiet:
self.report_start(out, test, example)
filename = "<doctest %s[%d]>" % (test.name, examplenum)
compile(example.source, filename, "single", compileflags, 1),
exception = None
except KeyboardInterrupt:
exception = sys.exc_info()
got = self._fakeout.getvalue()
outcome = FAILURE
if exception is None:
if check(example.want, got, self.optionflags):
outcome = SUCCESS
exc_msg = (traceback.format_exception_only(*exception[:2]))[-1]
if not quiet:
got += _exception_traceback(exception)
if example.exc_msg is None:
outcome = BOOM
if check(example.exc_msg, exc_msg, self.optionflags):
outcome = SUCCESS
if self.optionflags & IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL:
if check(
outcome = SUCCESS
if outcome is SUCCESS:
if not quiet:
self.report_success(out, test, example, got)
if outcome is FAILURE:
if not quiet:
self.report_failure(out, test, example, got)
failures += 1
if outcome is BOOM:
if not quiet:
out, test, example, exception
failures += 1
if not False:
raise AssertionError(("unknown outcome", outcome))
if failures:
if self.optionflags & FAIL_FAST:
self.optionflags = original_optionflags
self._DocTestRunner__record_outcome(test, failures, tries)
return TestResults(failures, tries)
def __record_outcome(self, test, f, t):
Record the fact that the given DocTest (`test`) generated `f`
failures out of `t` tried examples.
f2, t2 = self._name2ft.get(test.name, (0, 0))
self._name2ft[test.name] = (f + f2, t + t2)
self.failures += f
self.tries += t
_DocTestRunner__LINECACHE_FILENAME_RE = re.compile(
"<doctest (?P<name>.+)\\[(?P<examplenum>\\d+)\\]>$"
def __patched_linecache_getlines(self, filename, module_globals=None):
m = self._DocTestRunner__LINECACHE_FILENAME_RE.match(filename)
if m:
if m.group("name") == self.test.name:
example = self.test.examples[int(m.group("examplenum"))]
return example.source.splitlines(keepends=True)
return self.save_linecache_getlines(filename, module_globals)
def run(self, test, compileflags=None, out=None, clear_globs=True):
Run the examples in `test`, and display the results using the
writer function `out`.
The examples are run in the namespace `test.globs`. If
`clear_globs` is true (the default), then this namespace will
be cleared after the test runs, to help with garbage
collection. If you would like to examine the namespace after
the test completes, then use `clear_globs=False`.
`compileflags` gives the set of flags that should be used by
the Python compiler when running the examples. If not
specified, then it will default to the set of future-import
flags that apply to `globs`.
The output of each example is checked using
`DocTestRunner.check_output`, and the results are formatted by
the `DocTestRunner.report_*` methods.
self.test = test
if compileflags is None:
compileflags = _extract_future_flags(test.globs)
save_stdout = sys.stdout
if out is None:
encoding = save_stdout.encoding
if encoding is None or encoding.lower() == "utf-8":
out = save_stdout.write
def out(s):
s = str(s.encode(encoding, "backslashreplace"), encoding)
sys.stdout = self._fakeout
save_trace = sys.gettrace()
save_set_trace = pdb.set_trace
self.debugger = _OutputRedirectingPdb(save_stdout)
pdb.set_trace = self.debugger.set_trace
self.save_linecache_getlines = linecache.getlines
linecache.getlines = self._DocTestRunner__patched_linecache_getlines
save_displayhook = sys.displayhook
sys.displayhook = sys.__displayhook__
return self._DocTestRunner__run(test, compileflags, out)
sys.stdout = save_stdout
pdb.set_trace = save_set_trace
linecache.getlines = self.save_linecache_getlines
sys.displayhook = save_displayhook
if clear_globs:
import builtins
builtins._ = None
def summarize(self, verbose=None):
Print a summary of all the test cases that have been run by
this DocTestRunner, and return a tuple `(f, t)`, where `f` is
the total number of failed examples, and `t` is the total
number of tried examples.
The optional `verbose` argument controls how detailed the
summary is. If the verbosity is not specified, then the
DocTestRunner's verbosity is used.
if verbose is None:
verbose = self._verbose
notests = []
passed = []
failed = []
totalt = totalf = 0
for x in self._name2ft.items():
name, (f, t) = x
if not f <= t:
raise AssertionError
totalt += t
totalf += f
if t == 0:
elif f == 0:
passed.append((name, t))
if verbose:
if notests:
print(len(notests), "items had no tests:")
for thing in notests:
print(" ", thing)
if passed:
print(len(passed), "items passed all tests:")
for thing, count in passed:
print(" %3d tests in %s" % (count, thing))
if failed:
print(len(failed), "items had failures:")
for thing, (f, t) in failed:
print(" %3d of %3d in %s" % (f, t, thing))
if verbose:
print(totalt, "tests in", len(self._name2ft), "items.")
print(totalt - totalf, "passed and", totalf, "failed.")
if totalf:
print("***Test Failed***", totalf, "failures.")
if verbose:
print("Test passed.")
return TestResults(totalf, totalt)
def merge(self, other):
d = self._name2ft
for name, (f, t) in other._name2ft.items():
if name in d:
f2, t2 = d[name]
f = f + f2
t = t + t2
d[name] = (f, t)
class OutputChecker:
A class used to check the whether the actual output from a doctest
example matches the expected output. `OutputChecker` defines two
methods: `check_output`, which compares a given pair of outputs,
and returns true if they match; and `output_difference`, which
returns a string describing the differences between two outputs.
def _toAscii(self, s):
Convert string to hex-escaped ASCII string.
return str(s.encode("ASCII", "backslashreplace"), "ASCII")
def check_output(self, want, got, optionflags):
Return True iff the actual output from an example (`got`)
matches the expected output (`want`). These strings are
always considered to match if they are identical; but
depending on what option flags the test runner is using,
several non-exact match types are also possible. See the
documentation for `TestRunner` for more information about
option flags.
got = self._toAscii(got)
want = self._toAscii(want)
if got == want:
return True
if not optionflags & DONT_ACCEPT_TRUE_FOR_1:
if (got, want) == ("True\n", "1\n"):
return True
if (got, want) == ("False\n", "0\n"):
return True
if not optionflags & DONT_ACCEPT_BLANKLINE:
want = re.sub(
"(?m)^%s\\s*?$" % re.escape(BLANKLINE_MARKER), "", want
got = re.sub("(?m)^\\s*?$", "", got)
if got == want:
return True
if optionflags & NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE:
got = (" ").join(got.split())
want = (" ").join(want.split())
if got == want:
return True
if optionflags & ELLIPSIS:
if _ellipsis_match(want, got):
return True
return False
def _do_a_fancy_diff(self, want, got, optionflags):
if not optionflags & (REPORT_UDIFF | REPORT_CDIFF | REPORT_NDIFF):
return False
elif optionflags & REPORT_NDIFF:
return True
return want.count("\n") > 2 and got.count("\n") > 2
def output_difference(self, example, got, optionflags):
Return a string describing the differences between the
expected output for a given example (`example`) and the actual
output (`got`). `optionflags` is the set of option flags used
to compare `want` and `got`.
want = example.want
if not optionflags & DONT_ACCEPT_BLANKLINE:
got = re.sub("(?m)^[ ]*(?=\n)", BLANKLINE_MARKER, got)
if self._do_a_fancy_diff(want, got, optionflags):
want_lines = want.splitlines(keepends=True)
got_lines = got.splitlines(keepends=True)
if optionflags & REPORT_UDIFF:
diff = difflib.unified_diff(want_lines, got_lines, n=2)
diff = list(diff)[2:]
kind = "unified diff with -expected +actual"
if optionflags & REPORT_CDIFF:
diff = difflib.context_diff(want_lines, got_lines, n=2)
diff = list(diff)[2:]
kind = "context diff with expected followed by actual"
if optionflags & REPORT_NDIFF:
engine = difflib.Differ(charjunk=difflib.IS_CHARACTER_JUNK)
diff = list(engine.compare(want_lines, got_lines))
kind = "ndiff with -expected +actual"
if not 0:
raise AssertionError("Bad diff option")
diff = [line.rstrip() + "\n" for line in diff]
return "Differences (%s):\n" % kind + _indent(("").join(diff))
if want:
if got:
return "Expected:\n%sGot:\n%s" % (_indent(want), _indent(got))
if want:
return "Expected:\n%sGot nothing\n" % _indent(want)
if got:
return "Expected nothing\nGot:\n%s" % _indent(got)
return "Expected nothing\nGot nothing\n"
class DocTestFailure(Exception):
"""A DocTest example has failed in debugging mode.
The exception instance has variables:
- test: the DocTest object being run
- example: the Example object that failed
- got: the actual output
def __init__(self, test, example, got):
self.test = test
self.example = example
self.got = got
def __str__(self):
return str(self.test)
class UnexpectedException(Exception):
"""A DocTest example has encountered an unexpected exception
The exception instance has variables:
- test: the DocTest object being run
- example: the Example object that failed
- exc_info: the exception info
def __init__(self, test, example, exc_info):
self.test = test
self.example = example
self.exc_info = exc_info
def __str__(self):
return str(self.test)
class DebugRunner(DocTestRunner):
r"""Run doc tests but raise an exception as soon as there is a failure.
If an unexpected exception occurs, an UnexpectedException is raised.
It contains the test, the example, and the original exception:
>>> runner = DebugRunner(verbose=False)
>>> test = DocTestParser().get_doctest('>>> raise KeyError\n42',
... {}, 'foo', 'foo.py', 0)
>>> try:
... runner.run(test)
... except UnexpectedException as f:
... failure = f
>>> failure.test is test
>>> failure.example.want
>>> exc_info = failure.exc_info
>>> raise exc_info[1] # Already has the traceback
Traceback (most recent call last):
We wrap the original exception to give the calling application
access to the test and example information.
If the output doesn't match, then a DocTestFailure is raised:
>>> test = DocTestParser().get_doctest('''
... >>> x = 1
... >>> x
... 2
... ''', {}, 'foo', 'foo.py', 0)
>>> try:
... runner.run(test)
... except DocTestFailure as f:
... failure = f
DocTestFailure objects provide access to the test:
>>> failure.test is test
As well as to the example:
>>> failure.example.want
and the actual output:
>>> failure.got
If a failure or error occurs, the globals are left intact:
>>> del test.globs['__builtins__']
>>> test.globs
{'x': 1}
>>> test = DocTestParser().get_doctest('''
... >>> x = 2
... >>> raise KeyError
... ''', {}, 'foo', 'foo.py', 0)
>>> runner.run(test)
Traceback (most recent call last):
doctest.UnexpectedException: <DocTest foo from foo.py:0 (2 examples)>
>>> del test.globs['__builtins__']
>>> test.globs
{'x': 2}
But the globals are cleared if there is no error:
>>> test = DocTestParser().get_doctest('''
... >>> x = 2
... ''', {}, 'foo', 'foo.py', 0)
>>> runner.run(test)
TestResults(failed=0, attempted=1)
>>> test.globs
def run(self, test, compileflags=None, out=None, clear_globs=True):
r = DocTestRunner.run(self, test, compileflags, out, False)
if clear_globs:
return r
def report_unexpected_exception(self, out, test, example, exc_info):
raise UnexpectedException(test, example, exc_info)
def report_failure(self, out, test, example, got):
raise DocTestFailure(test, example, got)
master = None
def testmod(
"""m=None, name=None, globs=None, verbose=None, report=True,
optionflags=0, extraglobs=None, raise_on_error=False,
Test examples in docstrings in functions and classes reachable
from module m (or the current module if m is not supplied), starting
with m.__doc__.
Also test examples reachable from dict m.__test__ if it exists and is
not None. m.__test__ maps names to functions, classes and strings;
function and class docstrings are tested even if the name is private;
strings are tested directly, as if they were docstrings.
Return (#failures, #tests).
See help(doctest) for an overview.
Optional keyword arg "name" gives the name of the module; by default
use m.__name__.
Optional keyword arg "globs" gives a dict to be used as the globals
when executing examples; by default, use m.__dict__. A copy of this
dict is actually used for each docstring, so that each docstring's
examples start with a clean slate.
Optional keyword arg "extraglobs" gives a dictionary that should be
merged into the globals that are used to execute examples. By
default, no extra globals are used. This is new in 2.4.
Optional keyword arg "verbose" prints lots of stuff if true, prints
only failures if false; by default, it's true iff "-v" is in sys.argv.
Optional keyword arg "report" prints a summary at the end when true,
else prints nothing at the end. In verbose mode, the summary is
detailed, else very brief (in fact, empty if all tests passed).
Optional keyword arg "optionflags" or's together module constants,
and defaults to 0. This is new in 2.3. Possible values (see the
docs for details):
Optional keyword arg "raise_on_error" raises an exception on the
first unexpected exception or failure. This allows failures to be
post-mortem debugged.
Advanced tomfoolery: testmod runs methods of a local instance of
class doctest.Tester, then merges the results into (or creates)
global Tester instance doctest.master. Methods of doctest.master
can be called directly too, if you want to do something unusual.
Passing report=0 to testmod is especially useful then, to delay
displaying a summary. Invoke doctest.master.summarize(verbose)
when you're done fiddling.
global master
if m is None:
m = sys.modules.get("__main__")
if not inspect.ismodule(m):
raise TypeError("testmod: module required; %r" % (m,))
if name is None:
name = m.__name__
finder = DocTestFinder(exclude_empty=exclude_empty)
if raise_on_error:
runner = DebugRunner(verbose=verbose, optionflags=optionflags)
runner = DocTestRunner(verbose=verbose, optionflags=optionflags)
for test in finder.find(m, name, globs=globs, extraglobs=extraglobs):
if report:
if master is None:
master = runner
return TestResults(runner.failures, runner.tries)
def testfile(
Test examples in the given file. Return (#failures, #tests).
Optional keyword arg "module_relative" specifies how filenames
should be interpreted:
- If "module_relative" is True (the default), then "filename"
specifies a module-relative path. By default, this path is
relative to the calling module's directory; but if the
"package" argument is specified, then it is relative to that
package. To ensure os-independence, "filename" should use
"/" characters to separate path segments, and should not
be an absolute path (i.e., it may not begin with "/").
- If "module_relative" is False, then "filename" specifies an
os-specific path. The path may be absolute or relative (to
the current working directory).
Optional keyword arg "name" gives the name of the test; by default
use the file's basename.
Optional keyword argument "package" is a Python package or the
name of a Python package whose directory should be used as the
base directory for a module relative filename. If no package is
specified, then the calling module's directory is used as the base
directory for module relative filenames. It is an error to
specify "package" if "module_relative" is False.
Optional keyword arg "globs" gives a dict to be used as the globals
when executing examples; by default, use {}. A copy of this dict
is actually used for each docstring, so that each docstring's
examples start with a clean slate.
Optional keyword arg "extraglobs" gives a dictionary that should be
merged into the globals that are used to execute examples. By
default, no extra globals are used.
Optional keyword arg "verbose" prints lots of stuff if true, prints
only failures if false; by default, it's true iff "-v" is in sys.argv.
Optional keyword arg "report" prints a summary at the end when true,
else prints nothing at the end. In verbose mode, the summary is
detailed, else very brief (in fact, empty if all tests passed).
Optional keyword arg "optionflags" or's together module constants,
and defaults to 0. Possible values (see the docs for details):
Optional keyword arg "raise_on_error" raises an exception on the
first unexpected exception or failure. This allows failures to be
post-mortem debugged.
Optional keyword arg "parser" specifies a DocTestParser (or
subclass) that should be used to extract tests from the files.
Optional keyword arg "encoding" specifies an encoding that should
be used to convert the file to unicode.
Advanced tomfoolery: testmod runs methods of a local instance of
class doctest.Tester, then merges the results into (or creates)
global Tester instance doctest.master. Methods of doctest.master
can be called directly too, if you want to do something unusual.
Passing report=0 to testmod is especially useful then, to delay
displaying a summary. Invoke doctest.master.summarize(verbose)
when you're done fiddling.
global master
if package:
if not module_relative:
raise ValueError("Package may only be specified for module-relative paths.")
text, filename = _load_testfile(
filename, package, module_relative, encoding or "utf-8"
if name is None:
name = os.path.basename(filename)
if globs is None:
globs = {}
globs = globs.copy()
if extraglobs is not None:
if "__name__" not in globs:
globs["__name__"] = "__main__"
if raise_on_error:
runner = DebugRunner(verbose=verbose, optionflags=optionflags)
runner = DocTestRunner(verbose=verbose, optionflags=optionflags)
test = parser.get_doctest(text, globs, name, filename, 0)
if report:
if master is None:
master = runner
return TestResults(runner.failures, runner.tries)
def run_docstring_examples(
f, globs, verbose=False, name="NoName", compileflags=None, optionflags=0
Test examples in the given object's docstring (`f`), using `globs`
as globals. Optional argument `name` is used in failure messages.
If the optional argument `verbose` is true, then generate output
even if there are no failures.
`compileflags` gives the set of flags that should be used by the
Python compiler when running the examples. If not specified, then
it will default to the set of future-import flags that apply to
Optional keyword arg `optionflags` specifies options for the
testing and output. See the documentation for `testmod` for more
finder = DocTestFinder(verbose=verbose, recurse=False)
runner = DocTestRunner(verbose=verbose, optionflags=optionflags)
for test in finder.find(f, name, globs=globs):
runner.run(test, compileflags=compileflags)
_unittest_reportflags = 0
def set_unittest_reportflags(flags):
"""Sets the unittest option flags.
The old flag is returned so that a runner could restore the old
value if it wished to:
>>> import doctest
>>> old = doctest._unittest_reportflags
>>> doctest.set_unittest_reportflags(REPORT_NDIFF |
>>> doctest._unittest_reportflags == (REPORT_NDIFF |
Only reporting flags can be set:
>>> doctest.set_unittest_reportflags(ELLIPSIS)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: ('Only reporting flags allowed', 8)
>>> doctest.set_unittest_reportflags(old) == (REPORT_NDIFF |
global _unittest_reportflags
if flags & REPORTING_FLAGS != flags:
raise ValueError("Only reporting flags allowed", flags)
old = _unittest_reportflags
_unittest_reportflags = flags
return old
class DocTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def __init__(self, test, optionflags=0, setUp=None, tearDown=None, checker=None):
self._dt_optionflags = optionflags
self._dt_checker = checker
self._dt_test = test
self._dt_setUp = setUp
self._dt_tearDown = tearDown
def setUp(self):
test = self._dt_test
if self._dt_setUp is not None:
def tearDown(self):
test = self._dt_test
if self._dt_tearDown is not None:
def runTest(self):
test = self._dt_test
old = sys.stdout
new = StringIO()
optionflags = self._dt_optionflags
if not optionflags & REPORTING_FLAGS:
optionflags |= _unittest_reportflags
runner = DocTestRunner(
optionflags=optionflags, checker=self._dt_checker, verbose=False
runner.DIVIDER = "-" * 70
failures, tries = runner.run(test, out=new.write, clear_globs=False)
sys.stdout = old
if failures:
raise self.failureException(self.format_failure(new.getvalue()))
def format_failure(self, err):
test = self._dt_test
if test.lineno is None:
lineno = "unknown line number"
lineno = "%s" % test.lineno
lname = (".").join(test.name.split(".")[-1:])
return 'Failed doctest test for %s\n File "%s", line %s, in %s\n\n%s' % (
def debug(self):
r"""Run the test case without results and without catching exceptions
The unit test framework includes a debug method on test cases
and test suites to support post-mortem debugging. The test code
is run in such a way that errors are not caught. This way a
caller can catch the errors and initiate post-mortem debugging.
The DocTestCase provides a debug method that raises
UnexpectedException errors if there is an unexpected
>>> test = DocTestParser().get_doctest('>>> raise KeyError\n42',
... {}, 'foo', 'foo.py', 0)
>>> case = DocTestCase(test)
>>> try:
... case.debug()
... except UnexpectedException as f:
... failure = f
The UnexpectedException contains the test, the example, and
the original exception:
>>> failure.test is test
>>> failure.example.want
>>> exc_info = failure.exc_info
>>> raise exc_info[1] # Already has the traceback
Traceback (most recent call last):
If the output doesn't match, then a DocTestFailure is raised:
>>> test = DocTestParser().get_doctest('''
... >>> x = 1
... >>> x
... 2
... ''', {}, 'foo', 'foo.py', 0)
>>> case = DocTestCase(test)
>>> try:
... case.debug()
... except DocTestFailure as f:
... failure = f
DocTestFailure objects provide access to the test:
>>> failure.test is test
As well as to the example:
>>> failure.example.want
and the actual output:
>>> failure.got
runner = DebugRunner(
optionflags=self._dt_optionflags, checker=self._dt_checker, verbose=False
runner.run(self._dt_test, clear_globs=False)
def id(self):
return self._dt_test.name
def __eq__(self, other):
if type(self) is not type(other):
return NotImplemented
return (
self._dt_test == other._dt_test
and self._dt_optionflags == other._dt_optionflags
and self._dt_setUp == other._dt_setUp
and self._dt_tearDown == other._dt_tearDown
and self._dt_checker == other._dt_checker
def __hash__(self):
return hash(
(self._dt_optionflags, self._dt_setUp, self._dt_tearDown, self._dt_checker)
def __repr__(self):
name = self._dt_test.name.split(".")
return "%s (%s)" % (name[-1], (".").join(name[:-1]))
__str__ = __repr__
def shortDescription(self):
return "Doctest: " + self._dt_test.name
class SkipDocTestCase(DocTestCase):
def __init__(self, module):
self.module = module
DocTestCase.__init__(self, None)
def setUp(self):
self.skipTest("DocTestSuite will not work with -O2 and above")
def test_skip(self):
def shortDescription(self):
return "Skipping tests from %s" % self.module.__name__
__str__ = shortDescription
class _DocTestSuite(unittest.TestSuite):
def _removeTestAtIndex(self, index):
def DocTestSuite(module=None, globs=None, extraglobs=None, test_finder=None, **options):
Convert doctest tests for a module to a unittest test suite.
This converts each documentation string in a module that
contains doctest tests to a unittest test case. If any of the
tests in a doc string fail, then the test case fails. An exception
is raised showing the name of the file containing the test and a
(sometimes approximate) line number.
The `module` argument provides the module to be tested. The argument
can be either a module or a module name.
If no argument is given, the calling module is used.
A number of options may be provided as keyword arguments:
A set-up function. This is called before running the
tests in each file. The setUp function will be passed a DocTest
object. The setUp function can access the test globals as the
globs attribute of the test passed.
A tear-down function. This is called after running the
tests in each file. The tearDown function will be passed a DocTest
object. The tearDown function can access the test globals as the
globs attribute of the test passed.
A dictionary containing initial global variables for the tests.
A set of doctest option flags expressed as an integer.
if test_finder is None:
test_finder = DocTestFinder()
module = _normalize_module(module)
tests = test_finder.find(module, globs=globs, extraglobs=extraglobs)
if not tests:
if sys.flags.optimize >= 2:
suite = _DocTestSuite()
return suite
suite = _DocTestSuite()
for test in tests:
if len(test.examples) == 0:
if not test.filename:
filename = module.__file__
if filename[-4:] == ".pyc":
filename = filename[:-1]
test.filename = filename
suite.addTest(DocTestCase(test, **options))
return suite
class DocFileCase(DocTestCase):
def id(self):
return ("_").join(self._dt_test.name.split("."))
def __repr__(self):
return self._dt_test.filename
__str__ = __repr__
def format_failure(self, err):
return 'Failed doctest test for %s\n File "%s", line 0\n\n%s' % (
def DocFileTest(
if globs is None:
globs = {}
globs = globs.copy()
if package:
if not module_relative:
raise ValueError("Package may only be specified for module-relative paths.")
doc, path = _load_testfile(path, package, module_relative, encoding or "utf-8")
if "__file__" not in globs:
globs["__file__"] = path
name = os.path.basename(path)
test = parser.get_doctest(doc, globs, name, path, 0)
return DocFileCase(test, **options)
def DocFileSuite(*paths, **kw):
"""A unittest suite for one or more doctest files.
The path to each doctest file is given as a string; the
interpretation of that string depends on the keyword argument
A number of options may be provided as keyword arguments:
If "module_relative" is True, then the given file paths are
interpreted as os-independent module-relative paths. By
default, these paths are relative to the calling module's
directory; but if the "package" argument is specified, then
they are relative to that package. To ensure os-independence,
"filename" should use "/" characters to separate path
segments, and may not be an absolute path (i.e., it may not
begin with "/").
If "module_relative" is False, then the given file paths are
interpreted as os-specific paths. These paths may be absolute
or relative (to the current working directory).
A Python package or the name of a Python package whose directory
should be used as the base directory for module relative paths.
If "package" is not specified, then the calling module's
directory is used as the base directory for module relative
filenames. It is an error to specify "package" if
"module_relative" is False.
A set-up function. This is called before running the
tests in each file. The setUp function will be passed a DocTest
object. The setUp function can access the test globals as the
globs attribute of the test passed.
A tear-down function. This is called after running the
tests in each file. The tearDown function will be passed a DocTest
object. The tearDown function can access the test globals as the
globs attribute of the test passed.
A dictionary containing initial global variables for the tests.
A set of doctest option flags expressed as an integer.
A DocTestParser (or subclass) that should be used to extract
tests from the files.
An encoding that will be used to convert the files to unicode.
suite = _DocTestSuite()
if kw.get("module_relative", True):
kw["package"] = _normalize_module(kw.get("package"))
for path in paths:
suite.addTest(DocFileTest(path, **kw))
return suite
def script_from_examples(s):
"""Extract script from text with examples.
Converts text with examples to a Python script. Example input is
converted to regular code. Example output and all other words
are converted to comments:
>>> text = '''
... Here are examples of simple math.
... Python has super accurate integer addition
... >>> 2 + 2
... 5
... And very friendly error messages:
... >>> 1/0
... To Infinity
... And
... Beyond
... You can use logic if you want:
... >>> if 0:
... ... blah
... ... blah
... ...
... Ho hum
... '''
>>> print(script_from_examples(text))
# Here are examples of simple math.
# Python has super accurate integer addition
2 + 2
# Expected:
## 5
# And very friendly error messages:
# Expected:
## To Infinity
## And
## Beyond
# You can use logic if you want:
if 0:
# Ho hum
output = []
for piece in DocTestParser().parse(s):
if isinstance(piece, Example):
want = piece.want
if want:
output.append("# Expected:")
output += ["## " + l for l in want.split("\n")[:-1]]
output += [_comment_line(l) for l in piece.split("\n")[:-1]]
while output:
if output[-1] == "#":
while output:
if output[0] == "#":
return ("\n").join(output) + "\n"
def testsource(module, name):
"""Extract the test sources from a doctest docstring as a script.
Provide the module (or dotted name of the module) containing the
test to be debugged and the name (within the module) of the object
with the doc string with tests to be debugged.
module = _normalize_module(module)
tests = DocTestFinder().find(module)
test = [t for t in tests if t.name == name]
if not test:
raise ValueError(name, "not found in tests")
test = test[0]
testsrc = script_from_examples(test.docstring)
return testsrc
def debug_src(src, pm=False, globs=None):
"""Debug a single doctest docstring, in argument `src`'"""
testsrc = script_from_examples(src)
debug_script(testsrc, pm, globs)
def debug_script(src, pm=False, globs=None):
"""Debug a test script. `src` is the script, as a string."""
import pdb
if globs:
globs = globs.copy()
globs = {}
if pm:
exec(src, globs, globs)
p = pdb.Pdb(nosigint=True)
p.interaction(None, sys.exc_info()[2])
(pdb.Pdb(nosigint=True)).run("exec(%r)" % src, globs, globs)
def debug(module, name, pm=False):
"""Debug a single doctest docstring.
Provide the module (or dotted name of the module) containing the
test to be debugged and the name (within the module) of the object
with the docstring with tests to be debugged.
module = _normalize_module(module)
testsrc = testsource(module, name)
debug_script(testsrc, pm, module.__dict__)
class _TestClass:
A pointless class, for sanity-checking of docstring testing.
>>> _TestClass(13).get() + _TestClass(-12).get()
>>> hex(_TestClass(13).square().get())
def __init__(self, val):
"""val -> _TestClass object with associated value val.
>>> t = _TestClass(123)
>>> print(t.get())
self.val = val
def square(self):
"""square() -> square TestClass's associated value
>>> _TestClass(13).square().get()
self.val = self.val ** 2
return self
def get(self):
"""get() -> return TestClass's associated value.
>>> x = _TestClass(-42)
>>> print(x.get())
return self.val
__test__ = {
"_TestClass": _TestClass,
"string": "\n Example of a string object, searched as-is.\n >>> x = 1; y = 2\n >>> x + y, x * y\n (3, 2)\n ",
"bool-int equivalence": "\n In 2.2, boolean expressions displayed\n 0 or 1. By default, we still accept\n them. This can be disabled by passing\n DONT_ACCEPT_TRUE_FOR_1 to the new\n optionflags argument.\n >>> 4 == 4\n 1\n >>> 4 == 4\n True\n >>> 4 > 4\n 0\n >>> 4 > 4\n False\n ",
"blank lines": "\n Blank lines can be marked with <BLANKLINE>:\n >>> print('foo\\n\\nbar\\n')\n foo\n <BLANKLINE>\n bar\n <BLANKLINE>\n ",
"ellipsis": "\n If the ellipsis flag is used, then '...' can be used to\n elide substrings in the desired output:\n >>> print(list(range(1000))) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS\n [0, 1, 2, ..., 999]\n ",
"whitespace normalization": "\n If the whitespace normalization flag is used, then\n differences in whitespace are ignored.\n >>> print(list(range(30))) #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE\n [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,\n 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26,\n 27, 28, 29]\n ",
def _test():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="doctest runner")
help="print very verbose output for all tests",
help="specify a doctest option flag to apply to the test run; may be specified more than once to apply multiple options",
help="stop running tests after first failure (this is a shorthand for -o FAIL_FAST, and is in addition to any other -o options)",
parser.add_argument("file", nargs="+", help="file containing the tests to run")
args = parser.parse_args()
testfiles = args.file
verbose = args.verbose
options = 0
for option in args.option:
options |= OPTIONFLAGS_BY_NAME[option]
if args.fail_fast:
options |= FAIL_FAST
for filename in testfiles:
if filename.endswith(".py"):
dirname, filename = os.path.split(filename)
sys.path.insert(0, dirname)
m = __import__(filename[:-3])
del sys.path[0]
failures, _ = testmod(m, verbose=verbose, optionflags=options)
failures, _ = testfile(
filename, module_relative=False, verbose=verbose, optionflags=options
if failures:
return 1
return 0
if __name__ == "__main__":
