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chensming / Bert-BiLSTM-CRF-pytorch

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crf.py 6.66 KB
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Handsomecao 提交于 2019-11-26 13:04 . finish crf
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
@File : crf.py
@Time : 2019/11/23 17:35:36
@Author : Cao Shuai
@Version : 1.0
@Contact : caoshuai@stu.scu.edu.cn
@License : (C)Copyright 2018-2019, MILAB_SCU
@Desc : None
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from pytorch_pretrained_bert import BertModel
def argmax(vec):
# return the argmax as a python int
_, idx = torch.max(vec, 1)
return idx.item()
# Compute log sum exp in a numerically stable way for the forward algorithm
def log_sum_exp(vec):
max_score = vec[0, argmax(vec)]
max_score_broadcast = max_score.view(1, -1).expand(1, vec.size()[1])
return max_score + \
torch.log(torch.sum(torch.exp(vec - max_score_broadcast)))
def log_sum_exp_batch(log_Tensor, axis=-1): # shape (batch_size,n,m)
return torch.max(log_Tensor, axis)[0] + \
torch.log(torch.exp(log_Tensor-torch.max(log_Tensor, axis)[0].view(log_Tensor.shape[0],-1,1)).sum(axis))
class Bert_BiLSTM_CRF(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, tag_to_ix, hidden_dim=768):
super(Bert_BiLSTM_CRF, self).__init__()
self.tag_to_ix = tag_to_ix
self.tagset_size = len(tag_to_ix)
# self.hidden = self.init_hidden()
self.lstm = nn.LSTM(bidirectional=True, num_layers=2, input_size=768, hidden_size=hidden_dim//2, batch_first=True)
self.transitions = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(
self.tagset_size, self.tagset_size
self.hidden_dim = hidden_dim
self.start_label_id = self.tag_to_ix['[CLS]']
self.end_label_id = self.tag_to_ix['[SEP]']
self.fc = nn.Linear(hidden_dim, self.tagset_size)
self.bert = BertModel.from_pretrained('/root/workspace/qa_project/chinese_L-12_H-768_A-12')
# self.bert.eval() # 知用来取bert embedding
self.transitions.data[self.start_label_id, :] = -10000
self.transitions.data[:, self.end_label_id] = -10000
self.device = torch.device('cuda') if torch.cuda.is_available() else torch.device('cpu')
# self.transitions.to(self.device)
def init_hidden(self):
return (torch.randn(2, 1, self.hidden_dim // 2),
torch.randn(2, 1, self.hidden_dim // 2))
def _forward_alg(self, feats):
this also called alpha-recursion or forward recursion, to calculate log_prob of all barX
# T = self.max_seq_length
T = feats.shape[1]
batch_size = feats.shape[0]
# alpha_recursion,forward, alpha(zt)=p(zt,bar_x_1:t)
log_alpha = torch.Tensor(batch_size, 1, self.tagset_size).fill_(-10000.).to(self.device) #[batch_size, 1, 16]
# normal_alpha_0 : alpha[0]=Ot[0]*self.PIs
# self.start_label has all of the score. it is log,0 is p=1
log_alpha[:, 0, self.start_label_id] = 0
# feats: sentances -> word embedding -> lstm -> MLP -> feats
# feats is the probability of emission, feat.shape=(1,tag_size)
for t in range(1, T):
log_alpha = (log_sum_exp_batch(self.transitions + log_alpha, axis=-1) + feats[:, t]).unsqueeze(1)
# log_prob of all barX
log_prob_all_barX = log_sum_exp_batch(log_alpha)
return log_prob_all_barX
def _score_sentence(self, feats, label_ids):
T = feats.shape[1]
batch_size = feats.shape[0]
batch_transitions = self.transitions.expand(batch_size,self.tagset_size,self.tagset_size)
batch_transitions = batch_transitions.flatten(1)
score = torch.zeros((feats.shape[0],1)).to(self.device)
# the 0th node is start_label->start_word,the probability of them=1. so t begin with 1.
for t in range(1, T):
score = score + \
batch_transitions.gather(-1, (label_ids[:, t]*self.tagset_size+label_ids[:, t-1]).view(-1,1)) \
+ feats[:, t].gather(-1, label_ids[:, t].view(-1,1)).view(-1,1)
return score
def _bert_enc(self, x):
x: [batchsize, sent_len]
enc: [batch_size, sent_len, 768]
with torch.no_grad():
encoded_layer, _ = self.bert(x)
enc = encoded_layer[-1]
return enc
def _viterbi_decode(self, feats):
Max-Product Algorithm or viterbi algorithm, argmax(p(z_0:t|x_0:t))
# T = self.max_seq_length
T = feats.shape[1]
batch_size = feats.shape[0]
# batch_transitions=self.transitions.expand(batch_size,self.tagset_size,self.tagset_size)
log_delta = torch.Tensor(batch_size, 1, self.tagset_size).fill_(-10000.).to(self.device)
log_delta[:, 0, self.start_label_id] = 0.
# psi is for the vaule of the last latent that make P(this_latent) maximum.
psi = torch.zeros((batch_size, T, self.tagset_size), dtype=torch.long) # psi[0]=0000 useless
for t in range(1, T):
# delta[t][k]=max_z1:t-1( p(x1,x2,...,xt,z1,z2,...,zt-1,zt=k|theta) )
# delta[t] is the max prob of the path from z_t-1 to z_t[k]
log_delta, psi[:, t] = torch.max(self.transitions + log_delta, -1)
# psi[t][k]=argmax_z1:t-1( p(x1,x2,...,xt,z1,z2,...,zt-1,zt=k|theta) )
# psi[t][k] is the path choosed from z_t-1 to z_t[k],the value is the z_state(is k) index of z_t-1
log_delta = (log_delta + feats[:, t]).unsqueeze(1)
# trace back
path = torch.zeros((batch_size, T), dtype=torch.long)
# max p(z1:t,all_x|theta)
max_logLL_allz_allx, path[:, -1] = torch.max(log_delta.squeeze(), -1)
for t in range(T-2, -1, -1):
# choose the state of z_t according the state choosed of z_t+1.
path[:, t] = psi[:, t+1].gather(-1,path[:, t+1].view(-1,1)).squeeze()
return max_logLL_allz_allx, path
def neg_log_likelihood(self, sentence, tags):
feats = self._get_lstm_features(sentence) #[batch_size, max_len, 16]
forward_score = self._forward_alg(feats)
gold_score = self._score_sentence(feats, tags)
return torch.mean(forward_score - gold_score)
def _get_lstm_features(self, sentence):
"""sentence is the ids"""
# self.hidden = self.init_hidden()
embeds = self._bert_enc(sentence) # [8, 75, 768]
# 过lstm
enc, _ = self.lstm(embeds)
lstm_feats = self.fc(enc)
return lstm_feats # [8, 75, 16]
def forward(self, sentence): # dont confuse this with _forward_alg above.
# Get the emission scores from the BiLSTM
lstm_feats = self._get_lstm_features(sentence) # [8, 180,768]
# Find the best path, given the features.
score, tag_seq = self._viterbi_decode(lstm_feats)
return score, tag_seq
