








# kernel_demo 测试结果:
Los inspect start.

Kernel task demo start to run.
Create high priority task successfully.
Create low priority task successfully.
Enter high priority task handler.
Enter low priority task handler.
High priority task LOS_TaskDelay successfully.
High priority task LOS_TaskSuspend successfully.
High priority task LOS_TaskResume successfully.
Kernel task demo finished.

Kernel dynamic memory demo start to run.
Mempool init successfully.
Mem alloc successfully.
*mem = 828.
Mem free successfully.
Kernel dynamic memory demo finished.

Kernel static memory demo start to run.
Mem box init successfully.
Mem box alloc successfully.
*mem = 828.
Clear data ok, *mem = 0.
Mem box free successfully.
Kernel static memory demo finished.

Kernel interrupt demo start to run.
User IRQ test successfully.
Kernel interrupt demo finished.

Kernel message queue demo start to run.
Create the queue successfully.
Receive message : test is message 0.
Receive message : test is message 1.
Receive message : test is message 2.
Receive message : test is message 3.
Receive message : test is message 4.
Receive message failed, error: 200061d.
Delete the queue successfully.
Kernel message queue demo finished.

Kernel event demo start to run.
Read event task wait event 0x1.
Write event.
Read the event : 0x1.
Current event id : 1
Current event id : 0
Kernel event demo finished.

Kernel mutex demo start to run.
Task2 try to get the mutex, wait forever.
Task2 get mutex g_demoMux01 and suspend 100 ticks.
Task1 try to get mutex, wait 10 ticks.
Task1 timeout and try to get mutex, wait forever.
Task2 resumed and post the g_demoMux01.
Task1 wait forever, got mutex g_demoMux01 successfully.
Kernel mutex demo finished.

Kernel semaphore demo start to run.
Task2 try get semaphore g_demoSemId wait forever.
Task1 try get semphore g_demoSemId, timeout 10 ticks.
Task2 get semaphore g_demoSemId and then delay 20ticks.
Task1 timeout and try get semphore g_demoSemId wait forever.
Task2 post semaphore g_demoSemId.
Task1 wait_forever and got semphore g_demoSemId successfully.
Kernel semaphore demo finished.

Kernel systick demo start to run.
LOS_MS2Tick tick = 1000.
LOS_Tick2MS ms = 1000.
LOS_CyclePerTickGet = 25000.
LOS_TickCountGet = 5396.
LOS_TickCountGet after delay = 5596.
Kernel systick demo finished.

Kernel swtimer demo start to run.
Create software timer1 successfully.
Create software timer2 successfully.
Start software timer1 successfully.
Stop software timer1 successfully.
LOS_TickCountGet g_demoTimerCount1 = 1.
LOS_TickCountGet tickLast1 = 7297.
Delete software timer1 failed.
Start software timer2 successfully.
LOS_TickCountGet g_demoTimerCount2 = 1.
LOS_TickCountGet tickLast2 = 7397.
LOS_TickCountGet g_demoTimerCount2 = 2.
LOS_TickCountGet tickLast2 = 7497.
LOS_TickCountGet g_demoTimerCount2 = 3.
LOS_TickCountGet tickLast2 = 7597.
LOS_TickCountGet g_demoTimerCount2 = 4.
LOS_TickCountGet tickLast2 = 7697.
LOS_TickCountGet g_demoTimerCount2 = 5.
LOS_TickCountGet tickLast2 = 7797.
LOS_TickCountGet g_demoTimerCount2 = 6.
LOS_TickCountGet tickLast2 = 7897.
LOS_TickCountGet g_demoTimerCount2 = 7.
LOS_TickCountGet tickLast2 = 7997.
LOS_TickCountGet g_demoTimerCount2 = 8.
LOS_TickCountGet tickLast2 = 8097.
LOS_TickCountGet g_demoTimerCount2 = 9.
LOS_TickCountGet tickLast2 = 8197.
LOS_TickCountGet g_demoTimerCount2 = 10.
LOS_TickCountGet tickLast2 = 8297.
Kernel timer demo finished.

Kernel list demo start to run.
Init list.
Node add and tail add.
Add node successfully.
Add tail successfully.
Delete node1.
Delete node1 successfully.
Kernel list demo finished.

Inspect completed, g_demoInspectErrCnt = 0.